nmrrmmt mam \ e COLUMBIA; MISSOURI. THUl§DAt', OCTOBER 23. 1920 _ oi‘??? . . V ‘ _ . I - " 9 1. ntsututu Eh:-tun am. 11-5» M ~ NOT, 1 ms tmmnza ‘FUNERAL RI'I'ES 9 n. c.»..u.:...... m....,... V UNDI-Insrtnm _ ‘ IL - ‘, a to send the ENT CUE mm, ...?..,: ..t.... FOR M’SWINEYh 1 aw-...., ---=:.:.-«-». ...,: ~*"'ASSERTS NAGEI. -~ ' ""“ """“"""' ARE ORDERLY3 --=«“---+"‘=:"" "‘“““ I'l‘U E V . - " mm» ' - . . NO no‘. EXPEND R S g 3 § -—-—- ' 5" "‘:7_"“‘ -7”’ W‘ °"$‘ °°°' ...___ t ! riatt - ~ PO. * ‘ , ~.._.....__‘ ‘. I fiotutant En- '‘'"‘'‘'',,''_l"""''''‘ r'"''’ “" ‘""“ "‘ Services Are Marked by Qui-i ::I'm! In the -III" %m- M" CUT TH PfllCE5- T Reptthlicantollave a Deficit of -— ’ ‘ _ .‘ e. - ' . _.V§t form: pcrta tint on a ‘A pleuatlt type «II iletlhet prevail: etude-——Ontl)tt-ah: EXpt‘(fl- ! ha, m_um"_ in mhmm m, DON-r ya 5.51’ Mg.’ About 8? ,000—Have A . E , l.argurScale'l‘han Ever 158 “NW *3!" '4 4- P1130 and ed h P l‘ P" I ' .' ' " - * d = ._ , Canal ‘an ‘ V 0 tot. 8| IO , uurktngouthe qttn-bot: of pmndma , tel y Spent ‘3,042,- ._ ‘B*"""‘ "-”°"°- .1. Am... ...t..""°"..4 "¢'.Z"..”nm"‘l' I Materialtzc 1 :3-“;" 4"-5* *5" ‘rm _ 3'; NOT ‘IN 39252. -1 ’ T: N _______ n ten 5 6 I “LL NAT’0N-‘\1-|SM 0); 5;:..:...ts.. .1. ...,....."'...,...,"~""" PROCESSIO IMPRESSIVE, ~-*-v -~ -'-4'-*"- _ SU C55 3 ATE INVESTIGATION .. . "“' , _ trta t out there the -——- { _‘ u‘,\" |nl>Isf' . v..' ———— . .1-cans Wonk} Susn QInt- Ion: a. rather a.¢ " °" Sinn Fein Unironh Worn »’""‘ ‘”"————t “T” E " A . nemocnu Have Spent $823, . ‘ mt to Europe: B:-ayip There tru {nut to the love! Mia-mm god . d_'__W-f { D d ham! to Ie llell at (‘edat ('i':re|I, ’ 09___N york W _. , V. “I1” I.“ W 1 C 0 0‘ ‘ C N ' w 0‘ - — 9¢m°°ml* “minty Deed '- - "‘"‘ "'" \t - N 1 P 1 ’ " ~"" """ ’ Atnen'aDatnocratic Club , , not hdmv the luau; point The cold - “)0? « 0 rest!!! It 1 Mn. um Mm . ‘-1 mm; A '- <- . 71‘: lor Conttnutty 2:“! )8 teen, is can. Funeral. died )‘PItt'lt.yr ‘?ttf!||’t;l|[TllRl‘0j0.dhfl’k1: . V J _ ' R1533 mm ‘ .9’ L59” °‘'’‘‘‘'5''3 3‘ ll CD38”? m I still are quite "'It“""‘ ""'- ' ;'%l'hfl'ah!:‘d')wadn-ttue. nghertlietl la: II-lll! / - ’ ‘ ~- 9* J‘ ‘ hate‘ me - add:-sped: .' 1..., - ‘0.\t~\.0ce. 23.11. {mi tuck? ’ A - .....;.......; ,.,.,., Ilale than the world has fl:k:ovt' zuthyet will F." '3' f°" T"":°' “'5-‘b’, ‘wt’ 2" ‘I’. I ten-ices he-ltl tndas at /E454’ ’ ' * b . I.“ adthe mtig.‘ 1: fish opinion of {turner [figf ‘[1,, “fiat ‘“.uPfl.u.", lofllted here Imlu. There tat no than Can! ch hv §“_Pb"|.; in: ' A ,%/.r,." . - I , flu,“ 4‘ M "d ""° " b “°""“' ‘ll 0'l|||ll'5l )‘V'0Kf¢I 5' ""l'”‘" dm ‘M “"""'°°l" '1' “b '( II VI‘ uncut‘ I uNllttna'nl‘:~'ill hi’ it: the T ~ "J /3’: J; l "V ’/'1' *- '° 500‘!!! between new ml‘Pl“‘*"i-5"5§‘QNQNth¢aadthebIOthflnt:h1in37&¢fivt.d°'"‘J'4 t-Bw "‘1'fl‘Pl'$ltllI!tahc‘;‘.'_n,‘L’.). . ,../,a.-/,’rT'/'. " o ‘ o ‘ , ‘ . - Q , ' - ’,". ‘ ..... :2 ,4: "'.....**'"*.... :’.:‘:.‘:"""" .......,.‘“'°’ -~.‘..."':;"°.;'-*-*-...,._.= «---~ ~«--« --~= t... W... s. ~-~7'''‘' »« 4*’/¢ 2/; . "' " °°“‘" “ "°..m..°'°*'“' " 1 .3,’ .,t.;..§, mu 5,. M. . hum ‘W Md “V h'‘“‘ N” 32 dawn Pad“ The huh“ Ncsuion 'uu d*".dill:‘tI. Mn. “('90, Jeuktnn. Hm larval: ' V "4,-x Ii»: _ , " . rlilc the pmertion at aatian.‘ht an ms... o_oo_ 5... yard.’ " hm-ad ‘hr ‘ ' ‘M n. umgslteet: Mn. 1. I. .“ol'1tIn.ttl Ad-land _' ,9 ' >,,» .' A . ,._.; ee spent $1,013, ~- ' -rt 5-t the mutation at fldctm-n: um to - N'lfliIr‘muntl€¢l.YllIlI1fl‘lrlnaQ..T&l@|l‘Il‘.nd °"‘ ""."""" T‘ R ’”"“"" " ." 1 . 9‘ /"‘ ’ War ' .__..._ ' 1 . ,,m.".,“ ,4’ the 4.-infln -C-_ h'mid§m 5! pa Rh 7 .‘ ' h‘‘"_ we and" \ if-m ‘ht am ‘dnitwme dr died. llctlt nd. T._l Ne i ‘ /,I %t__ A, a 11.. P5,], d.'he [had 8"“ an bank 37 d“"": ‘u b.‘ 5 dc: “hp 0‘ ‘h . - ' pheu. ahlaotl. lad ‘Pan; and: _. >} b . J‘-_; '°°"£' '.°"" “'9 ‘all! (men; rt-latlm-llutttitlity 87P'tt‘¢fll.SllI 5151399" |l*'lY¢‘t-It “inn l"eiII£¢:ihit'h‘”°" ‘ht’-h'h“ hwd in QM’! _ « ad'‘"b7r'd W-Uh. '5 50'“ “F3! ‘hat ll 0005 II lflfltw mac today b:B2a. ttt.s$t.u-.t at-ta 5:13 p. In. ‘fl’? draped wet the rule! “nu Fain “"‘ ""'_’h'm ‘” '" “ml by """""i dd‘ 3 ' 55' ts net adopted. it will one not Moon ring 6:]! .p. at calm; .9, in "kg." 0",, ,5, M‘ on! L. I’. Sat-pltetn u! the Mqtlrus Pub ‘ fig .(g,, 3,. 5, N-€1,131-n.‘ by ewluin. when ratht-deal. ‘rm. lei-It '.- anldie-rn§"‘hl"‘ "1-fit?-W 4‘ In ‘f 3.-‘ P"“‘5"3 5') Ill!’ illtlttltin it av» . ~ , Hood guard met the hniy dttrinfi the: -"—_————_ 1 I13 ‘ .. A 6 the reeeattranatenitoey appmain ad ;. . ‘mu mm 25% Inmtfiallttltlenthuttnnfi ‘l V‘ ‘Eiuema to Article 10 and itaiaIonIn- ‘“f,°""';',"’. fi'°:'|'£°"U"!°;"s:'5""‘ ‘:3 at all um : l.ia st: DEN UP to 0:8!-L 6 !tt..' ': ‘Y ‘W '* "KI F 1 ha 3 nvcrtdtu - - —. . v W-I -«I “'1-__9,-*;:_‘;......._....u.. - ......m........°.‘.'.:.“.'.°"" “'”' ""'“"' M1NERgSTR1KEa aecanliu .. .2 .; *0, ‘ha ‘mu he ‘and to an lune greets ‘our eanuce to the In mmdm" " aw cmmnh l '8 Slot! hue gt, .- 5‘ In the lane l"“"" the date associates of McSIrine3 and —— -2 I "" "" """""“' """“““"' ‘?"""° fine hound an an honor to fulfill the ”°;TlR Vf'!i!*'4;‘5:tIo iI_‘III:lI;ffi!I1'7-‘*...},.,, .( .5. 1,5,}, p.g;.,,,,,.._.1...,tCovcrnor Orders Out Slate "3 °‘W"|‘ '3' mu... (1 t-rent :0: countries attope. hm,’ hm." « - J Nattotxs .. hoguuutty .,.;..u..g mg. and tannin an,“ said Ms. Bu-rett. 3:31", .:"::m__d _“;'l'° '7' "°‘ R‘"‘5‘-"_’ ‘_''‘d_P"~f'“'9°9 5”" the atatanuat. than vi! lot . ., ;. “rt. mm-d States ii the only nation _m,_ 1-hound, “M, m_Me me Mtlittavtf heeded. -’ in mountain- " °“'-' &‘“°" 31'“ ‘5°‘l'‘'' ‘lack E’ "l l'alf\' lo the cathedral with hated heads. a. 11...; p -T 1! u —..I ah,‘ fl the Lnitul Statu. ‘me g.-33...... mqnallty and the ctuutitntnoaal 'pleo._ “k',n‘ “I, wpwmni" mm. “in” """ ' g .5, .,. 1%’ in-ed m the incur an the-«not tow 1?" ""°'" °‘ 9'"? m ‘-8066’ °“ ..t at» dead naynr won the cake! was D“‘”' 0" ‘'¢'‘'‘' '' '‘‘“'k T - ' In an- a: men: of _Au-eta. hot to: the ad- r-djcal -ad two-vh§<=' _ “Me {"1 amt. Darin; the utnies. which were """‘ ""‘"°" "’ "" "“"""' ""‘ “' '”' ‘ x . ltathat saute at !~.ur°tl'. Ilyilhlf. N I. fit ‘hrh I 1 4 100811‘! lflfifllt 1”‘ ma. .5, ' an it... ,..t..;..-.. ""3: b; C" l ‘ Janina I ; . has 82.731.211.53 cal- greatest tune since the Chi! Ia: (lutntneatiag knot: the ' nee mayor uete there unit I e1t-ep- qn ' 0 r mm" ‘ . 1’ I u -‘ coatnlttaa. ‘lb and should he amn-A at not the United sum and me uhtstmd’ at ..... .; 5;. 1., 4., .. .34 .., hm 1.... "V " "";‘.','; *'°!"""' ':;"" :4 ': _ I ‘ ,. - J «tat; antdutuumus-my h ‘uh of Ads“, N , ; our {timed Iithtlnwal from ‘tatemational "gut mm‘, ,1". ‘ad .3, .1 ,1, M‘ mm" tr ' ' | —— _--—-~ —~- - &- , ch”-lctltlh I ins” 403'‘ 3' ‘ '1: ‘P’ 3 H 538" . - tmnetv ref -ed them a (‘nl|ll'fl'lIl‘t I tC,”,."‘, nag,’ ” 0...‘ ) , ‘M ,5 5. _ alam by on Man! to let the lx~a¢ue.. on... (J a {mod durum the e Np", .0 “N. to bf pm, . . ‘ 0! quanta uillioa tlalha have is equal - re a in : me a . fin“ R -«2 - deg-owion ‘rm-M she as -and u hr in - -me at con-s-e. C ,0, gm ,“ _mm,, ‘flu, ,,, ; *—=~-« -"‘V:1:- ~ ——- V - ~~:——~—e~-e~.—e.—f.-:—:.—.—— --~e— ;:;'_=;°‘u“-*5- l“'=';- .3«--- It " - Pan.) A’ tsa rune-tt 0 tn: - . _ _ - ._‘_ '- , _ ..- _ _ 1"”, an “,3” junk, ‘swam ‘It: at light for rigltteottsueu the 603$"l:;'ou“h"'”“‘h"°:'£:_'“':':“:h:‘;"3. ml! Italc lntltltl ‘maps that ll W015-‘ ‘.073.’ ‘Err Inn" . 7 kn ' '“d"9rd bl ".1 d m h’ ‘pend ”‘ Ia) nation where it tut to be neat to nculufizel m‘ k1x;h'.mmg: ‘u? L Young G1". 3‘; 1 - ' 3 jhb D X ‘Eh. ltnolhttle Iffilklllffllly A‘ "xii re ' ."‘ ln’; 9% ‘ ~ mt at-anthehr ,.,....|jbot-gueaedghtttthe . antnuumtoaouxhemm c.-nu. T Q 1dll3iK‘I0‘Ilu3IlltJt‘If the Pu-at 4 ."B5‘i‘h‘“...d‘n aeuetmlnadott V-“ _. _. '1‘ . _ M I . . . _ _ - ’ e 3.x,"-a 1,013 0“ V? . . , ptevt-at the attempt in use 1': ll tulle. - _....__.~ ' ""‘ ‘k'§3*, b -- * - .- ,5,&..¢,;.g" fin‘ ” ‘ "_ tuctoty of England. The was ______.;_ t . ‘-“.1, ‘-' " . h . _ stud. .. a water! at-sou uact°r.l'IoPI:I_IllWLI Aeagpaifila IIODUIYIIGI _ Th?&1II7IlI(ll.hllRlO0l’!htJI*Ill&_\'P_1~'m0frh ___ ‘flue ‘ % j.g..‘‘:.,‘,....&‘.‘ athtonlmn '1‘3°h n-t|?.“l.a';;'to. to :§'.i'.g'.°.°'g'..¢n.a.a'h' “*1; 2:1. «tau ‘$,".',’,"‘,",:.'} .C-,'§'§;',‘,°“_:“ "'" "' "' not aoaaaa t~t.t:tmt t:rtt.'n' "" “" """ '7 -. "W "”".’...... thvI¢5'he_‘eIUtyandatateelttband_ ~ in”, C -‘N-at-o ‘£1!-I5-#0 Ina-vlalattttnaaua. the N0‘ ' 1335*“ '5' 0' x 1. m’ " '~""» _‘ fifihcf-:'!5“" P0,QnttarLJ.llaBaaIaanIO ttotu and the Deinoeratia Illliflt G “°"" ‘um’ £‘x‘u" ' ‘ "- - M eh T’ - » . he heard Ulirtulty. . — . 1%; IE & fiat ‘ ;;,. rt -,r-t...s'-ta g, V _ II! II ghfi ad any ta 1! odifi % on _ luau-t at fie