.hsssgreatia_Iellywesd. _-_.—..... _. I s 1 ‘ . L ' is-' c V 9'.Ii -4-: i "| .' "I .‘ “ ‘f“‘‘''"‘‘:' . ...i......,‘ hnhtth es. -edit... -- ,f5.j.‘~:*-".3'f-_‘j“ _ Lieasstesaiseiieiseti-inner-s 3 :§i'f~, nee-so-5-s-is-us--r-tsv-as ...3.;~: ~’*~--:.~.-.:l’;.;~~.—. dlsesmsalretlfldlt-Ililllflillhlv - s i lsssshaiastsnnsest-stlethlsssrvlss E fiih hfidtadsvtlne. '- ’ The lsstsessrr at it: srsssst souf- ______,__,itiee_tsauwssr. Oasssedsoslrtsvtsti _ ~ae:sstst.g ossdsstso..................:‘thshd&|Il!affllldlaiflfilllfi ,_,,,, I ‘ea paras setting in line at the two , Seeafieaaetsatwsathsrpraphdswifl -ewetckiagforthelimorthelanh. omitte- ieeat1tocl.aiu~t,m- - Withtlie eenlng.st$pi-ingii iseesto- naryforthenayorsdtownstelhdc nateadayorweeh\faa‘aolean-gran peign,atimsh-hgwhichthedehrisof tlsewhter will he rsfid. rallhhh wlll;I¢n! “NWVJY 50040418890 30 00* P'¢*-,',,.,.u”.-,b,‘.,, o“h;.’.,.f,o,. ‘Nth be-sgsesostss-lei-sfsnl-efis-rt ""‘°"""~"""'°°"P‘°"""‘°'"‘*'isixx>.otio will bededueiedsuepeeeem. ‘to with under heavy handicaps. lland-' 5*“ ,‘__m ,,.,_u,,”in_’ns;nsituseestuiiu;joi.aibeeismt srillhefnrmulatedaadhegua. r...--.-;s"hassvslsrssrrtes. heletiayie anal and soon becomes crowded when ithssaqwladswsarounahletueervethe ieastonsrsastheycenein. Thisneceesi- _ltatesaueatdalrldelsy.andonewhois run a lrurryls patto the inconvenience ot iliaring to stand in line several minutes gheforelietagwattcdon. I Then, too, the mil lundling depart- AN tnrntstvalvnmnu: i Theaaasuecmt Ilnlsterotl'i- znaaeetamyrtawl oatmea- ;Cahtnettercreltsetl frances lferespmeesheured site be incurred! jlattiehahlfaleyhaslepeaedtheeyeslt totthsheaohpeepleaselwtiotetetheen lpuaatvaaoseftt ‘sin. The fact pet-war ooaditieus wealdhavemde nee-out equal‘ i@.Wli@lastesdefIhs“.Ill.GItliet' thefraacsarenowworfiwlllbcpoor‘ :%|DlIlillI'UlhOFl$¢‘lIhlIlaP!|ti- ntdtingofcostaadaffact. .1 Fifty millions of these francs are for‘ the expenses of finance. customs and in-1 idustrial missions for imssd so.ooo.ooo .lor railitary expeaeei contracted in John- ing the npheepof the French forces had: they been stationed in their regular bar-ti eopied a. Columbia intthe near tmee."**' |'°''°"‘‘'° 53”" "'°°” 5' 'i"'iracks. viii. ao,ooo.ooo are needed to" l. wifl receive a hearty ruepenee. for Co- antrptfia. It night be well. however.:l'“‘”"'” 5"’ ' '°"'°‘“"" '°‘’''‘_ '5'" ficit on the Rhine. Although some of for the people of Colalfla to anticipate ' ii" "'l’l°V" “" ” ‘mi "" dun" ii" . these costs.are to be inclufid in the “re- this campaign. The VllIl°f will soon break, srtdlt isaaplcasarttto see the un- tidy csndhioa of a great many places in ' the. city. They will be cleaned up even- tually. but there is no good reason why’ they should not be cleaned /up now. Night it not be wise for the property enter to take mental stock of the condi- tion ol his property? Will he not see that it it is neatly kept it will increase its value to him as well as in civic value? lteeemtnheacaseofscrapthe war- ships new or “scrap” later. . sntuttoaut. .irtI'|.a'rrcs Tltefillibaater in the United soiee, Etc against the ship sulisidy bill has. i ' Once more, the potency of i apparently sacaeded. Once note. the. potency ol long-wiadednees huerts itsell.f Some of the reports from the capital are amdag. The long talk rec- 'ordufeightoenhsuI'I.heldb§Senator Ls- Folleite, deemed D he in dan- tzc r. Senior of Tau*eeeee confi- oently declared that he was and fartwen- ty-sis hours. vssisereitise pr+Qoctivefili- loustcrers were reported to It capable of ‘ from fourtolifteenhourseach. Sena-' iee.t..reuenetitissett-seetiidiebeiw goodforntsendaagerhisowhrecord. In view of the uurdy physique which isrequinedlsrhenhershiponthesenate lllihuler team. it would appcdr that some, auitablereéoutitionsfitsprliwess, such! 'sesweatensinilartothoeehwardedhy universities and colleges Ifllhlflu _.shsuldheprovided fsrhyiheparty which, sponsors the tan. An appaopriate de- sign for the embelliabent of the sweat- ers would be a large siacd lilacksinith's' . bellows. "“°'."‘huU5 ‘W '50- EV"! costly in the long run. (‘heap -e-ed pro- .,, the doors to Tataah Chill“- _Newthtsamaalfilddom’+ Isus OIIKI have aaaouaced their. isnseesnnisetseoiteteeoedudet ‘*fikh‘“‘“fi‘uyD0l: r l hamons itonih are . l th latfitlve of Pdjar Winds and‘ Miss Maybelle Criffitli, lormcrly olinon bond h“ 3"," the best hind of efitiptnertt with which hours they are off duty. Such a building I1 greatly needed here. _ A new postoflioe shtbultl lie the‘ ttltillate goal of every ‘cilia:-n and chic‘ organiza- tion in Columbia. in the end it will not only be a solution to the present podal prclilein, but will be .1 great addition to ‘..olumbia's admirable collection of pub- lic htiildinp, I In the isesmime, however. Columbia must consider carefufiy whether she can afford to forrgo an eatension to the pres- cnt building, which might be anthorined lzy Congress within the next year, in the hope of obtaining an entire new buihlirig. . which might be delayed many years. The enforcement of the lush law againd uniting in public places is cre- ating cttarmtion. it should htlp to bring back the long lost popularity of the home. ntrnn cttocé Planting time will soon be here again. and the Missouri Farmer will soon be l-uwy in the fields. Years ago, and yet not many years ago, a farmer, in getting sced, either selected i: frora the grain of the year before or bought tit. lmsest priced seed that was cvailahle. With the coming of the modern meth- ods of farming the practice of getting “just seed" to plant has gone befoie the method which demands "the best seed." The farmer who raises his ‘wn seed is now tahing precaution to keep his grain free from weeds and to get it plant with good characteristics for generl purposes front which to select his sr-cd~. The modern lattncr does not judge a cheap seed by the price per pound. He has come to realize that the seed that is ilteapest per pound usually is the most Cuces poor crops. , Wheneflr the farmers have been gener- ally careful in selecting seed, the com- ' atunity has taken a decided step in pro- dtdfllott. The time is not far away whr-rt only the heat seed will be‘ on the market. for the buyers will nofqtavc any but thr best. NEWSOFTHESTATE ] cover railway organization,‘ l l i . ‘coverable expenses.” opinion is that such. a page in the boohheepiag ledger is more a matter of optimistic delusion than III)": thing Plst‘. I President Poincare, in his speech to the: Foreign Relations Committee. takes care tn ollset this almost prohibitive sum in pointing out what the French have accum- plishcd in the \alley. Ilc states’that tlie .Frr'ttch and Belgians have occupied 2&0 square kilometers in the Ruhr valley. loav- ing Sf!) others outside the occupied db- trict. This district produces 90,000,000): tons of coal yearly, whereas the unoc-_L copied produces but B,flll.tlll. The ‘gov-'’ ernment mines rrprr-edit only one-fifth‘ of the total prosluctiott. the coke ovens iiumherng H.313. The latter turn out 5),!!!) tons every day. 1 Further announcement from Berlin that ' -Corrnany will demand reparations from l;rance for damage done by the Ruhr oc- cupation will tend to further lessen French hopes. when she wiR not only have to expand huge sums for occupying the Valley, but pay for the privilege of ex- pending these sums. as is vhtually the case. it should not take Frame long to realiae how expensive her venture turning out/to be. The Reich, while will- ing to pay the indemnity oifaed at the lost Paris meeting-a sum d approxi- l ‘I imately ZSJIIMXI) gold_‘ntarks—lias dc- I tcidcd to deduct from this the cost of all '(‘.errnany has been harmed since the French invasion of the Ruhr. "hen lllts -s estimated at being about lllllllllll marks of the stable kind, the cost cannot ’ be cotlntt-ti as inctiltsirieralilc. (-Lambridge, fllrio, sttfiered a .l23.tll) lire loss last we _ -I (ierman alcohol is being acted as a part of the French reparation program. A girl collector of photographs is said have 2% pictures of the Prince of :\halcs. The strike of Louisville and l\‘a¢lt\rill(" ‘railroad shoprnen which has been ru mng since last July, has been settled. It is estimated thai 43 per cent of truf- Efic accidents occur at night. though there ,i- much less raflic at night than in the fdaj.. i "Jan addlrs one-'1 senses and disturbs tpoisc" says Dr. Ruby Cunningham of tits‘ 'llygiene department of the l'nivr-rsity of California. The Rockefeller :3 international educa- rd CIJXKHX’ to the the Cu to sscurahdequatei ‘'''’.‘ns:.''°°¢'“7 ‘"9 I “'5 W310 °‘itr-achers college, (Tolurnhia lriversits. podoflfisfacilhiesforflolunhiaseenied tehesetattedtsiposurtly. tea‘-letterto iiieiieuidesi ecu. cut... Sidfl Roach,coagreeemaal thei Ii_drthMiQu'iTIcrtct.nyathat&re-‘ lean chi?!‘ lfiillathu anaty‘ flfllmonrvsedsdsstsr ‘ I-v-Tn-c---er inset-ita...siteea-nine eessiea jhfiststsehtelaaaeatsustulefthe flautfildhgeroeaesatrablsaebeggsyfid beauty price contest at Baltimore. .___1..._...- A ten-foot vein of copper has recently 5 i 9-. Ct at E’ sua’ncer . lib already heel allth for raining. Jocab flanker, noted criminal lawyer b, was shot and killed Thtt > 3 .87 E 1’ Ihflaaawhatlfigahepthed, i.,l saldsrfls espeadhuo ea lgeese fiiwlllewllefosuae dajansw D-b&&d. addtttsad “it i if ll ‘Kim and a gown valued at ‘Lilli. in I'M-g. York _ Bertrand Beer said to have been the first lltetlthcr of the New York Storh Ex- -change in the south, died Saturday in New Orleans. Eight Ohio chiropractors went to iatl for four months rather than pay their fine of ' two each and code for having pflcticed whhout a license. The Wyoming state legislature it hold- ing a sort of “rump parliament"-«being mardued. still in seaion two days after the legal tine act for its adjournment. Police broke up the intended marriage Laroes. l4yearsold,toaraan Theiaanceministerdliranceisaekin the French puliamum for an tian af ll francs to oovar ea- pcneuofthe Iuhroperationsinlfiuary I —-O. vutptsiatothella-I, ‘«l.t\ i-to-ntttg. 'al lllurrh slimilil be prs~gQn[_ \ r -'_5_UARY 1923 _.:... ._:——-_..-:.... . Wednesday eveting testimony meet-,tian College, Ella V. Dsbbs and ‘Eva Oliver‘ and . n Ihhttltcttt 25: 14-30 _‘FATII.ER5' WEEK” AS WELL AS MOTHERS’ DAY IS OBSERVED IN YAKIMA ing begins at 8 o'clock. The Sunday Johnston of the University; 7. I. v lecheol, for students under the age of M superirnendeot oi Col ‘years, convenes at 9:fl. The Reacting J. M. Wood.-, president ol Stephens Col-l .IooI. in the Virginia Building. is open legc. " (..”u.“ ,m_ 1‘ Ewfi‘ ‘*4 from 3 ta 5 oelaeh daily, except Sun ° '‘ , sh.——Falhersitt I-teaateslsrs The til it ~-- - Wt’ nr - 9 ° ,,,,u,,.,y,,,,y,.,,¢.g,,gg.i.......|.,iaadtonaheueeotthe Reading Room.‘ , bl ’ and donning about like punter pipe... ———- There is perhaps no para o of the There's a reason. Ysttiss has Cslrsrr Islstssst. I Bible quite as widely known as they ,5, 1,“ ‘non. cm” 3.. Am 5.?’ The services at Calvary Church to- of the three servants nntl _tl'tL-V talentg, _ -,,,,,,,,,. . M. .. 4.4," 0.}... ._-guggnerrow are to he as follows: 7:30 holy! One servant u his five talents ,, .1... mum 5... ..i .. 4., .,.,.;eeneiasiss, 9:30 seeder school. 10:45 ", wisely and waxed rich. The second - to the honor the mothers at tbs Istlquwflllliaa prayer and senses. The 7:30 followed in the footsteps of the first, br vmrina s carnation. but Yahlmg lugfonnaaioa will be followed by break-i « but the third buried that which had -9' IN" W "W" '0 Pi" ' N8-1"‘ "'.' ""."' """ '9' ‘''.°‘'‘' ""° been given to him. Their reward wgg "4 '°*' "" ""‘- V"""“ 4*" m“"""" "' 11" ""‘°' °°"‘T"""'°" "“' the origin of the quotation: "For to the idea of "fathers' ws.-eh" so well thatllfl hifi adsaol students will be held at. ve one "mt ha sh.“ be iven and they are insisting that it be establi$ed';‘h° "-' ll“ ' S"d‘7 "l’°°l T59’ e ry g :....i,,..,~ ¢..;;,.,,;.,. ,1... ,,,u b, kw; he shall have abundance. but from as an annual custom. As a past of the observance. Yakima school rhiltlrett of the ' have written essays on “My him that has not. even what he has shall be taken away." This story has a forceful, modern day message. the parifi house I 5 o'clock. Open‘ for students will he held as usual let 6 o'clock. The mission field to he Not one til the pcpcrs revealed ill Ill]. . T , of the fathers _an undesirable quality; ,3: ""°'l°“'"""“","", "I" “:3” ""1 Topu: February 24: iliisidh‘dail,i'w:j£:nfuitiiRth(e':tld"l‘i e"°.:i" 7'” ""“"' """ " ":"‘ "ital “Use gr L033” - . 0 , _ my M ‘hr '_«1“' was mmphim n.d(_iThursday in bent at 7 II) The snbpect that f zttltc rs enough rnonc). were not ma Mibe “The Church and Confirmation.” lttoucitrotts ro CONVENTION ’CalaIhla Will’ Be Represented at Cleveland Meeting. Cozy Theater 9:30 a. in. Sunday Special uuiedi Number 5 AT THE CHURCHES ttsiitit I-‘ink win spesirfrois-emu. Several persons connected with educa- Rabbi Joseph Fink of Tcrre Haute,'tional institutions in Columbia will at- lnd., will speak tomorrow night on “lot _tend the artriual convention of the De- P|"‘“50"~ 0‘ F-UNIX‘ and Palestine," i’n,partmeut of National Superintendencc ' .\l l.. A. Auditorium. All are at Clevelanc‘ Ohio February 25 to March I. Among them are: Dean J. ll. Cour- Reduced Fares! Ask the nearest Katy agent. or write W. M. Fenwiclt, G. P. . . . A. M. K. & T. Railway 1540 ll T the l.’ all School of Lri « . . lint; i:. o. l.:s|-:"preiident of Chrisiicaan Railway Exchange 8|!!!» 3!- (Iollege; Misses Roae Lisenby oi (’liri--: Louis, Mo, C’ vi elcome. 5 Our Civilization toelie Discussed. Dr. (I. A. lillvioml will -pr-ah before thc ‘.tIltflft°g.'lllt)il;|l Liuii at 0 o'clock tu- rnotrou nigh: infttc \. \l. '0. A. Audi- luftltnl. lltn - liit't0 still lie‘ "Pagan I-¢‘fldIlll‘l"~ llttr l i\.ii.'.Il UH." Rev. Taylor \\ill ltesunic Duties. Til" list. ‘. lug. sufliii--yg: l) rtt-o\t't-l lt«~l.I I'thltti-_ \s.itil| ltr rs- <‘0'i\'Hl ;t~ LI rt" mt «l 4 id? ilinut a - his tlti'!.-s as pa- ‘. 'l‘.t")t will ht-lsJ l-tlll :llHK_ V Rabbi Joseph L. Fink of Terre Haute, Indiana, llalh it-' Congregational Platform Meeting Sunday, February 25, 10:45 a. in. Y. M. C. A. Auditorium tnr at \ii li.nm-. trgtzlnr -«-n;i- ~ Ploy lag Will Load C. E Society. The llhr *°.-J‘! T‘.".tlt’.'l\ r $«u‘it't\ (IT litt llltrlflean “ll'll"ll 1 'l;mid hello.»-lvit " tttw-?:i-.;: l-Iin-ill-its nigld A plulr lt‘tit‘lt will lw -e'f\t‘tl at ‘t H‘! imh and the r-;:.ilar tliristidn F.ntJPiI\'Ul ser- \lt‘t' will lw llt‘ltJ at 6:30 o'clock. l"lo\ ing oi litri-tiaii (ollegc is thc leader. Evangelical Lutheran. Sunday school and Bible class .1 IO will speak at the Y. M. C. A. Audi- torium Sunday night. Feb. 25. will linu- Local and Visiting Speakers Rev. A. R. Atwooti of St. Louis President T. W. Nada] of Drury College a. m. ‘ ' v ' . licxuiar srrviir at ll o'clock. Text ‘A. (jrlsuold of Louis oi sermon: .\Idttliv-w 1;‘. 38-42. \iisitnt'I are \st'li‘ttlllt‘. for additional inlormation t‘Hllt‘l‘!lllll! lite -rniu-es call W19-greed.’ Allie-rt t. llertitlial. I307 Russ sarH't,'h pastor. . . .\len's (‘lasii to Hear I-‘ather Lynch. Tin lir'\. John I’. Lynch will speak - t--mtvrriiss morning before the .\len's Bi- lilc Via-s of lllt‘ Christian Church. "is -ulIiv‘t‘t tsill he "The f'atholic Profes- eion of F.iitli.” The class will meet at‘ 9:50 '|‘t'ltN'k ill lltv lllnrtnffll ol t itri-ti.in tiiurcli. ' ,' All interested are urged to be present Prerihyterian. : Sun-l.i\ i- .t day of prayer for schools anti colleges. Sunday school and all ape- Ital t'liI\\t"‘ at 0:30 ii. iii. Morning wor- Jim at lll;l5; sermon tho‘ pastor. Vvrtnttg \r'r\tt'r' Lom “ 1.. 8; tops,-_ ‘t‘.ml‘- .\m-ro-tgtity." Prayrr meeting .it I. 7'l W: lo-ch ll r«lticui.i\ r-trntytg. CHRISTIANITY "l"I' Tiltll ~49 l|i\Itl llll‘ Vflfltl. lllll "C ‘IV? only bf‘0llffl ll|.tl \\llII~sN‘H‘l lwlievrtlt In Him should not fltfilll. littl Julm 3:i6. I Program for Women's Council. i,_,,,. ,,,,;“_.‘,,,g M,._-- ltt' Halli‘.-st'~l ~4'¢liiitt (ll lit!‘ "a)l‘ll¢‘|'l'l luun-ii of ill!‘ (‘lirmian tiiurch met n--tet-lat .il:i-rtu-nti lit the parlors of St. I.|.i.r lldil. llitistian (iillcgc. A musi- «.~il program \~a~ guru in pupils d \lr.s. organ-z (.ri-en. .\liltlri-«l Pack sang ".‘tttMlnviti." \li-s ‘lav l'it‘ttllev played 3 ttnlln ttltl.gjln illttl \Tl\l Brntlfy gm "Just for T-arias." HE religion of those who accept Jesus of -Nazareth as the Mes- siah, that is the Christ, promised of old to Israel. It is now the dominant religion in Europe, in North and South America, and in Australia, Southern Africa and many islands, and is making steady progress in other parts of the earth. It exists in the form of a large number of particular churches, sects and denominations, which may be classified in three large groups: the Protestant, the Roman Cath- olic, and the Oriental churches, including the Greek Church. The ag- gregate nominally Christian population of the earth exceeds 400,- 000,000. First llaptist. \l~IYn'llL' mar-litp .it ltl:l5 wth ser- mon in lltr ;i.i-tut. ."uttda_\' school at ‘I 3"; ll. ll, V~u-retire in ilidrgc. Young p«~ripli-'- srttiacs at btlq p. In l".\r-ning ~"l’\H"' -1 Film: strtnnu: "liuil's Lated 1--uitndnel " The Board oi Deacons mill‘ Inrrt at tile t'ltult'lt at 7:30 n'i'liIt'h Mon-l .\ «unlial imitdtiun is I-“.ts‘nrlo-ti tnl I lilt‘~q- ~t'!\ it I'-_ (ongregational. \t l0-45 a. lit. Suiiolay. a platform ntr-rhng tsill br llf'lli by studs-gt; and st-sting -pcokct-. The llr-v. .\_ R Afhmul hi N. lnut-, l'rt*-itlfltt T. “. \.'tsl.tl all lltttn lull---P-r Jflll (iris- tsi-itl 5!. lditlis arr Q-\pfrk\d_ l.on,¢rr-gatiunal -tu.lents and 3]] who gre interested lit the proposed t‘.-vngreggtiim. Christians hold that God, in addition to his providential manifes- tations of Himself in nature and in human history, makes a spiritual illumination in the guidance for individuals, the methods of which are revealed in the Bible.‘ " of Prof. l’. .\. Ellwood will be the speak- er at the tiiingrcgatiiittdl tfilub Sumlsy evening at ti n'rlus‘h at the \_ \1_ i‘_ 5; Visitors are we-lmrnc. Broadway Methodist. Sunday school. 9:30 g, m_ _\|¢mj,,‘ worship, I0:-50 a. m. . man by {hp RPV. H. II. §i|1plr, presiding 1-lqfif "{ Fayette Dinrict. Fpworth League. 6°10 p. in. Waverly News still lead the, discussion on "America's ‘orld Responsibility." Young People's League. 6:11 p. in. Miss Elisabeth Eomrth will lead. Evening worship, 7:3 p. ni. ‘u. (L S. Ren The truth of Christianity is supported by many different evi- dences, independent, but mutually corroborative. I ,‘\ Select at Church and Then Support By Your Attendance cg \