I . p . w -1--s.;_... G ‘.5;-.' A-..4.J A 5.3- 0 9 I A D THE (1.4 RD EN ll ‘. ‘..‘T-- “T T A A T ‘Hwmm M! m ’T_-T- ’_ -.----“-——TT_..V.‘ V T ‘ lirugnlilv larncl qnglny f - “V. l ._ _ sffiw‘ _ . .g f A - wht b Ha"! dad How Fa Plant It I.“ M u_ mm .m__iFor Those Who Buy and Those * nus war-:x's GARDEN ;t... .l..._... ' ''°‘-*-‘ . _ I ' . A T‘ s K A-‘ ’ r h ' 0 , V __j tum‘ tn -3."! eertiol fl . , ‘ . ,. ,_.._. ,,,.,_,§ Who Prepare the Famtlys Food, .. .. ,., ,, ,.,, .0 Jo» m. .... .s.. .. - Ii llxoo 036* Varloty ' °"'u'' 9,‘ "' u-h t ' "' ' ' ‘" l Sood ’'l..‘ .''‘‘'h" nun‘ Prjra Caohlll llaa Advant.ll0|.‘cooher they ohoald be Pffnored ’ the 3nd" B ‘h’ "°d"°'i°' °‘ '°°d '°' "'“ ‘( mm“ M. P M l, ‘ink ‘T’ ‘i M hf ‘X1 1 . & ‘* ba“~n_ .'H _ H O _ 3 . tn ya’. Pb. Nfitb "fly awe." bk“ I young. ll’ttw- ll? planto wfi W . _ Iowa in Iowa S0-ft. Ibwt h...‘ d uh‘ bk.“ uh ‘h “'4 ‘l'h.o:ie ::"¢"Y‘OtItrttatl.tnltlte hitch. uoual manner. Dried foorh alaould be to sue ‘ad. from M. “NH” ‘mm '. . .},,,,,.,.., ‘, _ H, n uh k‘ V _ A ' '.._..__....’ l ; j ‘ 13-10 h. 1-! h. '15 lchrlo md ‘hi: cm::¢l|o ‘5‘:":;"" ooohina” kt'hor‘:"th':.-nriroaoulm iinctireili at veaetable in order to he tune that g "‘ ""'"‘ ‘_"~" "' — "fl vtodaooag 4* M’ M“. M u . “D03 50"“ l—'l" ' “hi """’ within the loot tew yeara hao ateatn er to create the necmoary oteatn. The c” M" ‘h’ ’“"" "W ‘b’ '"' “"5 Not Too Late for I; _ _ _- . Mu - . _ . gon_ I M. in M am. W _ (Sufi H3?) : been uocd as the meano of coob- load an be cooked upon the racha or n.,,. ,,, ,t,,. 1,,‘ k._, “ha,” , L . . , u “ * W l m w W m Nb’ W Nb‘ h kndflt In such . up. ‘be “non d ‘h Reggie .’ A H 0‘ E“ (‘III ”"_"_ P‘ "l" ‘!""_ L’ V1 0 & bu’ N‘. m’ ‘ I} u’ Q h‘ '** .‘0P‘|50Vl'lIdOIfI0II0lI‘b*'T-coohorpreoourcia produced by hoeplngtleaired. When meato are cooked. the.5“*"°l"l’°5°‘Nl0"l"' ‘l°l|¢tlm l ! . °''"'''' ' fill M3. ' 4 " l ' (ST W.” I“ .”' 3 '3"? "“°'; tithe dram from the cooking food from eo- liquid left in the bottom of the cooker Hi‘ ll l‘ P°“'l’l’ '9 ‘¢“l°P ‘l'*‘“l’l" m ’ Jm “WNW. Mn“ o .---T ___v * I ~: . .. _ ‘ ‘ C n . . .‘ I 15-ACRE mun: .ruunn:p ""' '”‘ "‘ I” "" ‘ """ ,,___“,,""“,,__,,,_, ‘mm’ or an la-breath. -iii la ,‘.,",‘i,".".,:".‘;;,'.,,',';',,‘.°""",.,,,. ":‘;",,;, “' ""“‘ "..".""° I ls'i't’."..‘1.'.l.".'.,.“L.f.I;'T..'.'...’.'Z' ..?’.-.'.'..."..IIf.... ":—"' l, .a.._._.__—- 1...'a.._———- “ea ‘ml’ flfi dd‘ an,“ temperature io increaaed the time required "”‘""" C°°‘“ '""‘ it!‘ it live ototh. Improvement Will Pl&.llly; Oman Soto to in. 2-8 in. 1% pint . vnriory s , Tho rd for tho caaomont curtain in f to. gs. emu... or [be food 3. d...,,..,.g_ _ Pot veal rum and potatoes. lt lo alao true that one can grow oer-do ; , Rad’ 1 mb sfi g 1‘ h_ ' 3,3 in t; ,.a : 955. p..,.,, 1 the wad: Achjorditig to experitnento carried on Onions ‘ I ‘ . .- 11:: own bashyard thathvzill be het:er[ tholilf bulk zalrden N . Pam‘. i -—— v 3 _ 1 s I‘ | | ! “'5”. ‘ VU°d9||_ ‘in t lmme economica department. there - VP’ |P'°"‘ _ m l0 9°“ ¥"°"' 0 3 3 _P|"K'|| I7; 8 meat QUE ity We h‘ ‘o Be '0' ‘ 5lhaoh I 13.” g,,_ I 5.5 1% in, ‘ ‘-5 0009' A5‘g”.."°"' ' of oonroe. to on the ontatde caoe- flu» guy gauging" to prenguyo c.,..u.,._ Fr’? chicken back yard. than can be grown in the lar- , ever h. _ ll-‘II! Pith VIII!!!» ' 1 ‘ ' 4 ‘~ """“"‘ -In-L - ‘tn oaveo timeo. labor and fuel. r.....l. can. : Cmy any fields of - need ¢0flP|||!‘- ' J. \. :''iI¢!an othcto to I‘ an O at-l Bwloo Cbd F.”-10 in. 4-6 in. Va ounce ' Lactlllno ! ullfllill Iaed hr draporioo ahould ‘ not boil dry or bum 11”’ 5“ W" l‘'‘'' ' Potatoeo Green Beam l‘ l’ "°' ' 3°°d ’“““° ‘° ""°°"' Come -“id inspect it b rrr-in-‘utltr-anon thin not for the bf ‘ mu ‘ “ . x *— ‘kt ll“ him ||¢Iv- Atcotiifio to cxvee :1 lave; otwjttoltice and blending or Sm, ,.u,,,,;,,, W Wdv ‘mm a -finale tomato, t.-s.i..,... fore buying elm.-when, .; I ngkgm ' 3- W “*9 5"‘ mud 59300‘ Ill-'|'l0f dfltfltofl t mIatah' 0 of Von’ 09 I are molt at once. A ’ -- relrrence to the other tomatoe on lh ' - o :0”. '.‘...d°‘5“P'':t.'“.‘:.‘*,_..‘ % foylm '1); 3 . noing velvata and abet heavy mater-ialo.'whole meal can be cooked at one time in: Boiled llam plant. It may have been that lhe plant‘ a wllnnte Seed C's ' _ u‘ N“ ‘M. b..-‘.‘ by '."..d -‘ ———q-——....‘ "J, in. ,4 ho ‘ ' “no. ' 0d.".“.u, Lon‘ t.n:’dr|.m‘ he¢|l;p:iro are out of ocroer one ‘fire. T:e l:|(::hPt lo we‘ll , I:-reacl Cabbage prorlhuc:-d only’ one‘ arid tr:£at'r;,.'and ~uch 24 N. 8th. Phone (11 ~ g ‘ he '-Q-“In .b' _ C"... . » canning veg a or meg a' e ans a p It won no wo space ltf , ‘Not th &IP '01 ~13” in.. 2-5 in. . l fill Stringl’o:Creen ling, they can be kept but longer in the Prunco otxupieo. Planto ahould be oelerted fort ' ,),,,fi,m,..5,;.‘ 5 I ‘ _ I E u oroomeume.areinirat - . _ ‘vs '.,.,m§u‘. hm , §[".¢..._-3. —.§ 5 ~ ~#—— . ‘ ' 4*‘ _ favor for the more nipple Itoneo l "ht" l00