W" *'*""'".* '-'7 ".'i". ' o ‘ T L" l ‘ 0' 0 a . . 9 ' T, I .‘ _ 1; l L >- e cm,‘ is L _g, . . —~ .. - 7 2_ ___“ " i‘ ‘“" ""‘ ' . Cattle aub W 9 . TODAYS MARKEPS :5: . mun To an IRE!-‘llGlltA‘l‘0lt:r....m ...as t.. r.. . L I ' V ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . J V) "' h." K’ - ,. ._ ,,.v ,_ . _ N M hi Will! I ' ‘"- * " ’°‘'’‘'‘‘''’''‘‘’’‘'°'‘ ‘ ' Kansastzity for 1923 Meeting’ ....,.... raontct I to °' ‘:..=. .. "°° _ ‘ _ . 1 ‘ f 6 . ‘ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. U , _ ' . ' °u-as .u---wast---I--I amusncnuncnrmto = -- * ‘,m_ '0 ,._M_, ....l a. 2.30 5.00 we «I--no a-p-n-mu or m- mu 5 W “ d d t ~ji'm”““"t. 3 _ ‘ - - 0 . .-its is about to let a contract lnr the in of .".;3 . 'fl’ Uh '1 5 lb “*7 . Htglt. Low Aver. H I , I . , i W W ‘ sh Ansriosn Cfib Ofl its fall tar fit lflthfl ‘C ‘S . ‘S . 43 _ st. lHll~ ttn \l\IKfT ~Ia anon o‘ s nvts uurlr-1'-nlnn r-lngrt tnnttug v....., .. . y, W. ‘E L b . E & w *5 ‘ N‘. [’._||u-pi.» "5',’ C S. 790.» P0334‘ . . «- ’ :. swim 7...-,.t..... nttns machine. The rnachtne will mamt lurr .. l‘ ‘ a‘ W at M’ A0 '3'.“ ll""‘l"‘~ ll U" Ti"l"ll“‘ V''- 1 l tn‘ l(X)0 tlntls til trr cl lo 0' - l, I T. w ‘C ' “_ C“, b 1 ‘L 3 M. gm) j, M Tlllgy .5‘ Nut 2‘S 1” 195 t‘ V‘ 0 s Jtll po .t I\ r lltr \ 9,,“ m”, . -W 5 * “fl "' ‘bj. ths tl.c plaes tsr rCar's nssttaa. N Asfll &—Iscliassa. St.: . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . H H :2 M "L" “ m "' "9 , ''I"''='i"" '4 I lW'l"n-wt rm-m wll «-an tr-~-m. -‘st.ml- .- _ i X “ w ‘W W 3.‘; G” 0_ udhflel. co...’ "9" - - ' - - - - - - - - -- -3 .30 I hm-r \ln.-tl \.. I, .l9 In .'.’l: \"- Iain 300 gallons -of me a-to-am. ,-, |..,,,_-_ twstssutstlsaI- rt-t.a.1r Ii-. '5' 0"’ Thsthlry srtssuaissnlty _. ‘Mono. d .... .. .19 1 .13 -.v_ I.‘ .... Tle lr' .« t....- ..t t.- l I . ‘ assasssss pg. M t 75"‘. 3‘ ll!-sari. the stats Jersey Fm“ ."f.a..'muT' w'g(;:'_".A.gm m'3f;:”,S9ri-urn. pound - -*3 33 V» ' All.-Ha \.. 1 23 1.. .29: \.. 2. I9 1 ml “ '1 WWW“ WW” "Mn" ' Wt ,,:° "‘°""""l"" l" °”""” aah CT! outs count! llehti u-mt‘°"' °‘'‘‘‘'' ‘‘°''''‘‘' "7 "7 *°7 "' -" ' ' ' tiaa with that-alas Isl’!!! 0"“ ' ' 1‘ ips. bushel.. (to S0 ‘.3 5» .,. \., - ,,, -_ . x., -» pi-hsa. ha} tbs IU& ‘.5, O‘ . "mind .'“"‘" mew‘, Znnsrnsn. and Clyde_I'arsp|er Amtgcrrou Pond H 0: M M " ;.iu 1. 1) .‘0. -. to "F3 ‘.5. l - hB—Jachaun. Kansas City. (. \l Ial- ' " , ‘H “. h _ “ “ ~ *1 w ' ‘W M] z‘__u'ima‘. . . 0‘ Ol \l tllu‘l—-lllll |ll'\ ltrm. tlrmantl [twill M’ H ~* *9 " . ~ h ‘ . i. W W l. "flab; D. R. meflfl. F. ‘d CIIOIII ‘ l 5- \v‘l m.\rtl -l'.t«!\_ tletllalltl fiflfltl. . . . h at u ‘h * d b * it .' ' m M ‘in he gdfid M '2’ M. sock‘... Apn-| 5_cm.d’ . lfifln lmnchesl .60 .50 In l.tlt.t 4':-l l'.'.t7:.o- -4lI.l«\l\. alt-msntl lair. I H ----~ - -- -; ...~*...~*-..;:*s....°-'...;.'2;.t:=~.::".:t-.°:.:-.*-*-... .3... . t+-----= - --m -—~«-«2:~:,t....~°'*°".- . t t t in . .. ‘a "me I'''’- """J "' .3... .,..,,.' '? Milan. A 1 27—Aa.' . K‘ I. ‘ll ;‘ "" """‘ . l l ' ' ‘ ' ‘ . pssest galls-sths. Qalififlutdc k.-tits". Hifltzexas-i-ha.” ‘H . “pvt; Du“. 1;: ';;b.i:“;. pour! .7 .30 .2. :.'>a._. «.‘,';,'y",_ “W mm: M 1 ‘mt Funeral Directors and Embalmers ml“. "I" : I‘ , i - ad C. A. Prnaser. .\lay l3- .\lacon nu --u \g ‘()1 c. 3']. 30:. -'-.3 ‘N nu.‘ .. i d‘ L rsnagaiacd ahaald they he those l,."....,(.h,*Un;".,,,,,_ ‘I . undo. . . s1. tot ts crtsn otmtnoss « .-- -. J\ . \I. tn), ‘C, . Macon. plt Miller. C. 0. Powell g, rtntou Imps»... ‘ ll . \. -- _l -, 3‘. \ ; t :t»ss.sns.a.t..sa-sstss.taes°"°°-5'-'-~ . .'Thepuspaasolthesenaetlagstnthe..‘ADRbu “ , _,,m_‘,‘ "2," H_ .1 -v -----mr. the "L "e “,5.” H", ,5 5., Sans ditl”t_culty is expected owtag ts-"fi~o“N.u.“.“.ho'*__pm.m,¢ - - 1' - -Iy 4-—l-ma. U _ -° -. _- 3' "- 1"‘ tr.‘ \.. x 4.‘.-to. \|..,, Phone 104 . ‘ ' . ' 1. ll. llall. county agent. and II; . 3”‘ l3 I-ll"'l- NW. 31 1- l-I-l are olsouelornersolficrstaradyfi '.°l"’,l'.‘l."7b°""h"'°dl" “Cot dairyiag. to all-ulate an interest tn'.'” . _ _ - . ,- _ "" yt theatsels-es to civilian “Os CH1‘: fig?’ CW‘. :::"::: let’?! Call. and lets?! Ell Club. and c::’”5:'?;lh:;d9::l;:u;t}..i:.mCi.T lti\'.:‘ll'~ 4‘:,l,.- t,;,,'?.,“:::‘;'V“"' ‘‘\:l.. ..s «l'..r.tlv-l- \l.u ll ‘.“l’~; July. juries received driug auviee. rQ- 5"“ "mm . to encourage the dairynsa to attend the M 7 R H N I do _ C Q (. rd‘ (ML-“” .w 3 ‘. 4‘ -1 . ‘- N. '5 alum. or we “ .5. F3. 1 . thsgsflsrportiouolthe crypts;-arly to .'.'.l ‘tab. at me ‘hnniun Janey ay . s. . ew on n. ..: a . ,. .—‘—Hn-nuns. ‘H’ ‘ Inn‘, \ . H.3'.gl.w' ML "tr-~..*°..-*:..:-°.....*-;.---::.-*.:.:':::-:.....°°~--.~....'i:.*:..-'~:;::.*'.:.':: cw--~ 2:22;: .. Leonard a sane»- tl i'- If - 7- - l -0°C‘ . . , City during the int week 0 une. -‘ ' ‘ ‘d R "h B ‘uh’ y cunt... r.t,.s.... V mu - .u.I- J. 52.‘. ' [ tnlluenra ftlldenit‘. oi the thifli In um‘ tlfflhents wluch wen» bqyned with 11” “ _ 1 Cu‘. O 5 °°'""7 “°'' ' '“ ‘'9 '° " ‘V ‘ltfll--‘lit. l4 l"°"" l"i-'l|"|. Juw _ ‘rm d;«'_ ,',."_‘.u I.“ ha ,. ‘h the pasnceas. The actual opentrtgol the wnmzfllgr:-n¢,:;;‘,,.Mn N“ ‘gut ‘um! llandolPh.cNobeI'lY~ log: 'lrlowat. :it(t'nty 5.3 pence higher. H ,..,, Hm .,_ p,..\ ,, V.“ ,,M},,_,,:.. m.mumm Ir’ mm an... grave will probdily occur sotne tttnt-_tn he“ um...‘ -nah” “me ‘ha ‘in’. aaent. Q . Dorsey. a orrest I gt-l I“; “|' P 1 V 1 H 't\ a \lt~-ttlllhlll um: ml. a T3’ l"'" 'l‘ll°‘ ‘k ‘'3'.’ ‘l‘'‘"‘ hi.’ '5'. ‘n’ A-‘firm’ In" bum m. ‘then the club was arllrtiaed a rulindfluyi . . Us rmtm Telaphonh’ I l T’ ' -—— merit of the peititentifly. halal '5'‘ ''u‘ l. .'“.d we ccnnon" was rude lorhiddinl the holdinl ol an- M.’ l0_Pcm" S~‘.d.l.“l..w' T’ \.' El!‘ .""l' “"I""' "J~'~'l""l 3‘ 1' mm. um "R ,,,“i,, an, '. 9,, .1, Shouldsuccsss attend the tenture the N.‘ media” “"566 0‘ New Y“ 1.“ gle. county agent. and 3.. L.’ hlonsees. :13 L2 L '0'," M '0 ‘hm...’ &“ _ will '5; ashhjtl to .;l0:"lt:t‘ rhetlter W." .‘n ‘M’ tuna‘ ‘in .mm“u'° ‘mi zfay ll-;ol:la_\[rlettc. lltgdgtrz-vt:e;DE. L.; Bum,r_<( ",_"n'.H N” H W _,J,_‘, ' O y Th‘. I , h H ' l W. (KO INC! . II Int I .‘llll- - . llfftfl, n fun.’ ‘n _ _ '_ - ‘ ‘N ‘ W , l s V 7 '—‘__ t u.. tal‘.lt:l"lllil'l‘tlt:I... W. ' M‘ =5“ '°'“"¢ 9"“ "‘ "" ' """' ““""”' ill‘ ll...” 'l:..i°.M." Mtmltzn oi. '""" my tz_c..-. llarrisonville; It. I; .\‘t'atI-".‘.‘.it'lésm !' W ' I l" ‘Mm Don‘ “mm ‘on’ '"_—-Z—- T m E.‘|..d Opininn ii‘ ‘hi. mun-"l ill. 'Ttr'ltl"lll thelrndtlhle 0 90:1‘! "t “u” D°"h“" ‘ml Tum" Btu‘ M.’ live.‘ l’ottltn—-ll:-.n\ '»«-'~-_ 2;’; -t I -- 3 [I3 READS [N Lfllsuflfl '['|flB-see’: iayorablfidto Ilztfimf’ h..r ‘rrrlshtlns ‘rm, 1"." h«d'"- iu" .m";d'_d' It-—Vernon. Nevada; 1. A. Muster. coun- '9 l_s R,,,,,,,,.t... .4 W, .. ...».«lw-- -.4’ ..l,- .. ..____ I train rt tt .re-so .-a- ' ‘ -y ,_\1 1'-) _(' 1,. ; g‘ " _ ‘""‘_ . Cu...’ 3'... 3.. CL A&.‘ route B.;Po 0 1' the annual meetings oi the club for the “:5” Nnm“L ‘mm ‘mm In \ “I In [~':iX_m\_”] Th("_ma\_ ll..'lt'p-.l n. l.“ Cu.“I3 l. '0 '55- ———-—--—-——-—-—— l"‘l l“" -""3 ‘ml l'k"‘ 9'" '" ll” M,“_ M.’ ]6__N¢',°:.. find”; L ’_;R".,.W“ H“, mm“, ‘',.‘“.~\ . ' .. . ‘ . A “N1 J Hr-"ins chinlvm 0-4 M6-s the 30313333 ON l-'l’“'-‘W’ T33-‘*9-5.0" "" '3" 5".‘ "‘"""“ ‘" "" """ ‘“"‘ wonsiutou. count)’ alent and Dich sum Bret ~...-r. _— ... .l'-U 1' ‘Wt’ "° ( "'1'"-‘~' H ‘W- ‘ -‘‘'‘l '“''’P.'''‘ M '. 8.‘, C ”dr '9‘ N". ‘ck. 0‘ W mfli HI’ .\‘COCll;i S. Yflfllllsn Intl l.t'll"f‘ I‘.-vl l‘.t~v\l'tv,’ ll‘llll.\' lishrd are the two doliaatiag inn,“ tlseretary a I ya is III who tsere at-tne kt behall ol the .\ltssourt n. he‘ E. ‘.1 ‘dun “d can b." . V ' . ' . g I V 5 mm " .“ - Gaad 0a Trt - V ' ' V ‘ ('°"' - ° -. 5" ll‘? Ill? ‘ll 50800 "ONDDWD 10' ., u.“,4l‘’.‘~,,, pi lien" brfldfu ‘E 1’ .‘'.‘'°"“‘ bum‘ May l8~—Lswtrnce. Aurora; L L Gunners and 1 arm. 373 to tfuo '0"! ""1 s""'h Poul. ‘"‘"' n .7‘ "WastllN¢t0.I.-Tlte upward trend ol Inna" pnmdvn °‘."'.c fiomh wt" 1.?!‘ llttnt. W. A. Rhea. Jr, and 0. 0. llar- (lalves .. . . . Wilt.» ‘- .13 r “'1” ‘l I" hm‘ ck.“ on’ ‘W cu..q‘ is lussdautentally t-utlntl. tlf--"7 Blade" Aaciunni .(L M. ‘H. llfl. Sl0€‘ht't\ anal l"r~'«lrt- . fvllltu I'll l"'l' ' m hi‘ “ 1*’ I‘ “*0 elard Secretary of the Treasury \t«utnt.t:",“'f“"".""""""""’,; "l""“;"" ."‘."‘f my l9-—Crt-ene, s,.m.;r.ct.t; w. T llogs: so... ,... _-mu... tnJ'lu' d . C """' ‘ml ll’ lufih ..’b° 3”-‘T'° Each at his desk alter a two-weeh trip ' N . "fly . - °* ..°cm'°".' Delp. and S. .l. Wotntnach. May 21- Heavy. . . . tlm l-- 3 .''~ Os . 'h”u‘.M.1 M.’ h ‘H. . . . and K. TUCLCT, I190 mll. I dI° . . _ W. . _ ‘ ‘U through the eastern badussrtal district. ' I ‘h ‘ . J C‘ k right. .\lt. brave. tn. tggtn, H. “.‘,u¢'(lItl'lll . . . 8! I it (NH Bl.H,u|“.,“. \lontauuw-ry was attracted. as a child. An absolute consumption demand tor '7‘ M ° ° ‘ “man "3" ." (Iannady, Fred Or-tttng. and J. V. Pitts. Light , , _ , . _, :2, Hit H t; ‘ ) ‘ ‘M ‘ - .., ‘Mm ‘mm '.hnn,, or’ to the business of cleaning chiuaeys an ‘"5" 0' nofln‘ woduflion. ma .b_ l'.lub. IBlt(l’e:;'€l'tl:fy of the south learn” zz_'eh“"‘ _\“nh5¢|d; George Light light-. . "hit 8 to l lump _,, - . - I’'“‘”' ll’ '“d'°d ” dd" .'“ ll’ sacs r trouble. speculation or an” I e" I -ocumm. zi'°"'°°l". and W. W. Shertz. .\lay ?3'Paching mm . . . . . .. t» T3 In "W 1 knew until he was old enough to try it 0 ' ltiutsdl. “The work itsell is easy.” said the ' t'ltll'IIl'Ir'_\ «"9. “All there is to do is to talte a saclt and put soate rocks and. ’ bricks in it and then lower the sach into : the t-hituney and then just let it dangle 3 around until the chiutney is cleaned. l . have never fallen.“ he said. “l tie -yscli “tootigk. lauaevarcas _ that ‘ WhcntlIcday'sworhhasheendon¢. y \lotugotnery spends a htge .part ol the . than-_ reading. He likes all sorts of maga- , zines and newspapers. There is one St. Louis paper. however. lot’ which he has ‘ an Btacoountahlc aversion. He says he 1 .loeQ't know why, but he cannot like ,' that paper. lIll.NB‘8 PLAY to as ctyax l Psrtsruaaee ‘Will Clsas less for Dranstle Arts Club. l ; ~11». Dover no.4." the last parturi- : ance «l the Dramatic Arts Club, will be given Saturday night in _the University '. Auditsrlullt. The play is hy Ai.C. Milne f and is a substitute for “Mr. Pin Passes ' lly.” which was to have been presented l here on April 3. ‘The Dover Road” is ‘A. C. \li|ne's latest prodtsctian. "ll is as brilliant and clever as '36 3 Honda.’ only asore so." said frnl. W. E. 5 Matthews. eapariag it ts the recent pre- fu.-atstson of-‘Belinda’ by the St. Louis 2 . Rrtifls" Guild. . Those who will take part are: l Latitner . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Satterlee ‘ .4-oaard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .\l. 0. Melt] lhirhslas . . . . . . . . . . . . W. E. Matthews lllotainic .\ . . . . . . .. f'I'IdeflI'h Dunlap liusta-ia . . . . . . I . . . . . . . llduan ‘Anne ...... Mrs. tots. Paul Allen i‘ Plot. \. Lincoln Hyde is directing the ital». .§t.|IIAltlE VIKZIIVI GIFTS isls New nssas ones to Univer- ‘ sity and Jaaraallau Schasl. I The l7ltiQr'sity library recently re- lcrist-tl sis new books as gifts from other autivetsities and individuals. ' 3 Tfi superint t at dasfiaats pee lthe fillowing two books: ‘Report fl he l’etro|eu‘l Trade in Wythg and _\lontaaa" and "Die Flaw d 'qt{r in Drainage Ditches.” ,1 .\l ta 1 I and (fivilltation in Ills Middle The .\lisoonrian presented the ioarIal- In library with “Pilgrim His Pra- '° by G. ". llatcher "Advertis- ng Principles by H. F. Fowler. was Ilsa a gilt to the journalism library. lta Club -in-Mast Tanarrsw Night. An Ag (Zluls useriug will he held at izfll _o't'lot'h in the Agricultural Aud- ' orifi. [Election ol olicers for the cota- "¢ F" ‘”' 5" ""“- * "W" °‘ "'°l chocolate is dispensed ex- Farqers‘ Fair will he gives and prise norlgls will be presented to the win- hers. ' eredi excesses are the shinirtl Colors ol . in .\lellon's opin- activity in the Pittsburgh steel district as an example ol thriving industry. nu. U. cnaouars Anvutcssytr Ohls. Caunaaity Ssrriee Wart. Missouri was chosen as the hcatisa al the annual ateetiug became it i in the center ol a group of states in the nidd|e- ' \ «st which have a larp population of .lt~rsr'_\.-. and because it ranks faith in (.h”'" Bud llersey population. Ohio is the center oll - rsey population in the United States,‘ ————-—— and nest year's meeting will possibly be Tsrues Viaeeat to Direct Warren. t,,.;,1,h,,,_ The following schedule fives the date Terence Vincent. 8. 1. ‘l3. has recent- ol the meetings. the counties and town- ly taken a position in Warren. Ohm. as in which the meetings will be held. and —Caps Cirarduau. Cape Girardeau; C. C. lloarn. county agent. 0. C Drum and H. ' field; C. V. Sheets. county agent. and \lay 2.')—§-t lranruts larllsington; ll. l. Copeland. county agent R. L .lollnsorI. and C. C. Schuttlsr. -Circuit Court Adlauraa tsr 3 Days.‘ The Circuit Court was adjourned we terrlsy alternoon until Thursday morn- t . director of community service activities. Alter rcceivinghis degree here. .\lr. Vin-} cent worked on the Kansas (Ltty Jour- na the Otnaha New-, the Topeka tispi-. tal. the Wichita Beacon the‘ Chicago Evening Post and the Chicago lourltdf tiouttnerce. He became interested in 3 recreational work. j .\lr. Vincent writes that .\lary \lt-Ker-,, . '20. is employed on lhe "arren Chronicle. Daily .7 llnslsd Pros. Jtrruso-t l'.tr\.——Tlte Missouri .‘tate Board oi Agriculture. in c0n)un(‘tlnrI with the l3nited States Department ol Agriculture. has issued a warning agani-t llhe “remedies” lor boll wenll. The warning points out that tltv nature ol the T-weer.il in different localitu-.~. tll‘tYIIlltl\ lcorrrspondingly tlillercttt metltmls ul ication. lC. P. Laania or Honolulu to Be Here. Charles l7. Loorni-. a graduate nl tht-4 flnlversity and new executive secretary ‘of she citiaenship educational committee of lltnolulu. will be in (Iolutnhia April 24 to ‘visit the lniversity Elementary Scltasl. He will be on his way to the Wurld Boys‘ Conference in Austria. Mr. Loouis was a teacher in the liletnentaty School soue years ago. ‘l'ws llava, Mildred McClain. daughter ol .\lr. ,antl Mrs. W. E. McClain. and .\lary .\lar- garet hlcllorie. daughter ol .\lr. antl .\lrs. John hlcllorie. had their tonsils N'lIIO\’t‘tl at the Boone County Hospital this coming. If you want to ll-tl;.t:r..;:ll anything. try a Mbouriaa want ad. ..-_-...... -.¢ , It Is-- Tbs last Delicious Bit or Sweetness la Town. Lunceford’s Luscious - . Butter Chocolate. Luncetord. popularly known as Ray. is the smil- ing “Big Boy" at the J un- gle; where his famous clusively. How about a butter 1.3.-.§§.§'=..-'5 j .f ... .-.:...-- .;_. cbocolate sundae or eclair tconigltt ? Warns Against Boll Weevil ram‘ ' the Middle West equires one-Third * The World’s Supply of Gasoline EAl{LYone~thirdofallthetnotorcar txattons in the worldareirtthel0 M’ dle sct'vedbytheStandardOil Western States Company (Indiana). This ' fact—for it isa ta_ct—issbown Ilm these. the _ published by the ttoual Automobile Chamber of Cousnerce: World rtdstratiou at tnosor sstuctsstmzy - .- . tz,m,ooo “U. 5 registration vstsctsstteczt tt.stn.ooo 5! Oil III! (Indians) (1%!) LENA‘! Iocorvshiclsrefi¢ratiooin39 otbcr¢atsaortheU.S(tfll;_6g§ Percent at U. 5. ion 3 ownsd in tbs l W&r-ustato - - - - And .ittthetaceo£tbsaeastound' res. tin priccofgasolinsislowintltclllagllc cat. The reason for this is obvious ....'2:.=... ms: t**===c,....."='*.=.=°'*=s °°"~"73 out of panyinaae o a large yte Throughout tit‘ territory the Standard Oil Company (lndianalsmaintains an ad uate and ccottotmcal of ’ ' ' system ittomaitttain its established practiceo ttsproductaataprtccwltichistairtoall. enables dtstributton.s_v {selling Tl|i9C0mDflnY‘sp0llcyoffait1tessandit_a earnedreputatiort for eflictencybsve enabled it to a capttalforoecded vfrefinetv nscdedstoragsmtluqutp 1'ltelowpriceof¢Isolinein_theMiddleV_lest istangibleevidcnceotthetat StandardOil tao cttnaxttnu one-tltirdofthc y L 7 ( WW m Standard Oil Company Indiana) rness._ fmizaht. C000.-nv (Indians) in QTVIG 910 S._’Michigan _Av¢,, Chicago 3130 —_“‘—T 4*» ,. 900.000.000- ovsruniuunudtastywt cld uooarr a Mrsas Toaacco C0- RETTES "I know why they sold seven billion” win 60’ -‘»«-Gas'