~ . . " E it‘ C! aosvdd 9 ‘Q 5‘ I . '--F7. "N hIuIsa1lI.AnJ0ashc8.l!l. .-sf» ._"‘:“"__"'_:~ "L ’ ~ Itnaseaa fifllfeelolhllssouri to the world at I-raehedsdvtmutoutattmtmaone . ‘D- ltlaalloveerhidulltnrtictlatttasa Q“ intensive (armors which are espe- Emu, u ‘tn u flak &n’ ‘add!’ Th“ i’ P“h‘l' ‘ht um‘ lrlteats herself who refuses fitioa Vihldt lies Inch of the plan. 3;‘! quite ol the {art that my year: the ~8 til Hinottri have contributed natty ?asaatialythelureolchespr-rlande is the Wet. tut‘:-we showed . small in- Qaue in population over ten years ago. ‘'5 ltlpease the number ol tarp: owner.-. #1 tlnicttlarly the nunther of farmers his and intensively operating small fiflleat truck as v--ell as staple products 0‘ the will Soeh an advertising ratrtpaip slvmld H atirely divorced from political cou- fletationa To produce any tangihle re- l_dEltnttatbehasedonat:arelttlan~ flyaiaolactual lactsanrl heas oatdull) flaanod as any large advertising t-am- ?itIlath{ltttsitatIsvtorld.No"hootn' M‘ éoeld he attempted. lt is ‘d I-hottld he rtxartled as,a business ll must he done vrith . ruard lor the ahaulttte truth. as is .l THENEWBOO in the .14 days of Missouri Univetity. '”'|therevrasaooatpalaor1_dtapelaaviee. .verIity outgrew this Pres:-ahlysttr th; dents should no longer be forced to st-_ tend religious services but this doc not mean that they have outgrown the and for religious ittfintace. ‘ putt: democracy and more friendly relationahetsrc-uttvotoen.llithaalalled ln its purpoae, it is the fault sl the stu. 'rleuta. ThepIrposeolthe‘t'.W.C.A. hedges and is a life. star and Raodolph~.\lacon “oman's College ol ishroadenouglttoexlnaadflsereapeq and cooperation of every woman Sam. Thewotnao * tttt: touts L581‘! There in A popular lallaey that a Vote lot a losina candidate is a lost um-, Um)‘ wtera dtofi a man “with a ¢‘haoce" rather than use their hallots as an expression ol their true beliefs. Ex- "Plinl lllil flab. who are always for the winner. an election is the only mean; lvrrdirttilthatlloolltlgltetmrgpglijc -piai--u. Vlvrs a man ‘rots aviay from. Hour‘. or anal) lnfiueoce. and Itcpa int‘; 'the election booth. a true txproaion of self is the reault. The conscientious eit- iacn holds the tight ol lranchise sacred for this reason. ll a laction pulls a large gnogwh you and olnsvra its ideals are {noted by a general run of people. it will have its in. flnenee on the victors. The supposedly loan vote is not in reality lost. It has its influence on the slain of man and often it I-inc altlnugh by g mm,d,tx,m method ll Ire would appad a moral to this it would read. "Vote as you believe.“ - II the hlotledge to take advantage at the ‘Qporutttlty which Missouri Jet. Oth- Cwise the purpose of the movement may he lost and the result prove unsatislao 16!! ‘DIV. Theremayhelsope olmore tram watheraalongssthelaadlordavotdsthe Iarnsee. Some girls are envyins; the New Yuri. . Others are taking their candy and expectln; the diamond later on. —:——cUZF£jI-Q flae (art that the people of this enun- ty drank Stllllfim cups of ooleel hm year shows what stimulated people , A BETTER Y. W. C. L. .' ‘ At its last national cons!-ntion at Clcvw hldwllit Y. W. A. catered upon the ‘rodeo! program in its history. The eosvention decided that any girl whose Kpnrpose it was to try to lollosv the teach- fip ul Jeans. might become an active ppemher. Narrow sectarian have been overcome and Y. W. C. A. ‘ uaada for broad. lree. \-ltulv-sorne Chri» ' . .0 liaaity. , - The purpose ol the national organiza- Iionistouniteisooehod_vtheY.W. C.A's.o!theL‘nitedStates; tootalr ad,‘ Ii. develop and unify such anocia- ' “lion: to participate in the vroehsisl the ".iItrld‘a Y. I’. C. A‘a..ato advance the ol the ts'.ai...1 1'. tr. ‘fihselght -ajordevmt-entstor ear- "W|lt Happened to Europe.‘ nil’! we more than a l A‘ Vanderlip trav-eled th Eu alter the close mm experi rough all of the vrar as a thoughtful oltoerver. e pm. tented post-tear conditions lully and conaeien ' ' by the does- ‘on and the dillieultira of loreign eaehanae. rancc. Italy. Spain. Bel§ntn—s careful analy- sis ol the situation in udfcountty is given. ' "You ask that America should he &- 3 d tasrhiehthelt V’ WPPOI1 it. at-sslo rolling from twenty-doe states and day. Ionian country on the 6 inthetlortoi "What llap- h ' taeot gate of _ This does not reproent our uorld av here. It may p is The book is theprr-duet of French ' Inert have rxpruaed lion t.-l Ilse American worn- practiea were giving sullraee to the: 8.60113)’. too A ' h srnmen mac .0 their appretia 3 grtrgtrt The Y. W. C. A.'s trying to estahliah nitool year lssvell Eoonotnicll pllesearch. Ill!) a rear. and breed divorce. ol expretaion may I01’. Ru! this typical lat’ " modern intro to extraet pride from equal to finds them a little l in approachin itn ' eyes while he do lasts it takes the very alt neither is conscious is just and proper. ll thi ftltilnttoplty. it is tlilrler paragra alt-vre ‘co talent. American art's ability to a .5. n Barhttssea R ion at rather those just prrredi he 'n-—tlse v-‘otnen know: it v-ell -.3: paragraph. this marriage relations. at It; the ‘mot :" PTCK the trtineing step; t-veryt ‘that is touching lr ol his tlftotrttte. .. ‘Jr:--. ‘newer 3"‘? the [hi eagle steels and that for N23, l924 and l95 begun. . 31‘ ‘House, (Lam- bridge. Man. The cost ol the service is Ignited States is suflcring vmrae {mm arouse discontent in peace-loving homes It is marked [mute and there is the pit) ol iL drape hall- reality. and such power is a dangerous tool in the hands ol one vrhn broods on disilluaionmenta u a tit- P truths "r '.\l y at luahet. and sees capable. inlantile. unequal to ba his povrer. Every day infiitably her apartfarxl hound toratse lonn Is_lioolt are the suggestions theit stay into that class ol no ' we den-ignat “ condeseends. ll his love contempt. of of it. W I is not typical ol the bnoh'v because it is one of the The suggest‘ t a section of or gifted ‘man of lettera. fipsgeal latte-ol cowl sitar-le.ttonarura er Yo nerd ‘ _ mines: of lllene Inspiration are still oee.asiooall; written 0' ammo lt|saotiahookas_troJtlahoutdrlahtl¢.hutthesecannotbecall- way. I ‘r wives p Ics Branden or any och. It "A Tankard Cl Ale.” Tlnre ls stlllstate laititttate vv getting a “Tadard of Ala." and and J . , ‘U-Q 'Ot§'thc Scout rty merit scout. with HIT! lern hill no versl- the decreased ‘birth rate during the vrsr. mun all "I. candidat 000 Harvard University Cnrntnittee on On! .3; Into l'V'l"- ile. nlie her laiclt ft "- (‘Illi- i th: cloth; —IéQ&§¢n.~— -.——...._—.. ...-._..,._______“_ .___._. , v‘ __ ‘ H ‘ -_ V.‘ ‘ <_ :1‘, \V.‘‘ 5*, re - ’ _. _,- ¢- ‘ 406 a _ ‘ ' ‘lfltl. l 1:! _’..‘‘g . ':?'np co . Y ._ . . A I , ‘f::t4 Qt: “ .l;f\.:_-2-'4.9'~'v“s:a'.5t¢.'%_:s‘!¢‘-£9 7’ U" s. . 2-t ' .i E." -3:1‘ L A ' . ature and was educated at aondnn. and u Km’. (hater) .-‘W’ ,stteod e Mi|es'on - the street. he would naturally eapoet to ' to the hand there will he. an army base _t_t_.__t ..-ql ‘ ‘I cent. German) is oversupplied with teachers because ol the small enrollment in the schools the In About 400 men lnthe colleges and nttiveraltiea ol the ‘oil States were es this year lur'tbe sixty-loot ap- e-Itahl along vrith their reeo of Missouri. was those lmtn . Hunt's ' l. i will he alloaredl on! war. the sum vhscltl get tvm thin year rec-oi»-jog um; I otd l'niremts' has a tswnbetl--4 ft “altrt Raleigh on ' Urlortl he literature at l'nivet- . Belore going to had ha a chair ol lv 93'.‘ (4’""£¢‘. laserpool and at Glasgow. . ‘lflllfltl nut. jg?- ratnpaien I or 8;'1Il.(lX) ltn ‘ tn 1 Niall?! Ol ltllhtriptiuua ‘ had not subscribed to 1 ins for money c ' on {or u 1 peroons hlto other ramps the school | :’ ‘—,'\A V —- —— ,, __ l ed drinking aongx "A Tankard of Al.-.''‘ an antltolog) (if drinfiigu .013” from “ml fifteenth century to the present day. i-‘ eornpiled by C “ll all be true that l do_think. There are it reasons Ie shoul Good vrine-—a lrlend—-or heiag Or least vre should he by and Or any other reason uh) " 1' Robert M. Mellrlrle I York: rloth; 32 pages. cl dtiaahw dry». l "v- i i Company, kn. ‘ t ‘Ines ll-nttt-'3 ll one should meet Eustac- “Antiety sap‘ more tile in A day than work does in s vu-cit.‘ and Eustace Mac, objecta strenuously to pmdiplity ol user- (3. tfredt-rick A Stokes (‘n.; cloth; 7| panes.) tut ('Alu\'a§.‘l-T0t'lt .-"nu: Goterltlettt Allllg Good Randi —t4peakers Go With Truths. Tim Anny Caravans are now touring Missouri lo! the Good llnatls Ahead. mettt. Both started hlontlay. Sept:-anbé‘ 27th. one lrnm Kan-as City and one from §t. Louis. Each caravan will cunaist ol from five I lu atltlitio-t hall team. to Ital thouah vines rnayhe vial songs Irrtt yle without the seriousness ol aell - the literary lloatls rodeutiort good roads cantpai _t ' ti lut thirty days no a In ‘Q3. . l at Parker lenerial ltoapttst The llovritu pen-mu oer‘; gfigmgd T ‘fen Virginia was Golutns? Granted that there may best ' is lilelefl. having cording to Coleridge's conception rarely . A It one trsee thart. shun us your tltoughta. ‘ la “ml? 1'" IR‘ lath il some til the meal to tnouldt. ha is camp-u‘trn , their college records as to grades, ' jump up or iluv-n vulule ' ,ls Overnight From Any-here.’ hansaa. ll.K'lll'f. ’.UI,\\' 5"” _ have an nmmrltthit}. _ ball. but uh) I’. {Be with me Beauty .\l_\ dog and l a »l.lTTl.E .>< Srttar utiyaoitr who vavvv on motion. of true if only poetry. Let's have onrne poetry. Jmsrttu l’L~«.t- 4 Zuvtie! "ell. all right. l«1's have din?‘ ~ y sumhle thought. properly (lYI[K‘d., steppinl deruroualy and tnitltuut a_ ol tampisltm-as is it poem. Thr I'n."r Almost Badin; Oter \mr. ‘ . 9""1'r' t Crane Tire Shop .'\'inth and Walnut D‘ llI~ I . A I t ' ‘ .aa'.noyw.g----o-J--- . . _v r . . . ' . I mam Btztlotn: cow WEATHER COMES. WE puwwanuzaun Mml j TERIALS AND AN Ex. l 7 PERT REPAIR MAN. E AND Do YOU KNOW— I I Our Tircle$.,>p_fl‘irc EXPCH ; is still on the job. 1 I bought at s l l 1 . 4 t : Telephone NJ Phone 894 l t l l l l l l 3 5 1. tr’ ‘stat A 'r“:‘~"'l“ _ -- __. ';..,i.' ‘»=.-zxus. _ . . - - : .Be'gintiin'g}.Tuesda1v. Oetober 5th, good. pg,-53,1 Apple.-z, one of the l)C:l of the winter \utic_tie~, can be Rivérview Orchards near McBaine at 81.50 a bushel while they last. Tlt(‘.~1' apples are of the ; saute fine quality as the Ionathztns recently .-ultl. Culls will J [,5 mid at 50 cents a lnusltt-lot 40 cent: :1 lllleillvl in 3 bu~lu-l I lots. Pumlmsers are requested to brittlé l"‘¥—‘ 0' l'33li€'l=- R. M. Clll5U.V. .\ltttt;tgt-r. w r or ._ r sound York lin- 2 nts are getting tow the lxmt rs 3.!!!) d her: to keep» duntptn; the raw meal in: inter tltan you ran stir ll up? Psrticu .\'t-vr if either Warren or Jimmie could i , met the titre. 3 Flu-tr’; Clark .l!t24durn': “Spealm; going ans) ., “St Luuts' new slogan uh’ | ." ha.» ll. L is. 91. Loun- llul f'|T'l’l ltrte ls ()\r-rtttgltt From 5:. Sinus.’ ‘. Out amendment: “(J-lumlua ls All Night From 51. llnui-.“ Amerirn ll getting a tn0tlt'I’D -w-ball sramlals. 3'! ln It'll the youngsters has and . e Cirntlr. "A ." lacherm. llapm‘ Feltsclt ll.I\‘t' lallett in one slnrt seek in-tn lame to the [ill ul tlngtsee. » A crook} punishment isn't all in being ll you read Cu-utle'~ rnnles. jj._j:_ 1 llrtglt laul There's nu “ltlfltl played in Culumhta. .\r-itltet are there men I-lzn play lalse tn a nation’: arlrrurmg belief in them. In the sale of GOTHAM )t ,,l‘ ..‘.Y.QFf. I l “"10 TRIP? the cost to you is in uCC(ll'tllillL‘(' with the new tt1at'l-tt-t. Tltt-n-- lore out saving is lllllllt.’llldlt'l} your saving. Ahh for COLD STlill’l'I ll()SllCRY full lttsltitntted in l)Olll ll.~lt' top and all sill. in the Color you tlceirc. We've got the moon and green and hurl and three square laeals a day ' --plus a les. tltittp vie don't urtderstsnrl. That er;-~ us tnmleratrly hue) and con- tented. ON (}ll0W‘l.V(} OLD. Ht John lltueltrld. '. for the lite is dying. re old.’ too old lnr ros- tt. whoa-e young partition set: the spend- thrilt flying. ls man tr-o lune In man-lt. ton old for lmma. l take the Inuit and gather to the lirr. Ttlrttlnt: nltl gt-ll-m’ leave-: mittttte minute The rlr-‘ch tirl.~ In rm ltt-art: sun .‘lr1\t-4 is thin ph--t of tntn-‘K’ in the‘ npinvt. I rartnnt vu antler or hill-land or I cannot bill your -41-. _ Your runvland, but ya _ '1’ Ever again. nn- \lIafV' the battle yurrlet re the mm; Knight the lunlu-rt‘ oquatln-n rlllirx ‘ ‘. Qnly stay quiet v-hil.- my mind remem- nx beauty vl lire from -the beauty cl etnlseri. 0: Teacher: ICun1rtlmIed.t Tqchctt§'yttur indie‘ uality is cruel» fsed that the world’: individuality may he ‘tnerear-ed. - Teael-er. lrecasor you believe that the ttanrr a world knovu the better that v-mlsl vr be. you eonseerate youruevn bring sluice!-aqs tlonn which the tradi- tions ol the world may llovo —lrom Hlttflt the world may drink. ' be to if you ollrt (not all tltr -r it is cuti- tnrtlt is not Illolr unlna B--ll lick .\lsu..ll'lIl tltr vrorld will not drinl: from sluieetrsya ‘ol vrater that ‘are too svi-rt. V 'l"hr-relate. taltina advice lrotn s Loam. tell all. always. all urays—il you would cruelly yourself in vain-to the laughing oi the Learner as they turn a ! only true Teachers. they have told us that you are apart tron: Lite. Prove to them- who drl livs- a all the Li until lt . sttettfllt. beauty and fruit that has been Then the-_v"Irill all have it; they an ill world trlllaoon If the Undentander Bttdaottg U15 admitted this morning, ‘ 'I"hen.ho vrilleoeneto-1ou!And the‘ Accolade of . . "T a v-ithernl . .. 2!‘-r . . .t-___+_,..-— ._L«--<_ -" ’ .. "=;¥:=‘- _’ .J_ . . —- s -2 ) - . ‘.9 a ' ‘-A _Gntewo.y— Electritzal ‘ONLY a fort?-foot pteway bounded by . two brick pilnster-s and ornamental stream through. by the 20,000 dectrical workers who daily‘ V hm” hm "nuke my “bet tflflny in ‘he What a story this gntewouldtell ifitdould; "' °""'f_"°"¢_._ . ofthe loaders ol'the_<;lectriml inausuy and :. Forbackcl'ittatheG’ertet'alDectricCortt- "°?*“°"-°“‘“"“"f‘°"“'°°'°‘.“"*““‘° ,patty‘s tnain ofice building. acmrnmodating “m°"’ md {mm f°"°‘¢n kn“ - 2300etnployoea'. Artdjuatnextdoorisita -Thcstorywouldbethchistoryofelectric laborattry with the bestequiptnetttfortesto lighting. electric transportation, elect;-ac in. andreseart:hatthecotn- "yin'thehotne.' tmnddcapahleonpnssra. Tbeodovvnthe Th.‘ I y.uwe‘n”me Q.‘ atr-eet—a mile ‘long-are other building ‘-mafia‘ ~m_in‘ "1d”"i'”h' H -where olsctrit:l.tr'txntheamall- ,e.°n,u,'b.ck;_.,“t,i,°pm mm ‘ho. eathmpaochettothehugetnrlinesfor workingforthebettermetttolthe ' ‘ . ia,tnade ' . ‘ MM bUl’."fl. Y-863, '3". will be mailed upon requosr, *'~'4¢g,-._.,. s - vv “"‘ ,."--'l’-.=.-k ' A " ' . ’ l l - h " Gen El l t ' ‘T s,'Gener'alO$t:’eC ' 7 o‘s,,,,om U» V ‘ Sdseooctnfit y ‘n “D. I "—- ‘'‘‘f‘ .,!..u ‘ ‘u lulytcltl-3‘! - uni’ . ' 1 1 I _ i: - '5 ‘-'-l"-'3‘ ' ll. _. .-‘..2?‘