1 V. A A ‘ ‘AA _ g i w__- -- g _ V ~e » '. ~.__“M.J“ .r » . hint-ts-.in.it C : sstii:stsai-sst..w.s..t.y.a.=- .......-.t t » - V ad Fwd IcKetIn'e: "The llos seosd fly st ms. hetsveel quarter of section 17; stats pg‘ fi $4 sl ins o'&& in tblorenstil and ot the Isorlllwesl qlnjflor .( "ah -. W UN‘ 5 III alhimon of that (law. all in township l7 Ill range I; h ' lront dost sl the osuthonss. isi County. Missouri. lot numbers] ‘ 3 ‘WDIIIIU-IO-"3"". . I tbCa' .ic.i.asi..i.s..u I «- t A m & & ‘*1. _ _ , _ _ , V ’ __ I1 Conn y. the original town. now 1..., .1 C. ‘ b . ‘T. Chiflu cab’ c.-’__ in .ihe_.\ltssonrt state Deliating laagueninsls. liy Marshall. non by O. E. Al. fli__»L “ii .3 "Ni, ,,.a,_ b In _\“~m,-L % . gt . ______ wluelt ts the supervision of the es» len. highest lilddsr. tls {allowing dsscribed T,.,,,,, oi uh ,, Mb". "I, I-tut. in -it-E no ---t. t- "'° '- °"* ‘.'* [ AT THE HOSPITALS I """°" ‘"::_°"._':'_':____ mm ttustc wan imam’ "“"' ""“' “"‘“ ""‘ ‘?‘“"‘ "‘ . "F5" 9* '"*°.“- ° . ._ ssstitn an testis was asls C0"-*"° 0l(l..All0.\IA sin tuvit —. Q 3”" °’'''?‘- ’‘‘''°'''‘- "*"'~ ‘Fm! -mm-on Aim! 6, int . visit -3- ' 0L'lt.'€Al.l8l BUILDIN ‘'4 D"I'I- *5‘ I 0"'- ’ ’ C L 53. - _ __.-’f“.‘.' _, " t... um“ -. sits it-i-1 1- ll“; """' ""'°"“ A J -._ “F unity la lel mm. - ifisj Ii. 5'“: Harry N. Crifllth was adnitted yester- Legislature Appstoprlataa 875.000 ta, ‘[1,, rm; Dough; School and Com. ' _=a Iuny use-v ::"‘::~_ ,tIst. gt-‘ct-*-v vet-'= A“ 1': ;'‘-'°' Gm 3! _astsntty st... trhiehwsiarhed the ci..;... ._ . . ‘, T ' _ I s s s . , - “"3.l'.t."""t‘..... ul'.tn."""'t..: ..t-. .s.ut g"l;'....."1"tt... ...”"‘....Zt......"""‘.t.t. ........ H h ————-— iii ‘.1’. ‘:.£."".‘.... °§l‘..'."I..'."'£~",l’.§IT3 The Senna Rams Will Soon Be Here , putt sand at. in out "4"¢"'”~ ‘ha. ' ' “"j,""",° ,.5‘&",‘,"“ '.""°'“j~ sun at .\lcKianey llsll on Broadway. WI! Mt f0? them by htvinr an at. l '7' “r. the a Ila -1 the C. II 3'“ ' 3 , I00‘! 600*" "' "3"'b'f",:_;,°‘",_(:_'m‘ 0', the 3. A top crowd attended. Another .\lustt‘ tt-active and tit-able asphalt shingle applied? ' . ’ b pa h b Mb B M j ‘K M~Clsln. ll '91! ll. ‘ l ‘I h 31 M l, , , .3’ he belt] next year S” u‘ for """- W"""""""""""” II-it at-putsttstistmwa-in sue-my. sad mu Margaret ldelorie. 5"‘ ""' °" F" -' """_“" bjm&- . '..u k.‘ '1 1 . '.,b¢ (go 3 ()d‘‘.. Cone" "'3", ‘en ‘d. of‘ Q'klIll0B|I will l|I\c a yourtialisia, , , #5 ' ‘ ‘ .- I U h ' w k M ‘ flu. bfuin‘ (].I,..t' \'.u'hn b.lld"" '"'‘l 9'55 l (‘flu ¢.'.'Ulla .. ‘.55.; 1 ¢..u.,....u.. iii. a C . A .. ..t,.i....i ,......i.,, j Thebprmt-ton -.. originally ineluded - 111 North Ninth Street Phone 2154 . i ‘w m _ H - _ ‘ ' ill in th 0 ' til .l6.- ' W ....t.t.t.u.t..=..,. '*'*_‘,-*_;‘,;;‘__‘_°°_;_°,';_‘;f_j,,_ :; F UNIVERSITY NEWS hit...‘ .t....£....t ‘win, ;I-_;_ M :m_.i:::.m:;.:m‘_h M swim W m Pmnm I's Ins stissdsd is the "mi. ‘ N.“ ‘M H‘. i in '."A""Cn:""2u C ’_ltal went to lltt~ senate the spiwwimm I, n,,..,,,. ",4 siagtislep . I5! ‘he '7‘ m ‘h u.‘ d ‘I. ’.' 5. sad.‘ '.?‘N-“S0150 “'3.” “aim” h‘‘“.' ‘i. 14”.’ (-'“n.':°‘h‘. 17" l&M cnmtliittrr eliminated the )'otarnal.. e£:.'m" ‘hi’ '4“ ‘ha O‘-“b"i‘m_ ----W ~-- * -- A ~ A Ififi; B M W, H W I . W G...’ '.‘t- » _ ‘ . ' ‘I ll iltlt lit 0 til , . if ' ‘A .—.Z. ‘_ 4% NO“ It“. A. N. I} '5'-llb yb; =?t‘:;'. “bu 0:‘ ; Ilsa lah Martin is coldtflhl I ll?‘ L 1' _s“.::' “:21 I‘ Tate-ii’ aetifun lit’ t.h:mgenateToli:t:-yt-er. (h“rh,',:" V 10 Hi. ‘CUE ‘R ‘n ‘M. . fill-IIHIQ scbdl. ln Codi’! county. ‘K 3'" n ' made a pfU\t~lutI ol 87511!) lot the. Cb. “ :h‘.'ghuk ’ (.h ‘_ o o - H35’. M C. W ‘. '0 "~‘l‘L ‘M .5 ”'.fi‘ t». “X ‘k W -317 H tfldtm‘ ‘fit - 0.Y:|_-_—. l?VIl'd. ’.o."|.“un bmmm‘. ‘U be eroded ml Och . .1 ea '9. 7 winds in. the ca-nee-. and ""”"" """“ "' ""7 °°‘'''' ‘”'lt.asaitori it. s W188 LAST W "M4 -"‘.' "' W b‘"""°'=— 3...“ ° r.'.:imri..t.:3t tifiii . - --- -~ ---t - N '-="""""'...':"...."'....'°":..."'... z.''.:.' "-71- v-aw -«~ re--in - C»-. """"‘__._""°" ""”’°" ..‘l‘.'.;..'.;.‘:"'.:..:'.:."..*:' :“'L"*.::.::.: ‘:2 cu»-at um 5W“* Professional Education in l"""m'.°"" ""' "' C T‘ t:-an trust this Atlantic. and the °‘."“"" "“" ”"""°" °""‘“" " “I990” Gilli!-Ne Will Do Do ll!!!’ of. ti.-' l-il it.-m. {oiiitt Atmican. 1 ln n:;d (oihsoonem J." V l lslsats shoot up lot a hit tainted. but N ‘M’ "'.'.k‘ . . . ‘l‘'‘ 5 C""u‘ " Bl“ -“L Bwmon it I ‘om’? -‘li--°IfiI-- ‘ Missouri. ' .- -150 M ~ ‘I tis ‘I. .“" W “a. “I F. I‘ W .u‘¢lll-l W. A n_.olufio" inuoduccd in ‘he k'i.‘._l B . d ho’. d O ‘ O «III--to----v----I-t ’‘‘'-''‘i not «me -«t- b Lube «-4 P-I-e —- .. ....... .... ..... .........,. ‘-5.. .. ' ""°' '“ "’ °‘ ‘. °"°* Denttstf)’ Fm? 44"“ isntetssies sulau all universities and; my ABOUT PEOPLE .,.,....;.. tag. ‘....i._ ,\'11Ic last at the diam debates in the Brown mu - __ l ‘ W H .' Rh “'5” : .-ndhztdrmol “l_°|:!l¢l? by tb;d-»‘d court lllfia ad hid Qly out daiu. Fear >- Job Sh“ ' ‘nub. - Ii“. b ‘ . iaotsri State Debating league was soon . ' 0 ‘0" ' ‘ ‘ ‘in ‘t a e enttt cause. a o a cer- s lllhaslty etttj dshatss H‘! mfidwfiu ‘L,-:;t .up.'l7y the Lebanon High School debaters: :_::pr;Li:):c'h" '11:’; :{":::e:'"'h:f "hal '30’, lh“°°‘- dud "'9 all ‘ll!’ I.” ' “' l‘ 3" ud ‘fig flu. Mrs. T. C. Nilona lelt..,\londay for St. ping schools in St. Cbrles County. l sh‘”°"- L-,,i,,,,m ,4 ()“.iwm ‘in undoubm“ .l --. ~ C .1 _ _ . “ I! W II Iierson City tofirsou llml . “rt Eda‘ V“ 0.1‘ '. ‘oi 'i]_ 11.9 73",," in ,5, (Du, di,”‘,fl, ‘N. . ‘ . _ ’ Washington lniwrsttv. l)N‘llls' ol lls urban lnrstton. till-‘rs t:rtu.ual Louis. “I christen the building in honor of \Ir ‘lb’ “ flu 5' h'“°‘ 5’ lb "ab" Mrs. L C. .\lsrsliall went to Hallsville liner)’ and clothing clnli work in St. Northeast. Louisiana; Ntirthunt. t.'sm.llr g,,,,w,n ‘ I Ovpoflllllllifl lo! Il»W|IlI-"15 "\5°”l""‘ filo"! "fllm PWl"‘-*'"Ml “M1- llflfidlh llfiltl ‘Bid 3300!. '".'"dq_ fnntoj, ‘Ml 31.45..“ ¢o..gj,,. ton; Southeast, [)ortiplnn; _\..gil.g.q' ' ___.t _ ‘_ ______ ' In addition to splendid laboratories and ph\~i¢‘al eqmpmv'M- libtlttfl ‘ f 1003 .\Irs. C. F. llollaken lelt lor BrooHield* [1 M_ '5." 5. 403.‘ .'u‘ '.u“ .5.‘ . lzlinma. . . 4l’RlZ3 I"All.\l Bl-:(_)KS ARRIVE containing more than a quarter «it it million Vulllfllfn. and cspahle and _____ . . "bu *.°”"“5. ‘wk i. D.nu",_ 1}. 4.5.3, 10, ii... ,i,.mp,.,,,,[,,p at W". A'"‘'‘‘‘’'‘ in lute“ sax‘; experienced faculties. the stutlent has at his tllnpolll ail llte l.tilflIOI I'xO' h Id Pllfi ldfllle Mrs. T. W. Fichlln lell yesterday {or P¢.3.¢.,“_ Nd fl;.5..|’,5 cgggija, !tlse north hall of the state will talte place Judfln‘ N‘ Huh C...“L of a large city for tlte practi(‘ll Ippllyflll-uh ..l the theories taught "n ransaa Ctlfi J8! Ovsr. . »Mobt'tly on business. I‘. H. Baker, state esteaslssi agent, between Carrolltoli and lnuisiana. at 13 , i k 1 I ‘b ‘O l the clasarootn. '' ‘ifs’ "" ‘°"""“ "'*’ \iiu anti. Keel left ye-tetdo -it» ll tpendinl Ilse not in cot-cit. Liv- htslslana. Iolllfllhe next week. The " ‘ "“.""‘ "’ ' ' "" ""‘?"' .- MI lkl Hlfllell 8 ° ‘o. b" in '5'." w 0 . c."." ‘d 0.5.‘ eoxu.‘-queuio. 5‘. saRe.o"._d ‘bu ‘he [fined Ilutlt-titan tn agrirttltitre who won prtaesi . ‘u’ h... h ‘h s.“h". mu gnifiafl " l"‘D’m" - ed’ - h" Wk H & ‘sat’. wad d for litttna Ilie aninsals in the Short, Draper Mmard 0' Dtllllllry ‘*1 u.“ ‘h “find u E.‘ . lsa ary svenport return to . . . t algh to as- I0I‘I'fIDGll. " own an up (rnurv NM‘ Jmm" md hm" Co" 9 e 0", V," con," p"p.m,,,, ,_,,,._ ,,qu,,,d_ 2 I--4 - "it "--''--‘~ '--'° W" "°¢"'c"t"'°'~"" ’"'°“" ‘.'—""'.t.°“"' t&"?""Z. "c't...t..."""'tt‘.‘tt'..’ ".'§'tt‘l'£" §'.'..".l.'2'.i°"...'I""f.?t‘ I "'~'°"'°'.‘. "l""“~ ‘°*"""‘ hm been M-=<*~ and Reach Baseball ' * Li.‘ *I._ T." h” in‘ co-_ .64.. .dPnl'lIlt[I went‘: all hes year in .. a 8; ‘r‘—"" (I a ntitstsns t e a- The bmk‘ '1," yin" M Dam‘ (L Schod of Architecture s . 1 d & fldjmygtl ' _ V '" ’l’°“d"'‘ V " °° °°'.““° . Tb’ - . . Wing, Associate Ltlitur of the Breed I Gloves’ Masks, Special college preparatory notk not required. F 1-1 ‘nut’. '5. 5545-.“ 53"?‘ A. P. Boles. extosloa bflklllIIflI1.‘h." {chatnpionsltip for the st-utltern ern (.su-tie. I I . o i ‘C “‘ flkk‘ £5 -‘ '0‘: .\Ir. and F. l. Dunn of flokhow lelt yederdly ‘lot lay. Randolph and o the. state will be decided on in The books and 'lll(‘lf trtnnera are as eta Louisville Slugger School Qf Fine Arts I*' * .h‘ .’u‘ g”. the '5“, lelt thtsnmrtiing alter a short visit with Lincoln counties. 0 conduct orchard_ day_ol this week. then Lebanon aml lollun-; “The llrigin and Evolution of 4 Fprtlfll f‘ttllf"r prri-sr.tu.n v..:lt n--i y-.;.t;r.-ti . and '.'&— 0; Lu‘... "p" I their dasgltter. .\ltss Ht-la Dunn. ' spray deuoaurdiout Dontphan debate at Lt-banon’on llw ~am-- Lilo-." ht llenrs Fsirrhild Osborne, Von Bats_ llfl’ TUE! I500!‘ I NC lllfl’ ll _ Mn‘ 3‘ F‘ “'f"' 'h° H” 5"“ 'l'“' 3- "- 5359'” l‘ 59538 5°". ‘ml - M. , -, . - _. yo, unto‘ ‘mi tun ,,,g‘,,,,,,,,..n_ .,i.1,,.,(, l_ 1_.m|;.-_ Rrgiglggy, I III odd-&-way plates ol the world. MI “W «l- 51- K)“ 0‘ an W“0'_m5|'l' girls‘ club work in Macon County today! ' TII1 $0 Ed D interesting and pro. "IV-.H| .\'flP_fllI)‘ l“4'M°0 '0' (1'|l|||"- and totaorrowu He will wash in Aud- fitflls ssfi. _.\im Katherine \lacH>ee and lie? III" rain Cosaty the rest of the week ' i Eli mfil nee’ question the mt-t'e. llelen "t-olertyi.‘ tie‘: Io_':¢<:::‘ (RE. E. Carter and (Z. L. lieu the _ W N i ll1l&lI an impressions regarding |" WWII"! 0 ‘P90 I ‘" 7 crnps extension service wi att- ‘ tli '07; nd get sans ununal re- l";d'|>°“l'|"- \‘3_"-K.l- ' - H‘ slat my agents in Micszslsslppi. l’etni- e C0. : la. °"‘-~"‘.‘~- ""0 9' scott. kl'andCa 'ardea - , , :I it the tt.'.t... Post that an he-,|l'i- -.-«um tar in home aim -la. ..t.t. ....'.'l.. .t....'.°....".i.. ....'.'t.°°"" Need US.’ 904 B"°“d“a3 lltiv-I the M W re-9°»-.3?" "'“ """ °'- "'4 -“"- 3- 3-‘ .\liss .\i....... Dunshee. ol the ltolllf PM"? 234 ‘ .‘.‘.' -II”, tic... _ 0 . . . . . :|*‘Uf.a couple of 38:51:00 I “‘::t': .\ll\n \litt-tttttl Crane. head nurse in the to: "fir l:I‘>‘|,reaa‘o‘ix ‘ me are’ tf(§38dO' ?utOmoblle',in.ur‘nca' ll!!! Cd tht altinatsly sncli tours Home lot lg:-d Baptists at lronton. re- _ [:.".,,-, A.,,,i.,5o,, “ “kw”. 3. um 3 ki'd' ° "d3- 1 lent)’ of 5'3}. money t0 _ _i _ _ fit» _ _ Z _ Z T _ —-:?————=, nil‘ lira: the relations between turned to lronioo this ntorttina alter a - lug“, Q,m,,,_ 5;, ‘in ,,u,. (0. la} 0“ 30°‘ arm‘ ° pd the ‘United States. v.si't with her parents. Mr. and .\lrs. l’.lu,m,._ g ’ M wsnsn, well past niddle age. (1. Crane. 3 ~ - ‘ ‘C 1:2,‘ '" 5"?" ‘ Miss Clara \:ae Bell til Stephens (lol-l * 4-." —T ' ‘ & 1 , h. ‘ '“"".' left for .\nherly yesterday to'viait . . fld . . '5' . Exc Bank Build « l b . . . l flrb “7 ‘in ‘de m” ‘id.’ [gut (.arlotta Burke. a former student all m hm‘! "13 C0 Um 13 “O :1 N” " "bu " “'5'” ‘b°"'. Miss (irate Iltitaker. who has heenl 9 Pb‘ ;vislting her brother. ‘allace "littaket : .._ _. ‘ ttilw war so woitit l0AD8'":f"'°1"'_'l" we‘?! |'-;_*''?:-_ A 9% . , __._.._ -w c is occupations rapt in _ " “ “" ‘ -- — r ~--——— -- ~ : lfiiway 03%‘ Will Seek statshospital. '7 “ O'''- M’ Lttc'll Todd. R ll Todd. Lil- . ll“ Wm. ”'F"""" '."lialI.;:|Ifi .it.i'ci..t,. T:;tlcn of lIar- “mum-aud” ‘ °""'.‘."""' 5* 3"‘? ‘°' "I'P'7- ‘tit. College -it. were visiting al steps Cottrss of 6 2-liottr Imus S t P S ' c ' wlth rend ' plwenen 7 ' - ' :1, _,g--,,_. ,,,.,,,.,;- g.»....;......« ... mm M not wee ea pecia . 1 1buuauiqapn.utuatu~M"nlLQn.mH"mhm‘_ PHVWVUCIW "'-“""""""""""'" Ali‘. ii 0.2" pit“ '. Awdnm.‘ Wehavealarecro of -t bl ' W e -“ ,3" h h _“_m.“ d d_ H“ ‘ol Ksuaecity. and Mice Juanita Play» Spoclali fa‘ eh‘ll- are running it special on these at 25¢ per bunch. No ..,. ‘:f|_t_-i'°'l_oC_'_t;|_'*°.-3; '::';3;;'m:m::«i';; (iron and adults. order amounting to less than £51.00 delivered. You can ; model of 1 ‘Erin «:0 “viI"I.s|ox1atltn:dv-°t;e|_;o, the Bow, 0, Ream“, “mm” " hm. & 3'”; buy as few as one bunch by calling at the store. Get t """ . «sacrum College. ee yours while they last. 2 uihcuuyutaatuaanoianeuin. , . L 9 "13 99 ‘W Y 1 =nss km: of :s oonnlasisn [ Ran, Es1'i\1'g Tiuptsrgns ' ~ then. but you recognize the type. A can caste at assistant in lhicn”. m__.d Sam,” “N. am” Jflck Da|ly"S 7 0 took his degree with ltonors in F‘ "' '3 ""‘ ‘l “'3' ""' 'l"""whsss ltsdtsndod the lttternstional Grsia ‘ O a on I soxology I*l—._'-3° .‘ "’d“ 11' hr" and Hay $01: conference. Plans were ll ' , . -sens-I-ti-It I-uh -hut-s at the mud“ = Clint lhteman M 2 As if that were not enough. he Hum. has lissa ell-lasted by the --~—~~+—— C _ - — 8 i 9 37- . . ‘I: .~ - CVOV IOIIICVITII IOHS on C C C isgititnnt _ Pressing — G h . l ‘d , ‘ ll‘ rs-no tist nsss out rite higlmyt’ W B rilnltfamtt A 1, h Sty; J walk which made them stare. '3 II! 50 thalll in the future. list‘ - on V an s Sevent an roadwa « - ; .t., not -iii in ...t..-. «it. «mi .4 the 98130“ C08‘ mm... 13 22 3 mm}. Phone 920 Phone 3661, y ‘ H‘ °""" f°“"‘,l ‘"“° ‘° ‘l"'°‘°P ‘ E cal -1 the «I-em-tat and they will‘ C ’ remarkable proficiency on the tandem g :1 """""° ‘°' °‘""'°' "'°. h""" if . bicycle, and on Saturday nights he ' llealsrs fit III‘! r . —~~-— - ~-~--—-—-—— ex. - C - —e ———— vs-A-« - ~ 1 was good enough to bring pleasure tan Iatthswa visits 8lstsr.l -} 4 . . . um “um H, M," ,,; mlllfill C0Il- ~ . * into Another’; life by wheeling away tins. Mrs. David L Thstaton . ° " > tothe“'l'en-Twent-Thirt. .'I‘o crowd all this into four snort years would seem enough for any " mortal. Yet in spite of his attain- nisot.sthenearetitnes,instterli!e, i whenourlserowoodcrs. The glory of his waistooats has . longsineefsdothwhile liisbookssie atillbesliandclssn. Didhepetchsiiee puttootnuclitlitmghtintotlieselec- P tionofliislntssndtoolittleinwliat wentnntlcrthetnl V‘: E l l 2:. 5 l 5 Civicxlssociation of Stephens College Presents Barrie’s A’ Kiss for Cinderella ~ ‘ at ‘Stephens College Auditorium Friday, April 13, 1923 83”?‘ C Prioefiooents l «stern Electric Company ‘ &a IJ69~lm saliva-ilsurrr gfaiaaskolqaipsvst A Nsnlseflslsserla 5/ % O l a ' _ {. -A ‘ s 1 1 4_ ‘ . e - . ' . . . , J . ' . V O ““ 0 O‘ - *1 c&..o...§ g r , , ‘ _ ~ - ; " . _ ‘ ‘_ ‘.. . .. 7 ~' g . , 5 t - I