|' v 3 V ‘ ‘ . a . . ‘ . ‘ . V‘ ' l l i, - .* -’ 4‘ -2 V .' 4 '- ' . ~,.\ r . riauuitnr 1923 ‘ , . , .. .. . . ~ g - r n era an or MO ' . . il '''.'''‘l* W" “"'“"' Wu: Iwtc. Mat ‘"1" . FORGETFUL PERSONS ;';.';,,f’"""' "“ "’ "’ "“ " . -5;;-;~« g;-_' M 3__“_ = . ; ' : Theneniihacotnpose-lth.-mob ltad'§q_5 ‘rm o‘..““.”' I. N¢fiQ.althrNeIYd3hI§l"‘h‘l'| ": .:T":.‘£‘miatnw in the railroad except as Pl‘ olprrinegghta I.g¢eag'th.‘"'a _i _ .. . ___. .,,.u. L I 1 ~ g . p . glhaiifianaaa Iailvuar. hr which they_WAl'l' ' , at _ 5"... "',,,"”'" ’ l _A‘!'ll§0UR ~ 3, f""""""""""""‘*' "“"'°""".t¢tua1rias"3'it"'i’at am 1'-' 6" __ _ A p p ’ . 1“ n . _ t __l _ 1 . . M U” i W Irina tracked and raw‘ . 1'. ,_ . ‘ ‘ I V" """"‘ "" """"' ""2." "’ * ~ 9" I-~ °'-°--* '- - -* %-- -- -=-- -4 -« -cw--t ........"°'* “°.....°“...“"'.'...°'..'.':'.. '::::‘...‘.‘: ::.f."‘;.::.:"...."' "°.........""" 1:. ‘.°'...':: ‘ '— ,§:::::.:..:::. _ , v,C~-1,u.‘*;—QaI'U|ahtaliae.cys:,‘:¢varylu-bauulftlaad celllabliuw _...o|~cd ‘nth more "W ‘cm mu.” gnu” am". F 3 l V ‘ -' ~'_ ‘ $ . o . “ “ m “ H‘ y W W :. N . h N I0 discontinue in ‘k aunt.“ ‘uh-,"'ed : 3 _’h.!"fi'*"_‘j._l.-é1&“bQbtb&’I‘& ,,,,..¢qsatia-u-ui.aio..i...a ‘"3 01''“ ‘''':f*'' :*°:‘°,"*'°d'"'*"" be . cu... giving the mm. trio... *5 r ,1 ” .. t 4-‘ l'°""V"""""°"""""""""'-'pt-t. aad this awash; all over rirtsi....t to ivultoab lt_tintil he was no— I; °P"' " °' mm "W" at-ea. Ciluoredeelared that tllia dldnot . _ H”, Co,mm,, i go oat_ Iooaaaaeaoaa xeooaaao oaao 9 ‘ 2 . _ [0 l 0. me." ‘n ."‘h'_h" “ ,' N W ’ M W aaaoleoaaaaoaaaooaoaaaaoaaa ’ , ‘d b‘. b * u ~ ~ . u h M ' . h ) . 4- . tthuaasa r—ua II! I For years it ad served lltelll II but .1,“ A - A .- u _ Shaw air“ b d" D,,_ . inayhavetheaotora tori l60I'l.bIIl'I FTYOZ "' :' ‘‘'""”". " -o V‘ .“. '“M'7' '5 » in E5.’ 0|’! mt y I ,, mu “.1 my lhev were gonna t0 1"“ one day but the total oi the week mist 0’ TM’ U” ‘ . i‘ U C‘. ' ' E - ii ‘ vi’ to puhlhh . ht.‘ |'il became ttl Ill? .'I(‘ll\IllPI til the tli-t- . i I. ‘X i-asnhl It-Itat. . lvu|....aaaaiagniaaIysottahe.u,m.~_”,,,.,§,,,.,_,,,¢.,... Ht.‘ My Q. h noteaeeedfl. W ’ ' wfii-y’a hurrah anlll_I..lI? ' "ad uh.‘ ‘ht "tuba “ 9.5., at ‘chimed deposits. dividends. and inter- . ""."_:S. 8‘: ;nm';:"':0::’"nu‘f':i' ltl‘ay- has not yet been mnaulted on the .‘u”‘w‘c‘ “c°“D‘ 'L‘y ON Any pnoyooypg ‘ -3 C9‘ ll'l* 3°” 5 ".5. 33.,‘ 3; 1 9.1;” in 3 vida——-per- A'~'°"'dl"I ‘° 3' H“'“;r'l‘°'p("'" rice, and at the aamr time a desire to In cf. _____________ i that: aunt .. ara.sIn-drit var. Isa» : bailout-r and Irv-chi-a -U-t -t tr .,,,. .g.;'.ii, i..ptiui—wIuett -ii h--‘:$'_"'_.“’,‘e_";. '°“""| rid lheezomhtunity at ..:.i..tr:t.i.- ,'....,.i.», Try . Misaourian Want Ad. ; Sleds". in thaiiaaa al traqcsaaaatrailaa V aoresdily atteuptadlry lawless. ___ % ‘uh! .. .5 5“. 9.” '5 ‘"5" ,,g“hou“.d' 0‘ bu." new ya" N’ pri;:::t.p‘i‘hfs::n:':thaa..t:";r:| P tum?" -——— _ ~ _ *' ' H V. ‘M W. ayruti-y-iuanauonis :- -—p-—---' 5' ‘ .,,,.,........;.i....!tson.is.sitiireaotreqaiuatotiotiti. ,, , ,. arm '°P""""""“ 39-1-9 ' p ‘ 3 ‘ha!’ '~ . . .‘ . hm hm.’ the ArIl&. K’! ' _ _ _ T the striker: went out. his ulleretl rni-st. ' ‘m “. I''“._‘.” 1.,“ . ‘M 0"‘ h‘‘*. ‘n ‘. _ piaviaisns ‘M’ An.‘ "bk. ‘E . “nu "a and Il a deposit to unclaimed tor l\It'Il) the pub. ._ . _,w.,_ 7,,” m,,,,,m.d . __m'_°“fl_‘ ., ,;,,.. ' . . ' %d ilh ID‘ lfilulre ol Tana re- . years it is confiscated by the bank. How U I "P I M t . p nor-' an-ti ‘ll; |l‘.O stor- “W "" """""' "“""' " """" . H . t. w ‘M ,_ aorta." ahoald have Pllmedod the we-'.w there has been considerable .¢s- ‘L“""l “”' f ". " U0-,0-'3-¢ '!,_g};"’.__',~'°"‘ "1"-U-"~=*° .,,, ,0 , .., ‘ -' cent .a aeereto ltaalotta o _' . It t ninevru t’ -gnu-rma. un- . t‘ ~~ ' " |\‘F"‘“"h3 ""95" ”'°" '" °°" ' ' “id”: '1“ 0‘ “'3 Ni. disctinirna. Ana-lean soldlera were otit- ‘lllloll to have the national banks con- ”:m_d "nun" _m_ |m_u“h' W ‘h, pm” ‘ ' W B "'3'" into)“ "'1: rfififld 0| MID M383 C“ M 0 P" " u. h. .’i @)b H M’ C II W 3 "H. |.' "V. ‘M " . Po‘... ollt lItillt'r'. Then \s -n lllt‘ -lulu. vial - for men ‘lid Women ‘i ,'r"b:'l“"“"" E”:-";...'""‘ a - _ ‘ g . . . . - - - . I I _ ~ ..A- } [I f - thetropa fl llllld $04 ‘ 1-bu 0 ' - ‘ ° gene deaire~—a inatch Ml", " fin“, “"0 r R‘ , ltlelintlelv lost in tlie nrikers the i‘.lm- filudentll &1"""C"" l Du.hol|—!'u_s Tr-oa . . . .. l "M N 3) ‘ h Ulih lOH‘lI 0‘ “I9 “Pf Rial‘? ‘"3’ dfluod “wk m ‘ A New York bank fN‘fMl)’ |""""'d . l ill)ul.'1"‘ hltirlt ltail lu-t-it lflt‘- 0"“~.'. ' ‘ ' ' ' ' I ' '. l 7* 1.“,-'°‘ Tm. ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' hlemel. t.'lIi¢'h VD lie“ O lltlerlltlolli . ll h the Cl hllfllrd Ber-5 . , _ l’_"‘" " ’ _ _ I ‘ ‘ad. ..¢ (31 |gy—rox ‘tent l 23;; to ,2; 1‘ ' l. n“ ‘"9" a I hi" P!’ 'd"'"''''“''" l“ ‘he """ iced mi tine In strenumi-ls tlurun: the - rm \' 'u Jut-——I ua lrut , . Me and the llhgging of a llolluon vOI- I ‘l Good ham (X lib (ha . ISM t , W’-’3'°"9' '''''l''' 5' "'0' " m‘'‘‘'‘‘ ' . ." , Iin. ' PlP"" -'--ntainitta um 500 W"* °‘ first part in. flllflftl with .. t.-..,~.......-r, . 9 ° "" 0 , M, _" aaaaarataru. 1‘-eon-!a~—~l‘i.: 1 ,3“ J .5 Ahhwh m.‘ en.“ ", ownbdomg 00 5! 3 |3”k"‘l "'‘‘l’ 'h" I” ""'i'~'. V H he lo h 3. people hating unclaimed depot-ltii. divi- itmbod, M“, J gm“. gm” H H". {"8 and ch‘? to oeabauu . . . . . . . .. “,_,-M 1,... , J ‘ I l h J at least a suggealilin an to how I0 llflll "" "'"' :-- .‘ . ' ‘nun "l""‘l“ '"‘l l'"''"'‘‘' Th" "'"' "““'"" striker» liail admiiu--I Ilia! lliv-\ l|.lIl I---it (ampu‘q' (‘at-lP0ntou'a Bo lonely Ne-0-Y’-u Tm‘ * 1 5' ‘b hf...‘ .‘ ‘h. n» t’ iiith aiirforalahtiona. it with he oIt'i"l"' "'6' ""‘”"‘ 3"‘ l""k- ""“"" "l 0‘ I“""""'* tttflflttll 0'" 35°“ and had rtmr altmtl tn |»t‘-W t'"‘t~~-""‘* ._""~"'.“_." ' ' _ ' . ' ' ' ' ' " iii-'iii."§.i..' .'.' ‘"3 - star to .15 "if." '”‘ M . . . ' ‘H W.’ of '..kin' flu. °-|.'i.'b|¢ [.j,.,'.;"" an Allied III!’ Illfllllll through "rflllff I" ‘ll’ ll“ Pubudlfil ll‘ (:"l“'“l’l‘ by in urine Ill-llrl‘ In public -in-nlinio-itl would 2 ""3813 a day per ' Illa *””;3;‘ 1-,,‘ J 3" "I "'”"‘d? ’'‘''“'’''°‘' '° ‘l’ '. ‘D, Una,“-t '5. C"... 1..., V‘. ' l""'| '“" h'"k" "'0 51'" "“ ‘Mn have been turnt-tl tuvuiul them much W lalinn Jaiea‘ loub--To: "rat "'4' . viaible. r ' pp. .\vere ‘about lwelve naraea and their tle- mo", Th". ‘WM gm, .h._,_" ,i,1.m_,,|,,.. ' ' UNDO-"I - - - - - - - A=|'l|n;:.r“a (‘tittuecu an-in § ::3a to 75 . * - » ' so ' _ . - v 0! . . . . . . . .. ..... P ‘t I k 1 ‘M. I‘ ‘lnhrtl lo fl?!‘ I0 Cl|0¢'f "RI! VIC‘ ‘polill Ill'\0lllIll'¢l II Ihfll n‘h“n‘ in . ‘"nh‘ ‘.‘u_‘.. \_ H |__ _—n‘‘_ . ' N’ d “. E‘_'”..'..'_‘. In . 9 * I ltll'l‘u" .. "fir ‘fluid b‘_“'_"_ uh” ;‘ “J‘ J 1”“ ‘""_ 3 8 C". "‘i.. :3? ~ «"';¢'|:I.|"::Ilt.tr.l¢ l» \ l ""”'S""' '°'"-"*""uu"' W Eun-r-wt and Misfit !tt'5"*; '1' tl-roinrh the famous Bnndcnb-tr a-tr-: -NEWS OF THE STATE 9Plr|l‘V ninth-t tl-r i»ul»?i« week’ ' Wk“ """" ""1 u‘i."°lt‘I-":ii.'3't'.’.'.."'i‘5..."' 3' '1" " '75 l". '5'" '""".d ‘ha ..tT"u.h well known for their iII|¢lW'V¢ lIl'l|iflI- than. accordinl Io trauvoflllv obti M" M" ”w‘.. m“ll'M M lumnmmun. Q . ' . ."‘."." J i ;m:“i°.' T. ‘a “' ‘ht ’»‘.'s‘“hn' la trier of that it ia retlarkable to heal’ server\ the thotltlit and the realization The Rev ll: nald C’ Wacleod uh» rt“ :2“ lilemnmllnmin Jtl tn“-Ill‘ W ‘“"l'l‘.'lrl‘ ‘ tart an) hm‘. "5'--“'0' R You Cave No Your llmrt-— l -3-; 10 7| . ' r T ' ' " ‘ ' ‘ ‘e ll ~U Prtt .- .I- .ll\ t-tir 4. '..—g _ , , _ , , H,‘ _ ° *“ - filnnfifl Tu“, *“ hue fink‘ -‘ that the .\inerii-an farmer produces more ol deleat has been lli—-Old growing i °"'""' -"’_l"“"‘_ 'h' p“'°""' "' ("""" lrl in llupr‘ llltl lull: .m‘.... ' lt‘l'|.'d‘ 0 '. {f|:“IO?Ir--*''‘ I"V‘:’:"_"-M-~~ 1 mi’ Than‘ hm . ‘w...’ Pa.‘ ‘Iv. ‘ train P" “P“‘ "'3" 5' lN’°d||t‘t"-l ill -Ill.‘ . lartber— lrutll the Crnllllt mind. Alter P"J“.1"'.n ‘hmrh. llrlm-" nolmrlmm Hm H"'-' l'‘'‘'' I‘'‘‘' ‘”"° ": H" hf’ ("""" 7l9 "ill Slffél rm-taeatra. . ."' 1- 214.‘ to ‘.1 Ilitllla, lllllfl fldlfllfi GER! lit Illllofl M5" ruunwy. ‘u’ H". c.pi“l M . “uh” ‘.M‘ ‘at h.::;IrII..".1l;"i:')1‘lu: tlir} lute tlt.'y¢”Vltlt.,l -.vi. lli..y ;. p'v';t -.~-.m. or ‘ lluuen . «"“" °' "" """"' ""“°" "'4" "" ll 1- th' — I [all lot‘ snltelhin \ m «hum-‘v. It-r \|rl~«t ‘ti-Aim "mm iml “..;‘_" 'f'.W5 t‘.“.“.. .2; (‘all 810. """'.‘.....“""',..' l lav...)-l'a‘:.I'r“v'|t‘.‘."—"'.‘..T"'! 3 "M w '5 “kw ‘hair’ Iv". ti“. (ll riiufle be tlufli nul prmlure to Cut‘ um! "ll 3"‘ 3 3- ~ g g lot-tli-r lteir pr-a .- Jttv -l Ill 4 t ltllll (rs . . . . . . . ., T.‘ "‘” ‘hut “hail t \ ‘L “N "my" ' a a . :0 the acre. htii ltia mat-lisnm is modern. raptuml capital mnholiu-I. at nothing TM _r~,,,_," ‘mm, 0, ,5, mm,‘ M ‘wt’ |8""'v ‘- “- ion.-as-or Trot ’ it .34: lo -5 i» N. ‘u "-ff’. - It i . ' g a Ifkfifl . . . . . . . .- -t&.OO-affltlrd .\Ie-Infill-"‘ J . . . ‘ Tut no that he can larllt more acret, whereas fl“ tltt". dt’lt‘lli Ind ll‘? MN‘-ll “0'W" Oltu l._ Her-ntaii. .II.. was wet aniile when '0'" - » - - - - A ~ - - ' - -‘ mm but " ‘MM b‘ “mu. 0' ‘W in other follnlflfl eapecially in the quences of defeat. . " "" ’'''"'d "m he M‘. M“ I “M " amt; Vocal-OpcrrrricaridCoricerr S‘-~'e-‘Jpn in elloae that route. Thrace was occupied 0" h. M . ' ' ‘ . . uh! I . . phflm, ‘.,,m,.,_,,,,,,, ,5”, M. .,j{. ,....b._..¢ ‘nn ‘H ,._,m,., ,. , ‘fling me ‘m of the Am" “J Tflhy I tent.ut .' 'hain.::'o'.:r:Ii;a;:.c;:::‘. \‘;- it llk ll;e C:-rrnans glilvfllytolllirlo re- p i.m- he lellnl'i'llV' In-t';»ntl.. a t-J-mint‘ pziixet “ :‘;l:‘f:"|l".‘(.)r‘E.'.tnr:‘&l‘.H‘I-'..;.;“-L l‘ . . . ohm uc e , - gar it—ant ac act-or rig . vr never merit at inar Ill evar .a ur my gut. ..i.. o 70- r - A t ,. $0,... 1., 2 M cannot p farther except in direct drii- _ ._ . _ _. . I 0 ° 1 ,3-"M, _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ __ ...t.n. _. . I ' . . . I I N." 0' than "fin ." "I. Am“ pm reds of years ago. ' pnO.aabl¢‘—-II ‘a peace without vii-toI'.V. ""‘."' L‘ "L" '!._ : era should tolerate such action ‘I imultl ~\“‘ ""5 6°" '5' “menu”. firm" “NI. ‘hf “h” .n:. ‘E’ "in 0‘ .m"|d l"" W“ W‘ |'3'~""" * ”' ""' tit-nth?‘ -Hui Wm‘ M the fun‘ mat tun, l‘n l..:lt:l '.. . J 0 I chad’ "64"" H...‘ _.-nu La‘! ('rr.p the gen, tn’;-enlv-eight ‘.00 Ifrh::.'ll|DlflI :0! In ol II I! I victory I 1,’: ,n_",.,w| ' [ ‘O@'l'I'.el:.?‘iI'l‘l:\.'.- in t..II’f i (‘rriaailr-" as II Englislrviriter lerinfll the mf"y_p." "Fa" hm ht " M" hmmuu ‘" ' PR‘. ' i N NOW Slflkl Aljlt. The I uiiklm and l‘~.~rJuiit~ I’:-m-old sivul 4 tl"bllll |N'l;* iuiift Ive s‘fr‘fn?,"".'g? _ _ _ _ _ _ g‘.‘;tain't'.~i..- I-A: t-- H ;,uma is 0 in World War, lulu!‘ llte Ottoman Empire """"““' ""lI"""“'.“”'-'"' I" 'l“' {" ”‘''''‘''fo 5' t‘ '91’! tluttblltll ‘it'll’?! rfditor .llL.uoari'aa: Once more the I.« .ll. lt.m- \toti ».-. n in IN M Ir ll-»--in unbrr.ik.t!-lo- ltttllllJ|il i"'07 ll" ‘ in". ‘ has failed and the vaning rre<- , "'"' h’ “H "uh. h" m” “M: M ‘"3" " ”"h:'d mud‘ '" n"“" ''‘"'u ‘dune’ .""_m_.d 9"“ . Pb” M ind‘ \-.. i« .«- ;: i"~ .i htilliirl. A l to lv?r.nti..'. . . . . . . . . .. ,‘ an be now than let its. ...sI make hi» v - i I tleftl 'l '. lrnost """"‘ "‘ "“""‘ '"""- "' """“"‘~ \.. ..i i. .v.... . ..t t. . , » "ll Hill" 3835'‘ ""“"‘ '" ll‘ l""""" U ' _ _ " m um’ 0 vac" n ' ' ' . L ‘ .\rh, a small lutan hitherto unknown A _ ‘-"';"V"*""""‘°"° yut -v \t-"'1 "-’_ - ' ,.£z.. M . ., n "..d""_ _ "'"‘P‘ “h” " ‘‘"ll- ‘ "‘"3ll| '0 Wllfll ll. Tl’? 03'! "“"'"" n.Ilmflall,\'. llte rilitens, aaatsled ln‘ others ‘ ‘ . . . . I ‘ ‘I l.IaxlI'l';l“l.hIlI}‘r ll I H ' J . . . . _ ‘ ‘_ . M in _b _f i ‘ ,5 .. t.. .. x..... t «ac or W "-' t W "W--*~ -"+5 =. W" :..::?..":'.:..:...‘:;*:;.. .:::L' .t. '7... ° ' ..... »--- . , "mun. on ‘he Ru.“i“ ‘~"5"_md iarinen h'¢‘rhl.I'|tl i-ant-.(fllIon< are an t'¢‘..l"l;I"n(‘:'—-lltf t~h:uv;:isi:. or. less alt. !ru“n' “um” uflkn‘. ‘ummhm ‘mmu xmuk. ” ........ . . . . . .. { u:::.3;.‘;.r.'...".;:-‘ put, l i...t to i.... the ocrtlpallott ol Menel by Lithuania niflmcc °" 'h."‘_'l’".'d".‘l. tlfitre lll ftua ‘ etnertt II t rem‘ l“|'l:"’; \lu.-h i-ulering haa been can-ed by the ‘n.’ Wm‘.-‘V I Dragon .1 Darn: ln \ttu-i.|4- 1 ‘'nd.._." ‘bu ‘at. ‘ht .‘."« M60” "_ know lamina In it artenttlic nay. 'ltt'-rt. .lurr-over, the benefit troti t _uPpo_fli “an”. of me ,."5:,.,,' .-_.‘m. _wWww H . _ . _ _ 'I;l.n'l'l_rr‘ _-‘.3, lt- - ‘ ‘.1?’ :0 ‘M pd Wm” “ um ..“I“_ 0‘ p.pfl,_-. The food probletn In the cmlized amid mthtanu rather than economic. It would iutrtt 0‘ -h-Mar tclimt thr It-ottn I \ u:&.i:.:;T&|r: 7. ‘ I J. It ia uh igapcfiblc that Hungary, atirrr,-.1 ltna alreadr lW‘t‘nIh€ one ol iliatributiott. ""“:L .F'""Cl' V?!‘-ll.“|of'“l ll‘: "V" l"';'*' - ~ L Ania! Inarriuncnral :.."’.__.‘ """.‘ e ' ' ° ' ' § " ." - _ " iPrur'lti r' «t. in the l't Iatiort or ma will lahe '-"W than "' P'°‘'“‘''‘’"' ‘"4 ""“ " "' 1'." J‘ m N ‘.m H": 1;; "'."Z'?.'.'.'.I‘..'.',".'T'.'."“'.' { :."“"‘“..."“’."';" 1 - ... . . - ' . Quaint -« -In ~ ' itiustaami pro-out disturbance in 8"” P-tt due to the vmtrw-vflw 0' "' L: ‘ "“‘ "' ";:""‘ " T‘ ' ' to... .. ..... .. J’ ,. '. ' ~ .3 t\f4-Vi - _ sump, ‘.3 M M "chi. ‘he (“fled the .‘\Ineri-an farmer. who-oe producing‘ 3'‘ t I! l I t¢‘<'¢fl| tlffilhthd :"::"9'llI|IIa' ‘Tour I ‘ ' .' -' ‘aJ cl.» nurse I . uaiiia. t.-not-it oi Trsnirlvaaia. It would III’ "'“'°"""' "°" "“"‘ """"“ "'" ‘”"‘ '"'"’,'.' "';_':|'_" '"" """°" ;"'""'" c ”"-‘ ' " “"" ..........?..m . l .-.....o la L50 ' ' V. on-Pt l .t Q)". ‘o . M.” "h .‘._ lb ll|(‘l'?IQ d population. . It ' Iflh lllll‘ hill}?! (‘I l 5" . ‘ ' ‘ ‘T .,, ._ f\p_.t, l 1 ‘.0’. ‘hr d;..'.b"-en. 0'1“, mun.“ Acflwdin. M 3 hmnml‘ in ‘'“un“- Farm . tie” l:nr .an.|'lt'.hl' h aite 0‘ (a.E'l::.:t‘.‘r':i.arIl_n° l"I""|l'.Ial'O~4 in-vtr ref ‘ .. ‘hf '«.'.f" of |.n D (i N.‘ . raw "[ .aum§u“r.fi“n ufiiP" hot] 4 III!!! ill l am 9. It ; -ADC .I.unut.- tor I|:.3(.‘ft;“i|".'!.|‘ H WW“ L.‘ ‘ :0‘‘”: '2 ' :5 this nation mutt-. it will take the rim ' ' " “"' “""""’- F"’''' B"'"‘' """' " 3‘ I ..'.'.3..’.'.2‘..”"“"' ' ' l . . ‘u '“ ‘Mme? . when you look at thr thermometer and "M V"). f" .0 Mo.co'_ fipmwny ‘inn. hi. ‘nu R.“ M (._A‘‘ ‘ “mg”, :.‘'‘..':i. ‘ _ '.“po::‘; h"i" '° "M'" "Ah"‘ l‘ "‘i‘""‘ 60 ‘k’ tntifli of the intervening territory in pop . h"'".h" ' A ' ' ‘ I " To: ;l’\.\'o|¢- ”;“.Il7-.‘.t.i. . . . ; 23.. lo ’ ainoa, I’ hiflltlfl I - S h d ' “_ ' ¢nt.i:~t-. ._ ,. .. Me.“ I'm”! an .'"_d ‘khan . '0' dhe I‘)'lll‘ll 1. tha|._Vo;)tt;;li*tTt: ulated by ineinbera of the little enten- M.” poPuh,,so"‘,, 5, "m_ . . ‘m’ ' ." ""'‘5'"' “'n " " ‘ " tr." which is generally believed to lie the _ ._V _ .._.--..., __ - aaunnt \'..n‘- ‘J’! M Illtl nflllfill \\3f~ ' M C." ‘ , ~ -.|ig.I.;' I ‘r°'1x'”" - I 3» 5 . " . ‘M '0' 9‘ rrratian 0‘ Frartcf. t t‘uitiuLln.".nrI . . . . .. K-".l"'3|'lh° -~ N ships; noti on tlr tray to-that can at e n b _ "M. _,Mr" AM“: I. _m,_ _ ‘ rive. Recently an linglialt acientiat received Rug” nu) M." pmiflt '0 ‘he won‘? a ‘a "‘.'"""".“ n''''.‘'‘ ’ u":,.',,.':: . F’ ’ ‘ '. "am to -J ' of the world" about the French orrup.a- O f t h'“’"'0"h "1 [ it::~r2'' . . .. . ' lt ivaald be hard to predict the conse- 3 Wtlfll ‘mt! lltt‘ lltmtl -\t‘tttl<°Itt)i fur <‘I'- " n of ‘M Rum and flpcdd‘ ‘bum 0 e Marion nsrriamng % Ilaalaalppl (Mao rim. ’, " N _ - “ - ,' llt t'I,itIie-altcnlir . O a-5'.‘ . ’ qtsencea if this pllale ol the European culatiitg that the earth has l|t'a.r-aliaped funh" '_-Rm.“ ingpmioga as mgartl-t to . , , . II:.ttJ:ln:l:r'ra.“ an “A.'wumh_m" “H | _ 1‘ “tango. [grunt dewbp‘ [u], '3, fly ltltl ".lI‘lIlltl has on llte lop til Il..wlu? (;"m.ny. Tb’ Ru“i.l“ ‘av. "mums M \'l2.l.n:::;c;-u_:;nori{ 5"?!‘ ‘ L°",“.°:]__ ‘ I 2,300 to .'..‘l thy‘ “ma” of “.9 cteflbn “Q 1,’. would he have to decide lo gel 5 Hill: ol . . . ‘ A Ilale (June! . . . . .. . '‘’"' “""' “"‘ "' t . _ ~ . ., 0 no afraid. liapoloans march toward (‘hoelea Iart and . gm: i‘ b . 0‘ W‘ auapot. V I A h ‘I:l!o!tll‘!'ls'aI.a;l‘t-nor W IXXHIIIII ‘OX . . . . .. ] um‘ '0 he’ “I . powflfu‘ I I b‘__ t‘ at” ‘u’ °''‘‘&d “ Balm’ "M ' _ -;e A ~-———-———— ————~~ . ‘m,“;..,.;:d 235,- to 1. I \ Pr-rhapa it vaa the Coue theorv that er French inarch upon the reestablished ' 1'-"'9"""""T°"t-' °""'_"7 '5' "“ -‘V-"" 7'" I .‘."'n he’ ..d ‘'‘'h "R! Th’ inqirod the V jug who got Q lmiabgnd llllflsllfi lid III avoidance Oi Ill! ‘.‘B.’“.m“V 1 H U 9 gnverniaetit at John is undoubtedly . ' _ . - p _ , . . ' b llh Whenli de- ahrsnaded thel. ll. ......... .. ............ ..... .33;-;;g,;.'=~ ' -‘ ';;° . M ,;;;;;;:_, _;';' ,_::_::,i The Place Where . Taylor Music Co. ha “b ‘be ic_-l m. at was we aup'poae say . 0|!-‘II . P I __ _ "'°"5'° P'°l'°" "' "'9 “"'P"'“ Berlin liaybt-eacuaable.il not jiaatifiable. . "amt " n u "H mM.m' T". "93"" ‘'°°d°'' ‘’ "“"“"“ b" "“‘ 5" 2.. a real. verloitt only a" toitvorari‘. hey ltfa the attppon of the Soviet Rrvub-. Louis judge who rose from his bed to try ‘ML d . M‘ niuufiflm ‘inn’ Md“ I C . . _,,u,_ r '59- a Iaan for driving forty-fire inilea an nah" " ‘Mud ‘ml ponibmfia am . ‘ p M" M ‘h’ u-‘ti.’ lb. mouiim nofln’ h°'"" my :ven overshadow the late European a a tut ol the French liivaaion is betotaing ' 4’ Vm.mophc. . . . Neithertlta Cerlaan 1.. f .,,,,.,..,, Mb ,5, ,:;',‘,... WHAT OTHERS SAY on Red Ring Feed is rather a hard as O - O "9 ibj‘ ,. \ '. noaaeeaaattiiatiaeaaeotmtia Eu-r-‘I-d. ""'°"°"""""”""’"" W" "'7 . " . /\ ' T t . _ """""""""""" As a sentimental affair. a march upon - ' L__________«- .- ‘ tori Ivar ‘laua would not retnain ' - The estate of M. Delphin lladne. who lotion is than thwfriendtv. Need. a rm. Sr. Loin‘: Pol! niipmi. ‘lived ia Paris. goes to iaoo it-gum. ' o 3°!’ mt “" ~,..,n,|,_. .15.,“ ,4 '|'.,§,, ,5“ 3’. 9.... hlahlng ‘en Still .Dead|ler. The fim but,‘ 0‘ mm mm ‘M ‘:5 ’ You gee. we're so enthusiastic erialarny, Rf! Iih ‘Ia iUalIQIabl¢:d.‘;."in°:. T "mn'(;‘;m:'::: ‘M at an auction aale htld recently at N. 8b0l.lt ll. that we're afraid Ol.ll' . _ , ,'*.*".t .. . - will read rit t t- tr- 2""'.......".."“........"‘..“..'I'..."‘*. Z'.'1‘..'i'..-‘.‘£ °.::.‘!.':‘°.‘..:.'.:".'.'. ".:';.‘.......' “"'°:'.: “:;.:.’"'.'.‘.’.' ..I'..‘.. .. ...... You are welcome at all hours. Ar- * 313? :3. or -on-ia°t.‘.'..°‘.‘..t’.’é.."'i’...‘. h I ' ‘rm. ground, first, that it constitutes a threat titrlr Nah" than in my other countrri 5 I’ ‘o ' to the_iaale portion oi the"coaiinun'ity. and in the t'0tld- ‘ r-.-...—-.-...«.««.»..---. ......., .... .. .. .............. .....~. .,.,,_, ,,,,,,,,,,, _, ,,., range to ship us your cream. ...§: .1"--}":;'€..%°{t“.‘l..‘§,‘:%i :23? I coiahtsnt set tltviarld aflanie. cl-'ry.;lra;l|'.v'_rnot:ah'.': iVlt°do:'°' hl'::""lm‘:l .IppcIt'l't[ at the rate ol two hundrt-d , ' ' cars. You!’ phone Will bring it to r The Allied pt-an have their hands full gm‘: rm: ‘om rb:i'iIm om“ wk _.m,. five years. . _ v your door in double quick time. '0'. Iaffiintcata J cirfliaatiaa and "C ‘dew d._m'.mh i. "m"h" “'7 5,. -- 5am Fine. IM years old. is probably Q Phone tiliristisnity densndsr that drastic action taught to shoot straighter. but that some '5" 0”?“ "“"'“ '5" l'" "W "fiififll lzetakentoiaap oitrany iaorcatent that ”"-‘°‘ 5' """"l '” "““‘ m“ '"" m ' mu‘) mu" ' p I ‘h 5 “h “M occasionally. Eve-cr I-tr tame: -‘ho’ Dr. Asa B. Davis oi the Lyaaaln ll0O- . ; . ' I ""3. ' 'i‘“:P°"';":" hli":.'?"fi'Y 001;’ °r‘f"'l" pital, New York. Days that human legs - _ ti ng.t ag tiat-aas.to iaiitiiaate . ‘he, - u -5,". —-———~ ‘ on .. ..... .. _ G Ca-EI.EVA‘l'OR (:0. The ponhaathfi aapprta icll-by‘,g,,m,“ Pi-tom: E) \ . . . . C C ' ':.:°.-::_:.... ....':.....'°.:.‘.....; ....... .. ....... .. we no an «one up mm . 1 e a any Co. a \ i, N T l. -I .v. \ '.l.'fi "_ i’ "' ‘_-EL’. mc“‘1¢ -0. ‘[3]’ we as saly eaachida that the ahllliolr "' ‘H’ "’ ""' "‘l"'“‘- ahedth tlt' baa"endcd Pl'.WlliaP o . ' 0.... .. -....... t...-_.... i... ..._;_ _'w~.i_ _.;_.we..1.;.mT gt; womjmg ,,:jr,'...,‘.Y.'.';," ..I..’‘‘'..'., Cor. South 8th and Locust aorudtolaphhaalpablttlavt.Nobhaaanereaaon*‘ald'h¢ilityiaitilit_,",.,,,,,.,.“ ‘m‘o*'_'N_L , .¢ii|a pravdlail is llarriaaa. Ant. ui....~;...':.,o-ad’ M w in “’|"""m __f; Dr. Karl Kenn:-ll. head at tfilkeghy. ~”~‘¢'h&9jhI.‘lI0IllilII'@4H‘ItI¢IQI[ein'I. °""°A.'"°""""k""""'|" . I _______.___ war. ‘ll be decorated with ll d‘ t ‘ i. ‘e .... ' ‘ o» .. ........_.. .4.‘ _ G —