WV .._‘§ _‘ I " .._:_. z :1 _ 1. V4,‘; . - I " - ‘ . I - i ' r Y I 9 is 1 . "s .“ .. L‘ ‘ V ' o I’ :.:.""7T' 2 7o .; ._ T - , 0 I m es-o-or-I‘-7-;-.u."c‘I-I‘-“““:""“'*’ " *“* *c.;..r..:‘.;..; o c o o J i ;D K wtxrnnn J t 1111-? OIFROOPS nouns ‘l-lighted‘ rluul [Today's Baseball_Result.s y 5 3,, ca". f ; . _0thor ‘l‘r|abGrowiag0at loath-' . Pl l i.¢.“""a..i... 9...... ?_ D A ‘ ‘k . III! I: . ‘II to :.:aH «Id! 1 S ‘T Vrrld! :.LGYamos lot Old.“ N.‘ Y°'k’fs‘:‘T:1;"n:';o" fin. ’ 0' — ' "'° " r o « ——-——' l «social-;N rormnrooa‘ . _ g “""«-----M M ""'_‘a».,_.,.‘._._._m..;.‘.¥ BY LUMBERMEN t_..c;_.._._..,.,;_.;.".._’._._..,__‘...c..._.‘,’.. IN SOUTHWEST ..‘,....l.c.h..|.5..,... Em... .:.:.. ..... ..:. LAVA TORRENT "“’ c * and ‘Tuesday; tin . . --— - .... ... . --—— , - - ... -.. x ‘'5. ~33“ ‘o."'::’n"‘:';d S8y8 P0llflC§. H88 NOt In- :hi:.3';‘°‘:)l?a:i‘;d"“'L3 Mwtmkofi Forfi Resort to l;(.X').;l°I{ltE:CcW“I,Y.l a Park in the west. B H,“ . . _ ‘ - I ' . . . . _ . . ‘ . U ml 20 Mount Etna in Eruption IS Mitchell ,’.y T ‘°,m.""‘., N mm ‘W. terfered With Work of .5-ta;-cl-Mr’. ‘Sgctt. for am. from Jalyi severe neg“,-es to “:‘:;,d,,,. W 51:” owrrd by and Cin'c:i;afit:.: ..B.';&.)|.li,.".'; . .b.ék(:0fl“ Driving Residents on site. V g‘ «hr, and Deazgtgleiit of .ch:.:.dc__;h °:n?,,,.,, Endnefgismt mm? :3? ho:-;o!|tm .2343: :{,.:]r"ll.‘.a‘y.lor; Cincinnati. Rixey Illd “sloiiies From ‘_._.___ . ‘ queue: in Iioaourl or the middle and ° gm 1.. at am on. to be triad. ii. ____ ‘Tilt ¥e{h<‘>d;llocl.IIl1'l")lr"a'l.Iil‘l 3. . 0,, . 011198. ABOUT 330.000. IS IN '°"..n.¢ :';.':,.’;'}",,,,'°;,',':::,:‘,:,°,,',’L"' NOT UP AT CABINET W-1-mzctcix‘ 3:1‘: gum “wk Q‘ pggnlgg 13 ALIVE? their families and friends have been pm:.;,'.',..',i."".'.'.‘.'.'.'f i. T:'..'. ob‘: 3?) MANY NEVWRATERS Cohunbiab hmrrfiu". ,“."d.’ invited to attend. Every one who B.n¢,.;,,,. 3o,m,,_ u.,qu.,-d “,4 ‘ I. . . , rm ‘ll "“’“‘. - ll Rowlndwlll meuponths‘ .-——*- . . _ __.__ ‘ i thehlgh eighties bl most d the Cen- Blames P!'lV8tQ W8!‘ lll “mp d.t...J“'y ‘Leo-nw 1 1,; Slavia Calls Reserv- 3.‘: " ““pV°“-'3 "’ b"“3 ‘ '‘"‘‘‘h E. Smith; Pittsburgh, Harrison and Linguaglossa ‘nd L08 CO_ 000’-I’ M 3:‘ f,"d,,Ph.,.,:,':'.,.'“:,?,'m":: ' Lumber I"d113t''}’ 13 "3""" “'°°" "" '°‘ ‘°' ""V- "5 ism to Colors and In addition to the baskets there G°°°h' ,3 am Hamlets Re, 0! I. l .1] pfingipgj flop. nu“ y Responsible for ‘mi ‘ht of Enin 1).“. ‘air, ‘ti - Send. will be plenty of barbocued meat Philadelphia » . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN 00 g . ' T ‘ ' ' G 1 ‘ad 5".‘ '1 . d a A" {°‘"' “"3 "9 °h"'°d ¢‘ n’; cooked in the old fashioned way. ac- Chlflkll ~ - - « - - - - -» -- - » - mo 2‘ Wlped Out In l .. “V. “ ‘Ce '“‘ . ‘IT Slflfiflfl II 0a‘|0Cf. 3 to ,cofdinR to Judgqu J A S"'." BIll(‘l'l(‘SZ Bifhlfl - __ ': -In fair ob-so. om roads on-rough ' c Barkwell or Colmnhia.whoi - . . _ , ' ' ' .- . - . bv Volcano. ~ ! H‘ .’o“ ‘fl x“ in ‘ow ht" qfi" ____________ '90". , ______7__ I-_ V\. Suugrt. E_ H, Ngwcqmh and .Wllson, Chicago. Aldridge and o Ab“ u""' .-“h ‘Q ‘h. ' V ' p ' ‘ D! "Hill! Pv--- ‘'3 l"“°“d °l" 3 °h"3° °' 5'“ Ooliod Prams. and H. H. Loudenhack have appoint- 0'FIrI'rll. ""”""' ' bet ' I'll b d, -- _f , H l'- -I Pr 0. ad!!! folllldltloll fund to u. '90“ l °"' ‘"3 ‘"‘ CHICAGO. Juno 18.-—l‘olitlcs gree murder by the grand jury in 1 u)NpoN_ An, ,g___1-,.0(,,,, of ed mmmlmfl .0 “M. ch," 0{ the _........_. ’R0;“E. 1:". m'_,n‘e mm‘ “L sand. rdlnsiol-W. be.‘ ' " ll ' ll ’. ht-ho - . . mg“ of g»f l Data for Coluntlfm: Highest tern-»:l0.;:n:::.n m we ‘c“v":;::tfi'; t":h'y:°.oh::'!“"n ..n_¥u'‘ ‘"1503 I’0‘Vl‘l‘Nl10M 07 Bllltlfll Vlrlolll 901118 0‘ l||llfl¢'|l¢||ll- American League. [age of Llngnagloiisa on the slopes Plcllsu ISS 0 U J \\ . _’ . ; r ”" Kkj ’" ‘******~ g j‘f;A§r“7Eoiij‘¢):g‘ ~- oooooooot ..¢: '3' 9.... av. moo ié;i79‘§§’* .. 4 . -—. o _ —._ _. A . D¢l>Il'l||¢M- are resorting to severe measures to There will be baseball games - - g .p¢-gig;-¢l ygggg . gg_ 1 t 1..., . ‘- _ of Mount I-.tna is reported to have '1'bs Ihst,o this amount in I “'97 °‘'” c loover declared in a statement {erred with hi! INOTVIIYI. 711* 0- put down a P¢asant counter revolt. voile! ball. tlll‘|~o{—war. fat mens First came-— hem d"u.oy._.d by . mmnt of 1". ‘ cascading down the side of the vol- cano. Inhabitants of the town evac- mo 3 0 '§ _ &h In | mgjgl :;;:_p:“:;"' 1:33;“ Osiyltlade public today denouncing Harris and Lakonan Price. ‘even going to the extent of‘ burning races, ohotaelg races for the grown. R. - -. “'5 "' "' , ''°P‘’''‘'- : , . ; ' ' ' "' «harms broucht by members of the Slur?-tl and Son-W SUI ll fl wholo villages-in the southwest, ac- upg...d . .1"; .134. my g..¢..,-i.,.. St. Louis mo or.n-J» I3 0 . An at columbias 8100.000 (meta 19|"9t'lPllat on. 0.00 National Hardwood Lumber Associ- are also associated with llarrh and mm," to an 9,”, (ihmnici, ‘go- u,,..',°, nu. ,hnd,,n_ Bow,“ _ .020 000 ooo__g 5 2 “nod the" ‘hem ‘ I ’ d_ .' ‘. ‘ ‘tion. ‘ if] ‘N. M. Ju‘o ‘hryned. i. (-‘I- .—-—.—_—.—--—+ — ———— B.[tQfiQg: Shocker and Scvefeidz ‘er I “cry . m Vytiflw 0'“ t.‘ in MM?" ‘ 90° 1%“ 0: “*9 ' Charges that politics has inter Judge David H. Harris aponod tho 1; y... ' g. g 3,. 1 ad on - F p . .1 w.|i.'r.. . M‘ 0 kn! ol. ‘N "W " an M, U, &red with the work of that Do- Jurllo kterm of Circuit Cxlflll. at NC ’..g‘,hg,,‘r:::,op.g'° 3:, izctdongfin JS 4 ‘ 4 cf“ 0: ;:me "°'l?llb°'"l¢ hllllkl 0' is auto as 7 - - ' ' ' mom; is . - ‘ . 4-co — _ , partment in relations with the lum- ococ this rig. tar Q 5,4", 5.. Qgnloto . 3.135.}. cm». F . u I 9 fr V I ‘M 31”-‘W P'’°''“‘¢‘ 5)’ "*0 W0 l|'|’ Q her industry were branded as “an'!or any formal business that might yupoagug nwn. St. IAOUIS . ...100 202 m3.—9 12 l V "3 0”‘ “W 0'11 A IP 9! . Iissioary Cotlleil. Hr. ~Seh be J! L J g,,ju.g';¢.. of whgch American people be taken up at that time Judge Ray»! The d“p.u..“ indiau guy {he ' ‘ ' J ‘ Bmton .000 000 000- 0 3 2 “""‘ “"°°"fl'""d' ‘Iflhfl! “ltd. bout. ‘$0 of: ..__——— *‘ id he { " h‘ .d’" by Sec’ '1" "id “Rough tho dogkgt up ‘gt. fin...“ d. i f f ' .. - do lkllttl-rlcs: Vanmldl-r and Severe-id: _ R°.“id.e"“ 0' “W 39375! .l°V|‘| 0' Ill CINX quota of thgnatato ln.jJ0hn A Is Stricken mtoaury Hoovgny l‘l.¢ad!i:g the clmrg- tain what cases would be tried at gumumyizf 8“. :;n:" pl!-:::(,',r_ Bandits Threaten tn pii.ri.‘\. and llocormer. (tastlgl'lonc ufltid {am ltlmdir (home; r. t ‘uh ’ ‘ - ‘ion J h“ Me- tern‘. ‘h. t d ~ _ . . r 8 Tug” Int! '1 1'!‘ C 0‘ U lllc odlo drive has burtaomcwhat ted Oll JBRCYSOI1 glur?-, p:€:l&nt'.O! thcolumberml-n. The trial at Turner Brook: f¢wog,,.._,,h:o]',',(:g(?,‘,:.,ny‘,,‘:of:.‘,Tn.~,m_ ;‘,,c?:(.nt‘ $1,000,000 ISD l Pall’, llr-trout ._ (ll: houst-hold UTJIIUITS as they could by the dach Ifllllflf Xloll. I is V G Lo ks ,k,d.“,d w_ A. Bllffcom Chief of the Minna‘ 0“ . (‘rm Winn“ fin". "ah éwwu pens“ an" Stunbnul at Ohm" Ni-as \o.rl\ I 4 . I. ‘ . B“ l . (‘ill’)-5. gill thv rlv.-r of llltpvapproachcd F ‘gm hi“ Mug.‘ ,{‘uo.dy_ é O In . ‘ Simplified Para" Dwmon of the slot! W" "‘ 1°’ wedm“.y' ‘N. “IR, h M‘ dead “'1'” .nmunwd - I Bllltl-ll,l'.\l.l l‘;lilln\ui_\ and as or. ill within urw kilometer. ’ 1-h.'h"...°“ u. "ache" amp" 3 h — H." ‘- °1‘Pl|'1m¢'M 0‘ C°"'m"'°°- Md l"" 20- 'by his enemies but has bobbed up llir Units-l I‘rl-aa. {wt mu ° mu" Th“ ‘:"°l’l|“" "T 34"! l-‘ lflfmlllflt . 0 n A’ K‘-nu’ d-“"’m‘n (.)' -an rllored their other lulnbermen “to Two cases against Hubert llogbos. ‘gun .3 the head of ii random pen.» ROME. June )8.-——(‘hinesc bandits (himro _ _ ' H “H220 mo "0 with ucafl-nini: explosions. New flu‘; d°mmo,’_ ‘u b~uMi._ ; llnidssoufil Pllbllit‘ Szlrvlce Coigrglissmg. make ‘ ‘how of Mnnonyss brew‘, for unyin‘, mmmled '“p°,. ..‘;.m {out ,-“rounded the Roman (‘ggholic pig. Ph‘hde”,M. A H 4000 mo 00 (‘raters have appeared in the moon. sound of with A view to beslrsilniz g‘. .‘ ""°',’d" ‘""'“”' ' "" ‘ there was dissension in the Cabinet possessing intoxicating liquor. were Areport tosofia byp'liyofAthcns o-ion near Hsnkow. (‘his-. and cal» g..........; ('\cn;:os and Schalk; “'”"‘- ““ °,'°"‘‘ "‘ °°"*'- ""¢“ hallding operations in the mar fu-J "fie ‘V 'n°"'°°" ‘t 5 4 - ' 1 turcd Fathcr Malotto, the misslun- - , ., » Bmnlw are visible for miles. ol. ' god‘ 5 if ll" '0 H°"V'~"'- 3" '9' w°d"°"'d‘3"- says "80 Rlllfiiflln llU'3"'l|"- "id Walllcrg and l(!'hln.“. . turo. 2:‘ °'.' ‘ " ‘° °°'"'° " "" ".°"' "Up to date, no one has suggested The trial of Jade Scott. seem. !or,o.........g..... ,..;,..d . 5...... W... or ary. arid 500 Chinese converts, ac- subs-s are shzftmlr from the alt! vor Ir. Schwabo returned frolI"'0' can Cay Country (nub. mm mm” ' . “ lit‘ i ' ' ' -_ cordin to a cable received here to- (‘Irwelilmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 an immense area. Scores of’ refu- t ' J R Ci R. qther Republican or Demo ra a statutory oflense. was so! far .'nmun§t)ong gt ()3-(glue; Sunda) I! y 5'1! 70390748! Wflllnl. l'°' ° ° "'0" W‘ '3 dum grades of lumber." the Secretary,-Saturday. It is expected. howevsr.l1'here are indications of numerous day. The brigands demanded a ran- \\'n-!.ington . .. . . . . . ..0l at-esp IN ¢r°<>PlllK 40'"! the N168 ‘O ’“""“"*"'---¢- ‘V.’ to been d“e_t° “u,d_ ufioreover. that in neg" th.t . ch.n‘. of venue will u ‘Flam.’ mrnnr Rvolos in other p."' "f _-mm of $1,000,000, thrcgu-ning to B.[{Q|rl(‘§; (‘avg-It-skic‘ and Hyatt; Wllllflfl ll'0fI lhe W)lCIl|0 Whllfl (ht "‘N '8 Balms’ 1“ 'h“"' ‘“”'u' I. ‘ave’ . “may been a discussion of this mighty con lowed in this case. lflig ngnum ingpired by the Bulgari. lull the prisoners if this is not paid John.-on and Rucl. ,.lWllUl8ll0n 07 UN‘ Whole Ttltloll ll IAVE ‘ l“ "’“'r'°" C“y- - - ' ~ * ' . B I at once ' terrified. . _ . _ ~, Km.“ V“ born in “mun” no. trntlous question by Cabinet mcm- ' M. J. llults, charged with ma 1'..." coup detat. according to u . . I ‘ ‘ H _ J ‘H _'V-_ Irl. Creighton ls AH Under Ar. ' ' hers, either in twos or the whole. so is to go on trial Saturday. tgrigg newspapers. R is reportl-d l"l>“ PH" hi“ Nb-“ll l'*”""' w"° . . _ . .. . . .. Y .1 Dec. 26,1879 and was fifty-four . . . . . l - - ll] 1 f- 1 u l. . 1 ,1 , .\l-.l.|lIl bill)! ll'..\rBRllA 7 you for Pdaadg [jag gnu. on u the am. he did '3 that this terror of (‘abinet disscn- The case against Nesbit llamil- (9.3: .h alloy: is being made to put H In All?! I I" M‘ " " ll! I‘. mh.H.TE ‘H. "KN". flQ(flgg.[§.L.'. . ' don does not really alarm the lum- ton, sixteen-years-old. has been ro- fin. a Iirdrie revolt in Monti-no utmost to i-lTect ll rc|ut.~l'uf1h<' ¢‘Ill- ' by _ ‘ “ . received his Ar 8. from the Univor- tr ,, . ( "ed t we . .| ‘huh. of 6' "dd t "on of ant ho R K O I ~ um" """ fit’ in ‘go? ‘ad M. LL’ D’ in 1908' ll:-t-‘blamed a private war between the circuit court’u"l"?e'n¢t!~nins |Ouri- on ' ' Jmhl ‘flu?’ 'l‘:ic.e'|>.! 0‘ R A“ W I ml.-mung, u_ 4,, ya, ,3____;,.-.,, Ho wasa member oftho Tiger foot- ' . . f M n . ' . b h " “lg _ V; _ llnlrlsil SE12]! 'l'l'RKlSll l""Y- °' A I ~ I J . timber organizations or c urcs ou-s checks have been written y ill. - , . . V J..." Linda;-y. . Q cm qhu-h Rm...“ u. ball toam and went out for track in ‘fitment. udin‘ "at i. i, “Mai, .m,,u,,m,' to gn4_ NERO CASE IS DISMISSED Sllll IN MAR.\I()RA bl-2.\ i T i y y -_..-_.-.., . I nodal-n Lucretia rgia. n.l'‘°“’m "'1 {or u" humnfl mm‘ m to make reckless charles atainst Judfl H. A. Collier was svfilhltodi N l l J No Rearorl (iivenwfor (‘aptore of """‘ ""h""“"" ‘ “"9"” '’‘h°'" “ Pennsylvanla Repn' “O64” ' ' ' ' ' (“'3' A‘“—‘ 0m. W"... ‘O - -- th- S‘t rt rock uilrr esterda)' ‘o;"(;fnm¢'nl experts In inter-trade ‘ugnhgn gd litum {of mung dQ.. 3. “H A'.‘.. ‘”." (~."y‘.' ‘uuuuonn l . own (I Y. Y 9 ()ver g s 3...‘ Kurt: was appointed to the Public _. { . . W“; _ _ , h . M, 3 pumi “,3” by ‘ 5“. hut" 3’ ‘I.’ who.“ A43.‘-no, Commuuhn by Governor ll . _,_ °A"’:'v:ul:..:‘.L uh Thccaso against Ollie Watson. ne- I-mm 'I\r.are. in is 0 w ‘ . - _ _W_ __ .ih cg l, who c name is rc- Conditions. asrvously nailailg woman yg,ln7d9 in April. 1981- A recent ml wll.l. Al-‘I-‘ll.lA'l'B wrrll M. l’. Mom _ sro. _cl-nrlred Vllh -'°_0°'?- ll“ ‘’.'-'°" to .v....... M" N " " ' - - E l ( A . ., . . I E. E L ookod, Q1131.‘ hg flu-llflpoflalllt decision handed down by - —-- -—- I we d:ed'{ th wow n” he ldlslnlssed. Watson is in Mexico. -“NS-rA;lI'-lNn[,”_:. 1'9". ‘X :?|'n£:.h£m'Und:?ryh0':; W ,."i.__, ,."__.‘“"“”’ ‘ . “k ; thezlhg mmyufiggion Q‘; in connection PCQMIQQ (‘plklto 8!. 10 0f- unfn‘ ":"u' W T unufilhflillw ht!!! taken there by I change A "ritmh d‘,“rO).t,r' upcxzumg in said ‘U bv in (:an".y (ounty (.""..AG". Jun“ ‘R.___.rh. Penn lmr to has She i l|c-l'“h “” Umwd .‘“"y' V‘h“u°" - t" "Y", C."k.h-' chingon detendgm yji,h.¢y-g" ‘[3. ..d' Vcm" '.'°'‘‘ 30°". N Aydmin "W 39“ “{ M'""‘"'3- ll“ "ii-*d ll Accurdinlr to members of John llylvania Railroad today was publicly &hf.'$‘.° '0fltb0l|lM' St. IOIIII. "war ‘Ind 'm"—n‘ .nd co‘t. '.'..County. ‘t II"h0u'hto h0W('T¢rv "h‘t [yjngport wflh 5]-"15. ‘on-5 {.mily. the ‘V.’ men “P”, t.k_ r..prim.nd.d the Unisod Sat.‘ p,|.,1ph¢| An", 3 in M’ by; His death will virtually change the-dflllate with the University of Hill. ordflzed '0'-l puma“ la new case will bo rcllled this aftcr- '.c(.ord-mg -9 “Vice: Mei,“ ‘hen h‘ n‘ in awlfl“ ¢ a. “c_‘a‘hq up, 3,.“ yo, .."¢_.l . ot the one ' ,m with the Nortlicoutrsl Aa-, __ _;__,___ 4sooI- . _ tbday. nmattions wom bolng‘.,,g, y..i.yu.y.iooalvdt a subtle dam to noise: l 0-D! 0-» --ll-u oi‘? orooucsw. sfiofdlnoto an 2- J ‘ c - . ‘ . rbo pnllullasry beams of 0"“ shipped from Thrace, a territory about 2 o'clock. while the basket din- their own representatives to no ti- guh . an,‘ un h ch¢'.d,tIle commission as it stood a mowthiaanoancemont raado by Anhbishop'STORMSC Watbn was Wider 15¢ Mm! 07 0" which my disputed ground between N, W“ in p,,.,',,,,_ A ¢5.p¢g. ate agroengnta gmvcrnfin‘ ~ ‘I80 now remain. ‘Gannon Wednesday t the oom- '- ,lie Washington and the case to be Grub ‘ad 7"“. ‘ad which ended "0". it i“ “M. M." an o'ne"Mp ad fink“. madman... lrimslull. 'i§"’iiil n’ romiv "‘°"°°"‘°"‘ ""°"‘.' '°' """ ""'“' D AGE"’.'°""“ "‘""‘ """ "“' ""' “““"' in a detest for Greets of . dime which had b-en chsnslns The rallrud was robuked by the the 6 _ ‘ ll" of 5'» 5°-99*" C°"‘f°'“- Tl"-' .‘ . . N’ _°°""°‘ ""f'f‘- J c There Is nollllns In the dl-P-lvh hands in the gama. Spectators uyboord after plu-log itself in the wurforcod to cl-* may or Join A. Ilium ls rates it *"°°'-,""“" "” "‘°“ ‘"‘°“"‘ "-‘ 3‘ __ 3|}!-‘lfnlts L088 rsoll I-‘l.00ll ‘° "“"°'“‘ ‘W "N, '¢""~ would that Johnson, with a quart of boot- same position as employes who in the .||¢.¢ ,.§,n plot at 1...’. f-, “nut ‘Josephs Convent. will expand its On De th Also Re fled. ‘W ‘F’ __ he made by the British. 1,‘ boon. hit Ljndggy ovor the head. Jtruck against the Board's decision II ‘C M A707’; June ‘R ,, work "no ' fix"-"‘r college cur- e 8 Po COCI lfl l)¢llfC,"‘ 5’ ”"‘..'i Rivet "Al [)wm* _1.'°"(,A PI AVg.Llndl€)' then dl'CW hll revolver and Illd "I0 lIW Cfélllfl‘ “IQ W 33593‘ 0! 5*“! Funeral services for ('hhirman John rkuh“ b"‘"mn‘ "°"' nu‘ When RSUIB la Mcllaine Bottoms. ‘ ___,__fl __ ' ' ‘ opened fire. Four shots were tlrcd.lPollnsylvania. was declared to have 5" I°llI-r~ln-l-'- Hm A. Kurt: of the State Public ‘Service 7" new pmmm mum um Sweep North The slluoun River, which has England Amazes Schemes for but only “"° 0‘ mm Wk "'06- “denied to its nbovmcn essential jj-g-_.a. M oil it is Z olhf lg 5' slsonod Vflhr ‘ Cfmto. i. (get (. . . . Fontbonne "will hlV0 all the equip- . J h _ l u hbo ‘ t h' h ' ' . A . bo died I - . bee flood the bottnn land at Mc- Re tioa Sc.-til an lit. line of the shots pmlotrated o n rgh as ring men 0 w lc barium {or rain. no older’ rs. ,,':I,""''",,',',’,'-'. V . '°di‘r°" y yfllo "°"‘ °' "‘° '°"°°" °' "°"’"°° '"‘d' sage mg“ on lbo farm or J. 3:: 1 :,,w,;-(,:.,. son's 1.... another his right leg. Congress had declared them on- U'h‘0I.I W W.‘ Qhultlfid-and thli-eJe’l?fc'lil'd: Ysitly (‘o0"Ul|ll'y '0rk' .nd . "br.r¥ 0! u,q'+n.'dPX"[-Tl.‘ Minn J‘-‘lo “, '&ttQ|'t0I about lW('hly-flV(‘ ‘United ‘§t‘« (.0"_esF’nd0nt’ Accordinx to Bro'“' dud.» ‘ laces or poison round on It. q:oord- club, ...._.,. hold gm. .h..moo.. so the. ”.”°° "°""""'" ' "'° A'°"b""°” oo‘....'.. owepihlbo upper Ilismssippi ' -cm of com W" "'"’“Y°d W‘ WASHINGTON. -- ‘rile Baldwin in w-mm has not boon issued for 1'50 ofilclll reb-Ire. the only penal- “ '5“ 't‘‘‘ °‘p‘"'- I Senate chamber. Later today the am‘ . . . . :94 Rd my" ‘mu. [.31 ,1‘ hi twenty acres o( wheat have been un- ‘Gunmen. of 5,,“ Brim" g. 3-1:. the arrest of Lindsey. U 0'0 RIWVIV 503"‘ 5' ¢fllm¢d *0 As firs. Crei ton wm sa ned - The "W '3"-ll-ll'~l°'l ll ulllm-tel! . y . u ‘ ' 1. oi believed that . ., myth“ .g hi. homo lnilict. cllmasod the eflort of the body will be taken to St. Joseph causln one death and lfioumahle der water but ltl n pond on pod unhonty M,,_ to Johnson as . to stand on a fourteen-acre tract re- I he" .5“ be wgfy great loss. have ,‘,,,,,,.d “,0 N", (M, brinring mg. moms“; mg wound. had been Pennsylvania to correspond with its E1113 .‘“°" "'73 93''“! “W 5" 0"‘ houise llorr of that city cum’ p""h"°d by the Si""" °' mrl:i‘d’:,':‘g:.|:‘t Ir. Batterton expects to rg-plant the rcmnflon. dgxuyggon 10 3 dressed. but he was weak from the Infill "W933" l'°V¢|'l|m0f|¢ 503*!!!“- .““"' “M uh,’ 5°" '“'°‘’ h" Members of the Public Service St'J°”ph. .4‘ phone and t.enl:t.rsPh wires and hi‘ 99"‘ "ml if u“' ‘"’“"'i dfl" “brass tack" basis. One of thew I085 of lll00d- -""i’_—'-mg - ~' °"."_"£"“:'_'_gf‘@“"- ‘ ‘will accompany the funeral party .~_-:--..- , a ‘pad. "-9., ' "‘ ” ' J "‘i"‘ , United States directly; under the AWARDEI) 8100 LOVING (‘.L'P C~.—— ‘ “u. u.’ la“ ‘. ~ - -- - 3081 CMIIOI Ulldx - I 14 ‘ ‘ ‘c led in. ~ ""' ’ ' ll cuaiiaaiu Prms lo-srruai. lsssi. °' .3 TAUGKT Rtpornflc STU DENTS RKHSTER TODAY The residence of Ira S M Banks 01!)?’ T'",:dC-M? of!‘ The plans are‘ K'u'" 8"“ " E‘“°" 'BBRLlll —l! tho mark remains at . - —-- -——~ s . . , In ' _ - i . , 0 """""‘ " ‘W "' """°“'I PI’ Enrollment will Banal it Not 2.. -A 415 um street. has been sold to admncw '3 .'-pm 3 m M R 1- Svmmolllnt 0' -ll *'"""-"0"" 7"‘ “""“""°'° """ D‘."’ l°°-°°° 0' M" ‘.0 "*0 4°"? 1°’ - _ '50“! '00 Pflabylarlaa ‘ .“ n“ .f L.“ &.." C. B. Rollins. Jr.. J. S. Rollins, and ____- ‘ conforcnce including all the leading News recent” won a 3100 WV“‘K_ row 4.” |gn..y- a. mu "1. - Chosen. . f . ' Frank B. Rollins. by the Columbia (‘RAKE CON'l‘lu\C1' I8 LE1“ """’ d Ml-ions in any way involved. eithepcup offered by tho Louisvillt C°l"'l°".ernnlontis ping totarn around and. 30¢l8"’|“°" W “" "‘"'""" um Insurancc Ill! Rflllll ARMY: ‘ iTl’0Ubl9 Due to Cr‘-133 e as creditors of Germany or as su!- Journal for the boot country daily gonad" .5. .‘..,u, of p.““. . m" Jun. "3. in the University is takinlr vlaco The maiden“ of C_ G_ Andflwn Machine to lie lfsed-for flaadlial Against Resorts and ferers from the oconomic instability. newspaper in the stats of Konmcky. Ann,“ ..‘ 3...“. will ch,’ 0,, . "°d‘7- Tho“ '°Ui“"i"‘ '7’ Mi“? 1 ed ('oaI l U ' ll ' he ' Th rise wfl awarded at tho meet» { mg 3‘ g b . . _ ocat on Anderson avenue has ' '"'"' 7- , l0 dllwllllll lIU9|U0“- _ g 9 P ew clphdl from the l , a :';Fb'”h'r::Ktn.gn:;‘«' 0! m :',h"““°d "' _“'°_U"N°"“’ ub"" been sold to L. T. Balaton of the A contract for an electric travel-f Gambling HD0888. 2. Submission of the reparations ing od the ltcntucky fleas Aasocia- Loomug .33 “.3,-, . ht ‘ad Rpm!‘ 3“ "fin ° 7"“, ‘_h° A“d"‘°""“‘ — Taylor Music Co. Hr. Ralston will ing crana with drab buckets has. — —~~ dispute 90 150 D0!!!" of Nations. mm in Bowling Gflflh ‘ Sovmal outsilh exports. including ' ' Th" ‘“‘"'°°' '“ ““"‘“ °°“'d move into the new property about been awarded to the Milwaukee '-""‘““ Th‘ 9"” '“ '°” tn” ' “dd ' “"3” "'5' 3“ “€30. Cal., M By Ualtsd Pr-ma -* _ ———-—- CHICAGO. June til.-—-Sporadic ra- ‘T0 APPOINT LIBRARY BOARD 9‘ ‘d '" "°"'"'' "'""¢h "uh" I‘ be made of the number that had 3, “Mb” 1 h ‘ P ° s occurred here bod! , 3'" ""“"' ’7"°‘l">"' “"9538 0 “'1' registered because no count _.__ _ . Ilfrh which opens tour today.‘ been kept or the course cards. All,ll.l.\mlrs rlmutrnn ylsslos toen contestants. The basis for 5.“ .475.“ ‘h 3'"... ""73- Electric (‘rane Manufacturing‘ __ ' l"ive wouben will Be Namsd at the Vlnnlnt °' W “P "" '°""" mat to on-Ml -ll tho G-nun vo- (‘o. June 15. acco ing to Edwardld“ fl _ _ . . . _ __ ___ E. Brown, busines manager of the _“ _ ,, . _ C “n 3.“. 1.} he, by UH-’ 109075?!’ N100 01 lildtlllti ‘par money laagad baton July 1, "h" "- ""m‘- "‘l'um " indications are. however. according , ‘_ ' Umwnity. pin 50 black belt. where two in °'_ ' . '. —— gun,‘ gwgngu; fhatund local ,9” In fia. '“¢_ 0",...‘ if III!’ of the Pu-shytorhll III lty .,_o q woodmn Cuudl “mu,” ‘Chinese Outlaws at Taao Shill Want , '." km“, by pol,“ “.4 "cc The City Council will meet to- _ . llosamuoi at Philadol ‘ " .' .' to Join lilo’ Army. 7'“-' °'''* "" ml *9-39°.*“'“*"' ""' - night Bids for the construction or "“"- .°°‘"'"7 ‘°"""""""'°" "°" ‘ll’ W °" W‘ "'*"- “ll 08"‘ 1»_ "II! "N -nrollmnl will Nu-I If , ..,.,,, ,. ed. and will be used to uaload coal-W-‘ls-*°"~ . ' . sons! man: «man sun: toner-I notice is all toulgn bold-is or " *1 '‘5l''l'9 0! tho claoaet. Dr. oh: ad “/1” ’ "‘ Cob h to man was a sidewalk on tho west side of Hel- ' K. 8tol'l0o‘Iaotor or ills ronrtli - ‘M °" W“ ~ ‘ """'"°" rl:lm.'(:. June l8.--llonnn ban- ’""" "‘" " "" °°““"' P°"" """‘ ‘mu “'5”. k'b‘ ' .'.. in a bourno strosbwill be opened. "“".“ "“' °‘“°'“"- °°"""~ mrlu. ‘lag-no than who live in V V: fie op..h' ‘fig. at tn. Q .- ‘ _+‘_._ . lmiumn “ Tun Sh". ‘hnncninx to storage piles to coal bunkers. Coal "l:ll«a':r;=t ‘Na ‘:d Dec Am-kt. pom‘ av. ggnfirs on the .0! the School our-lmllsm. III‘ 7 four or GUI with away. to cash ‘ iloo. A . .‘Vl“ 3' 3°‘-'4 5! 1'" "W" °",a-ny on the mission unless the "‘""""‘ """ """"."" 5' ""“"°‘ .7’ ‘boa. .'.....loy.. olibo llll- Library Board. rile mm or r 9 '’'"‘°'' °' “"”'“" "9"" """ ‘; "' ‘W’ “V” "7 "U 1- | .__- ...._.¢...._....... ‘ Way to fort llaelltag. "mm" "m latcr. Mr. Brown said. "°_- “'3”-_ 1. n ‘M ‘in De _ hast. also a School ghyd. 1, . Phygag g.,.,..bm¢,, , R0 mcnt admits them to . . Aquguc club, engaged in a Stophons. John F. eha I L . Dflxfols A33 Clldxx , -“mm, .md,.u kn Coimnm. file" um Plans and spocilcationo for rein- '‘°' “ |,, ‘union 3". Do». in" “find ‘ha J F Journalism graduate. is advortlsiag - ‘ - forced coomioclloiobooooalofishlovortho bl-clrlnt -I - w.B°u’"'maria¢II-ofthellltcr. . ru-ill-orn-p-nlosolsua. I 1.”. ‘fit C‘ ‘t. ‘ L. | ‘ 4 °'¢l°¢k W“! '30 ID to the R. 0.; The women of the mission have I L. ugh; hgdl hatch and An— Challis and Ira. 0. l t ‘ ’ ‘plostlag T '. ‘ . :"5=|‘:°P""'o."“: ";‘;:¢h:l°'2‘fl:: sent tto safety and the men are the commmfion 0' “R m:;‘':°“ '" ): mu“. rug": ' firm‘; N" '— ‘ Paar Stadmta Accept Pofisaa. l.’[:(’;y.;;()'§:‘;.",. ;g___-nu gym“, lylor‘".‘, he s,.u,.i,'h, ’ "'°"' _‘ _ ‘the!-Zastllampusareboingisauodto Th‘ ~u“k.b°"’ '" .°" ° . mm‘? .1-g,,_.f,no.g W. of g_h.Forskn0flaatobyoonfirmodaro-’ ‘ Isa ....'.'."'r>..u.'I’..§.° will be ‘slut. cons:-no in-or.-nor‘. ‘mil. .°°"l"='°"..‘°“'l'- ' lamb‘ by what: u"l:l°l.ml.::c- fifmwd “ch F" for ‘ mm of "°'°'*"-ll-l 319:6 :7 “OW-V0 -0-ll’°"‘ "ll" °°'."W'“"°P'° ""3 * h,‘ » arrlvisu at camp tomorrow. I: L‘-lion‘ l-yo... “'““*’"' "‘i[”'fih."::‘:h.s..d.‘." ““_,c“on- rec y“',',°,___ _ ___ eepged puma"; um up]-uh)‘; flu. ‘Turkish transport had baml asisod tho tol- = mu, .m¢.,,.' '5, u. .03" go PITTSBIJBGH. Kan.—Prof. W. E. " 1“ 7""; 8“‘.'NAT'0"*"“:, 106 gm Wm; ,,,,c' wlu, pgo1'g‘g1- A1-ywcy-[133 p-“.6” mafia, ..,,.¢.y, g; .5. in tho loo it lhrmora by a British gong tingle. tutali t, on um.‘ i M” "”’ - ’ _ ————-- (‘oliunbla hats! sod lasaroacs,d0stI'!IyI!- ‘ Dfldlll hm Olllolld : the liis claasn:t tho 'x.o.oo_~;3.l. 8' "',f']:',,,_°°""'__c,:' L" 6'! u'':'.‘‘_5;m"'‘ ,"."""""‘,.« "' Cm‘ °' P° A-N-4* ‘""'°“‘ ‘° ‘’°“'*' Agoncy; Iim may cm, .. that tho Turkish voasol was'tram- from their ts’ College with a demonstration pith..." "flu". "3 “man” .'__ .- ., ..; _ ' N'“ " ‘'5' S“““’‘- sistant at AIlton’s garqo; Ila: suomortiag arms to and fro-mffbracs la ‘ Ca-tell. a student. and locum on the coed done bro: .5. 3...... ,, L... 5... 9,, “ran; IN 0 Al.‘l’l'l'lIDB 1'aIAL”";‘;';“m’N';tro"' J“. m_~!$...o Brooks. to 1.. l.‘diroet vlolmloo of tho pact at its- bassador Wladlflt o Won-vol-own nlvtil-u The N96 Joaonoo City to loin lilo bar as» ~"""" .r r Gariaa to- ' o - -——~——————- 49¢. ...|g W‘ .003 . FY0315 MU? R0l05'C"”‘ _ "’ JoaanalcCqloy.ssaotarytoJ.D.'isIwar. tmlvaaslrv lislul carawcs , t.'...i"lo tboorrotlim ».'.".ou.-°"' ng "'"""’°“ "*““' """" ‘*7 W iluaiu Alto: has run. 9-: -in dcllv-r a note to the A--«- mg i 4- C 5 5 3 '1 3 3 5* ...--_ -- professor's thumb. Ilnglo €333“ “fir? zghgfhzle Jane lI.—Afi¢lIII|“I¢ €0l.l$:|ncll atradflm ln A.....u. Sovula b ‘.6’: d ..:‘.I*.. a world altitndo rooord ,g¢.g¢yoa|ay.hwaaansiouneod'p.u.l..a _ ,.-:‘&:‘d"|7| '3‘“7|...‘ |‘kuI| ll$ww- -CEICAGQE. dj - **""¢""""'k'*""loaomo..wlls..uli:l-a-arias 4' ‘ " .2 l .- 0*.‘-o‘ av ' . ,' ' t 7’ ".'.=«.r ‘Jr. W "J" ‘ ‘ ""‘ ‘ . ‘ I 5 5' , 5! ‘ ‘ .-. . ~ , r at‘... -—o a.__. v—— new-o -u-O J‘ an. o ‘'‘s..:.‘‘- .