oabttainaaa. »TbladieooltheKedCroaaatVallIy,' th°°d"."-b°".‘lSprinp met at the hoIneolMn.'altorl ‘Blackwell last Thursday. ' d _ _ h :\liaa Edna Ctavea Clulftl an eight’ '9 l‘°""7 V95“ ‘” ‘'P"‘"'“'v ‘ "month term at school at Htt‘hd\f\' (nave, emotional reaction of the oonpoaerihhu Fnd”_ “ but" aha" V- ‘hm. D‘'b"‘‘V 3‘, .° "’h"'°d';lry the parents of the atudonta. ‘"'"' 3049"‘ l" lk" "°'h°“' A surprise dinner was given «ought to ‘apnea the reatloaaneaa a.nd§(A,k.,.“ lug Sunday in honor ""*‘“‘t’°“ ‘ “*7 57 ‘H _.°hd‘?"f-twentyiiath birthday. Anon: tboao_ 19959 9°35‘ “*3 ‘d 331"“ present were: Mr. and .\In. K. A. Cale’ coda nan mi i..n,. Mr. and Hm I’. H- , ‘(ll . dlnil;M. d.\l.A..l.- “”"‘°3 '3 C°“' Cm.” :4 (incl, M: :4 Ni: Hat-‘l Prairie Ill! Wit Become a Ida: Dlatriet. Al ol Ill ry Uoleanan and family, Hrs. Tum Tur-l nu Bogp, Clarence Daly. George Mor- . can and \lins- Slane Morgan. .\ picnic. 'Bl'\tfl..!o.. ‘I'll 5-‘P555’ "l"- ‘ dinner can served on the lawn. hfiaaouri village with a population ul »~ —-——~ —— — 192. has awakened from a .-sleep ul hall - a century. o The town is at! mile! lfvm I flilfnld‘ Mun l«la Lnuun Ill.-\ a Mexico visitor" and in Ingest building is a coaaolidatnl _\1..,,.1,. ' '1 Fund Prue Ichool. but a lath {non now the Pfllmd‘ .\lr.~. J 1‘. Hunt is visiting her uatet’. in; of hatntnera and the roar of concrete \1,._ R R R..bm,..n, in El Paul, lll., llilera will inaugurate a building boom. mu. .....5,_ V whirl bids ‘air to rive Pr-ifw Hill - roe xi... scum. Uartman ..r .\i..l.n.x...n Ihlion 0‘ DON! llltll Lu” bi’ 7"“ 5"‘ has the guest Momla) ul (.. T. Plllufl: tunn. The reaaon for lhin boom is that ‘mg {um}, 5' “"03" °h5'°"d "’ b’ l°‘'‘‘'d "' ‘ Mr. and .\lrs. (Q. (. Jennings attended. l°:@“'¢ ‘Nd 0' 00" hnd "''¢'‘lY 3‘' the recital nl bliss Frlnrea Jennings at fl‘|i"‘d 5? K3090’ Cl” l'“"?"* Lhriatiaa (.’ull--ge Tuesday evening. Already advance guards from nearby, The ll. Y. I’. ll. held I social In ll!!!’ towns are getting on the location. readvlbasetnent ml the llaptu-t (hutch, Mon-x to build a branch line to the Wabaahday eve-mug llclreahmenh were served, ggihogd gig mile; away, aink operating Mrs, \ti‘n.;r Du. Hrs manclw, abatta. build upper works for the tnine<|Traughher. .\ln. l.oe\' Rowland. Mr. and and oondruct 2!!) modern homes lorghlrs. Homer Prfutn. and bidney Harley piggy-g, land .\lr. J H. Pluem-oi. ._2‘l’t—4K - lCozy Theatre Ihown. ————-————-—————-— 3 Try a Miaaourian Want Ad. 4 j.‘IT.3-fi"T”.1 f A of the most mysterious the beautiful women Parts ~Zareda. the crystalqazer L- Ftlday and Saturday Richard Talmage (The Stunt King) In “Putting It Over” and an added attraction “A Good Man to Know” Which has a message of vital import to you and every other home V1 in Columbia. ' —g¢—-—. — I I . . oo. 1 l 1 \ Wrttremad ed d god byfiiegtlnginagdk .._._...——.. We venture to say U111’. ‘.'-‘V1 will enjoy this picture _."y«-11_ll:1\;(* rmn this as much if not more llktll 5888011. ~‘.'«r“*-*'-7’ « ' “‘ >' -We‘. =‘fi‘*T?.=!E” * ‘. ' _ . u ‘_u " FR Y AP 27 9% V A R l R i 3 t — run if ‘N +‘-" ‘ M‘ ‘- ' i ( no ‘*j,.,‘j, " ,' o.o.tati- c...3gg.l$tlnlValaat c“m’°8s"'”' ; ua.:Ia.:I. S. Diba,n'I::a|.I!:‘lv___f _.' V’ I “'''''"‘J ’ nuj W n‘ ‘ ‘ «-3* l .3: r ..x.... ..a—.x . . ""‘{....,'”“"""""“'::” iurraasam uomnrromm l . . E , _ ' _.flhaldralahroaiutataeda_fr' udnatacoaarenatlo. Sewn OHM‘ as 1 ’ '5 frlaad at‘haI"i Today "0033 fig. gu ardera g l _ - c..‘g‘ figs”. mot’ PhonKeL3&2sC0“.coCalll R _ . . ‘ Tuner bani I‘-stir. Sidney ‘Elm .l., —' . -‘ ~''u' c_‘_ . 5-''‘3’*''‘' ,1? ..s»~«—»+w-wt vrwv — we ~- ~ .‘ a mu.“ ‘U: R Nu.-'.I.-Iovbd aatutaihad a low‘ ' """" . ' ° ' ‘ flgfi her bone ’ , ' t "'-r""‘*'-‘--~-l=-:- *' *'"“' ""'“ "' "' --‘=~'—'=-=‘= -'="~ =‘- - -- H t L THEATRE ’l:nr:‘b:.bc~.ta_’ m ‘H. ”EMaaw:l'l‘a -other in Board Cauq Ilafllra NiaaP:l::l:::.."'.|::€ F ‘d d S t d i l 'l‘heaeeaadaQb8.tbabano(tltas—" . - Ira..l.C. t. ‘ . In ‘Li-t‘o ‘ all “*1 Jack sans ennui-ed a low lflahdll a l . ‘'0 Ifik '0 I5-1" W’-!gu,,,""" 5,.4'., u so an. woo-e.a.y man. no. . . 4 ;£,p:gr=5: fin:-fid ch-: A," 3., ,,;,,, y,,,.., .. N......... i...... ....- in... Vivian o.‘;_sa....l A great picture with a great . sf!» -3:3-;~;g---' ~;;’......."" "°'...“’T.";i'..’.'."‘ "“ ""“ "‘ "" ;‘.':'.'.“".....'.""""‘.~....... £':.'.'."‘..f:.’ .-.'.'.“."'.; Cast Including: ; atnta o yfathr. ~ . 3; 1 9 . - hum‘. soothing was to the child. .oJld_“',_v'g,,,,n"',,, c'°d,.,.":"....':.:...S".,‘; Ruby Hum... iitoih Barbara La Marr fire aolt all:;innfi_edlce:enta oi the £rl1ut'_‘.‘ un Lynn pug lfura F1. and C)... C.mn'dn_ (;,.,,_: Stone , win I an pouclul. ' . | ,, , , m.nu.u:ttuu-ayNo11' ""'“"‘"B'(“’k'""°c°;t':i.husth:uru.as‘3::u‘.i°ni.r:uii"l v ""' " l--W 1-“ '°‘°°“*" ' " Ramon Navarro Bo You Need Couraea? howaedtta 3'7“ “We P"°‘flm- ‘A. A... -._-,_,.- cutcaoo. tuaioia I2. ' 4 Tia’ r - T ._.._ .._.m......--...- COL UMBIA THEA TRE Friday and Saturday V ti —r—v ~—-j + Unmissable!!! e A Ball Game 3 With Thrills . Columbia Blues l Prompt US. Mexico Cubs Sunday at 3 o’clock Y 5 A Repeat Engagement of One of the (irczitest Pictures of all Time AT REGULAR WEEK-END PRICES! air Grounds c£‘.t3.~“‘”is....‘:i“«‘;‘;'.'::2§°t...“ "‘ ti‘§....‘» ”"'” Cowden and Baby, Batteries for Columbia Better Team This Year. Baallar.aYlI$C. Blthtanl’ arabaek. A REXR INGRAM PRODUCTION 340% Valentino and Alice ’l‘errylPlay the Principal Roles. On account of the length of the feature, no comedy will be shown. K‘ ,. V . ~ - 4 Everywhere and Evan [TH the constantly increasing number of hard roads, the dis- play lines above take on a new and V deep_ significance. You are getting : out into the country more-you are motoring greater distances. You count your day ’s mileage by the hundreds-—-before it was by tens. You are using more gasoline because bard roads permit greater speed. No Matter Where You Go — you can get Red Crown Gasoline and you won’t have to change the adjust-- ' ment of your carburetor. This would not hold true with some brands of gasoline sold in restricted areas. Red Crown is the best, most econom- ical gasoline you can buy. Once you have the right carburetor adjustment you can go and keep. going without a sputter-—you will have an abund- ance of sustained pulling power and all the speed your engine can develop. You will find a Red Crown Service Station everyfew blocks in the city and‘ every few miles in the country. 4 I Buy R5’-Cl Cr0W~n' At the followingstandard Oil Senytcc Station.- -' Q» ‘Dqa$*"§-Q Q Q Q ..ag--gujg. a .5. .u.. 0 a _ . ‘I '- ‘ I .- I‘ 3 -. 5 .A‘a"--’-_la r on _. c. __ . -v.5. . "'