, . i O :4... -. . rt r :.t. ~ ''‘x\V'' ‘ ‘M ’. I - . ~ ‘l. g . - t. :‘ O 7 . -ll‘ - 1 . 0.’. 5-§s’......ns..& c—. ‘.5... '. - P‘ ‘ . i ‘ o D ' - D . ' ‘ " ‘ . .'- _l,-_ .4 .. . 5-...’ . «Asp. . . vs.. 4. . ' ' .. . _ can 2 v -%r—~ . .N 5 ‘NJ to ‘ ‘A i‘ )1. UI:|s..‘ allacs I "was hired mttt..'I:fi.'Pl;?. 3&1” _ ‘7__ 9 _ ~ 2f‘ ‘ l.. . . o-fahlaslnaahjywithfiashsraas.visii.soldi&i‘th.aowaiar-habouttayCaliegewingisaherseabrpiaasraritat ' ihw"s&fl-£8. X at its lqbnai - _ sever snail ias hash tease ta ihatleasuuetgs he goes on to add in the ooilean aaditaeiuai ai_s .°¢laek W.G.SIYh~. __A'.‘ % V ‘* : .4 ~ Ihwslaoqtbaah. . .ihathehoa’taneaeayaadihaieyg¢y.;ioaitirraw altar-aaaa. She will beaa- .n._.u“'..“‘h.c"fl“ - ' . ; . ‘ ._F"“"'-~~"%tm-5 - mi 1%! may :0“ jtbs la lag. lhjst-eryproudofhisCirilWar; "People aren't as bed to work for bodylahhfrlead. "Naaaers and kind-lshtadbyllultuflahllaltaqua, ' ' . E‘? Ice than‘ Wdhee Ullv. who second and with nttwlrterenoay allows. now as they were’ then. cause they are aeases ardghr his best things a,naa'aal Aaas N" 7"‘ '4'’ '''’'''‘‘‘’° "m . . '° . P ' ‘.1 Th ""';l| ” VOID Old.‘ eertaiali he is the his vizliora the csrtitieata ooniainiq nicer to the black man siaee the war." csa haveati-l sate H. store trieads'.“i The program: asvar die hrehe. You pay your ' _ 1 " ' --.- = , "' ’1laIb—sas is and he believes the roll of his reglnteni. the Sixty. lnele Wallace says. ahhaqh he goes an .33.“; ......... ......... ’,.h.. “I, '5“, "0 9." allastotiiua II ' 5 ‘ """"'l'- lhststiiestseqosetatle eouatry.et¢tiitiL=-med States Colored tatanirt. to.-a.vI|-sihis-intro-vs-verve-duo “'0'-|'U'W|ll30d|’sssrIII.C. Mlnaade.CavotteaadIaaettslTAlberrl _ t _' o'cH tagypg ‘ ='-~ . 5 lb & af Ibeg 1,; . Office in Exchange Isak Build- . u * h x“ 8 UN“. ‘_ PCB] K m- Plof, ', H, t_ ‘Q31 [0 Kgggg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on W "' c'“-" P ~ l" m‘ “I.” """‘"'Al ,.'allat':e learned the trade at One of the happiest isoiaenis ot hi. ' III 600'! mil non ‘CM today to taad a paper before the Th Lash . . . . . . . .. Gliahs-lslshirew ll¢- 7500!’ 573- |::baaat3“Ih'.h 5. _“ ‘IN I d ._ iylhr Civil War, when life was the time a few of his friends l‘-cl! W-ll»: m l}'i"'5°ddl';"Y-ll?‘ Kansas my Nlediesl society at the Lao Valve “- ------- ‘ ' . A ‘islr awalhiirseflaemprearttted him with an old C. A. ll. -""“‘ '8" 9"‘ °l““- 9 “l l’ ‘'l° 9“! 005- "9 ll“ lit“! wins in II! 55"‘ "9"" V ' ' ' ' " “irks I-vi--e-III-s ‘lb ~ «- "."'!'*"' """"‘.a sails. A fig‘. use it iron was out... with the . mi "ed rotate: it - link but which -dvi-on cmeny on I-cmiol ac-I sub “ rill be as follows: ‘ " * - l.“ H 5 . fur“ ' pa"he built hand the std there are nan ' f 0. A’ . H N” T ‘V’.-’ M - _ . "‘..h _ ’ H -. t tbd used for which denoted his rank in the srnty. and _ ~ 7 Y yeets or the last three years. He will Lkrleatettlte Suite ll . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ea.‘ ”"."°‘ . '.tlta abaas. th lr'aa.fas the fitter being with seventeen kets in the suit to ‘"4" "'9' Vllltll U"!-'l¢ V0900!‘ 9'93"“. be gone about four days. Pastotale 1 LC-""o 0‘. "0 ..________.. "L V : ”. d u _ 0 b d. p . is! H . 0 on ia was a I I .. ‘ \\ “ ' . ‘ F. W P _mm.,_M_ me MM lmhum 1”‘; ad "Q" guest at . aim given ‘edaestlav .-mi snmi t.lm~lu~n t.i...~tm salad Ask and ye shall receive 7 ‘ ' L in}. pa. -..itlt th-- fraternity crest, hand yrfllllfl *9 C°l""l'l' ‘° 5"“! lllis term'.,E"l ll) lml ill"-I Dl"*l um’ 5" Shrimp Salad and ye shall TIM ,, , L _ r - 7 - - ‘ '.UtlOl' 0 t tr son, en es‘. . . I ‘‘‘‘’''‘l 5 ” _‘‘~___ . :’.the.l flfigfltly. will inalte . ______ Lettuce and Tomato Date but of Course Knock and ‘t shall k opened" ‘ ‘"75 " 0."... .:..'°‘. ..:.:::;.".. ‘:2 « .'.”""°".:" 2"" ‘W’ “W “ T . ’ . ‘ r ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ r ' l ,. 7fi_::‘':'h_’: cow“ fa «!e_p._mmi of the State llialtmt) «:...... *[;',",,,,,,, "°,',',,:' ' , ' ""' """ Pot-to Chm Awake at eight » -..-.i t;au..~i...,. ,.-.md.y were: ' "“ ‘ ___._ __ f 1;... R... 14..., .,.,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ""°°°"‘° E""" ‘ Breakfast at eight thirty *'_ Mn "'55 DONWE Minsflull mflnben 0‘ an pm The‘. ‘um. ‘Mm. Fremlt Pastry lcc Cakes‘ 1 ‘ Start for class at nine Cltlltte Mrs. ll‘.-are l.-tfllin and .\liss Lois Kttoles at ._ dinner. . o firs. J‘. S. 'llra:thani ltsd as her gttests one Agghggoay $9". Nantes and Mrs. A. B. lunmeon. iuittttss m P48.-tD£N.4 - t ,. ~ - . alsin l.uallin of Clinton. .\I'taa M I (‘h".“.n Mme‘, “ "3 “ed” ' Mr. and .\lrs. Chrles D. Marshall of d.‘ "taint in _\“,.on,; ".I_ Kansu City announce the marriage of ‘ _......_. their daughter, Mb Iaaaie Marshall, to Mrs. llussell Clinlseales who motored Jflgyggcigy _\1g_ 3...] to Fsyeate and New Franklin yesterday . at luncheon: Mrs. P. I. Turner of film Mu, achgpgfiy um mm“ 5., 11...“. will return tontorrow. hosts llis. .\lre.. hluaaret Chnhartaia and \li-1: Pearle Mitchell. - l u \t'it-s ihth Singer of thi $ata Isarduh. ugsqeniry last Wear. She is a men-' _ of Chart in and romeiiatts and Nisan...» or .5. ,u,t_. pm ..,.,,;.,_ tun... limit.-,.t tn. , ' '1 ?aa.Cal m V‘. "flamed I-tom] J. whfllfln 0' St. lallllll l!‘ \'l'- 'itig her daughter. Miss Vitamin ‘het- ‘ton. at the Alpha Phi house. ht.-eau ha Jelfuaitn City IUD L‘ guests. .41’ BR lll.'I'\:t"l. tt;_vI:Itfn\ r; 775.31?‘ ‘mung. the lttnelieon guests at the .3“, ‘"9"; ltrtutltnrf 9 M’. and “ta. ll. ll. Banks who enter- l8lll"tl at their guests Mn. L 9. Baths. " lb‘ s°°'° T“”"‘ .\li.. li--t- Hanks and Hartley Barth. ' Mr. nail “is. Joel I .if‘.'l sun Jvcl .1-._ alhflum-1,. Steplu-ns College. The other guests were: . Dr. nun gut- .-\tn«.ni .\l§-sets .l"u'llt'll(‘ M-~t--. \i.-pinia Cole. lTleva (isle. “" Sarah Drizt. Winifred llernlet. ' ' . llflfimllflgdlttl Emma Crawford. at 0". rttt-st-, Dr. and \lrs. J.‘ ll. (Lule and .\lrs. 1""! I119?“- 3‘. E. ls’-~t.: of l.‘xv'.skow. !.'F.llt '.':I.1. t.im.s (.'.'ll. I t\('l‘I T0\!(.'HT 13"’ iii]. ..[ Rim ||.l| will rntetlattt end with Mr-. (I. l’. l"ar'n~. A luncheon “,5, ,4 ,,,¢.,,,,,,| .g,.,,...;. 1,...“ 9 3.. 12 in honor ol Mrs. Gum will he gm-n, ow-I-.«-'. flu-. t~.eni'~.g. The rt-otns will hf “°'“ll."- rl---orttrsl with‘ palms and baskets of ‘la tl‘l,'! l*‘.1. l““i'I l'..\.| Jtsltrstnn and HI’- (L. llamhinml will cltaporoti the PIN!- .\i.im.; ., liein-it lluvlley, Daryl Kerrheval. ll.-ta--~;limi-. Rowland Stewart. Aflfllllf l"»~l«'r lailrs. liirl Dison. Harry am.“ Belle Pratt at Stephens tiollegr t‘nt"t'-‘ her it. thsattl llehheler. Geotr AM‘ \n'l Khlts, tun) Ilopper, Nobel slttll ‘on.’ we": Mi. hm an-I l-5*-~t llulett. .lI.f’H 4 [If V VI} .\ lplit it dmnq .- \ ""_u J ‘mm.’ Dummy (3.3. jugrjflodsy afternoon is the 5!!-pltensv (.pl-£ \am.~ lith.-tine Moran. Dorothy Htsd-1l"a|' iR|’l0"~ A ll?!’ '"“"d5"“’ " "‘: ‘ht art llIs[ttflH'I 3I"'°"‘- ' ii" lN.‘l~ul-!o\s‘tl guests will be: “ill, \~ \laitpl2‘l'I l Ttl it Iit\'(.£ TnMt;llT l .76‘! “ll”?! Wm ’''''‘'"'l' ‘M’ musical tea neat Friday afternoon at 2:30 I -larrv at the chapter Nil!’ “'5' 9'.-lgek at the home of \lr.s. F. B. .\luin- ford. t t.‘ til it. t” b£[r.t 4 C 0 . ' . argarat nl, . t. mum is 3 .2: ..m':::."::..::.*..: as ---«~-- 9%., «W» 4 with an informal tea at the chapter house, Mmfln 0r-ll". ‘P’ l'"‘' h°”" ' , 1 ——_.¢_.—.. ._ ‘I50! ltsaetaary latte. Oriental decoration. “din. 5,," hr, 10,“ be‘, or A ll ""'-' "'5' 5" ll” "°°""- 1-l'"° “"«'"' after a Coldeti Clint cltaaipoo. tlv. ll) HURE I.\'.\' .3-é--- .f7c ., a ; v- Inn yesterday were: , . -—-——- - l Dr. M. \. DI‘\’ct enteratinetl at dinner: Thursday night for’ Prof. C. Terrell of Louisville, Ky, who ‘flatter, W, _\l_ {is the guest of Dr. Louise N. Dudley of ley, Miss Cauthorn. Dr. and Mrs. tlinsv ‘rt anuttier party weep; Sidney Calvert. and Dr. and \l?t. Her- -ah-rt: llmnell. Frances Nowell. 9130" S¢hl"“‘ll- "ad Herbert Ii. French entertained in honor of Mrs. llerntanii Sehluntlt Thurs‘ ‘ _ ._ day with a sewing P‘”ty at her lintne at . ll. \Iorris entertained at heel?!” ‘lllmfl l""W"- Tl‘??? 'V‘"‘ “M”- __-- ._. .\lra-. James ll. (;I.l|Tl-._-flllpttntt at the Kamu Alpha house, went In St. Louis yesttfllay where she will spend the week- .\lts. P. J. Jurwer of Oklahoma City. ‘ who mine to tjulunibia last week for the ' lleta Theta Pi .\lotl'tr-rs‘ Week. has been‘ . _ the guest of .\lrs. Margaret (Lliamlt.-rlain ‘nu’ ht’ "m“'d_ at Read Hall for several days. and will’ l(I\'(' totnormw for her house. Mrs. Fred J. Pratt ol‘F.ni.l. 0hla.. who; - is visiting her daughter. “ion Knnal DIP. '. Mrs. Margaret Chamber 0 llsI;.t: Pursiattee. Glenn Drill "'"" Iatineil at dinner yesterday evening. The I, ‘list! :\my' llin-, ‘lull, r.\lrs. Lola Dttlhtck and Otis Bullock 0.lvfHfn4 ' Er‘; Pgkinsntt Circle of the Jletllstlist Chflth will entertain with a _. Alutnaae Assn-= ‘em-m,o,,_ A." .;,.;,,.. 5,5”, tiatiau will hold a IIG'|lIl| at 4 oclot-It. I ‘ D F . . l Butiortl and Miss llrusa-.';‘::" hflfii. .:::m:;:,y":: til 5|. louilf LM.siT”M. .. folk‘, ‘Mg ha» ‘om 1 l n... Ilalter~WllllaIs. tot South ct»... l I l"0l'.‘t'TAl.\' SPECIALS Fresh Strawberry Sundae Strawberry Parfait — and anything else you may want. Things to Eat _ You'll be glad you did it Arrive in time to get a seat 5‘-nielhing tltfft.-rent earh day "Ts" . ‘I ...‘'i‘ V??? mL._L. Goldman’s P910-12-It Broadway - -*'j L V o_ , 4 \‘$.,'.sb.\¢Qv37-* g {LPN I”... ° ‘ I,\.Ts:T4l:l.1t'tt‘)’_.V lANg't£'f . 'm~::,,, mg ':'..':.tt.,“.i sel:.ot“:t5 ....{'~... 1'...I....‘.'.".'l" i......"' ..’t-.n”""""" ""' ‘ " ‘ ""'°" .T~"h'i Spring and Early ; . Cl-O ltirh tonight II M N Tfil ‘l . ' 3 ‘ «um-«»-—~—-n --v»-«-------=-—~ UMMER DRESSES t:.l.ile. Misc (idith :35‘ “suit. Es. mCaxha'batDC':_s-; _ T’ . _ M I003 ‘I! rm "0 Y‘ b ‘H l ‘ ' ' V Iiuililm 0-H!» H-'-- 1|-is--. Ir -' We 1- “ "'“'- "' ll'nrl°;I°lsln':mM °ll":irls't‘$v of stylegonS8ir(.’afstf,oet":rrblft:‘n P I ' and misses. % y ‘ :’'"' l A n . ' PJM‘.-I __ jtttts‘ . nnc , to-tie-w..... The Christian Spirit "-l.lIl- is HIV rummtlntlmr-n|_ that ye I.,y¢- om: an"Ylt"r. a~ l ltatw luv‘-l ,Vuu."— .l.,lin l't:l2. HE Christian Spirit consists in love, the desire to give to others the best one has. And what can be so good, so desirable to im- part, as the very spirit of Love, which is Christianity itself? To meet criticisms with kindness, crossness with geniality, insult with courtesy and injury with charity, is the way to conquer the world. 4 ‘ As in the life of the Master, so in the life of every faithful disci- ple, the cross must be borne, the perpetual sacrifice must be made, as the price of Love’s presence in a world of selfishness and hate; but the I A cross is transfigured into a crown of rejoicing, the sacrifice is trans- formed into privilege and pleasure by those precious personal rela- tionships which are supreme glory and gladness of the soul. 9 it The sacrifice that the Christian makes to get his Father's will, his } Master's mission, is like the sacrifice a. mother makes for her sick and suffering child—the dearest and sweetest experience of life. The cross thus gladly borne, the yoke of sacrifice thus iunostentatioualy, assumed, is the supreme expression of the Spirit. §‘ ‘Select a Church and Then Support It By Your Attendance °;LlJ'.