,' V . -Q_ & " sqnn-:-s . ‘ . _ V : . I :. 1 ‘ '‘..' 92:" '.v 5 ii A ‘ ' w , pr "Gigi gr‘ . l . M ._.e s . , , at . . aedgawess awaasasdeeee _ -e. ‘ y ‘ ‘ 'wQOaOsaQOOOC.OOOOQ M . . ‘ . ' ‘ -"“‘f‘ ‘ - . . . balsa geasas seas. ' ‘ « i I ,‘- V‘: ' . ' U . I Q -I ‘Q . woehoeaaaasaeaaeoaee _ t e E5‘ ll 1 gt: tl it _5! %§EEétll"l%§}t‘ t ’ 5 2.5’) I {E 3 asaasll if? her mt ii’ til _ . mercy. was ' El zl ago If liri and pe. but let ltgt it‘ E“? fa e I iii e 35 .1 [Fr In; it le ii‘ '3 3' '- I it» §‘l= lit- Brit s. 331 gtrig 45:5 rants i iii if ‘f T3 IILLIONS til’ ti‘ it'll T 8‘ her is. --—-- --:11: "P-°N" for 5",Three carts and One Bey Ware report which came to .\Irs. Armour Phillips‘. her hus aidd in the purchase ol this to locate hit; Head- al the car. In parne) it to a lonely spul. and alas’ her wsth hlowi Graduated from I. U. Smut .Ues.'ee Ledger "l> out .\I- xicoaxzs were graduated lit :and received a lile certificate. .\Iias .\lc- ¢"'“‘~"l ‘" “"- Phil llatvrc was aisde qaeea ol the .\lay Fee voluntary action at her hue 1,5“; .55, wfi.‘ iag criminal evidence to, l7p to that time the u,-,,,., on . \Ir-- Phil-tn... the School ol unms... sad re ‘Uiaa llelea lleiaer daughter ol C. C Promenade also graduated " ceised a lile certificate lor teaching in .- ‘ hctrayal ol ' ,5, the ‘tiger 53‘ l""'ol' Hesico grpdaated lron the School of atlluols ol “Miss Virginia Bolts. who lives out and. Education ...t mt-no.1 . lite certificate 5 u. the luaetal. 8"‘ "' . lot teaching. Each ol the ahova received . '3' bib 8'“ degree ol 8. S. .' "We-o'er .\Isnrer. city editor ol lhe "3'. l"'l:-tiger graduated has the School ol N-mas‘ -‘_1....mIt...." “ ;..,..... ‘w. ‘a us‘as‘:7~§”€o‘6§‘m ntss ‘"‘:llahert ll. Bteehtaa. Nephew at the poaaihlf : :3 5- 5 late 1. 8. Dorsey. Is Dead. ' Robert ll. Stochoa. a veteran at the “d F” Civil War, well known to many persons . ;in Celanhimdiedyesterfiyathishone Mr. Stockton was 7| years old and when a youth. worked let his ” uIcle,the late 1. S. Dorsey. rry.ttT.;un.. Waathd. ‘ 1'ooum:rocLAsstt:Y [ 1 FOR RENT-—Oae very pleasant lroat NI UNWWY OI‘ Il..LIN0l8_,... ‘. 3",‘ W ., 5,,‘ A1,, NI GlViIfl*0.. H I‘ ‘ll. April 3.- Cvvernor ' lb Cl - niver- appnptiation . massage. nonelirvtllsorapsttnent. Summer rates. run campus. El 5. Sixth "in. phone 974 Black. N7-212 {AT THE IARINILLO PAILOI lIANllAI'S BEAUTY PARIDR Pernaaeat waving. nareelliag. lacial ' 1174! l How’s This for Sundsy’s Lunch l at the J U N G L E ? ° Fresh Strawberry Sundae ' ' Fruit Salad Sundae ‘V V'I.aae%I'Q$0paaesaeea0"i ' i "' ' $. . '- - ‘ ' .— us " ’b"- *‘ ‘r,&_.l ‘_$ <‘-.! ' ‘, ' ._ -- _'’I . J .-( ~ 1'?» to.» 3'- e<.~ ‘gr. ~_. ‘ . ‘ w _e .. ,h >_ . ‘ .. .1" "'¥,i‘:‘;"‘ )'_ . ’ . w -4 4 _o I l . , 4 1. ‘it .:~ ‘ 5 4‘ .. -'4 '.‘ 4 I a .a"' .,- .. _ wry}! ‘ ' CE. .-,1. ’v’~‘,'s ‘2"~»%¥.-'$'- b .l ’‘ il: l rilfitagl tgf <9 i" iiisi l t . l’ 4-: in 83! Jul! Wheat (Fume) lay. a s 5-1 fiat t|bdl—-Ne. 1 01.37. 38 A1‘ BTATI ®NVIN'lION tCeh-htaaaAttsadal&tylap- eeiatalaafilaathg. ll rt 3 ? giiitze l l "l with the? hutlhesheepl ‘C the Si from 5352: ;:'.r~§t :sil§§* . E _ i la-be‘ otlla‘ $lhets. A year ago this. time prices‘ id lalhs were much higher than they' an now. Rt that hevt lambs were 5 it i l 2. § 3 i Z. I the fact that weal is higlrt now, Traders: attributes this to the lac-t that mnoutn-i era are using more hog meats at the pres eh! lit. ' cas consvlrflol ll? LL31’ rlfltraar The ic coaaanption ol gasoline‘ in February was 42 per cent higher than for the same month last year. The lor-- eign and domestic consumption was 32 per cent ltfihar than in Fdnuan. I922. Tlrstspplyonhandonfebruanifit-as equivalent to 7|? days‘ supply. ootulata raoscca IAIKI1’ (Prices to Far-era) .75 (dos. hunch:-al.. mo Ll!) us? 8?. Locus uvs srocx naaatr Sheep: Receipts lfiwz market nomi- aal. l Ewes . . . . . .. 6.50m 91!) (Tanners and cutiri .. 250to 6.50 Wool lalhs . . . . . . . . . . .. l2.7Sto 14.60 cunt. receipts tso; market needy. 1 Native beet steers . . . . . . . .. 7.lSto 7.11 Yearling steers sad heifers. 7.75 to vs. (Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $.76to 6.75 saperintendeata a special meeting lot these alter ad- journment. Various reaolatioas havidg to do with closer rural school super- visiaa were passed. It was ti-cided that each teadIers' college will send out, aapervisera to turd schools giving do-u' oauratioas. ...Z—. .. — -' I Program for New Stadeats. , About seventy persons attended a par-I ty given by it» umau auteur.‘ um-I grogatioa at the tiriwian (‘hutch lastg night to uqlrutne and get acquainted I-ithl the new students this tetra. .\ short pm~ grant. eomisting of a plnlotlirtae allow a jigging dance by a tltristtan Cnllr-gel girl, a dialogue .aad some selections by! a barn-yard fiddle and guitar, was ye-1 rented. The red ol the evening was de- - voted to gin and stunts. I % , - v__ __ I Spring Vegetables Colonial Tea & Gift Sho 5‘j .--&.———¢:—¢ooia < ~ - ¢ ~— McAllister’ s Cafeteria Virginia Building Keeping up our usual record of giving you the best obtainable food. “Most of the Finest for the Least” Now Today scatter the. aint perfume 0 blue STE. waters otthe E2 of the Rlsuviaw sisthsfiadtreas. nflaa-—lIaI hstisdubthlny lttslecsted Y-i"-r I-vucttos-assess. ru hthsrhlwnattn refipufigggfifigu. siwtlwttun -its-II. A - 0 Apple Blossom Tmte you may walk between shapely trees which sky and shower their myriad grassy tops of the Missouri river hills. You may look from these hills across the fertile valley below where brown earth ready for the seed contrasts with the an- of winter wheat. Missouri. All this and much. much A more you may enjoy it you accept our invitation to visit Riverview Orchards —nowwl1llethsamletreesareinfullbloom. 0reharfi.thelugsstarehardiaIeoaecaamy‘eaataias Cvlilhlmvathsuaiareadsslelaha. ltnay railreadasltlilssstbusflelren It Is f their blossotns toward the snowy You may catch in the sun's rays upon ifiafleuutdtssaasa's&he- do It you are in doubt as to the success of Parlt Colusthia's new and hate its, ge out Don't wait until prices are higher. " . .LlA,£iknoun1 Watclz Park "Grout Hill. wsekttiweekandwauhlsdsvelopatsnt. Two&' new homes started last weelt: twotnore start Haida]. andtwowillbe finished wlthiaa-few thys.'l‘ahea'fi'd sndgooutandlookthinnovctthsnbtmsteflnsuths prices on lots or finished homes of your own nblifig. A Home in Park Hill a lay Forever! Awiu That Never File g A short time ago a certain bus’ C’ callsdupon hisattorney in u .-.-- ii‘ his will. He desired to have a drawn, to meet changed conditions his family responsibilities‘ and his " position. . it i‘ *1 A new will was drawn, but it was not ecuted. Shortly afterward this man »..¢. - Missouri Motor Company Announce Some Real Bargains in Exchanged Automobiles 1921 Studebaker Touring 1919 Chalmers Touring 1920 Ford Sedan 1922 Chevrolet Touring _19l9 Overland Touring 1922 Ford Roadster 1922 Dodge Roadster Terms or Trade Missouri Motor Company Phone 363 15 N. Seventh St. his life in atisccident. An old inad will, dating back to 1915, was the one :1 for Probate. A will is a document that can be chan . at any time while you are living, but af . wurrl it cannot be altered, whether it .-«A messes your real wishes or not. Read ' ~ n will over and see if it meets the ci ~ . st:tn(*c.\‘ of today. ‘._\' bringing _\'«»'n' W!” up to «lair. you can n this t'HYV‘_l}Zlll_" as _'.'«.nr executor and trustee. if ‘ haw not £tll‘t'Zltl_\' tlntw so. The advantages of mg so are outlint-tl in :1 lmoldvt entitled. ‘ ‘ A guarding Your l";tn1ll_\":a Futurv." which we be plea.-«ml to sutnply on l’t‘t[llt’Sl. U 9 \ The Boone County . - Trust Company _ Member of American Bankers Assodatb! ‘K I I r I ,// / '4' ‘ ’/’M . I] A‘. .__,. »¢aaoq-se- ' - a ._ - .-oJ—.K} I/'/'1 .'/ —//t/~.”'/,~, I//,///,p,..;.V,//,,,,,/',;,;/W I ‘ I , 1/.’ ,; tfl7%'carafi'ntnsndto¢_l. ,lV3d pothol- X ‘mm. —— o_. ... Twfi, -t— {inc 1 H r/‘ ,‘’,r ,/:/I ‘/t 17" l I -I .// , I I ' ‘ M ’/y ,‘l ,,,/I‘,"‘;,% 4//{V1/‘,1/1;:/I’/,1//IA/9! Z,’ “/01 I /_ " ,/ . ' . ,’ /l / ,, VI ,’ V I [ll 1" I I V’ I" . 11/’, ,«r''//,////’,‘/: 1' ' ‘- . ‘ I , \