' ’._,:.&1_. .‘ ......-....-....__.—__ * ‘ml 1’flI'0|llI£c tlJ|l\‘ lt‘t‘!t']I|ttn3l walk- l"I- B'|m‘l"" til the club haw l)"".'1 to wall: a rea-unable tllItJtlt‘0' t'.It‘ll tl.t\ lt-r lIu- mental and plus-i-al u--ll l)"lt||.',. As evidence of aoml faith, vault 4;» __ plicattt lv-t lt|t'tt|l)0't~lItp tti llir .-luli. up lot at: or eight steps, then ir\lIalina tun long nalh. Induce your lrienrla in trrt tln- viallting habit. and add In the rlvs-ure and benefit of tvalhlla list has- ina congenial ct-npanv and inalnluina in i*eiwd his firtst real tr.iini:t¢ a- a hav- ('hIl|L"' t't JI'll' rt." 5t! - ltlv-n \ .' lt'~ Pftlfll, alter ntlttr'\~lt..'l\ tn-fftllfl llit‘ tr:d tent last xv-.r i- thu watt --nr ol the , F I , no , 4 - ,.,;.‘......,:.t 0. Q . I. n 9 _ } ‘l .- W - - - A V ' A 1:“ _ t p _f..- it AY,A.PRIL ‘nan “ _ A —t'.\czs£m i t ‘t .-diiil-In-I-‘-,tI¢in,'iti-tuialoaaarrr oatet.Irautaaaala.aaooin?‘‘‘_“' ‘ ,, in l ' " "'3 f "7 it "' ‘ L aavfiimvtuw &I£ta.a._tQt:_....,,...........;..t....e_ t:.titl-trroraata 1'Ial.? - - ..-___.‘ - . . . t i -—-——-+- mm.’ = . ~ ~-U---t=~=~ ---=- - e ews mt e ze 0 art - ;_ haunt, hunts.“ K -zsuata pasta; rut-— i cant ;luas1U nun; status. . . b “I ‘NI m U. at as-naa ’I'sro records were broken yesterday '3 Ulflh“ .$_ h ' '6 c ., “O83 . tvban W’ 3... n!‘;,5,d T0 up enough enthusiasm to get out .tml whirl: nere tnaile by the members ot the “ . ‘~' P -g_ Q3‘. “ ‘ t '3‘ ‘"3 '5' ['“"“'%'Y °l l°"|- 5- 1 3 4 "33. Y0" 8" ill! team at the tune club. On the other . t.aausr.v-dlllli UH .1._L carihpynt the -ca-II-at-etllrsthlet-ig_ . . _ L. . V . b 17 , _ , "'3 ’. I kn“ . t r teant. . - , ritr naituzas nu uoctr hand the «ht-ei which stands tor the home « 1% P E“ m 5 'k“”;:|C 5% "‘|.9d::'l59 Ill’ ‘:fib. '"vr‘:c' use ‘I ‘m in “" “mu W “T.” ‘.''k‘''.'' D“‘ll0I|Ir." inued ln t-lub records the Plats at the viaitifll eluln /‘ 1:’ . l n"(' i l . it‘. - - - F I“. at q ~ " l ' ‘ 7- . .'''U.‘' 3"" ‘E u ‘~n$a aaaliihtaa iaaattaad»"' ""” |"‘°““- °'"“"l" """”F‘ ""i Poefl'Il.‘IltclI .i.';'.s°».."lii' ~. l-:li ':l:v"i:td’a(ltli?i«‘tt'tkt" mt: H: b."‘T'."" °' ‘°""' " " "" '|""' °‘ "5 ‘ ‘ I A ‘H 3 ' 1: m 1:. C.‘ ‘ 'd_'lIO3J ‘MIMI! Itierrtoon C. L Watmn lird lfll in the knee-lina D tivitiec Hake tour rec lrr hulu‘ dull ‘ho pm lb‘ hon. vhj ' I * b“ -* d D. lid’ J *5.‘ 350" V3359 V” 5*‘ poliion. The [allowing ttoores it re 1 ‘ tour important st:":ll8l’ dtltlr ‘.00 “"3 h hr ‘II It log; I I‘ U I L - 0I'"l"' "1"l" "" 5 Qélirimdaltatthsstucsaaur. all-st even do II-t wk. and nude: Wm-n. sun; Luther, sat; tin.‘ -M -- ;...,, “MM .9 . hr“ m_m'm_M' M": :':r_,:, ,"\‘°",':' k '";,Pb“.y ° *.:£\LCtt' ,0 ‘- "°“""t ""*"' l“ "1" In unity-grand; Senator at cautho tea. is roandinl auto ‘ilhvc 1-tfioa. sat; Beat. 381; Keller. 37¢; Glover, 3l¢’m|ter.~‘ Pay 82 In Charitt as esent in the (lorintla out-of-doors. awav 3 , ,,,",T ‘,’'§,, "" '" ;,d 5:” I0 id I" '”""”" ‘m h" . at all” 1 GT 00.3‘! .9? c°.d' cfiflu ‘—°.-°°‘l‘"'° ""5" 37‘: “"""‘- 370% VOIIIII. 370: Smith. 1'?‘--l'lt‘tlgt' ls ll(‘t|tllrt't.l iron. the cares and anxieties 09 hour‘ iisually lhe (bullets: prtttinx oil: r E. l" “""M ” aflr lg Aljlflj J PIl8kl'*|' l‘.'''‘'_' '5' "‘ '9‘-. '°d'7 9 370: Mcnillan. 367. Tlteae were out of to D" TVH’ . and business. ‘alt Iheresrr )0" other pl.“-no Q},,,,,“., ,0“ ,,, . " " enjoy the sport Ul " 5""°" "' "' "' he ‘I at Congress tron,l0“0'"= ‘4'°l"'- 3"“; “ll” 5"“ I v-mihle . The ahugr lot the , ‘ ‘‘ please. but in to aid to the interest and r(‘(‘i-rdfll sou Lnon that "is .t h set: ridin :1 mm tr‘ "l‘tll'f (-""039 "‘‘l 1‘l‘' khl "‘ 3 sllil “strict; Judge Conway “Oil: 'Il'¢0lll 5101'. FINN: l0h0|’l'|0l|v team was 94 pct cent. D‘“l.‘"- pleasure at wtir dailv nalk l)\ -e:.irt-h- . 40' .5 J I J m 8 ‘ m‘ L in at Ill‘ Spflfllllfld cC‘l ‘ A M ‘ s...|_..5. go, ‘he n"..uk.n Danny; thiul bae. Ouickz I field. —-~—--————-—---—— _ ‘ "“j‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ 5,,‘ N" M. mm". ‘Ad 'h,M§,, pm“ luau um um‘ ':"_ _h'_ k “"6 up cv“rl'thlm'-‘m "1" also tarntionc-tl_aa paflfllu lag...‘-.5. r. an... ,'.,a,; (_'|u»|., Marsaleh or Cotton; came; |d_ 51.5. Jule llay Breaks Worlfti Record. ll.‘\ltl)ll\(; \\l) l'U(.H .lUlN' i,t,._ C5,», .‘ ,“m 5,“, ,5, ,.,u,,,,, in bu;"p:'J”'m :3‘: ‘It'll. ' l;.'‘‘' :2 ' road! That Sl\0ut< tin hllb ~. ~ ' . {u nu." ‘. .0, ‘mm ctta: right field. Dakar; pitcltra. l7ick- . Joie Rat. holder ot tllflwofltra .Vr'i~{)fll ' _ D. “I I p,,.g,u.n“. ,0 me hfld “dun.” ‘mi .”m.P'“ ‘M; M‘: “'2_&".° T"'u" mar." liken pfllflc wintl.’ Tl\.tt'; It. It fir-sister. mant°4.Iallna ‘C3389! at state. Funk’ Ana-mus cl can 50- “"*""- """"'"* l'.'’‘’''.'''’.' '‘’‘l "°"' "‘ “"“"“' '""'- ml’ "" "“'" ‘-'""" ..( r “ "" ‘’l“,’'' ‘‘‘"'‘l '" "'15 wrmndinsv of rt-t-rum! rm the .-ii.-im .....u».i to tltt‘ tirst haseinan's ‘h"l"'l“““""~""“ ‘l‘°"“*'“-’ states tenant. HID Q C a County. a Democrat. will oppose loch-r.g¢:Y $510 I04 13"’. Illttlders. are ‘A. L. lP(‘ut("tl for It.‘ “:0-rant race: He lll-‘lt't.lt‘ll0tl'-. and tllIltl(‘tl_ H‘ mm ,__mu_, mu Mum"-l "pm him nu. .2» i.....i.i-.c -no Mia ta uatd. tact. ai...... .i .i.. i»... an - us». -p -e . i. Saw ‘V -as s. aw--« m ‘- mi of Bcttelits of ‘wt bri-us. In-4 em. -so-ton ...n .i.. hall. ii. i... .. . """"" "”"". V’ V‘ ‘ 3|-Mas-at and I. it. ltollistcr of the Jet. rt» tea: pl-V-‘0k!alIo-a at Mun-It "*‘° :;'*‘If- "" 'j'""" h“'°"'f' 11.5.. g,,.,,.i_,,. tmk. rim: thrust forward. srtm -«in: ....-in i..t..-.i the ball mi [N me Pllijilll . A F F» 5- Uclllltr fillilflfljaraan City Capital News are also nea- next Friday and Saturday “',’ - _ - ‘V "P'"”""" ' " l"'' _ __ in: freely at your tide-. em ltfird ‘mm .:ml the plav nent rim." 2-3 Hi’! the sanir. ~ h d MC“. . H." A.‘““ 6*’ t n”‘-;.“''‘ ‘. “an.” 0‘ flue. hm ‘bf’ “hm! mm’ mm wt" _.u |.“lIotl Alhlf'N"(?ltXba mntesttrtg in th.. (en. ‘,0’. ‘M, 5"‘ )0“. THML the ground and oboersing. aml ylut ., _. CIUOY C 08¢ IVS. . alao.ei-nsirlennkligible. ‘ have not announced at: y ,.,,.k {M ,',,5,,‘ g,,,,,;,m ',,..¢,k,_ t_r.Il(-5. .\. uuloor chatapmnahip meet. wdhu ,, “Mi; nu‘ m‘_“_ ‘W inhale body relaxed and radiating l|ll_ l’ltl»'B'l'l*% l~'.«\.\|B SPREAD8 dill‘! ¢n.l0‘l H37: [1 11.9.3”... uj. M 3;. ..............._- I _ -P ._.,...t.._.._. Six other t.i~ntral A. A. l. fCt~0'dh were t,.,."~ “H . hm” W';wM" "N mun‘ ,.,,,.,”. ,3,“ ‘mi ‘"30.’ Bnnh, ‘kWh’ st L. _ W C H.‘ [I P. u finer“? .- will In I c J, or the 7|’! I Kllloifitl WIN M 7'7 ' -“""""""' “"' M“ ~l”°“" ‘l‘’''''“ 'l'' "'°"t by the Heart ot Am.-...~. “alhifig «tub ""l"': '9" Ml" "";“,|""""fi‘ ;""' "°";‘- ° ." 2 ;:m:“:"; ' ' "C " miles for only a dollar - ,.__..- - ‘ - - - - ---V._._._.A.—;:g~ 7 «_ -_-._ '7 otK .1 _ . ,-.., ., ,,-m -mnttmr mu '"t||"|l)‘- “ , ' - - _ ' T l l ‘M. M r W“ h d l W N ' Wat-iice breatttinl exert-ises by ealtalitta "“l"" ""‘l‘““l‘"' l"“'"- '1'“ "" kn. ml. ma ma an) Ler'sgoforaridc. Then -~v- lltr little ~4u:lh]\3\- lad in _ "‘~,\.l! . ph ‘ .n',gjmn.,g in ,,".”| Amfluan ,_“,.,_‘ ‘l"“l,V until .Wur lttnls are filled to their ball . Ptttllft at ‘the lntur,-its ot NI.‘-. gt the You ll . _ ‘ K ', //' / ‘ ' V fl and in addition to 3-llflltlllltng a l.ltK0' "m."M c..p.”"V ‘ml MM 70'" b""h mun‘ H ‘me l, H’ -r"“‘Mm m Mr lrrtow why theycal MO103- i ' I v- ' 7’ 1 u - -I I k | Atnerran Ila-rt: ll la-a - '("|tl t« 94 V-llWl1illlIlltul~w\‘l W a » r ‘ U 1W'I.'W>!-v “ M-Mb" of iwr-om in --«tum um I».-9.-i "“' " "" "" "' “'°"' "'9" """ ‘ . “ ‘ “" ‘ “' ‘”‘ ' 1' —Ouidoors'Grcao . t e. k 3 V \ I; at 4.1], ,,,.,,.“,,,“| ‘flkmu .11", , ‘.3’ alter arailually eghallng. l. llo)‘ Stockton. a mi-mher of the 5t. qcttlfl E.‘ a '4 ' I (-- has helil a number of tulliint: 0'\t"n.l- wrflc p"'l'" the °‘ -'0'" it” b‘ Low’ P°\".nmh".Vh ‘l~~.m|n“ ‘uni ‘lw efisponon Wm ‘ _ , k - cg ‘och ‘s ‘an. ” ' “H ' k " ' nearing aertnthle ttht-ea madg 1...» .~,,m[,," is I-tth .lanaxer lee l'ult and that .5! ,'." ,- ‘ ' ’ 1 ' - __. ‘ ‘$1 u" md toungtlulpx 01:". Hull: l|"lIr‘:Jt!t’ amt protection rather than to -atiolt bl.‘ lnuis Brounu in T-xa» lul 3..-it 3 l“' tnMg:I:‘m.l&h-cg ~’ v-'=' 9* t ' __ ." littherl ,.mim.t, lint’ llu‘ 1..-n.-in ..t tlt-' “'"" "_""‘“' "",' "‘ ")"'- D" W‘ "l" "'f"'"‘-. _ it ....i'¢...iw.ri..._ Y‘ . t . . . v 1.. . . ‘*7 "v ‘ _ __.\. ,'_'; “ at awqage Wm," in "(Pd 0' "1u'.' '."‘!'_‘ yutir tlltly walk tlIlI|P.dMtPly Ill?! Plttttg ‘ EV!" in .lte \_.it.lV. t..i lflttt if l*l.\ ll b“" “ "' some t'xcrt'ttIe. lt Iim- In iltttztttlatt. lttm l. mu m"lo ‘ml ‘Void ll‘? llllllk "l I l";'‘" l"“ "l""“‘l “""l ‘77""l‘ ‘l"" l"' ‘ ‘Boone County Cycle (lb. 16 NUt“lt Seventh St. = a “ :1 l-Jlé‘- 1:4“ A K ‘:7 I;;:: - ill W ‘ .A. l - l.’ - W M — t “H "V : ‘~— l: — ‘K’ ‘—-‘V . 0" ll tttfl Irrrflrtl in rvtlltirml fit '.'I\.- -lllll" “0"V"‘.ll°.- l'"""lnI Viiut , lnuls llr--V'.' -' lit’-9 l.i"~ for a lttrr _ flu. rglwh E ' Ilimg. 'm_ mm your. insurance. (u|fl'§ I DOST-Itll person who totals wrong FOR llE.\l--.\Iay lot. unfurnished mm’ (hum 0‘ hi_ ‘_hW_‘. ‘., M" M” tn-uhles and worries and putting joy in. \lara,~--r luhl has --ldo--I in Pa: /\_ '-‘ gig is a nu-tuber of The saociatinn 'Frattier. phone Sl . (ZIMVIM Gaberdine coat from menu elierk room apartment, first floor. south lrnnt two '_ ‘N ("UR ‘m ' h i 1 HT ‘ '. _ in mm lit-an_ t-ti’. nitmal lil‘t‘l|.tll l.|l"nl -;~.-,.l is«..e ' _ ' ‘ ° ' ' 4~—~ ————-- Mil“. [cage re-[gr gang to too fiV.[f bgtIt_ ‘ljggrd in ‘jaw pin , . ‘ l ’ U‘ '1'.’ " M" n_‘ -- I , .} ‘ “pm 1, _[,, \. ,. . . _ ,. . .3 , W ' "'5 I .\t-wt-paper Classified 1 , _T _ , )R ~_ IF 31 U’ P 'l _ P ‘I I qum,‘..m_ “v Mr" Nr'p_' _ H" M‘ lut \ tut-4 l in the proper mental r . ii, .l.. _\ .1 Lugs \ tl . T H ‘ya "Maw". which hand‘ knflh. llfiél. I53 QT}. I’: . A . . P .\lilita,-y Headquarters. and receive own. port-ti. Phone UK) Black. t.l84'.t ham" M ‘Ht M ‘Nd "”‘m"h ad‘ .m.t,,,. M ,,..|;,,,,‘ mm W“, mflml ‘mi 3...“, u’_,,, ._;.. ,,_,,n,._, hm,‘ J, U 5 ’I, 13; ‘A _ T .. _ *.“P!pr" ' m."":,3':: ' 4‘ R f d‘). l" filtllllllfl U! ll.'~ |lVlllIl -I'll\-llP'. "h‘.“-‘l “rnllu-inc ab‘"|u!'|v dr"‘"‘i 7 l ._..—-—u ‘M In‘ for m .5. ‘h 'small'.I:;ulIent ‘chitin l&r Iflllillkut-‘flail LOST-——Lower Plrt ot a GI [OH campus 4111 ;h o:im’l’lt-uh:-ml;~LS ll“? "M "'""'i" u" "q" M "K" awnml J l'l..‘"”"'.Mr "Mum M "lulu duly‘ ‘ "at lrautluleut and cl} , ' ' _ ' M . . ' " ‘ ' N“ hi. i. 0- II'- - . -t -. 1 ""' '"l’' '‘ _ _ R ‘ L h . . [ounum “-3. mafia .33-i.‘ oclxk ‘:1 ‘ - um . it It I’, slut: --r utmt i.Ito it “rd ndv'""|m‘. The l|:|t.¢n’oIl Zcouth Sixth ‘nl:r:-t. VCJIIOIJIY. 00 the Red C Ila. R6 “' bu-‘|lN“*. .\lclLnt'v-ts t- the ttttl\ \.Jlltl es rott IIENT-Jtootm. tarnished or '.m- ‘"*'- " - I''''"-"‘- "-"~-' -""~*"'~ "o I-?.\'l’ERT Ti:i.i.s now l IJi!tt1“i:o:Laam:ity uauiat vb htel. \t¢e aacnt reports. Salary and_i ' unnecessary. I lfi Rilsmte "e .*l83—l85 been worn. Cnotl t|UIlll\‘ trimt.‘nt- Size M Good Style. Phone IH8 lit-«I. l8t-l85 oven. Iiot water back. A big.-clos stove in pod condition. Call 1936 red. They're what we make rlght. aotltlt rooms. Prefer ladies or mar- STORE. l £,P'urn'tltti'¢ llfll : .\lisiinuri \lnior (ft... l.'i North Nwentli ; . l8-8-18.), .\ll84-l86. cuter-_i it t.'~tlIll\ If-i~ im: -t.m«l .t|lJl\ Tltr that my nall- t- .m llttl'\ to Ii rrflrrtn Illf ~ttbtlo |”lillt‘I~ neat and fitcapacity. . “The tour requisiti- of a aoml nallu-r liar [!t’t|"tIl the. It rutiilrnvoen eu-rt‘ pl.it ‘in. ‘I, right fielder. Non rl--n't imagini- .i~ -um!‘ have. that No. l -ticks In \o-ltl til the titanic all the ioeamn anal that son 1 I "H u A Z - .' iton between mtnil and lI0(l_\ \mt -an gm“ 1'°"“‘ H.‘ FOR SALE llxtra t:«-ml l£a|tl|l\ rnvi. co a »reailil,t' to-ll ll) I tN‘t.-~..'. mills and run "“"l l""'b: "“{"':'"l"' ""'.\"|ila'_\er|nlto v.-wo»x«-»- -« -«me-« ~-.~I°'- '=-W . . - t » I °» ;;:1..":.:"":..'.':::'":..':;";.:.';:.'l;:::-'**::; ;:.:..':':':.. :..::...: .:..:'.'.:'.:.t ....t.'.,::'. ::.::t . 32"" lllld. (‘”’l’°'“"' l. fh-", New nhlflnent Cottfs Pr-rtuniett. All “TR S“"t"”'mn‘ "M" "M dun‘: Av ‘ w T50” dull nit-illatina indolent anil [tttf'[N--0“ "W8 50"‘ '5'’ 3” ‘ml l""| ‘“"'l‘l l'"'‘ l" ' 6"". 9.,‘ FM h‘or.flmn°I|l$"‘0ll Nb" lhlndlnl ll"! Vfly latest. ""1 bufldt 'l’‘’ "W 594‘ '# “‘‘‘‘'‘ll D I3 A . .C0AL C0' ' A l by },¢. an ‘it’ f, m IJIYV a book along vitth you In ltll'fllll\ ; ‘ \lti~ele shoals unit ’Corporati.on. Tm" on‘ 5,,“ 175,, other small pier:-. Phone 360.. viutmicw C:-U-| Bl--{ow goal 5 _"f;:W_“ _:,"'“f‘ 0,‘ mjmg ,,,m,_ by ,m,,,,,_ l t ' """"'°" ’l"""'°' '“”"'- C'"'“ .. WANTED~—tloolua+c that Im ltolitt tuna’ Co w '‘'and forces ot character .. well .. bodilv Your No. i it the number attarlwl tn- . ““n c”|'u|”‘ Bk!" Sl‘ llnlu‘ Ad""c° ho .250 bank r I l . l _-......... m s an‘, Cod.‘ - ._ h A u it daufllin if“-. the pitcher of the litime team aittl to the -:e7- .- A ,;_'..‘:'.i. .;.—_———- “..‘e.Iv ‘ab 0''“ ‘h¢r.‘om(,",'. '”-_ I Ill .1. ill I CIA doors and‘ " - * ‘"""I‘ - 3 "3 ‘C . I 3- ‘P , 7. f ht '. . . I ‘“ lo.-L Addfpg’ B0; ]_ }|umd.],.. Mo_ kg. gtylp of walking iniliwii-t weak. ptlt ter 0 t visiting team am a. mu have a -eparatr -heet mt nhirh to keepf the «core of each team sou knmodhat 5":::mg Mir°m:"";:'d‘ ..".a7 GUI» down. H-room lIuu~4- on l‘;lttt'VIl‘d for return to Sylvia Daiis. Phone . _ ' _""“"" . ""°“"°°' um. moo .i....... 5... :......;n um. 1:95 .t.t... i omit rm:-but nu-e um um. amino ""'" '""‘ '" "'* '''°"‘ “W ""'"‘ TO S(20l{l-I BASEBALL f“?ll'3\(:'fI IO lmx on no’. awe‘. dnwni f _ 0‘ llmtfq '1-l;|il|-_ l.,..m‘.|\ gpttlt lln. I ! 8113-! I IQIC ' . ., _ v - ttitance a~ tuh rm-nt n tt;- tequirt in: its attention tin‘ N I I" totoom gig" uauhl "’d(f.' "':h'?0' W ' I I R00‘: ‘£hE”‘n0:§'E.“-fio;n‘:;:: nu-m_ ‘nu. am,|i,3m |,|‘.dm._ H" i“_ ll\ lt ft\ ll. Fttstll eertiu-nteat not containing D IE ‘fl’ 9“ 3| ea I) ,.n_ ‘-734 ‘am; 3 |[.||_ Phone 1129 |;|.¢k_ 705 flm ",3" honor in ettmitraire tlte llrllllllttl atul ilr " *’P"lR’" l9?-ll’ '”‘l""" ’u°d"& d l ' k l33-l89. llllllllll Plltrlsr nl walking am'~ng ll" 77"“ ‘J '5' "'3! of a series (if ar!u.'ei 2:? 1-‘-’:"l-h .: 8-l’00IlI l'|0llIl'. NO. lflftttlt Jlltl lt t:-4' lIt~ lllnllidtl‘ l-I II‘ ‘n ’‘'‘''T' U”. "'”"’- I,“ ’""l ""777 Vh’ IATI3. Wllh fllfut. OII Rosemary Lflttf. Pllfillt‘ "M ’.P'n°‘c M“. [of M. fol» dllf? ulltetu lit lirt-tulr tt1,.tttlt,.r— t-l tj,.- '10! has b¢'r'n’rmuIrI an ujfuull ,s.‘0I(I Ill! ‘nu rate for rec-In I-r-tat Inc (the ion or 2151. D177 ll Tamil? 01.69 min: term. lltll camptta. on Tnrner. cl-ti» '1" ”‘ ""‘ """“‘“ "“”""‘ "’ . fil Ilzttl inlfieclfl I I3‘ I”. C _ _ _ p _ Wednesday_8l.50 rahmc ]2g_ |')|32.|34 -“I”! Pfonitnettt men lt.1\-- ¢'tItltIt~"'l '“""’ ‘‘"’'‘''’‘''’’'''l /“’'3‘‘‘’‘'' '9 M‘ I““" Ova mm a I for at: Jan. Fae ttia “AL l_1>TAT*- *0“ -‘«*_|'l- Thursday 0139 ‘ the ...m- at the .-i..t. mi ll.t\t‘ .-mull:-il W’ /«tour pub!-r la--rr propcrlv to saw */ , hf-r tit‘! ‘rid tor-white fit rate -l'"fl"°| C“! P'"P'l'lt' lo? -‘-Il"- Tlll'p Friday ".29 FOR RENT-—0nc nice room in the 0‘ ""'mlW_'r- tln-~.nto-nt ll."-nlmc. ‘.lH"l " ""‘""'” "-'""" """ ""”""" ”"’P"' . according toapace ‘ya g. .5. .3. D. Wtilfert place. consu-ittta of ~10 aenx S."urd.y 99¢ ‘ N°"’" ‘dun’ ‘Pm l- Clll anon .ltl‘ll-I‘ 'l;i‘t. \t.n.lu| lo. li_ ‘-'t'.'o-lar\ "-';""'«‘/t "'P"'-"11"!" ulldrr the rules on ‘ as above. llvttndtd on the south lot‘ llhuttlt Park THE GIFT SHOP. 919 BROADWAY Ptiooa 170 or ‘N. N180-185 "l 5'8!" “0ll"'~. l--'m~r.'tl “‘|4|'l. A...» '~“'’* 5'‘ H '-' ‘-'I."~'m«' Md unquestioned - ‘ 7-«‘—‘«'’‘3-’'‘'‘'-'‘-’—‘-‘'- Old Q the west by Chestnut street. An" tant .\ert-etitn -° l‘l-' \.n~ ll--- il-it-~ "-4”-"""- ~- - - '.t ' Em W ‘Ill’! 0! chicken llttlt; substantial SPFCIAL N0. 8 RENT-—RonQa at Q "argon Ruosettlt, “tllilltt J Ilttatt, .\'t' llattt -\l“ l‘''*- "l’”l l"l’9l "l 3“- ll 1‘ ' improvements: priced low to! quick Dutch silver candlevticks that retailed Place. for ladies. Mrs. Frances Sanders Lautler. l.ntl) \—t--- in-l N-nit -r llttdll: ~' 3"""l "l"-to ‘l "'0 “'4' W ‘W’? Pf"PI'fl)‘; '—iTNT£D—P. . h *r_ Also a|:act of liars tover H‘; In 312 l » 78} W. lulin-on. l-'1‘ l:-l,|“r.t1"‘Nl|'JIl: in kan"i:'writn.‘ia l\hl"u:Cl');::.I . l'"|I_ ' _I|nnnrlod on t nest \ an im rose - '4 c it .49 ’. ‘ ""'-"N t 'W'"‘ “NM” ‘ " ' “ ‘ ‘l " ° ~ ' ‘F-'3 0' 3"‘ ' '°"' .7""""' la‘ iv-rip 5°; Mrs. C. (2. Batentan. P ’ ‘rm: Cll-‘T’5SH().Ppm‘ ‘"03 35;";-Q40)“; itch!“ Mekmnr --ti...m-.- tit» ;:..-.-...-.i .: cm-..'..t ax». but at u- a lunmilunr time be f----C . _ ,/ \ _ I flflteffl. - ll! .lll street. ne ‘ , .4 J, J ,,._,,._H‘, “H. M” «to it \~.t- “.t"l uttilerstuoi and MC!" , '5-‘"5-D-"3°°°"‘ °°*t ‘#7. Bl“) 186 9'9 Bm"‘” lulu 82p: hlck. Ali’?-tl 9... ~,',.,; \,,....,g,. .3.’ :,, l~a-o-hall en.hi-"a-id ht-gan to the it. The , W.‘h"“‘ Inn‘ . ma’ ‘L. 70. I£NT—Farm 0‘ IN) arres. north ._.__,_______...-7.-.-_--:-- b '0‘ “NT I, mean walker ltittw-ll. |.i.o ulw n'|tilt.'lt‘l "i-""" *3‘ '"-' ‘l ll" ll?“ '0 K70" Und" . . . ’F;K§‘l'l-ID-«Woman to .-in an im.;mt at Columbia. Good 4-room llouee sttsctiiuutttova . P. M‘; “’.,“"““,_o 13”‘ '-"°*° .,,.. \,,,.,,,., t,,,,..,,_ .i... ...... ...«.i....i ....i ..... ....iy added ...I Arrah mt along there Nanny 0}‘ yez lluhat _mt: lath- fltttatty and light ttoawork. Phone 7I""‘ 5"‘ 5°04 ¢°|IlW0i!t'- Res-out COLL,‘ I ‘ _ T "'- ‘ml’ ' 0‘ - m_ f 3," J,,.,,,,,,_. tlt-' .-mmm. Isltttll are in cotlllntn Ilse‘ fur the best pitcher t\'Ct‘ made. Skirt.‘ (it It time .'.‘.l()tt}{ ‘a, iaz.iaa;5l¢ ‘"38 1- -‘\- SWVI". l’lIchdnrt' -\I- ‘la A ‘ucflms Sam’ ‘2“ “Lark of It!!!" .. tI..- out l.t\ ..».z. .« I-M «it-we-I -I I--rm ..t ..-..t« sheet aim-ii, me colleen and well be afthcr hitvin a l)l't'8lll 0 the . luflllll M Building. Cultttttliin. ‘lo. t “.ch..e“ Btoken P‘n.— FOR “EN-I-__|""_ d,“-"bk. furnigih cu~e ltrr tit-l hulking. lltll lthr ma--I t-\ “l” ltt‘ l"U"|l l'.‘ l" U" """l """'l"“’l Illld 80d [0 cheer me heart Illtl SOftCll mo l2.ll$.'ltt' \'~'l(l it touch of the Blarney stone. _-___- -._.,_. & Pt!) ' ' ' I I l!‘ ' l l ' ‘ ' . hf‘ ll fill‘ Um U“ ml’; .. _ . ‘ P“ v ' " . hi 2. ft 0‘ t ;‘v- in tin: r il' - l‘\ 513"" "'l" l" ‘m3 "‘l ‘l’J"- ' ‘H p:y lfl’ '0' WI ‘ d. ' btF(:Rh°sAL’.:" “room “L'”‘ly "bm!d"k" Nmm ‘ad Aw ‘fie 1223 tsillli~‘...'tt‘t*lt"litl‘t‘l. 3|... ,,:‘..::,,,I.",,l.,,.‘,,[ Tlt.. tlthnr) ul iiletttiliratloti in suiting \' ‘ W I I I i E ‘ lloom A. N!“ t~t'lt|;,at ‘ '. k , an’ _ "pm. F,“ ' mu 9 . ‘go “'83,”; ‘a tea-oitalile .tmoutt ol tt'tf'‘.tlllID.ll '‘ l'—"""l "P"" "l"“l’0"‘- ‘"11 "I'll" ll|"I i__ t ' - 0 lIIl*U"Y CIIDPUE sfllllll Mat. ' T‘ ,____ _ > ‘dun _ Th’, Hm, M". _‘".",t_ I" tn, name. of the pln-i-rn in the bguin‘ 0[(l0'[ ‘. V; I .__; “ ' , Ii” ¢0U.|C|’1’lC (Ian "er-.|?fl" “"l" _ : tlatly halk trill lu- nit-re tl.au titailr up l"“ "W 3'" """'l"|l' 'I"l| P"‘lll"fl J‘ 8 3"’ . . $[,pg1\T5 WANTED I» sell. Dr.:(lve poaaossion .\tay 1. Litre} & lrastier .\lartnello W.orls.ofIAll nds ; [M in ,i,.. .iM.... ,,,_.,z‘ ,.t minil .n..| lm-tl nutnlier anal when \iiu rm-r-I am l.,_-__ :5 " ' "_""""""‘* bailing!‘-i Emergency Me¢l:t:Il Kim , p'hI_§_5l9:‘ (.l3l-l8’ ’ bod, pmdm.,.,i b‘ H". ,.\,.,,.,.,.. thing in Hit" were you simply uue a nu " W 600!!!’ ‘ 3“. _ I i.‘-0---’ “~77 7 l H- "zrhr be-no-ft]. gjlflftl from nalkiiig "l"l‘l l"‘ln‘l ‘ll lfilnfl "3 b"ll|¢'T “llll lll" ‘M hf.‘ ‘III Kain in Ill!’ ¢'0|ll|l|'7- A" 7°‘ 5*’; A ‘ E‘ch.n Cam at Real fleprntl a treat ileal on nut mental atti nlmf. p p r ' lifloe-Itbian) ‘lot a iota’ Write for tags to sales-' _ '9" B . k _.. T . _ 19.» D‘ , ttltle. We should be t'ltI"'rlul. 5'0‘?! an-l Ht“ Nmoman mtmbrnnx t- a- t..lI.... Tod ‘ad T _ n fifth:-1 ‘ W l " ourln‘. -‘ T‘ ‘r it 91' . fit‘ n t it _ -I|ltl\ \"- llllrhrfl \"- ‘.‘l"h": \"- 1. Emergency . . h rvtn as trill al tta \ -wngr mgvg you To SELL». - - - Touring‘ 19'” Ford it....t.m- mo (.hal- “ ’* "mm. 5'. Lou“. no. Mul.‘.l A . Iskijnus" r:l.:tl“:‘-l .h:)rw olrlllmlamfl 0‘ P... merit To.urin.a‘- I922 ('lieirtil:.t T-.utinl' me" btiwfin ‘M mmdrh ll, "Mun. hm 'h.I‘lImlnl N“. ‘I Sm?‘ ..i"-zmfll jun: . . ‘ . . I . " '_ . . . P ‘E y cfl p. . ‘ . . . . V , ._ . J '1 ,. N in, .3, lift |J~q-mdtl . it. I, lit! nltip; : 'A‘~TEDT””’" W“ l. mu... m F0“ SALE‘-N" Spun‘ L”. " wt 00 [ft 'em N0". .\llLl.E SHOE 19"’ "h"m|" Tmflm‘ l:I'ltltl~. l:r.iriirt‘\i't.:ta:,\l:l:il'illill“:.ttr ‘ H m \n 7. It'll lirltlrr; Nu. ll. t‘l'tIlt'! lirltlt-r; ‘ V’ 1".“ :-——°-----*_......-_ ___?j _ _ " ~“* t o t ‘ -'7“ " ill: R ‘ l E ""‘ “"*°~'--« -mm an on» ' -y» w «~« »~»~ :":.'.::"1:z'. .:"°:.;.:'";:.“:" .1" :.':: ‘i':::: ' FOR RLNT-V .\li-do-rtt 9~r;oIIt home. QAND AND GRAVE], , . and Gang awn-3 ig fig ch. °..g";,._~s1tal_tty and enough mental ii-mluti-iii in H ~ » I ii I 0| Y P .. p-ti... NM). Clll-IN Cd] J_ M_ R¢.,d_ mm”. 247 fi pct bu-eel, Dgliygfggt Phone Pug". cultivate a love for the ‘fll'ft‘!.Cl'. If your -a__, . . -- vm R,“ V", I . H , mm FOB RENT-‘—Twod.£m-Ioor mic,-o-,n.i.. It’. 159. B 17 . uh: I" '~:_*- ';;""":' ';1_;;_f'n';"'; CAMPUS TAXI co. . on ‘ : ‘r “M W Z-'—’——' ’ " ""’ -'.t';‘.::_._'_ .-. o3 _ (Q DIR . '0 I 'd".Iflh::!l.\'t‘ttlIt't’ l0 0' """::L Tfgfl gflpagl Ngnnally} Candy, one [WI of .‘. U MI’. Wlltllfl Illl develop your lung ra- ‘ 0. 2 . ay l to . . “,._”_d ' ' , -,,d_ ' ' . It’ not i run own. 09°‘ _ . I. ll. Watiah. Ill"; ttltt street. ';".. snnfr "H "“]"‘,'5.r[ FOR RENT -U781’ ‘''°‘" ‘W5 l“ “l‘." '. ‘. 'l..C.A..LL". ‘M h_ C‘. 1 Iillytldfp .;vo:mbaild it up. It Cadillac 8 Service Now is the time to buy the seed for that bed or border at no-tera " . wlndi ‘”='~“”‘* lvsnced indent. or tacalty No it I ’. P'::b“‘ M % iron are physically able and catitsot tmrk Ihonrt-Conley Itllclt will add so much to the appearance at your home. Our selection rott S.\U}—.\'etv Dnchflsl-aial ti-- _______:- "H ,°"",.,“,,'_'°°""'. -"' ."'»"'" - "° ° ‘ our -ta-rt-hi. ' " """ ""' "“""’ "" """’ "“" r in... tour ......-. -lvceila in-eh. in-Is-' traosus w. FICKLIN .- T 5” mm m "°""""1"m”' up Noun Te-uh s-mi ‘tast room. tire-place. modern aaoapt pa. A‘ "3", ' pt... 159;. FOR ttENT—Larae lll‘lll'INbll| R. E. LI'I'l'LE 4 _ G .&.t..,....| fi...,.._, I-‘glt gig concede u.soa”G_PLOwwoR‘ Z"... 1., “'5, q. 15.] 172.197 Springtime has conte a¢ain—— garden planting time is here. and even Pbeatent. 4|‘! \telttournc. Phone 1 L ‘ ad floor. .\todern ttouae and’ avalsblc as-~ mm}. "(RICE ' llllflli “'0 CPU-‘O ii ¢lI|ll- ll!!!’ 50 '00! lot I -III" ‘variable assden. (ham, A _ 1179-IQ‘ W 'dd1* rage. Phone l706 Red. ' _ ‘S ted . . Our selection is complete and they are seeds that will grow. t pron ttt£NT--zircon -it . have can; read FOR tt£N‘l'—-,'t tms.t..d ‘rot... In W‘; I °°""""’°‘l """| 3. 1°.-...._.sim.i,. nith 33. Will lie vacafl April 1!.‘ '3 if _ . eloae to husineaa Inctlaal ..‘- ca.‘ 6*”. That home needs some ornamentation. Let In help nith your 5‘ Mt“ -‘i'“'- l’l--9.975 an-In Vflhdhfl hm-0-5“ sm:;°°* at town. saaaania tutu - . In”. W“ 3./an P‘ _ capo unteutng__A tea shrutn or in... here and there. (in help to t , mc‘uN.8 rt‘ desired. Son lanes Foneo II t 4 ‘% make your ltotne arm beatrttlul and valuable. h u‘.‘_. 7. n’ . . Jlollrxe .x sumo lens that it a. -an “'i"* '*‘" '* ‘“ I-‘OB at:ts'r—r~. desirable ~ 1. ll. Lo-a. Suntan. Latnt Graaa Suit-It‘ ' runs. LII E. Broadway. :2‘? ""9 2 _ edlltaera 6 §.1.'n1"""""'fi. Lo"Dc"'E N..'l'"§' "A""j-" Au“ We are qddh: i;.l:vn.“:ttl garden lertiliaero-o-tree’ of wood I t;. Tiler. l3n‘At'Itl|§|9- HI-0*. ‘ . Elllll llcasilar meetings, 2nd and ' tttftt. STATE rJa1MI.I:.t ' " roaat:s1'-r... ttprina and summer‘ - to ‘rue-am Next -euiu. . e , ‘. .% . -, ¢t.os‘r~Iitip-n.a-tui..t:...i.-.. - i ht l_, _ N ,, _ Eaatai-nut. T .703‘ _\I.t. smut,‘ no-‘ht’ 9.“ n. u "mm M. moans. i-::ion.ut;.:;:.;ni':;;Ji:dn at rot _ 2' no it I. one u.____‘ flu?" M F‘M_”m mt "4" mi, ht , ' wb_ : gay is ‘Io l$‘|;};a.::.%‘". fl h:::;‘i~_|':di.. “ah ‘U.’-.' it L am”. B S" tlrirllltaa-1'alip0~Dallodils-—tlyscinth . """° '""' * . tr ' I r-- -«Is — bean. __ D h I i . '5' "W-t e--3 ~ 53’ *3‘-"5-"-V’-'v'5'-':-"*-"-5-"-" "*'~3'-"°"5"'*'"53~ "ti "°'"‘“:'.:.°° ':':a'Ba'nard “The Florist” ” "< ."i'."i"..‘.".' nu’ , m'”‘.l'u "W h ' “M”; The nutmtnha at ltnericaa tr»; - . 3.‘ Ia-u-t'.T —rna-y.au-swan‘;-can roaaI:tt'r—a.m-naiuigi-ant»;-,-nun apt-iyauy ‘r-an.‘ 'iayvIuaaItrhsroaaatn'llbsthura" ,.- letttrats‘&‘tlQuhattt.etiiai-in._AvaitaIlrIlayl.'_t.utt. Atlfeauansnvatrone. ; p. iii. In .1. 5'. Nate. e . ittanrrsun ll: . Ltstii;ii.i.. ny Order at rm... ‘ . . 4 . A ' I l . l ' ' a g. ‘ 0 . '