l l 3. ‘tfla. M,-.~-. . . ’3"fi.__;~‘:'; .‘o.“»§49 i"‘V€.'."3l‘-R. .0 . Je- va‘. ‘ ii ‘I VJ.a“$ T" ' .1.. .§ . 2.. . “ *1 . -5 .2. ...¢. . .....s..a &a"’a. ‘V ‘ -ac-cu‘ s. *‘-?’<' .’g ‘I- .’ " l c K. . y.‘‘'_ a .;. :4 ordinance V I 'tba of I& and.’ F ulspeetlos kit). w (I also . the. handling of mi It by persons expos-. ed so contagletllleeaee. a thing which _ present law. Dleod ,l9l I, d not do. This ordinance, if _ ‘will simply a.rev‘lalon of the old. flinging it downpto dds. b The (set that niost of Columhlts ‘milk supply cdlnes from its several diries will make enforcement of‘ the ordinance easier. ' ‘ -. -s ‘P. F"- .. . t. ‘ire. 3- o.. “flute--Q0-Q -sz.11~e': .. . I l n ° sump elf 'prevelt:ia woe‘! now. 5 " Tllhgh takeiof an sues- . 0' ‘ bfvu‘ ¢u,l&,aCal'&_ge-hon assessed on ooedmllkoedlaaneols '5"“‘5“:':;“"' '7'‘ The". tin filed.» &rease the 8'7 . b@ in rflabrnittilng it to tho ’ honroe aty bolhd of does- a... was itllstantly mu- ad illlnafi when he fell from ilraas slsth not-yo! the E. Shukcrt ...,w mm ‘pmpnm buldlng. . V ‘ veiai h im plasterers O,“ ours in 3t. Louis because .thc;,' an increase of 25 ccnts an hour. The defunct National Bank of . * tl 5?“ tflsweek scholar-slaps granted aonuany oootothreegradaateoofthocolaashia ’Schodwhoharoatqlo eaeqtio reoords. The Peking Gcbol of Jour- nalism is to award tia CVO-yfil’ fol- lowships. each carrying a stipend of $1,000 a year. to enable graduates ' rromi-1 to take advanced uudies in universities hand knowledge of American news- ;n the United Stabs gala firet- papor work. with a view to returning to ( hina better equipped for work on native papers. ' The new school. aeoording to the cdumfl. i. .1“-.4, up at; fi.¢f‘dlidl"5|'¢ *0"! §7°-000- 11 blfltk policy outlined. will ofler a four-year ye, Mn‘. “fr, ‘uh . mi. 0"”, KT-30.” I 1099071! "f d°P°"l‘ course leading to a baccalaureate dc- aance. ll that ordinance is revised will have taken a long'step toward health. which is fundamental to progress. - _ TODIANY uaaoas . ltaly is tired «I decorated fronts and heroes. She has decreed that it tip more than reocaiu. Hie Q35 podlo to hecorao a dis&- future awarding the bake will be a alightly_raore eacltislve prireduro. ‘lhoworld willhe to&r of‘ forit is a little fed up’ at ltalian; medals -and many coun- $s'hsu-Lfeit that. judging by the deploy of decorations, their com-' vqy by c rison. . noawealt: w_as sadly lacking in bra- I_1I-r-u,iod-em-oiacroauuui ltalyhsdoaietorecegflae that CV-3 erydegreashduldft ‘ (bl. ’0lI0atlt.b'utIflIl.Ib&co-i leandoeora--P°t"l'4 tors reoently. _ to fit. new oconditions. Manila. 1.. 1.‘ swamp’ had to choke J. Kline into ufiohsciousacss before rescuing him from drowning in thc Gaseonadc River. - .L_....__ - Colfllcfi-‘CV55? miles of roads in ' . costs for which auIeuat|oll0ACl.2l of 815,956 a mile. 6. or an oversize Artlllf Ray and ‘Clarence lic- Crfina were sentenced to tun yc.''.I‘s . .'&°‘ *"i“ an ‘.d mu 5 “‘ in the penitentiary for robbing the postofflee at Bloodland. -_ J. I. IaVay of Kansas City has appointed it-opresident of the state board of health. to succeed I-‘. E. Iurphy, who resigned. _....._. ._. ‘fl. Nellie of Trcnton Was. recently awarded $.'i0,0ll0_ daraagm against the Rock Island Railroad for the death of her hu.-bald. Tb wheat crop. tho stalc is c\- to total M.5l'.'1ltm burhcl. this year. which Ls .'i,6¢‘»‘l.000 bushel». . ' am,‘ or ‘ ‘coum,’ I...“ ‘val’. . more than was raised last ycar. ' rare pi of aorvloo-—-scathing‘ Q it for O _ ll>lInIla.ot' broadcast: _ which o I truly disti truiahed and worthy of the attention of the world. Award- esscr service is a corrup- tion of its real use and only taku: away from its worth. - ‘ The ing of ' the wlmlesalo; ‘awarding f medals «will be nude up for in my add {here it moan’ more than the dime-novel ooncep- lion. 1 L-—--—-—-——U-o—-— Till DIET DILEIIIA om’: all-ight has been glveii a‘ lot of publicitty. For the last two years, especially; hotnmen andvwomen wh have a little- surfld is have be-enubosiogodma . A Polmlhr with ditty article whloa flelkaflp )0 at flesh: d--heaaty ~ c a ajateat al rcdactfif i "sestnsa..h tlrmg. bvelg r*=”’:-:..~.~*n:~ sflialol ‘ - a us i i t {at .3“! to l ’l llnesoli slhnlaasoleslaaoaae-9 ‘calorie scheduled. as . Jnlide ndlirable by r¢heing' 9-ac. And 5 /.n.. we are all primed for is. ’ " method of getting nun-'00! he-it-d and au ware of the horrible con-~ htnptih lch extd-avolrdqaois is as-cw school ass: shag and :"[dt all your want of every- _ day time you wantl. It‘ dghu’t affect. your weight. ad to doprlvedeur, system of somethi it crives s injurious.” It ovdi dio- proves'the old stall about thh po- ple k ‘ cooler in the siaimer. lf‘at. i points out. is .1 not-¢0'."hIct.; at of L; V " - l But Oerolsoaethingthisdhtdl-‘ Irlnua does aceoaielah. and nut is‘ l. Charges of bribery xnm-1 J. l’ Nile. chief of policc at .\l'1l*.c;l;.’. haw. been dropped by inc pl0rt‘tll- ting attorney of Randolph county. Atlaeot and Qsts was J‘- aessed again t A frcd Massey. a ric- gro. for “keeping and mainta.ning ;. ' crap game" in St. Charles re-cc.'itl_v. The Westlake f‘onsl1’ar'.ini_i (W-. of St. Louis, was giun the '¢-ontract to hsild the Liberty Memorial at Kansas City. The bid was $l.ll._'_- 350. The Sarccxic jail was too small to hold the fourteen men it ho were rncstcd Monday night as I. W. W.'.~. so the men were locked up at (‘a.. thage. The Kansas Cit)‘ 'Br‘l;:c Co. I‘:- - lowest on tho rxver-py-4.- (mt: work in connecfiun with tho Clluflflfl water plant f--r thc city of St. uis. G0@"l0r Arthur M. Hydc has aji. fllllll "Thomas Brown Hf (fharlca- R. K. Muss:-r of Plattsbarg m of the butter public service Oil. ' flfifi Sprinkle. Webb (‘;ty_ was ’W.PWln of thc lmv'.l\.'lll (Cam Ct. Carnegie In.-tituti-,‘of Technol- OI!- .5 had to rcfusc ahr nfilcc ho»- eoose of graduation. 'HayoD0- B. Hall of Warrenaburg unconscious nnd burned o the right hand when he came in Olth an electric wi.':- in his garage last suamy. V - TB lfiulto of eaperim.-nting with oil spray will hr announc- Od at a meeting of tie: Sin.-sissippi Valley Appld Growers‘ A-sociatlcn in Hannibal tomorrow. Three Blue 6haTt.lT-Tcatfish, wt-igb lng soo pounds. '85 John Ibwe of St. Charles. ¢.A$.. , VOI IlIOII$d acres of soy he-ans _ .~u'l|s'r uf humor. _\' D0010‘? llroolt.-' Y't‘lI¢'f\lt"f «tat:-rncn: that one i:::in'.-— l!lfl"i‘l‘.L‘t‘ on an imlttution is nu’. ncnrly so nn;.urtunt ~'.ututiov\ l’.,.,.\in”_ n,N,t.,,2_,; held 3” hnctfl. Am"'l"“" “'3'?” d" ’‘‘'l “'‘'"‘‘7‘‘‘‘"'-‘ ll: ;i‘:~' ‘iwuzx ‘.\’('."C.’ Thu 21'"-~;al "ml " ('h"“'“" "“""°""l’ T" ”""“ !‘n~.:':'.;.‘ pzcvxir. whcn hc was prc.»rnt- plant thc former to thc latter I.'‘. .-c M v_.”__‘ fi‘-“M, Ind‘, mid a cam‘; \\.l-olesalc fashion :9 loom-h. anal H‘, H.‘-_-,{; _h.. K..;_.-ml gs.-u-r:zl)l_\' of '‘_'’‘-'"f"' "l“""""T"" ‘f‘'“‘'‘ ‘‘‘'r‘‘ stmlt-m~ 1:. thc mylztorium. when "93" n‘-"' ”'H''" "':"''m''"‘‘‘’ “W i-c ‘-l'Xl~ l*:‘v~i'."i'(l with a ltold xtalth nq-('o|sur_\' to my-"urn zi .;norablc and ._ .h., ‘mdcnuu harmonious reception. ' _ _ __ Much improvement .- H-.1.\..a From Hhio to falifornia. needed by. and can be (’lTt".l(‘fl tn. .\lr anal .‘»lv'~'. H. Yrnspg-r ..{ (‘.,_ inese or-wspapers. The ;»rufc~- l:imTw..- "M--. droxclvthrough Colum- l-in." Slltlllltl be rniscd ovcr anal aim» l;n _\r~:--wlay on their w;.y '4: l’a.~a- political scandals and party Hrffo-.~. dehzi. f‘:il.. whv-rc t?;c_\' will attcnd Thc nmko--up uf a f'h.m-.~c in-\\spn— '?w- L-r;..iu.'l:wn of lh('ll' .~t-n. l{«-P-crt. pct‘ can lie gr--nil} 1".iprm'ct‘., lo‘h ;.: I‘ in physical apponrtzncv :i.'::l .n qua" . .'|l‘t‘ lid‘ ‘l'l'-llll ('4-llt't.'t'. ‘g {n _'.\'-431" |,:“'Khlt'.' ll‘ and -“fl? , nm 12:1-rely to lw \l' :.r‘-l .\lr~ .-\. ll. .\l«‘(ir:\th, ltilr .~scmhlNl or *=;:z.?r-,i::m-.l" tnL'rlh I’. v. -..:i !. .u~.~~...-...-~..~ thc hzrtr .1 or, as what is now l>1'll!L' dn.'i~- 'l:* 2'? '1 r .1‘ ’.ll"lr harm V Y I! CABS STAY o ztsiusanqqi Wu 0,! C§"°"'“"' ' Colorado liiiiifliesil. At the tiaurkt caisalne grounds stalte swat of their sxpvnv i.. . um night there were Matters 0'9» W‘:- rcpresentit eleven different makes. yv _ three persons to the car. 0! the eslzlltecs. "'e‘I\... ' “.9”. going to California. two to (ole \.nk._ ,-hcgntly recs-that wm ri won. one to Ol;la- mm.,.§.R-e gf 17.9 gyeggged about ortulo. one‘ to homa. and one to Kutsas Cit)’- (lpinions among the tourists Vii- ricd as to whether or not Missouri took place at Oskalow «. . ~ rmuls were the worst lit?)-' h“. ”""' dell M37975 {"3 been ‘ml h"“ ""'°71l -.- Snme said «that thc)’ V9" “'l'° "ti" ,\'t*urs. lie is nor.‘ .1. ' -‘v ':1'.!llO crs thought they were P907» 3"‘! business theft‘ Wlih '1 ~ . om‘ man fiom (‘olnrado said that . ‘ . . . , . , , thc)‘ were the worst roads he had N-c lolafgs I; l'l.u-'~l' ‘ . wlds in ‘. seen an when-. Wu.’ Mot I‘:-' ¢mUl'|-T1 -- t’-t‘-‘Hi -3 R. A.,.‘~'tlincr. or SvvCn¢“"*‘- "“‘“- s. s B.C1othin.': *‘«»~ ::~‘~..'-i M -3 said that he had fut!!!-l R00‘! Vllad’ _____,____,________’Q "31 W... W‘... M ha.) been, with but our ""' ' _________ ""“"-mm" ‘mi.""a' W" tmw mod N. Naval lleciuitintr Station 0’ tw(.(.n (-"iufnlllfl and l'\i.ton. ' ' ’ 90 p . -14 R. ll. Re nic and two D0)’ trneno.-4 Ilsa. A!” ll‘ ‘° -'. .“""‘-““fl1e .5. of West Pliizabeth. Pa.. we-re stolf or call (‘oluuhls I. 0.. 1. llet. Dina’ at the caII1Pl"g rmimds wan f"“""- “"'"’"‘"' ‘m"""'- ’ Plif San Francisco as the: ultimate ‘dc.-= . - o in . o ' e . ‘ -1. ~ A 4 aT-¢- goo-9 notlivri 9--C"- ' ‘ ' 4 T V- . ... .- doulnl_\' apprcciatt-d——it l sot would work his so!» " Bussey. Iowa. to Mi. lammc of that City. 1‘: part of the time, “I-'5' Wcml “ lerdell "DIG! Married. B. .\lyt-rs. who liw"-' v-'*-T‘ ‘- (‘OOL OFF’ THE SUMMER NIGHTS f‘-»'-n't sit around thcsc Summer nights and ct;'.- and rich with su.~‘tzunin:,'. llcailhful no-.;ri'~‘l.n:cm. White Eagle Dairy J Ill in lip! :i\.-,;)- with ll. [will the hapfrn “HM” H“. pr...r rmmav‘, 0, wh-‘ch’, with! dix-..r\.o hearings, «'4"«flnllfll_ ‘M n_m_r,.l. the (.(_".‘n,‘.p”ndt,"t.. s‘ mun era and "n:ystcric.~." and ' _ ' _ ’ , . ‘~ -~‘ , y ‘ Q‘ ,' ' ‘hr Iwxi thing um will lind Is that “"1? M H wmwwd tn '1'" ‘h. . ‘T ' N ‘~“v"3’ '\ //’ “H! “, ,r‘,'”‘(fi an"! rflwx‘ ."“ -‘Ch00'\ :(h.f(I!.l‘ at-Vt(l)Ill "n(ln;\'Lt.v‘I?tltlfl“. ‘IV; I ‘f.‘~ ""'~.\‘.(_‘s‘. ,\\\' \ / I ' ‘i 0"’ t' ’ it ' "U u ‘ ' - your H1 wr ins to v>—-and kc-c L ‘ ’ P ) " no * ' ‘ ' 5 -\ I l l I P nu-".71 mu«h' but to p<-r~«»z.- ulrq-an "kl ‘ Ll ‘\ ‘ :‘“:|‘\i hm” ‘tr ".x'i.iI .qr ‘l. thc L'o~.'io ral ~itua'i05i . ‘A T‘ T ‘ :5“-. i‘. t n r. llll girl lrom Tc-.\ls act- pom...“ ; ‘l 3 . 1‘ ‘ txallg, dance-(I fifty conscculivc hours in a Boston lullrmm make-.~ an c‘\'- ccllcnt feature story in an Ameri- uan newspaper I’:-.»_nlc !;kc this sort of thing. In a (‘him-se netwo- napv-r thc same story would look foolish. l’o~nplc- would begin to ask "what l'«»r'."' "\\ihy did she do H7". or "Is she a fanatic?" Those ques- tvons. mnoccnt and naive in they arc. would simply .-poll all the fun _ It «ls»--4 not mean that link i'\ any way the Thcy may sec hu- mor l" vmnic othcr things. but they any hu nwr in such a thing as dancing for lifty llutlrl. Takc another‘ in the-rc in lap |v_ ll’li' l'lllna~.-u and social. these articles‘ prt-.5:-rat lll gmturcs of the ncweall poll'.;c:ii or military dew.-lopmL'_nl. .\'otl~.mg in American papers can. (ll.'I.pI||'l' vutl. thusc in contiscneaa, pu-cismn. and bra.-vzty. Tit" rs-st of lhc paper gwc amfi : V ‘sf 1 r’ "(keep on hassoot. ocean: Prneyrauqm nub All / K»..- 1500 naneoo gr. VVHA T‘.-.4 and WHEN Qt! HOWand WHERE and If WHY wuolo 9|. ‘BI ‘ WHAT was the Declaration of|.oe§g¢.p Wlfldoos the datotor Ianorearyr l .mwn;...1 in U. ,.-up-onall_v. but more so to our business. "You knots, since we started our concern. we've both worked likc Trojans. always giving the best that's in us. burning midnight oil; we've sweat xncniicznp p(-rsain:Ill_\'. . "°e::"d':-':°|e::.::':::':‘vo P1335‘ _l-M5793? I; :23!» fiflkfl.-‘H13’! uruhgt A“ lb‘ when great pyramidal ‘ blood to nmlw thing‘ ;:u and now we are flourishing and .13. E0”!!! 10 - - r - merican papers said a good deal ' , 1-no n a rust rity llt.‘\'t‘f 1-X[N:Cl.0ll. .. "web. . nu‘ .m~u" 0‘ ‘ht "0" about nut m‘""°" ‘b‘°V"7-‘S0 m°?u awn.‘ .h...b'w ‘A :.‘T’lir-‘bigpuorpled outside, uf course. considers it just a Cofiluéf. [Sr reau. ‘lib (‘Huck "*F'~'H. 930- w"""'c'°"" ’ _ bu.-4ines.~—-but it's more than that to us—5t'a our life. We ' mid arfiért ‘°u”°'lh°V °°"'d '“V’ ‘I’ know what ll has taken out of us to build it. Half is Will N‘ ha proggm M 0 Q "mono" you--half ls me. 1 think we owe it to each other as well ‘*3 prepared lor'c.ou';:“"m,du"__ q.nef“:"."::':h:':f gs the business to y.v'ut(‘(‘l what we have given our best 'dltloa the new ealodfortwo mhohduoto thy at- their way to Ila They go‘)? 3 sale is the thsthdeutaa at andj la flown‘ ' reading it, ears. as years to build. Henry Hill. .-\x-st. Mgr. Victor aoa. H. . . c lie an 3. l'()I.lTAN LIFE INS. C0.. Gui Jame.-s Hill. AETNA IJFE INS. C0.. Boone Co. Nal'l. Bank fldg. . M. Stevlnson. EQIYFIABLB urn INS. Bread 8. (‘IITY OF‘ THE llNl'l'l'ZI) STATES. 304 I'hent_-s. Ollce 2l.'i: Res. H7. "Jig-ad M}:-.. c. I‘-3. as-us. .. west uorwu. urn ms. 00., . -dc Elia. ‘ " .;e — 5 Elder. ll. 3. heli- . ' Ml'.'l'It0- tar Bldg. 80- way. D “We’ve Been Fortunate”-‘--But ".lohx.. I want to mill mil» _t..t. today. of it matter vit-lily "I suggest that wr cuch have our live, jnsurrd .*.m H“. company as the bencficiary—so if anything .10.... h.m,,.,, ,0 °’"‘‘’' °f 33- ‘'0 Nflincea. to some extent will be paid for the loan. Money would nevcr rt-plgcg you or you, worth "’ "'9 °' "39 ¢0mP8n)'--bUt seems to me that it is a splendid -‘ml’ '0' W‘ 90 lake. Ind would be of help to Whlrhrve-r of us is left to carry on. "The business can well afford to ca We've been fortunate- o/when vne were 3 3"" . “Vl'hat do you say'.’'' Think It 0+ér?rr'oin ‘ms ‘Anga—vsu Can't Lose. 9 "'5' ‘.5’ Premiurm. —wc shodhl have done this thing you-q mall and strugg|in3._w,. took "my, hr.‘ r av.-d.e.N% larwg. r W‘ Frank YORK. Escbnge J. Garth, lladso we 3!. ilalcliridgg. Nat‘l. Hfi Bldg ‘TU-II. sI=:narrrr.irr: ms. ' Bldg. UIJYIMI. LIFE 0|’ Taavatzasi on co. "‘J‘s='rtitl.‘v§?='-Lo’ ‘.14?’-Ti’ ‘ K 1, It. suunliie. Ml (0.. Exchange Natjufig \(/ 4 .-‘u-1.1.0‘:-t. K‘.