i ) ," V ‘ 1'": ’1K¥“>",'fi} ?:‘-I _ . lt . ’ i “ “ r ‘ , ‘ V i.‘ l .‘ 1 ‘P " _ _ ‘ M- ~ . ' A s A ' PAOIRVI -» - V-3?‘ _' .. . ...r “" _ _ ' ‘''' .v. w— -——-- - fie «..“;4 ' if’ """."i:.',"""‘It‘m;:‘*h-:iuun-anditeoieantsiuo.,\\-ei...ao.aiu.u-sou... ' , le& a m 3 - u‘ .3 ' sauna at ease me as th least *0 ' c . ' A verhaul the Glasta neg fa fades-al.n:tate .3"12..§.’l', Ti: 3"" “""‘ "' """"‘ "' """'*" T '1 '; *-;Ifl~‘ ' 0‘ ’ ' .i y the nslleronee between .f&«l!eltlIIIIt uneere eatlfit hflhlr:Q“4:..: xi": M 17,- Iafias We at ' with Godfrey and‘ - - ' Plmhlglaasfistui llfidll which add support pitchers certain inherent eeodltlons which Irwnbcn in «mass for the in- wt. , \Qfih he dually (XHJF CUCIQU , I. well and one that could not. Veaistadtat Shelby last before the """‘ °' “" “"- It0hldihenaU.at Noqitlfle dterv hi and Cllelnfi. it 3. '_ _ln e gaaiee that he has b amt of and which '_"“';_”““'_'::“"‘_ "_“‘.“‘_::*":“T"" Ila. . ' ._ lefthooh. elaohalltroe get-_ ___‘____ - M AOOt_oIQafi. with the Pirates. Rawlings. in ad- Id exist long after fight ,,,,;., _,, ,, _“ ‘hi _, "‘_,"_, ‘flu 10. Wfihgtonat Lswo use teams fig‘? Young Contender [3 Coin". l4I|h..O-:s‘.‘ Isateaoihl-1 ditlfiin to neldiibigu at ’la:cond about as P¢;_It¢l 1:3‘ 0. f)‘- h of in ioesi s-leer of in auto. 1%‘ I right. short pone ’ C553!» 3 laddph . we as any yet in ‘(M or n y roe was Dempsey ‘W lbedhr 11, at lawrenee.‘tla eunehse. which drove spsialiig ageous, Though He WIS its New feet. a ‘ twice has 'liu been taking it easy at his traia- Wlhfilnmv. will is. i ..' at law- hikers outdf Us lthitlc City Lfis, _ w"l“Qt0lI. 4: Cltrelfiid, 3, eight chances. three times has tak-.l¢ quarters in Great Falls. For :""""‘ ‘:3 “_.'‘._*“‘’'|_ “;':"‘ "‘ "" _ J p 5'.‘ tralniq camp. seemed to lack the 81,Auun.‘G-—-s-——-0' Tag . _ on in ten and once eleven. ‘flioae NWT“ 41)‘! 50 ‘I8 “IN?! 011 .¢ .3 ¢., .. .....¢..... ..:, ,¢ .,. steam. p fortune. CLL35 ‘high marks any 15. "mg or u.i.‘$l’h(|Y‘lI River, in the heart of the soon buss h coiuasia. Iiasoorl. sell the _ . Godfrey had no great troubled ——~—--— . xgghnu izng. _ man in defense. ky Mountains. Tia. rivet, 0.3..»-e iipmue real «us. at blir .. 4”" "W ‘3 °' °"",.-can-ins Dempsey‘: and: Hon RIVALS EXPECT LUCK Clo . Won Lost pa. His fie‘; has won an... o the ff tazbett-tkmn mow-tgilstrjulm 2,“ “° "" ":‘:'§,f“,:_”,‘;}' ,‘,‘,'_",,,‘,’,,"',‘,;;; ““ ' when they were fighting is close, . New York . 33 go 63‘ title 0 .. per cent since he has ll ' ' 9- V" M3‘ 0 I1 V. trust. 3‘. u, M 3.,“ 99.5.4 pun 0 p pg "5": ' boo ‘u, ‘L 1-), - - . 1806, by Lewis and Clark for flen y i: iiannl ‘ll. True . i «THEM? w . I M V ch§:||p"|';n3hj.p ,p”;‘b;:n:x::: :11. mt.” 0‘ W‘, :0 iliut 'Ul9¢f'lsII' lay (26. l02V.Ltiaai in::- ‘ ‘ --—-—+-— . ‘clinching. u aso red re- Win Should Ol’tl.lfl€' 3; 1,, - I ' ‘been known to win pennants’ at les .'"‘°"“' 'l"m""'°“"' "3"" l'°“"“‘ L .h. 1:". 3,.‘ i 37 33”.‘ 7533311» peatedly with ht snappy left hook. R, f S ‘] . 5;: 28 :“ fim‘ - ~ l1 in I mighty big dun: it WI! "I hsnalaoiiia and bold Whereas. I‘. r. Love-l mi nuts. L in. ‘(ujiw u t The champion wants to know all e user?) ml t lelcog-o A 30 27 '53:!!!-lstratlon. however. in favor of ’'t"""'“ ‘"1"’: ..‘:"" ,',',;"““' f‘“:""' . . m FALLS. out. JIIQ l9.— boa‘ G-bbo ‘ad h~ t -3' . on o lg .- R-5Wlll1I'9 lkfflllst‘. the Pittsburgh While on this trip he capture-cl ii “a: _ :"‘ If ' ' _“' .1“ M“ W hammer the new rial into _ a half ks before Jack :ivm“_ ' M u I‘. m‘ “ ____,_,__ pmhgdpma H 115 3: pitchgrg wiuioug my “um 5". young eagle in a daring fight with 'T"'ri.uil‘ :«..:i.‘. W .i.."ii...niyu Ilaaoun‘. V . ‘ -3 «now much he 1")" H! ‘Casi-:ol.dalaIl yrs-as‘ tlfueryrighl. P133}. A_.'k.n i the "19?! (‘OD- ll! Inpfy l“0lh9l'. I Illa.‘ llwlr Ill?!‘ of‘ trust rained- v ~ ' . Jayhawkeraiachedtlld U lldho . Oflfl City looked to be about much did in ‘uh W. the arch NEW YORK.-— Golfers say that Club_ “on Who“ Pd fidence than they did before he was ‘Vlm hm‘ ‘l"‘”“ '3 "‘°°h “‘""""""‘ «M eons:-y ii.‘ is‘: 0 ‘;rua:.a:0th‘e' . ‘ Cicalt a one as hanaas ‘ Moi Q hualall oll two feet. Two ad.” "G." .. ‘ham In th. dnythe dde“ of J.“ Swat”, "1 GP“: N". York , V p b H 35 20 636‘ with them. from Montannna as the rt~{~¢)f‘ll9 in ...ii...in. described not estate. mu .. b [003 ghgad to last , Q _ ‘Oil before he is to 0' 0. {km ‘flu h‘, u t “m Bfiuj" ‘in k_ .t . h rd” pmhdflpm. .w 2‘ ' ' --—~~--~---. .. the squared ring. iii. g~...,..iy or noon. and State or Its-to 3; am two sun... will be with teainpifltit Gibbons he am not look the mag“ ins-hm h. "in, be “ "M. u M ‘ 1"“; 1' "‘:‘°" ‘gm _,m,,m, _ '30 2'5 A8011 I00 {MEN \\'ll.l. ‘ ' H — — ‘—m--—-- H i we Ib have‘tiot met "0 1 , . i Ton“ on ‘ ‘gnaw worth‘ in "wt. pizruhrp ‘of Uni-l.ii‘;ii;;‘iti(r.-‘ctwia-. u 2. 29 :-723 TAKE (OACIUNI. ( OLRSES hm:!;0rl;' :a‘f!It‘m<:uri.)'~‘ o'g.:¢t- .‘.somc act...” f.l:e..'Nu»:‘l(ttQ;C'hQol:.ar.t;e' 7» ”‘°"’ (‘"uM'“ . m ‘&m"" 0"‘ P‘ h" “pP'°‘l'- it hot place. Who's be working with? in ,m.(.,.3o,,_ in u,,_.~Oid “on, of St. Louis 25 23 472 Many High School Mentors and ' .u-my l.0i If t ion or on Mlll Ill‘ 0hlIh0|lII A.“ Of mately t'0 Illd I llllf Wfltlfs more t0 l ,d Rocco . 'or*"" him “W ‘J R l ‘ ' Chit". H 22 28 “O 11'.’ At‘'.‘.' :. i..iart-i of the southwest quarter -. i Itillwater. 1 _ ° rain, and granting that he may now He's the one that butted my~ mt 0 M ° '°‘°"' Washinlton ' ' H in no i ‘l samii I-E-CAL NOHCE ' ““"" "P "“ “"" "°' """ '“ S ‘a.’ fin.‘ but N. M. onphmnv M‘ ‘W “hat mm‘. We -0"" in” up hi’ Mud‘ Had Sweetser played with the as- noun“ . ." 4.3 i ‘ 1-" r the ‘uuthwe-t ‘Quarter. of up l fig road t is year. the any battle slower. mplon may lie the. 0 tad}. . '!surance, which was a feature of his _“ ‘ ' ' ’ ‘ ' ‘ ' " 2 "'1' Approyimately ixevi-nty-l'ive men men mi Ielaforred (‘ans-rde ruiut. ‘IT: .‘::.:":irr iitfitriiiii-‘.Qi':::wo:i ‘st:-R 3 Ilfhl C9 l M‘ ‘ ‘"3’ Cu’ ‘O .‘kod h ' work at Brooklinc. when he won the ——.;:-,.—+:, - - '.'.""' _~:.-.-.-:.:_—: have gnfoned in the Umfiq.-“y-‘,‘ S--aleal pm;-u-ale for the mu-triu-ti--ei of i..(.,.-. ...u , .i.;....,.. ((_n‘&' .1|,',,( u,. , oil for Lhcoln -Id the Oklahoma when he goes into the ring July 4. * chap h: 73''‘ in ‘(’;‘.”bb‘;°‘-' championship of tlllfl. 00071"! ll“ game like golf in which so mach do. first coaching courses in football and ‘d "_d''‘:‘''''‘ ‘T’ " """"‘ _"“' " "” -I-or T---i--tn.» vi. an... is no cun- "-*'=""""'*° " "°' - 9°‘ -* "* W‘ W ch-"vi" "5"" ‘ " ‘ “’ ‘ '"' '-"- '~ --w we we on «m ponds up... .i.. ...i....... . m... i--«min. and c-...o-m.. hsvc 3..-.f..‘.T:.‘;:."“"‘.."'.-i'Z.I"3T3TI“;..';' :.':':" 2' "2 “Q flgfliigta tho K ‘ sated- fa ante!‘ Mm of 01¢ 3., 3...". 0 “P V _ _ of the confidence of his rivals, cven mu, be 1”; ",3, mm. if ‘he ind‘, rolled for instruction in truck hliirc l‘.r_'1 l‘lan- ....i ...~.r-...i...... ii... i... i.-..i'..i tru-t .i.:..,_:,,," " M’ " ‘N .5 for “g3, ' Alligflgg m. M. 9.91,. in pm "It's fifteen rounds and Gibbons if he failed to make any impression yum] mum“, in nu‘ ‘dhned map em.,,u,,,,.m,, ‘R. ,",«u,d Hm week min.-4| at the ..m.. ..r the undo-r.-.gm-l. it .i..,.... .i.;.....i y... ...., .....i. ... '_ @395" 5, cpightou at Laenarico, M33 L3" in gj. p¢-um-|v.... mg is a real fighter, iic mid: ul dont upon their courage and ambition. “Hy md physimny to in but Zn" G‘ Hwennr. d.m_(_mr of in.i.-....phi!i.; rd _ V the iammi uf -aul note and the legal . October 33. Oklahoma C ‘I’. K ll” than R has ever been li""W W59" 1‘ *3“ P9 0‘'9'’- Th? ll0"1"‘?‘ 0‘ 150 UY|ll|?d SW“ Sweetaer had won in Great Britain athletics, said that this is a greater i.'.i of '1' ymm in "J" m, J’ I. .,.h:.....,'...::-,:d Lawrence.- l" .' - Uh ti aow is good but his . Dctober 20 Nebraska at‘ Lincoln. judgment of dlatan¢,ae-ems poor. In 9 ire ;_-;- ‘ .3." ‘."".. -1 .."‘..£.'._.;"’.,':.:"’.. ‘T -3‘ ‘ ‘_ OPPORTUNITY SE("l'1nN RATES seen (9 be gppy-e¢igted_ Phone 344_ ,, l The rule for N! I’ O-loin till! tthf I *0 I . 5 -ual sisei in one cent . or ; a mi f als do For the _ E '9 hrg¢":y‘;e.an: fur :§fll ipaczke file la IIICC €00l IpII't- ‘ as to were mud on the III! 5&0“ ment. 4 rooms and sleeping porch. *‘ """'_"'__i____w W -_ _n_-_ _- _ Possession July 1. Phone 962-Black. tlolilfibla Ihaoorlain la fiawqewsk-P 0 8'24?”- hee' of The Association of Iewppaper » Chained advertldea ‘Nth FOR RENT-l"‘uruished spurt- "'~l"" ""' ""°“"" 'ment. in Dumas Apartment for d “'.:m",,?:‘:.:',,.'. ‘P “M a. summer. Phone ‘J83-Red. R-2-tlitf FOR RENT—l"‘ot summer; new . room eflcicncy apartment; complete- ly furnished; will accommodate four peoph. Phone 2170-White. P-252. FOR Rl'INT- —-I-\irnishcd apart- ment. 3 roonist both and kitchciiette, from now until Septieiiibcr. Beasley a—_..-.. ‘_—- wAN'rr:o—Papiiiu .; do; good MW N°- 13- ‘work 3 ll. Telephone 1508. ' ‘ w * ' ‘t k-. '70 FOR RENT—— For light housekecp- : w‘N-nj)_p0,iu'.,,, by ungem, ing apartment on tirst floor; .il-