lists-.t-sisvss' ierinsitsattaauoa.tiattheiaostanlit-wnhtbsuutstthspicustalosqiut-rfii.||,i..,.i..4,.og.,,.,¢,5,,.,,_ the work of ahocteightesa nodsats lsf - _ on display. ~ PACE FIVE envclaph alt dhplareil hv roualitiir islled stationery with lltH’= lions uitiiiimqiii work is that otticncll-0.!-cu-flail-soyiiulea--ttossisrpspu altuwarda .ii.¢,a.... . *—--——'—‘—' tom-i-min-ed-orh~ B"-" ” A-3 . Charles Vaaea and Mrs. llerhert Blunt: "'7 lfilflltfil l|50tII'0I- lll till cflflivflid turn. a tin can-97-box oi onahsl ts tb nsasls & hast hsen non: snc- mhufi sT‘n..g’.‘.E.B.Y '8 BET WHIP I04 am 0! P-ilo rlollt -W‘ ll ‘ ' ’ '“' t in use lstflcrsens. Hz. Vaasfsscnca *9 "4'! l¢l"ll_'°_*l**'k '3 . ._ ""59. a ltaiiqoe for a tray. {oar tele~ coastal tbs usasl Vork in charcoal Monogrataud Paper ltas Goae predominant colors, t;m.»l.~pes l'-l''‘l .‘ ah‘ ' * -7"“? C‘ IN‘ thy have ‘Iliad is a dsaiga of a ‘com laug, while W"-_‘~ Pfllflvlfl 0‘ 58135 Iltvltone screens done in siateu-olon. one and load-ysucll is also on display Out of Fashion. in colors. and mlureil ed... on -l.l't~' Th upflbm’ - ’_’. '1 ."~ .&' _.' "V F1 H 04- the that at Its. llama is '55“! P'°*"°‘- “'55 "'|M‘|' cflbmiikfld in 0758*!!!‘ 5" Heads. still lite landscape and «mat The air ol correctness that is to be "l "' 'l""'" Tl“ "‘”*l‘ ' "“ ""‘ “‘ T"'°"u’,_"'f,'g m":""‘ ‘V ""l""""l ‘list. has is Vflccolists lIl‘!(ltOcVll. depicting in. story or iv’. The advanced paiaiiss. or «M “-''i‘‘'"- ' "" ""“ ' ‘""°“ "'°"'"°d W» ltll mipssiiioii ll’! iii. isum. ol the ..i.i.i....i rm... the i... oi the min .i. c--od mm "'d'.".:"d "I U ' ‘ . ‘an “I it “'7 15 hit of Lawrence ptlncessea. whose lovers are locked in a has done still-lite and landscape psint-l‘'l~“h°‘' "*9 “fill Pmblflli Ol '59 *I** ' work of the lnglaaiag class in painting tioriery scans ts lie in a sort of masculine Hriiseicr. tltr but try... .- r. .n in» ‘n "tltat the at W. b L ‘ 1".“ by In‘ sumv dl''‘'" “'97 "'4 '0 V500 '5'? "9 ’¢''d' 5“ 53 0”» “It'll 130“! N5" |'!l°'s ‘l'°V"' ‘wk’ illastratill the not! art’ nodes iiivle now The letnininc little folders victors! -till". Tl" l""l' -mil" ~7‘-~"'- ‘'m‘ A t” n"”* 5? “"4 limb! in 553150 With l0W’i¢|- W‘ i|lP'¢|l3°l53l5C 39150‘ M The class in life. or the study of ho-‘or iaathods of painting. In this class. with their linen finish and rectangular siith large square t‘n\¢'l-'|v"~ Kgfi ‘ ‘r—-v- ‘k__ ____r_- V__--‘*H .‘.‘.“'?ii.'.i‘.' —you¢stso. whanyou— —¢- ———-.. Z‘..- - —— If you want high class groceries and meats at reasonable prices patronize these advertisers! iist iisiiiii—iiishoiiisi‘i:—i= It-lint Constipation and the toxic poison» lags thiit eomv from it not only take tlu‘ cntliuauie it out of life, making you dvprtsnt-tl iinil ]ili_\'ialcall_\' and rm-utally dull— -lint tliry huid you into diaeaasta such an Fright ‘it, ili.-ibr-to-ti, the-um,p('um_ ctr Yin t-tin iirtiially rid youratlf of tliv.-r- «l;in i-rs if you will EAT '2 Iran rsgalarly! Vhll I00 should do {or twir fititii-'\' and for yuuraalf is to Irnc li~‘l'i«ti;L' ii llruii every day, in any min i.{ ns~\. r.1l attriictiw ways, and tight ~~nni.ti;»ii:ii ii a you have never l'n.§;lit it lit‘! n-l AN!) Ytlll “'ll.L \\'l_V. n the tint plan‘. Kellogg-,:'ii l‘ ta tlvlirtoua in ila nut iiho fl:t\- r, :i«l-l 3 , ——tit ltxnt two ttililespoonfula dlll) Fxt bran in it Ctftul uttt I¢\‘lJTHIllt cases: with every meal! hot milk. or mix it with hot urwil 'tYi<,,~[K' lirtin in nut rt 'a moat be we at-rviuc .‘\llt)tlll‘f iii.-ttiml H 1 _ ‘a ‘I Wtintli-.'f'.;l Wl. I II hfllnlllltffill) in turn Kg-1 ugh Ur‘n t, ,.,.',.‘.i' ' ' " " i-rt iinrml to r--lii~n~ t-iilYi ring l|ufl‘|||l|l(_\‘ I r i. ii nun ,..1.] "gt, 1.5]. H .‘,.,:r in-ni rniiati;-zition anti ll will «in that ii’ lrin for rirll i-or-ii Q int; .' ir LI tin «'l~ f - nl ran’ lltrll 't take at MAJ» in to at'u l riii on iim \ « Q ' ” , Tli.'iH- -""53-"Tin .'H\:-_\"' \\tlltcttnnti- «‘¢'rt'nl. liraii lll.Ah"‘I i\uiirlv'rl'iil l-.i‘:u‘r, i'.'U' ii 4 Y7‘ \‘-'7l.l. (HIT Yill" l'«iii‘l. l'?0tl|lt"l.'t. ll»si‘l|~r.u .11‘ iriiili-cl tlu - v'V S '” " ‘ '” " ‘ "' '“ I "-A‘ ‘W *‘=t”:=H i-:-rim:-v ’~ T ~ ..’v . r. .' ,'- runs its t--itilli Kt-'ldvattI«- and heirs suhii-vi t-» .v«»ur \' l" ‘‘ ~--l l'v':ii lit“. an 834 lll.-<‘[)t't'l [III] lit'lHl‘t‘ lllt'_V ill‘? fil8Uflllt.t_‘l't‘(l. for everythinil You do. Ysers of , \-- In ltml i'.::..i llir.'riv'- ran 9113 -' ~ - « ~- . . ' \-i \. ., I.-.. .- H "‘ Ill’ Flour have 8 \er_\ real reason “Saturday Specials" \ ',“}“':,'}¢ ll‘: 4"’ ‘“ l_ » ‘ “<3; pork nee! - s - ‘ . " - ll"ll~' ‘.ll|" III‘. N" 1 .en V \ l -i v ' _ , « for insisting upon this product. ‘ I k H ‘ MC t V" m hm Jun rm um {M “H I __ n....r ll 4-. 4.. - rm. ll.tlr llli mm H ' - . . . " ” " \ "Vi "'“' \"""""‘ l"" l‘"‘"“ ‘ ‘ P '. ‘ “ "" '1' ' " l’irti r a llr I iv ck I UH In I " - \ - successs _ - 1 , , *4 "N -e ' thk} {lnd.that ha t h ' \" l"""‘ l"‘ l*"' "'5 l“—'( \‘ ‘ ll} ‘ J""' l"“ "”“ lm" "”‘ 1"’ lhrk -1 JK llv l'iinir rili ffllsl, I." I With the" b3k1ng “lwn t 9) i'.._i l....i~l WI imunil . l'‘:c 5' 3‘ ‘W’! l'-«lath-~ run l.'t- ~i {ii i. in .A it i trail 1’ . , , _, i ' - : u - - usa 1t, lli. iali-all l mli. ‘.iii~a;.'«' . in-iiiiil tart.iii- llic \_. P, l,,‘.,‘”,r ~\ri:_-_ uiilliin -an .I' ‘NH’ 1”‘ Hmmd .”.k M‘ l‘ “ilv ll l ariLt..':trv-. per puillltl ‘INC \“ ' l"7"""' “'”l' l‘-"ll ll-tlltm -H‘ . -30!‘ ‘um “rlk Itk Baiting at home is easier than u.. x - ii...-.4 ii .r .i...i.iei ,...r...i .. W V _| Nigar Miup. ran . , 35- l~'"- li-Nn< 1. ‘it \"al lm'a~l "9-« C‘refuny men “ 0 L l’: ‘-lmil ll.tiiil~tiril"t P‘? lkunrl . . . . . .. l'x‘ EN" F-1'3"‘ “U” DH"-l Prdillf‘. in-und ;"."y< ll” -all ~t'l" . l3l‘." ‘Mal -lit-itltlrt rna-V "Irv an lnterefit In their V\'Ul'k. pg, ‘,,..{ }',‘..,, |»{,'|, }{‘,_,_i_ "H [m,_,.‘ P” ‘mum’ _ 30,- l llt-ll" \l'~llY lltivvl l':-;i- inn rmunri )3’ ll-.i\\ l»rr.4iLla-l lntsnn l7‘;-r‘ \«.il Jiniililoi ~'t‘.]k _"|i \\ti-i- liwgi; Jl ll.i i‘.~_ lll I2 I .l «~ cg .- . I '_’()¢- ‘vcdlru ll.'ii~ir:~ pnimnl _ l'~r l-'''‘ ‘ l--I*'»'‘ "8 ll" . LVN‘ . , i ' I Pttiii till I»! it-unr ‘ \ h V I t P > - F O ; I 8 In H G0‘. hundnefl . i ‘Will I rriiiiiiiii ‘iiiniie-ti ll:iin- l” l.. puuntl int-rage. per pouiiil. JHC "ll '7“ H-1 "HIl'~- Whilr -In« K liuslirl ‘In J “ ‘ '1‘ '1‘ "‘ o , llllllq -l Kllirlr‘ lv>‘li‘I' 'D1lllnll Nlt ”“h'..' ‘Lid,’ "lru - l I) d H l"-a lien)" (l‘ll¢‘t lu lll“(l in. Lard Mull‘ "mm ""1, ‘W re-“$9 ens ‘ l ' 4' H ’t iniiv C.’-i8.'i 'l\'Y ti}. - \"‘¢l llll‘ *III‘ ‘I IN!‘ il t l