' s . . , - F 0‘ - n T a ‘i #0. ‘s ‘ - News of Coltmibta Society t--- s on. ; _ 3 , » . &s I. Band of Iowa. -- ‘rsor.anaas.aaaasort rt-so-as ous'r.u.syI-H """', can nrromat. rant-r I-r-I hid-fir!‘-s Has he the toll": - ..san.s.r.nau—ss.sstt-s:s.ssrtya.tr.tmsts.I|--I-tl no sum was ctss-sssswssssstsutssatssssts Heb-will -tls-I-I-I Ssrlsss. Jo...’ raamsratsantyvttc s.'ot..a.s-ssyattusssstsssssrst‘ll-sussta-tt-r.t:ds-Ins-etc» .-n...-was-I-t-=9-‘“"°°<'nr...tyt-stta-nssstula. I-H--save-4-I-II-sssotlts-s Jud" were ds:rdmsd with plnk'l35tY. Ms. ‘-,....us. 11- follovl-0 °""i‘u‘°”;'who s-taut rt» its and bsstssa wesezl Alvis Kssss Poi. as--u Inter-im. ‘guts: yr... M g....|_ 11.; C“. .tesssstalnsd Sutlsy evening with a din- Ayss Chi 0I|'fl= -"""" ”""“°' hine, Its. Samuel Issues, In. It.%.II¢rInv It the Daniel Issue Tenn is 3" —g..a, lass ll-.-49 5<"'"t- F“"""" Mohl, Mrs. James ' Miss Helsa I--soul Put. than V. Watkins 0-0 “,..,fi:'uVaa:r‘i.nk.13_l£':i::"Berlr's.:[§.,._...,,y,n. A... isoaasuusunwusrfi ‘ jheth cl". " v -———— trarioo. About members atten i gfi Futon. Johan! l-nu La e and Flor- ‘HOUSE PRESIDENTS MEET ‘ .....__._. _ . ; ._.__ 0-um _ ,tr COLONIAL rat sitar ‘The Dana Prom Club held formal'tnt- u - '5 Dd“ Tltesa guests will be: Mrs. The presidents of aorotitygtiatton Sunday light for the folhawtngz W Smith. Mrs. Jstaes H. Price, Jt.. houses and rooming houses. will enter- I Walter E. Mclride of Kansas City, Har- .,' ‘be. A", Mgude Bryant, Ruth Belch- rain with a dinner. at 6 o'clock this evfiold Crane of Bssworth, Mo. Stuart B. 1. db ses 1, 9 lssit . Phi Gamma Delta’: Misses . ~ Sumner and Bertha Yates \largnrv-I Hale. . Belle Kirkbridc Fr-ml Starh, [gay Bernard, Mabelle Allton and John gie Miller of Kansas lity. Phi Kappa P-it ' ",d_ )1}... Dorothy Turner and Miss 5"-Icy W lch ‘ 0 Mrs. Flora "ood- srsrnsys soimim‘ tits in rcu I‘4RTl’ It's lllllp tune pgch was the impression Dutch party given by the kappa W gogogity of Stephens Ctyllcgn in t left allege gymnasium last night. The mem- bers wore blue and white costumes and ' the dc-mrttisns helped '0 vortrsy I Hol- land scene. Around walls were the painted windmills and front the sides to 35, «met was a festoott of blue and glut: paper streamers. Tupils were elab- orgts-ly worhed in along the sides of lhf ”.ugnltu||_ In the center among palms and tulip boxes in I Ill" 0" "Fl? ll" luth tgee were initiated the orchestra. one end was erected Pauline Brssnoclt, Mabel Ruth Ban- ening, ai the Colonial Tea and Gift Aileen Hutton. Betty Paston, Fraty- Shop, preai SL of this orgasimtion, will preside at the Miss Frances Pet table. The speakers will be: Dean Eva Masinesjohnston. Dr. A. H. R. Falrchlld and Margaret Neville. Msrtlu Miss Mary Hank. Eighty guests are; Kityaella, Marion expected, ' .s‘l'RPRIS£ mm; uoyotts R. r.'u1c.4s Mrs. R. E. Lucas entertained with a- 'surprise dlntter party Sunday in honor of 4 the birthdayvgol her hudand. A four course dinner was served g gindmill fraternity of the University. At the table with Mr. ‘Lucas were: P.‘ F. Anderson. I. E. Stephenson. B. W. Lucas, W. C, Knight. E. R. (itllders. B. D. Gauntlctt. B. C. Clark. W. L. Nelson in llolland.- At least and B. C. Hunt. by the‘ . Dc". KIVANIS CLUB CU LS he .4.‘\"VIl’€R5ARY DINNER The_Kiwanis Club will entertain at 6:15 b'cloch tonigll at the Chimney (‘orner with dinner. celebrating the eighth anniversary of the club. Leonard A. Parr of Kansas City, field representative of the Missouri-Kansas district of the club. will speak. Forty reservations have been made. Miss Mary Webster and Miss Elias- ‘ Alpha Ix-ta Pi, honorary romance “,0... .,j..,.j, "neg ". ...n..t_ At the evening at the Daniel Boone Tavern. A “he, ",1 7’. . boon; deco.-gjgd gm. banquet was held following the initia- willows and lattice work for the patron- (XI M. tsl'l dean of women. the faculty. and the f lowing patronesacs ‘I’. and J. Hetzler Illd ni‘h' go xycggl dgyg h lh. present included President J. Those Iiood. Miss Haael W ittnsn, the sor- ty sponaor,_ Miss Suaa .Mt-ndenhall. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. (I. M.Sneed LADIES‘ DAY Llr'.\'(.‘HEO.\' AT COUNTRY CLUB Mrs. John Belcber, Mrs. C. (L. Bow- fig, Mrs. Frank Dearing and Mrs. Turn- él Ladiu' Day luncheon and . mefisuatry Club. A-Ills Dorsey of -Vssllvillst ills entertain! the following guests at din- wasthshsaorguestof Mrs. C. B. Doe II!» “3 C°"9l¢' |'f|Wt'- 1‘? Olltfl Tea and Gift Shop: . _Profcssor Crippen of the romance language department of the University’ of Denver, one of the charter members of Alpha chapter of the fraternity. who has jun returned from a trip to Spain- o|_ and Italy, was a guest. Miss Ardenia Gtapman arrived last er mother. Mrs, C. A. Chapman at Stephens College. Miss Chapman is enroute to New York when she will enter Columbia lniversity to complete the work on her M. A. degree. She is a graduate of the sauna sorority. ' Dr. ‘Tlliam L. Cillmor of Kansas (Lity ‘ ner yesterday evening, at the Colonial Miss Carol Gilltnor. an-I-were: Mn .\|-rs-rel Cl--berl-in. Miss Dorothy cannon and Miss Doro Mn 0-car Newman. Min l-um lens thy (tops. Doctor Cillmor, who has been ary. Mrs. J. C. Jones, Mrs. L. C. Ct-een visiting his daufluer, (hrol, at the Delta and Miss Pearle Mitchell. . Mrs. C. C. Bowling entertained as her guests: Mrs. J. M. Garth. Mn Horace $¢'th. Mrs. M. R. Lipscomb. Jr.. and Mrs. Frank B. Rollins. Mrs. E. ‘H, Guitar Alas hostess to Mrs. °""' James Gordon. Mrs. H. l. Bragg. Mrs. ttas. ARMII. T'.~Tt'_1Tr."iR;.tI.\.S UITIFBRIDCE PARTY Mrs. Anna Artnil entertained at 2:30 fiche! this afternoon. with a bridge party, at the home of her dauglner, Mrs. JIQI Candle, 500 South "illiant street. 0 Transll, Mrs. ‘J.- I' L. Dorgan. Mrs. G. I’. P. DIV“. Mrs. "illicit! ‘Lyssa. Mrs. (, C. Hammond. Mrs. Sydney E P. llallford, Mrs. Row- rs. Ella Spurliag. Mrs. J. H. Lightner, Mrs. R. M. Bandy, Mm- daia ‘hitlow, Mrs. Mamie Turner Rob- erts and Mrs. S. M. Jordan. ———»—.p:. Mlfl Helen Morris of Carrolton. who ‘II the guest of Miss Lurn Lewh. Du- ltss apartments left for her home Sun- day. Miss Morris attended the Fulton- Fiturlwr wedding Saturday evening. She is a former student of the lntversity, and afterwards. attended Vassar College with Mic (Lotton. NOTICE! Flountryasack and - vincedtbatitisthehesttloor far fuily baking that you have over med. Wsguaranteeittsbatbs squal or bent tbs any flou i 1 Cantata house, returned to his home in Kansas City last night. The Round Table entertained at noon today at Harris’ with its weekly lunch- \cacia fraternity held formal initia- nm “"' S‘ (‘R lI0t| for Doughs W. A. Haynes, Shirl- ‘ ohhab. '0" hon...‘ ‘uh, “ an ‘ l niversity and is a member of the Delta "1 ~ I .| C ;Sutith of Fort Dodge. ls. mtl Earl F. is deflfNewntaIt of Strflford. . Mr. and Mrs. Staabope Bryant, Jr., _of Winston-Salem. N. C.. arrived Sunday n - a .on January 13. Miss Sarah Qeenbergen. Mrs. William E. Stone of Florence. Kan., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I’. ll. Stone, l3l0 Row-mary lane, left this morning for Boonville, where ‘ turning to _.’her home. Mrs. F. C. Jonah of St. Louis. who has been the gtnrst of Mrs. Linda R. Meysenburg, at the Alpha Delta Pi house, returned this afternoon to her home. Mrs. ‘I K, Roth of St. Louis, wfll be a guest until Friday. Miss Norioe Dorgan entertained at lunch, today. at the Brsadtaore Inn. hoa- oring Mrs. Linda Meysenburg. and her guests, Mrs. W. K. Roth and Mrs. F. L}, Jonah of St. Louis. Miss Sarah Lockwood and Mrs. S. T. Simpson wfll entertain the members of the Chi Onnga sorority {Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Shpsoa, IDS Cillege IVCBIIC. Dinner guests at the Dana Press Club; Sunday were: Miss Beulah De-Honey. Mrs. C. F. .\lc\‘ey, Mrs. J. T. Johnson of Mellco and Warren Kingshury of Boonvillt‘. Mrs. S. C, Burnatte of Katrina City. Kan.. Claudia. of Stephens (.0 e were dinner guests at the (‘nlonia Tea and Gift Shop yesterday evening, Sunday dinner guests at the Alpha (iantma Rho hour were: Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Ritchie. Prof. and Mrs. T. J. Tal- bert, and Prof. and Mrs. W. C. Ether- ge. Mrs. S. (T. Hunt left Sunday for Sednlia it attend a U. [1 C. "there she will go to Kalnfl City to ‘spend several days before returning home. Miss Helen Cnve of Mexico, Mo.. a former student in the University, will arrive in (laluIbia' Wednesday to visit at the Kappa Capps Gamma house. Mrs. Mary Yeager Woodward and her guest. Mrs. Lorena M’. Lunsden of Paonia. Colo. were dinner guests at the Sigma Chi house yesterday evening. Mrs. Krthur Newman entertained this afternoon with two tables of bridge. To- NING TDESDAY JANUARY 23 1923 party sfthrsejtaliss. Miss Flovsnce Psteet. chspersn at the PH Gamma Delta home, returned Sun- ‘day nigh. Miss Potoet has been away l . l I l she will visit for several days before re- p i l t i y I 1 l is the best combination l-1..r.is"sai;:“ i EAT B\ THE ‘ FlREl’l.A(lE J is » .. 4 l 3 t C l since the middle of December. Miss Sarah Lucille Turner. member of the State legislature, who spent part of lad week in Columbia. has returned to Jefferson City. Dr. Herbert (Jongdos of New York City and Dr. Ellswortl. Moody‘ of Joplin are house guests at the Dana Press ub. Mrs, J. T. Jolt-hs.o.ttTofTMesico. who has been the guest of Mrs. (L F. Mc\r.\. re- turned to her home Sunday. Judge and Mrs. H. A. Collier went to Jefferson City yesterday. nts'rntnf?toN or scttoot. rtmos ur B8!-‘ORB nous Bill-—‘l‘o Be Followed by More Intensive One. Dy a Stat] farrrtpoadost. Jtrrtawtys (itrv. Jan. 23.~—-Represeryta- tivc H. O. Masey of Butler has intru- ducas a bill in the Home, which pro- vides for a distribution of the public school fund by the state superintendent of schools. Representative (it-orge H. Miller in- troduced a bill which authorises the county courts, having special road dis- tricts. to reduce the special tax assess- ment whenever it is found that the as- ’ sesstaent is excessive and all of it t.- not required. Representatives J. H. Russell and Lew. is ll, Bell introduced a bill which auth- ofiaes the school districts to furnish free tuition for the children therein. having high school qualifications. lo some pub- lic high achool. and provides state aid for such district that furnishes free tui- tion. This bill is not as complete nor as extensive as the one which will be in- . troduced by Representative 0. B. "hit- aher within the next day or two. . en bills were engrossed in the House yesterday. K. C. Alumnae Elects Olicers. The Lniversity of Missouri alumnae in Kansas City elected the following oRi- cers on January I3: President. (Ihorn; vice-president. Mrs. (Luy Head (Mabel Hurstl: secretary treasurcr. Lucille Meinbofler. T? Jaclt's Plate Lunch Jack’s Shack F 205 South Ninth of Butler lntrodaces 284. Mary ' V’. , and - ._.._..._.__.’.. 1...- and Wool-filled Catnel’s Hair Skirts effects are presented too. Other Skirts of Prunellas at . . . . . . Crepes ‘. . .5935 7L T The vogue for (.amel'.- Hm H "M." '‘"”H ‘fuwrt any lvlflll ,4 skins is to lie accepted strongly ‘ “(Mr M Bmmi. in spring. ll:-re you have an op- way )0Il'll Hulk" | * the res _ smart ‘ pnrtuntty to purchase excellent I l women wearing l H‘ hand-tailored straight lmr mod- . "[>‘.,;.3.-r.m.-.r.,r" ll t-is at in remarkable saying. Mgny mmb‘ l" "' J" in y , I "I I creetly silent way. liL.._ -_,. ‘uh mwrh‘ "npbi Ind ' i There t.~rt'l any |‘.§|‘.|y.od of us being forgotten for its Fan shapc shell comb with metallic lace forgetrne-not as a deco- rative center and French ftlagree and thine-Ionn on the border. In short. they're quite on? of the bright- 9.; of npging crslnl) I-dean. $3.98 to $9.95 ‘Ewdl Faeandlay Fon,oISt,L.¢1g, were Ilnd in the University yesterday. ,Mr. Fee hasbssa transferred from Wash- lllton Univuaity by the United States \etersns' Bureau to the collegiate agri. culture course here. Mr. Fox with study a noncollegiate course. These two men brings the enrollment of vocational stu- dents nt 272 students. Miss Nichols Injured Yesterday. The buggy in which Etha Browning and Lorraine Nichols of Nasltyille were riding yesterday upset when the hon; , ' uncontrollable. Miss Nichols was injured but Vlisa Bruwnitg was not hurt. _.._.—_—~—.. --_ t.‘ASOLlNE LAMPS 77th LAN- runs . We sell the genuine Coleman Gasoline Lamp and lantern. "The jsuttsblne of the Night." Safe, ef- 3 flcient, economical. Newman Bard- .ware 904 Broadway. Phone ‘ adv Medium Brown Hair looks best of all after a Golden Clint shampoo. adv. ti 1 POLITICAL AN.V0l5.\'CEhtF.NTS ’ CITY MARSHAL , The (ioluntbia Evening Missourian is lauthorired to announce E. S. Rowland as icandldate for rt--election to the office of ,t'ily ttmr-ltal. \ul)|f(‘l to the Jtlmll of llltr Democratic primary. 'lucsd.'ty, Fvb. 20. | CITY ATTOR.\'li\' The (folumbia Evening Misoourian is {authorized to announce Paul M. l’etrr- yu-on as candidate for the office of (‘ll\ Iattorney, subject to the action of the lletnoctatic primary. Tuesday, Feb. 20. , The Columbia Evening Missourian is !authorized to announce W. M. Dinwiddie as a candidate for re-election to the of- i 1 Frocks in all shad Regular $2.50 $1.98 Sport Coats Combining styles and materials in latest c ors, priced from . . . _ . . . . . ' Distinctive in their design and Priced from . Ngv/Silk Taffeta es. quality 1%“. mswawdtssnssn Mralfewmnawilhvel 21! Vocational ltadsata In I. U. ‘flea of city attsrnsy. ‘subject to the“ action of th -to. res up. 'l1se Cslamlda Evening Missourian is‘ primary. Tues- authorised to announce Howard F. Maiorl as a candidate for tlm nice of city at? torney. subject to the action of the Dem- ocratic primary, Tuesday. Feb. 1). CITY TREASL'REll The Columbia Evaning Missourian is authorised to announce Sara A. Hall as a candidate for re-election to the olca of city reasurer. subject to the action of the Democratic primary, Tuesday, Feb. 3). CITY ASSESSOR. The Columbia Evening Missourian is atlhoriaed to announce J. ll. Barnett as a candidate for re-election lo the office of city QOPIQN. st.|l)jt~t‘l to the action of the Democratic pnntary, Tuesday, Feb. N. (‘ITY COLLECTOR The (lolumlna Evening .\ltss.ourtsn is authorized to announce W. B. Palmer a- a candidate for the ofitcr of city col- lector. subject to the action of the Dem» ocrattc primary. Tuesday. February 20. The Columbia Evening Missourian ls authorird to announce A. if Slate as candidate for the office of city collect- or. subject to the action of the Demo. cratic primary, Tuesday. February 20. The Columbia Evening ‘ltflljflln is authorized to announce. J. I. sapp .. .. flflflldllt lot ft‘-t'l¢(‘lItitI lat lllt- Ullllt‘ of city collector, subject to lltr .trIun. of the Democratic primary, Tursdgt, lab ‘.50. . AYUR The Columbia liventng .\ln-ounan t~ authorized to Inl|0tltlt‘t' llr Jflfncs (, don as a candidate for re-rim rum to tltc Offlfr of mayor, subject to the action of the Democratic primal’), Tuesday, Ft-ll ruarv 20. T l« Iahhgtaa Paraahlsa for Sale It-you Carter. Y. I. C. A. You Can’! See 7 the Show There But if you want to lmo\.who attended with you why after- ward just drop into Columbia's home of joy and good things and join the happy crowd. who discuss the merits of the play while enjoying one of our foun- tain masterpieces or some of the hot savory chill, sand- wiches or coffee. Jimmie’s College Inn Goldman-Bamford Co. Presents for Your Approval Fashions Latest Creations Spring Apparel 1 00 New Featuring the newest materials and late-.~*t..~'t;,'lc.~' priced from ‘.’T’.“.“"7°.’.“.‘?‘.‘f’.": $2975 to $75-00 SPRING MILLINERY PORTRAYING $1475 to 550°” 9” $19’? to 550°” .......s Goldman-Bamford Co. 1 Mallinsotts Pumy Willow in all colors. Regular $3.95, at . 32.98 .4 rule! via the Katy starts the season "°""' Christi. and For a Merry Valentine. noth- ing can add a touch of N335“ ness to aIse's late wtlflfl’ 00' tons more adroitly than anew Hat—-and a Spring lit: Charmin are the rscsnt ur- rivala. Gay and bid! 533%’ tailored and dlsas shpss ID satidy every Mlllillfl "s are very special at t& Eh price. I A Recent Tourist —lnto nechwear is the Paisley Ban tlsas. of only win!- ad silk or the Dean- ville scarf of net the Texas, you'll at pleasure. Texas-- this Winter In San Antonio. Galveston or C0 each day some new. deliglttful surprise in the outdoor freedom of sunny skies. Golf—motoring-—hunting-—fislting; no need of a single idle h . Reduced Fare Tickets on sale daily. put the trip within reach of all; long limit. my 31¢ l923—st0t>-0”"! far larcaherthasranytlid rpus along the Gulf Coast of forget the calendar and find O11!’ Which way to _ Kansas City? ~ The Wahaah of cottrse—witlt its splendid equipment, good meals and courteous cntployes. Askyottr'l'lchetAg¢tfss-travslinfortsatisa srwrlte ll.l.'atts.Pams¢Tr1MoQIls5t.Lsds. J.$.Ichn-.Div.PsassagstAUlI.Mshssly.Ms.