_> 7:-~.\ . 4.. “fir-' ..v'. ‘y -...'—.u-....,; 3 -.,.“l,. 5 _. I -.... t O lewd? 'TNmBoai' .‘:Cidurtt1:.ll ‘ 30? C. Hsfadlyislllwith thwaeh»aadiaSt.Laah Hbflaariufluhweat taKaasa_a W gatynqalh taspeadihe es-head. lad; Afllllt .lohal.‘fi’ah leltyeserzytespaadé l 9 I "ii 1'’ nwsaurit-t.A-stsss;....ss.ct.i. old. 0 --so a . fie swab-aadatibis hone in , _ ' tlaass: ssessdr; C. I‘. Ttptoa at Columbia leit_ yester- v"""""‘l""' 5"“ Ehghrasd. FltI.‘AaHaad; sec-‘afewdays. _ _ ct-muss: «I-tut. 109:. mi. .\larjoaie llarbaaglt it-ti yester- 4°“- W» "W5! -°""*0- dayforKanraaCity whereshewilqudz _ weekend. I ‘mm _ llewanl McCanlua. Ralph Murphy. A.; M .Iearae. Boyd llarweod and Harry West-r tbay hit for Kass City yesterday to. ‘spend the weekend. i . . i Mn. 0. w. Newman of Calanbasg ‘in 9- *3 7"’ l''°''‘'° Ohio, who has been visiting her daughter, 5“ “""" CI-la rosdscu-I a de-- .\lrs. Paul \. xenon“ returned to her’ v.v 0 3w‘ Nstshasha: E t .day for Center. .\lo.. where he will spend . l Toll Cbilders for a bone \ Saturday. ' and family visited England and htnily Sunday. Miss Dofollfy. Whit.-|...«_ .50 5., [,,,,,irelatives in (‘silanltia Saturday. the guest of .\l'ras Louise Freegarvd at the, - "o D"?! Delta Delta Delta house. returned to tm?"'i°4 NM 31 L "in Tl-m-do: a Bird at-roatpanied. .\liss Ihitelaw. '* r. mum went 'to Jefferson City GattttA!{"6ii7s"7;t\'tis t-my? yester y. , ‘*-"'— - N. T. G-till’! went to Jefferson tit)‘ on -o.e"‘fl P".“'|:‘ M U“ gfiunday afternoon with .\lr. and Mrs. . i5lI|lllI and family § Barnes Sunday. visited Mrs. r ). Mn. T. R. Douglas of Mellaine was in. liolrabynhia(yestet-«lay. in we I, Shonaher ted!-tary of the . . . . . . . kite llifirical Society’. went to Jefferson . (“J::h'l::"':'d+\"o'\h|:“ l";?:"*.("’:°n"B°.lf:k':‘ Dgrifgztyhewtaan. who has been Vise Gm!" uni" ‘mi "mum db"! wokii T l A one-act ntrnedy figs presented 9 Y. \l. (.1 A. Auditorinat. .\ti..!'°"'"¥ ~‘4*-m*-t- who attend-5 B H. infla- end. ' Hrs. Read Wilssa-ts ill with pneu- ’nsala. Hrs. Cbadvfiewalag aadssea. Nelsen. sresich. Ur. and Ilia. M. C. lfanh uaattnce the ltirthsla ‘Cltrtio i made a haslness trip to ?c.tu-unis y. 3 Sarah Calvert have been TlteachnollItr'eisclaaodthiaweehaa‘ '.\f'ls Douglas; the teacher. is ill with in- fl aeasa. , llarold. Robert and Margaret Edwartlsf were the [nets of .\lr. and Mrs. F. IL‘. Ioacoe wutu» ma.-a three 1.... to Llarence Afierana and fatnily visited‘ England and son. of Riggs mes. Eratnett Brattnn anal fatniiy and St-ntt .9" lead with hispareata, Hr.aad Mrs. E. S. ‘Strange ‘Saturday with In another. Hedges. who is ill. the week England and laatily. turned to t‘ alter visiting rehtlres here. Rocltaport .\li« Eunicc Bell is ill. end Saturday. . town Naturtlag. ill with influenu ." .\ltd. home with a aevdre cold. .‘:t‘lItl at her house in (lilunbtg, ‘to Jirn .\lc-\lilbn last Saturday. tin. csute. Ierhley spent may’ artd . P. MI’ ‘d “R ‘"0" vim... [Poul l'ot's fartn south of Shaw -end at Rigp visiting lcnrv ' ‘ Philip Sitrtpich was here for (he we-elt Shin Baldwin was a visitor in town . William Ellita of Howard County wa- \tirria Sampson. who is in (lolurnbi.t, llnnter Mitchell is building a house- Mrs. Fannie Crindstalf has received 0“, W ,5“. m." gm,“ .“'°"l ill“ '°"v C""""t “'4 l“ P \. B. Lewis is confined to her llertnan Nutter sold a span of mules Jllll .\l(‘.“lllOl| I I'll’ of . '. . i All '35“ ‘'3 ill“! "“l°d -“F ‘ml irituln In St. Louis the firat of this web. The lleverrnd Eaell lillfd his rqular """E8|Dfl0lIllIPtIl to preach at "oodlandtillc last Sunday. 1 goat" morning. The primary class of the Christian Sun- da_\ school had a Valentitre boa lad Sun- FRIDAY».‘b‘E’BRUARY.1 T'..£t to iiosaville Friday to attendl the ‘funeral of her niece. E Ilr. and Mrs. Edwin lluilsun at (‘plum- bis spent the weekend with .\lrs. llutl. son's tnotber, .\lrs. John Brown. Hargi Tin-lay llayden is moving to the Tune .\li« \fary Mourning spent the we:-L. .\lr. and Mrs. San! Berkley have re. rnd at her home near llall-ville. heir hone in Colorado Springs The (hlttmbia Telephone ( n. is putting up atliiitional lines south of ll.trt'.. ll. ll. king, teacher at the llillllfll School, in boarding with lltll “t'.I\r'I. (iv-nr,'e ll .tumg;trtner, who luti a ~trv L- -.l p;Ital\It- lit~t wet-it, is not irrtprv-ting. .\lr and \lr&. ll. kertm-it of (plum- liia smtul \ir. .llttl \lrs. (urti~ Illa-it Sttntlus ‘ll’.-. “iltilllr, \lt‘. .lm‘ lil'¢itilll- (tanner. \lr~. T--m \tull. anti \lr~_ V. T. ‘(mitts arr ill. .Vli-- lll\:t \lu-lain, lnlltl is o-tttplam--l with ;h-- (I--lumliim Rental 3 lll‘UlIll(‘t‘ (u.. -pent the welt-entl ll ltrr ht-me. .\li~- (1-.-l--lt;t \la llarg auvl \li« \l.1r. ttztrel l-..ititrim- Turner, nltn :trr- Q||.|(lt'l'.ls vi. “flu” fimpwn ‘pan we week. : "l"(illfl¥liJll 1 ullegr, arr tisitittg ll. 5. . ’. l‘. R. ‘K lI~to-. i~ ill with pneumonia. \lr. l.\le-‘ H till!’ Hf lltr ttltlrval rtltlrrh ttf llt~' rt-mmunit\_ llls tllttultler. “ls. l’. 5. lfstec. lta~ illlil lwv-n ill with pneumttnta, and ll. \, .\l«’llnr;', \lr F.~te~' amin- law. tlu-cl uf put-utu-mi: l.t-t Tltur-«la_\. ....__._._.___. - Brown Station (:lIt'-If‘! l.et‘ has mow-«l in Jntttlter ili-- i Mrs. Charles Fanole spent the weelt- "l"° -l- l’- 1 Fannie (fanole, 50'' in -‘L l-003* Vrflrttlay. _.\lira Free-‘ 03'9"? ‘5‘"''°' 35'‘ ‘'00 WON‘ ‘P903 lend in Jr.-Ceroott ('ity with her daughter .\lr~. ll. .\l, flawlings Viv-l‘lt‘(l lter par- _ ' _ "_ “L um ‘h,‘. |.:_ 'r_ ‘uh.’ '‘ “um__ - i ‘ll lulltl", aml llto ltr~l lurth-l.n of ltrr 5- K itlale, lact Tunda). ' The Reverend Sipple. who is the pre- ‘ Sttntlsy morning. the M.“ ‘'“l -\l"'- “'9'” T||"‘"o "l siding elder of this district. preached at m..,[,,.,,. or ,5, (;,.,n“ Hub 1.“ “uh Broarrt's station visited 8. F. Turner and the \lo-tttodist (Jiurch Saturday night and ....._‘- fi -.p—.._—...._ - -.._.....-x.- “ P I K ' part. Relershments were served. , ' ' "' ‘ll ' 1194' Certnan f'luh i ' used h‘ {I ' "'1' "-:':-" "' -—---— .."wd ”.""!‘., '" fir’ win" in lbw‘. 0‘ Ulflllbffi of flit‘ (;':"I‘I‘I.\n‘tPl‘I‘§fD cinwthi-. ‘ . 41* K" 0‘ ml‘ k'""“ “‘""'l""'l'd ll" l'niyeh-'1). However. anyone who 5,. “‘“* Y __..r_ ... E A. 2» it E l’ I" " s‘- l-"“l‘- interested in German is eli ihle o .‘ PIN. [IQ-rte Fair of the Northeast bership in the club. ‘ ' mm ' Iiaanori &ate eat-hers’ (Iollege at Kirk.» llle was in .olntnhia trite-rill)’ on his lay to Jefferson City. :1 .\t. Pt-rhins'aad tt. .\'. xtitoue. rep~ u""" "‘ '5' -‘¢'~-°' 0‘ -‘In’ to'—l’—ragaay. , flurleu E. Vlontetenle, a former gm.‘ ine of the‘ 114:. Girls---i apuatatirea of Scott-Foresnan Publishing’ l"::"'l(',’l rah‘ mm“; " ll" bC;:"'"'. 3 b. of Chicago, were in (lolutnbia yest - " ' "_ ' " '°“_''" 3' 39"’ '° ’ . . idlr. .\|.»_ patina visited his son. a siii- ' l'°"" ".' "'°'""'d°"' l""""'~ "". F idbt la tlu University He expected to 3:33: .'n"_':' ‘"9 ;':{d‘°dhe‘l‘3"“ ,' . . xniverst y a ter t '. ~ .eCl‘:!o't::a:mm'“bn .e“m‘ ""5" 0' -‘ll-‘C0035 year before last. a:l L i H , ’ ' tie will bably tn. l B ‘to finishpliis tneditiilufidacationm . . C...” i ,[ ATTHEHOSPITAIS . _ , v i _ Dear Cil: r i ‘esaaaa trstsoatst. DR. B. F. FOIIIS in « ., Those who were sdgimd t. Pug". cgngpucfo. "9 51"‘ tut received mine of the most won- I |, '9" Pd." Gran“ derful Felt llata. They come in the tlelightlully F Ina... Sarah flu-kgk, Pu] cw" . uh ‘ ' . attractive colors of Strawberry. Cray. anal Tnsst. 1.370 6"” . '3'“ ‘ I ’ Tl‘?! ltf llode in so many different t-ltttpea M “M L F07‘, MI 1 i ' [ht on ' - , ,_ S Y be sure to find the h.tt lltat is most I‘. Gaietaenscher. Earl I. 0'(lon ’ ‘ ‘ 5,0...-.. to W“ $. ArhyT Iallias. Raymond A stylus. and Peal ll. It-bet: E99“ T7P¢‘"'“0|‘ —-ml they are smpm.-t., loo. It-arial: Entered yesterday lovingly, _ Reading Typewriter Eacltarye l.ee0tt.lAry'l|aore.l’hsne- -. . .1 I! S éolumbia Theatre Aunt‘ Alice and lnabel. . lfilrniuzl--. .- . \lr-. ll. ‘S. Stexinmtt gave .1 tlirtner "ttnday in honor of the tint) nintle—ltir1h» "IV ..I lzer tnutlu-r. \lr-. .l.lnl0'-‘ llullingvr. talus, ‘.tt.tlt ‘lit’. 'l'ltu-‘e present were. Henry and llerntan. formerly of the M. 9 I Jul." ”od.on’ ‘ho i‘ qrndin‘ Tiger Bill)?! Shop Ilt DOW l0CIlCd ll "‘""l"' "ill. s“l'°°l~ *9?" “V ''“'k' -the winter with her sister, Mrs. Entnan. the 1-"Pm" First class shines -hine- a specialty. always-ladies‘ Jack's Daily Bible Lesson -A nu 9'1‘. ttrtl ('.tin hf?!" “ruth- lrul llI'tll.l'F Atlmtttetl it. (‘still \s.'t- .1 l’. \. E. wlttlc Abel uv-l in help l‘.l.\ .\law “ash Uulto-~. (lnr «lay the two gut ruin a firrap user at (‘rap Came. an-l .\llel M3‘ Knocked (Tuclmo in the. “it'll .‘llO'l \\.l- '\lt¢t"ll llttm Rt-ll (all. (am was asked about l'..~ llmtlu-r, “llnwinell tltl I iittom lte .tn um-rwl. The-re-fur!‘ lllw pm \\.l~ it-rL«--l Incl lit‘ \\’a-‘- Bvtttlrtl ttul «vi the ll-uuse. (lun lfJ\t‘ll"tl Ara-ttntl .1 lot anal -«mu l--ut‘.-l out that thr ll"-t l'l.tto~ in rat i~ ill t.u_:x'.< smqt 1 Tomorrow ‘s l,esaon— (itlllllll and David.) . Saturday Only! “No oprllltiu ever ‘got that stay’ on not load.‘ We resented this masterpiece‘ of all Norma almages productions about a year ago. Somany requests for t th ‘ct ‘ have not received am, 5 .'.ii"3i.o°l‘.ue.°: ii. ‘iii t‘-tllsl t costs. the theater will be too small to hold Jinmu°e’s can make your choice. tapeci You know a good thing when You see it. a the reason ‘'9 ll‘? Dlqcinl these triumphs of the culinary art where you Daily s: Prime Ribs of Beef. . . ..30c Fried Cat Fish . . . . . . . . . ..35c Irish Stew. Caaaerole..... .30c Pork Ham. Apfle Sguee, .,,4o¢ French Lamb Chop. . . . . . .354: tegygdverzubtr, bread. but- a yiQ t above order-3?: to he ttaantatatstatuttuus College Inn B ‘snsta-Jssst~s’aoutIstts" Eat MOTHER'S BREAD ‘mm-C .. ,1! J _ 1 ~-¢'-0 ( *1 ‘L A “-1.7-_ It :. -e-—"--‘ ‘ "* ‘fa ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jane Islliager. .\lr. and Yfolutabll‘ of so-asq Mn HI-I W" A" lsndinc M-as ‘Mrs. Jeoe Turner 1 Mchinci and Mn? Barnett '3“ ‘.3 ‘"3 3"" ‘id M” now V“: John“ S’ aimh"'" Q ll. 8. Stevinsoa__and family. En“; also Liquid Vt-nr-(-r_ The were guests ltytlle ltotne If 0“ "id Pill“ “"3 “-133 ‘Pap; ' and All the influenza patients are intprov- C‘ "R, . .\ ha bee ed. at W-'30- i-'0" . m'l.uca-0 speiii then we-eh-Grid 340- 5* l‘'’''‘ uh an H” cm‘. Bax-.'.l.’hone"‘:'t.‘tha" (0.. at with \lrI. Stone and family near lirnwns l'l'lllP l"'“" ‘.4 ‘maul ‘y’ .' -- 4- —- '*.-1‘ t5¢liun. .\lr. and “re. Roy 'l'ret‘nh|e of Wood- l..ml\'ille spent Sunday with \lr~. Trem- ble‘: parents. 0 .\lr. and .\‘lrs. James OW:-pl aml lnbn. Wu-~t spent Sunday with .\lr. and \lr-‘. l hurlen lloltott. \lt«e< Bclltire anti llullt llJI‘ll"U -pent the weekend with their parent‘. “I. Incl \Ir-. W. E. Barnett. \lr-. Fr: Lena ('ruwley and dattghtv-r, lftlit \l:t\‘, sitiletl “rd. f‘rowlr\'~ parrot-. \lr. and \Ir-. No-tt ll. Toal-mt. \uml.t\. \fr. anal .\lt-t. W. li. llamett went in AMBULANCE SERVICE r Any nun. Day or Night Emergency calls a specialty Columbia Funeral Home Phone 104 ' Leonard H. Sullens Thomas C‘. Pi; ;i.n ‘.3-- -11¢. —a.¢o.o—e- 1. g‘ I WE 1-: i REPAIR » '1‘ | snoss ‘ H I E C 0 z 12 1 . G i 1 N a A . L s V/co.-./in r7I{ gdfiiz Authentic Fashions of Now Being Exhibited for Your Approval Chic Three-piece Suits Smart Tailored Suits Becoming Costume Frocks (‘harming Afternoon Frocks Swagger Sport Beautiful Dress Coats Costume Capes Executed : fabrics: and colorings of the new season. Spring . ;£{f*.a" :1: 19:: toIla¢t.<:“,'_§l-' ‘V-"Ah": ' s in the choicest , Moderately _ Priced for . Every Purse , l L-;_. ,- 3 4.15 :"a".-;‘.'. - fi- & .-_ ...4."¢ - Seeds! Seeds.’ Seeds.’ . . g g g J ._._._...._ _, __ .4..... .__.._._Z___.._ _ We batje a complete stock of field amid bulk an o allkinds. We are also ' a car of garden. lawn. "eletable and fertiliser on I-‘ebruary 20. Let us have your order now to deliver it direct {mm the car. It will cost more after it is stored. We handle the very highest quality of seeds. Bring your seeds to us and letua clean them. \ be 24 North Ninth St. 1,. Don ’t Waste Money . i . On a New Radiator 1 Let Us Install a f’ Tyree Core ll of Pure Lake Copper 5 It is surpr' what we can do with a damaged ratliator. I Itisseldomt ttnore anewcorcianeeded. Car 7 owners should not evanooonaider buying a new radiator until they consult a radiator expert. tentb?'i.can betixedgoodasnew.a..dyoarmoueywin’ .r sav H. J. Gribble Nine times out of Phona249 » The Best Made f s o i * 8.5» A-a Wtllhzte Seed Co. Model cry 800 Broadway . 14 N. NintltL\/ e 1164 Phone 53 24 N. Eighth phone 427 mack .V :3 .9 COAL! Blackfoot Coal and Mercantile Company ’ .3 I‘ chtnkdll "Q'3lPP"*l 30 lnine Boont-.'fInuut_r twill m 3*‘. ‘.F- “'5 Cllulllfl llllcllillé ertablu trial to lie pm‘!-,.. and in gaad ardar. °~l.'fhs fllanallad screens taste it poaaible to ptmlui‘(' t'.. I»-t y '.- -& . W ‘ 3% llII|I. 6 inch lump. rgg tt°.:~lto-ti and. liar nraqhga. ' Tl: .'t‘:- l 2 t..,..2:_» Ualarfiy H X I980! (Water value and I3li*{.Jt‘li"Y'l in up is aaad at out it. sat forget to call rt». Blackfoot «:...x a’ C?! ‘C asrviea. it is thoroughly re-pt-tr-ilile and h 'h'. I. 5&1. i llod ” years‘ experience in coal r-..' ‘r",'.‘ i