4' . ‘ _ .4 1: . 0 99- a .. cg ‘.5. l" . t , 7-"'*'l"*~"it’A.fi'.“‘:‘“ “‘t.-'*=?~.}.3v:;+:'i.} T A " ' ' ‘ ’ ..ll$.‘r—.- ."_ V7‘ ,3 _' ; .: “" 1:; :_-r- y p % .‘_ p y‘ ‘ _ 1 . ' _‘ ~. A . . *— W / 5’ Newsltt thefiddo port ' than "' '“'»-I--«""""""""°'“""""' , P _A _. ‘ , A Nllfiueoaadulyiadanraa Tarnaaladaulalslaatvmiaab. A. _; *- :x Y _ V -—..:—-‘Ital-clanahhybddaut ran aaurt.§L.ott. ‘- S / ,,.~ U-B 3 iv 22-.——..&thaaaasa.nidaeao tnuttauaatiaa Q1933. lmat r ' - ‘ — , - n i , YlS‘t‘l-IIIDAVS REsUL1'sl.~l:M an In In :7"5U'“‘ no to. tam , I 2__ , f : a . _ $‘ ‘ I M E 3 M‘ y‘. . §_ 1 ‘t ‘mg lhslbi Natlanal Laagno. """"‘,____",“'." "‘,l“"l -h":_""""'I:: ’ 3 ’ —. _‘ ' I . . . ' ' 1.; _A W. TVQ 'y _;./p ..r... - I t C. n---—-— (‘jn§att.sl flvaofick hi tha allarnaoa J IR ; = ~* -——~ - ~ "°'°"Y°P°""°°'=-=-wto. s....y.....z.......... ' i*""°*"'*'*'*'°"*'-": ' ;~ '. . .,,_ 3° “'5” '‘ C°l'“'|b'' Ynnui-tphh. 5; Brooklyn‘. 3. if '3'" °""""‘ " ""' C""'- “* June ]_ i A..du. . ‘iaaaari. _IdI Ilthlfiinc value. to tbl so . - ' _ """.;‘_'_."..‘?‘;.:.‘.T' ‘_—.::..'::_.._.__:”f 1' :' TT.‘T:‘.’:_T_,.. H" P" ‘b 'u‘*‘' 39” Nina», 6: Qkqm 5 ‘H innin‘”l $0‘ 1”‘ * Ifi ailuta H’ _ in, CM! Ivfi.‘ L _, 3”‘ hi. n‘h'.nc". RENT4 lb.” haw.‘ n-I. iaeatc of the Coluibia Country 0.5,: N", Yuk .; 3...“. 1 -Doooc County. Iliaotixt, u,..;.; bfigwdfi A - .._..,_ J‘. . I|I'.I>t4l Why by J. R. Sunset-vtl pub“ ‘, W 0 ., ' Saatbwvan guns .( ii. .55.“ , racy. lllleraa. 1780. Clfld y at reduced price. for aprhu and auger dd... .‘ . Phil. . «that n. .. dN¢¢'i'!!rCh£adAXa Iaanaatlaallaalar. two hedn-ona.1 ‘ ‘tuna (awoairahrat fllllanl-id....t .‘ pm ml“. an '"“"" qun"°“"h'm'°d‘h"'”".l g........ which i-i-an In-an; uh. iaus-. Ian... .4; ma arirr-r-sauna -p-no-i.. n.....¢,g.,....., mm "'_"""""- . "WW0 0901-Ulla T-"5'--‘I-7--1-n--t-at-nan; aswtpailm 1501500 5 ‘D11 Iaaraaa taana an third loot. Stqiagaaaiaa first flaw. two an stand. and E"""l7 V‘ 5- 35-50 -Into and maaéd- A_,m.“ “um "" l‘ . ,4 and tau £6 to on thihhattaa ,h-at Gama Avaaatii. Mu tats. ‘one an third. I. I. A-uey. iaa South Fort Iu:m‘——2 roaiaa suitable for stu- ti-tie at an .....im.im. 1... .. aaall . nub ,6” 1”‘ Pa 10-" pi d lrauhlflf 9‘ l‘l! h ‘Qt. lat for one year. Sixth street. Phase 06 black. 13!! 5"“ 0' “IN lI°IIII50°I‘|l- V50!!!" "‘ "ll b’ "‘ "W" '°||"|I|hfM On ' [),,,d,. 2' 0' ‘*5 Iliad dvartiaing. ‘nrcd-Ila $71530...-iutteaitumaui-ed. Ca ma. omit J"'''‘"' 'h*'‘** *'w d“l""ml"l""(IleNaIsd ““““ H 2 0 taco. '.h.‘"‘..-.&. i MW ."I..‘“. C '0 POI RENT-—To young nan. aeveral voted to am i 1),, id, - ,4; , ‘ ' ' ‘ " __ ' - t:i ml mm of Z an-nan.‘ Ibtiuha. m ' zt?:"-I- °°-‘tn-Me ---nicdr '-"'i"""* ."’." """‘°"‘ ""' ".""" ""5 ;"' 5'4""-cl'"?':: ‘3"v- :‘="wlp;*uv=~ 5 ii -‘"m" to F.“ ‘l’ . . . ‘1 1.) 55¢; tn. '‘ (;..m,‘ 3,", seeping porch. Phone 567 Whit.‘ o Molierl)‘. t;-iluinbta and the l.ni,2_ LOUIS ' . A ‘ H 0 2 , . --as-- -M «I -n--«-- -3 »'°-. —N-,~---» -««=--.?««:, ;,J-; ,",;;,,;"* ,5 ; “T “M in-be Pt- -« mane «« C‘ ...... ._ 0 2 M Now HAVE me Q to attaatiaa all‘ .0 Q Aiaj. lat . one block ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ml’ " I-‘ox [u;N'r_\'¢,, gamhie M " ""'" " "' l"" " " ‘l'°°'l" ""5 Washington 0 2 mo ' t not --hnlila In In 5" 0-D! -1- mm H-rr ~ “ ‘”“' clone in" private {aniil - 1... °"“ “'" "' '’‘’'°''"'"‘ 5' ' ‘°¢H-"'-noon. SOX FOR YOU’ ' . . y. a ‘gr-age {Q , _ - . . . . . . .. O 2 M a ." , fihaat alnkfi J O. 5‘, O 1 35'3" Po] [1-:fl1‘,.|to..., (8; ‘g. .¢.¢..g., rent. lflo black. 1 1”‘ '' "ll 5' Phi“ III the OPGI. PM National League. A ' f5:-'3-:73‘ fol ‘IN-[_p Mm! Spring tertn. Acrooa lroia Jeaae Hall. . ~‘—— n.” m.‘"""‘ ll". l"" “"4” "°"' l" (Ylub. We Lost. Pet. 1"]. ~ T orroitrattrnr sncnott Mm. m‘ “H I "" _ "‘""°'“ °“ an Conley. 913 White. tom. ' ma, '“”:o*“';;$3"°;°cd‘" A0,” 0; ':::°.'j’:;’;”'m’:"°? ‘“'““"I -Ii‘ "'9 '1 rs... York .... .. 3 o ions 3“ g 1'“, fi‘ » u " - '0 ya. p In . teg o winner as we an to t gr ['0 -L . . ha“. i . '.‘ ~ “ “CC ‘$5 lfitlt FOR RENT__[)e.§,.b|, no...‘ .1” p. In. 197‘ team that has the lowest average. (~h“...,, lug _ . _ _ H g I, a word far in hya. In th 70! Il:NT—-Nice 2-non furnished l¢"""-'- °°""-" °‘ 5"“ '"‘°‘- 517 5°00‘ R ‘ . _T"° My lorlua c-in an to be oflmd _ n . . . . .. 1 1 .5m ‘ml 5,” ,,,, mg 1., .5... ,,.,, ,5, ,....,,,._,,, M ,,,m ,,, “mm, "Mn Sixth mm. Phone 1065 black. 192:; ":_“on :“"nm*°"‘-‘I. m':°:o:l°<* - tlm 700?. Jon. M. viii... of the Me. , Philadelphia 1 i son‘ Patterna— ‘l All-Thread Silk ‘ “ “ta.” '0 W.“ x‘ ‘ ‘b j "“‘ A'.fl.u‘ June lu 1&5: FOR RENT*Koon ‘uh “"95” sleepin‘ wrch on. “and ‘om. , . ray §hoa Co.. of ‘t. lnuia will give 1 (‘int-innati . . . . .. l 2 «mt Dffil . huh ‘ . n...‘ flu“ mm p“'.‘wnh. hum of ‘ chm” pm 76‘ Rd. N". TM“. 1”“ cup to the wiaoor at the anaaat (.1-ntrul . Pittsburgh . . . . .. I 2 on 50 '-' 4“ ‘ ‘* “*""" "" ""' C 5 "'7" ‘9"°‘lt.-m.-ii. Phone 1712 I’.'.’I' 192:: . M‘;°ut.r.1i“""‘£"' T°‘.'"‘“""" ""“"‘ 3*‘ "°“"" ------ *- ° 3 -‘W ' ' M80 . . . _ ‘ FOR Rik-r__()ne ""e‘ bc‘.u‘ul dry to g (l about tl|.¢.l!u¢lt'lle nl July. This . ._ _ _ i_..* A___“_.:__, - . ‘:1 . . HQ.vy wk Ihxe ~ 1&5 C-nan apartment. 1581‘ 1 - d cup will be In addition to the c which . . K L n. .“‘.m.. ‘'u; FOR RENT T“ mm {W ‘win at rooln or‘ apririg an aunuucr. upper claaa 5. "0. ‘mm to we Han"! 0‘ :1. mm hole‘ in 38.. The acorr la considered no for them m In wk“-”:D_._P.,.1 - ‘V w llall aetneatct. two furnished rooms. indi- ::.’n:r;:."'d' Phone Q5 "4. D... MIC 00%!’ trophy I’ m"k.ble "ll" ‘he pl.’ V“ on ‘ml. d ‘nd Brown .,.;.i. .. SI): . roll. raga. ma '°'“ ‘"':';“w";“;':':L ‘gs’ 'lP;'2'!"""" bf: """" °"';’-Inc; rid -1-N ' ‘°"‘ known .. the llichardohnable c... ....i f;_':":;':}:‘ ' ""' "°" ''''__‘_'‘_‘::'t 0“? Win 0'73- _________ , ICU r ya ,;er; no 0 r roornern. oc rout weal F0" R[N'f_, ' ,, . -' . 0 i H ' _"u” y ‘ " WAN-rH,,5mde.L -.3 . i. V lI5t{'.campuii. Phone 584 white. ‘ lg“ room! for men.2 '6"lr3 fidlsxti-ml land.” ihe:p.'tourIaa“d'dutenl}" wgnflrrflflfibflif lhr;hi2Mbv"c;;:[ “:6 B‘ ‘: ':~pr;.m::z Prked W to $2 T L ‘_ . . . . . - . - . I l "0 ‘N U. t-mt.‘ Add,‘ 3.‘ A’ h pl. j"--Vary dealrahle 6-tux? FOR RENT -3 fnmighcd rooms in H27 Rd mid’ 0‘ we L°l'.‘b" (7°m"" Hub’ T.’ 9"" made a 37 and 39, playing on the auin. 33"‘ °l “""°'"”' Aulfl - . . son who wins this an throe times rnai - - 3 . M ‘$3 lllmllbtd 0! unlurllidh modern and private home; well arranged‘ FOR KENT-—llooI|s for bvyn. $9 ‘ k T 11.» d p 1”" ''°""‘ P'°l°'°' “'''l'“ '“ ! ''''’‘.'‘‘‘_,,‘' ‘”)__Ni“ ‘nu,’ ‘.3, cg]. O‘. (IQ I u -sgpteinber 1. Man. {or light housekeeping; cloae in. amea urner. Phone 1,95 ‘Rm. Ml%tlt\;-p ll. .1: han ...;p is scheduled lot 1 pwhmm “my. owomm when me. by Ian. l9&t{. ‘J. Vault. INK llitt atroet. tl-"on-ee, Cillalvie Dru: Store. Phone 22. T. I ';w:nli' Tfi'_:,.:‘;:ul(;‘ ‘Bill :Ml_'°‘pl'"ib0: ‘ "‘“'Yd ‘"9 *.l)- Student linotype operator.. ‘a,-gbo want. nod: for a few hours each’ fly. lhtinnma at five 0! all Cd iol'h~ ‘ ling tllfee or tour hours. Apply to the ‘fafelnan oi Miaaourian. ' ll 1 _4.. 2-5} A WA.\TlI) vpoattion aa atenoulpher ; A1’... 5o..k|m-pr-t,.can lurniah relerencea. ’ I r 3 l f.———- fl ‘ I at ., E.stat¢._ fma saut '. _1_l‘t)ll ‘WI?-«I4-root: haaaa wll far- I ‘aim.-. tiuuu am. and mo pa: path. located hetwt ‘ fl Broadway. -5400C aattap. aloa gm 7.m..n house. Colonial style, with‘ FOR hoaae ;aaaat 0Phana i T ll . 7 Jana IQ) £NT—Cotnlortahly roona with aleepuig lurniahcd ' porch. 1. mo Wilaon avenue. whit. R. L Raniaay. R1911! ‘ ‘ lI0llI£'. Willi f¢.g)n.b|¢_ Addie-ta liol (i. care of Miaaourian. -— 213 South Sixth. Phone 1840 C. Pfllltf I FOR ll£NT~—7_-rooan lurniahed home. gym. and ,large alei.-ping porch. One block irony lca-poo. June 1 to September 1. Fac- ulty err!-d._*~Phone 571 white. l95tl 19$-201 $ Booird-P QNJ Phone 1895 L197-Z13 _ prion, FOR RENT —One room for girls and from Broad --one-half room for the apring turn. at Phone 15% green. reduced rent. Sll Turner. I way an HJARD AN D R00! and runner. two blocks cainpua. 216 Hitt. warm I FOR RENT—One lurnisbcd room. for spring term. ROOM AND aoAito—‘it.4..mi ratca Large rootnn and bone K)" R ll . Plan .1351 "R". ‘ 0 In. 1%”: coo rig. Phone 719 Hill. l9fll FOR ll£NT~—Rooma for rnenjudenta, FOR RENT-2 unfumhbed "nu" ‘Pd Field. 810 and 88. 819 Rollins street. l9lt summer term». lacing Rollins kitchenette. gara month. ' H. ‘666GroetL go and garden. [25 per Roaa (3 We-at fihlevanl. 197- year before. May N the handieapa will be assigned. among members of the Lolutnbia (flub Ian will be held. ehalipionoliip oi the Columbia (‘uuntng ('Juh will be held ahout the last nl July or the first til August. The ronteu that attract! must atten-l " A‘ ‘ The Laura Rohnett On June 15 a low medal tournament the (ihriatian Church will hold a cookie‘ ltry a Miaaion Band ol d candy sale at 11:00 a. in. at l’ech's The toiirnuaent for the : Drug Store on Saturday. Apt! 2l.—Adv.l waattobuyor ll you aell anything.. Miaaonrian want ad. _....... _ lion, according to Mr. Soinerville, In the inter-city eu-nt. Tlltl waa won by jel lcriton City last year and by N-dalia the‘ EEGAL NOTICES {T (hlunibla. lellersnn lily,‘ fl Fulton and Sedalia each tiend ten men to l I of windowa and large eloaet ,cotIplea. ml (Zollege FOR RENT-:'DeIttal>le roonis, plenty a In Phone IVCIIIIC. ROOMS AND BOARD——Fpr wring d aitaimr tonna. at pie‘ M an reduced Phone ll(3 white. Bl95tl XAID—'lll acne ineala during second aoneatcr. .5”. 5,91,“, .0‘, gauufd 1°.‘ Watson Place. Phone I Mina Frances Sandera. N. ’ lfil white. I spring term. 613 Turner. Phone Pal RENT Room for men for 15(1). Phone 810. 13103 ROOM AND @ARD-r-Reduced ralea lor spring tern. Large roonis and home cooking. 193d Tl99-20l| ; hi fit-k iron red aha; awuerf nah: to «ill tuna 5-aim naatg fly int roted abundance al fruit-.3 p . Hyna Realty Co.. 113 nd 15; %AllD-—-For boys and girls at 834!) “. . . per week. 703 . paourt. 535 bro:-n. l9.‘- uiscnifin-hots .__-- - 3'" P03 SALE-Beautiful hole, nodal‘! A lreall ahiplltent every Monday of Martha Waahingtdh Candies use ol large sleeping porrh. nonable for spring Phone lll5. roit Ri_NT—-3 desirable rooms, with b°‘"‘ Price rea- and summer term. for hoya. ROOM AND BOARD——For ghla. mint and term. Ira E. L. Sheley. 716 Maryland Phone l4% red. 1894)? I99-201 rooms. reduced ratea for spring and sum- POR RENT Two nicely furnished IUIIIDCY noon AND K)ARD—-For girls. hoard " for boy; for spring and T22 Missouri avenue. terlna. T195-ml play in thin. Thta naaka ten loursotnem; the bent men of each team playing in the 1 first lourmmes. Eighteen holea are plard. low score on each hole count- three, the next. two and the next, one.l the moat points winning the tournament: Aside {rum the larger events will he tournaments between various clubs d Cheavana. Cheavena and Joaaa Calvin. defendants. NOTICE OF Sl'l£lll!T'S SALE IN PARTITION. . band. plahtifla, v.. tztossf (Latlierino ( Th total score HI adtlftl, llif club lllvmfli On.‘ John Chan”. 1' C Iheavua. Uartha Shock. nee Cheati- Tboinaa' Punk Cheavena. David Mary Cheavena. Sallie Put In Your Coal Supply Early while. prices are at their loweat. Blachloot (ioal cornea lroru electrically-oquippo-l Boone (County vmnea ligg coal in 2 and graded A-it any user of lilarhlvmt ‘Blackfoot Coal & Mere. Co. I’ ll. l'ratlu-r. (ionoral Manager l0’) North \inth ‘tree! and 6~mt‘h air:-s. bar screening. Tcaml t,oal——then phone u- Phone 1237' league an well as with the l Club. courv is in good condition all t and a number are taking advant-l age ‘of the narrn woatber. The wintai grefis are Mill in use but Itumrner groans; willbprobably be ready by May 1. The: llol hia link» are rapidly becoming anl hum“ mom.‘ “'0 hub; 00"“, ch} In 2‘. I. 3 “d lypound hfifl. rner terms. One” and onehall blocks ROOM AND . BOARD-For girls, _ I wood and sm..n Road. Call mm: HARRIS‘ CONFI-3(.TlOMLR\' "W °-mm W" 0' "**'"°' bwd--bond ‘M bov-.-vrmc -nd summer mm "" """ °"“"' "‘ ', "“"""." °‘ ."" : p,_.,,,,,,. in-, 3...; mam . mm‘ -Phone 1253. 199:1 Splandid ioaation. Mn. Belle Harrison. '"""b'" N" 5"" v‘”’"‘ ""'Y “"'"'| ' g-_ i '4 + - .:..*.—-* .' :;:_--~_-:.- — ’ ‘X39 Kim street. Phone IE1.‘ Tertntt ll" 9'“ m"mh" FOR \uv[_-Y-'0 Dang!‘ b. 0" ‘ FOR ‘RENT .4-room furnished apart ".“‘m.bh_ 196.20‘ A M. H..." 5., been [mm .1 Ngmba 3 clflwom‘ ‘hm ‘mi Q. _Q 5'.“ .ment will: aloe-ping porch. Pitt": reanrin- ‘ __ 4 It .. .p(,.,n..h.pn.§_ ‘oping in from ‘Mitt “:1 Colonel Penou “5 Buck‘ able. tlt Missouri avrnur. lannr .hl llUU.\l.5 A.'\l) B()Alll)- lor hon fog [ha aide-M. It has bnen bu1 recently ‘ ‘wan FOR sAL£_£dn electric ‘um’. 2'6 red. Mra. Baker. Bl96tl ‘mi gn(l”I|.U nnl be‘ re‘a«l.s" l‘t;|fmU'Il'..'unIll .' ’*‘"‘ ate in aeaiunrt.l a , . ‘ é FOR S“‘£-_5_n.- um,‘ "nu "in. Pic: 1566 green. l9&fln‘Ph§‘:()R]:°g‘t;.'!f_.kRo.,m, “)9 M.,,;,,;_! WTKDTTIY) RXNT k 3‘ lodern. [aq terlla. GIN Mt. Vernon. FOR —Pord coupe priced to __v_"_e__' "' ‘l ' 9 l W NVTED T0 RE.VT—A wheel chair. I4‘ ;} Plum 1872- " -211. Sean! obrechfn mate. 195 201 FOR RI-.‘NT~Doub|c rm... to girls Pbvnr '72 "him 200-202 - 3 ' . J 1- - , E ILAI. £5‘l‘ATF. roll SALE OI ‘l’IlA‘ll! rout sALr,—y/tut. Leghorn .1... lrom """"- ‘"3 “‘~"°""- WANTED TO LEASE from s.,....... A variety of good property lit 85!. ll‘ file cqtificil, 04.00 per lll). '. (I. ' ' her l. for a 0‘ one or two veara. A J V’ Ibli mm! lot! -34 5°03‘ "3 Swrahn. Phone 93‘. N820? R()0.\lS mit ltlL!\'T- K. (T. Student 5 or ‘Noon -It-ml-eat or b-naalov. Re- _..-__ 1 V; See in holore hcyhg. _ ~»~— H mt R n ‘. mt ‘ be Ind ply. stating rent, location and other do I . M b pl _. C ‘. f t a... in...» at new It.-»"°."'. m w—r~m~-m» ":::.....: .:;:.. .....: an-. to an u-om W “W '> A "" *r' 8*; , - - 11‘ dhk and bedrooms, lnrludtllg raga. . _ . . _- _. at Country Culh In 46 on ' "lGOttar Baildlnp P5‘. . room with bath. All hnt-ns lurniahed. . . y « F A‘ ‘win ‘mu!’ ‘ad ruby b“kfl’ Prrsile r- of billiard room A Ply to l" ‘A‘\T’I}_‘C".‘e ‘at an Rnnm" W'lfllf’l' CTPPDS. l I roll BIN‘! very reamnnblv-. 1314 llinki-on W‘ V M H [;h “S” ‘ l’hon_e_ 1351 green. 1 ___._ p is '““‘* a LL 1 ‘N. 1l55 "latte. l97tl.' ‘ " ccmy' ‘ r . " one “'5 "g ""7 "“' “ “"’"’ ‘ l'rnf W (i. .\lanli. of tilt l. nIVrr\IlV' pi __w___ ‘ -20l ea C f.¢~uIty_ equaled the (lulirlnhia (xiiintry ' Qaflhent! in loot. lath fl NV New ahipnui Cotya Pt-rfuinea. All FOR “[31. Mr ml,‘ 3 .pl'ndM S W Hub W” mum ,,,.,,,d mi‘, ,,,,.k .5,“ E seq. private bath. alaaaad ta a|lIPWrfiu—all don Including the very latest mm mm _'“p.m‘ “uh hm Mod h, m,,,. _ mm. ,,, 7,,‘ pg...“ ,.c., ,.,,.._.i log cu-st Pl-0 glut run Drag since. 175:! ,,,,,,, Cm,” “,0... ,m‘R,.d. roit s.Au:——i~m Chevrolet Coupe _F a , u an, F nfl . _ . , _ - . . . , Inna ahtpnai N nallys Candy.‘ one ' Ll%1b an-1 tgeo mg;-arr E-o’-_-'-;-not P|r(-‘est Tb Bmbflhood 0‘ ‘mm Y”; T SAl.I—lO-roan fl 36!‘! D Ova-pound harm that rOctved.. FOR R£~r__L.'m' hfigkepm‘ Ho.” ‘Hui man meets regularly every Tuesday 5'.‘ ‘Rh “'3. .‘'h'''*.. _.°. I...‘ D!“ S...‘ "sly rooaia. luraiahed Phone 810 Ill‘)-ttl . nigfl. All Yeoman are . l 1.5‘ ‘ll '5'“ ""°“- ‘P’ Phck "P. ‘ - - . " i A-4 i . FOR SALE-Ford touring l9‘2l model Adv. By Order of Poeunan. llnivetlih-'; HUI”; “mu, .‘m cS‘L:-‘ ER"f:;":°' -:2‘ FOR lllI‘iT-—l.tahtliou-r kc-etvtnz'FJPeciallY equipped for totiring. U. A I ‘ll’ “L ’ ' m ‘PC ‘Eh V". l l.‘ """"- l:l"'-'P- la» Pl‘l‘“"- Pl“’”" one srnanl. mod condition Price I l . oi-.5... omily -Jeni htiel hate. ''‘°- "" ‘ ' an , tans (lrr-en. tmxfs ayzsoo Phone 549. moo ’ M . with large hath porch ii ,__ *——-* __ __ ‘ us porch: loar hvloeh tic: W7. Q . sAL5__‘o‘ ’ 5 V‘, “M .0.‘ ‘ 7°31 R‘;‘l\(;”lP'°'|’ $5.: ‘P: F°"d “Fifi Pllllt Dlaranteed. 50'? each. ' ~ N,“ '1'". w$ ht” ‘ gt flaw.‘ “D 5." I ”‘ 0|’ Ill: ‘ aquin. ne rt. . . ']'.y]o, 6”.” . Q1“. 3*“ 1 ‘g 3 h-j .0“, n he.‘ Pb‘ Brown. l29 . lllWl20l lggm :-:;‘U--tvw-iw. -- as: Green. tmoaot b“F0ilt :ti;.~tr.-i:‘w:..H'...-..i. Zruwcithoal FOR s.tu;._r..,,, Tom... t;ar. 1. :: ——' “— 07 5‘ 5‘ '0' f"—flWpod contition. A. H. Leonard. Phone ll ml“ ‘.9 . “ ‘ db y .. . h."“',..1‘.'-G.'4 l ‘andiaavenuni.berst@orl85Li:'*liizt;i!. rrfifl. nod l and 1. W hm FOR RENT-—{Lrooni modern. lurniah-T roit iu:irr.—o..i.n.u- in nu. I--it-I B-flu -it-Mic -rble -t-I-l""‘ ' - my °“" ‘boa -tilt sleeping pant. laaanahbonarr III! Nlnlk Iullllrly hum O6 to 813‘ mg |u;_\1_g,,...,, - “,1... (mm; °' 5"!‘ I 1 »i-at. Poaaeaaiaa ah-at I-y TIL. than You ebb: only 8191 campus. in s. in 5.. Pa»... 1245 rod- 1 4.5 Black it call at 1311 lob QC. THE GIFT 3110? clout \l..d.,1 0.1 "4 H h 1,. .V g‘ ’ runs 919 nman, T ,_ " G“ mzno rout ttnn-0.. light hoaukaepina " " L? POI |tlZ.\T-—-H raan llalbdhaaa. ‘-3- ==’-‘-- 11! South Sixth street Phooa 1817 no sin. y asi. yin: ' I I 5 tan use. A177-tl‘ O not-icaa if roa iu;.vtLr.u aaan -as-at . A g ; roa lENT—-Funided 72-... at so-i Hataadaalawutwzfllilflir 'h"- laaaahh. an Sixth an-not Ptuai-9763 eantaraaoaadbaa. . Inf and Providence. Phant- aouuaa-aaalaltatls-pt. _ miiuaea. moat; TInhy.Aprilfl.7:flp.n ls Calla.tI%.l1IiljU "" , ‘ in; _ Ififi -Iaaucripo aa ydlow paper Po.‘ KL" D55 _,:;‘'':,‘:‘h‘'[... Km‘. H. Phana lfi nan l Zihlaldu'.iarhadl.A.Laanh._:"‘." ""'h'd' lb" "' l_ fi1U.Laq.Sauatuy. ’“""‘ "' . "'3' inc»-an ism '"""'-j lqannt-nt. Phawa$lI$"I.I. ‘ f * r‘lVll.lGI‘I‘LOEIl|a.1l&Ll'.lA.I. .5. \ A" _‘_A_ -,,"..3,_ !oIaEN‘!’—Btina.|iah.au-t.ualI-, l ‘Fm’ “'_:.‘L}g.$.-‘ fun&adraonslaagir|a.PfinoI7ll ‘i . . ro- * * ron an-1.5 nu. tanaiaat ta-. MI.‘ ,; jlact. tom Univeraity avenue. AISDI: m __... "".-'—"T_‘—‘—.:—"7 77$". ‘.T°‘l l ___,"$"'§"""‘ *f"“="""’ . roau:N'r—a--.i..sm ass. 3 a l. 7-fflfl hi I“ ' I: l m m i ,.,l ,_ ‘LA aaIr-—at.a-an-..iai-—aE—--.r..uii....ri...an-u.. : . ' fin -I 1: tan‘ Jan‘ 1 "4--\ l ;,‘ -- ' f ‘ Positively the Last Day! tomorrow. Scores of lnatrurnanta have already been sold—ocoi-ea of homes have been undo happy by the presence of music. Many wonderful bargains remain. instrnrnerit in the next few years. don't fail to take advantage of the ‘ opportunity presented in this sale. Taylor’: Spring Music &le will close in Pitinoa——UprigIito and Grand: Player Pianos VtIb,Saxophonea,Baajoa,GaflaI'a,Mandolha.Uhddaa Bargains -Pl|0l|O[l‘Ifll If you expect toownaniuaical Uacdflanoa . PLAYER nous. 15o—7 FOR two Tontort-oiivlatltcI4atDay -. "1’ Q