“ wits i>m_>1i. 65'“ iroitius‘ * Creations Out in Brilliant 0Jlor's--Ef- fect of Rich Textiles ls Produced. ' J. S. Aakeney, pnolenor in the em of'tho University. apeat the weekend in Jefloeaon Clty watching 9 rts from New York place one of e Brangwyn tions on tla--walls of the _rotunda at the Capitol Building. Bran yn has painted four large " decorations for the pen ntives of the rotunda. taking for his sublect the building of this state. Here he pictures bane life. the develubmflll of industry and the landing of La-' lflode. 'The scatfoldfrig alone cost pvt-rl$3,000. There is at-at diffi- culty in placing these tbcorations. as the scaffolding had to be erected from the flour to the tin) of the , dam;-_ .Bn'¢ig\v_vn has also painted ' g lgrge (‘llmpoflltlnn of folk (POOP! of figures for the dome. ‘ Br:ingw_vn's paintings are done in oil on heavy canvas. The canvas is ; applied to the wall by a heavy p_astc - made of white lead and Venetian " turpentine. It is ililficult to mount ‘ a canvas cm a concave surface at luch a height. The work is being ’ done by an expert from .\‘o-w \'ork.l Prank Bmngwyn, an .)'l[ll'4l'l ar- tist living in London. was a pupil of William Morris. l*lran_gis'_vn is known for llln work in glass and metals as well as for being an i-tchor oi’ note. He is one of the foremost painters of m rn world. The cit); Art Museum at St. Louis has rH‘!°n!- ly purchased one of his pkturea. Brangwyn is considered one of the finest decorators living today. ac- cording to Mr. Ankeney. He says. "Brangwyn's work is romiiisceni of three phases of wall decoration. llc rocalh the atosaiciirts of the Middle Ages. the tapestry wemeirs of the ltenaiiu-ance and the mural painters of the Venetian school." ' ' Brangwyn'ii decorations are car- " out in brilliant coloni. He is careful to keep the pattctn of his (k~aign. Brangwyn has said that a good picture should also make a good rug. When one of hi: pictures is placed on the floor it gives the effect of an Aubusson carpet. Brang ,- \vyn's method of work. ac Mr. Ankenoy, is to make the compo- sition on a small scale am! then to -turn this over to skilled assistants iwho transfer the layout to a larger .ean\-as. Brangwyn then takes the {composition and, after making the necessary clmngea. gives it the final technic. He gets the effect of rich textiles through broad hamlling and s perhonal fl.-chnic. Profeaaor Anlteney feehi certain ‘that in this series of decorations ’ Miaaouri has e of the finest bchievements in modern painting. He says that the whole sflte is in- dehted to Brangwyn and to the com- mittee that secured his Grvices. l'.VEMl’l.0YMENT AT IDW - ‘ Ll-IVBL FOR I2 M_0h'TII8 Farm Labor fiortage increasing- inasmiul Labor i. work. ing Fall Time. .1 United Peas.- WASHINGTON. June H.-The wholo country is at work with un- i employment “at ‘its lowest point for lve months. the United States bot Board reported totky in its nthly report of labor conditions. Analysis Of the nfitlofll survey van out by the department shows t farm labor shortage is iii- ceasing, having become acute in same sections. that industrial labor is generally workim full time a in eolle uses overtime. and that un- tilled labor has been largely ab- -wrbod by rind building aid similar activities. The following is a sectional analy- Nlll 0‘ ""Pl03?mont conditions: . In the West North ti-nlral district, including Minnesota. Missouri. Iowa, lmlaaa. North and South Dakou abd Nebrastu. there is ii great de- land for frm he _ on account of the imminent when arveat in Kan- no C -lasod demands for workers. ,\€AcAriiiii'”roa°'i.-‘Aw rscci.ri' Prof. it. c. and J. i.. _ plans to go awn but will be in ualhia all summer. -.‘ . . P ’ l. ‘ l "_,’ ',, ‘ . . '.' 9- - “yo if-'1: e it-' ~04» 5-o'— : , - . 0 I .. l 0'. . _ - , 5 [ a . I ‘ I I ' rooms and - s w. The eldest boy will perhaps be re- . mcinbered by the older students as 'alae. - his protege! have 1''’! Its: Edith Shapland wasted the l‘’‘ d family of W. 6. Adams near (‘entra- AIIII-t lta last .' -Prof. J. Mia! Mattie Tate of Knox (‘ity is at Columbia Un.iv¢aity _ - hon visiting her parents. Mr. and mer. ‘He will loave'July 5, lid ro- Mrs. Ion Tito. turn the last of August. fie will Mrs. losostautermsn of near Mn. in his the rod d the t.imo..horly spent Saturday visiting B. A. '—-'----— Berry and . "L" 870:7 9" '3" l3‘ L. Brown rod 1. L. mberton Um nu‘ 0' ”3.x'C0 each shipped a car load 0 hogs to St. Louis this week. l"' 3:‘ ”'m.’''.,' a,.":.,"";,;'""' Miss Nadine Hall is in Columbia Leave Soon. ——————$—— for a week's visit with her cousin, Miss Lucile Stewart. Miss Nell Walker of the Spanish Mr. and Mrs. Searcy Dysart are department of the Univenity. Mrs. visiting r-.-latives of Mr. Dyaart in Max Meyer. and o Crider will Woodlands-ille this week. go to Mexico City. exico. shortly Mrs. M. ll. Pt-mberton has lu.-en after the close of the spring term to elected to teach in the griide school e oll in the summer Spanish course next year for 880 a month. t 't is being offered by the Unlver- G. 8. Robinson went to Alton. lll.. sity of Mexico. Saturday to visit his brothers Ruby The (ours. min. _',_ .nd and JQWCH ‘M M 1.3.1:, um” ~,¢u.; 1;-_ “carding 3., 0. F. Nichols and family spent the 31.3,. \t'.”;..,_ ".1 5,. offered to nu. week-end ln (‘olumliia vi-iting their dun, 3, we] u to te.ch.r._ The daughter and sistar. .\lrs. liwio instructors ln the course will be pro- 30"?“- fesaors from the University of (‘ol- LN‘ 071*" bvlllrhl I ‘Had UT lflmlh orado. University of Havana. Co- ‘°"d3)' “Hm l“"“l*l'W" “ml P""‘* lumbia Univariiity, and the L'niver- l'¢"'l4'" 03‘-ll had llwm 5'' 5‘- sity of Mexico. The credits givenylavui-‘ fllflrlifl T095435’- in the course will be accepted by the HTS. 3- - -'\llll-vqfl “'3-' Vlllml l-' lrlcllnfl universities throughout the Tul-‘B. Uhlu-. -Qufldfll-' W U0 113 UN‘ ioiintry. Misa Walker said. till fare of o.-we-half the usual rate to ”'""3- ran! from Mexico City. and a nnc- Mr‘ I“ R‘ Q‘““l‘ “ml lw" d“”"h’ h.” fun. on ‘H trip“ my“, while in gen attended Vic niarriaire of Mrs. ‘\g,..‘,(..,. uick's .-istelt, Mi.-.~ Laura Bess ’ - . . l.- “Maiij. side trips to places of his. ’f‘'“l“’m' ‘' M’ D‘ -J'\" '" ( Mum M haturday. torical l.".lt.‘f!'Bl have been arrang- ed." Miss \\'allthes——Qualit_v ('.othes—At reasonable prkes. Pay as You WEAR Buy Now For the 4:1; STl§NDARD MER ANTILE co. 303 Walnut St. 6 T"? ‘- .- * . .’i f_ ' -H". W} _‘}.-fv",‘,1F." L‘ 1-agflpauty .- _ l.lDPlHlM"fl'l K. lvlll till lo » I _"‘- \ .1. V _- p ’ o-‘Q ;1_.1_‘.i . llr;__;' 1: _<_( Q} _. I’ 1 1 . re-‘-"-*-~-H-"‘°“ --3'“ .. 2-.'.....;r ‘ 0 ’ ’ ' Wflw - -sue is ri-infra Yflk Exhibi- : . - ~-- L 3 " muss: Contest. v A 7:7 ? V Tfijj s ‘V, baaineaa Monday. . H. M. Garlork syn-ciali.-it in ani- ; . _ . Mrs. d. Rice visited Robert Rice may husbandry of the agricultural C. I. Mcganthalor wont to Ram and f. ly Sunday and M0045! extension ‘ . w in charge . kn‘ v, ’- III & III bulness Moafiy. Mrs. W. 1' lllflidlfl of the boys and girls hah_v beef 3 , 15. [deg Club shipped a mixed the week with Mrs. . . P. r. clubs. ha received official notice load db?’ and sheep on Monday. Fella ' and Vi!!! “'01- that the fourth annual .\'..rthm-st Mrs. J. . Kallflalted the family lie. Rice and f8fl||l.\' Thufidly Ind Missouri Baby Beef Show will be _ at Area flows:-t in Colusntiis Satnr- I-ridsy. . _ _ , . held October it». 16 and 1? a the 35! ¢.,_,_q - Mrs. J. L. Pickering \'-lsllefl l-Zmet- stoekyardl in South St. Josoo . ‘.-U lleflllar preaching services will be te_Burlt8 Ind fluid)’ 1" (-"l“"'b" J. O. Barclay. Dfiesiilt-nt 5: the w It ' ky.rd’ (‘”n‘pan’-. .nd u Carroll, traffic manager. .innountie cash prises exceeding 8.-‘rho, in addi- tion to five frec trips for each -.oun ty sending rep.-i-sentativo-. This will mean eighty free trips. {oi there are about sixtnen u>unt:e.~ in .\'orthwest Missouri. There are -130 calves ,lmm_r i‘.-ll far this ahow hy the lioys and girls who are members of the stat» rlul.,~. til‘- ganized by Professor 0arl(fl‘h Real Estate Transfers ind dei:.ir‘.nicnt~i concerning the L°'~‘ J°'"'‘ ‘” Fr"-"k "ml Vl-12134‘ <')li‘il‘Lf iiistitute for Count‘. pulilic Fl. Baumgartncr, ‘mic {is .1lxi.c, “..](;.r,. \._;|,,.rmu,nm,M_. 1.-mm mp,-,. 3100. y i -. . -‘ 11- \\.ll go to .lollI~.to-i u Littttul ii l-rank B8Ulll|(X1l'lllt'I Ill:-l ui.’i- to _ (-I A u,u,.g. {_“._i.__\ U,,,f,.,_ Lee Jones. K“ '-~l.-Ll, ' " \'l-I 5- (.m.,_._ .,p .~ s‘ ‘;''>.. - E -- ‘ “ ‘- ii‘ ”- ‘l-‘ll’ H. l. hemp.-ter. chairman of the L. \\ and l.‘.l.l8 l’. Berry to Lon. poultry department. who ha. been me I). Walker. [farts lots 27-32. and filveiidiiig his \'84‘Illt)ll in .\licl.:g:iii, ‘I2 lngleside .-\dd.. (olumoin. 5500,00. will ul‘!'lW' lll ('olumti::i in time for Lawrence and Kiln. ll;_-mfi(.M 9.. imgi-trutztiii for the \li.‘llnlt‘l' term. W. li. BaUnl[U.ll'l'.I". H. 5! ft of \\I ~. Kt..::-ti-r. .‘:I"V'll!tilli ml by l".l.~ I02 ft. of Lot :'i_ muliluq -__",'_ 5;, tLiiiil}‘.ini.t.»r1-iltii .—.lcii.Lun. lie 1.- phens -ccond Adel. l UNIVERSITY NEWS E .lIYll('S l). l‘:.'‘1'_’iiwi l.,_- _. :~ 14 vtinlniittot '11‘.-1 -L Boonville. Mr. make preparations to 't‘lll't‘. will arrive .-r-motime this wee-it tr. take charge of the extension poulti°_\' department. Mr. Shrader ll‘ lV¢"'ll ;'i Warren.~liurg operating ii chicken hatchery. place of T. S. Totrn.-ley here. 'l‘ownslcy resigned March I. rural life tll‘llflTllTlf‘IIl. of the l,'nivi-rsity. went to letfe-ison (‘My Wednesday night to confer with \'It‘l0Ll.‘~ ~"t.'.tc hoards L. Morgan of the i-zuriimi: by train. (‘linking Masons “Ill Build. 1 ll‘ for .\l.i~on~i \'.lll r.:i\i- ll l‘t‘\\' wzililug \\!lllll‘ ii ii-:ir. Tlltji‘ lltllz ~txirt a new }lll\()Ylll' Temple will -'..'llt'h ‘.'.tll rut’ .\‘l'.ll_tNlU and ‘l V “T” -‘N ‘e .Ill (ll. ‘ft-L! .\llt~Ul‘.li' Tl‘!-_\ lmxr ;i ltll ‘fill huililvig "uiitl. TllI"'l’ :it work itow raising » (nmlrlt't'(' lb!" liullilmg. —— ..:._j., -4 (‘olumhia Mattress Factory. UH iiiuttrc-ssi-~ \i'\\' zziuttrt-.~ st-.~ flllil _sp(-cull fil‘tl('l§ mione ins | ii-i..ail( .0. _LaVs-get the Simon-acent The sun is the largest but the cent so close to your eye that you’ll lose sight of the sun. lIc’tIss aehoap'g':ls'a'o:a ETI . myinthe vinoe you. Is the quality leav- ener—for real econo- always use Calumet, one-trial will con- lta sales are 255 time as much as that of any other braid d.:‘.eaa hakhg kitchen, BABY CHICKS require careful att)ention—and just the right kind of feed. Red-Ring‘ Chick Mash Red-Ring Chick Feed will start them right air "other Ring Feeds wil maturity. P ‘r\ i lll PT _ ‘ rii7*'*i'&~’' ll.” .4.’ ?' "3 raise them to B0 ONE COUNTY 1-inmtc Cr ELEVATOR (:0 Ni: 9 f“lll‘7T’ll7’e‘,V-'T1ll.'7.'."J A p/' and Red- L Miss Tull is a former stu- dent. in the lfniveraitv and a member of the Phi Mu sorority. Harold T. Bar? and Barry Perri- iin drove to Fayette yesterday and f't"LlfT‘P(l by "will go from here to Kansas City and- drive thmuzh to (‘alifornia about July 7. He is a graduate of the College of Agriculture. ll. 1.. Shi-ailcr. who lias been away ‘mm the Liiiversit) on leave of ab- Barr- lle will take the Mr. her home in Philadelphia. Mr-a.D.8. Loulstovioitherlnother DLW LN tralia to visit her parents. Mr. Mrs. J. H. M H. D. Wilson of Detroit. who vis- ited his frienfl here. returned this moi-nh‘ to is Mine. AT THE HOSPITALS Parker Memorial. True D. Morse was admitted last night. Boone County. Those discharged yesterday’ Weft" Mrs. Mary Donohow of Anhland and Miss Anna Katherine Silkw- Horman Proctor was admitted yua- terihy. Those mlnitted this morning were: Mrs. T. J. Talbert and Fred Coons. Dr. Matske to Philadelphia. l)r. Editll Hethtes Mattie. "0- man physician at the L’ii_ii-emit)’. i- leaving at the clan of this term 70f y went to St. Columbia. Tl'lL')'lt‘i--I‘. orria went. to Mexico where they will ~t:i:'? v. to attend thi Court in session there. film about Jul)’ 13- “ Mrs. C. L. Ewards went to (‘cn- pressed a liliimr to: t l.‘ and said that thP)' ah:-1- ' l 6 rom Lo: A ngcle - In . dlgtp tn\\l.. ms»-4-- __-7—j-—- . 4 _:_._.-. ..z.‘—- 1-———_ 1fU.--_3-- 2" '93,.‘ i ? ‘ nan» tinoqii rnciisnuc niinoiq *'°'*' “""“ ‘“"""' "W oh“ .nd pe."&"'..m.. -‘L : _ N1’. and J‘. l3 Miss Caroline fill of St. Joseph ’ ' * ' ’ 4- A . Mr. aid Mrs. W. 1* ‘- arrived yes 3: to be a student Mrs. Ituekerflafson wenttbcefbi Afitltt-‘ 0' ""_‘ in the summer session of the Uni- tralia to visit bu Pla cs (o. spent lm .d-4)‘ DR. Rl'l-Z.\'(‘Hl-IR (‘Iiiropractor Miller Building Phone 1979 ._ -_ -._‘__§k‘ 1 Learn to Private Lessons MRS. Phone 2048 DANCE J by appointment any JAMESON cs. - or ' Spinal lssiie _Victor Records Lnderbdn the Meflow Mall 3 Abra River Shsaoua can Ten-inch Victor Record No. l%7l Wlsn "in Ilh SC Shh Fa \lo?—-Fd Trd . lniussosnsl Noeolty Orclissin Ccns(IoisdIisMyHsm -—l-‘oxfrsi Ten-inch Vicetr Record lqb9 Sow Mil lint load—Foa Trd Tlss Cred White Wu Orchots Everyhiag is K. 0. in K-Y.—Fcx Trot Mhite Teas-inrh Victor Rc-_ord Nu. l,074 \'i'ild-fbwor-—KaIay Fa Er: (Fran Wild-Flower’ ') Droa-y Melody-—Rs&y Mouiah Moon»-—Medl Teoioth Victa Record l9077 Croorrlldnalldwvi Ctnrbaflart l...iwisJ$u Croat White Wiy Orchestra nssnusdltiaonhsars Great Who. In orctium eyWah // / Taylor Music Co. What do they mean -"Senior Wrangler”? YOU ml? not have irict one of those dear old b°y’*"‘Ox°m3n 3913» Whit. What?-—but our ideaofia senior wrangle:-in up a lather with the wrong There’: no “wran 1' ID lather with Willianis' Sghlang necessary to get '23 min tryingto work kind of shaving cream. Vin g Cream . Squeeze °‘." ‘ 3Pendthrift's dab or a tightwad’s dab-it's all the same. lather [hit 80ft‘Cn8 the base of every hair, And but of a decidedly beneficial eflect on your skin. No ‘ complexion soap could do more for you sh,“ Williams’ does every time you shave; Ge: 3 tube of W'illiams’ today “Id sin zivinz y at‘ ..' .£sc¢tliisholp('ulcars.o -' /,’,l’A‘ ‘H ‘l ' f.'o "‘Va ‘J W I’ \ tabla Either way you get a bi g. ctficicnt board right down to the a1l.'thi. bag Williams’ lather in. iaohiaod You run ‘C oadfl ‘CU Qlw