F 3 O ".‘ I V I. n l t i‘ if: st .!"*"'it+ t it ‘til i, . ii I‘ .. ,5! iiji;ll:~"{" i 5 haatltag or an individual I ‘peanut - sttot/Ln. nIsnL4r run 1-poo- -Chitteltillaleltda Stunning WM 0] . _ \ _ "IflI*.l"J‘,lI_;;.;”ltl Arieriea. though _i’ __l. I r,Note to‘ ‘mow aoiuout/1’ ' sxraritrtr rot-it AR . -It-rm head. or ten gm” to he.tlte -out polar hm zoraameat for evening «wear this . idqle wreath at silver leaves the tuost lefldq lot the mung girl ~ auan it ‘Clo Iuf hohhed hair attraeti ly. This idea is also popular th thoae W“ long hair. although the l tter may swear a hand IICIIO Cl) Gill. astusrh of silver threads lding an araa-sat of , in the lrottt, is ‘often turn lry Mrs. Fretlerieh l" littghuy- lael. Diamondsalso appear in . hands laud large hairpins. ‘ As a rule. the younger no do not Ivrear many hair ornaments. A hand oi luhite sstta is not always an the to t°"¢"'7 A can he senltanees regularity of leature. This ar~ hetter lor those omen ol 5 rangement is ttha londe. lair-eonpleaiotled ype. A ‘lltll lllltd ol I930 firigltt co such 80 Long earrings ol the pendant style are also heing worn lot evening. 3 t they A tstube -mu-1 ~t-M2-I-s. ease» up wishes to he rehellioont a.....t....mat,~mr -t -» t--v-|-r M "W -"W:--'"~ to the‘ capital t'ity's lat-‘Ton evening _ . *‘ dra . I h ell . tlte 'lit-au- Ud is neither tr-0 llflf of 300 Illll tifyrthehazy ll? 80" Dtllfil ‘"0" It For is"predo-iaant. Either entirely ‘ill’ l‘ "l‘“"l|‘ll |'|0llt" ‘fill or partly ol list is every lashionahle 5! Wlllrll -l’I0l¢ln hall-eonealed Jrap. .\linh. beaver. rltltlfllllll. ermine, 9'0‘ hulludy-anythirtglyou still. hut fur it 3“ . . ' A‘t‘tttltlDlIIlloIl ol furs throughout the 337., lilllfiflril ll'°°O‘l'~' ill flrlllv whole garatr-nt.mahes a rhartntng cloak: 35‘!!! ‘Ill lillfll lhlitld Vllll 00" thus one oi ' the season's sntart one- are the thin models and is entirely ol tvro lura. linings oi dif- Ml ll“! fool for colt- lerent color from the outer hue are in aifi. -, " . ruuc rot; ‘and rolling lur collars may 39*‘ l|’°I ‘Pith reveal adorathe evening strap. bushes in handbags to cotsptm ‘ to at hall-and-hall. that a. hall j ¢:'I2|t!n¢'. There is the ltllth lur and half fahric. are oven newer than ' which is eorrled with the lur-nixed ellects. - , ' l ' Brillbt hrocadea adorning tnarty ol- ' . ° , The ‘ fish fastens with two elaaps; the eonhiaation of ertoine and hlar-k_ QI- vdlfl NM ‘to'natelt hlaeh velvet vet is edusing comm-nt ‘fish De trora ahove I30 hid throughout the East. g A “If? lifll parse trlflmed Circular pieces ol garland, eqhro ifhiledoeeltter ol the garment and enveloping V ihue uhoare tiwd of Io~ the ligttre. is a new ernatirm. Printed it i la thh class could he included. gelvet or plain'velvet_is al-o lteiitg vturn. for, embracing the afio-al_steneilrd leathersthiehhas Fancy and elaborate ate the mt-uing;.'..|_ ‘[5. ,.m.t|, un..|.tm~m- Illlflll pat-- mo-— ledher thongs. Tortoise-shell al : one that you may we 5- per- trith success lor vanity -rasl haps just a little-hit tnure attractive than heavy eord had taasals he other. . attached hy maufsllgold ‘Huts hroeades. cloth. relvet-—a|l are ta . fuse. Another vanity ease ht-lurred. Not ‘a wrap shall the stell- ‘ he on the vrrist. lt.is dressed wotuatt treat that le not tvell set ‘ at enamel viirh is hset off vtith fur. A . rtjyla. - {D . -7 -to-~ —v-— ‘ s _ ~ We Na Claaraace Salsa 7‘; ‘ Assurance--. g Some. men buy clothes haphazartlly, trusting to luck that they are in style. However, those men who use their best . judgment, buy their clothes at Barth's and have the assurance that they will be correct- y . . 3 attired according to ashion‘s latest :_ ictates. They know the price is right, for Barth-Clothes are somarked at the first ssllin , so that they compare with thqgClear- since lc Prices advertised by some stores. We are now featuring the latést and t;__" » % complete showitfgs in s t Langham. 5" A Society Brand _£ - Stien-Bloch . lg ' Clothes of Quality we-4, .. They are priced from o‘... . $30 to $50 s 0tlte_rIaaltes._83Mo$3Nl. " . I _ ‘ an of the new shapes and styles in - y . ystetsoattsts W M . ‘ OI-Discs: t _ by . —fl V - " ff‘ ‘A71’; y.‘_. ' .4... » ~ A ' . e 4' _ Fans are still favored. The a younger .\lrs. Vautlerhilt (‘Jfllrss one of gles bordered with black net. Oslrieh lana are still very‘popular. and glue larg- ~tl span- ner they are, Vsillotv plumes are also llovtever. leather lans are not ltlte only .-nes being carried thi- season. idr leather ones may . seen. too. Red is Ilte lnwfl popular color lnr leather lam-. f .\ err oR.m=:RIt:s ‘A'I)‘(lRN L P-T0-THE-MINI» TE hoot! ,Btack sate.L}."'§r;gI.t.-ugh: 1.,- ; Colored Cretomtes —— Hts- ' nille rlppears. Th.» lg.-t.~mgrt.t:us |"ul:tf- Ildl‘ .-t_\lt-as 'ol lurniture which make up llt:+lurttil|tII' the more lav-hit-nah Cray lat-ored or lans. oi’ the 'up-to-the-ntittute elta ter are toned dovtn lty draperies this ~p ing. The ‘pre\giIing ltachgrountl itt bl h. hill! largo J.pJ|lI‘dl’ designs nl llttilrh and (phage. or youth the rna~~i\t- loch pat- .terns. 1 Blur-h sateen is lteing ttwtl in ltedroonts taillt rttlttrllll t‘l~'ltInrIr‘ lDtIltl9’T‘ l*'|||*ll“'ll' rd III‘, and ltr°-lsgfhd til the -shit‘ Illflll“ terns are living -hotstt to -d|i_hl)' ""'"' rot)-r'r\Ill\r' lI~lr'4. ; .\ nets ntatettal. ~tllt-lil~l' orinoha .. l..th_ ll‘! appr-art-tl in all the ltarreptrd ‘tlraper i‘olor:- lot the lllqltr ltitttg-room ‘ . . and the ltlDlIl\.\ Duplex rhenilt-. at el ftety material uith too tight - t-. is ll-. spring Calls Forth Beauty Q ,'l‘he first noticeable detail of the well-grooiited woman Permanent Waving _. . n A. ' Mares-ling ._ FOR EVENING EAR red. green or bright blue. ivi al « popular. .' 'ea|Icchlly if the evening gown is hlaeh.‘ o —.-p..- ll“ Ufid ill large uith high uin- er shops vrltlyom lg" "it; ,1“. 5, .m'l T 3“ ‘.4 1"’ -.d|*” ‘N oi ' Wlftuetit‘ where tlrapario-s are done - array with entirely. Silk hroeaded mate- rial is hung as the only vtindovr cover- tng. It routes in eeru and cream. and _ is just heavy enough to diffuse the glar- ing day light, The, newest thing in uindotr «thades is the elimination of the abrupt line across 3 “ll|4l0'I'. which is made by the old- lashiopetl roler type. at whatever height it happens to he fired. Pongee curtains give a much more pleasing appearance from the outside and serve equally well. They do not take the plaee of the’usoal nindoa} curtain. lttl hang over it. CLANC£..S”.tR£ Mom: .-tLI.L"Rt'\'C BENE.41'H ‘ am: or NEW VEILS In Turhey. Persia. India and in other mlltantic lands ol the lat east the vrolls en have long hmottn the value of ht-aut). for there it is hidden. veiled lrotn the eyes of man. so that the subtle lore ol dark eyes is all the more entrancing when soltly_ cot ° the no meshes oi the surrounding veils. Veils llatter even the llofl unprnniit» ing features and net’: ehartn is lent to the eyes. the coatpleaion lo soitened and ~ snug trimuess is lent to the entire roa- tutne. G ..t .: U-RIAN as its litttetut lot ‘The well-dressed uotuan of today nev- veils are a net-e-sity instead ot a luxury ...- ...-_- .- Iln rharrn and hecomingrte-9 flu an-ll . hut. carefully ehoaeh. they are olten the distinctive touch aeeessary for a com plete costume. There is the short veil which eooeeals only the eyes. Then there are the masque veils vthieh reveal new charat in the eyes. Circular veils are decorative to; plain hatsand can be worn either down or back over the hat. Veils can he houfit complete or hy the yard. The oafilata vella are per ltaps the most attractive than to dialigure them hy anheeotning meshes. ! Chin Strap Seen. A chin Crap. not dlieriug es-sesttiallv from that on the helmet ol a llriti-h k"hohhy.” is seen on soate of the nu hats. The hats which flaunt these ad- lunrts are fitall and close fitting and the chin strap, tthieh hasu decidedly (‘tr- quettish air. is called a "la'dircctoire." ...a. _ .. . -. the occasion. So not» Q -£-J—— ... -. I _...4 Colonial Shop 1 tlrt.-ss. Tea and, Gift There is a significance in the . fashion which food is servetl. as ' well as there is in the Sl_\'lt.' of The efficient attd modern methods used in the (‘olonial din- ing room has won the approval of all who have dined there. no more to dine at the Colonial, for real set-vit-e is a matter of at.- tention—not of expense. .... .;... It costs f i 3‘ T x is her hair. ‘ll We do expert work in Facial Massage .*'8~B¢i8lltySh(l.) Sltampooing Manicuring up this way: C. ~-l:UBI>§.Y mm r—~o .~ l-ei-s‘S*(l'lT.s:i.4itlE‘. ..iI.'tt7"»-.43?‘ u-ed this spring. Some Ire a hit daring, . ' most in lator. \ - . y .give a dash of vivid spring colors. \ SET‘! ll. PAGE FIVE . 44 ll I‘! IIlC_ Iltll ll llbr‘ t.t'tK , haaslana ALI.-Il!I‘0RT4.NT Pll.-ISE ..t . straight-lined dread with ..t.—..m...- The h.trhlttmt- ol every tn-tn.In'~ ward- robe is alua_v- the suit or the street dred-. Frenrl. serge. lludier elotlt. rep wool. l\lllt‘IIl(l. and silk and stool t‘re|Ie< shotv that -trees dresses and suits (‘an be beautiful as hell as practical. Though the too-ptrte suit is llftllfl shown with vest»: and with bl -uses to match. the tl'trre~[tiet‘e -uit seem» tor be lit» routs ol these atallt reach the hip. gtttl arr either rlreular '” or lJu\.~liht'. lite l‘:lrttt jacket is also a delightful nu-tutne vttth a st-rni-platted shirt and a pet:-r p.xtt collar. \lany ol the stills lt.I\t‘ .-u.tI~ ol t-otttrasting colv or. The ~l«ew~ atr ttt‘.‘|rl\ all wide and llsttstng. ' Sornetltittg no-vi .tt-~ tlt‘ ttitttmitigs (in the rt'\t'r-, .t-tttml ll?-‘ I‘-lfzr oi the mills and sleet . llt.tt«l .ttttl -uttttrhe have rtsme lmt L to gldfr‘ tlu ltr-\\ -|‘lllt2 rluth. ing. Some ol tltr -tttttlr-t ‘~tlll- no other tnmmtng tlym the wularhe or lmtid on the nut Fttf lllr‘ ~ltt‘0l lll“‘ l1IHtmltvt‘t‘I IN‘ lavorel. uuul zltr ;tltttllltlt;!I arr lo-it to have The College Man ‘ And His Clothes To a fellow at .~.chttul, an c.\pt~tt~.t.- :tct:uunt generally figures 4 - 1 “If I can save :1 dollar or several dollars on ‘neces- sities,’ I'll have that much more for lu.\'.uries." One of the major "tlc(‘c:-2.~4lllt:e~"' is ('lUll't(.':%; gootl clothe:-s. You need style, as well as wear; cl.as.~.~’c:t are hard on clothes. We can help you work out a W itlt.-r margin on “luxut'ies" with the new spring models wt.-‘re .~+lttm'ittg from Hart Schaffner & Marx. They're very stylish and high quality makes them as tretnely low priced in the long run. ' A size and style to f it you is av. uititttz your visit to our store. Drop in any time. on one side shovra the trend ol new Persiln silh is used lor mot total a lead deal. and a we hit ol Pet. ' and waist- btuul is also popular. In dresses also aoutache and sotststlw etlllroidery and hraid are the latest in- novatiota. ..\loat dresses that l|l\e ttu trimming at the waistline l|l\t‘ soamhtttg hanging down in the shape of -treamen or sash. Although the straight stint ttilltmwtlr is in vugflr. Ill tettslenry towards lullness. in the coat dress llounee helm» httees; skirts lapped in lront in a not! ol jahot elleet. vtlttch is lined in «IA lerent material suggests this.‘ The coat dresses are made nllltll ut Ilia spring. tllt-uglt the trllfitttrwr‘ tllt~- has not lost its popularity. ‘Sleeve- tlttmgh long, an‘ being shown ltotlt in the tight-titling type and the lluvtm; inlet). ' ll you want to buy orssell aollrtltlng try Missourian traut ‘K.-%'.r I