E;-Emu ht ! . éufias T For Celebration vacation so life. -4 mm M“ I -{faanofthsnanifadanhICh'IC' ta ° thegondwillofthegndsdlhcharvsd ' ' to increase the yur's . In .\ll'Sl(' (‘l.L'.B HAS REPORT and the \.;lltIt'tIl Ferleratiort of “note l ‘ tif Ill!’ ‘ ."‘. . aisld-cl It Has my more m chow and Itstt L'tarhc...tt:i'et'h(;a”milenr,' tithe" nightiacallad hunanform. ltisasrwvisalsfapafla on andvsrflry ‘ eerennny '0 dd‘ ultheappearanee of sin 39“? Ilan honey.‘ It esnhins one hundred fas-' .,‘h_ ‘ skating ideas for pagrahs-and enter Thcnodcuriousriiehywflchmdl Tfiaeg traai Mrs P. I Ahlisn. 1823 Walnut Sire-et.PhiIa phia The statidical survey being raade hy b Federation will. when complete. furn- dgg Id lncontrovertlhle evidence of the vast twelve small fires. Afolfld it... warh betas dose by the «tub» in furth- Jnosd a salami dance, wtlb hvuhlngcrlag music in America. The co-opera- tba of all etuhs asked to tilt out the I is OIIDOUH solicited. D,,,,¢5,,_ .5", ti, mtg. .15.. t the invitation at the British Music place the wheat fields. the countryman Society of 338100‘. ll" MU‘-ndl bolrdy went with pails rvf steaning cider in way voted that the National Federation of sail the trees. On tree was selected to*Musie (Iluba heeone an honorary mem- ’ H-1’ thud. tb Mid Sofinty being corn- "hence thou rnayst bud and whence thou nayst blow, And whence thou nsoyst bear apples t DOC. urn. Ella MI! Sflith. who has jtlfl re turned frora a year ahmad in the inter- ests of International reciprocity. The plans for Adtville biennial are: One of the ineat orchestras will play all during the biennial. (lornnunity singing will occur before a. 800“. lists full! (laps full! _ bushel--— bushel-— sachs full. And my pofhr-ta full. tool lluna! (Lakes were then dipped in cider and hung on the tree. after which the uerry- '50 |°||*"' mp”, ,.h.,",.,{ “.1 d.m~..d ‘bum [ho National contests for young gfljnts, in tree, and then hastened hope to the V050?» V505" ‘Ml Plim- ,“._ Sunrise sing on the mountains near Another odd pan of the cereniony was AIl|VillP- s‘ the custom of having the doors .1 gym, Vesper seryice at “.\tontreat“ auditor- hornes locked and hatred when they re "I-- ,".,,g 11,, .,,.,,,. who ’.,.-. ‘mtg. Presentation of prise compositions, in- rsfused tti.tipr'n the doors until some one ¢'lUd5'|l lVT* ‘III’! dflltt .hodd mu.“ ,5“ ‘u on ‘he ,9‘. 5.0,’ La!’ chorus culled front afliltated or rare tlelicarh was always provided. and‘l|"llll5""- ' V, .5, mm. gym Appgrance J many its ' Then the crowd enterrul.-lfltfltt "“' "" '*""' '"""' """- saw uivnss VOPBNS JAN. ti Thirty’ University Women May Enter-Few Places Left. \ series of eight lectures which maho- (Sails ill Nllhtfl II‘ wofh up the Girls Reserve Training (‘none of . C. III I922 RQfll'tO‘- the national Y. ‘V. f. K. has been at Booklet AVIHINO. ' ranged through the co-operation of the -. O ‘ -~ city. yyhich ufiiliated with the Misuitlfl i. 0 n '0 thin‘ ymwnhy ‘om’... hr ginning January 8. Girl fine A tner ican ‘$.75’ ‘:'‘..31Y...._—' ‘ ' .”..—."' OI-‘ .\' ATION Al. I-‘BIBIATIOS I.arge in VI little sister (Tlub-_ has received a re-title of the neat" Corp. ." ' ' nrganincd in recent meeting of the executive board ch.’ 0‘ lb‘ ‘-_ ‘. (__ A“ \. l". \f. (L. outlining I!" grade and high schools. The training the high ltglttrl til the llllhil‘ club activity rout". ‘hvwh p"p.'“ for ".d",‘hIp in “T-’— T" "v-'" *‘ I=*'"' l°' '*" in the wt. includes int... ..n air! so lw-neftt of the music lovers of Culttllbta. chub‘, .. '0" .‘ "(.h"i(..| fluted.‘ H" A gain «if UK) music ffllbn. llllhtnj “I o".nil"'.on_ I400 in n". and "tr c-*-|>|i-'-I-c~' 0‘ yrs- yin Zamlt Jmim, ..t the na ltt"rl\ ‘you Junior Music Clubs dsrina ..‘.,.,.t ...n or .5. y’, at r:, A” will mm. the pa-t year i~ reported by the National gm‘. h,.dqmm.,, m N", yo“ (3., y,, Frdrfllirin rif ‘fut-It‘ d.|i"f [hp lg‘-N339.‘ l Tl‘l~ "Il""'-*0" ""3 "5' 3" ‘’''‘“'|‘'' Miss Alline Smith and Mia! Artie’ tn; ti-state at the recent national board, V515,,” g,, ,,._.,M.. .-..g,.m;.,n._ matting irt l’lttlarlelpht.’I. the larged The" ‘nu . [pg piggy. grill open. “is- |'""l"‘l "V" 5'“ l’? "'5' 0'l|"l“‘l°“~ Saiith said. An hour convenient for uni uouldw.-..m to show that the Fed those registerad will be arranged at the " r-r'.itnin is \yr-ll on its Way to Hi goal of Ii". N‘. (fig tine g! which will "\ Vlttsic t luli in livery City" in .\tner~ ..n.un¢¢d 3; 3h Bi‘ Shier tog tomor- it a. row afternoon at Read Hall. lncli-r the ~titnttlnt- of the cerliing bl?‘ Miss [the] Neinneyvat, girl reserve ennial contention. tu held at Ash- secretary of the southwest region of the ylll". \ t . llir yin-h of June ll). W23. Y. W. C. A., will conic wnh MA-n Jea- Jnlf ll‘.~plf0‘lf tli--ri-tn by the fine learler- kins to oeganfl a Girl Reoeryr I--rps -ltlp til the pro--Itlrtll, \Jl-. Jlthll l.y- ll! IE ‘him’. .~tn-, t'--rt \\urtli_ ‘la. all departments Sarah Dritt and Miss lluel lluflttian progress. the will act as faculty advisors for the new prutninc-nt pmut- i-trig In line with the 'clIb. .-ll-Am--ritiirt prc-grant to be guy:-rt at the lii-enntul. the lhilfll lt“I‘ai"l"\f'Y'I(J9‘tf that ' I l "J id ( at f. at lflr-I hlty tn-t tent of the artt-ts en- "0" ‘hr (tnfldm ""5 ( ’u ' gage-rl for pro-gt.int~ "tic -\mrrtrart urtt~t- _ln nukfn‘ Tm" N" ‘H’. "~'h'v To facilitate 0-ngggiitg artists. iI\tHll '“_’n.’ dun} “rue” M "m", flu‘ ‘ml ttinflitt tif‘ dates. and «cure liest tr rrn-, ‘HI krcp rm‘ the btyartl rec:-mmenclo--I that the music M. l'. Oil to \'ote‘Jan. l3. clubs jt-lfl tlw \.ttiun4l t.un-ert “Jill The lntver-.tity all freshman elect!-on gcr-' A~~I|I‘|Jlit|fl. _ of class officers will be held ‘utiirtlay, 'l‘.hr- uour-~ nt -tualy --n “t.tyarrrber Mu- January l3. -liuuo-cl tutnnii n~urate Thrlniportant #- fis You iy a pi all fill I j 13 i ah Farmreurfifruitwilltheyhring . v’-*-7 -v . Asysadsflvri wnullao - J . hatwosn-Qlytntbthhalanastshahso I; .\¢§.,psass‘sssn¢oishudtalsytheecb ~‘~~. fig-a¢g¢s,ctajuhilaewHdw'aaanIiaauandoIIl7. . ____z__’___. 4 +-t1btr¢dbusaIalhsQashwntbr”.(‘1hI'llIII lI:.:’“m-F"“"‘ . Jpathway tar the first tetsuaph wtra.es- I "ill - o"’°.x.'$ .&KadhetweeaIiaaaut"landArhan-lflllltfil ' ¢0l|If!'ttb0"' titatanassintattanssyalai-acoiias. ' -clu-oavhl-0-3"-0¢1tI|W*‘°"* , ‘db “'&' ‘fl ” j g Not'tieAa¢ln,afssperM.l'.stutbnt. h.;;iubdh.:£~h.‘“d,“.cm tUaIw%thaod3oeh. Ch.banaLoftheeaocuive oontnitoe Rn ‘ha’ “I, "“ J” ‘H, Um“ ,.hg.¢§,,¢..*.,g...‘..g.faraclahhaaseopenedaihthensfor‘.w”“"“0u.(hi‘—‘“h.* thelahsevsrattast dndubeA',~mfl.'"n*'°~. Jan‘ "ha nssandv:.-C‘ inw- . J o btirlt 0‘ W’ I’ “H st-no stopping at. ————- 3 . , . 5.‘. - l \| rrie and. It marked the A town that In as I-an-In 0- C~.'.,{,',,",,-';'.,‘L, 5’ ,,,,.""""" M. ""1 zltdyolntheefllidg cycle. l$htlIUlHNQ~'0Uh°01'l| Mtnrwrirwgsttingnenioiotnthensryl1heholtyanduistletaewarennppsd pm 3* M '‘g. lg’; fig lafl fifth mltul Qlflllfd thfl ROI! "rout th Illflffi lid 30$?! H h ‘K _ “""""' - l tlttl tbnil ti "R Widfl in ' 0' ‘ _ Th'.“"&°...“‘”lt'°'J'_.d'helI}loftheIlalof.tohnl'I|Ierrily, _ 1"” C°."7 _P"d 2 while a row of apples sputtered on the 1» '3“ ‘I ‘$5 "" 5" $"7_a'“ °‘ '.°"'"‘ "uh Rod" "north and rnulled ale circulated among r-ndoahteilty shows t‘! nsny "" “’""" 9"" "5' “'33” he company. r-M Cfilgga aflfig with Quin, Seven thousand tnrheys were shippedt m‘ ,°' lh _._...;__.___. ‘ frtirn (Ilarh to Eastern norhets during? ‘ ‘ _ - - ide r-dd’ ah . A hl DZ.-gooey of Wallace Ieid'a weahneu “ tégmflf "um", -ratedmwlth a':‘ap‘pla'in his“:{h‘ has prohahly intend the faith of many ' ' ' ‘ -urrants in his eves formed the more . W“ "I" '"""_ null.” ‘hub.’ Twenty thousand for the erection of s substantial part of the feast. ' _ _ .0 nets schoct huilding our Linneus was lntil recent tines. Twelfth Night was ''°' '" '5" ‘“"’.‘°' yntcd recently hy the Forher ('onsnlidot- ilways celebrated at The Drury lane " rd "chin-I Didrict. - That" in London by the tilting of Ill’ A DIVIDEND ON TIIJFT ‘ H" F ‘-j"“ ' ' ‘liatldeley flahe. Jacob Baddtki. an ac- . I .5 In 0' 0'“-(‘PH II 0'‘ I5 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' W wt-tr ~‘.'|-*- com"! m M": on» has hr.-eh dra.wn up and ...u‘b. ".',',‘,“"“ ""1 “'.""_"""; Tm": "' h" . ' 1 art no cen lines n so ottoml an opportunity now to ahowoprt-seated before this‘year's legislature. : " he ‘rm “mum Tm . ah, ,0 5, N, y-H.-ther the lessons ahoit thrift and the rneml:er- of 'l‘lte* |,T‘I:f\"l.J.l'|hO'rn"ArlYlfl- saving lear-ged during the,war have been "$1 '" LL‘ ';""‘ " "' ! mh , ' l ' I" ’ ii I 0’ ,,,..5”,‘_ _q,",“” 3,5.‘ .‘ ‘h. 1"“ UN 1 _ d"'g "_g-'fi'_"" - H m_>':H 5"! llctnnlcnt an-«Inca that Oflfivlmv TA XA TIO.V' TROI ‘BLES ' ' T T’ A °°° -' W"-I 5-W S---v- «- 1... c........a; ‘;.;...,:. UNIVERSITY News nae January I and that Victor! 5004' about high taxes when he pays them in tllrwcre called in 080%!’ IS an Kill lb? Collectors office. One runon why he; R. H. Thomas-on of the agricultural '_u.“ndia‘ '0 ‘R cu‘. .‘ gag never voices ‘hto opinion is because there , ’KlfltItufl servicc of the l ntyersity -' '01 Th ' iifft -— ai " fry . . 0,, i i Ml at the n-invent -arias 0- '5'-l.un.hinns :n-mil-ay: pt:|i‘t(r,-." W l ,1" ' \'. ‘y'amll.mto.'.:l:ly~ua.Tllll part of the Anerican people. Secreury After pays his taxes he. I! ion a naahe out his proflam of- agriculture . “d... ‘an d“. ‘b .'*“ "in". ‘H, ff{H|lt'd"IId‘I ahlzttle si'gn which I'l'IIJ.I', ""(:ntIn in ':h. H I ' " _ ".owt tvou we ityourtaaesrent. . . " s -' - m'uSt_ -"'7' n ‘he’ ‘°'"'-fl" the advice on the lfrlboard across.4'he laiuis from \s::tr‘li'r' w'il‘l“gri'tu.h'aa lion.- sN'II"ttlP|. D soon as the II-pl and street." ; n Syracuse N. Y. \fr. Billing. hgs burn La.“ "3 ,..gd_ 5”...“ or ‘nun. ,5, 15:»-ctirtg 't:ufind a sign directing hint , utoring in unaihernatics here. He is a M R ‘odhuy. mt . poor‘ so, he rushes out. On rnduate of .\_sr.it~ua- l tiiyi-rm, pith ’ ‘ autiftilly ltthographed poster he reatls.l' ’ltt Beta kappa h..n..n. . W T‘, y‘ ea“ &c’‘." “db. ‘l"7‘hy '° out ch’ '3‘ ‘" ’‘'‘hf'3 ‘ml ’ The International Rt-lotions (‘lab will ihows tharthe guest-uncut isdaing svsry- Y"l“' ‘W "'“"|*- Tl“''l_‘ 35”‘ 5'5’ ’ -old it- next open nu-sting’, neat Moiulay 35;.‘ 5. in “It ” .,,. u 5, ,,;d..a.d T ' in thie the Ph)’Stq~a ' ' _ A l i iryg ru . . . erner of the .” ‘h ‘.d ..' M‘ u '” R l t .tstnn ilepartrnent will speak at 7:30 ‘.“d m M "G a’. ‘bu ‘kfi "l P H“ ‘ "t'lm‘h tin ""nrld Pr-lllici." cconouies will conthiae and that strnilar Columbia 'i.dk“‘: hrrtuht lo tart Landrum. after an absence ..t 3 "vac" 5’ ‘h ufl “. 5'." an mend“! wuhflb-a. I.‘ “um b’ ear and a hlf front the lniversity :- M . l - ,m.d,-.. ‘.9 cahji. The", W " t rich and enrolled in the .\‘hool of Lava. '_ I. ’ . "I" ' _ ‘.4. 1- '- E spentaternlnthel 'sor'dtyuft.al- ‘I it I w W bi lb! gtflwixp-*e];.’_ '3 F36 “Q - where. as ht Qlrf. e enjoyed stu- Iiwos are lfl the corner.” |n£- The play In bright. It is not. to be‘ ""', M; T '."d"‘ um "l m" l "" “.5” ‘.1 fin. ‘"5 "T sure. hiflt drama. but it is by far the' "“"' ‘."“"_'"' g H ‘ ../ {I '00! and entertaining conic-tly -"V 1'19"" ‘DH?!’ ‘Willi! lurnmit .“ .5’ "9." h‘, ""a*' “T that has appeared here in many a moon N3?" of ll? llfiitflitf 0f “ix--u'i curt» llfh lffl ‘(II 5 ‘J I V! 10- The thana of the adoption of an urpranl “"'l"l "l “L “‘.- -‘L T""'l|vlIl". flu" ‘, .& “' “ ‘.1 w ‘ifl M yiggg njd h¢|'|." (jg... 0.‘ tllll. "7. Hrfllilll Nchlltttlf will thd The I-"Willa! one to expect originality; but l ‘"3’ WP‘ ‘H “II River. FfI'dPfit'hltiIn ' ""- °""" ° ‘Rustin Strong, the aulltuf. and Johll out a 'nd N-rblc Hi" In mum the Junior ml- "Ir ~ has Statues and Victory lads dtll. rite |II'0Iftat‘1’f. have worked tits. ..e. j |csc- there. They will leave Saturday to .W *1. ‘ .5, .'’.(aa’ 9“ .3...-5.; gm. . pr‘, 01 ,u,,,;,5,,' gone until Thtirsilay of next week. _ A N ‘h. ' .| d _ .0“ freshness and charm. ' “""£_':("l""E'll mwert hfarvin tail- _. M ‘g... ..‘ b ‘b °..§”.-L kl p 1-0. ‘-5.’ “fled ‘hen “V “mun ‘cg’; at l "er Ol'ltII:l':lIDd ‘ill H-I)‘fie'il Wises lita' .besie "1'.’ " ' lnwhg lb advice al.SecI!tary \fellon his audience :itl.iohis':ntng:'nl, and‘l:; Z T "T : --t -~-M-= --r -M W :.;":.:“.-.':..:‘..2":.:'-:.'.::":..,';'::.:':.'::m ...‘.t'' '2'". 1"’; "°‘.- ’ posing... ah.‘ ~ _ - ' ‘ii men o i ‘I _ p.:ae‘ auhincttoscllonghbefore. t'l‘ae close of 3 boa,‘ ‘en mm; low cpgadrjnl t rst t. ' ' -1 v '0. want ' to h”! ‘H. 0' ‘M 5‘ geats thfrt of t"fyrll ;lma“ti;:'s l .,::"'.:,- .::"'."pc°‘"' I singb, nuns-pm wank-a why, ‘I if én Bathe Clarke. as Dr. Richard (}atant,; ' the second of the wise fools. is extremely? ’ ’ "‘ ' * -—' A u t h 1% 't’_. '”&y. lteahle. J. Francis 0'Rei'll_v. in the rolel """"""""‘-"" . tof the Hon. James Trumbull, the last ot ‘ c‘h'5l"°5""""5"Ii“‘l'“‘l thetno. Isa btl lessrsathut meetstliet ‘. oh? '1” gq L. 3' 3. dug gmresigeacias hi part satiidactnrily. I Gordon Rhayler, who develops rfofl, ‘ ‘ .‘_‘u...ul.~ at.’ al yuvenile to an astounding champion ‘ -- .. dais.-ts in distress, in well portrayed byl Fl.‘ K ° audience visa ' w‘ui- naht-rated t-"oi-inn fill“! inn. you a lath._a.fl'&b.lil“’,‘n|'. “:"‘ "" "' %“?’“l1“-idols as well la could s. efiieclfd. con- Ihm are II-III!-t-III as I-tut--,-sans». its truncation. of .. sterootypall eonadi . f‘*‘CQI&tfiflItifhtripe1'I)II.l.l hiring, as played by May Ric-ard., Increase each weekly pay and rsv:ei'y~e in $ weehs t Ltfis -Wt: 1 1 'l&wasa:ntncs'uaesrverfis rm IQ of hora than C it cad. h fish: waditional; apples flgfir 2.”; "rd," kmqso ‘T: K ‘C "IASS 5&4?" “N '""‘l" l”! there were 9| has. 3 H "dz . eaehnsieehly ‘E: ‘fwh ‘k ‘M 50 ‘b ‘M "t'"' It‘; 9"‘ rid iye i 50 we . . . . .. #°*'.‘L? P T?" "M ‘I. “fin? (.LLASS"o;A——F"'irst weeh :3 ietond weeh Ur t: J H“. ". ‘J ' l)'::.renae.each use‘-)ethly pay-lent E . V ‘fine Purine. who is stage manager ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ‘ V ‘a ‘bun’ s the-rouse Isepuhflitzeeileykpfyrinent Sc Of C0lUmbia W\- A , 5,,‘ _, _,_.... , ,_,__.. J -n 5° -«tr ------ -- pie hovestrsnrly started on the loan tstitaetiiasiugss with the amp ,1“ n“~'*;;~‘_:_ «road work road of qmetnatic saving -t hr’: in the his .,.... 5, _,,, ,_,,,,, , 5.’,2{’, 353.75 through our (_3hi-istmas Club. - it . - . CLASS l0:—First week It): second eeh Ne Your m! an this throng l“ I a duo rather pafluly ha...‘ "ch . w . f . nd ‘LhUeal.h&gSag.(fi.g, mu“ , ""“hso!'::kY.U¢||t g127_5o 0 rnepandwomen,boysha;‘d D-snss huh. its-sansai-is 2 ''°°'''' . c an ttin -c-this-at-at-.u.ia-ta-iupiaiits w""A“":‘:'0Ph“.I!I!Cd_Ul!h mg‘ 60“ are fiodfi-kw. . J - m"“"" ‘"5’! I07‘ . . ' E hdfifla g 1* -iaiiorasunu-5-eaaso.t.‘1z7'5o no-ttoo to.‘ Join now! Qfi b 0&7: hi ahgb. tho ‘ ‘ ’ j ' dot has that at a thraiy rdrsfi; - i -3.... ............... Boait¢Coirii Nati'i'molBak . .lII‘Ia, i-a-stains . t J 1 ..v" , ?‘h“"| Clo. is sanplhssa wfl ' ‘ \ ‘the new «in at the faculties fiat 1 , 1 JG. ’ ' .. 7- \‘ ‘ You are not too late to join our Christmas Savings Club Yountay join one or more of the following classes: ttuyss t rate they lcflyecond weeh 2c. '5'? 7.’. 512-75 I-A First neit rease each yyeehly psy- W *5 €.L .t_ t LASS 23-‘-Pay 25c straight each 2 wcth forflfil receive TLASS 50 Pay Sfk straight oath weth ‘N 50 wnehs and receive . . (llA.\'fl\' l(l)- Pay Cl straight each m and revetve .. ° week for 50 weeks $100.00 ('lA.<.§ fill-Pay 821!) straight each wh fol fit who Ilal receive second week $12.75 9-’ . V _%'mT& &dt -. létado. den ‘L States Veterans’ Hreau for ‘crass’ Bureau othdents is to he supple- ’u-ual \r-to-tans‘ Bureau affairt, “It'll a- - -~ o ‘I . . V‘ 1 ‘ . W V " V‘ ' . ‘ High’ ' Grade Stationery you ‘in B '5'.“ ‘gig gr pality and price 41 this fine tinting ‘I‘ --u--' I was ‘ID 7315!! H1193 I’. ll. Rush. of the agricultural eaten- aion service I lb lnlvataity. 1 appointed field instructor at‘ the l‘aitsd this dlo trict, beginning his work Juuary l. The appointnent of Vdy. R01 is int accordance with the system of the V1- eruns' Bureau whereby the institutional training and the psoii-«:2 training of Vet- ‘ The Conhlin and Eacsharp Pencils and Colhlifl IIIIII 0"‘ l"' lrat. ‘ Have you seen_ it new Le Iced anhreahahle fountain pen.’ Adtsseett-traawsnder. rnented with actual field instruction. It was through the cooperation of the agri- cultural extension Is.'r'vice that such an instrucpr was appointed. The field instructor will endeavor to yisit every project student I least once to tale up any psohletns con- cg-rning the operntmn «of the student's project. and to asstta the man in getting in touch with the local county agent for help from that department of the state sydem. Mr. Rush will nut handle any of the GctTheIlahh.' training 4-hecho, cornpensatmn, rnent, insurance, etc.. these - trig handled only by the lural office of the Veterans’ Bureau. xsw nooks A_tt.ts‘.vTt_Et.‘Ety't-:0 State lltatoric:l-—l.‘lhe_ary Gets Day Book Dating I853. . During the f,llftstni.I| lttilufava Ill!’ State flu-turual library rt-ceiyesl the fol 800 Broadway liming bunk-; “The .\rlNin hiieas " '3 .\f)tl1i" lit l.. A. \farttn: the ofsutltf C e P. rtictlltirial yulutltr t-l I). ll. B. ll., tlir . I " M'tttti! honor uiciety of the ltiiyer-ity of - l "'llii~ tlay to-only Wis-ouri (cntettnial Niuyrntr," giving the ltistuay ul tlay tutmly lmrri l822 to l9'.’2 pre ‘In Full Blast ~ mill: t;::.'.':'"t".Tg§....’i.i it:.w.‘l.t.l‘ ..§ an Friday and Saturday editi-il lay llr-an Walter Wit li.ini~: and two «lay lmul- dating luih lit l8.|S. tif the‘ ftrm ttf hfllwvll ‘ J--lttt Black and gray combination‘ Colonial Pumps. Louis heel. All sizes and widths. Former price Special for two day: wit ul kl-xamlrna, \lu. 4 g ' y Missouri. Q await." These books were carefully Lept, uno- the year of I835 and the other fur the year IUII. They shuts the rernrtls of a general store. They Iyrrr ilunateil by a daughter of “L Johnson, “tut \l. \. Jnlinson of Klesandria. \l-i. for -":-*2 ._... ...----.....fl.an-as.... . . AT THE HOSPITALS i-aititu Iaupruat ‘tlltlm f':_ Ninth and \o-lwm b.ltl"T were adrntttetl yestenlay. Those illo- tiuirgecl were Flttalietlt Dixon. J---we ll ’ t--ttlta-. ‘alter Fe-rgii-on. I1-rural ‘Ngu- um and \lsrx Ii. Btiflurtt _ ‘l’l'L‘s_’“" 3"" H . Watch Our Windows l'anry (.rtmr-s fmltlen “First fur Ha ‘ . tut" «'ipplc- 8175 per bu but. l’h«»ne , ' l'atto-rson Born, Jr., l5/9. lillf) - _, 7 . ,.,.-7, -3 a Friday and Saturday . -olumbia Theatre 2%. L THE $WlltflEll OFFIIID HIM Ht -Aflhfl \~.a._'q~w.r. 4.--ti! Y ‘-‘t ‘ ‘ ..:.‘ L‘. : e 't‘ ‘ {RH uyvtfltfim‘. -my ‘ , ‘ ‘ "WI . :5. Z L