1-; 1- ' - . cuss... use In tort-no Chr 3 I; Gnllmn, who In haul in Cslnn-. ' W’ Bfimtri fm.’ fhfn " . I of W .I,_iq tmlutlrol |l'| ll it rerun." I l I I I “ 'i.“ “t did,‘ 'M” are iralli all |'fi- ‘ A‘ by » , _ jfih j th Csntsn- I‘ 1. w;.‘.“._ and «Inn «.u«a- of .33 ' r . , _ _ _sistItsv-is-i In lb 9*“ °"""-3 Ed. Marshall. a student in the l?niver- mi... ....._i 1..., '3.” . fl. VQ ‘lhsisvirs ehsau wave: .5.” mm m Kn.“ cm why ,0 ,p,.,,,i “Wk H‘ J .‘ mm at ‘ "° Pi'dbd.l‘sIséadI;'|'_5'>lI*0|“¢fl-u,,..,g....|,_ i , F.” ,_ , ._ hf‘; aaesuarr: PM D‘, Du‘, A. "aha"! 5, confined “,7 most «lmu ll... .iid IIIOII’. I 515-9‘: lists house. 1509 East laoadwai. with In‘ l“""“ "' "‘”“ """'" i MB. N W W '.. B‘ ‘Va’ a {db ll."'lIl"" vl —r.i'?ii~r,|_ : 0 : ‘Q w h M Y H C’? "II. A. Utll to Mexico, llIllHlt"Il -.. '0 lwmtth. i " ‘W’ r— "?"‘° ’*..':.‘‘'.°.'‘'.r........l .. .. .. .......*-~ '“' ':"':."'..:.° ;°;.'.:'“*° “'1; -l ~ * '. . . ' ' . urc School BO MI‘ SW?!’ as af flflisnhsrs. saldhtlisi the : ‘I cc...“ ' mu ’ mix 'I:” l» 1’ ‘I‘v lull _ ' iasaso-I--I-I-I °--3-=4" ’ M E liobaaheesil-_ ‘ ""“ “" - Mmy'gre"“iP the h l l-I¢5=I=Iu- The EvsIsIl*¢"llaami7n lick 'E'."nZ'. of (Tolull§'aT‘t:c l"L""" """"“‘ ,‘l'''» . b . . I v'.l\l'- \t'r\ ~- ‘uh’! \ _ :l?titlP"P0¢"'i‘ ‘E id" ‘at be to her home in Kansas Cit? Yes-, ‘Mn “ ‘fly ‘ed.’ "dared ,‘_”:;:,"‘l?£_H hum“ ‘.- ' ' E. 0. Khtt and daughter, Miss Minnie lmcfl‘ 3' "" . ' . insn birth. I «A ..‘$’ ‘ ‘b ‘u. u ‘b ‘kfifl “'9 5" E''°’"“l 05*“ '” ”''KKlatt. who have been living in Colum- - talilishsd BL Ila since August. left this morning for ‘S. laiuis where they will live for several ths Thousands of Yards ]of Clean, ‘Crisp Remnants W‘ Be Sold to Eager Buyers at Only a Fraction of-Their‘ Actual Value! - This‘ is tlu of thrifty women in this county have uggis Ifrill liefmnfi tin? yiairds aind all will ll): to been waiting and watching for, because they know it is an aii- “ ‘ "‘“°" ° 3' P “- "l°"°3‘ ‘ll 5* ~ iiual eves! Htli us, and also an annual signal for them to save °"5wd° “nub” 13%‘; '° ‘data y'l""i if” ‘m3 "°,'."‘l 3'5 many dollars on standard iiigii quality yard goods. All rern- i'd";,,,°}f,?m,,d,, ,,,""'°'“' -“’“' " ""° “' , , g ouses, skirts, underwear, house d . mints are accumulation from rerulsr sellmx duru-r the out school dresses, table cloths, towels, and everything that is It season,antlalsoendsof;baflstoasbort for regular stock. goods. Mrs. L. B. Garrard, who has bun visit- lag at the limo: of J. C Csrmd. our Mcflaine, left for her home at Norwood ' ‘this morning. 8. IL Wear of (hilumbia left yestcfllli niornlng for Moberly on ii business trip.’ Paul "hie of New Franlilin was here ' on business toda . H. H. Bender, of Windsor. left for‘ ' fl‘ borne this morning ftilltiwtnfi I fewl in. the incidcntalifund and furnish incl """" """ '”"' '° 'n"°'° '3: ::e‘; ti.-N -here he mended , all its missus. for all lb pupils in is: .';""‘“ "'|""""""""' . afbola of said district. A X-. "L _______ Pearl Mosley of Fulton was in Colum- jority vote of those voting upon this pl!)-l3D[}(_“‘|"]0flA|, I-‘ILHS ARRIVE bin Weilnewlav. .She left for .lt‘ffl‘I'Ion. ',,,.mo,. .5." [,9 guficii,-in |o decide the, "._ City where she will work on the State » , duution In the event the lnadenIl‘3°;_¢':-“NU 8%.’... 0' Min”. Highway Department. fund is not saicieiu to supply all the ' - . _ d I rpm] ,\|¢(,.-., who has been sprint books during the first year, then ti; 'h:hl"¥ "":""|v ':.":'::: llll a few weeks in (Lolumliia since his . . hull‘ hall l7 III!’ ~ N". . . _ . f De , col» ‘tfli .8! ' ° ' . s —. M, ,;,,,_,. ;‘;";,_,;;, ,, ,_:""'..,., .,,,.... ..... .. ........ .----« mm E§.'.“.'.'.'.. §'.'.'.'.‘.... ."..'.'.',, ' "" " _ Eight Days of Remnant Bargains Beginning Friday, February 2 and Lastin sinnlus with the lowest wide and shall "°"' "'['l,‘ """" §"j;’hc”“gf:f “:"“""f_:;' Mrs. R. L llaley of Wcstmimter, s. ~ , furnish in. textbooks to all the pupil. W -"- ’ (2.. .i.. i... been visiting her .l.o.i...-.. Una] Saturday, February 1()_ Mrs. Henry Hill of Columbia, lc-fl yvw , The ’ ' " ' eels- “The Story of of all the elementary grades within . 0"""'I- ,',".""" ' ' , , Prriod of thrift Years from the date of ::"°"""' "' fm" '"''h' ‘The Sm” terday for .\tlanta. (La. . . ' Remnants! S. E . 8 from plece ' ' the sdiool tneetilll at which it was de "''-'y. F'“._V'm" Muhm"y'" “T I). ll. llaly left today for “|t'llll.l. K.in- ' - four reels and The Story of the Auto tldfd to ftlfltlllt ff?!’ Ifllhoilhi. -‘obi!’ ,. “V? "wk flag‘ in Iran-ferrng from [hp |i-lepliiiiie Beach '”""' """ "' "" "'“"'"" "' "'° ‘°"°°'-" ln t't‘aard i.. the last Picture 1 v .4‘!-"""‘"' i" "W “"-"'1" l'""" W" Meaaaltne 'nlngs Canibriui ' Nainsuoks Sheetiittrs ‘“"""'- "“' ""'" "' '""‘l"""l "l°',°" tnlmi-i head or the visual etlucdtiiin WP" ‘¥"- l''-'*' '" "W "‘ ‘i'“""‘- Satlns . fflsb Table Linen Towelfng Crashes Long Cloth Ginghams - ii’ hool ' ‘ ' - 1 - - » - . . t.ft:l"I'l"!lh: slllb|prulwi'i"mL's: M “|::.IP(|“I“r:: dcpcmrm. um um . ‘mam, ‘°(.)u'd ‘I. I’. lluril of llowling tm-en and Skjgfiggg Lb‘. we“ Damuk Drapery [.‘.bfics lndj‘ Li'o- Ouun‘ '_h.ne|” ‘Jude’! mchpmkt md "_‘ul“hm “ "' l£ar: fIt;r£‘ l'Ih0".etIf l:’l(:i;;“sh:fwi;i;s l‘l";?il‘I‘PI.|f“.:|l‘f";g C W‘! g‘.¢fBt‘OEl3§?lkDIllI88k Cllflllll N218 Batistes A'lId Mani‘ Others boartfof directors or board {of education! at t - Ca‘ mm’ '0 ‘Mamba "M mwmnx W D'.‘' 0“ - ' D . M Tlcklngs LflIK9l’I€ Ch“! 301 lilsled H011‘. 953" l""“"’lb"- N” l’""‘l " ‘“"“'"" 0" “flakinl Wt‘-r Brest“ a lononeel confer with the inanaacr of the main A ‘ ' 5".“ " °d“'ll““ ‘h‘" my ' huh" ' ' l l at h f th iffir f tl co Pam. locate-il len-. . O . . PM ,0, M M ,,,___ ._ W, ,, _,,;-_-330535;;-—;i'|i;‘ (gee r--a - « “:3” 3 “--;mM m_.-H _ I Unde r All Through the Entire Store for Eight Busy Days This Sale Prevails other school district in this dam! in asin test s in. .‘.'.‘.’ ~.....“..... .....i...e MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE] made by any county or -late tr-stbnobl conuuisaign ~lial| be binding upon school J. Lavin wait to Kansas (lit) this more- » district furnishing free textbooks to it:-.5"; / pupils. No contract for book! for I Pf?" E. 0. Brent went to .\lobcrly on busi- iod of am; than five years out be made ; ,.,..., l'Y WY Vhml 49375“ |'D‘l"'i '5' P""'l' T. Martoine went to Kansas City this -i--ns,of tltin act. .\ny owner. agent, It» inorning. licitozt or piiblldier of textbooks who shalli W. A. Gibbons went to Moberly this rider or V ' (Lohimbia \i~itiiig her son, llerniaii |‘.r.1ii- ’ ford. a ~tudi-nt in the taillege of Agri- culture. llc-nnaii's fatlier, Al l. l’r:iw- ‘A ford, is a nicliilicr of tlic Stair l.--gi~ _ .5 lature from \l.ii-in (iitlt‘.l\. .\NN()l .‘s'(li‘..\llTN'l' Dr. llurdy has niam-«l from thi-.lIs- rliggge Building to suite l3 lladi-ii Build- ing. Adv. find genuine values of unusual attractiv commanding your thrifty dollars to take yantage of their buying opportunities. 15 item mentioned is worthy of your careful . sideration. besides the scores of others off but not advertised. This sale is a real paradise for the bargain hunt- er, for it extends throughout all the departments of the store, and offers short lots, broken sizes. and remnants of stocks of every sort, some slight- ly soiled. (‘ome prepared to buy, for you will / m-:/' I I —..:._—._._._—_......_._., .—o L: Remnants in Remnants of Gloves Remnants of Remnants of I 0° . . . _ a board of dlf'|‘:l't‘.if'I":)'fA:):'I'fI;'lIf.‘P“tf|:‘nIl'll"lly| mo\'f‘i|s‘.".\fiaggi.- Tapp went to Mob'crlY ' '5“, 1 gomforts } ”— y _ _ - _‘ '_ "° ' -‘ . . nlr.I rge slit‘ i_ la is J textbooks at .1 higher price than herein 1}... mo"m.,_ , T. .‘ . " h’ {‘ d " mmhm” HIM H ‘ ._ } H , . specified shall be guiltyof a mi;-;lernr&an!t: Let_i.). llinkle went to Hobeflv lhis u_;":':_o‘:'.ub';: ‘"3": . mm," ‘mi ",,‘“.,.:iu,‘_',_‘.:.‘.r.ilr ii)“, "“' "“" "W" “"""""" ' "“ ’'''‘"'''‘'‘ "" ""“"'”- tcddies. corset covers. and blue-hi -h-Ir Ihci I... . .3203 punished by a fine of not less tliad five, 3, I’, Pigg is visiting his son, W. A. _ litnidred dollars and not more than ten Pig, in Hallsville_ » thounrid dollars for earl! ,0ff¢‘tIIP. Frank Haynes returned to hi fiotne in, Section II. tkiunty (‘dun to appor- ,\Ioberl_v this morning. ' tirin foreign insurance money to districts Mrs. Samuel Riley went to Hnllwilltfi No. 2. \riy clo-.e|_v quiltc-«I inm- forter cmered with sate-o-ii in prr-l— tv colors. warm and wry ~enii-o- able. lletnnzint sale price ..83.R.'i Mi. 3. l".\lf3 quality fancy cont .-uiniaer pajamas. Also ehildrr-st‘. grill’ and $03-20 If!!! 6 In These eoé in a variety of qualities and styles and are abort lots. broken -ilc-. or garinents soiled in our '59s to the county court that they are L. furnishing ii-stbools free of chargr to all (ll business. went to Kansas (Iity today. Mr. and l.. B. Garrard returned? in the public schools of their district. to their borne in Norliorne this morning. , .\frs5Eliaabeth Souder of Centralia was’ to apportion annually to each such school a business visiter in Columbia Wednes- thc pupils in at least the first four grades ‘it shall be the duty of the county court district. from the county foreign insur- d y. ups-e [gs lprineya received the state; I treasurer in accordance with section 7102. 3 ‘ Revised Statutes. lllfl. an amount to be ’ furnishing fru tc\tboobs.—Wlieoever the imlay to spend lllc flay. \bg-ard of directors or board of education- Mrs. Sidney Rollins went yesterday of any school district in this state eerti-‘to Jefferson City to stay until Friday. - , MO'l‘HER’S BREAD _.._‘ .9-hwartz, who has been in (kilumbia The Best Made Model Bakery l4_N. Ninth Phone 1164 Kelly Wright. field secretary of’ determined by multiplying the number of children on the last enumeration list: of said school district by the ration used by the state auditor in mailing the diii- * tributio nof said foreign insurance tax‘ moneys among the counties of ll! state. and shall order the county treasurer to‘ place to‘ the credit of the incidental fund of each such district the amount thus ob- ‘ tailfll. or shall draw its warrant in fav- _.._....-. —. LEARN TO DANCE ates-suioanss . Mrs. Jameson, Instructor * Aiadxtbs best hneers la the University. Prlvat. lass , ns 1; - Phsnsfilifstlllllllitnsnt. Janus?) White and (Ilcaranrv .‘.’llt'~. .o‘ 1-2 Price ‘ Remnants in Corsets bination sat:-on um-real cumin,-tr! filled with fIflt\ laminatrd liatt A vcrv -pacial prirr on a u-1) liigli Hill" Illlflr. During 'llI- "Jlt'. 83.51). Remnants in Bloomers lf Yul] have been putting tiff fin)- ing a pretty pair of winter liloum -rs made of sateen or fin:-i quality satin or -ilk you will find then: offered in this sale at ten spa-igl reductions that will reward Hint purchase with a worth while gs. mg. You will find them in all lol- on and liars. Remnants in Brassieres On one table you will find a wide- assortrncnt of many styles in l)fI‘PfPYf‘$. All are good numbers and do-siralili fashioned and are flf finr impurtcul f’.f"lltl| Kiil- and scnii i~.1lilc rape this \|i'tli|l lnl of liigli quality gloves ftittl‘ Ill mmt t‘\'C'f\ color and ~i1.c and Hfltf \ri_\ ( liiilrc . .Cl.'ifl (lllier gloves in short lol- and l)fI|h- cn sizes are oflereil at i-xtreini-Iy low I atremc value--. prices and at \'t't_\ sharp reduc- tions in proportion to their original wlling price. Ml sills and haul ~lut'hlll‘~ liutli tl'illl' slit‘ and iiiipc-rlml quslltio-~ ltr tvlfcrcil at -uili liig lI'tfllt'llfllI~ Hui will will choose new-ral pair at the lois prices ranging from 701- In €2.93 ‘ocn special offerings in silk start. ings range in price 3I.0ll, 3139 and ‘2.fIl. l.i~le stockings offered at only a fraction of their actual value. (.lwit‘c . . . . . . . . . . .23c Remnant Sale of All Suits, Coats and; Season- able Dresses llt‘|llt‘VrlIlll|[! tlic ~4-a~uii'i- .;lo~t p iii-uia wl and liiglili lasnrcvl -It in lianvlliap iiiailr from lim-st da- mtvfti .llil llilliollril lvitlllrt-. ll!‘ llfllll\ liilr-l. \ll lug» .tIH'il Cd. - to Cl l.‘).'i during tlti~ xalc l—3 - Unc ~|N‘tl‘tl grouping ul flllr vcl liags lll a-so rlral r~i|nr~ insole to at a mmli higlicr pricc arr esprit‘- l\ offered fo; imrricdi.'il- rlratatta- l..l(‘0' . . . ., low remnant sale prices. ifliey are in short lots and brobrhi plan but you will find every nine in this Iheiscs-One special grouping of highest quality ultra modish lati- Ltlffr Tull‘ (foals -cunning |j"|' .-tiles belted, yiihed, gm] .mkr" tricts of the various township-. and shall H _ flso draw it's warrant in farm of the ..-. - -- - - _... . .__,- specially priced at 50.; 09p and CHI). Remnants in 'raasu f ‘ ‘ht l d’ ‘ - — ~ . . iaed oi". :aii’"ii..~: 0:’.-..n'.:lriiiii.:f'.ii:.. raw W-up. Induce! will find -1» that . “”"" 'l''’‘'’‘ '’‘l' ‘Wt-lli «rim» -an 2 to 6. 94.95 and ....sr._9i Ifltl for the dllimlnl of moneys on a.» I ‘in.’ "' 'b,c'lebt.t°d "od‘"' J“"" ‘ “'1 la i" "'" '"dl'ld"'l") ‘ml "mm M futnhhin‘, fr" "ubooks. ‘hm’ - . ’ rite. and ficlna and priced ‘Yards aiir'f'var:s’ of lit‘-autifnl rili- lwlllly offered during tlii- lids) '~om'~_, Wu"! . I H‘ "W h the ‘item, . t l .‘i .. t w t ' l, - "'"‘ "‘ ' "' "" '0 "err con» remtant ..l.- i _ , . _ ,_ 12 PR]! i; ‘ V ' ' " v lnisflrli -lilsll niit 0f:""'f‘1l|':':(Iln';'ti. D008 ‘ V N $1-ml, -eivable color for sashes. air ‘ . woolen and plain -.-erg.-s at 2 ygy, sin‘ lurtlrt m--new Undo‘! aertltill ‘TIM-: HSVC Y0}! g0t the idea that’ ’ g " "cl ‘Ti.’ fihbztmi hum’ Anrilhcl Dost?‘ of winter Illruw-s '0“ pm“ "37 md "“‘.b“” Aft r the money die the aforesaid d -. . . . -" '' Rm‘. ’ " m‘ ' n "M "N" ‘Ml ‘ . ‘ . . trici .... am... ..il.i»_oa. rm-..i.i.... ii: all chicken feeds are Just about « I I - l . t3 Ill -to-I: - Ir-coon or their want: in -'"'v wt for --~*--iv -rll-or lr-.\tboi.ibs has been prt‘pt'fl)‘ ......nioml, the same and that it does not « SWQWH "‘“' M“ """"" W" W! Priced mas. sio.9s and 02173. lhc county court shall then proceed tol make much difiemnce “ihich ' _j‘_, \ -7 '_‘‘f 4 in Another group of dresses of all ‘_ gpportion the remaining Jund in accord- _, §'fl._|I1,'_""l|K|lll.‘ “fiftsions of seciioii 7103. I l ‘ ' —» tr. you use? Then try Red Ring Feeds-— the difference they make will surprise you! ' Sold by all Grocers sooiiis COUNTY ltnnito or Eiisvilroii co. A ’ . l 9., Ml lass wtnrer sweaters in calip- ‘‘'''‘~ “'03 Cihandisfir d the sesson'snaise|liu, ihap llinrntadarsfiuwdu ge- snssat I1. Yon~nay chao¢I&fl&i . M ms-ms A. 44. Bath Robes Blanket balls robes sexy high in |lllltlY' for stts&t uses. "" 0"‘ °”"fiIa tbeli during this i-day sale at reductions rally worth while. They conic in sis-s frir ( litldren. Iijn, peg -1‘ Q"... to and Inuit fra hifl quality Benson blankets. Priced fl.§ np. Remnants in Chil- dren's Dresses In a range of siaes from 2 to IC you will find thnsagtandard _ . . , I arboolwearaisilgencralnse.They are well made and neatly styled alidwliileafewofthcuucnilod with the values they offer. Priced 1 two and N50. kinds. some soiled. some need re- modeling, ridiculously low to command their clearance. pt iced Coats-all winter costs regardless U fotfltt selliq filer in all wool ve- lours and rich piled fabrics are Vlad “.95. N317. 318.78. and N450. ‘ Sails-439 ‘winter sit sir M in all wnial velull. color sorrenta. ftsr attuned. offered at Ol9.'.'.’i. Choice of any other waiter ain't in the state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..O|3.95 .Iiaaes‘Ca¢a~wnraiatwrdyaIl«waal wlrnert,-aats.ss'aas(isiilO.ssbed tofl.§aIId Q‘ I o a o s a . s s s - s a na