IAs_ £ . S of [S1'IPI£l'llC0l.lJGl Norris] ‘ i O’ « EndlessMaterii f0!’ RCp0ftefS:u_:’uusu.u.ouuuw ilo-can-encln.-bu-so-nines-* lh-W.-w.ci.....n afthe Causal!‘ a‘ stain “Md an u “d . K dd ' ss;¢.a-l‘l‘l:tadssa|Itst..I‘:.llIdllJ ll--l-t fr-'autate at Technology and Stephens . - g.‘p‘j...,'.g—. raataia ipa . eosae say 3...]. Iitehsll' tollshsry a aag.aat ta alvsrsity(;.n...,.§.5..t.....|.,,..; - .5 T ‘Salad all lamina '3 till. las.’tm’r-.others who want lo 30 “WC ‘l""°’ ' yesterday. Illigh School. left for Jeletsoa City to ,.,,(,,.,.,¢ .,,,g ., I IOU?-fg. 5. ‘ ‘ ,....,.g., ;ane’car and go to I'ss|li1lal°°- 75'' "*7. Miss Daisy Artsy went to Celitralia spend the weekend with bliss Marisa 3.4. [0, mug‘, p,_ ",4" . ' 3 1 fl. K‘,-3,, “fight”. [jg lldubutoa stay. while some of the leaders have con- w wad age sreehaod with relatives. lhalher. I J . ‘ Wiy ax db * WI 0/ fie ladepeadeaceifereaccs with the India department, all um E A ‘‘|. ‘em .0 st Lofid N". 1''." Price ad uh. (‘me . _ , '7-:‘l"U‘ ''''’H mm a ' mm the «who 0' '5" -W’ '-04* '5' mi. nsraiaa aim visllina in Guam. :cm vent to St. i..i. mi. .....i... °‘""'° " " “' "“' “"‘ tihae hewilleaqlese vrarkufialunbia " " lb‘ “N”! °‘ ll’ ‘hut When the Osage rolls INN Cllilfilu pnettplllll in the Boone County Hospital, .-Lillian llailer. l l i ii J: ‘ ill '&tla. he hone f the wealthiest peo.‘ .- C 0 . , . . Oppenheimer trill accompany him. "§‘ u... - -- - «-- - -1» --««-~‘’-- -- u--»« -« . '.::..:f -.'..":.'°...'.:.': ::"°:?'* .......... .......... ......... »..i‘~ “i ~‘-"F 9‘ 3" T» «aw mu» m H 3'.&13*'3h'Cs:ssali has . . V """"".’ ~ '"'. mafia" . n m ‘P JR Colle T ‘ . _ «rights remain. and are bequeathed like i ‘N. “cum '5'" ‘he '” cdkd ‘ham. ‘find an. on bumwg. H3 Infill l 9759"! 08 “Ill “Malay. '0’-"""""""""" ‘ i""' "l '5'‘ “W ** '° "4 - 1... it when nu ma "’ ' ~ . ’°' M o The ct... a. divided into an . Ti ‘ & Tb...‘ .. ha“. "' d .“&'l‘ P"'h"h' 3“ “C limp‘ hi s Delete re ‘was M at da“ 0‘ ht hurt - - imld.’ ht Fn.fl.~' - ~ teams ‘of Black. Blue Oran L ""' ‘ °""- ' ""' " "9' '‘P''‘'‘°“- 5"“ all:t‘t'ed '(i:nti.'. .i.....‘i.:r. ii. t.rih'e .. ( ~:‘‘' "in ' """7,,'_:"';,:'°",;' °',"",_("""":’_;,' and Bed The final ‘isobar ‘lldshcthalli Feb’ 16 mm] ,- _ _a _ ' .» e e vs ‘( ce 0 . to an nsu nee c - _‘ _ iwm m j & “ll “:0”: 1.. ":"':::m:.?; tamed the tuiaetal rights. Although sh’ if” . ch. in "'"“3on_ lpum numded mpobfline“ im""“ in quad will be chosen fruit the various T‘ & . 5'0-II""'-""*'“""" 9"" tiaa a uita an oil mi... - ‘'‘'‘''V ‘" °‘ '."' "“""‘ '.“" "°"‘ """ It. It. Austin. a student in the l?ni- i\'aadalia and hloherly Thursday and ‘°‘°' W" l ' I .__‘l___‘ fl h H 3“ mi 11 my “flee Buiuhm‘ find ! lltfj trllllr on the oil development. ‘et‘“,. ‘'0' '0 hi. 50-: in Jcfltenun .'-rid.‘ 7 _ L V W‘..- _. ‘r O ’ _ F n. zalvrayahahsuisciysf Clftag has! Visa sea until!!! 58-...‘ nu ‘mg no 4.", 'W,,,_; "N" W?“ ' W’ W l°"""""" "“"“ (5.. ,......i.y for a about visit. ,’ ..——......._—- ‘ A an red ttaind paopt. .t .5, ,5 hi» ltina as h nan cases say...‘ at h.‘ ‘den “nip...” ima lease sale..t.Ilten(.{«[-|onell"len are» N”. L.‘ ‘.' Chad!" Nd huh" jnuggg-pg Ll‘; c0[_l'gmA Punuc s.l.£Noc.A'ntn ha”. ”..““y ‘R . . ‘“ in H W U” h .. .Wi." ?'in‘ldoh'||'Il|J I‘““ll:nI"0 'nt-at ) (U0 hUfl‘;t: ‘inlet "0' '0 to "in ‘b ‘ob W.‘ W. ‘ W W -' flu ' ‘-S xa“. M b C.-lfiiw Bu“ fur“. quartrn-ttton..or tan oncea met.‘ n“hc"“n_ ‘ 0". ’s-lI-r-v-r-II-I- &’*'’5$@OUU|||‘lll‘Ullhsftha. "'8 - .......-inirluta-amt-«".°"°"'“"““”‘ The-T its vvial-lciuiotcitriuian: _ ¢ _ iaetaaas.uairitc..L 0' ' ‘ ' 0 V 1' ~a.a,...yi..i..'. out-......i.a a.aii..iiiii..i.ii.ii.u.....'-*- - . "-= . . °' '*"..i..«......... u...i....i....ii—..i.ii...i.......i.. , ".°'.- . . n-v-aim-um mi in -M-aw 3°“?-1'-rllltle W-""3-4 K ° iflk fill last 37 “fly W0 C Vii ysly. III. the ‘$9’ :34’ CIIRPVEY.‘ 3, balms of more than 8l,6(fl,lIl). Bonuses » (""f'°h_'£m‘,"' 0"‘ ‘2;'hnn"" and tndther arrived in|Colutnhia ‘edneln ts nah hinsaas far is ill!» 03! ssasaut at the love at lle. life det- 3'" " 1'" P ’ .2‘! . " °' ‘and royalties are divided quarterly, each ‘"3" ' Q‘ fl "yd ” day noon elm -pend-as llm-e rim dm‘-_ - A .3 1 c (357. 3 3 X-sued. dad ad free. ’"‘°‘' ‘' 9” “hd ' " headriaht at-ttiu an equal alount. ' "' ‘ '° 7’ ' n d. in ‘loll -‘L Lmllt ‘V-l|I*f “'4 lb?" Ml zfi -D‘ flush J 5 1. 5. Al daearlel against the gran. i Pavrhuaha is the seat of the Osage 11,, I-“,4 Moo‘. .5" in P.'h..h’ iu ienlay afternoon a ter spenong t . y FSL Loni, swan Mon upflflu .0 5,. I . . “IQ i 5?‘ “ hm A ’J 5% H ‘I53 ‘RI tldhfl ‘NW7. '5'" 1- 0'09!" V7585‘ beautiful homes. and are the social elite "’ "‘"'""' ""_"'““"‘ b‘“'"'""‘ in Kansas City by Wednesday, but got 0 - eldldii h T & $3 3" id & mm: inlet 1. George "right is I fllxlllfifil. .,f [be ¢.mmm,§;,_ ,\|.,.¢ of 35. fun! "05- F"'d“"°.v l"',_l""‘ "_""k' only as far as Columbia. They are rlrii- '3?‘ ‘ ti 7 ‘ 3 fa '5 he ‘ *3‘ 9°" 510;"! Ill 803 3839' P7551’ 5" bloods live in a village near-by and clina 3"‘ “kg” '°:":"P;'-‘l 3’: *5’ l;:‘'''"' in from Batavia. lll. to Denver. Colo.. '$~. fin. snq vi-as-asaa ' 'v a a ' stepping team--(lie cu:-. -.. . ., 1,, .. . _ ~ 1.1. aity, t rest it or loci. - her Con ‘II t bu‘ s. - was go as a o. ..a... iaa. .. a...i.. tree .. i. i... He i. . hit .i..t. in... I '.,',''‘.'.‘,',,.‘I.,',',,‘_ L..‘.§ ..'.’.,I‘."".f...."',,'.I'°.'.‘ .'..’. ui.. ii... .t...i....... W .. .si....._. " M; c,,‘,‘,',’,',,"‘.,.§"{-,',.,,..';;§‘,"... ..,. We are going to inaugurate a series of =If.thj'ai_1bjmd:l Ueaolaverfiaabefaafiel 'reporser is trying to draw out informs 1,." ‘mg in... d;_....,d,d 51.93", 9,"... this morning to spend the weekend as mm ,“,omg,|, ,0...“ g. 3,. 9.3.... gm li" ‘hi i T“ ‘h W‘: Th 1*‘ d ‘h Gun.’ ”.'..';'i‘’'' '5' "'"i'"'"d"' ’"'.‘ "’ b’ tribal cu-toms when they get tlarried. ll" 19"‘ 0' nil“ 3983"‘ "lCk3"- they had found since leaving 5t. Inuit. . J 4*“ “ ' """‘ ""' """- .""""’°""""- ‘‘'''V '' """'“°° " "“ 'i"""‘-I "W! N "tell “-9 «wk». tn». lull-bloods marry the .~tm.- pop- .\ls- Sallie Pub of Sn-pl-rm Collette she liked Columbia mi mild mt. to S _. “(lb 3 5 *3 - 7. ‘ Ill." 5 JUICE 5 IN"? shouted in tones loud enough to nisifv um‘.-W, mm. nut in numbers and is no‘ left yesterday to visit her parents. “I5 make her home here. The clean eumli- M Ii -. u ‘w —& ""."" "‘“ ‘ .3’ E V.“ “ “tn” '5' "“ J ‘.9 °"-"'h7° Bl" " ‘ altvlass (rill-idrtlle of the salcro-dness of and .\lrs. W. W. Paths of Kansas City. tion of the cilY itllpffssed her favorably . . . . hack cl events and --in us.-no l-s--e_el-ildn-- {L-r 1- Ari. social gathering Mr. Wright i... turn ,,,, ;m,,,,,, ,, ,,t ,,.,,,i,. ..,,,... .5. 1.. x. c. Dunn went to Jefimon cm .m- The party left yesterday morning 4... offering some_article in cu? line unheard of 4 r *3; 3 ha - 'c..”r‘?'t." Ht‘? T.‘l;).l:;I’v'::nt:o cargo-rs:.dfir‘e:l_vbdui;)li ilizm tn The hrule and her re9inu.. t..rday to attend the basketball game be- Kansas Cit)'_on its way ta\Den\er. I p|')ce§_ We Offer different. I-no I--st-c --r in laws Iva I-nu-i -I I-as-‘_:_- i-- -I-- i... .4 ...t.,..., ’ ' ',;',‘.';‘;;;"j,,";;;";';,,(“{;,,"',;';‘,“{;.,'?;'fj;f ~~-—— « -~ ~ ~ g and 9'9 Week We, W111 use our West Widow «i i’ .f‘ x '.* m"II.':”.?hk.. ‘' ::."md.’"h ‘: r J. Georg Wright is m center. ln a recent wedding, an aul~tllanl)llf, a It pay you to an eye on ‘I. fir.‘ -I | - ' ‘b n r " I J I ‘.'Aa agent for the Oflge . he is a liiiggy and so-so-til horses were among the ls W111 . pggi wh ‘& nu” ‘cm. ‘h i-.': ‘uni. u_ power. Those of the lnthus who haw gift-, At the ruck of a pistol. all of the 0 A Y . n". g 3 ‘ h ‘'d & . ;' ‘v ug 1“ a lid been defllllffl ‘competent ht! vvlw britlffrrmttis rrllnes dash to lift‘! her 0 I l . ' h._‘ - ‘u 1. 1'“. “J mu. .*._ "flu. ‘uni.’ N‘ mm “L do not have guardians think they are Whatever the-\ touch it them. They 0“ F0 8 o I l tkhb ‘.d tdk 'l:l' II QOQOI. lllds I ll? V0061-t. ‘git; on-‘t h lte ms:-m:ti‘ ttti a l"'::s r M mm ‘I. . P ( . r , I; -na. u n 0-.3 A\" ' in e o- 1" "'.'.‘."':..::'°'.'..' ‘:2: ........ .. ';'*.*t:::*’‘::.'".::':‘..‘‘:.s:’:‘ ‘-.::.- 2115:” .':...““;i:’ ‘::.*."‘.::;.:*:'::: ’:f.';.:...:";‘. T Com ,, ' For week of Feb-12thto.Feb~17th we offer choice 9.. ‘ii. .i.- --i It Itq"tl '-sthal or in liqu .;_» - 94.] - mp-e long. 9 autumn are at W’ |"dl"l5 Pl" flllffllllli. Kl" St‘ “ll” has been in hiding, he is brought pa y Of any any Servlng tray In our Store for “ ‘NW 1.". “at 11* . J M" '_ "J ‘~m.n‘b__(L‘_o,m_‘ ..-0, 1,91,, tame or ‘(D iinea-~vhal,l the IN.’ tllv tr,-Ii. I“Nl -at‘. trififi bend; his. bride ii‘ 1. elxuiauy equip?“ .0 am, 300., (jomgy cm] 3,, um um; . - - -* "V = "- ' " W "'3"! - . '~ H-' -~' lw“ -1 ""“*" "‘ "" "‘ ~“ H’ *- -"""- '"''''‘‘*"S' *‘ "'"M' ls .,.a.»m vra! lt'a cutting machine enables coal to he Floduccd ratlidl! 3 page but 0.1 the aftop Ti.’ be opened «:3. o;--- u ._ ‘ v-V ' _a-t: one. no" n- 4 Iran-arted t'fl-mg} the J'l'l-,\ ,, . \ I m-tlulim: 1- tverf-~tn‘lecl ln F.tt'u~- ‘mi . ' J 3 k - ?‘r‘ l'v‘vt.. me Ill‘! $1 M 2-- ‘~ site. lit-~-i 0‘ '0 go boating p at "'"l|||l-- . ..r