Cabbage‘ and Cauliflower Plants Vegetable Seed ‘ Flower Seed ‘.- Flowers MONEY :00!!!) Selling Old a%inee ‘ special classes for chil- dren and adults. 1|-’hone392 Call» Pltone2308Black. l I aussoottco. ‘ - I’ ' '1‘ E “'‘”‘T "I n ,. Q" n:C':_{:5.'$o°'.?a i Ragga-tn; ' . Qiihflly Iaading1'ypowrltu-Eaohaapg. DGattnIalldta¢l|fihndWalant.l . .. . .1-so - 1*. . I IMPORTANT Q JackDmly‘a 1 NOTICE Thsfunndllanasavhga uauaanaatuumayu ‘rant-. i 555*‘ Db-s.0.J.Weathers. 1Milimllwiliiilliill andintrinaicvalueofclothesbearlngottrldaelweadvettise nationallyfromcoasttoooast—not-thtoaouth. Merchanmofeeputagjonfeelthoadvantageofyourhtowing, evenwithotttconnnent,tltecareandefi'oettlteynnhetogive.‘ youthemostaatiafyingclothesavailabletothelnatpeicea expttesatngfullteturntoyoufoeyourutottey. . tncltaatheaeglveaeecet-taintowinyottrendouetnent. - Aaagitoductdtatwilltepeatinyoueeatitmtionwecanaflhtd toadgvet-the thh peoven atandard in behalfofmeechattta» W1?Q‘-Tf‘E§'il|ll’.iiU' 111'”W11?!}llll!|%%"W7?l!'%2l!|‘ El llilol I l «.1; Wz4«;..1.:::1i1.1$|"I!?1% ‘4 " j—n.o.-njsc-.-----:——-a—. .. ...-2 - ._-¢_._~......- I-D--—-covoa-nw ...j—----1-—..~.‘ .. I ... 1-. ~.*-' A I .‘.a_‘..4.- .. ..-‘K-. y-7~o -- ‘ . fr ~ f L‘ _-_ * .°a.._..g "rar- .. _. " F 1 4 . ‘ 3 - ,. ._», _ L . no AY APRIL9 A 1. i . 1r"_‘ ,; . 2‘ «'3' »‘ _ 5'.‘ u . lllllflflooblafli Amilttwatava aadsatueawtlItnlawQl'aaarylItsaJ.|. _ A .. A ' v ' fig‘ .,flMl _ M 1 IA! llflflllfllsjs a quarter «Jan. aahjaota; tar the lanes I. Ysacenaradnu. . _ _. ’ ' . I’ . g 4 ‘ i . +“ * ‘ -b———-——— ‘. ' 0‘ COCDUOQ Ill‘ Aklalattatlol. enflieeting and .@;m _ -» , j. . .1 nan nanoatat. '5' ‘W'*‘‘''' |¢"°UU188S: tor the -edieal course, E. and lot chemistry department at the [2 y *- , . . _ 15"" .1 ‘ w L -‘rim. admitted to ram tteaornr "0 ‘'0' ‘‘'‘'*'-'|! 3|“? 1:!-2 Gr-d-me Meals of Am. Literature left Tuesday night to at. . 1, . 1.‘ .. fl .. ,-.....-¢., .3. 3.... 1,,‘ la: Aathatltles. :a£¢’l.o:'eien:‘e. Tuition otiarszha Law uni rt: Hercules Po-can (;,__ ‘ ‘i _ . u D _. oi“ dJ.fijg‘h.'“ '9" gr . Ufifl the Pennsylvania State Legis. , “fin be ‘an my” ‘ow’ mepokhny s“h.a.'. " " ° ' J’ _ ' V. V-.3 ' ' 1."' Us ““~ ’ Wu’ 6'" d B"'k D T Ttdl rd mi: kl.” Illiaa b increase the lPl5r.vPria- . wo ' 1 Try . M"i':om_i n ““". 1; W ' 1 _ .;.- _4-2,; av {tau than at an I k'“"'d |- '“ ° ' us... a sutttoto cu taaintenance ..11 g _ _ 2 ‘ "" “- i - . . 1 fltO‘11&5!0.*V “ m ' - 0"!!! '0' "'0 inn. no " " ‘“"'d 5’ "" ""'""" ""' '5' i --- L -~-—--- -« .- - .. ~ « 1 ,1". jg Those sdinitted this mrnlg wees: En huh.“ “I. k .km,d Mu ml "_ prment annual income lrant tuition leet1 I ~ ' ht 19:’-I-III "‘- ""*-"'0' W‘ C"'°'""'*“"- oardhg to tnforndaa rm. :1». “.11.... do" not v'°'i* M M" "M W-‘ ’ , ;. . . i ‘ 1; “.l 3, - . 1 ' “'5'”... third of the actual running expenses of J P _- z .1 _ g 4 ‘ H * Yjfi. Tb RE‘L Es.r‘1.E TnAVsl_.‘ns The C.‘ . . H" . ‘I the university. The new achedule will. a a . .‘ ' it ' r lhad . i * I.’ '”"’"m°' ’ '""" tu- ' tod . rl ' rder to maintain‘ . d. j *. ' 1 daood in the Legislatare would prmiclr m I .0" in . o » '; - _' W, e ‘N I _ I tltruuglt increased tncone the standard Ingnfume _ . N“-1,01,. 1.; 3_ .,,d 1.1. 3. cm , 5;, Il.III.3S2. ll this measure goes through . 1 1 . - ‘« . j ‘VI Ih Gf h “ n H ‘ I _ _ of educational worh set by the unnver-, f ° ‘*‘’'l 5 *5‘ ‘t 1* ntiaaaaa luau: sell. - lard sw, .si.. and St». am 2412. ttnco. '5'" '"" 5' °°°°""""‘”°"' “" '-""" t-il\'. in lace or the constant increase in’ ° h “ml 1 W h u 4l9'"'l"I’- 1- '- '9‘ ‘"9 '0 mild C- ' nc'°‘'"‘ '& .-e .‘-b" mu 'm". amt-r’ tin cost’. This advance in’ tui- Estate ' ' I 1 7 hut J ha as they has that Slat-hdauh 20 acres. >11’ in NE 5! tnd'°‘' “" 5°""'*"'- ~.'.n -lc’t.1"|t" 1-111 he aoculnpiltied by an ‘Q ‘ ° j jj. IQ!!!‘ hi Q acres E. W l-3 33-50"‘ M349 '01 A °‘"'“' ”“''‘'° °‘ lb‘ '"''‘l' "A! '5" lflt'Y"IIl' In a holarahipa and lo-llowahips, 3)2 Gnu‘, “M8 . I ‘ “ * N ‘ W ‘ COT?! 6770' in D9?!‘ N WW 00'”? {Of W n9X' lW0 _‘9EfC. ll ll “hhh '.rxrl‘ "fl", the incr't‘(_ in . ‘ 1 fi u I& ll Callaway and K1 . Ulfll. -"“""lo Plifld '59 mid “'‘’‘"'l “l '""""" l--- .. at la! the promising students of J‘ L M ‘ u ‘.1,’ ‘“ hid '—_‘—_-—-'- i'“l'i"'d " “$1591 11"‘ "““”‘|"‘ hmitn‘ rnvan~ are concerned * A 3 . ,35U.@l for agricultural and home i ' ’ T ‘t . & O‘ W‘ .‘ne"' . Teeonontica extension work. $90,011). fur "‘ " ' ““""""““"“‘ ““" " " re ——-:53 pa:-a I-:t’_«I-:1-he uu attaatcatt man FEW SLPPORTI-IRS A1’ !...1......., ...a 871,0-to 1... .......,... ‘ 7". ‘''‘'''‘°. ';;,""1 . 7besions. F» salary inc - 3201.- ‘ 1‘ 15!» h‘k.°"'. ‘ ‘ E? ii” 596 is deetni't'l advisable. 'll.:;laco-mt-:1: , a ll‘ 05"“? 3".""". ""“" 1 - . .1 11.. .. 1 r. .. ’ '- fig ‘ ‘ G...‘ u ‘it. “._ . u’ "c. Y", A ‘I U . . The n't::I0n Plzlellfr-;¢iT:r|lIln for Pi)‘:-'(£"°t?;l':l|li"e:lI’I;I72T;t7o' a rat n tut S mhafiijdlaaao-; '.-.~*d” h-"mu", P.$.fl'eOIl IXCP'~fJ€Ill.’¢J£‘._ 'u0dlI'ioaP ntunIl7NewsP w.rw_ao re‘! ytocovert, __ A*_‘_‘___ . ' ., '& ’.c..lh. .4 CI "I88?! ‘(IDOL Le]: to fight: 3@ . Ill . ‘auction, Ruudl fl, arners lltr erpenenced 8 little Cn'CAG0 U. RAISES Fgdg ? pt j & 11$‘ 5 5"‘ ' lady; abfill. U3 H. Kityott. Edie Pearson, Oar-ar E. Riley. dlmfllhi In ("mil 03"‘ 05 VIII It¢'n¢'I.l ..._.-__ M IE” year. nu.” g _ ll-ehwanted. to stage an eu.-Oiting at-ene. lnereaae will Start with Catltlng j Fjlififi *. the [insulted Port Ar-' iaachnsetts Mutual Life Insurance 0: ‘I: . ' mm“'"'’ m 8 cup um.‘ mdi ' ’s'n‘.‘" seyioni $ j . & 1 —“* . 9 EC Ht hy . ' J Ca‘”‘"-‘N Cat‘-‘GE NOTES fin Q. Lo.“ .. I farmer police breaking ll up. The l..nIVf.!.Itly of ( Imago annuunri.-ll *"'.,__,,.,*,_'“ ":; ..,."" ?..".'. ‘:'.‘......."""'..a.'-‘°""...‘-""' ° °""- 1 - ; , +.;..... .-1...... ..... ......... .1. 1. Ev~v',*;*~- -;_;;-41,;-«r--tr di««—‘:.,:".;:,;:',,,'.':,',;";';‘.';,"-:;;,:,t::,'1':;;:'"; . . s - . - r a r- H I . d h V“ .* .11“, *8 ‘are 11 IO theg flu T, fl_ him of W. fl._ degreelron the University of Miaaottri "03? an;“.d’.oini:"'""o::y 2:‘! "13 Th, mmon ‘M "H, (_”||,.‘” H. nehv ln siehhy. he and hack a General U-M sum to 4|-t-he '3-' '3": -m_- ~~_k+-d one at In dnnthter. in 130% - "ye 11;: :1-rm‘«»r‘«-f ti-cg“-jt~ .,, ,,,,,, .,,,, ...,,,.,, 1,, ,o,,,,., _.,, ,_,,,,; T _ g g_- - __ M ' making, but new In patterns . fl “ ~ m m h W W. lg. $3.3“: .KfV.;.CQ (I ITYPD. 0. he . . of ‘he A (in to Iahat IaFO&'s wflfi Giulia. As a null. cb.”T’!‘.M|fl Beraze Chrhtaa 1:: tae 15133:.’ e sucreeda . . . eetcr-. Mum“... ‘uh mm Hope ‘In ‘L’ a a huibs II flfiflilfifi “"‘&b -" _ A '” ‘ ”'°' 3''‘ ° " ’ CL‘! CLCB ‘BA‘.Bs~l_—i)R rnoat abandoned when a pair was pro- 1 ' Ch "'0 59 C3 3b§"' ' '’k ‘M ‘P.’ "M." . . . mm 1 ‘ , . cured lrum somewhere and the H ' 1 ' ‘ New Vest too ‘ _¢jj 9 . " '3' [g {:3 at trial liae than any other loralglt-hull Misses aulullaaneiekllxs. N‘ "‘l‘n' END OF TOLR of the at-one proceeded. The l"ox‘;.ti:: S , , 8, l 5% W lb 000‘ day he NO‘ ~ . C‘"°l'“"- - "- ""'l ' "' fig” "Q Q. G“. [.13.] (‘oggggt man said such a difficulty was new in 3.‘ g. flag‘, a. W lt tooh haaiaeas courage and foresight Mlas Bath Lester. bre. . ' L“; ""3 his experience. was in syunathy with the Yahoo. to transient cauaartnant cars. \Itaa Dorothy Scrap and Mus Mary J. 8“ cm.‘ ....__..__?__ 3 1 ti ehabadta a had pad Iae.AIericaa lao$tivaa. lfl-pond Pltta- Helen Carson. cl ldarsaa City were _______._. Colutnhia Relatives Attend I-‘unaral.« h M X 3" CI‘ ‘uh C.’ N ‘"9’. d Th ljniygnity Mpg] (jub .tntl hlfh. ll. M03 have N'-’ H lb ‘Id W3‘ X3“! '0 Tflkuv ugh’ I“ Boonyille uhcrr ff“ cvcninglllllnftl ltull Rolls. Wbffo they spent 3 e g thaaa h this section who were in priaitivo Haachtwh. which for eeatuiea In. P. 0. Stain and daughter. Lnnila, ll,” ,5" ‘in ,1, 5“; mm." .[ 15.5, g few «Ian on account of the illness and 24 south fling]; st;-egg whh the South. ,'ltad heengcloaod to world eonnooe. of Huntsville. and In 0. 3- 1830!. .p.1,.. .0 L |»‘ 3 5" 11 mg death ..I .\In. .\lo.a‘ brottic. .\lIll d . his laarth by in‘ he was Mancharia is no eaoeptioa to the rule of Calanhla. WI! 4508 8'0“ 0‘ "5" [be ";p_ u 0' ’ mm . M C Faulkner, ' ‘Y j b Fahna where he was jailed for that a lroatierueattntry. rich iahaataral Uta M 0‘ 5.1”‘ 1.» dub mum“ wand“ {mm .‘ ‘ ; days. Alter ingthisreaoutees,quicyreapandatot mtic - 0- I! ‘’.V-- ‘ ‘ -_g ~— , al l-priaoaneat it waa ordersduoach of modern transportation. 350.. vitilfll duahtet. 50!! Rut_h1:;d.s:.To:;: 'fi:k'°P:‘"'(!::i_.l;‘Tn3d he he taken to a place of hetteu The total investtnent of capital in this 78753 if 81'. and thetr'Ne;.h. ,r'fl;"_“" um; ‘mm M ‘he. LeavlngFaltaahsr1adein a:enterpriaeisnownterethan837.@.IIl son. . . I! V. _Y- ' , . ~ . 5 -:7 its laden. gas: as tlieuhienusttu promise. apt-raised at urwudsdfi 3' ‘E J. at ::r:"iwd:n.‘:1°- Slim ‘ "'5-'~ " "" " ' “'9 “PW 5“ "'~'“' "°" "' "' " '"‘ Durhatn ‘Carl Belte. Ii... ‘Abbott. «; ~‘ -33 l¢&.l.oIla. Oathsway Wright‘ ,3“; my ..|,u,g5.j¢y¢|.—..¢.(ghg Ann Carolyn. of Christian College. and ' . ‘ ' ' .§. 3. 1 Price of Columbia. wha_was :.u'”. “.2”. 5“ .0 ".3 ‘ad in“ .39”. her son. Childreaa. of the University. £'A.("“fhrl:;;vD'A n"'::‘"'P‘; _ vicinity vi-itiat rel-rim Vviah steel worhI.lactoriea. what-veaand steant-‘ The A_rh-=-- 0'5 H4 "' """"' p;.,1..,..'. 51.. s.«1.r1.}' Rf 1. r...»i«.11 E ""°&.""'~:‘°¢:.'d"""* "'4 "P" m- ekwit --1 an 9|-'- bowie» 'l'd"lb‘“'i';""' '°."" ‘§"'‘’b“'“'“h‘"'‘”,” 5‘; C. V. Olinatedt. R. sat}. and r. 1;. M1. A 3 : .. : n. mu m "°'-‘°"" ‘°' "°'k‘“° ad ”b°l' h°‘’iul'‘|u ' e'em"' '1" "M 0 ‘pp son The instrumental musicians hliui ’ hhaall’ Iran the approaching wia--Nd, M - - hloaaotns. state-flower: lor Afhlttsas, were ' . , P ‘H . g ;_ s uld, it heiag in . Price‘. 11,,.5,,;n §f:,','$,,;. 3.3.” 5. 1921 above the tables. Each girl . £'"t(’:o;‘::;nA'm:::?:,,, 3 r-We °‘ **° -5” “=-'*''- wed co---nu at rreict~~.1"°°' ' "‘*'.“'°"'"° W" ‘M 7'” "mt... '1; dim’. 5...... ..a'i...... i-.;.'i E . O?“ .0 ‘in wfifi. .9.‘ 0' Dad’ u ‘uh “ an 9.,“ fi,"Pl0flII eons:-teal of a nunther of state "in. violin; - . 1 - Tkm-New ufiwi-dttuaoaeaotrtnnaaagtau‘ ‘°'*8H-4 P°*'-'- . ' .1 1 2: %._= 3 .'".“bd wridn‘ h‘d.d hi. . “ac . 8. A "aid "J30 tecdvin‘ ‘manta, According to the members apprectatm. k E 7" hill asyhg. ‘ll I had Qoagh to taha'c.n5.d_ 0. ‘h ""031 we 37% .. traa installed in Dorsey Chapel so that ".'°“"l' K"'¢'"'d lliflll at all the concert-. _ , haohhaua I woald gire'yaa nare.".';,”‘ gm“, "4 '.‘_.~" the faculty and students may hear the ~‘i"“" """"'_'°'3*i‘““ ""3 P'‘’‘''‘‘‘‘'‘ as §__' . .- ‘dd nu ‘gt, ".0 ‘dad. '9" H". "0'. ‘N. '0. ‘ha “gm “ ‘'9. dub ‘ad 0",“ mudchn, or m, J lur. the. club. in which alutnnl ol tit‘:-; fé’ Z‘. 3 _‘ "uh '“ ‘& t. 5‘ ‘Run. .”nn‘“n ..d at -‘T. odhfi '50 9“ . pun”, [mm 1}". latveratty took the lead. At Marshal.‘ __- g._ ‘ I&O he VII lined in hlcbovelraqg kw nub.‘ '%'(mm 5, capitol htoadeaating tttation in Jefferson “'7 "'79 '’"'~'"''"°d 5’ ll” ‘ml’ » g a wheel which had hoea con-I “E h ' '5 “in 017, Friday night. Every nutaber giv- ' ‘W’? " 3"- u'I_’l|~ 031' ‘"" 1 g -_‘-' I -- , ‘ "°"" 9°“ 7"’ 3, hosts at a banquet given In honor ol the. .. .1; -. ‘ htaaarlsoaarseaup.llewas,'..."'h“h”nu‘_‘hu’..&daawaselear|yaudih. _ . :___:_ . A h" ""' s"“""'° la‘ "lithe hold. mime of fifteen years -9- - i:L.oM l't‘ocklIPI0:' “l:ad:d"hr.";nh.l E 1 Ah‘. II I I O I‘ ....... ,1’ ‘ M I‘ M 1'?‘ C0 ‘k fl ' ~ S(gp|'¢. . gfzdggtc of flu Llniycrgity. gnr‘ l 11?; '5' ‘' 3"!‘ ‘°"'f',°‘ i. g_ A 155.5,", on 1 ll .9 they 3 ‘“""" 3"*'- 'l ' . : its 2' Us 1 tern as a prisoner. lleregslcflg -931,1-A pl -31-, here Friday to attend the Farmers Fair. 300*} Ith: danc; at‘ which alttlltr _ _ 5 ‘ .¢ *5 ‘ 5"... oi.” __ 11¢ ‘fin; dghycfy of the 1931.924 was Nun c rge. lal of the lltltltltg 1‘: g .’ phn, g.,..,;,,¢ .,.,,,.,.,,,. Csnnittas Appointed to bash tar, University catalogue has heaa protntaed the 90-50 mncrrt In filled b‘v.I|Im_InI §_ ' . ta‘ & mm Phy up 3. Gjygg flag pa], [0, Ami] 15_ -and former students of the bntrersity. g ', W 5, -3 9.. V1,..." A tentative program for next fall was I. S. Springate ol hlardtall spent the M!" the concert. an alumnus led the . Cage’ .33, 3 “-5.33. 5! the Iacathers Ii Sllna Delta -end here. He allended the Farmers old students In the \arstty yell. -an. ‘no to. man: ta map. napalm, PI. honorary Stealth fraternity. at their Fair Friday. and -pen Ssmduv vorkint ,,__ , _ _ _ _ __ gs: ' A '. ,&...¢ ‘,5’. 3.4 Inoetiag Friday afternoon. A cstantittee on elperitnent cattle feeding renorta. .. ._.___-‘E t C.A.Greene.whorecea'vedhiaA.B. l E . .'a.&g.§.u‘.|,'.(u..,,.tohegnaaaonetlateneatlall degroeial¢Xl)_andlisA..\'tn1 TheNe' A Pl'd".BIl'&t0‘l&sQIIlI‘“-l”lllDflfl'telIlV€l"l]0‘)h101lf‘|.VII P H P t 1 7:; 1, ' 3...] .. ans, 5". 5.. ..partneat 1:: ap'p‘:idtItoet‘l to dralt re: gzected superintendent at actioota at UTDCAIITO 3 5-: \ : ‘fig, Q3.‘ .. 3. g. M, governing a a prise to tia Saturday. . Ihnc caden‘ 1 —:§.§..,.5.g[gi.|.....aatadeatiaSpaaiahwri thoboateo W.‘l'.An¢Ie.¢-oonty aQeItolPet|is: ins y ‘ . fifiplggdpgggpe, A.odm-ssyiath'ulangItageonaauhjectaelect-CsuntyandRay£.hliller.caantyagent., PopuhrD.nce. J yrlaaaar lrlaatla. lalian llill ol 04 5! 859 ¢lIIl|- of Cass County. were here Friday to at- 3 dulcin‘ gazj 1“ W fin. M. Netoliccsolthe clnhwereelected. tendtheFaraters'l"'air. Iothare era: 3 n ‘m l m‘ yg.’jh..h.g..¢|L.,|gd..Theywere President. Janos Cuao.nnthaGsantyAlonntAoaeiatien. § . . d Ila-tsthatraaapart. 1\sthret.'*°0-Inaidut.larine Jaoohs.I0¢M5f!- Kl-'fllIIV.alorner atadeatin. Oouraoof62-hourleaaona 5; tee erttse Q _wfl' data. uttapal by the auto u--utr.ut.l-arr 5;‘-:8‘-u and -errant the University. spent Friday and Saturday 35,00 55 an d V D III Ola. hae..hlr.Kerdtawtsinowwiththe.\laa»i Pfinta 1.30“. by \' . —~- +- — ~- --~ ~ .._—— . ~ . - -—~.~—-~s.-——~ --+.-- --— 1' Appointrngnt J E; ' O I N 0‘ 1 ‘a l l i ‘ I s e A an . « 9:‘. s .5 _‘ , ,1 Zr.‘ fig; ‘ . . I’ .,. 4*’ L1» .J; a ....- .4-fin; " V.-en‘