~— ' V O‘ a _+ A fl;-'>T'.'Q' . J I = - . J — — H- H. ‘Q n ' N -‘—- 2. H of Calumbrapsacrcty _ ,,____ _ q .3 12 our . rattrt PI mn.tr,u._ I57 T0.‘~I(;HT .,.v ' ‘l'lu.-ta P”: fraternity will enter- ~5*t":l ¢av1’rlt~;! 1-kl: it: annual letrual at the tluptrr lltltlat. ‘MrCaatIIaaaa_atlVuaoallal—n ma litlaalralt (Jana: In St. Lwia. ‘ H Beta'PIl: Hiaa Joaeplniae Hilea tn‘ Kan-In City and Ian: ' to cnmttua. Tn 0-ac: _ 'IIt.‘.~l'I1I[Il -t l351Mflafi&a~:IalplCaalnIo, all-mi-I-r Sarina-. taut... Sou-rit. It. L to Kan-.0 ifwlll lat: 1 C31. "" p ., ‘alert "t lmu.'|"ranr¢O Kay- l . rot llama--. Vliriarn IIGIIH "‘::,1"Q‘ ‘2.""V‘ 0:07,‘. , ll»-wtln Tt.trm". §_51',‘ l , .:«- ll‘ l:“o.H'1l.I'.l"I' h ‘MP. Jltr-~ l. t'_ .-r , ,l.Mx l'.o--maul _u;,__ |;, :1.-.41: 4. .l J..l. :n lhgb . 4‘ Past us, Lo -0 an ll--Isl lltlute llbrfl list! i» 3... .I.'~lhi.I:t ‘Ill’!- Auajghl. l3u:.,u M (Ill:-.: n."llmn_t: fin. Jul-n ‘.l ll‘ .',' l it-‘--I l’ma irf, llallxlt lllt I'll " I "H ‘. “tlrtullll .l¢.IlI‘:‘4r" ll 5'01"‘ H H-1 ‘'~ “u”? L M‘ [ pug ‘h’. H Y 9 -~, Ila" D‘, ‘.'v~'1Il1~ , ‘"74 "ill". -. J lh1V't" it , ltrlu rt luur ~ «I. 't>‘5,t ‘~tYtll.l~’ 4': ll- Aflpn ]'t'l ‘lit’!-"cl l"T‘.¢-' . uat-at-t-min :-»-'~ M" ‘A-"' W‘-'~ Penn ‘ho-..~', Va" 1 ...-tar.-tn. tvancm . r ht luau, Nut‘: Tztrnnr. 3"'l’lN‘flI. Ln “.1 ta.-ml. "N!‘l"’‘ * ‘ll Mu». lie .' ‘ll. --rt‘. -s -l Kam- dcu’; ,\‘ia,-rs lint’.-"Alt H.174, liwllt 4: r _ ",3 1-,, t». A-ltlr-h1 N *9 :‘ ‘“‘‘“ \|‘,, ‘.__. l. . l --mi-. mt ‘to.'t"<‘.' \t--.. \:--- J - 0 e" I .. ,j'nl l'l.~ l ‘Ll -tn ["1 h 4",] “gfur l"t\ ll "' ‘nut-L yltnl. l’ ii-H ,'_ l J!‘ . |t.l V '0 , r vhillllrfluc-J‘ - : Hr" ’~‘ ‘l D; i-.ll.'.tlN ll ll "fl In. J. ' Mn, ll---.1 l'v,"~. i’! It ' -51 In. It. It «....~. ‘I-- ”tuI-rr-.a'.u. I n --«~ Ifllflitrs‘ H‘ at I will FOR I HIA r, x It i‘ the mrutt \ anal lt.tlr'n t\ ;.«-r till lw nut nl town lur the- ‘“ Ch‘: ' \l|a-r'_q \ltltll ‘tl .l '. #. aim, \ nwlt ll.l‘|;."~, ‘lo :1 '1 ‘l""‘ “.13;-lam 'sNu.tl~'\ .n.tl \ltt.\ fi fl‘ Iguia. I HI Hm \I..... tn... \l.r.l--.’..H. , llamlln I 1 ll nn 1 u'tltt't' hilt‘! \'r\ l'e tn K"t'-t~ l H‘ ’ ~ [3 “in - \lt'w't liwvl .tlI-l . Sit-hr-rt tn ." I m l'-~-.' ll ll.\ M . l t- It ‘I I - lilv-u ''.?It'l '. W‘ .‘;~lntt.t Lttt.-..~.n I - \lt .oi- .w... Delta I’: 3| - \ : -'--t linu- f'rrt-.'n », i-ut 4 I'll l.t'lll Incl 1'0”:-l tn Ktnmu t it-. -Ina \I..:... -I t.rt«'v w f[;u~l~- |’ll\~t _' lint:-.1‘ l\"n L-—.—_ —\ uujrwvi \ buy. tampl-ell. ‘tlan’ lw-M." Kappa Mph: "‘ ' "‘._‘pf_ Ifirfi.-tilt. _,IrlIfl'IlIflIl‘. H,» Jml hull tn~r'- and green \llto'a pull u '5 ' r" ‘ ml “to l l , Guru Paanore ant W llliara Pollard to Kanaaa City. 5iaIIIa Ma: Jain flaatt and William =lln-water Ia Kaauao ‘City. Siflha Chi: Jadaaa (labia. Ru-ell Clay "agaer. Norman Temr. Rob- ert Inns. [Ania Biufiaai. and Llittnrrl llioted In Kansas lily and William Wlliu to Cflrolltmt. ' Phi Clllllll Delta: Clea Hall In St. luui-. Ctuatnlnp Clark to Topeka. |(an.. and Robert Warlrlell to Kama: City. Kappa Sigma: Gardner Sarlaee, 'l'hmn- la llranatrml. Ila-In-rt Smart and lien llms. md to Kansas City and Ilia-lnarrl White In N. (Thar . Vents Phi Fpa-hm: Tltrlntaa Donn-hue. *h.t_\lor "ooclrull and Niles Gllrltt-re to Kama; Lily. - C 41.9114 (241-!.|H nttrt all ITS <“!JRJ‘\"' D4\’l,£ The utrtitltr-ra oi the Alpha tlamntai ll: lta ~utu!tl\‘ will entertain lrntn 9 In I ..'tlm~ls this» --setting with an informal. «lame at the lmmr of Dr. and .\lr«. I5. I}. llrtlflrh. 300 lllrhfl tltrltur. Tilt‘ tut-ut will he do-rotated to represent a -priug tr-~w turtle-n. Tn-lliat-u vflth rlunhfltx rr-l . ltttmt «out the --mritx rnluh. The \lt~ ml‘ rglrml nu‘! llw twlltnfifi Jtltl, -tt~|N'ntl0‘-l luv-an lltrttt. J.Ipam-u- |attto'rn- tun -.t~t .1 pl..;niu,: glam met 05.. -ran... llte l.1-4'\f()[:‘.’_{,‘ 1”p\,(,H1' W»!-a will be hill luldts bearing the no--I V‘ lltr ~uI'nrll\. ’lh-~ «lupv-rnno will lu-' l)r-in l“\'.t J:-lm~ ~tnn. ‘tlt-A \ur.th lltttt. llr. and \lt-. l‘'.. l- llrtltsrh. \lr anal \lr-. \. J. .\lr-so-r, ‘It an-I \lr-. I". ll. Shirlu. \Ir. amt \Ir-. l‘ l‘. ‘tr;-lat-ttt. \lt. atul ‘ll-. \_ l ll\tlt'. “ . .m~l \lt~ l'.itto-r-can llmt, ]r.. anal .u«l \lr-. l.«-.m.ml l|.t~--m.ttt. It I, It’. lH..I"T‘ FIT” UK‘ I l.. IHZRIHI 'l|u- lltt‘nIltt'l| of D. -\. ll_ will IIWPI at ' tr‘! [Nth ‘.tllltIl.l\ Jllrtlt-Noll all ll-0' llttlllr \loHtm. Jul l.tl|.'t\~uu¢l .t\ -an . .ttt.m;:ul ln \lt- l l _ “Ill ’-‘rm-'-I col \r\t'l.li lItltl|~ l.o'- J-x ‘lw \tv;-ltv't.- l.'lay«- u-t l~r~tt.I ttol \m.tl vol-v~ lt\ l‘-Mt -ltlIl|flI~ lfl llld ‘It’.-l‘0‘tI~ I ullrgr stun‘ tlI'l'.|ll.l|It'|llI ‘lt- t _ \\. F-to-plat-n~ nltu H-nto-cl lu-tort-‘ Y-vrls to-an rt't't‘t|ll\ hlll trll ---tttv'tlnm- cut her rt-'1» th-‘tr and the t[tt.|ttIl and l:ttv'v'-!tI:;,' --"tH‘\ nut that twvatt. \lt~- \l.It\ ‘t't|lt‘\ l ttttt \\lll gate tnu rraltltng-. -§. .. __ '-II\‘.\, I. I. THtlRVTU\ (.!l I\ I.I \I IH'.'tl\ Till) ll \lr- .l. li. lh»-rnmn hull entertain with o lutu ltr-vn lml.l\ at the Lulu-vital la-;I uucl lull ‘la--I-. hunurintt \lr- I" F. Ftv-v~m.m --l Uklalmttu t an anti \l:~- ll:--r \l- \o-\, .. \o‘V\ \a-rl. I IN. The ntln-t ;:Itr--t- will lr- \lr-_ I‘ I‘. “ohm. \lt~. W. K. “RV- lt~-, \lr-. U. li. “.II'‘. \It-— Ur\vl'- V lint nrt V, SI‘ PR!/}..\ (ill I'.‘\ ‘T Illllillrli lf..\‘TFRD4l' \Ir~, "4 ll. ll-ollma mun lutt [true at the ltntlge atwn yeatertlay alto-tn:-on ln ntemlpetu nl Kappa Stems in ll.-nnr ul llN‘tI' cltape-run. .\lrn. Bella Kirkbritlr. The t. -: pm-.~ \\.t- a pink china natci-su- only, no cltts.-zcs. LEARN To DANCE At l’t-tnberton‘ Hall Mrs. J amcson, Instructor rlllated by the hes‘! dancers in the University. Prlvat. Phone 026 for appointment. ‘ TUESDA Y_. %UKI3$ WUNS IAN Tickets on Columbia Theatre M>0U’.!L .t.stes1,.6=P~—= ms nos r ocrmptrnsts mramecarnpr O'NElLL'5 rwtcglfl - NEU QR uosro_te-- cmcaoo afl 2&3 sale l 32.7.3. $2.20. $1.05. 31.10. MARCH 13 UGENE Luna» 2 Tax ‘Ell which was a at ‘lie tenth tan a 5* lite Ila. Mr. Joha Nowell and Mrs. J. S 15' llllid will cltapenin. """"' "" “"' '7" ‘ """ »"°" crmacu cutcu: .tru:rs ‘tut. The coma-lanoa priae Ian arderll'"_” ‘ls ‘ORION :‘;:_'f_’:',:'_,:":”_" "" ' ‘'1 Neither: of up nus. nut. Combo ___.___, ‘Circh.J the Brurlaray hletho-dint (‘haarh uwcm£‘oN ct/£515.41‘ at rm o‘elack cm. afternoon unt- KIILIDMAL TEA SHOP ‘ ‘Mrs. N. W. hug, Int Walnut meet. re were turn luncherma at the Ca- lllu 1.. 7. Hanan use a reading. “Hi- t...t.t re. and can at». yeuerdan, ‘Housekeeping.’ and Mia: Mildred sum. Mrs. ‘W. F. Wylveater entertal in lread ‘flat on the We-net-n Plains.‘ Min Manor of Vlra. W. V. McClure of uako- nllutll Ital and Klaus Lela Carroll can pee, Okla. ller other gneata trerel ra. puma! alive. I". J. ."alr-(Ilu-re. Mrs. R. ll. Gray“. Mn. Am .__._.... L Ferguson, A \In_ J, T, Slittrhrll and: » in Katherine lllantort and \lms Bes- .\‘i«-a Pearle \litr-lu-ll. ;Pl1'h"" 0‘ Ulllfi Roth.‘ AIL. Ivlm ll-W’ _\|',., gr"; ;, L fi‘|g.]" [ma ‘ 3...," ltftl iaivting at Thriatian College. lelt I_--- gueat, v\lr-. Annie T. Jolwa of lip kn-K‘-'97 '0' Sdlllia there they DI” atto-ml gr-hut. Lal, who u her home gut-Ii. ll 500*‘ PC!" I‘! ll‘ 35"" l"! V15“ "‘1'''‘ ' -- — «—- 15-bit?! and Mia Katherine Short. ' t!IS‘SIO\'.4Rl' (.‘IRl;l.E T!) I! {I E OPE.‘ .lM.‘ETI\(.' ‘ Mrs. Dana W. Freer. I318 Wilma ave- .\le'ml.u-rt of the \larna l.a_\‘npe C b-mt nue. entertained laat eveaing at‘ her home 0 irvle out the llru.ttlt..-rs “t'tlIut‘lt¢t (Llwrch with live tables ol hridye. The lathe.’ null rlflcftatn tltrir hu-haml- n Ill an prize 3;. 5.," by \|,._ j_ 1), it“.-m,“-_ t»|H‘fl mflllflfl ll 7.” "’l'l-Th ill?‘ 'I"|l"I and high wot tor the men u.t- matle l‘ at the ltuLl'|t' nl luolge and “II. John \. ti. IE. Bark re-_ ‘lrharf om Var-at llrmulway. Mn. N. J. --——~—— \;¢yer will per--irle «luring the huarteaa M} 3"" "7'. 0- “villi! Bwl "l K-"‘‘ _'._“"n_ “rm N" ‘n ,5" lg", . 4,." "_ on Lily will he entr-.'rtamerl at dinner thi- .;,,,,‘. ,4 .;,, ,,,,,|_ ,t,,,,,. 5, "u. ,,,,.,,;,,_u,, «netting at the Delta Delta Delta ltuthd" ufrlr ‘l:.t~t sear. There will he about -“"- 8'7‘! i" 3 """"t"" "I "W -“'""l" lrttll Randolph-Macon. l -tn ~evr'nt\ -live gm-~t-. ’-IRS. I'I.!.|lI\(:(j4R'k(-3' V .\liaa Jane lllarwoud ul Kansas ‘ill! at L" Eb Ll "(_llE“\' 1-“"4, 'ltVI‘ll w.NJlIP.-All)‘ evening In v-pfml Ill-‘ \[,._ ||,.,,,,,,g t,.m.» ..t 1",-..~..,., B". ;v.o-eh \uth her aunt, \It-192; ———_.__..._ --.___. ...,... -horn .\uoct\ation, 33] up in ‘n,,,,_ p I‘-'il(‘l.'Iea,, uh].-pa‘ ‘mi kntor‘ U‘ U. Sew-ram-e, kn-nu t.-‘us high schools, _ >-rrhrrr Tnpit‘.-9 min“ pirfi (Jul? W" ""‘W‘¢‘l and diatributed bv the [ml Ah“ 0 . j ‘tlliamt. ‘NW!’ of Vliaaoun, will he. ~ Crowd to Sea Ilbaprl urea in Caavaattaa llall. -11.. Ilirrar of on um...-' will bel 31- 0- t Wliaht at Convention Kanaaa City to the C3,, claw" will hold ita annual tsunit-rv-ntr at Hot .4 [hf [',,,‘,,n~‘y of "kwnfi “hams S1.-ringa...\rL.. \prt‘l:l'3to2& Thou who mt s 1-" represent the hm-mm Library are: th J!‘ 'l'‘' hlxh -rlwola today. Theo «nation. 'l.~' “yfrk III) will be added to _._.,.. -.- M be shown in7 tluvapu mu April W at the Fuumler~' LA .'l.n program It‘ the fhtragn Clljplrr uf ”" l"'5""""$' til ‘lint-uri Alumni Assn. Nen lltllna taken (I l’le- ;t.\|an:lI. Hall in i lt-nun m 1 , Tt't‘l.l, rlloptt.-r The A the rican .' illleletatea. Library Aaaoclati-on l ntterstly u-tern-nu e ltbrariatu; Bllnrh-' llfilmkz and Mass Freida‘ A "Farewell" for J. W. Teetl. tmlutnbta (.ltJ|.)ler ll'N‘YlI'lln \t'lt'r.rn- nl Iltr “arid ‘j[_ in holtlin; J lun-hell meet vi; lo! John W. t‘Hfl‘llT|.llhlI‘Y. W1’ Fl.'":'.lt‘lI\t‘ llntt hrrl’. lur Ur-g \uu‘flf1‘ LL "Tiger \0__ I, '\. ."lr'\t-nwnn ht” aw-.~|L_ o Bambino Music on sale exclusively at Taylor's Always——the latest in Records and Music 0"’ “The M. U. Alumni Song” BY 11- F- Major-—now on sale-~—:3()c AMBULANCE SERVJCE An)’ Hour Day or Night ‘ Emergency calls a apeclalty Columbia Funeral Home Phone 104 Leonard H. Sullena Thomas C. Pippin 60.;-".'t'— The New Model Corona tllw pt t-4-nul htttmy m.nln:.« I l- the lw~t purtalple l\pr-«ttlrt tn llu n;_”Lot ?. .\uturn.‘tIir [lalolmn \t.tmlartl l’urtal-I.» To-n tn: h ( arrmpg \eu (.-amlunatu.-n 1 Rant SEl)Al.lA ROW "l\Q'. kt')lm.tYtl lut Tumlt ll;urA.t;..n tllr ht-lt~l o-l .n.\ p--ttalul. l.IlH' ‘tutu-r anal tarr:.r,'v~ l-\-r ll:-turn. In -mcl -rt‘ unr tll up:-tutu-1:. Price $50.00 t.0l.l \lBl.\ Four New Reasons Why .\t.\\ WK, 0. Huh!‘ 10 II ‘. Ill to ht alluln btlttrt llw I alruani at Linneua, .\Io.; at the last ul llmy lnouaetkeepera and tired b~uai.neu ' ‘fitmlllfll buy your Sunday I":-t-lie Drug Saute. prepared by’! the |'.\t‘.!-. 'l |lllE.l.l '-yr! fll liar‘ llaunr llllllplff, vn‘vlv‘t ttl ~ Sun, Naturday, Manh la. mu FOOD SALE .t:lln.ner at lamntt hast lama: lw-I wt . M alter IL--ldr-n (.Imt sltantnlm. HA LL THEA TRE Thursday -- Frfday -- Saturday 4 Betttt son ‘; and Berotmliltclt ! The great:-st stun’ nl’ t‘n- . ‘ mantic love t~\‘u'p mm.-... ‘ A picture that ntu-3 through 8 lllllltll‘t'(l I-n :;:h- : less thrills. llll‘t»'.l;.{ll :1 l t.- ' tll‘t‘tl St't‘llt'l4 mt. t,'.':.'.'l;r V In-uut_\'. Wall: l:t".l_\ t -» » 3! sun. the .