.1. . ‘ , Ini’tIiie.:I'‘ireId.of‘Sport ' - itsrn mt‘ A lid . L . .iu_ 1 A ~£-EAR‘-Dstllvnmwilht " ‘ Classes.‘ ‘ A t. class. ehtnp O 5 55”’ "' . i ]Q.ponnd the--. Kenstnacr I lfl “' 3'0 mmnlrs to I VLKH-“(hill .iiul~ art-tlork Detwetler v_"u...m.-r|J. , gig:-it than by ’_ g the semi-l'in.il- 7 @II. we uggk ol . _ N hlvllflfllfl. I _ it fir opponent. The limit in b—.—:-—>— - » tlte 138-pound and l ;I.I1a.c.IAIlIal-t.‘a'l'an'rs 7 E ii‘ ‘.30 ‘C “ s-ti cl-altos «I-It gfl but tvro st tb er.-5:... h fl llS-pound class. Hinder plfi cl .\lororo, VIII‘ fie rob ggmnitttit-ii with a ltall-aalaon. llar * fiifilsnn in the l3-$1.31» -gnunll lot taielve Illllfi. ‘ll’- match to Slitan. oatoher. Giles Sdlivan. '. The Chdllc ld the Aggie teallt this ‘T twelve minutes. Ion the Q-. ionohh H lb l5- “ ...fd{'ll lllf /DV" Crlhfi Mglimgh hating the better ol lb t lur nine minutes. ‘'0!!! V8! \gn Dylte with I llying DIN , oi the heavyweight In the ~ami- clail. l4P|'l| .060 Smith. delilating him in ' J,‘ 3).... ii... iyiiitute- with a bar arm , The treat oi the etening nan a ten- E ‘nu exhibition match licttscen Lewi- ml ‘iglsh. \\llit‘l| t‘t'.tlO‘(l in g tlfll‘. l .9. .3, he cla-~i-«I in the heavyweight vii-ion. ‘ 1 Blinder and Shannon also put on a " ..inute ¢'\llll.~1lltItI match, in which lllinder held l»i~ own .gainst his bear- the —oc ——-u-5 "War-tit-ssuiatiinttittg E 11 2 E -. larflflhorhntlao. ~ 1&alorIha‘l$huohdl QflflIhoKanmaStpta Al- aalIattan_this Jglllll l i i vaaano forming the nucleus ggie ham are: catchef. Captain Shfilaar third baseman. Lyle Ernst; ‘' Nelson Ilarth and Eddie Cunninghattz. I; .A&ha pltcliar. acfln is: April 13H. University ol Oklahoma. at Norman. ' April 17. St. Marys College. at Man-' gut was to-wreatlf .l€IIOt llthlllll. rlgan. was awarded the April 3-2|. liniversity ul .\lir--uuri. at (Zol ' alt. . , aemiditials in the 153-ponld and, April 27"! University ol Kama-. at brute heavyweight clones were lcltl W9 Lanrusce. Ail] N-Nay 1. l'ttiyers'tty til Okla- homa. C Manhattan.‘ Kay 5. St. hlarya College. at St. \lan.-. .\vIay I2. Baker llltiversity. at \l.inli.tt- ‘ III. ' May 21-22. Univeraity ol Nebraska. at ' / May 5-3. University ol Kansas. at Inhaatp. » ‘ it-ocond year ul basketball and F_AUl.l0'l‘ WILL PILOT TIGFERS l iC.I.I.THI DI TOAD!‘ wmenynqféiyrsauua-set. lnlfoarnamcat. cots-at. Hui School basketball IIIIL ‘will play hloberly lligh School this alt ernoon at 2:” o'clock in Ilothwell ym- lllilllll. This is’ lltt! llfhvtll the regular -sclladlled gatnea in the high school tournament for each team. \luberly ‘withdrew lrora the tournaiiient several ah J Planes? days 330. but later reconsitlcred and de- ‘ cidvd ' Followers or Basket- iiall. i Dan Faarot was elected captain of the ol the em'1t.uq-uitsuweasaay . Captain Faurot has just :ted= his a mem- ber ol the Varisity baseball sqpad. agtehisonesst "iuplad with his hbility to cover the floor on defense. has atade ltiin Ciro‘ ‘i""l°' "'"°“°' '‘ C‘l"‘l. “mu” man athletic teams til nest browning. Although playing a i-itioa. he has proved an acura the basket and a valuable pa oring lfitfia. «lilo- l'ollowers ol the cage sport isay they tire tvell pleased to remain in the tournament. The lollowing players will compose the Mtflld lrotn Columbia High School; Fish. Cwinn. Stead. Williams, (Jaig. Cotllv. ‘Roselle. W.. lluart. Elmer. FREEIX AND PERDEW MAY BECOME 'l’l(‘.F.llS The leading prospects lur lllt‘ lit‘ lt- \ |"'l J 7" llrank Freely ol El llurarln \ptiit;:~ .iiid these men are leaders in the-it v-o-ttiun til the athletic world both hate cl- presaed their leelings that Tigvrtown ' with thc ebhion ol will be their stamping grotmrls no-at lnll. I all that part ol the nurtliwt--t Fanyd gd leel that it is the iiaep Freely. a senior in the I'll lliiradu Spr-ingsl ii the gouthweat quart.-r IEAL NOTTCES NOTICE OF TIIFSTEEVS SALE _"hem-. E. 1.. (‘min and ll)i.‘l com, his wile, by their certain deed of trust; Jlllfll Fcbruary t7th, A. D. I922. and, recorded in ‘It’ ollirc til the RP:'ll[(lP[ til I Deeds ol Dione County, hli-smtri. in‘ Book l55 Pgge WI ol the l'.V‘tl cl ttult ""'°"d' Ol I-ltd Btitlflf lnurpy cnnv-year. to the undersigned lloone Louiity Truatl l:""'l‘|"V. I corporation. 3.; trustce the l"ll"‘\'lflfl fltiffllrfvl rr'.tl e-uni-, tsilu_]‘ntI in Boone (.oar~.ry, ."l‘.¢UIlXl :o.ttit: thirty RN01. the north part of thesoutlieast ‘llllllcr ol the southeast quarter ul Sec- 'l°" l“¢’"l."'llVc. tuwnaltip l0fl_\~tlI.’I4", range l“it'teen, being all that part «it \Jl(l stitllli. cont t['t.'t.'lct oi the -tiiitéiea-t qu.t:ti-,- IlIl('ll ll?! tt0NlI (ll lllv ttttlillt’ f't_y.l and btllll 'lmc lantl crimeti-.l 1.. 'I‘_ II W‘-Jii by T. Fm! "ltitesitles, st.-ittt .9 t'.....-..- Iriunty. .\ltsanun. ariil H"IlItl"-l izi the l‘lccnrtlrt°s nllire in ll.-uzir ljuunzt, \I,. ‘Vllll. In Book page ,",U¢i_ }..yl\ .4- M7 at: flilillold l'crdc\v ol Alliam. \lt-. llutli ul . tcrra the northeast t]u.irtrr ..I (;u- ...uih :P.'lOl quarter ol Nftluifl ,l'otvn.-iliip Forty-niiie, ltscirtt inc, til toward a Valley chatnpionslip in I92-8. lliglt School. in one til the be-t lnfklcs frhirty, township l0l’l_\-tllnc, ll.|ll;'o-l |'..:iv Faurot ia a jlllflf in the_()llege oi Agriculture. llis home is at Mountain 8. ll. 3. ’iii1:vtoas"'ciiAlttetoN An Wbners of lnterelaaa Basket- ‘ till 'l'o_nrnament. lite junior clasn basketball team won the linal game ol the interclast basket- hall tournatltrnt ol llilullbib High School yesterday alternoon. defeating the so by the score ol 6 to 2. This nl! the deciding game ol the tourn- l that out. \\ ho section ol the r-lllc has ever turned according to the report til those has seen him in action. He has been the Inaiiut.-iy ol the El lloradn line lor tlh past tvoo years and was named as All Midwest Missouri tackle both years. lie is also a basketball player ol note. He serves as a guard and at pres- ent he is captain til his team. Ir-ree-l--ly is s""',u».i."..i.r' .3.t'T.'§r;t..‘ ifi pounds. Perdew. who in at present ltlentlittg Palmer College at Albany. .\lo.. is pri- marily I track ltltt. but has also eslllr “YA” To COACH “"8C0ss'N ""'m' “J lb‘ ""50". ‘l"°” “iv” lit-bed I loud record as a lootliall end. Former Prlncdon Ian Appolited ' by Badger State Olflclala. . Maotsns. "in.--Appoiittntrnt til lath llyan, lortlter loothall coach at \l.1t~ quette. Dartmouth and l'rtitt't-tun. .ts lootball colch at tlte lniwr-its til Wis- euiutin, was apprmed "etlno-sila) lit tli. state board of university rego-nt~. llyan uill give his entire time to “is- ‘mnsin athletics. and hill hate the title of "professor." llis salary will be M1110 yearly. them the iitterclaaa chatupionallip. The gante was well played and hard fought throughout. score! at the Pllll oi the liret hall was 2 to l in favor it the sophomores. but in the venom! hall the juniors lorged ahead tsllll superior team work and better panning. Tltm-e on the chatltpitimhip team were. Williams. lorward: "ard. lorviartl; am- Illtilt. center; (Iorneilson. guartl; Sq-nsetaller, guard. llerttert Illuuter was referee. _ _ _....- - ..-....—-._.. ...—A._ -._... . I I / /I 6-; "mi3i"l {,0 7 I|l§”I;‘{“ I‘ <0 \ "5 ')l s 3‘ He also plays guard in tmlu-tliall. In trarlt Perdew is one ul the strong- est men Albany has ever turned out. llc helped win two It'll)! and two meet cups in his junior year. ‘The lolluviing rt-t ords have been made by him: llroad jump. 20 ice! 8 inches; L l-yard da-h. 23 l-5 second-; lw-yartl34~h. I02-5 second. The relay team tthir-li l'er~ ‘ml ‘dew III a member lnf tun yr-at-A |||n a amark Oi l minute. 37 2-5 wccumls it)! the hall-mile rela). "& Columbia Evening ||iaaou- * rh h a member of The Association I Newspaper Classified Advertising which includes leading iaaaqapr-is throughout the country ’ ‘ 1 fl lttf its aim the elimination 1,-d talent and misleading claaaa- : advertising. Columbia 5%: Missourian. as well as every IIE member ol the Association. print only tratblnl I --9-:-—-L» , ‘ nt not conforming to Illa ,°_' ; hflhast standards ol lsonc(y. l t I 1 0l’P0ll'l'L'.\ilTY SECTION TIATES. ‘ yards and one chicken house. Ala-i other out buildings. Phone I807-white. (Ll63tf Cl 703 hlisuvllti een. ll l(i'.‘.-l6S rot" ale gwtwr HAVE YOU TO SELL? FOR SALE- New orange ta-lTc-t; reso; black lace trimmcd. llatgain. Call I213. loll FOR ssu:——t:... i... ha.tc-hing.lrom‘ _single-combed llltode Island llcds. Also lew ingle-conbed cnckerels and hen» IVCIIIIC. FOR llENT~—-Garage Phone 525 gr III lot regular 8-point type (I50 “I. rhkb. M”_ Jul,“ ‘L 'r_n.iM,‘ A éliael is one cent a word a '¥dIasabove. E-nptwrwt ditto at are . roll. Telephone ism day. Q 5“ » centa.a word lor sia days. For the FM.‘ * , type and tor white space the rate ;. h-according to space used on tln aalne-llange," with nvt-It thermoim-to-r 'AITIOol’apering to do; gnodl V Ils-white. : I55 ANTED-Girl as a companion for - _ ____ __ _y______ 8 L2 months. Vftll give her pm; _s'ALE_..Buff ttipingrun «-39, 1.‘. hot. Must have good rolerenoes‘j,u '15“ Ma y_ _x_ p.g.._ mm... _-to] -1 WANTED TO BU V .v’ pp ,'ic each lor ’ to .\li-.iiurian ollice. filhot Estate. i~:_ 2:. l'“‘1'.:D—-.\'l.~Al)IlflCltii ol .\lal't‘lI 3. lirst ten copies, .\ll66' jj. 1 V. ~. .....___-n _ _. Io NEED ‘m ttt;s‘t1'A1’§ lty Seqion is pmven. _i".— ,5 nault-producing ability ol the Ma lrom lniyeraity. A ._\'fIl’.s lease to Qty. Ptnsessiofl ate ol Phone 1595. v . south side. State III. \ ' 4 “In C illfllll <-—-——-—----¥-—-" . To Bt'\ -Iititdtag lot. 8 part. _lowest __________.___ _.*"' A‘l‘l""‘ 3°‘ V- “b'#"' LOST-—Small calneo pin. valuable a- manic * lfll“ a keepsake. Pilate return to hlissourian , TY T0 l.0AN——Ono good real ‘ a“" ' Address Ion E. Hit. 0 n . . gggfig 0'." “n h" “-3 5, “gig.” .i W... oonable rent. Address box ll. llisnnirian. um, V II lt£.\T ..s.-moon modern """“' ““' ''’‘'''n'‘’' '''l‘ "" ___m”- ~A ,1 5.“, 25,”. mg, .'.,,.,;, . _+- FOB ltNl'—1‘us nsdsru. . “I ‘ha m mm Te. u... a, - tenailated basement rooms. i; also .-. heated on when boulevard. near ' ’ W three-room apt. on road. caussoataia. st ' . - SMII/Ct |'|-- I .- J‘ 1 _ v% J““—-?_- i ‘i-'_- . 1 ‘ N ' B u i d H m , , . file; hut lfl I K: 21 1'5. .fi.&_ ‘lg... la .3; I93 HINT-Alter Afltl 2.’. Nicely ’ - i _ or ZISI, I52-tl V ‘ ’ A r FOR §.\Ll':——IAii ”Adtam'o- .\IcI'l warm- ing oven. hot water lunch. A lttgh clan» stove in good condition. Call |'l.'lib-revl. ’ lhfi §A[‘E..(}otinc lo-atltcr. I price, Thyee~qtIlt’l!‘t lied. Tlirr-i--panel oak screen. Ollice deslt, iittarti-red oak. ‘llat top 55 x 34 inch--~. Ph- igreen alter 6 p. m. , . FOR \I lb.‘l—l6.'i ixm. ”i"tiF_§.tr.'r: — 'rim-.- t.....il“..i iT.'.TT;T:.Tt lor cow leed. (Lall 335$ gtc-‘n. Alhllbl ; FOR SAl.E T|RES—~wg3¥; non-1-hitl llxlntll lift“- at fl.%. ly guarante--d. Ful TA\'LOllS GARALF. I ‘ -O-o- - ‘ -.—-¢—....._. . l . i Co aL_ lE.'tiT~- \todent to-ooota house.‘ DAVIS g '5-[505 (101.1, (:0. Icat Cattral Illinois Coal. b 478 or O. Opposite Wabash Sta. E» ._.g.._. ____ri.i.i.tiii_t;9_«iiit_y «go-I. Loci‘ "J66 POI ' ND—Craok , for automobile. 5 Tllifl-lfi3 USED PIANO BAllCAlN$. Re-conditioned. excellent shape. Schiller Player. 32%. llarrington Upright. 06.. I’. B. Allen Upright. 883. Whitney lipright. M3. Wilson l"pr' ht. 095. Bargains in sed Phonographt. T.-\YLOll'S .\ll'Sl(I (f0. ‘limos ENTl'lUSlAS'l'lC on-"r Opportunity Section result)-wthere are tboae and you can be one. ..._...."""”"""‘__;__._' " ." """' “""tt £6 caries fig. FRESH VEGETABIAS will Jtll quickly il listed here. B150-it ':::;:::L;:;:: A o..- .-.< ¢ Let Tltla OPPORTUNITY SECTION sell bruha lines ol ohocs lor you. Clean out your stock lor spring. A Pholos 0’ EASTER is an occasion for tlut most personal Ill all gills»- Your Photograph by WESLEY BLACKMORE Phone 35 9 .... ;_i it I?o3}}I{i€T lnrnished 3-room apt; modern with ga~ Address Box K. care .\lissourian. lltflt fl-‘OR Rt-INT -tt....m. at Sixth. Phone blil grv-en. _l':(-)ll-—l’ll.'.\T- NNIITI‘. «l«:iiahI.- i- suite lor light lidu-elu-i-pirig or singly. Tlhztl rm .~...iir Full lll’:\‘li--lint]! (lcsttllllr lurni-Jig. rooms in suite lor light housekeeping oi singly‘. (1)3 Saulnrtl. soutltwo-st corner fol red campus. l’h-me SB-l-llerl. lhfi FOR lllINT——Tlvo lurnished rooms in modern home, lor students. l5l2 Rosa H154-ti ~__..;-_ -. .—-.~—-_j...._—._.. . -._...._.- & u;..Tc:3.-s iii FOR SAl.£v~-A l92l 5-pas.-engei Buick ’ Six. in line rand" ttton. TAYLOWS GARAGE 62465 FOR 5ALl'.'——l'aetl Buick cars in good mechanical co ition. Prices ranging lrotn Ol5O to "EBBER BUCK l?(l.\ll‘A_.'ViY l62-l65 . __..._ ._._.. - _.———2 ..:_-_.._.¢-— ¢ @139’ Goods R055-KlNLOCHl Exclusive distributors ol Nancee bats, Ki. New arrivals each Friday. l58tl é Board WANTED TO llE1\T~—Three or lour-A room to apartment. with private bath. by April 13. Peder it luariishod. Address lo: I. (2.. care Misaoufian. IS‘)- FOR IIENT--Four room apartmQ locks ROOM AND BOAID—At 12% Val- Phone M4. Tl33tl. . tioruto—r.7m art. at 302 Colbge. I on. I“ P I Blaah. 51”!’ : ‘§.Dru-as 8. ttr3:.r7-.., V99“ lying V3! and nnlllt Ml tlw lln. lrc port and lit; Springs Road. ‘Illi" I t. t lortncr deed of trust lur $l,'it."i(li which said I‘tl\'P)lftt‘(‘ was made lll trr.-' ‘o secure the payment Ill xi co-r1.iiri pp. tniasory note in said deed ili-st-rilierl .m.l ‘herons, said note rctnairas due gird delault, having been made in lltr i-..\ ‘llfllt llieretil, now. thcrcltite, lllt' ll---in Tounty Trust tinmpany. a r-..rp«r.1:mn, trustee. in pursuance to titv pa-t.....i». ll said deed ol trust, will on illlllfhldt, Jhlllfll l5tl|. l9'l3. betweert the liuur- ii! 3 o'clock I. It. and 5 t-hlritk ll. lll ‘ -' ‘hat day at the south lront elm-r nl th- iihurt lluu.-‘e in the lily ol "v'l.l"ll|‘..l. olloone Count), .\lii-rsottri, or-ll tl.«- rilwu l lescribetl te.tl e-tnte tn the higlir-: hid ; lcr lur cash to -atislt utal rinlr. lV‘.l"T"‘l 1 ind coils ul es-rutiiig lltl-s tnist Said ale being made‘ -ttliirit to prior rived nl ‘rust securing Cl,’-00 anal at‘t’l‘tl4'tl inter '-t tltcretiit as ll"llilI zilii-we tlt'~t‘HlN'll Boone llirtnty 'lrtist l.«-iii;-iny. .1 (Lnr mratiun, Trustee. By 5. (I. llttiit, \'ice-Prruirleitt Find in~crtirin l'«li l7; liii.il itwcrtir-" \latrb ll. l‘l‘.'.l. Ollllfill (ll Pl ill l|ATlON ‘rate til .‘ll.\\llllll, l i aunt)’ of lluiiiel --2 in the Viruiiit (nut in taratii-n tel-ire l \pril term, 192.}. ' l lzarles \ (Le-ntrjx .. . . . . . . . . .Plaintills rs_ l2T.'1")i The urilinmsii hciru‘. iun~irt~, do-visern (lHn"l'~, .:l:vnee.s, or lfl.lllll‘IlI.ll". tttesnr or remote, Vt-ltllll.tl’\ or l'l\0l'Jfll.1l’\ ;Y'Jltlf'¢‘tt (ll ‘tlmrm ‘Cult, dc" "‘J‘l’tl; Hi I xancy 51‘!-tl. dc.-c..t~t'.l'. til (Lemur i ll. llrr-ili, llt‘I"l\l‘|lZ ul l’. ’.'tlIc’.lt Null, . lnce llrhltt, tit-i r-aartl: ti _l:lI'to‘1 Scott, dC'l‘(‘.‘I~.I‘lll of E lturrl ll. llir--, tlo-vo~iv-«l. -l l.oui«a ll. llice, der-ease-l: ul \llI'..I i.ih Proctor. dcrr-as-ed; of hit: Ann Proctor, do-cettml, ol llvnrv Anders-iii time.-i-tr--l; til l'nil\ lriclo-rs.-n, rlert-as-ml, :ind ul Susan J. llJ,"‘. tl"l'l‘3N"l. llrlv mi ants. The State (it Sltsuiuri, tn the alimr rtncd unknmtn olvlo-nclarits. (ITl‘fl|TI_lL‘- You are hereby notihed that an rte tion .3. been cotntnr-nred against yr-'.l in tlw ircuit (‘mart til llmriie foirnt}. .\lr~--urn. .l'e-.-ting the title to the lollonzrig dc tribcd larids and tenrtrtcrtts l)lll2, hr-in; v I Always The ltow'n:—Tlia it... half ol the Nollhiull Quarter ol Sotwtion Tltirtyaia 136), Town- (I-Il: which said action is returnable on ship Forty-aha M99. Range Point: 1 the first day ol the next regular torn ol this court to be hold at the Courthouse in the City ol Cohambin. Ioono hlisaourl. on Monday. April 2. W23. Ifir. and where you may appear and ansteet or otherwise delcnd such action; other itise plaintifs petition will lie taken as umlesscd and judgment rendered accord- ingly. Excelknt Shoe Rellairing Heberlings 24 South Ninth Stroot. PALE an t..'t . J. By Thane Who KNOW livery fall‘! ll Cli- rrtts llmee Iilll fltllllof trouble here. There's a reaaott-—bere the work is guaranteed and sen-ice last. The cores naatl are the best -lteav-y and guaranteed against lreealng. Dodge cores 820. Columbia Radiator Co. New in Motor It 7 North Stack -3» ¢a Phone ltllll .\ true iwpy oi the records: f Witncss on hand as clerk ol the Cir- tllll (.tittl't ol Boone County. hliliolfl. tatttl tl‘.c It'll til POIIH. Doll? II Ol- tuc in Columbia. Mismuri, this ‘ltli day mt Feliruirt‘ l')’2.'l. tseall ‘ 105. T. ll.\RRl9. Clerk. Final insertion Mar. 9. l.ll*l‘ ll.iil inc-on til pctrl- at llall' t!~-.iter or hctwecn theater and Rose- tVt|t\. llo-ward. llcnry (}arrity.. l'~l)'l iiu~ctl‘.Il'_\. VT. _ ‘_ Abraham Lincoln General Grant General Lee John Wilkes Booth Sitting Bull These are only a few of the charac-. ters portrayed in the historical chap- ter play, “BUFFALO BILL" o a (‘ozy Next Thursday C mQ .1 ‘L. .4 .4. ..s... .1 for for Always glad to serve you even if it's only a glass ' of water or a hot air treatment. . , We llold No (‘learance Sales Complete Showing 1923 Spring Suits From the Society Brand, Langham and Sic-in-Bloclt Shops. Prices $30.00 to $45.00 Other good makes, $20.00 to $30.00. Complete shriwintzs of Stetson Hats, Campus Caps. Kinizly and Metric Shirts. Right Price. I V- modern house, near University. \23l-greon. FOII llENT—Large. light. lurniind uodan. Ml College at-enna. tttonos Phone Ctlli Phone l$ white. POII RENT -2 large light too‘, IJ ventilated. close to business section. - they are in this special section. :;‘ Lonca No-ncss_” ACMIIA t.0Dt‘.E Special Communication Tues» day. Vlarch «I3. 7:30 . In 2nd degree examination; .'lrd W0 , Nieman. W. .\l. Phone lad Creel! TI'tl.lGttT Looct: No. titfia rm. ‘ Regular meetniga. 2nd and 1' Cd: Ind-vs Feb. 27, 7:fl p. n. Nowell Building. ll.E.Gallahor,'.Il. C. Hora F-ltrarcls. S-e Neat mating, ' We Can i ll”? money. 24 North Ninth Street ix It Good as New With a Copper Tyree Core A radiator to sel- pert workmanship (I10 H. J. Gribble Isithin three 5 .i Broadway. can .--.....- M- - ._ — --— ~—-- - ~ - — # IWJ9 lrol 8 to & Dl$l POI BENT-A Mo room. "it? Drug spectstttoi i fhat Leaky diator Is Still 0. K. _ cove. suitable lor one or two lad II are advertlrd Inost elloctively when. i )“0lI Phone 249k 0 Every Student in the University ‘H as a Vote Take advantage of this and cast a vote JOHN C. NEWTON Student Councilman-at-Large (Three to be elected) \ ing of new spring S. & B38. No Matter What Your Price Limit $30 - $35 - $400, $45 - $50 Anywhere within this very wide raiigc you will find high quality and the best of good style in S. & B.’s show- Hart Schaffner & Marx and Micheal Stern Suits “Everything that's good" in model or fabric—is your big arlvantagc at Other standard makes as low ms 325. w%