.3» «Am: \ .. .. ..-.... ._... _ 1 . ._..- _. ......_..-l.... “fiat i xssouaum MONISAY FEBRUARY 5 1923 ‘data of said Letters. or they pay bol- - — —... -......a.- &_ rm: COLUMBIA EVENING M -..........a.- - A|a.etueoathePoeaharanhsuewiI hegivsnat7:l$o'eh&.:uarrow nigh % I. ' ' Job S: in ' A . . . ' .:":....."""'. :1. »......*''‘‘''-«-'t. "" ::'.*.;.."....°""..... .. ... 1': ‘°"°" °' M A. ‘W .' ‘It 3 '& “ha, ‘W H‘«.''''' m "c.:la:tin Krienalt, til Public Jud" 0‘ Ptolulc C°‘"'- estahlishnents ta Perfie. France. where 2.“: lm‘ 'I'"'.":';:'' ‘M W’ . of mm ‘memo.’ ‘ha’ ll’ 1923' '5' |’°'=''°''° 5"" °"""‘ Calves ................. .. I": ff"; ‘h,’.’;_"','.';',‘,'.;' ' """'"” NOTICE or _Xoit’iT~Tsrit.irnix Thel’evcher:iahsrseisalarfldI'Olt-.sa.¢¢rsandfoedars..... = "" " -' wrmwt1.LArs'N£xi:o ' horseuealinknericaandoriginnllyiui \Ir. anal \lrs, E. Hulett of (iolumbia from any henetitgof saltl es- tate: andifsuchclaitnsbenoteahihitcd within one year frotn the date of the last insertion of the publication of this note,~ they shall be forever harred. UNIVERSITY NEWS Jessie May Anderson. instructor in the English department went to (Lhicago to spend the weekend. Paul Ostrander arrived Saturday from Euubflh "'"°"' 5. \I. Jordan, lecturer of the State “ma i‘ hereby ‘Nu lh‘ Ln‘ a ‘ . a ers pared from France Vb lertlnll HD4914 “.9 -.‘ed”' '4'”. 1d‘ '5 u ,Board of Agni tilture, left today for _ . _ _ . . 3 cents H058 5 - Md “0_ “L Jam." ‘M in of Administration with Will Annexed, on """"”"“ """""""" It amount ‘l"""" " he v -- “uh. _ ans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' ’ E"_"_“l hem", m ‘M ‘wand SW-m'_ t estue of . . D. Smith, deceased. \ Mid“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ab :3; : Tie“. were ‘rgmed to the gnd¢n,‘m_.d on ‘be E Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. to 3 ,__,_____ _ 15th day of January, 1923. by |b¢ Pm. ' light lidtts . . . . . . . . . . . .. C5010 U-ml | If you want to buy or srll some-thing, hatc Court of Boone (founty, .\fiaaoun’ ‘Par sows . . . . . . . . . .. 7.NIo 7.3 in, _\|.sq.ounan Want Ads. All persons having claims against said_ 1‘,-,_‘op,.(~,.,.,d. ,,¢ ,\q.g.._._ ;..'..5u.; Pies . - - - . - . . - . - - - - - - - -- 7mI- 0-50. ' ._- .s,.,.-.- .__-.-- --.;_-___:__: estate are required to _uhib_it them to M". C..." “up.” .‘ 09...“. Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘.353 If lorbeall:wanc? wghuie gr] .0511" time Auim am... .t flentralia was at-oer»: Race-su 2.000: -rim 15 to 15% »l LEGAL NOTICES l Li" fie ,,:',f,,,f,, "°",‘m‘,’;,.‘b‘§ m Ln.“-bi‘ on bud". ‘N. -“‘h" Eu". 5.9‘. ‘Q . said estatpe; and il such .:l,aitua bean: J. _\t. o-um. Ht here 5-ma-y for (.“” ".;,""' """" " L50” 5,. i i;xi:curon's NOTICE exhibited within one ,-.., 1.... .5. .1... . ‘ban vim dim ‘thud’ in S‘. hm“. cuter! . . . . . .. mm is“ ' Nuke i. bud,’ ‘inn an‘ 1"," of the last insertion of the publicflion \_ C. Drnege left here Saturday for a °° "°.j_'. ' ' ' ' ' ' " ‘‘ Haunwun on me and .( ‘mi’; of this notice, they shall be forever .-hurt sisit with his parents in St. Lotti-. coumm‘ no.0“ .n‘n "anon dean"! "re ‘tuned '0 “R bund. W” HM‘ “"9" ""'""d gund“ (Prices to Iugaaat ; ‘ landersigned on the 6th day of J ua o This 15th day of January 1923 ° n. her home in Kins. (lity. aim a short " L" A“ Aim‘ by the PM“. can .‘ Jun": FM" ‘mt hero with frie s. . _ - - . . . _ ‘ ' ""° " ‘i’ “"""" '''‘'"''d s'"'"'" ' it ' 2:0‘: ii: in Lteat lEl:'i;'ay.a::ilt.:tw:td ’i‘;'.'...‘l“I';.”'..;.'7.';‘.'.'fi .u:....Aiiim.'tMd:.ll'" "uh Wm Am!“ ‘" 5'" l“"“' "' l‘“'"°" '“°" ‘hr’ ' . . . . . . H 5 .5 5%} 3to exhibit them for allowance to the Jud e. f‘? lift’. "‘" M" ‘M’ "|"i'"‘ 4 ualgol “H. ,2‘: _27 Iuerachaldir Press Association Lieu. ?Exrcutor- within six months after the‘ (‘l"ir:t in rt’. J )7) "" B‘ '2 F“""' "" """"°" '° hi‘ ‘lint lb‘ " ' .20 la I9 frrnatt Tucker is /Orally adsiser of mi M M m ' uffLa-r after an absence of three weeks ! ,"”' 1, '15 '"%‘ ‘ax, hr“, a Ann", p ' ‘ -' - "'~ F°'*"‘ "“ """ 5" ‘‘'l''‘ l''"‘'‘''‘'‘‘ on (lock lb or in .°o-1»,-',. Military School smart. 5 ~»«. .-~«»«« ---« »--~ u. ..,~- ~.. ., .. . .4... 2. . wright ut .\i-u York City is here risitinx C. ' ’ ‘ ' " . 1’ I’. L. Oboe to Manage Orange Grove , luer parents. .\lr. and Mrs. "arwick Scott. Q ‘.5 15 L” C John L Olson left today for Dun I We N0 Clcfltflllcc Sflkj ‘F. \l. Hulett H visiting his parents, Tm.‘ bu so ‘m dee. Fla. where he will manage an , P.’ ' Olson was a student lll .\lr. llulett Is attending Keaiper .\|ilitan \radt°Ilt) at Hountille. cnicaco naroars ‘heat tFuture)—-May, 81.3; July, °'e _ I Dr. II. E. Stephenson. of I326 ‘tlnolt ‘Lu; 5'’... ‘L asrtflaf. left last night for Sparta. lll to attend the funeral of his father. Dr. ‘-5,“; ' Stephenson t'\pt‘t‘te to return "ednesdlt moraine ‘Hr; Sun. 6536:. l hm; {Q N. | tnith" nu mistake in choosing l AT THE HOSPITALS (,‘.m__TM M” W: ,0 '0 4 Knit raaua ttrtroatst. 10 h ' Ch.h“ers Those admitted to Parker Slemorial hospital today were: Charles C. Vance. Otto A. Crawford. Hulry Allen and Cor neil Hall. 9. Make. Dan T Leslie , tLhr-strr A. Stevenson. Helen. tn il Hflte-get and Robert Holder. A large number were also discharged ‘Saturday: Inn T. llo.-:-ther. Clarence Hall. Clarencel Sheep-‘Total receips, LIN. Top for inhs. IMJS. ST. LOUIS CLMIEC CASH ‘IAIN eaten « (.orn——No. 2 wlute, 74 to Tflfic; No.‘ The following were discharged: Bruce 3 white, 73:. May. 7551:: lll}. 75550;, 3- ' Sept. 75¢. Oats»-No. 2 white 45% to Me; No. 3, Hayden. Robert Adair. James O'Brien.‘ .55.,‘ 441,. .., gig‘; 5,_ g .53,‘ ‘$1,’, or “NC. "heat tluturei-May. 81.10%: July They were: Irene lre-om 31.11%: rim. '1'?!‘ ‘Nd’-No. 2 013 to 01.3: \lay. 46 .\I|.|o[!3\t'_ Kong tihuan llsino. Horacel \'o. 3 M25 to'8l17 letmn. rrartres Petltich. Aldflt Arn. Al ' fml Pasrual. .\lary Baynam. Sarah Hi eorli. laeol. Turner. Alline Hillis and Louis Crinstead. The hospital is not overcrowded at present. The intluenrap situation wrma to be well in hand. _ I(Ml\I. cot \r\’ \lr-. Anna Todd. H01 Pratt street‘ Laurence tiordon, Dorothy Kaucher and \i:gil Long were discharged from thr' Boone Count, llooptlll Saturday. Those admitted _\e-ti-rda_\ were: Ber tha Turn--r. 2|? South Garth avenue‘ Mrs. E. B. llanan. 600 \fount Vernon street; anal \ln-. Boyle t'lark anal llrler Clark of the Butler Apartments. ,:._.._:- ____- ._._o “FIRST eoitrna nous: PASSES" Old llotel Famed For Its Steaks’ Is Being Razed. . It lasted Pleat . .*uot»etn\, 0..~ The hotel for which your Porter lluu:-f steak was named is being razed. . Built in "H7. the Porter House (‘on- sidering its size and accommodations, is paid to be unrivaled in the midwest for pN.‘fllft'Vq|l' historical background. tiharlm Dickens, who vidted it in I847. is credited with giving the hotel its first flush of fame. Dickens was so pleased with a steak served him in the little. dining room. that, whcn.in Buffalo is few days later, he ashcd for a steak. "like they serve at the Porter House in! Nndusky." The English author spread‘ the fame of the Porter House steak ‘beat lhardt—l\'h. 1 ms; No. 2 ‘$1.18 to 81.19%. lfy-ouwaattoaallorhayaanethiaggz . Try a Missourian want ad. —— s5. orange grove. the Colleg of Agriculture last term. 3 Next to your Skin- ; Final Protection l'liaI'~ why )Im should use care in the wclertmn of your underwear. You will .7’--— - Munsingwear in all .tyle-i and weights. Our all wool union suits in-ure warmth without un- necessary weight. Everybody’: Store n 4 Always The Right Price. throughout the country by dwelling on its deliciotasne.-s in many Ainerican ad-l dresses. ' l Soon afterward leading cafes and ho- tels announced “Porter House" steaks., lt is not known whether any one ever' actually took the trouble to get the cooh- ' itig formula from the Porter House chef.’ It is said here that chefs tnerely started calling their best steaks “Porter House." . ___l ‘ I 1 PUBLIC SALE "e have purchased W211” flit U.3 S. Anny Wunson last shoes. sites 5')‘: toi I2 which was the entire sttrplu atoch Oflllletsl lll!‘ “I390! L'.S.Governnent ahoe contractors. , ' l _ ‘ I This shoe is guaranteed ona"hurlrotl' per cent’ solid leather. color dlh III. bellows tongue. dirt and watupraal. The nrtllnl value of this dtoo isfl.Q. to this tremendotsshcy wecanfllerux .- to the-‘public at 81%. l $onilcorrt-ctsiae. Pnypodnfigfi; liveryoraend-sneyorder. Iféuatsl .natasrepresentedwewllle|IeaIlnllyn~ fund your aioney promptly upon request. .Natlanal Bay State Shoe Co, as Irosdwsy. New York. N. v. ‘ . l l A l t Allton’s Garage John and Tom Allton, Owners Have been selected to distribute Chevrolet Cars and Trucks for Boone ‘Co. Cars on floor for immediate delivery. Service L Will be the motto of the new distributor, and Chevrolet ; 3:3: should make it a point to get in touch with this ' I-0Cati0n Of Service Station and Salesroom 1 105-07 East Broadway ‘ Phone 1153. i 1 ' . U’ -' ‘ -' V ' ‘ ""‘ "“‘ " ““ '-‘~ <4 ‘ - C --O — c4—- oz —o. u... .. g . ‘ . ,..4 ¢ -.. -. These Men Are “Y” Booster They have endorsed the new “Y” lhat has come of the recent re-organization and have shown their 9 port by becoming members of the association. These prominent students have already joined: Irl W. Brown Bill Armstrong _ William Kemper Clyde Smith Lewis Baker Prewitt Turner ° Spencer Shore Art Wyeth Herbert Bunker Clarence Lockwood And Many Others. The Student Council unanimously endorsed the pr gram and many others are voluntarily applying f memberships. ' Because the “Y” is Doing Things It offers to its members free bowling and swimming and other physical privileges; it provides clitb rooms for scores of campus organizations, and a social program for all students; it obtains employment each term for about 400 men; it offers assistance to freshmen in get-, ting started right; it organized the Freshman Commis- sion and the Campus Discussion groups; it brings dis-1 tinguished speakers to the University; and, along with practical service, it endeavors to elevate the moral and spiritual tone of the student body. Drop in sortie time this week and have a swim on the “Y.” Try out the bowling alley, too, free of charge. n ‘ ¢ Join Today! ,m_ 4 Y. M. C. A. was 31 \ February 5-10 : i .A Tiger lnatitutiomas old as the ivy on the Colunins-‘ . ‘.7 r