.,.n‘. _\‘ I ‘V’ I . ?stK<~ a A r ._ _ ..-.a‘_. . - .I‘ "' ' - ‘T? o‘1QPi'__ _ ,. pate -,;’~.._.’J.. -.. .,'.R:_s" '. . _ - 7 ~‘ g ' . . lflauer, W. C. Beasley, A. D. Boucher. F. ‘issued for his arrest. following the isni- l$ettle, Lots 1 and 32ft ol E. pt. Lot C D R F ‘ Jr“ (; 5-‘_ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. (Lo: and son ‘ . to all sud.“-ss-=. 11-en: -vlr-t‘?:<::_t_ 30,1.‘ tr n..t....., (‘._ F. Clutch, L ,ange of the warrant. , it 23. Centralia, st,noo. la ,_ " "' ”‘ '""" ‘" ‘ Daniel, riaited Mr. and Mn. c. 0. s.,.,.s 1'6] .' J‘ I. ‘he Pa’ ht. Htttnrnel J. R. Rea, B. (L. Symon. P. "1." ..u, ,1“-gggin i '3. C. Huraand wife to O.J.and Pm.‘_ flwen lltiweltt of the l'niversig,. Sunday. Their lillle grandson, Ru W ‘guy ,0‘ . Tlbnlwn’ F‘ ‘second Tfln" “A statement frofltbe IIIOKl|Q~%¢I" P“ l"“ 5 ‘Dd be H.'lh"3‘~nf Mtvanurt was here Tuesday. ‘ 8.?“ .cr°mp‘nl°d ‘Mm hon" {M n . es?!‘ of fig-I. the (canine ppm’ ' of '' M.’b‘’u’ C‘ ad". L Bah,’ E’. E‘ was made fldlic osncerntll the issuance 505- P7015 Adi C°l'll|blI. "Ml Miss l~‘2...-it llurtm ul laolulflbll '?"“l Vim 0' ' ft‘ 6"" €¢ ad ‘emu. ..d c0'~'lfl’|'|& L NU! D 30': R L “Nb of warrants aainst Anderson and MOI-1 Kate Ann Burks et al to C. W. Settles the ,,.,g,.nd Wm 31;“ [uh Duh.‘ W. A. Thornton has tcaignetf his rw rslsasssfthelsst notes" ’ D sl’°‘”" E C B'‘‘’‘" “W 5”‘. ' Tbs ststonent follows: ind Wilt L0" L1. 3. 4 Ind 5. Block 44. .\lr. and .\It.. lt..II.a Nttttols and non all-MI M P|"l|P" l"! ll" -\l-- K- T - "I. N‘ ‘be ‘u. —-E. W. Alunann, H. Famous, C. T. .1" me C J”. 0‘ an 1&0.“-lcflfllrfllll «W. L. Eirhs lieirsl 835(1). ,,[ u,tu,,,|,,, ,,.,,,..t 5”, 0..., 9,, .1-p[.’RIllroId (‘o., and the position has lu-rn it .ol 1 an 3- In ad "_ Daniels. C. C-. cfflili 5- M- "lll'7. P- 1.1:; thc gut; { lo} 1‘ osnsider- Dollie M. fitrague to SCIOIII F. Incl ""1 accepted by I. A. Reed. A new boil:-t I ‘ ‘nun .‘ we 'e'eui.‘.a nu l.tadeltIr‘ti (ah M$..A. D. (hi, ]I'., '5', '.]_b], r.',,-‘Y. bdgdjg. 3 gfii. 3C4-o, E, Hnlton Int 21, ‘pt NW 7 ‘fh. M.~m“ ‘W. £‘“"n S." lad!" will be installed shortly. r bb R. 5”“. W“ e."“u .' "O Rttlen:£r;".ni‘ l’“9—T H ting ‘Ind us or seven tflltwrlt. flil3.wl’antiie[l)| Lolumbt; :l,ll)0'. gsw a 'lll'l.'t'l at lh.- \lso.tttt~ ll.tll .\.1lur- __ __ ,_ ,_ mm d ‘H. tim"ni,y ,0 pmfan, “gin ‘ - - dd’ (_ ‘g ‘ens. dictionaries. other books and nice , T. ant . lhnntngr. of .‘P‘. am! idav cu-nmz. ‘ . ‘it wasyonrtriunph. lhave R SW?’ ’; B‘l‘L’.'l" 'R"V'W‘he"";ix1urrt. 1 _ st-“pt. s am ., on_ Th.» .\.-a .~.t»nt W-«r~.m~ \lo.-ton.-try 1‘ Ithnhed I raj: of clfi cofllitt ' fl‘ ' '. Ho.’ ‘ ‘ ' . ' “‘CoIttnivsionrr of Permanent Seat of ('°"l"" l‘“ ‘ml '\"l"l' "I ‘\l" ‘ “let 5'vl01¢-"l|0"l|!'~"'1,H¢NU0Q3W0*l! Lu- Thehtdopropeny was ffllllllllllldf-i l-0011.050"! C100. Otberstnahing l'sceinbisbntne.lfesaidthatlbsproper- sin nd when tai to the Nflhl 50 faII per weak. Drawing ac- tyhadhsentaatttaasyaaaaptuystalyaasatsmatataaaaa Aneaauina-csutsallawedandrailroadf refund-1 the ofico of the cotnmisslonc of labfi tin showed that his heart Write fc full information. uathg datistics. ibsstill» ttlpayoncubqll worh. Address E. C. ‘ wonstt sastnv nitnnvc Loss l- AftsrsniIiectlsasfthIdrIIsli.s,thelu.].u., git", gag‘... 3.514,,‘ “ torney-General f*loInfi5°l""°‘¢"°*lll°0llfl8- Viflltllllflll-lKanaasClty,Ms. tb' sdlhat roll: ly. Elrubeth Forbes, 1 county superintendent R‘l"l‘ "'4 no it... c. w. ttatcsaa will 0°""*"' business ‘hen! . A. Gltpltt retnsited 3”" °‘ " ‘° ’- - business trip to louis The Ashlasd Eagles tsoh the long Henry POWPYI pluchasetl I tn-Int ca it. . Brad - Hallsrille last sat-day. T "’ F""" ltavsnstlostagatnein‘ 0. - ‘V 3 Colunbia Vldtors Tuesday evening. Fabio, third ’ [len- WH —_.. ._. _ ell Last Sunday. lat-ob s. stmt. died It tn. home five Sm-rd-w tniles east of Ashland on Saturday. April y Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Creasy of Colntn I l2. lie was 78 vearn old. Funeral serv- bl? 5979 53"“ sW"d'Y 0‘ M5 ‘ml MT‘- lrea tarre held at the New Salem rhurch. l. A. Reed ’ i of which the deceased was I member, on Qundav morning with the Rev. Henry . mlhlfll "Ill" 0" ‘ll? ll?!‘ (7. N. Bruce of Sedalia, who to. cnosn rrvi nuts rotra seat ofgoverauent that the property had Arthur L. White to In L. PIN 50 Chegyena ullctltlnf John Strode, a ponsplng station here, returned to So. The following students mtnposed lhI.be& stolen. ‘M31’?! ll (kdu ‘°'“‘hl son. and his family of Mexico attended dill! T0040! llllll. l an 0*’ d ‘b Ufilwnny d .'“°u' ‘T50 “'0 l7P'»"7l“'" V9" E" D°"¢ £d"‘ J‘°°b l‘ C ‘- the funeral. Mr. an Mrs. Clyde Shepard and} '5 '0' ll” "-00 0‘ 1921’-3 Timur" 0' at its home of Morrison several days ago ;Sett|e. Lou 3 and 4. Blod 5. Mitchell --~ ———-—— ,.-itstrtmt. Miss Alma Srhaclt and Min‘ 'l‘'''' ''‘'‘l‘' ll" "ll" and sent back to felt-non City. Morrison .Pl0Cf Add-. Cflllfllll “N. I A ‘ Erma Hill of Columbia visited Mr. and! First Tenor «F. A. Ascndorf, II. D. M..osuld not be loomed but an order was Elk Drfil Edwin Jacobs to C. I’. ' 5 . Mrs. A. M. Thornton Sunday. y. Charles Thornton were in Tbsday. I l. C. Sappington went to Columbia on‘ ' elnsday. ‘ A. Mcbow was in (‘olumbia Monday ft-otl a. Mrs. J. T. tuesansoa ...'. shopping an; ndia business . l. 5. Reed and l. A. Tnmer were. Miss Panlhe fhornton of lltfltlfillfl rn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph TlI0l’tl~ on. . . of St. Louis is here tllllllflj dlflflltlff, “fl. Bf llll. rnlernl Services‘-tif‘Aged Radiant" Miss Frances Ferguson of lluntsdalel - H was a guest of Mrs. A. M. Thornton; l 9 i l n ! ‘ . i . at her home .‘'It- . Thr guests were; Mirsa lfrl»-rt llullartl, Susan Rice, Vfinell i [T [S gmuging," rernaxlccd the observant “Ip- pet‘, talking about men. The worl ones ytrqsr these new smart ars -the VAN I-IBUSBN: is it? -in the efort to appear naive. and the’ shelters wear them so they may look worldly?‘ Nat caaaoaa vat... trans-I VAN H108!‘ VAN (;gA|?'r—-ggporb shirts with thsVAN BEUSRN Oollgg In Van Craft you COO thsnsotl of sol!- ghjfiaigkpffifllily with all the usual tausssnass let! out. In ‘Tito Ofied nd Meroeriaod Pongea. Q VAN HEUSEN die llérldt Seurrtcfl COLIAH nnuarsqoxas coaroan-tot~t, ins anoitnwitr. HIV 70*‘ —_ . —o— ———o— - Jack Dailyfs A Excellent 4 —-~— --v- - ~- - - - ’x:w+ Public Sale . AI Administrator of the estate of Miss M. L. Malian we will. oat Friday the 27th day of April. l923. sell at the home of the deceased. at the corner of Paquia avenue and Waugh street, in Columbia. Mo., all her hot!!!-lmltl goods. being the furnishings of a seven-room house. Miss Mahan was a member of one of Boone county's oldest and respected families. and among other things she has a number of pieces of furniture and relies that Ire today valuable and in great demand. Nothing gold privstely. Sale will. stirt Friday Iflerwott at 2 o'clock_ gnd every article offered will be sold without reserve or by-hid. Boone County Ttjust Compan Administrator ‘ Judge J. A. Stewart, Auctioneer. -'. ! Shoe Repairing snttvtcta .~ I-lebelrling’s ‘ Allah! - 3 1 stsoutsttintttstmt Phone13 22&Nhts_ , . ’“ 4: mpogr J» P. GANT N04!-[cg aaan'ta:anAa:=oaa at i his 7-0 hr surety- ‘ Real Estate -' ‘W ' lee ' Puss‘ - U‘- l A # ’has 211 ! 3 ’8|Ilng,RnfatsWlllBsonBe!lero’i Sssustoeflpnntis. __ D __i .,..1-u ttortti .CuPhons2lll «CC-I L}-O a-J ‘gum U. 3 $.&<- U ‘'7 ,’ ‘ . V a it t'~:..l It: :2 .=,r¢.=.:fir/:' ' '0'." ‘I t - oua BPEEIAIJYV M an - ‘*0 all I“ . ' S I ,§ - M Ax fig. [guy I} v \\alGt.’~“~‘ _ _V .