.- News at Columbia Sorts!) -« I --‘- ‘T hsi Iudnillo thigfidllallorrlae kflminvflch ptheh-neat !luo.|.l. I.r.InJHre. f 5 Is. in Illllaasille, alter as psolollut with the Carter Oil Ce-pay at Iloldetlville. I’. '. C. A. ADVISORY MEETS . nrri MRS. FAMCIIILD Mrs. A. H. II. I7OiI'r'ltl3l-II. 10 Clenwood Inuit. entertained the lollmving nu-tn: been 0‘ the V. ‘V. C. A. advisory board It her home: His- Manee Taylor. Mrs. Margaret (Iluatnbv-r ilain. Dean Eva Johnston. ltlrs. F. F. lfitep. no linens fsuthorn. \ti-. ?-“_ ‘?'‘’'‘‘'’','l“’-''_.’.'!' C '. I‘ -. \Ir-. liilith fill. “ll 5- '- mmmflre, Linda \l!'V‘ffil'tlVl- “Nv L A‘ T"-,.bfjfl.r, "Ill- .._ um ll.-ll; ltirlliritle. Vlrc. \. . um'‘_ um \I_ E, Ditnoit. Mrs. I‘. ll. “H 0‘ [ rnngljg. "II, ‘lllflllitll -Lu,‘ fire ‘rlllr llllmolll, “N. ll. B- at Mile FlIIf!.’l|4‘P POIOPI. ‘Fl '39” 5...; Nlrv I S‘ Branbarn. “rs Morgan of tip» llliverlify fatally‘. tuhlreuerl the lllfllr hen til HR lruartl at 4 lI.t"l-l‘ll'h. .. n. -, - V P Many reservations have been msile lo: the benelt bridge to be given lrotn 3 to 5 n'rlock Friday at Head llall ln lltr l'r.Plll’D9rI ol Mnflll’ lluatd, ‘ ‘I The lollolring girl~ hue (‘huge ol the “"_ Kinitiekfla: “tones Vlanraret llucl-on, “at. \|,.—._ r;u.|ur-4 Hinton, I-Elizabeth no-e. Allin» vfitllitll. coflltltl llnmpton. .\ltl«lrI-cl lrlsh, liimi wimm. Helen Shepherd. Flor- ence \It-inner. laura I"ranre- lleacleii and llertrude .\lanin. 5' 9. P”, \|,._ I-‘_,t Nwvtl. His. 1. ‘. "un- ; b’. M". Lunar? sfllllll. "mi; Mrs. l’. E. llllis. ‘orb. Irv». llattie Crockett. . fiuu.‘ _\|u_ Iills Tailor and “in Shah lhitt. T r_nl.l'.tIlIM'.< To 4TTI.‘.\'II _ ___ ''50'’’~’‘‘‘ " "' ‘ml isms. uvurnirn (;n'rs ‘nu -4 7*‘-'“ WI" 3"-1R£t:r:PTIi).\' mm)’ Triulilr at Fulton soul I. ll. Cl" ‘-l "- \lrs. F. ll. Mtinlord lave a 1'' "mini: lloltl Vi" "l*' 7"“. H‘ 3 "llilmik '"'.lroin 4 to 6 nhlorh lhi- alternm-n int ggnrrmr lflP"W''" “ ll” l"’""' "l -lmlxcithe Imtllen who are in ('oliimliia lot David ll. Harris in Fulton. l’recedin|: I-‘arrner-' Week at her home on the Ini- the iiedtllfll """'""""" -“""‘ “"3" ~‘“'iu-rut) Farm. About can listen at lolumlvil will *5"! "l l»""'uluring the afternoon. Vna Trulf llml "l "'5"! V0" ”'3""' Those who received with .\lrc. \lutn- Eue." llurd bff|’: Mrs. J. (I, Junec and Min. Alter the \H‘|l|ll"l!. hlt. and “N. lit” llelen ll. Paulnen. gill leave lot a no-cl-long trip. Thes will - t tale their home in M. lmig uly-re .\lr.i V155 NARIORIE l.O(l.\'f.°l' fiill is engaged in the inalnance liiini TU '50 THIS SPRING gpsp, . in Trimlile formerly £Illl'fltll'tl: (Dame 8. Loones annuunvh the engage- _g;,'|y.m (J.|lr;ge_ Irnent «it his «laughter, \lar;orio- to \lr. Agrong thou‘ from linlurnlria who plan Wilbert Homer l"ergu-on ul llklahonta to attend the in-claltng AIM‘. \lr. and “H. Al IN. The in-iltling hill lake plare III the Li J. I’. l'L~te-. ‘lino Mary ‘u~ ~pring. . t Eat:-I, Hi. and hlrl. Deibs ll!--.~' \l'u-0 Looney has gradual:-ul lroin ‘lu- Hr. and .\lro. I". 3. Dqaey. Minn I)-u-3s-Moi oi Journalism in I920 and u a‘ gihy Dorsey. \lii-o Ann Dorsey. Will (2ul- rm-rnber of the Delta Gamma son-rm. tar. l’. W. Nieolertflfifit. "W3 -“"5-llflm i and Mr. and \lr-. l’ieri'e___§ic‘dt'lm".\"V- * "55 i"--bu" C("a“-J5‘-"' - Hines Mollie Morgan. Margaret ltogg-s. IIOWR Cl E-ST 411 H51 e - . -— - sun. Hose Robnett. Mm... Playter, [lor- ‘.\li« I2l¢I_U|' *7”? ‘'“l W“ F"""°’luthy Turner. Hrginia Reid and Gertrude It-u raterutlnvsl -35 I In Ivan "06 .\lartin, and Mr. and \Ir-. \1. R. my. GU00‘ ll|l5.lll¢K00°,l1o 4" lh bl.‘ “liray and .l. A. Martin. ‘ lb Taylor, 614 " Broadway. in how -—————- _ ' 4' ‘ti... gt,“ ‘ .,,n_ 11,. "gauge. .\Ir. and .\Ira. Charles Brown til (at- The «linner guests at the Sigma Phi l‘lp'oll0lt house this esemng \\|ll p.- 75 nornen called Y Hu.DuII.ne'orit!babihatustIhrhorasd.. .¢.- CiIn:hvil|ea~ who's: like jlvenridla fietnart khan Writ. Frank flank). @ Sunlovrd I-‘lace. qarrifiniaale-htr.¢lthePl1'\eIeainofin "C #1 M‘ lee Ste-an ‘wounding the University 'T|IIIuIIbcu-cIIhe.\|c||rI|’r-Cllb an unseen»: at ll'IIlln.hlflllI‘0l'Zl hIIr|Jai»iiuyulIIePl&yIk our-oity.esnero ‘ yausvbyIovbrtdntnn1to5o'ebci'l'"rir|uyatter- flat‘. op:-iudf'arnen‘I'eI.-.i . he to the public. M ,9; ‘L mo.‘ ‘g ‘M 1.97..“ II ‘ 0‘ lhoivenitg. and in a cache: at the Iaal'lr-au o. cat... at nan-nu... .i uinw-iota as The sum will hr Mina ‘Laura Salty. the ebsperon and \ M M Sing; lrfiufi Slllqltkfijl. II‘ Jllllfl tiun be has held a po-ition as county 3-In-I. nuances: of Ill? cl agent at Carroll County. Juru: cuss m cm: Duct: SAT! non Mrs. Roscoe (‘janbep at Kansas Fm will arrive Sdiarduy at be the vi-eeh-end guest of Int aunt. Mia Elisabeth lan- T5. 3.,” “id (;'.,|. my (‘j1...§,. of |I|p um. and to attend the Lotto»-finrlier '| nivenity rill give a dance at Ilolnnbta ‘P1145-HI slllflllt "9050!- Hall at 9 o'elork Saturday evening. The _ chap!-rota will be: Col. and Mrs. W‘. l".. Persona ‘Apt. and Mrs. Von. L Uunrkel. Pm‘. and In F. E. Janis. Ca . and Mrs. Paul \. Kellogg and I apt. an Vin-. ll. 5. bibnon. The dinner guests at the Klpha Pu; house this evening in“ \lr. and Mr‘. H. 0. Severance. Mr. and Mr- Flopd Janis and Min .\|_\rtle New-.m The lren-hrnen ol the Alpha Phi m The Ct-flnan ‘Club uill :11"; 3, 7:30 rority. will eatertain the upperrlat-men u'r‘lnt'h topurrovr night at the Phi Kltr '""' "ll '"l"""‘l ‘hmt ‘I ll" ch“p"‘-l [.'P$l hour, 820 l'runid~F't't-r‘e mail. The l‘‘‘'"'' -‘‘'“'‘l”’- F°h"“'7 3' wograln will inrlude numlu-rs ln “I-- Litl-oir Iilearh ol the Sir-pl»-in Iollege l.uult\' and llr. llerrim-i ll. Urn-ienli, thatrpuii of the tlo‘||JfTlll1‘t’ll --l t.erm.a.-use larigtrage-~ \li« t.lc-tihle ll. l’r-nu trill plan -ex:-ral -rlO'Qllnt|~ o-ii "llw /rile," s to-rtnan in-trumrrrt. Mr. and .\Ir-. amen l._ lirln-I; ol K11- ..i- tiny l'YtlI‘l‘|}Jltt*tl with a lnill--i supper Vriiirolav m t H! honor of Vlru. Irvine ll--rliirilzn xi \lr~. Floreno-e Kline ( oluniliu A \lr -it lllub has held .m«l \lr~'. Ilelmig uill llall. \li-- Helen Strung had «‘lur:v' "3 Dinner guests at the \lph.r llsriirm Delia home this evening ml: tn-i \l«~~ Ruth liillatpw, \lirI- Evangeline l.il .t~i«s .n»l .\lio Jewell .\loody. The dinner guests at the kspiia \lgohi house this evening hill he: \lr¢. l'l Vt-lllure, \lis- lless *mith Jml .\l|\\ \ ir ginia liarri-on. The regular meeting ol the F:-rtiiillllit this aliernoon at lluicl Jlstu gnu .1 ~m:ll dinner tomorrow night. the program. \lr-. ll. 0, llrui: will entertain with at lari-lgr tarts ‘9'l]l‘."\Il’\ ‘.llIl'Ylt-- ._ The ahrtnrii of Phi {Lanna Delta en- tertained with a luncheon today at the lmw-hm llub in Kansas ("'.o. “I. |-. W. Robinson url Kansas (“its V~J~ 4 dinner gun. .1 an phi pg lmu-e renter-fig, ..-«W,-,jn‘_ .\tA(‘Hl.\'E l'()\\‘E.lt~|l.POR1‘A.\'T ‘ll ~“ 103“ 583‘! It lieepa the I-‘aru Boy Contented. l»:-ur important Itl\flfllI‘l'* Agricultural Engineering, 5‘ ll” Ilfittkl‘ In ‘fr Ju.‘-'i'n.‘r “ll lJltlt".’~ \“ll’|'ll.I\ ,|liern....n. llt-i‘ \ r-iliiig r.i-t .-.-I-.JnI.rgr ~ tlut .i keep. “"' tum hm lHl‘.("lll"4l .mil iii.ikr~ him “‘ e ‘'1 '~ "H ~ ‘ the him. no -o-ruriii -"l‘-W”-11'" I‘ “W J zrmzrr .im-mm of "‘ W4‘ "' J“"”lPll‘l"‘lbOllI .l ~ltt-Fl t l’'“''‘‘ ilhl" l"~ Vllt‘ «vial mtilh-il Tl!- -.i\::i~y wt i.inr .~ --l um;-ortan-r .ii lt.|Y ‘w'l .“mr- e~penl.1ll\ when wpgtheg ...n -lit.«--1' Mil in-rm!‘ “nth in the lielilc lut --:1-1'» J ' W -lax. Tl!’ lltiril ,,.«ls.rnI.1xe 1- ll1.n it ]. "H. —:l-lr in tin -a-me useful work that rulllll not lve ttuttv’ with»-nt u ira.~|..r_ -urlt .1. In-Ling .r wheat field at the time of lur \'‘--t in .lll.|i‘lIltt: the iii-K to the lninler Tlll- lN‘l[H i'nrt|('r\e the mqriqturp in the gi»-und and m.rlie- plowing murh l‘J~l9'[ The to-urih arlsantagr l\ the lien tuli- that run he done armind the ii--use and ham. Tllt‘ lllt’lll(lP1 -in h with ll‘ pump mg water, mining ‘nod, \n.r-hing, grincl mg (veil and many other things ul .1 urn. ilar lt.Il‘.Jrr'_ Student‘: Hand is Burned. “l||l" m-rkiiig in it t‘llt'flllIJl l.ilmr.i la-t\ TllPNl.‘l\. Joseph Jaroln, a ~imlout in the (‘allege ul Kgiirulturo-_ to-1‘t't\t'-l ||.'ilnlltl l|UYll- on hi- lelt l|Jlltl. llllr‘ M-vulttl -ii- «lieu-eul at l’arLrr \l¢'lfl”Yi.Il lo lwl. .-ova) Try One of These Facial -- Plain—.\lineral Boncills—Electric Shampoos Plain’ Casteel—Fitch 4 Tsroleum—Wild Root Manicure I And you wonllt know yourself Parsons Sisters Beauty Parlor Telephone 1750 Established 1015 Readinggypewriter Exchange Expert repairing. overhauling. re-building. Typewfitcrg bought. sold and exchanged. 804 Illllcrest saved. ‘L 24 North Ninth St. Don ’t Waste Money On a New Radiator Let Us Install in. Tyree Core of Pure Lake Copper It is surprising what we can do with a darnatted "dl“°"- It is seldom that more than a new core is II g’ 8!‘ owners should not even consider buying a new fId.|lt0|' until they consult a radiator expert. Nine an they can be fixed good as new. 8110 YO“? H. J. Gribble times out of money will - Phone 249 ...._. 1. —_. (..”HR.ISTI.»