— .05-0‘ J‘-‘ '-. t ....?,,_,__~ g . 3* .---.1 " s‘ — .. , 1-" K . » , ‘ ‘ douoosssooos ' ' ’ ooobooosssssoa -'cars is acting. " prsddests jqlally’anasuacetbtuo&ar' psohlrmhasbr-uelhiu‘ued‘fs-suthslrolosme ol an issue is dominated by llUfrhteroualsne; but. ll so. the great- iitr. . Two main reasons are p'veu for the-,slnanherwlllitthatwa1- Th!’ lranp's dl general im- provement of laboring conditions for un- i N!!!’ 0' POUR ‘#58500 I!‘ d"“''‘ 55' . &§d’- a well as skilled. and the Eigh- acts nccordillll C°0'Nt||°||ll)'t 0|" PC?‘ nah Amendment. The 5.5. H,Ew ln artilicial arrangements di- awsiing all subjects pertaining to work. glyfithelattee rs-flog, fledga-ikghig ‘UB5 tlfitfltl llflll by the bnlh-t sell sl a victim of ‘over-idulfince in li- flg naintahting that he is driven to this by adversity. He says he hm Id all l‘* °‘ '3'"? “'9 3* I "'9" 0‘ 'l'|'°"l,.\IIerican has tile to read ttle elm. It" V _ I opinion nsole than any‘ ’|"l'l'N lb! '0 Nib’ ll” Ihlllt 0' ll!“ ‘other institution. In the final analysis. ~thC. if the estlblishxnt and successful loprstlon of artificial arrangements de-l m -n But,” can at di.”“n.“ ; "mi "0. “m"k‘ am with ‘I: ruptcy. tmttual destruction. or turn» for fifteen years Japan lollowed the pol. thatadehiniusrewilliutshssmsug ing h' _-e-town acquahtances. _Docriers of the Eighoeuh Anenben: of the tramp either. Z NBDID INVINTIONS .Sir William Bell. through the British btitntei of Patentees. ollers twelve sug- fifiats on inventions needed by the osoosoooagssosos a “ “ h . ptttiapatit. i.,.ttw ussta stats. ta ta -i reportthathenslssursslleitsthriri ts. Itatitttti prise tt, wttttattat, ',reIsfthstthnsslhgJ_ri&sonlj§hisUs#Iy|Ir0lGl||l 51510117. 55 ' rtstutttsttt.ttttt;tttttuIirs-Irdlr-ct-dbvihe-Ito! ".'.,.u$j.',.‘,.en_ oh.d,,;thoJapasu €83 lflo mt wkh srprossntstlve harps In‘: linger ’ rnctly depab pan 3 through choen representatives. : The-university ol the greatest ntushet ,isthoblly nhwppsr. onaulbpublie 2 opinion favorably. By its columns let good I twill be fostered. Let nations under- hlnflfihjhpddclpstbil srrrssshti-Ii qmtstisallynpgtbewlllolthepsple. Althsé our representative holes \tsttsttt.tsttttat...i.a.n....tttttti.-ttttwanttittti-s.iher lslrly repseseutdvoof thehmerican pub- is. Tobero-dsdsdthstwornsestativr santssdstsvarotthsvsur. ltseaase .iintocontact lnisndship and good will sarong peoples icssential to world peace, it becomes the ‘day of the newspaper to teach the indi- 'vHual accordingly and to tuould public world. Here is the list: -‘menu. glue: a smooth road surlace. of its heat; a process to make flannel un- skinhah|e;,g noiselus airplane and an drp‘ane that can be manapd safely by s photos from vulcanhed lndia rshher ao' stand and trust one another. .h‘ rm "0. b . i. 'd ‘(fiber :in one country to the exclusion of all ‘ . "I l ' .olbers be proved false. I ltirnnce thu will conserve 95 per eentl‘ . I I I. . '0 mu" an hm". ‘and employ judicious persuasion in place; inf carping attach. Let individual ppin-5 . .0’ 0‘ ‘id; . ant “fine 0‘ on Pond ‘power. political. and mercenary sf-1' "id. 9“ bmpmz w relltllltlolls he subordinated to tllls chalg dure frictior a process to extract phoo-‘la’. 0.‘ dam which ‘i i bu'l ' _ol public service, the newspaper cannot I ' H ‘R ‘me’ Let 'fltl¢ Ll’! ll lorfllullte“ which. as an instrtlnenti tht it can be boiled up and used again; ‘practical wqs of utilidng tides; a pipe Ifall to accept. lot the public journal not rlsll in this. perhaps its greatest public ltrust. H the bounds of reason. progress of the lad half century. it bay”, 1''’ ' "a my" C‘“”_ that can be cleaned eaily ,and effective’ lv:‘a temperance drink that wll hcq‘ _uly;tsotpatlonthepatate;tataiag. motion pictures. f 'Tis a mighty list. And yet not out of. In view cl tb’ quite reasonable. - ~ AEIICA TODAY IN OUR WORLD IN ASIA‘S SQUABBLES &n.Jsass.sr _ sutantaswrrtnas-ulna gs ..a-ttitsatttaptsssrs-olllts-Isl; has. hfispIII71llF‘5l||U' tttsttttttwtinstttussitssa-at tttatotitattisstttst fimsuhwobfi ICI- --uaawawwwsauaaoia-are L.t.t.tisit-utttttitti-+-tacit lslsthdhstwuud-iilistsnsq. thsuslswhgwuuwasdsndtbeothsr sQ&d.Tb1su&rdhthssu- u1asHsv—QolthuiC'IIsun tit...-ity. rttttawtt-Ag:-nit lsso&.thfsrbsassoftfirsceot ll-fsdthslrcuhus lnfiscave >m‘IfiQXY“IhuD gismorvsfisadswsdilll I59‘!!! siataai-trtttcstitt to m ittity, l nrsltsrcht-luthsJapanssswhstuttsresn-3 h°l blsdl s t | s . 4 Xhifltflifflififl V i‘ ‘ t ussdhs3sdtslé&fi'X. stttsttttt-atttsisstIs-ouinttiss- vaatapnhslspsasmulhnsfispaun hulstthatrssmhstthschhstsarsa pasplawhssrosotpssnstshhtho ttiwttttattsttstsitsssws-titttt. olaayonsnatisa,svuths$tbena- tisabelspsa. llinasslnflsstsassto dayrovlngthsulvuse.t:rl&yahreh- lngforthshsstthtngsolsvuyrscs. Japafstromsudousnattiralndluntagu. inChiashashithutobsenlnattsher titmutttt-iiituttticv-Iiey. rtttts ,, toriasrsotthedediaiagdayaotthea __ lol the Ansrlfi and other captives. Having bsen selected as s negotiator. nigh seen that he would go back. as' matter ol course. to convey die answer: l Hanchu dynasty looked to 1.,“ gufol the (Jonah. and that the favor with friently guidance, and a fooling all rtstatttit. Aitttt ttwa ttttstvsa yunithflifllhut China. ritsttsttttt hatrt.-ds:'° Mr arouaedbythewarollO0osurKorea'- ,hlI ‘HIM wus released would be con- lflfilfilllv l°"||’d ll?” lb‘ "‘“°ditfnnsd alter he spin contrnits hiinclf 0‘ I -‘which the blsdlts apparently regarded. buds. However. the release ol the fiducted party. to carry} to the foreign reprqentatives. itariesotightisa.wsrsthtsiastaitwsr3-ctr -ion lorsottem 3-! who —l|Pl3olhns been recorded lrotn time to time. tobecomiags¢oosovertheshori¢'aa|' =iahahltautssftbJapasssisl¢tlI.cans ltssptatitittaity. titirtttst-tr-so’ 'ourWeaterncultaroapddue > ‘l0 crebsdahgto appreciate ‘sdoptsdwsssernmethsdsndsr~'possue.- ratherthasssarosultslasystudiedl ,.,.,;;. .,,;..;..._ comparison of onion ml. yearn csI- itittd. not only bpe of being Ible to ||||"‘8- 75¢! Hill! 54!! I lN"bIiheep up the pace is in availing her-sell their nunsihblu uh‘-I Wllflftthe taott tiasicuit potitsttts in vista t ,g,,..gibi1itr.sdI1lsNiI amt -studs-r proud race balcvcrfifl pitettt. so .,.. 31,, UGO“! T0431 “'9 “N399 l 30 ¢0d0O'°|'5||l ‘all! "3 beep up the lronttreaponslbillty lor an unfavorable message. lb? E5! of a irst-rate power on the resources V535 lb‘ 350909! by '50! ll 55 50'0"- Mr. Powel self h greater straits than be was before. should the reply he brings to them not hp to the bandits’ liking. and probably not he to their lilting. his after her victory over his in INN be- i '5'“ lb capture of the train with its there been my record . l CI ganweucroachdlroulynpsuChnsss‘d°&!_"'oh'l_ck.'“_'h_h‘M'" '5 1" .'l|'°“' lb‘ “"5 °l lb‘ cm'''’''' i‘ ll" V" , under aitnilar circttrnstances? ;see/god from the hut that thone lorttlll-‘ 'ate enoufi to obtain their release, how- evur such hsan not content to leave well enough. alfie and to tempt late no further under the tender Denies of greatly shahen. To appreciate the Oriutal situation. womutrealiaethatJapsnis'uoueol.; ol t tlllrtl-rate power. Her pttst and! her test. will not ttitw her to is. t...| has lt . have‘ release was man gcd 1 the out ws. Blhsrous people are apt to associate l, on returning. any find him- it will back to share the haaards of hi- tfitthil Of fllllfll lflllflil 0‘ '5 ll|¢§l|‘.ol the resources of the Asiatic continent. c,-.¢|,,_ 1,, ‘n. 5",; }m,,,,." ,.,p,,,,d tions of the Wont. Tbnre is a dfiltct l!- Thug grc two ways by which jgpgn egg to greater hnatds even than they. as one l f0. X ‘ worth and permnence ol our cirihsation. "".p:3€l-30" 30'3"‘ ill! Old ‘N90? llhll‘ 0‘ herself from these resources. The hrst is through liiitary conquest. and the‘ industrial -singled out for special resentment. -even man of disappointment and Inger, in Orientals are seriously questicting tbfiaecond‘brnugh what is olten tot-gpdlwhich at least he and pcrhapt all the and economic conquest. History l”,"y .'.m 1 hair-raising And if the reply does not lead to a cli- forfeit their Ines. the-rr are incidental perils. Rhine-e I‘ "en. I0 u” hull.‘ .i.*hA.“ m" h’ d"‘°”'"“°d lb“ '5' l” P°“°‘°':olicials of the neighborhood who latcl) lductiveness and inanity. "o are natural resources Meanwhile .hia a lew score years our petrolt-II will be :gone, and in luflb ol tit filth are l.i..natto-pttttt.-ttatittnsotmt ‘the .i.zttic toattttiet. east nld int. and 'copper will bocotne unprocurable. Barr- ingthobpeolfie ininitediaovsry of, new resources and the matcrhb with which to harness theat. our civilization lint crash when tlrse things upon Although there is constant dbntption 5" 550- ilk‘ dllllfl *0 5‘? "id P'°P'fl1 l interior China. and even her police guards . 53'' ll" |||"‘|¢'¢’ '0 “V5937 l‘ l'*5.ll°*l||‘l 3 have been withdrawn from her railways ‘coutpared with war and crime in the West. It seems to the Asiatics wlni our newspapers crowded with sbsics of, I,-Anny rsurder. arson and assault, wars and ru- mors ol wars, that we must be dctrniined Th E ‘ my ‘I . Imfl CHWNM. The items ‘tn rtnds, Iction and '.‘£o”::;o":n{.z'| sasghouse ic ac 5 The Asiatic is no lo} overswed by of nature that iwe have harnesatntl. but is judging of - the rnarvelous processes utilitdion seen to be the QC bsne-{C“” T.“‘.’ 0”...‘ ”q."'.“ their worth by the products which we licial. Airplanes my be improved. hui_ . x 3'} sceingwliai hrtysandgirlsdowhhauto lobilomitlshardtosaywhsttheywould do will! ailcrsf; ,'ith a coal shrtagr cufroding the world not many gensruthns haee, the harneuing J the tides he g_ ggh. od ol the droaus of-electrical engineers who see the world's wort dobe entirefi by eleclricity. Wood may come, and coal uay_go. but the tides go on g.,,. ever Iechanjcsl world Ball bearings are good. but they too burn out. icons-lost pwcr and bust olicidey. ' Gnonth roads and pavements are my. lng pcsible a well-ronded farm and City We, llutulrefi of accidents are Qsdh'—'fnt:s-drtsafilntvntwvaathr. sshopssvsralnenlfislflaonbusylor ssmofiarstst.-one. ronntcii saws sun natuns Gscrstsrr "Isles. speshiag at the ' 0 Friction is"psn's greatest enemy 5,, ‘he ‘ill iris Cohntitree of the Iepan Society: : Since our American Admiral Perry lofied Japan to format intercourse. ihtcrians have had_a heen sentimental liaterest in the peoples ol the Orient. lt :'is-necessary tllt we now subatitug g Lssotimental interest in the Orient with practical hnowledge. E tapas and Chifl are America's Near ‘BUM Old ‘bl’! are getting nearer every Lao tine is required lor the jour- ney from Seattle to Tokio today than “bu” g from Baltimore to Ioston in Washin.nn'a ' s ilI§~ The rival ambitions of Russia and la- lll“ in Chilll. and the cothined pride l Ilti-‘U050! Ind pro-Japanese, l cootiuusd national diuaity. i Elissa uttlu ts. attpiat .1 tst“rt..w.¢sa Hr- qturn out with these fadlities. lb is not- “ out lllf '.fVCl0I.It¢ ‘M tfifian .9 J.'_n' kw. gouu iilgreosiona in Shantung and Siberia, dur-;’ . _ h h I b i.m.n_d “ 0", “'ai.h but to hlm ‘P, in‘ ‘.1 iououin‘ “R can ‘u’ J..,retrt:.rn, which he to now -trupu ms t o . 3 . se "5' '°‘°'"°°' 0‘ '59 “nit 5" P059“ pan's itdustrialiats were long s'utce ; range. "1' "9 590304 “ill” ‘W N000.“ 5135 can never be carrial out simultaneously. I visited the stonghold narrowly avoided - death from the shots of drunhen members _ _, :ol the bandit gang. who fired tndi~.t~rim- db-in-y'ol intlitary conquest on the rnain-,iM,dy “ "ay.b5n' .1,” nu ‘him, ‘tn-oiled at A-I-5 -low-m to ezoloii in A itntt. which mtitttt its height ll the t... Perbapa .\lr. Powell gate a plttlge to ing. ln any event. what he in doing cents a this distance an act ol ~ingular tut that our own aciegtiaa tell :3 that in l .,g,,¢,_.d .5“ ",5, pork, ., kg.‘ ..,, heroism. and his relusal tt. atail himself a fortuitous choice. dissociating hint ftlte construction ol t-_new waterworks for the l’€l¢OR Cgnhggs-_ fiturrhy, "since the hood. Thursday where but to success. and that if sisted in, it must financially bankrupt; the nation and rnahe her an odcasti among the powers of the world. The; Washington Conferenae of l92l gave this class the opporturdty to assert their pre-1 doutiaance over ll: inilltary class ol Ja-l pan. As a result the policy of military. mnquest has been abandoned as a lail- ure. Japan‘s troops have been withdtnww from Siberia. from Shantung, and lrtni run the distressing circumstances of the other captives, when the opposite murse would base been full) justifivtl. is in exhibit of extraordinary sellabnegatiori of which his fellow-.\lissourians will be proud. i l" IN AND oriuspopm ‘llniversity City will have hfty new‘ ta...» tittt oottatt; t7oo.ooo. t ed Elflt. infant, rl..'st-J to death Friday alter swallowing a tack. A new _tnodcen hotel \ Lll open at Qi- l in Manchuria. I The (Lhinsse compelled Japan to with-‘ draw her artnies by refusing to buy the produri of her tuanufacturen-. Today Japan is endeuvoring to win back Chinese friendship and trade by withdrawing her! armies. Japan's oficial iinpatiexe at China's loam Springs, a sutniner resmt. ,,..ltt' l.'.. S. C. Houtrose. Kansa:City. was killed when an airplane he was piloting crashed to the ground. ; The Notlaway c..t.m.- Health otptttfl tncnt will hold a baby conference at Hop- kins, June 6-8. Construction on the Dnncker Mensa» rial Hall at Washington ljniversity will slowness in establihing responsible oen- ibegin in a few weeks tral authority is today retncred by tlIe_ realisation that if China were as central- Dr. V. .\l. Young, -l;a_tt-burg dentist. was billed by his brother-in-law after a mm! 0‘ rlmririv and vroduchr -“H it entirely omsttasowt-d by Chinese pow- ;“ 3' 0 ‘"5594 P''''l''‘l- 30 |‘l"""l"'W'Q' t-r. Japan as well an the western world . W die-ins still. or our utilise!-on «if can be thanhful that Chha is slow in ° 1""-' Clffllfll |||"¢l0 0' Plmolllnhy to. adopting western satflnalisq. The |produce a atotion picture drains which ,,,,.,_. on .i,,.;, P.“ 5..., . and" 1,5." list an ofiense to his nsorsl and esthetic .5“ hp", ug C55.‘ -5,, upimtd‘; l°‘''‘’lblll'l‘-’‘~ 5*" 50 he IN!’-‘Y lU‘ll'€l|"' present a united front to the world and‘ lb’ "‘" Km‘ “"35?” l"53'l"l P'°“°'-- the sooner the betta. The tnotnent thsti ~"l'°" lb‘ P"°‘l'“ .5‘ ' 5'34" "'PPl°". Japan 'u willing to drop the youthful st- '-rt" dr-li-Iii-col-N -MN riiblm 0'? tltutle tr ttpaioisy which at has It!!- "° '°" '‘‘h '5" ‘vi’ ‘hl‘t"”' consciously adopted toward China since [st-II Nev-t Touch My Us-" The Mac t... ......... on. the w...a.. ...t.t, ...'a 5’ "°' “"3 ‘bl “'39 Ulla" Nflflhl °'"‘ meet (Irina upon an equal pldno of E‘ g "°"d°d '“‘* l" ‘ 39”’ °“"‘u' '3'" nity, granting her all the “face” to wltlfl\1' l‘’ M’ '5" ll" ‘INN I'9d¢"l her ancient culture entitlq her, - ~l ' ‘ad mnku‘ 0‘ the cum” my “*3 ‘"9’ l5‘ '-'35“ N bi?» Pd '51‘; Chinese will be ready and glad ! _ ' ' - has discovered that the faster one travels,t .3“, .|,,_ j.p.,.,,,. 1; 5,, qngu P°.|u, mt" ""7 7*" ‘>7 cm -kiddies -o=""“‘ °°"““' °""°°“'"-hum-Hh¢.ttt. iette-0 net. 11.. new lass-test that in the near ittttm that wit. lllrc psvsllnts. concrete roads. and city;P'‘‘° ‘*5 5"‘ "°""l ""°' °' ‘°'l':quostiouing of the thhigs which diey get 5”, um.‘ . am .5, '¢.. ‘""‘ E". ‘on.’ ‘u’ ‘“ ‘'0 °°'in‘i- A*fi“' s..“i-“"h"h'a'il'°'|l ll‘-l0C¢0l|-l|O¢'ld¢|l°eOOl¢l¢'¢P“'.to Antericfsllllreisin the hootlltybo ‘"9’ cultural ' - - - —" .. ...... .. .. .. .......- -a.. ....t...... .. ...o..... .. . ..... ::'::.“'.:.'i.::'“‘.;.:' ".‘.‘.‘..°".....""‘ ......."'““' "a - """'- V“ """"l'5II'W'i---sl-i""""°" """""""“"’ '°' °""“-Mention dllfill no tetidtsét tttt trnveli - '1: lr“ stun" “t 'isnubldingindwnveoldisgustathsr' *wm’”‘ ad" ' T. I I l ,aasongthom . TN-f-Iinaoiesttqti-ttayttt. I: """"_'° ""' “""‘°"' """""°' 0"" -'4 ‘ind N-rt-s Iron the mi ttmttt. and the tttssitt in tttitast cats . ""“""""""“'i“"""""“»i-P°'*-' Pl-in the music any of fill! ptqtttitetotuatsi-at of tea... . .“m.N-u‘.lc..‘"i:;lce. ltts,-hswosur.hiditltnethat‘theaeaiutriss. Other thing being 30.3,", Theltataticpssplasarefi _.” "‘°"'k‘”“. -Th Ulfildlllh I ¢0I°0fli¢|.°l Canal. the Crimes would pestly preler “.51, It 5. put. ‘flu ' M. MID 7* '0 k ll'IflO'PI(‘|6("ll|Il Clml Old indnsu'ln&tion “flu ‘hope "Mfg gm .3 P¢‘c. .1". Japan and Gina. faniily quarrel Saturday. The largest iii: .i.-.i'......I.- .. xi...-.... (Iounty was the rccettt sale of IV!) at-rc~ H the llinehart llancli nt-.tr l'.iltmra. wit... the lfnited 57.7.. rnnrtdtsl wt... was bringing Arthur Kt-iglcy. ol Louis- J Tothuedngsshj-ica‘ easier for a lsdhi-. . . . . ..IlU*“b9.'1WI$I~ko Thu 'b%"'.'ohu‘y ‘lound utllleial arrangements.” pdtlcula his tag‘-eitntntis. tit. tsitit tr frltld- shlp tgss_dwlIlamsngpsspls_s."and qsitt stat. tuttt. hylwhich to undersladndtruti sachstwf. Hr. nghssthswevsndidnstoaadrns. “utlltctal snap- l_l'., '_.. . l l O l ‘ l I l l bee it tstatttpit. tttit..u........F,.,,,,...,.._,...t....g,,,.....,.,..a “""""-5""Il‘llI‘0r.tsteranes.sathepsrtotAusrleasswud! It-35!-dl-cistcl-sings-ws-tiiststlitit, tat pttttstttty ttwtta cuss rlrAIsrics..IsItlon-tor ll'¢‘-wboluventrUfl|IrnlbodwiCItlsel.’,;da.. n...;.,..t..t..t.u;..,.,5... .IpaIyidu.lf$htdeaevereatsIed.ol‘-Thclgpswsetbselorohsvealremew ...1,,.‘..,...i..ti..:..t..a;...a..s...,l "'H'h“"“"’°'°‘-"':":"‘.‘°"“““Po'°'°°l!5°9Ifi~1seo-" tosethsiaapisstthsioat. The l lihow t’ O. ' ' 8"-' *°"*-‘H-iievid-iuaoUaIwdtuiuieu~acstmI,t....uwut.~.-.tos....~ do-rd:--ital-rt-istt-tt.wutttatup.attttatti.tu..stt,!...t. ' 'fih#nwhtnJadnsafpu1hn- ‘£llIlit:rwhlchtshstosIset(htss prossrvstiouofanattitdsofopsr Bernard “The 1-*ittt»itt~ l 12 N. Ntntlt‘ Phone 2121’ 11% ‘ 5 \ 1 J Springfield viltlpheezfilz ontht svus in the National lb!!!’ accession Day. ‘ Tipton is soon to vote on bonds fort and sewer system. —:-1-—.; Regular train service was RUIN‘ 03 lor the itst timoi Five men, whose ages ranged from 82 to 94, were dinner guests of Mr. and NH- Henry Foster at hlaryville. Suidfl Sunday was the twenty-seventh anni- versary of the great St. Louis cyclone‘ which killed 350 persons and injured. JD. ' Pearl Baker. l3 years old. was rlrflfllflll near (iarthage, Saturday when she ‘fill thrown from a buggy into a flooded! Ollflm. ' The highway frosts Hannibal to .\luber- ly will pass through Mexico it in reported and not through Paris as was originally planned. (‘nntracrs for repair work on the (Zreene Count) murthouse have 3‘IfllC1l. The building was recently ctimlelltnr-tl. Cape Cirardt-au rnnhn eighth among Missouri titres in population, number if wage earners. and value of ntanufac-, turcd products. Five -oft dri-rt_h. parlors in Jeflerson (Iity will voluntarily close their doors‘. noon, the prosecuting attorney of Cole‘ tlttunty ltln announced. \'t-nor Cuthri:-—:as shot at Oregonl wlti|t- attempting to free two prisoners: lrurn the county tail. He escaped but’ wa- captured at N. looeph later. ‘ ‘ Will Mapol of the .\laryville Democrat- Forurn. ltitn it-rnporsrily forsaken journal- mn for the stage, and will appear this summer in a chsutauqua production, "it Pave To Advertise." ‘ Missouri \all4-y (bllege, Marshall, and Westminster ('.ollege, Fulton. will each ltrntow the honorary degree of lhsctor of Laws upon lltl. T. \. Johnson. head of Kernper Military School, Boonville. The fact thatwhe on a pile of- freeh dirt when he fell backward frornl a second story window, Saturday. ‘ ‘tlllly saved J. (I. Rnines, of Sedalia, from. being fatally injured. His left shoulder: was severely wrenchcd in the fall. ‘ .j__. - -7- - Fragrant from 'l‘raxler’s Fairy-Land Gsldens. The choicest of the choice; more beati- tiful and fragrant than roses. Qn ex- hibition and for sale at the gardens and at 12 North Ninth Street. Ordernowfreshcnt budsandbloqomsfor Memorial Day. Order early and get the best. Phone 14 A 75 men who begin at the bottom -— next * mon la- Take This Tip From Experts Coolreryexpertesgreethat thebostandrnoothesltlfnl bskingpowderianiadefrotn cream of tartar, derived That in why they insiston seo an. Balding i TIsoONLYnntloaobt£strihwbd CracrnofTarraeBah'ngPoodsr Ooutahs No Am-Loaves No Ilttst-.1‘aass ---~ 3- ...--o..._.._.._..,.. *7 nafion you can reach the top. 3‘°"K.Yt experience and itmgi. Itraigth to climb. ‘Villa nthld Oollrge training will give you- facttinngnndcornmerciul. Your 8Pnduates—engincering, rngnu. oltho industry op.“ to llssrostethresovera ' ll-I'go.and finallythawbolc world, oreonimttniostion. And afiertlse lgt, li‘bQ.‘po'fl., it-inf-no. Anroutngintntiti. 'hlbd$lQlui7Vngh T an-suastgttw-so 4-- ,. A