""”'T6t‘.iJit'tit;A.; iTtIsso' ”"‘Uttt,‘:§'Ut:$_t1_AY, it oeltt now" is run I PLACI ‘IO FIND I-‘IIINDI 3. iaivuiiim t7BOONEC Tuouctnmrn ~= -»;--*1! scum: DEAD :'r-~.-....'--...-: .:~-- .:-::-..:'~“ CROWNED MAY tJ.J.__1t‘lg_ILER’s;"..'..5“.._‘:*:.;;,.“,_g:*-._;*~__*;_ji 130312 HONORF.D.;i QUEEN AT C. C. M II '3 ‘id Erservkxtto H. E. Doughty ol Portland-. .\laine. .\lt.t Corveapontla to Description | ‘I ‘War n in I Misses Olgitw d. A l 500.7313 vb ::iieratsro. N. ‘at ch.“ hi Men Will Decorate Graves l‘l'¢rol|T)|\Pl"InI..lD‘:lIl)ft. ..i'.s Elizabeth Spttl’lLsu.Vl:)l'l‘lS olm ‘l-"Gd Ill HOCULON :3 ll“ “V5004 ll Ill‘ 0"’ of Fallen Heroes ‘DIN! lllll 38 ¢°lllP_°°"l_ "‘ l‘°"l’:'dl""' l‘lottor—l92l and N22 1. . °" R“'°"° ,1.-a°:i".'i3 .\'i°i:i'i'.i7.'.i'hv7.i?,"."si......" "at T°°‘°"°“'- ‘The:;.:llyh:i;' .il.".'..'.'.".?.‘..-'-..‘."§-'.3 Quccm l’"'-«*m- BACK OF HEAD CRUSllED?c“,'_,,"';_;'fi".;,",'*,, ""_1,""',,"", ‘Mm AT LEGION HALL‘LL;”'A;';‘;l:'_f"‘;':d;'d”':_f'°;‘_k‘:9:L';":ff’;. EXERCISES ox (‘AVIPLS ltogether. .\Ir. Doughty has with hint his‘ wile and.lour suiall children. one of to Be Held to Detenl":c:"'._....'l“""'p.""'?.::'I.::":_”;'..|::b':.Program For Memorial Day Program Cori»-i.;t."of u l‘rot-c.--- ‘ l 1 NG M AY 29,_t9gt it 1350 URIAN Q $ .._..._._.-.._... - Who Carried OI Joe's Car? "Where are ‘the police'.’''. asked little loe Weaver. 6 years old. about ll o'clock this uiorning as he rushed into the police station. breathless, liatleas and hart-looted. “What do you want with the police. little nan?" asked Howard Mam city atttirnes. ‘l lelt iny autotnohile outside the l couldn't hnd my car, and I want the ptilice to get it lot De." “L Major assured hlll Ill! thl police woultl do all they could to lind llls car. a toy autoniobile. t A . _li-3.9-.'£‘":':'l‘-”l_§'l.‘1“[1'.‘3.'1Tlii_' “”i;iil'§*7”*”'"“9'5"B.*“3‘*"-’?*:=*" BLOODY RIOTS 4 IN RUHR CITIES A.\'D IV stxott‘ ll lleatl and ()0 Woitttdi-d in Battle Between P(lll(‘t’ and Rctls at llrt-sdr-ti. ls Report. 'l7RANCl7. MAY l.\"l‘l".ll\'FXl". Rioting Commttttiste Said to He Makes a llole In . Dr. W. C. .\lanlt ol the latter. sitv laculty vesterday hecatue a mom hf (ll oflf Ol the‘ tnsint pg‘-lug“, ‘NH clubs in the world when he rustle a hole in one stroke on the toluntbia (kitintry Chili l hole. looking the "dinky" hole til l5 yards in tine. \lr. \lanl_\ is (.‘olunbia's onlv nielier ol t latnous hole-insine club whose iuenv bership is detertnined by the tent of holing out in one strike_ There are only about 31!!) tnen who have achieved the teat. l i I l Will‘ wl‘°ll'¢' 09"‘ W“ lotilasstss nit Alatiaisa. . Has Been Coapleted by .,,,,,,,_ 5, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t,,,td ,—,,t_ 0 ti r the Que.-.. and u HAS lN8TAl.liT).NifiACflm3 1.. A1 'A’t]vfit([g’ ffigcnmy Haw mmmd ("M “P Dllf. to MID OI‘ Teuiperuaures are bl ' ll -r 1133' The t I 'd that there were some t ‘ l . - - ”"'_*' . ""“‘ ‘“ ' '_ . Other ltions east at the R;.h.Y.n.‘0:lt.l:lt.‘tI..fll.l. to llood ro:t|l:'I:(l..l.0lIf bad but that tltete ‘anal’: "T I‘ r (oh-“hl:"n.|;."|ol:“°"‘?:t'D.(;'“' 7°‘..7c"l'“:: Can”? AIUUIIO “Kl ll lt¢'a\'ttl ltir He-rltn ___________ .° ‘in good cssti gtaiwing wenther in the ° gwere lew any vol-r llllh ml!" in V i - ‘mu,’ ; t M,‘ .mM,,m. __d.,“m"b0".¢,‘- . 1""... Ttinttirrmv. N H’ fifi '5'” u ‘..‘e.' . 9‘ cd.mbl‘.' 7..." "°'”' "° ' ‘uni’ Th“ ‘"0 "-u.rk"' "ntlhr "9" i M rdelia \lt llltfl til Ciiltlmlita which lititllfa and tall‘ lhtrtt-two cases til Th’ ‘ h'lI:lt.l." ll‘. ‘.'|r" ‘hum.’ ‘um h 1'! (‘sued hots ‘ ‘V -- 90“ h lb. ‘“'7—“ '*" "'ad" .‘ h M'.q."" mu “ml |..'-o""k~’°°Pll'll IN‘-"We - ¢00l'¢‘l°“°'7l"“'‘b" ”‘ "°°‘l'd '""‘ ‘M’ l'''‘ """d‘ wu queen til die “in tor I923 twenty-tout bottles each in an htiur. haa'"n '“ ' H. mm“ “ ‘hf n‘m"~ infill‘. ‘lay 29.-—('1irnmumat. .1... tetnson,bthouglittoliothshodyo(.l. Ill-elllfll Vllll J. mlltl. 00 yell! I it al '0' Iflltll "39- ; ‘row at noon out respect to the Aut- fionvllle. The body has not been 'Ilenti- Highways: Hddsnrlace and grav0l3,,;¢.. “tat,” gt... bat their lives on .§gfl'..,yi-t, hut csirrespontb to tip do'toI& are in lair shape. Dlit roah aoltlthe 5,“ ‘ hm,‘ iaapioa -tiinitaiait by the ttuoaviite to :-sd ls lov -Hv.. . -——-- Data tor Tolunbla: Higheot tempera-' War Hothetu and lotiar service Dell Hjltot disappeared . pooh ago pester» lure yesterdy. 3): lowest last night. 64; will deornte the gravo ol all the sol- day antlno trace had been lound of hit t Ptlltlpilllian. 0.03. One 790! I00. lll¢h- ' Boone Oionty through, Many places were (‘()UlplClfl)l~ .~e- + *"’.'“”"'";storeo. aid it-naurantu. will close tonor- under water. l Jro IN \'.B§T‘l’(.3.A?Iw‘l-‘.1-.AG8IlJT Turner ot Entomology Departuent‘ to Tour State. g ' Neely Turner. assistant priilessor .in_ mntotnology. lelt yesterday liv autouoliile at] annual spring lete given .0“ the, at Christian College last oi H ‘ ids ol honor were .\liss Olga H \lias Ilan _,._—.._- diors btlned in tanorrow uitil & body. which is supposed to Iielest. ll: lowest. 59; precipitation. gntttg, 3 . _. ' n“h_m_._ 0‘ n. M " I ‘_ '0‘? ’ n . :2’ ‘if 3%’ utadfvni . A "“ ‘ 4 A ':‘;::uLeDV".£l.‘Cn lug. a.:ise‘:se which. has test-ion wereiznrtella |;¢X.l|.r|.‘l|I|l"t""lf':'I'l,C “ 1'...‘ | J.“ M] . ‘N [ it“ co.’ ‘.0’ &‘ .0 H | ‘n: wheat lields til Kansas. Illinois and (..rundy.'_H_s-len Host and ‘Agnes Hartley. ' ' ., "‘"''d " ' " 1 _t_ '"'°” ' " ‘MIQOIIII. Little Vtrgutia (iantt carried the queen's '3" u. f '. '.d "°"'d '°_ ‘al " *3 ilk‘? l1"°:_ Fetieral inlpeftors are llursiiittl I west- train and Virginia Lee and Elisabeth Vllll‘ ‘V lb '3‘ '5'" "V l°“'_Y'"‘- "Ill 0' Ell”. L ward route. Three were in ('olunihia lones carried lath‘ liaski-ta ol lltiwetii. .: .......“°""~:.'.'.::'.°:.'.':'..':"..:r.::. ~ ;?.:.’°..'.°..':".:: .:::" " :2 .E vi. .. .. present will o it j'|;..dy to the cenetery. 'Ieuthers ol the LV. F. W. will seat at Iieir own club-‘I rootns and hart tron there. The tattooing program will is» given. st.A1N"Nt?:”Afi“ttts _ ,_m, ! HOME TODAY -. , , T""'—' . . t not itiullo. Lhicago Ctimmtstttonflhrq l l laiunelnvat was titvl up..liired him to take -G - is In - - - et t|ut*-'n- wutr tulle-tg silk t-so-tttng lruclis in pastel -hides. Thu pi-igriini was gin-n on the rarnpuu antl on the steps and entrance at St. (‘lair Hall. The exercises were in two parts. The Plfl Nltlntaletl ed the ptticewsiun til ueen; the second. of the page-atrt in Tlioitsantlti to Have Perial'iotl——Many Villages v Wrecked t er dlnqpeatud and tracks were found on _____ ; I; Failed I. Bottaatfinllay 19.—Thothands are re- 3.. mt“. “flgy "nu" or ported to hie perished in a heavy earth- Iootis ~ . . . qggk Itk. .50.; tip bpgt ' M811. Thought Sllfll ‘her lbntir. Mina Hiratu-tli Huvliiigante t‘;-"isn't". trait: Tlllllellljlloidari. Persia. to D“ In Clam Blaclthatttlcrs. rim‘ “N “"I‘"" ”4”- I‘ ll"I'*l'- ll"~ ' eived here today -- in. Adtlreu» -Prtsl. Jesse B. Wrench. Salute by tiring squad. Taps. newspaper advices. rec lrotn Allahabad. NuIerous_l’eraian vil- lages were wrecked by the fiahe. die- patcties to the newspaper Pioneer said. river. apt-cavities. tiav. been maiiait lll. He said that it tuight easily have been by a slaver. It is hardly possible that head could have been mashed ll)’ - 'tl0Ifl(‘t‘ll the licgtnnmg «I the tirtigunt ‘Iv ‘l-“'4 l’"''- _ _ _ lliv truitipet. A song by_ .\lis- Mary | t.im.at.o. stay "l~l“‘l"‘l(f"""j._::.' twine». Biatt and XI .14.“ t._. “is. l ‘:2: i"‘";h:.|'“';;:‘"dT;rk',(.athetine Anderstwt in ll|P‘ldft'w1 til 3 . (X I Q . ‘. x 5' wk‘ a. “Mu” —""i""' _Au'r 3. ‘kg _ ‘ho.’ (‘DIN ltwtl ltilluhrtl. Then ('IttN' I [int- .“c' h B’. d“.'..‘ n‘v' "" he P'." ‘h’ ‘WW’ lad.’ "0 1'' ‘ho “ted ‘en ;cesoion (ll ttinitir girls die-st-d in tshitt-. ’ . . ______. ol the L tverstty has turni t at tttto his body. . _ _ then the .queen'. path. La-t in the ‘ ro'a“:ic‘tisuiI::,m” 0. I-‘anti! btCnntorun3t‘o.rUnn and At- ht.|ilth:sn‘with llotrers.‘ J:-‘Want .\(h:thersg 2: p°.:":V"“0|l’I’.ldll‘(l“;l't:&:|lltltg asipm_m_mn N" ‘M _mm‘_ "min: (MLXIIV, ‘CH In .31 A W W F no.1 1° ‘ .N$h..“eoc.'op'o;‘.' ‘h 2 .'|"“ . I '0.l|titl‘lut'ta til l’t'tl lumen and \.._|rir.g 0-\.., ‘h h k e.W n .0’ "d. 2. ‘.51’. C; " ' "' ' .' ' ' I ' 1"" ning Tho‘) ltirttted :1 cut lt' lirliitr '53 _ _ one guy‘. hop lagged g gtggt of th Hallav a in to decor‘. ate a whout Culo '° F.’ '1 .c' the tllieeti. and kneelinl. laid their flow- f Cullo’ was the father at eleven chil- ‘JTCII. His wile was the ‘rat ol Ill pet- lsons to reach the scene before the gun- ‘7 " overland trip of Henry C. Fisher and (ani- ily from New York City to California. '.‘.l"°tah¢.h' ‘l d ' h ehns.Heaald-thatanyevldent‘¢lIal|Ill ' I “me” "The?" the graves in tliooe plc-es. There are about thirty-live veterans of lb World War buried ht Boone Cotinty. Lets at her lcel. The julitirs and seniors ‘then retired and the iineiintl putt til the iprograni. which consisted ol tuittg- antl Ii ' W . . . . g dr "'4 d. h company My '00” M [UN .7?! '0 duM' fir ‘ T: . ‘b~,('K-5.‘cn .“'r_... ‘huh! dw '. M h ' llqle-A P'"""'""l '"°"’°l' °‘ '°"“"!ioamv. they aaaaut iiiiaagti ratsisbis (.‘apt ,' Fred taosiiipt “'in'°SEA'cn mi 300' Clutnl lit"... N‘. .--:um “M? ...t. F''‘m°' "‘ "" i-' "' tlscsm -They will v’ in NO! catiioiasat ' ' . ,,,,fi» I“ .,,,,,.,.,,‘l m?‘ “""’ ‘lg '..--ulta ' . = r _ t W. ‘M kl ll . 9‘ ‘ I aw W W. . C" hate N‘ - ' wk‘ I(r.Itstlast-sas-§°""_',,';""h "l "‘."'. I". 7"‘ John Kits. t/«tool Wash Ysstsvhy Atsspsas. mitt... 0‘ the second part ..t the pH: sits Tttttaitrs ARE mint; "‘° °"" "l ‘W M4‘ in Nl--"°'i~' -3 “'- 7”“ ital Finder ttc.“mawiaI:::°coiii::'-ti: Ti" H” 0' “nu. "O “Q ‘ i..l'''''‘''.'''‘.' ."‘C‘l"" .“A"'—"" - 0"" wiiiieaa iii ii"J§_caas ctiarrsa Ir. Hillel was harried and lived on : H. -s.'c ‘he '0'. an .5“ '. b” 5,” ' ' verstty student. who was drowned in t drop (l'"" leer (ant. at its close. lg_nh_"‘“, L,u''k.‘',. ‘ ' . . , , lleibeLLorln .lohnaO.Erneat Todd.l - '3' 30:5, st it '11,, (1 ' 4,“ 1 tr .0‘... '3‘. 5;, 3.. 55. “sq tltgtl ‘ 3- " .\lisaouri iver at port a or ay .iriatian .. i-gr t. ion .liih sang . ' '. t on ya‘ I,“ yflu cam" ' bad‘ “I E.” cock." ud Egg.’ cum‘ ‘rt’; alternoon has not yet 50$ recovered. The i thro t the evening sssitgs in keep- w " he hdiit l carrying who ._..__..__.._____. . , with hit “it |El:.l°‘ECANNID ‘ILK Pm "Sn :;;:‘:R':‘i"'rin mm .tnen wli: :|l::;i:g with thefdant-es. which represented - kiwi.‘ ' h ' 3 ' ‘ _..._.... ' In IQIIC 0 body t Irawtinn ti tie \rar. gnppflfigl she‘ did Inolinthinknllfaht he L0?“ all! 3t(;:a liave-Ineroaaodr The ‘Veterans’ Councl requests all work late yesterday afternoon. ' l 0 Cell. business hen to close baween 10 o'clock More than seventy-live sticks til dyna- « d,,,_,d m wt, and noon. Government w .,inal stu- inite have been used in an etlort to dis- uh" Wm M": ‘:”hmm_ _‘_d”__n_ dents nay lind out at ('0-0ft.lll|Il()l‘|l(‘(lV('f the body. A search also has been Hurt “Mr and gum hm hmmm ollice totnorrow nsorttitt. tmtw, 0, ,,ot....d¢- down the banlu ot the fuel. but .._‘umm".. ‘M ”m_”_"_m. M ‘hmmi 'b’"'c" '3" b‘ ''°'”'‘-‘ "° '"°‘' M’ ht” l°""d' \:tv. \largart-t l'.dward.-_ Latherine Roth guy jttey with NI. « _ _ grv-v-n tlttlliin. Conn" 3.5" ‘.54 gt mop todgy (‘lonely lollowing the recetu reduction ,5“ . ¢,,,,,,', jury gwtd ggobgbly not ‘ by local dairies ol tho. price at. trt-sh he called tielore toaiorrow. He said that F tnilk. cotnes the announeetnent trout the g doctor wan to be called in to hohl an .tnanagers tit locgl chain stores. that the autopsy and try to dimover whether or P7569 to the ootisutaer ol condensed milk. .’ hm‘ ha‘. I.. A. DeLee ot Duncan. 0kla.. not the Ilan had cone to his death by ll“ 51*“ "l"d 1 °"“ ‘ t I-""5-“|P0l.lS. May 29¢-~0n land and l"°“'" °‘ ‘he ‘'°'"'d 5"" "_' l""‘ ‘h’ rrll. who were ilro--in-il in rose and lav dgufifi“ at ltad been killed and then Qtlier l(I'IlAIltfl’('halt-tn state that nof"... in the cflnflflifl ‘ Anni“ ‘ad and Mrs J.‘ McPherson o( ,(,liicsgo at. rm." (hmuny thrown in the water. "°"f" ‘’l "W. '"°""" "f l"'°' Md l"""|Eurtvpe and in every’ ctwununity of the rlwd "“ ?"l"‘ M“ MC.‘ h"'"" " ' "Autumn" was ll\ Florriu~e tourtrttartos N01 rostrtvt "~""""l 5’ 'l'''.''' .13 ." d'°"'h." 5"""l'o'ited States. nieiiibers of the American """' "l "M" [)'l‘"' . V‘-ll!-» lllualvrllt lmman and ‘win No 0" 5” ,9‘ N.’ ‘I... noonme ever. that the price indicates an increase; Levon “mom” M" P.’ Mb“, m the" .\Ir. Deliee. E. H. Newetvmb. hletliodist |_ut",_. ‘,".__M m “Hut. ‘Mr ‘hm given I '0 Mama, u’ hudy. ‘tn the wholesale price. “"9” mmnd" ‘ml to “C d'“' 0' Mb" ‘student secretary. and several others are mgmmh ‘Mr ‘NH. M tun“ “mi The hlltliiltlllntl was dressed in under-‘ _..— v 7”-,1.-_‘ i"lN- lphnnum upon '0'“! duwn ‘hr "ll" '" lvauart. \latt:art-I l'ilvvat«l~ and \t!Ktnia clothifi. a lilue hickory shirt and blut!~s'°‘l" P‘n’“' f" C°“.'° ‘nth’; Front the atmllflt past. .5", . tnmt. " '” W '" '° "" ‘I ‘M ''‘r' “" ll.trt in their iliitwo-. “hint:-r." overalls. lt was harelnoted and appeared. 11.. watiaaii iii. added a is! Pull- . ltil ot tesiomiit-. will lather i.. decorate "’“"" .“' "" "°“" 7"” "“'"" "' '""" 'll»« iutvam w -u-amt and dim: the tr hv tnotor hour and espett to Ht M “F. Wartiin llv-rttg. tt.s~- tin tll.|t(lsl_~ ttttri lass llat eserri-es were held to weigh lrotu I65 to I75 pounds. lt’tnan to St. Louis to the lzfl‘ clock train 3",, mm in mum” rgnnflin M ‘hr Jtad out line hair. blue eyes and in costume lorlhr l>6-rlllol 0-"-0-_-l L°l‘?large cities -tine itiou-mt. will match a W i heard at about two or trim wee‘!-‘I lest iirlo who are It--ms an int m-e- 9.. Plrude in cotltnenwiratiin ol the da,Vi 1l(BN‘8 Ct.L'tt l)|SAt'l'0IN i growth. The tnan was 66 years old. t the spirit will one o('retnernbrani-e ol -The condition of the body indicated‘ Atnerica's soldier I search live or ten miles down the stream. TED ._ ..--.____ in Bishop W. F. Mt-Murry Unable to . l this Mtlmg in lltr college auditorium and In tltr campus. The ltilluwtttg program ( 'l’oosr's Bssaniu lttzautxrs '4 / . while her maids til honor and the two’ I "orlss ' thceme Blutton. laal )'|l"‘ -been installed by the Foltuuhia Bottling The-otlput from the machine is 7.6” ‘lllilllfj hit each working day til ten:. 3 hours. MEN AKTTJALED BY EXPLOSION F’ i~l l l".t\\'lllt‘. lll.. lttjurcs Three Others. Ilr Inired Pint. l’A\\llll. Ill, .\la\ N. Five men wen- liilled and thier i-tiioualy ittured in It r-splotuiit in the gr-lattne pckiitg hnlttae‘ _.il the Arttta l’-it-.ilr-r l.ti. The lil.i-t. which shook ltre today. even house in Favvillc. was heard in every surrounding 0 town in lllt’ extreme southern piirttiin l2Lmiit- and in nt-igliliuring towns in \lleVaD‘lll Itttl Krlllutth). lite alt-;i«l tire: llarn taaulnion. 3|. l.le (J' l-ariiiii-»n. 2|. llase Hamilton. 23, Law ti-it-e (umtu-r. "ode litiggs, 3. lhrrc other men. including the super- iiiti-niii-nt ut the parking house. were in- tun-cl, Water. lilo. and the (our iithef XII Wt! ffilhfl Iv (isle-I Press. . I mi amt, Nay 29-Hoocne llitclt. l.uil~ ington, \lirh.. student at Northwestern I tint‘!-Il\, who gaw important inlornmlllandolph ‘ ‘ h _ V "Spring" was tlinced In three girls t...n in the investigation into the disap ‘next Ninday night and l'erle ‘truth will. complained lti lutlttitttte~ that lit‘ llld ltt'O't! threatened ht lell-ow -tudrnl-. lit a lrtlet to the -t.tte's atttitttes's ttl- i was iluitatefl bl ll" """"" l" ll" ("V l..v- he -.ai«l he had he--rt warned to all‘ lplllll ll""l- ' tzalirr. tlladvs Spurling and Ettttf l'ut |\sa\ lri-tn. the carnpus by a "\:gtlatit'rl'.m._'0N"" Sihs ,..,mm,ty.-.-_‘ Hg .1... tltargetl (ite tlfll» ~-‘Hm, lwl «‘dM'”"l "0" "‘ ll” "‘ll""" ('anipaign I-‘ron June I to June Is In Dlacl tion- and taken away two -‘r"dll.-. lliggiitg in the tiand tinder .i Lake Mi-higan pit-r where \lount'.- shrlrlllll wa~ lttlltV(l,\t‘\lO'fliI_\ rescaled lllll |l‘l’lllv gym}. “M.-it to the ptisittvc t(l('l'llll|(‘I"w.."‘P I..." .,f [hr btincs as tlitise til hlnulll. \l...iiit ilisatipeared during a alv- fuwl) rtglilr-v'n ttllltlllfl Iflll Iflll lll‘ tg_gs lifljttil tifll)‘ I'P('l'llll\. l.(i\\’tt\' ii.tLt. CONTRACT LET Recomtruction-to Begin in June- Cost 85000. lll.t.~1 til .-heltta l’ti\vtlt*r Cu. at. In one continuous operation theh". Miss liliialieth Sparks. V rnsi-htne puts the proper t.|IIl‘|lll) ol syr-' I Miss lltith Short. the up and carbonated water into the bottle. 5 ct“, 5'0“. ,0... In “in ( "h,,m,, tm_;'l"""' ¢l'llll"i Ivwfllula le reppgts reacti- queen lor I92], were also among her lori-es out the air and caps the bottle. Hon l\lesn to He." . rs. W 5 ed the tlusit‘. ! i '[)inner to Followd by Ievorul Short nu Jltione Tavern. Aiunriae. lsciiltv ineni- h . _ ‘tiers. i-oriinieucenetit week guests and the» "' "M". "' '"‘"‘ Rm" '""‘ ""'l '" H923 graduating class were present. .\lrs.j D. A. llolinetl. president ol the tluainae . mm ‘"0" ‘luh. resided. T ol w n ‘ " . c....".'i..' 'it‘l..' ‘I’s‘li:r."\l'.? . M 'W*-- M-~n ~d- -ml s--- 1-o.,'mm"..__ “uh M ill" at Dresden at midnight resulted in S“°'l." Pllll I great iiplieaval in lletlin l“|l|0fNlw. according to tmt-tinlirlied ru have tnetnber til the graduating class;.'"“ h'"_' "What (Ihristian t'tillege Associatinnsl Th’ "r'"d" 'h" M" ‘‘‘”'“'m l'"'“ _ '_ p.,,,,' .p,“_if"l'flcretit-e in the disttuliances in most _.... lot the altlllllei “on The tr-ietii." t.’''‘'“''"''- "'4'? 9'0’-llviml imblw --rm mint wiislu; “uitiese rriaiiiiiiip-.* "" " "'“*""t*-W" --4 W--b-blv --ll Miss Einina (Jttthorn: “Religious I.ile|'"""' ll” p'f“‘l’“l°“ '9 "'l‘" N?“ "l (ll the Christian (‘allege (‘output-.' .\tiss"h' "uh" Th" """"'- l‘ l’ b‘'ll°''d- 95‘ sari .ti.ii..ii. president ..t t'_ w l‘ A : "7"" '5' let-snlns ol Fmv-Ii i'oterv-iv "\tewpaitnt til a Tl’tIaIee." Pftll. ll. ll. “_‘m_ '0 p"'"" -'d°"“'.“"l“""""'l'l"' Emheruin, member of the lloard of Trus- '“"'”" tees; "lxitihlng "(ll'WIl|l." l'H-sitletil l‘... _A mub 'm'*l lb. rlflwll l‘“'"l 3' ll. Lee. Christiari tollege girls ltirnish- “"’l‘9"‘l""| ""0! lid two 1-errtians were wounded tn thf ‘(Hing which ltilltiwetl The t-hiel olicer ol the French ordered his troops to clear die streets. A woinsn and a works were killed in another town in a (Jotnuiuiiist clug, (lut- was killed and two wounded in an up- rihatitteg at Dnaehlorl. A crowd of strikers ._......-_- _._ t BPISCOPAI. CLUB RNTIRTAINS There were lI0 persons at the lunch- eon. At the close ol the program. Hrs. ltiihnett introduced the new president till the club. Mrs. l. H. Pttngle. The prog- ratn ended with the singing ol “Dearest ltl l , l_" ha A nation-wide buried to It A. fié’ ‘.* ‘T’ ‘mu’ (‘"'"m'‘ iutereu in churcliaudnflsotya h '1'?’ evauhgatihe (‘oanti-yCl&hythelen's “_'L' .a.:“"'. VG.” "' h. ' ass at t-zptcasai iisaar __‘ w """ "‘ ""‘ iiaaai r u‘:ta. pdhdelfit """""' ‘l""""""""""'l'"" ‘u; ‘ |"¢.‘".’:."dbhIah1%Dfidht .Tha :’ '”:':..'“h.-‘£.~.h_ hfiesaswartlbhillt wsstosfiit h lb dulfig ad lt was i;asihle "‘ __ tat its aaitaa ‘b asset. the o... tg“ gpggggs gggnmsiuua. sasirsatvsnowiesatuast. viii...‘ ' a District” ta‘ ‘é;..i,‘ti..tttetttis-Fii"'6tfv'i'it't'iit'ii'ti7i'it quest Talhers. - l)l.B8.' tt.i. aioar iiottriis ...":;;;;.'°:':::'.'.':'.;;';':.::: '."..':':,.:: . »-~«--«* ~---‘'*''-« -« c-n-no Telephone Co. ltad Sulered received from llisntsdalr. hrnitli (Lhapel . N."... B".“.'-. and tltristian .‘~'chool district hr the’ llttiwe pp-grgttce (ll lPh‘hllln hltitltl \e~lft(lIy"'J lll "|"ll|dIl9 ‘-'d7"'“l..V "l‘l“- ! 3 l P nietnortal mrnniittee. The Rev. J. 0.: Kflmflh g-_ (-:;"nm#‘};‘.“ tmmfl “um will go to ‘truth (hapellu at l2:45 o'clock this alternoon. About eight niontlis ago Vlr. (aitrtinghaai had a nervous breakdown. He has been tiili 7ever since. He was 44 yeatnyltl ' .\lr_ Ltinnitighni is survived hy hio wile. f\lrs. Grace llope lunnutghani. and a ‘son. Kenneth llope. , ho luneral arrangements have been tnsde. - is mt*i7r’mii7tr l~‘(ilt(.‘()1TE.V? Saturday May‘-Beltllirrved as Ite- The pr'te iii 85 that was won bv Footer llatlev lot the heat campaign |l“ll" ll MEMBERS tlti\t' luf ltwlilbffnhlp ‘WI! tlllfllllftl at it meeting ol the Krnericari Legion ltd l'lllll- ll 5* l""l"""‘l "' l“"' '5' salt of Mbunderotandlng. ‘l3" l'"m 1""? l l" ‘ t l'tipti\ llly ll!‘ tsliltfivftl ll l:0llllIl- . X "ldfi """"""“l"- ‘l‘l’"l'"‘ his llll‘ year or not’ That question is Hl I0.‘ Rll‘ll|"d“ "‘ “""l“' "‘l""'- "';lllIllIl'1ll|' the lnieritstt legion. the lllll ll‘ lll"‘l‘l"“l l"l""""'”" "l "’"'"" "at Mothers and the t,-iltirnliia florists. tuent insurance by the national hend- TM" .” M.-M.“ pom,’ D" hm ,5," quarters til the American lrgtnn l-It lhc‘_ , V h"""f'l "l l'll'"‘ ""'b"' ‘ml °"'" patriotic organiuttons. lotlllrl l|flVlN-' 009- ‘windows were decoraledtto dead til the "otlil "at and the florid- that it lad been in the water tor diou This Memorial Day iaol special s‘ ‘. _ 1"“ lh" 1*“ 3",.“ “" 0""? . ' ‘T a’ Q 1 — "El" “ k“ "7". "L "ma '.. “fit” Aflefltfil Lelflla. §fic."°' '0 ‘ll’ L"Ul0'l. ll ll lnarks the':iil- ‘fluhup. “ L ".rMu"" ‘bu ““ l.” I“ "lum P'm""“l'.'n' ‘ mwn tftinstructirin ltitlIpatlY (Ol ('43- ;8TY"B 8no_w__ ’A.:l:_ Cnm8nA‘ ‘had I large quantity til poppies on hand ed tron the idand to tln river and ap-‘,~, Yo k .__o3ltIl|'|lll0lt of a nationtw-it}, “up...” yhate spoken last night llfltlfr the Vlen .~ (la... 5....‘ “W.” h‘_ bu." ...,d,d ,t,, ...,,m.pt tot» ‘ M". 1-”. I“ 6''...“ u.“ t. . hut few hought aitv. ‘ I..." to W me" '0". nth“ hoo“.‘."ev:b. Ln | ‘web £5, teflon h“ ouflufled to Club of the Broadway hlethodist l lltttrlt. .\altttat..n ||..;..,, \_,,].,,y “W '"m“"m.“,m at U...” }|.||. The; C‘.”“ .. | According to h, In. Wade, t'0tIltI|ll|(lt't HOUCVEI‘. I003 359 Tl"? ll 09099‘ lhll .B“‘:‘. V iixhnt "3... . Pgmunem '‘b'."'‘. ‘and ‘Ill lllllblf l0 ftltll lolullila l>!'¢‘Itl94' «ll Vlusical Reading. "Thr lrgcnd ol a ‘Mk V.” .tgt»t .50.; the middle ol June. Th’ "‘ "him ‘"1 ‘Wk ‘ho. ‘inn llll the American Legion here. there was had M the boots and won bare- ml 6:." ' ‘ " la, p,o,id. for ‘he “mu” dflonfion M .a change in plan-. ‘lie will. however. .T..t|j‘|,t |}..||" Madge Widner act‘om- gml will he completed In Septeniher l “ “mm” um’? Santa" .“""""n‘t‘(WllUIlIDll a in the organhations that '00.". u the ‘i.’ he ‘.9 an an fi"r~a "I V- ex l”_''" d 321.” V" dc.‘ .. auto”. Th’ he in llayate to deliver lectures lielote panied lit \latlart-t Hrtiinxtun. ‘-ti that the building Illl ll? "ill! I1 ll" '" ‘cu .m,mt.,d Mu", nun um, tm.d.;"'"“l‘l llillllllll ‘I5’ "l'"‘l»l" l lll',"l' _ j M tau.” _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ Hg @ mlfund ‘in "ad. glaumdkn ." mnup l:""'h""' "l:;‘m"' whwh grid“ '" Addrt--a hv it ll]-s ll:-pre~..~tttatite opening of the tall term «it the l'ntver- 2'", ‘umcm. "4' "mbiud. m‘_|udm‘l:.';fVI'.l.:;. [It'll Olllllllllwll l'll ll '9 1"""""""" V ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0l0 I01 lXl;b' ha bee .' ' ..' " ‘"""" ‘V’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘"' I'll ll l- t. 5 ‘ .._qt¢‘ ‘ '" ,' 1'0 5‘D'.l" 7'33 "oD‘"C3'Phé'::'::,. 5" ‘M, p-‘inky ~.yIof,n::|.|':':d gt"[;‘to: i,'::.i::.u'.:““ m itltilph. pa-tor of the llroailsav .\lt-ihodist at-.,.,,,,u‘d,',,t,, 1),"... Run, ntm, tr... "'it,,. .....t at temtistrutvion. together‘"“" :1" ‘" zwmr b :::::°__'i':‘| There is a elwtit-e now. aecorrling to i e I . (Y I - .‘..titirrh, is one ol the inittut-tors .t 1.. km ‘ ‘MI ‘M uidmw 0' M‘ "mm." ."‘l‘.YtP'—I garniehs yo h “L ",4... that Saturday will be olw-rt. C’.-."‘.' J3.“ P"'.....nd Pflkum ‘ .:])h::k"'3.:"‘ 'h'°';‘ll""._ H" ""1""? gin-tittite. This instruction lasts twelve’ (:|gs Poem Neva \ell ‘ester equipment will amount to about dill”. tum." “ufflri 'd..:PIr."'. :"muP‘J ed as Poppy Dav here this year and that """ L - ........'...too-‘" ° °""° ""“""""°"""‘l . .i-. c i. helieefi .i t.‘ '. ‘ - o .. . ' . 4 t "'“'°'° V ' this ' Ls‘. 'niti hot. n» 0--"'-»«"~s-I cs- - --w--« =-= i "= ------------ - . ...» ".""' ” '‘“'°~ -» m u« 2::...:.:... ‘ ' ' "".°:°.'.'*;'.':¥.::'*':;.'.“::."'..':".:.: -~»v .... "£1-1.-'.".l'..-'.‘.'..»~%..'.‘...'.'I'. I-‘old g rite [float at1tinei ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° I . ' l I ' . n ll soldiers. In the north, [IR legiontuiyrg . , m "' _ ' ' ' ' , . k. . M ———”‘_——"—-—- ' =--~ ~' ml--' -:-.-..~»..::."::.-:.- *~*~- 5"“ ° -~ W °' ~*~°~~- ..*.-::~...~.:.:~;: ..¢~=.~'-; *:-;::::":;- ::~«'...-:.' ':.:':..::.:":»":=-'="° ‘ ‘::'";." °':"° ......:-..~.~.;. _-gin b 'I.¢-rd itt downtown 3 ves ti 'nion veteran; relieving I -—--~——--—- V ' ' “ " "° " ’ _" . It Ill ID Dill? *0'‘"‘I‘ . _t , . . . . t i.,t; ti.-' tin _tt i. it '_ t it will cost about Oltllll. . _ (‘_o]_: ad Goad-Turn Award. tlorta will be to children at '(_|,,,.t.,.,d . _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ , _ , _ “ma (I) rlltlfllllllj ranks of (I. A. ll. from the '3 3°‘l::¢‘::.:'l;‘IIkOl8f‘l‘3 CIIOVIIII l"3“‘H"‘L 3'1‘ '”':‘“;l’l u'l;'l'° '° ________________ |Ulll pres:t“a '0". Tron’ "'0 0‘ ‘R 8” sum. "N ‘M tend nedtngs, in order to iupseu upon (hie ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . (I) duty they had religuiusly perloriued (or 01' 89- ' ' ~ * ' w||,[, QBND TRANSPORTATION car It. - 0!‘ |l - t at‘ umnh‘ ‘M “Mr Rob. lllllly VCIII. llk ll‘)? lfflltifl-4 V V ' ,iiairaa sat iii-moi. the graves ..i lhuac . “N 14"--n Avvlrs-Ill. P"-ulrnl 0‘ ll" 480 lotteries: Ctivaledue and Hyatt; hulk L ol the ‘ Th‘, Boon’ (-b.n” vonnfe L. Sofia" Al the ctvnclusiun til this P"""m0 and ¢heri,",,,, ‘mg 5.. _ 1... I t s things which at jgttt ggggt fins, . ..._——- who wore the gray. lganiratiori ol ea-service tnen. at a |unrh- """"' ‘ll’-M presented the gilt There will ‘lb speakers and lnilfllflllai Nallalal lllllt ‘ 3 A.,,i“-, vat," ,t,.¢,'.,‘ 5,, t,,,,.‘,, Icon at ltarris‘ (llf. May 2!. made deli- 'l“‘-_‘ l’'‘''‘ l"? ""' "“l ' 'l"'l‘ l"' 'h,w.t..‘ ‘h ‘"3 .34 .u.',.t'..n. mtg. : ' "- ~ Q05] gm nd 5, fo,‘.n,,,_ Mg ..,,“,",m., nite arrangements {or a picnic to be held "" L"""l‘ ‘l""""‘ """"' V .."‘i.‘ gh ‘Wu-Q "[ fin‘ ‘in & ‘fly. : Drtsoklyn . . . . . . . llt) |tl)~3 l2 0 in Embpc ‘in be ‘‘.““',h int..." 0‘ '" Rack Bfldfl, H", ."fl,.oon a‘ ''Q._ ‘ llall. In the college. The gilt VII OC- flh ~New York W” ‘W4’ 3 l:g,,,,;” [aim —p.,.i,‘., gm“ ing of Flag Day. June It, ‘ Batteries V950 "'4 D‘ *''''Y3 -‘l"“'., tudn‘, (go. .15,‘ ”..“.5,, '5" . etiihers til the organization. their P"'°°“5°" “ml Pllwd 0" ‘ll’ 0.9”» GOLF ‘ou.~_N'Y To'o‘ww Ouitlon and - , ragga '5.‘ ,.,,,,,,,.u,;,.,t at tnitfd wives and lriends are invited to attend. '50" the ivy-planting cert--any took U C An initiation of mi an-aiiim will be Pl-to Tlw vr--rr-m on "V "-9- ‘W Autsariiaiiaa orsats tor as--er Caupa One This Week. IUEIIIPI ing to irilornation given out at the It. 0. 7. (i. headquarters today. Th!!! 09*" will be suited to individual student-. St ' ’ lhd "Qllkf. L” Tvlflr 1"”, Orders tor authorizing transportation L p,.'.”. ..i .\ti....uii t... atltdfflll viii arr s-‘ma lo -ll?“ '5"*ttiaatieiti ttcituttes. Joseph Para-nit. _ , '0" 1 Ne...‘ . \lDl'd .. fllfluidldln ".'ll. Crepted by President Edgar l). Lee. The ("anti Knox. willhe out this week. 0000"-L gttuta, Charlotte Weuihach. Kllllflll, b - E : “ ( pl blhf llll $70 . . ‘N’ ‘H ’.:;k ’:;'"‘"‘;‘:n c‘v:I‘hL led overnight I Niller hpnngs. Sunday fiiiiorniiig tho. saiuts attended Sunday M‘, ;st-honl in a log cabin on tlw \liller lartn. ht. .\lrs. lair Alneda htahltl flood Series in Ohlahoua. :';_‘:_’*"- "‘”"" ‘“‘"' ';""" ”""' rt» heavy rains in eastern Oklahoma ‘cut !. ’ nC:.I..‘ .4 Q ND mo-V ni r;;I'IIlI"laSu.~ ' held in connection with Ilse progran to‘ ::'Y..(:I'Itlo|t't'—|“ilt‘ltlc«t:llAIR. h. 1." E.“ 0." en”. ‘t ‘ '°'' ‘ v - . - - ." pptegat I - ' . ie tne. ‘WIN ttieiaaistim at the Catsatitgrotsiirr. 3...... ....sat on tou+l0 I3 2 N-In-H -- l'nm'- '5" '5' 5"" "'1-,',:';:,‘,,,,, ,,__5,,,,, .,,,, , 5.... Ivy l-The"'(.'l;.. In ails--e cs-in -l--ltl all -1 ll 0- T C 3.: s'.':...:.’,.'it.- ia viatiiat her tis«.;' “" "“' l“"" "'5' """ "" "' Club will hold a gal on the.‘ uggfkflj flttchel and Wfiaooz Its. ‘can war dud have fi ! _ PP‘ . ; (, .9 l C“. __Lm. ‘wk’ 5,.dq..mn tggediatatv s.. it... .59, %.i. la.‘ "in u 707 ”‘‘..i ‘nutikansns liver thousands acres are an - cast-r I-.-alt" |‘l¢.|"°ll.- ‘l'N~':itattiti tad catisy. ‘» T''f''f‘''''’''’°'l’’''‘‘'’‘“'‘'' *" ""Et°"i F’ E‘ F""".' °,"""-"L" "",,';"',::i,..§:m" ' " ' m M ‘can get authoriaation lor its trip. tk;‘~... 5,, , iii. Sehol at Law “" """ """" "' '*' """ "'1' "" '''‘'' " "" °‘''''''‘‘'‘ "» ' "°°""""° "ll l-=_ In t '3“ ltatnfifnfnfl ttiéiiaida; or N IL 'd¢lel ‘rentals at it ..'ct...i the senior sold ell‘-we -it . Urns. tstsiitvitattietattavissmivtw ‘ha:-d‘"wned..‘ wt.‘ um ’00lllfl5"ll"' all.‘ 'm‘''‘*"‘ T“ ,1‘. T “Chen iedorxufl '.‘&.|.“'on' tloe Stlplch. . . Wnadalcctest in lllanoandvoirewlllbcl ——.¢—-‘E0; &. l"’ ‘"d'“'J dd. h'°"'l‘h U” “u ” F I II‘ N05 ‘’5''‘''' l'‘’- '1‘ ‘H ’ ' Puldtbfl. "°°”' ' ' ° ' ' ' . . ' . ihfil ‘" p.‘ : ‘uh "97". “H in die college auditoriun . Tenor Yd“. IT‘. h .- gt lversitt 55" n i . .. .9. '- ' J’ era Sinoe Iaatan ............... . . . . . . . .. iwflchwateaold. theproouilstobeusetl um 53. W , ., , ‘ wiltssonhavstenlmghlr - B ‘n. wmhum. U.."."“'_»“¢,a have been tlest . . ..r wifltahe ti.iiio'aa.stiaiauatiswii zllil-iatisaiaiieiitaci aasiuitie "'.""""|"'°°°-"°"""""""s iaaaiiagiiiamit 11-l"""' . ‘ ~ —-~- ‘ IINIIIIIRUUU5" !l'1"' “OWL V ""9" t.a.att.A.t:satsrsaauaaasava..ti,,,,,g,,___,,,_,,, duhvno 1, (.»c.'“, ‘asttsaaetteiadiscsiaettlser-ll-tr; lsgaatgsst lasltsrs. t)In._itlseIal¢Ml- t,‘ * iQpslnnauhtBstuIdPuaue;g.u..g.¢g,.g,g,._n,tt_mtt._,..p.:..'l'' "'_“".d“_” '“d,._'Sieisoowprat-_tiIlIa|awiapartI0lIUI1 nr.l.I.AIsntrsnitissttieea(ilie . a““c$."%._ cu“. ”_q_,_,,_, , , , , . I—" A ..'2a¢I. ~ .u‘."'“""h"”uh”¢g,..¢,.withherlatherin ;.. , D,(i_; .g, ,._,,,p,..._ Pittsburgh F’ J u---‘.‘'‘' 7‘ 33;. aéllllllll“ a: ‘clan finch. Kansas City. on the sub km" '5" ‘n gt.‘ mug; h¢n.’,'“- 'b""' ”" " "6' “Mllepartnsd Aaieultuu. arrived ~Ntaw®.aalIO.ul1‘1’--%|'“llF“,Imssies:AJ¢v Imll-.* ~ ""5003 -“h""IPtssi"l'Iiacaatat lien.” 75”...“ t,,t..¢..., .9-l-El-Flli-riesl-l-ssnlslttlrol lqiunfiérlmfitflf 15;“ uiuga H. .- ' """'i I I;-----—--——-—— 0.. , ’ AriltenotehwashIldhylhaI.0-‘nspaetisn.Ilop hrefiauthtflam r..4..,i...iiua.atiavaiaiasinssi-.. L 0 "'0' 3-05» ---i-- :18" - II» oiiwawa i mg...g....t1.-gassaauasg. 1-,r..aiisiaatiaaaa.uav2t. rsa_......aisa.ai yijkialh _.hg..‘.t,....f,g?uadto,i>&bnul ...... “ deb‘. hrlal _ $0.’: 0“. Ilrs.I..C.I?ri$.flI;'lIllcisret-t. Thdxhnsrian Ifisn eaparas OI¢'7;UflIoltbI$.h.&d:g.Lan‘d‘.hr'lhQI* wsrI...‘llorhr$ lhellfidfitatulbufindfia _ OOOIIIDU ‘tj -d‘.,wusap§odnpon§untlayatiorii—sat ”h.Ihw_.”m'° gg,uesslolIows.(hnte . I-this wsrkhareanfioturdav inhhnd luhlntcviswCIanFHifl ' Entries: "v .0: Cfl I. ‘I Selsall-,iow at9:8o'elsektotdepart3..u,O: SuiIh.0t:0tuy.lt 'O*v.hk1- ltbdatyaitoasova pso- “'%~‘&r‘,j_ [ lshsrdi-land. L ‘ U3" -"é"‘lhII%'dl- ‘ iistlie ‘K hyanurelsn. ‘'&fleCus.4l;Daltoa.I;Pahal'.|l.ljastscurisdanhtiadllltanQloaIi %‘ . . ‘ 9 ' ‘ t“ s ' t 7 l ' ‘U _ ‘_ i_ \ . 1 L . ' 3 . v t ‘i ‘ ‘ um V. 0' ‘ Lit v . 3 J-""4. il l l. ‘ . 0 u l ° l a.. ‘ .‘..-.',‘¢'..‘e.~_ i«-'.i'¢ 't'_;fii&i 9- i \ ‘..«h. l .9‘ . - 2,.’ it’ v i er ol the llfllll-bl". lrlepltone tai.. died ' William Miller and Joe llatgh wo-re V