‘ -. . l globe.” hhsfiuis s 2‘n.c'¥..".-r-."'.”"'1‘i .u.=o..... __gl I X; l X ;..-suflos-not banana-ruin FE-$2 I < {T _. . .. ;‘ [till .1“ {ill rwo rotisr-To.¢;oAsTi ROADS Ol’Bl'€ ALL ran _:= (‘ultlfrihil llll W efijnfzfil the [,5] 11\_n;§ffl’—“|[""(PIl reputntwnof beirfi one rf :hc mos! 5;): Arthur (club in beautiful towns in Ll'|(' i-11319. This _gg;,... ufp, reputation has been gsitwd hrgt-l:.' ~*-—= from casual ob.u.-rvntiori of the .-z,.r- TMN-timl 0” 1""“' 3°“ "“"' rm» beauty, but back of ll all snd Hill {Wm \‘l'f“’‘C'—°'‘ "9 10' A93" la,-heath the surface of what is me-re A . '35 PUUIWFK "“'‘’'C'’‘ ‘‘’’’‘'‘'b‘‘' night.-o.—c,-r would Ylul.l(.‘£‘ is 2 cloak of ‘Mi "5" 5P‘“l’h “M Tall '" ‘hr I_Tllll'-_lHY’."—. \\‘l‘.lCl\, when brought tn (“MY ‘—‘°““"l°‘“"'! “ad” "in 1'" the surface by tho ullbrn Vb” '13?" 3” Y“‘" l°"" "'fi"dm‘ m hsu: not only 94.-1-:1 the grmvth of ..“”‘r ‘ '’i'H’= "if" m "7 ‘filcle pcbhgh (hi: city but have: lived If! the «win- "d M M‘'”’' U!" , munity alrnost since: i:- birth. I- a~ 0! the 'w”' "W ‘\_.'"m‘.! Ram!‘ 1“ lmsutiful til the ear H‘-— the ristxirsl the Qpjflhjfi n! M]'_ II lt is hardaurfnrc-d from ‘Valli gcnrrry is to the t‘}‘l‘. I.-it ~:t_nnr~ t"f- _ V Lgkr you hurl: lu l_hC' time Whffl inftflfi '0 b"Y- ‘-1 th‘ ‘wmufluppc; Boom. Count) WI?» ,\‘uun£!3 {U the fl'”9"3 flu" "r't’rh"S 0' mt‘ ‘n time Vvhen thr County win :1 fl\'-.vT1U—‘. = gfmi" ‘lwrfiitc Thmuth U‘. M0 rvndc-zvnus of the l.'..Wlo-.=.:-4 gang-« of luve drwfl it ” ‘handy’ hm mmrly B4-n AlltlFTFflTl. Qijnritrc-ll and J03.-xv “V531 l’3’§‘l'l"‘ Th” rmlhi “Ugh Jame-xx tn Lht‘ time -.-.-he-n all rund- t'hhn,l‘h the Puhflwi rlvreflr am: dill Tint lo-ad to Cnluiiil-in, as i-. lln\\‘ furnish“: I may trip '0 the ‘film {hr flat’. but whrn each rand "anyori. The l..im“0lh Hl[hWl)'. 53)" If Pohh, is‘ not the only conncttlrg link between the coasts, and it ms) tunic‘ thrn-.1’h its ialjnci ii! rntlntry was the sccnc of it~: particular ("$071! in the making nf BOO!!!‘ (V-i.iiitj.'s hiwtn-r_\'. Lrt us take one of those T‘nl.IflI and h‘m This time we are l"Ifl§CLIIllfl€ntIl roads. Iilteflhticll i3°l"‘‘ ‘'0 "k ‘ 19“: ‘lu‘'’‘‘''i’"’' ‘i’! ""3 1,. big”; '1”, m.r|[¢n; Wifilg no nstivc-s Ilong thv mail and of the ‘ am, mid ; . "W data‘; ,9. little villnge to which we are trtul-l- pergorny av". we mg,“ the ‘burp. ink snd get in story hack of the story ‘ozflmn H“; ave, U“. uficuln }“‘},_ that tony be familiar to must of us. .‘.’ cfifugfitfiffi some particulnrly [£1 us pick up in few of the irterest- “ate,” mg details of the country's develop‘ "bad stretchel of road in 2 mg). md Nevndg, Cithers may be men: In nsrrstvd hi‘ P‘°"“°"9 Ifld_ gtternptc;-d only during s limit!-d per 800 Just ht-\*‘ fiiufh "l “'1' bid“ “Dd 0! ‘he ‘gunner “Q30” “(lg-_ ‘ffbufld ymi missatl in _\Tit)!‘ last trip ' ,V’'. "W of mg mug” guy b. 1.- over this fijfltl. We» are going to ‘ jun 19 Log Angela, Sgn Francisco, choose the nitlfsl hard-.-surfaced road pm-¢_|.mj Qf Sggulg, gm] tho Pacific in Boone (‘m.int)', so the natives tell Iflfiwgy, g turd-surface road run- us. and one that lvatls into the hill r nil‘ horth Htd south tlu-outh “Hash L:UU"”)' —“‘—‘"”l "{ ('‘'lU"‘l’“‘= 1*’! W‘ jngton, On-(on and Fslifornin inn) amhle along this fiflt‘t'li:Yllllt' -ztrv-tch it b. dl¢,',d: of winding mountain road and l.;ll(!.’ Speaking Of lllfi educations! vsluc 3 littlr time for 1-xplt rim; uh our Aslilsnd Road 60 \¢-srs Old . The Asliland gravel road. leading '“‘‘"‘‘]»from Columbis In a southosistrrly , ‘n dlffifuutl to Asllllfld Ind Ollie? towns A h 9‘ Q‘? "°“m'7 hm’ ‘“ ‘u"slon¢ the Missouri River, 1* sill) "°U9b“9= _ yesr.-I old. It has always been own- : “wkfifi "*9 “'6'” Of we Umwd ed nnd o-persted by s private concern ‘Elfin "9 ‘""“P'°"='d '9‘l°“’ M which charges tall for the uplu-op o9“‘l¢ b‘‘“” m“ em”, m’ be“ m of the road. The mad gr»-w out of ‘*3 in Eummflmw the "‘°w‘ the necessity for a good outlet from Z T Am °’ S'lu.'h"‘ ‘° ‘M the inland country to the‘ host»lsnd— 3lsrt3 ct! rthern I we in‘, O » » MN 75*‘ 3d.P°”‘“ ‘h °”¢f‘$‘°'P'" of the country sdjscent tn the road 70!. “Ilia ".“_Vl“‘v V‘ .' 1“ have lietireen Columbia mi the river was fl VIM‘?I"» 55! WOW” ‘° W‘ "" owned by . few individuslil in the uflfii “E on‘ in "or, 0'6" A early 60‘s. As this was long Lwforv 9”” Gnnd C‘ny°" 0! "N Colflndm the time of hlrd-surface mod l.»uild~ :‘n‘.‘h" Pwlik‘ ‘Pa.’ in: by the state. s company was ".d..°f _'“u"‘. ‘n‘ ‘fur formed by land owns-rs ulmii: the . ‘men ‘ *. W of me fitjd, g frgnchuw for the Ashliuui ‘“"'"'fi"‘ °‘—“l" M’ nu-d road wss obtained from the 4"‘ "'°’ nan‘ ”"h'" on auto sod the road passed ‘into tsu- A hunts of ththtockhnldcrs In this Sfl\‘lCE Into of sffsirs it has rm-msim-d rm-r —_— ' since. passing down to the descend- Iohshsd hub:-no Guts hunts nuts or heirs of the nririrui K’ m III ~10!’ Dfl5V!;f.V- it)’ who buikl as bridges gravel “We snmlssssd V5.00!’ 39' '9" 3 surface and mninuin its general ." Q! S. L Sllllhlfit '0“! up-keep solely from the toll charged 8! - 3P""“ for its use. he gate-Reapers at the ta ll gnu "d" " "¢ ” “'20! _”'e ll"! inclined Dire .su”ime\s—lu1t pen - lnfitic novndsrs regsrlmg in !-_i— ture at the mud. Mn. .1. P tells. who took the toll for don-n years st — is Mlfthstoftbhone ulivflfll 15* ,- —-=—u—:-—— :——— ; — — ~ »——-..._~j— Above: 009 the Innny herds of csttlo seen along the road from Corambis to Ashlsnd. Below: The Herbert Supp. who dcliae-rs the folumbia Missourisri to subscribers in Ashlsnd. gutter. as we enter the f‘.!"'( of the many long 41341:.’ lanes that . comrnor; In this trsil. the bY‘hl'ClN3fi 1 f the walnut an-' oak tn-cs un each 321939: of lhi) road t'»Vt'.'llI" lu fIrl'l"" 4 eanupj; 4 .' arm,-n uxflrhtad. l‘. l.‘= ;i ’.')'_Dlt.‘8l lvvvo_-rs law. in _rnu:tur¢~ L!’ =.sr:.s:h C11,’: be had uhl} by st-I.-trig i’. ;.L mat hsml. About a mile out «f (T-..mn:‘f..u ’,.’.t' ru.uL't»¢-',{iri> ILS aster: tjl4i5'- to thr bvttuni of \tl‘..¢h is lll" fir-! toll yaw. Hr-rri ii toll -»’ 2-’ v,-. Zulu,-.'i by the gutr lu‘v'p4'." ‘.4. pay for the dr.m.igi: that v. '1 he «lone tn the: re-mi ly tin. l-V rvl um. Tn; IL.» pi‘i\‘:lQ-guy, pt-rh.'t;i'=—, of our -M,‘ ‘J,’ Elm uic-rwry ail. ng tho r.ght—«.’ -11). M»- '»;l}. l.‘ lull lihil in‘:-..o: 1| 'l‘.i«»~.;xli !,i¢_'l-trt tn tlm litllv '-.‘.l4go.- of A.-xl".l:ii'(l. which is: our [ll-dN'(‘:l\9 Rl,’!l'fl.-l.'lk' tha: lillllii“ of the llogm} ‘so L'll‘lt' H few huiidrc-d for-Y. to crusts ls brirlgc over the llink.-inn, tho; llliif strciiin that fllfhtvll .'tulTI-llh(lr- (V-luinhiii an 7 cuts acrnas and s4'll1l—(.."o.‘ll"- u-gt of the land on ll: w;i_\ to the .Vludd_\ Water. :\(‘."t»s-3 ll‘.O‘ Vzlllrig all (‘fir ‘Y1, no nmrr than it lI'\N hll". lmr (lt‘l"(’(l closely on either side with no rt-xx‘: of cedar trot". meandering: .lwa_\' from the gravel road to th hum:-stead. Brit this example ls nnl; l_\‘pl(‘ll of {hr few remaining ll‘-‘*.".lt‘.'l that Iérlfasl um‘ tint‘ {hr only hunws along the rmidwsy. After pusmng throgh some fif- tcon miles of this country scvnery aw ;-ass Lhroug:h‘Uie last toll gate .‘.r.d in short disunce further enter the quaint llitlt village of Ashlsnd. rirh with lli stories and traditions -3‘ frvratic-r life. ‘but loudly boasting -f :'.~ prn.perit; as a buslrmxn cv.'n~ Ler The turn historian. um.» mod- cstly sdmits that he “has been F‘.-:*l"\‘ sxic: \ I‘:l:.rl \|f‘s* ;~i pzm." '..ia'tu‘~ ;.i~‘ in tr-It and sun: 14? relntt ‘inf he Al‘!-I.!'v|! stvut th; towrt. from f'lll'I i_!'fll‘- _- - 4—— .r—. - re-.".uns P!(('pt tuwsrd the asst. One .'.‘;&}' star‘:-l ?r. t o streets of Ashland :m"i clear day and see trim: on the .\li~n_..-in Pm-.fi«: road 0\‘t'l in the 4’"olr- (‘I*';lTl'-._.‘ hills, and looking back In the m,.rt'ri and cant, see trains mi tn- ( nirug-i and Alton road over in tiullu‘-.va_\ (’«»'mt_\‘_ ls sn Inland Town "Th:~ rm inland town," J. 1.. ‘.\'il(‘m(. ‘hr tour: histnrian. says. "but i’. hii~ the‘ best transpurtntion fur-iliti--s‘ of any tuwn of its site in true We have refular bus ;'.:l t: '..i‘oluml»iu and Jef- lx-rwi Fit; tnat t;.k¢- away the pan- \"?lK!"‘.\' iiml all of the prnduco of r\.~lllilllll and the‘ vicinity. TTId(‘ (lo-mo.-'. the mm" up-U)-(lllt snd the l)l'fil t"l'..l[l[)t‘.l‘-‘uUfllf')' store in Lho rn ur‘t;, l'Ul’?‘.lfil1?.-' must of the noted- :ll£l"~ nf lift for our people." l'pon nrrning in the town Vl- wine in on tho one msin street that o lS stall‘ .i«'-. l'.i.a. - liiied Vlllh start-s, garage-_c, hlnck—,. ‘fhllll shops and the plant of Ash- izmds \(»l0' nc-wspa; e~r. Down townfrl '.lH- )llHCl.l'>I of the msin utrret with the ntl'tt‘r .-ttroot of the village. we ~'l‘f' lltr town pump, the one 800$- ~«»._\' <1» (1-hlY‘.‘i(ill to small Miss--Iii '.'lll£lL'l'~. , lfu’. UH‘ um‘ tr:-at Hf ll'H' l"l'.l l1 In ~11 and that will’! the town hist - ‘SID, J W. Wilcox. commonly call “lluglv-" Wilt-ox by his friends. [3- ltlvrllfl", i-upvrvado-r, 0-cfitor, compo-II’. publisher and ms-nor of Ashlnnas .~«-lo‘ new in; T 3. "ihr .\ lilunll lluflll-. - imti that hr has been thus ep- ;.!. _w~:l tiw Bugle for forty-six _\'t-.'H‘:< and during all of that tinw hi- l--L. ‘s Hf mot hiniiiz .~'uli_('ited an ad- «vim-r.t, .. ~ulm('riptiun H4»! at Ih*\\ -‘tury. \\'ht-n asked how Io m.:i.~:-.m-«l to --im :i napvr on thi- lviisis lw :._\< that his paper "is snrt of Is f:in~l_-. ru-wspapo-r where the people of tho» (‘I\f'lll1‘.'JflH_\‘ volunteer ihe nv-\\ — uilvertning llltd‘ subscrip- i':«-n- " They bring this information to thv «-flicv -if the lrtigle and Ir. Wilt‘ -x can ll‘.U.~ usr his leisure l.lfl'lO, tlw tirnr that he would have tn use otherwise in procuring this mntmn. in grinding out those little tdll.U!'lIll sayings thst haw made the- Buglv famous throughout thv l'nit- ed Stat:-s, .lu.t the other day the editor had a letter and s clipping from a friend in New York City Who had seen one of the fnrQer‘s editor- ml ~quibs in :1 theater progrsm and had clipped it to sénd to its Iuthor at home. ‘ ' ' ‘ .\~hlsnd Hsd $3! Tdofhott \\e find in our conversation the t IIH \l'l"i 7-377 i nth“ nauxcs of tlI¢.villngl- that they-‘ village nf .\shl But most uf the '_ -_\ reminiscing on the past Vlr- old-tlnit-rs who grow up with the Watch Park Hill Grow! '° —,-..d lltln street of Ashltnd. At right" mos. sins snd developments of the home town and lls sonu-what ufllqlli‘ chsrocta-is. For instance. they tell us with pride that Ashland had the first u~l't-;:h«“-nr “this anyone knows about" the’ state of Missouri. I! rsn fni Ashland to Guthrie. s din- tancr of eight miles. This was bsrl. ih 1884-‘ The telrphono: was brought t«.- .»\.-hliiinl by J. W. Johnston. wb-‘~. Whll(‘ attending sn T Philadelphia. saw the tflcphone on exhibition and ordered ft for l‘!!! home town. .\lr. Wilcox wss one of tho firs! persons to talk «war thi~ "long di.~‘.zmcc" line. The telephone hsd nu hells nor slffllllnfl sppsrat-us slid the p0l'xn't< st the other end nf fihe lll!t' \\'(‘TI' cull:-d by tapping or. A button in the lf'lt'plIUnl‘ box with u pencil. Mr Wilcox -«.1,»-s. (lot in the country adjlcvnt L.- Asihliind we find thv vnly ox ranch in the suite. lt is nwntil by Sam A Nichols. uho .~p«-ciulizi-~ in produc ing ')XQ‘ll fo- :h¢- t.r;ido- that has he come almost o-xtmct in Miumziri. He does all "l tho work on has furrr. with ox-power. The-re is not a h unit or trir'r»r m the farm. Thr ox:-n :in- not \\'flll\l‘Il hsnd enough .11 thvir young life so that they will not sell on the stock market for Tm-f when they get old- -cr. Mr. .\'icln»l.-i ~hippcd two su-er~ this spring to the St. Louis murlu-x vthnt weixhe-«l ovvr ll tun each. In alltllllurl. this ox raiser in iremud *5» lll1‘hl.NlUl’|hll‘:llh(‘ t«.n.\'n as being :i “lziu3;vi. C;llilli0l maker, physicinii. li.'iL,".i'~?, ilvli tn vi-ti-rinurian. ll \ '.ul‘l.'i!‘._ pli‘ \i\l (‘UTl).~“lHYu‘-4i"litut‘ ;iiivl :i ~;v(-lll-i-«ii-r «»f the‘ Jii~'tlm- cw-urt_" Asliliiml ‘.~ tliv ll». m1- of Mr. and Mrs. J. ll. .\‘ii;'n_ the lilinrl couple who wt-rr rm-o~iitl)' married iiftrr 8 Courtship of -uinw for-ty—5ix years, AI )'¢‘»'JllK pt-nplv they were in Jcliool uact-(ht-r st an institute for the blind in St. Louis. Herc their courtship started more than forty _v¢-ars ago but l(‘\'(’Y"<(‘S in life did not permit of their mnrrisge until with- in the last few weeks. . n well-to-do broom maker. refused s perisiiin on his blindness l1P(‘flu'4O.* he felt he was self-support .ing. The bride, who was formerly Miss Mary Smith. hss been blind from birth. Mr. Sspp bccsrne blind at the age of 8 or someone got too horn. thnt wus hnnxing on 3 bed 'post over him. with I ligrtbd pipe There are many such interesting clufbcters in a ’ around the little c¢ they try to penusdc T ,to join them. but, slthmflh 334* Will drink aster. he will not swallow one morscl of food. There insy be dogs with great sf- fc-cti-on for their kind but this one hss pushed hit amorous Yfillflfl ll?" thef. He msy continue his fa.-will until he gets luck to rcnew his cnm~ paninnship with his fnvorite. \i-gw HONORS I-‘mt El.l.w00D French Writerwljttl 3-fidlori-t‘ Anon: First 5 in l‘. S. A recent French book on "The Place of Sodolofy in Education in in.» United states." published "5 ‘- nch publisher, Har- .-\. Ellwood of the Univ!-rsity of His- muri among the flvf lfifialfil """l"l°‘ giQ1§ hyjng [f1 the l'Y1l'J'd StIl.(’S 3‘ hr prvscnt tihu‘. The others me-ntioncd are Pnvf. .-\. , Small of the Unis’:-rnity of (ihi~ (ago, l’l‘Of. Franklin of (Jiunihia l.'ni\'¢~r!lit)'; Phif. EdW8T‘d _.»\. lips; of the l‘nivt-rsity of Wiscon- ~'l."i ziml Prof. Vhiirlt-s llortun (‘WJPY .-1 the l'ni\'(~rsity uf ,\fichlKI"— Gm‘ wleriahle span‘ is devotettl to sit in ;ll_\'t4l.\ of the work uf curl! Hf WW9? U“-n_ nulhur uf the lmtlk lfi llr. lr‘n Jvfifh \h'llllnm RUYYHIY‘. o Thr April issue uf tho l.«~ndL-ti Q1l.'lTll‘Fl:‘ Revwx-. cuntaiiis R \‘¢‘l')' {..v«.rnhlr- review of Professor l-Ill~ Wood's lxmh "The Reconstruction of ii.-iiirl«»n." Hiiii-: '('¢TNxi;iiv ATURY 7'. WILL Ilsrdin ('ol|¢-gt Ms)" Ri-cdve M50,- ooo (lift I-‘roui ludisns, lhv announcemc-nt thst th6')' 3"‘ lp” hav.- 2; (‘nose-rvistory of Husic. Tl”! ll'lnul.ln(‘Pll|t'nl was the outt'unit' Pkrtl)’ of n stall.-nu-nt mzulr l')‘ \ r B_ _\‘n:,'ilo-r of Bfllll. Ind‘: wh" re «-untl_\' ~Iiml that ll? was r‘-lilo.-m» plating building I 3150.00“ L‘‘’"’"' \,;;-_..r),- 1:; memory of his wifr, MN- ()1.-lls bnfolt Snyder. in former stu- dent (if mUIlC It Hlfdlfl. 7 .{lthou¢h nothing has been E!"-'7' out by the officers of Hardin as su- zh.-ntic. sn smtouncement msde by 1., any receive the gift or not. s MONEY FOUND Selling Old Mscuines Phone £2 Csll KLA88 COM. CO. A ...L$ 4_.__.. .- TYPEWRITEIS 1’nd4_-rwools for rent. Remington . Portables for sale. Bryén Caner. Y. H. C‘. A. ‘ENE (Sinai: an 55r[h.IIL iEvery.Evening Except During the summer nonths we will close at 5 ¢i'cIock, and nail you to do your shopping early. 1' :aj.3-=3 13$ _~ Have you placed your Sunday Dinner Order W , Wit carry a large assortment of flavors in bulk and brick cream and ices this warm weather. Make the meal complete with Frozen Gold. 1?luowwer£h6H9 5“ °’“"‘°“‘h‘ the te just out w! t‘ l mints, .d find ti. '.A.i-il r.d. ‘mdi I’ hss i . . the world do usages, 33? ‘k 31: tb Albert Hg; 38‘!!! 3h‘fIl!.‘°t‘uC¢Cfi(sa!':‘)l :a:\>pu;I‘.laC‘?'f of eigtl; 342 ;TCl‘p—:3,".5. Fgur "Eire Of COhmb“n it E“? bought KDMI lfi — ‘ "’c'”h ‘R . twenty yurs st the first 33;: :h,< H.‘-did: lsaxfvthtn that last &n3!_is. ass park am home‘ in t& “st three d‘)-3_ “'h}- not rad Ugh palm of 6*‘ $55‘ "“§.l"“.'b‘d “:":“'P‘ of Ashhid. sun thst I’. I-mi tahem ls year: old. lk u~li- us . you-iscuuuofshgq ptoo 3““ E a“¢i 3&5‘ K a be bu \ um! ll tr nu. nf :‘~.'. llh Ls: - . . —.i-: of \"i»Ll7 “'h' t ‘ look the htegt - ’ ’ l“''u‘* 1‘ ‘h"‘ av.‘ R ‘T’ s iob |3.tl5:naw (‘:p:t: trsil rfiihr r»-~r—v.:lsv.im id: t:.‘:;Q)e:.:\\:"."r’:d. one ‘L } rm :0 at ‘nd (re. “Hg, gggfigggn 65% lnktlflfifléfil l‘? F°“% nan. hjtfiwjy ‘nil nm sfcbng: the’ xx-‘rm-n at"-J that on the sI'rr.;-.1"-. ~:’ tin“-Q in bun!‘-l0WS "CU “'31 in fur Q. FT tiiatnx ' ' . ‘ VII fit‘! 1- , Ki 1 — ti 3 2o-r~ .» .' :5 .”. h -‘T . - ' ' body. is the has (‘lKlQi..!‘l!f mm R ‘:';;3th‘:‘n’g¢A:h!‘::d mu e.!eJNj‘;::‘ 733;“ eliiierent stages of ctI$‘uction. thus ensblinfl Kflu 9*” I. R3’ I U13. Tnfi R Iiibtkh till ti‘ ~.ll’3\|.-' ~‘...;:e.':ts fmu Basic (1 .-:-ity t_._-‘Z. see ‘Q-‘Cw th - ': ‘flu tn“ Q‘. _ luau 3'=,__=______ "fl ‘ ma:-Ii of 5! Ifiilrvm am: migciin-ng W‘ \ ‘ ’ 9) ‘TE L ‘g 1”. T ‘b. UIIAIT1DGI'l'.VII'®(1K-fh6¢€¢UI%f'!'~fi!5‘0¢'l"'E’» ‘l r‘ 4‘-‘~”*“A“"‘ '~ "U ‘’ *“' .. ~ "_. ,. - » , _ vcyfisixollsmcrnnl TTA ‘s tndmam an 5"‘ _"‘~‘“"-‘ up from lsnd I23‘ 3 rill:-ct at or"! at am 35: Prices sre var) ‘tr. conudenng fish!‘ 30" Into-" fin. Io- mi! tho his if III! frontier. stars‘-s. a rxfixdttruius of t.“l'Os* Km. “E! term. 1%.. “shy my rent of live m g‘ '. x - T} lacuna - rrt znnts of hirnusymen had me . .. .3 13- .6‘... “ The can mew‘ tr.-din: router for tr pa.-z . he in an undesirable C4133.” tic usur- tn: country. I’-inch b} lI-lII- .c..“:r' ~ “ct nut t.-mo. tn I-.~ » _ i“ hi hudth-aqhththnlooltx-tin-:9: ti;-."9.s'1 up as has (rt;-‘yd 1'' dis. tllu typical nus:-iuin t;re~.1.u: d ojsvautzng vulis I: .3. T" ‘frag? ‘I. ‘fill ii. nuihthe tus1it.sHo_ uDinrv§tOOcrIJIlI't1h|nofltg.—«Ol:d j‘ ‘in 5: advance at L-iviuuuoo w-.n.~.n.s s u“.!’ p.11 srhh :r.~—outp¢ of - -—~- -~~ V in-1OIiI!n‘¢thor1stxhctr-‘¢Hy'tnrr¢hsé1y.sll -an - , __... usual unsung.‘ — Xawsinfisncan nus smpyal“ to Eghmi; cl hgaug "" ‘ ' " utublvnarbilathsnnryxaetnpa-tact-cythszrlndssfld Q . thuassius-u-ilhshcc-&cHs.h¢:-alsaocdu:ao¢aarniil.aslcl ' ‘LA. &es~s&1-that an autism» iiuruga no... ’ " "5' tin n"“3‘7 I-uslhlaru h-ixmonldi-imzzristsseix and 8 phi &_ - ,_ i .31-siuicslislusiun -.!~ *2 '1 ,>~_ ;~..s_., Q S‘ Y J :‘ " r ‘ '3‘ "l _ --.4-2..— -13 ‘r 2213.... . '3 , ..-;.':‘l-5 with it; healthful !Ifin= and unit; and histurnl Vllflfif dirt riff l'ilrl=»I,-I-r Imi- hfl i 10173:! fart every day he ‘lid? I% l_It§!iliIfii-£51117 OM-$1!!! ‘ %diQC$O—-4303» 7"’ "“““‘ nhufir“ """'*"“"‘7‘”‘ sun ““'* Oranges imam sag Fruit From one heart of me «go; st-call.-c Empire