‘r w~s— ‘I 1' ’ '. 1-'¢>.';\1v . ‘— ' I V V _ M -. .. A On; . .a. .-1. — .4 .. Ffiatnj m-Q0431 -j'—9 l fibaoes has Miitorclycl: Club to ‘S-a-ata Fe .. . . o “ l»£‘h;%’4h.JG'I’!'ls.'fl__E\5, ‘la’-ll! . V D 0 ‘ . . '0 . on ' ~' “ 3" 9‘ ' quad QIO ' .u' 7.‘ 10¢‘. ' _,‘ " ‘ I of -., --5-Q 0 -.~« '-I ’ S nvs tbs andthehope mirsesailthat - 6!. ' 1 O _’ II -<_ ’,- - 5 . ' ~. _~ P3‘ " W __ A ‘ - r 1 ~' '*'“e“'* **‘*' ‘, . ~*’”~“*’r*'- : i-* r H , ,tiIae 3. cm ltalys an to‘ -=-. ov - can ION scsaa U . i I " V2’-. lile litilnw sail. Dafiey dill; -- . . ‘ ‘ “l Wm 5* P3“ univaasrrr osrosi?oair J‘ ' I 5 e .s _e 0 l ‘ + ‘°°" ""“' "rd "-" "'°c:i G£WPI-ll‘!-A'l3l0N "'1'." "- ’“ ‘'"“- ~-=-- --M - «w «m -— --3"’-»=' ~‘-"“-»-""=-““ 5*‘-“--1": : 5'" "'6': mb (“"3" ‘l 4 ‘5"‘ V“. c'‘‘‘''“ itopiaofconverfltiel in ltorae. Just until now on Saturday. July ‘ 192:. r m Y I R . H1 3 &‘k"'h%d“" , i I‘ cfilbl. 3“ did 0.. m«ne -nriaay lng eorperatba . or W" ggd . [g of wt i. h]. 31'}, 9 —-————— taint eahpany, or lndivld er in (aa- . b W x u ‘n ‘h, “ to lijl or Boone Cartiflti. that dseirea to lie ' V‘ L ‘ . ¢—— . on I ‘ ~ . '--« -=- -- . or e..*-:5 ...’i.“.‘.'.-..... ...:...:...'-‘*-.... :.':':..m:'‘..:::'. .. ...: .**".......... 2'“-. -2. xxx. .--« rrr u W t m M om '“ W “E0 u my mu tn‘ nu. _ “war. W. &_ in‘ 03-15! flrst Uonday lh Jill]. lhgs-_ nth 5- ’pey the favorite to back‘ out 88 ‘World's an liluced, the £904 of Clara that he can say nothing on ., T: (2,: ‘ It Cl£$l3lo 2- shorts. ltl one billiard hlll where G ‘t G‘ ilngs ' 1'5“-.‘th lllbkot. part the that if lei ha in ac. slay-t ‘ »bets we posted on . lrl;ek”bsard "98 m 138 iiesodoubi am .1: in. overdue. It is believed here that Stefani '-r'J'.°"' 'l..'il' '‘''.-..i J’ '2'?" °' "'3 w m w W m ‘ m. . I ‘ Q ' ‘ . fl‘ T30 Pf! In)’ UK’ It 3" " W’ 2‘ Offi Oil Bfillflty to -win. t l)OCI‘l!‘l: FQC ‘ml bu. tyjuu‘ C()"AV ° PPm‘'‘’'“‘° 2' 'there were no takers The MEET'darmd more quickly thhn aetualasounded on the matter or negotia- -ioonun. tin-ni I-I Canto}- od’ ' _ ll thlflllnl. hove"? 3031 k .M _‘ 'conditions justifled. tion had lbgnn for a settlement of -"’:_'"' Is‘. no.3 J I _ . ,’8TAlfDllilG OP CLUBS 3"“ °‘ """° W“ 33°00 "'°"' “ ' ark ‘ ABBuc- - '__ There never was any real sltnilar- the debt. The importance of such a ‘ "“‘ ""'"°°' " " ' ' “mt ! . ‘ i V ;_.|___- cg la’: week at odds of 4 to 1 on étlknig 13330" I3 ll?’ betvzlaen the guiuineracovery in step taken by Italy would recog- W W" 3°‘ “ " ‘M ""‘ Hm- ’ ci-3' ' "' "' w“-"n'."Eo-2. rec. ‘ °o.°....'.I’.”".I'l".... ...... me... i... 3°“ "3 °" ..;§i‘.1‘”...‘i"‘.’...i2if!.".,°“..§‘.“‘l.‘:"".§’.'.‘.2‘ l‘.'.'Z‘.‘ ‘.".‘i§‘.£°f.‘3,‘°L.‘.§.Z.”:.’i‘3 . mm: a-mm... sou... ‘ bcengoi 09' _ -theboystnthe Beam ' 4. . 3’ -' for Farmer and ‘ - » .. “V, "in, .. mm“ ' II I . I I.” N?‘ °'* - - ~ - - -- 3‘ 9° -555mg champion. Jack Deni has which preceded the collapse of 1921. Non I-skins payment of its debt in Men. Ages Is to so years. time ” 3°“. '5". it h‘ 5.” Q‘. - ‘kl I t ’yf. ’2‘_‘”_b“"8l" - - - - -- V] a heart set on another tltl! 3}’ COl1Slll'll6l‘. Tlfiflk Imus credits _ alrnostth Unified 3"!" Nfldltloflll "" or call (‘oluwbia P. 0.. T. Hef- ne- uld show asst or a|l,uiay "' "°“ “"" ".' .'"“" - - - - - -- - ' wants to take on any man of his ‘ --___ ,0 N} or. there In an enibar- some 9! or hrs-thctieal inrmmt 1...“, gm-..iu.. 05...-, l. ‘d " ’ 9 i "“‘3"' ‘"53 '90" 0‘ 9 W L 33 28 B41 - Vaital rm. rassi abundance with the redia This might forc France to om l l ‘~N.M‘ ""~'l °"' °". """ """"'i The xoinriy um was aecoIII- St. Louis """ H 29 .608 weigh‘ °r mm “ md‘ WICAGO June 23 -—The (‘hica Vcountnfacilitieaof the federal reserve a denim deci «in C ° 0 wrv v ~~* “'l“"‘ ““‘ 7° “bunk”.-j is fills ans. dlreesar ot‘g,..,i.i n ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' H 28 27 L509 anowwqf on T0 u’o‘oNvii.u-: floiéd r 14.4. oi bec ii iii‘: stc hardly iooeiied - ' l '+' " ‘"9’ 9" 3°‘ '“-'°"‘‘ 6.” ‘nah who ebb and formerly a Tiger foot- flmmny l 19 40 . 2 " . l - _._.-- -. ‘ world's greatest gambling gilmacfe and‘ yPriisnent disposition is to go ahead :;"§'°"' run." govemm-mu MW lotus pitcllling but thfi have 1 sv- ‘tiny.’-fl Wm“. B.'..r.n‘e .PNhdd'p";; . L6 .29‘ ‘win ,4’, . 1-... Mugged 5!‘ works against interests of bothawith confidence mind ‘Mb auuon pl! ll} lleelar-ed that Italy 3 debt to "l" ‘ 3 ‘' hall arm hm’ . American Lear F°"" l''”'"’ M”‘ “'9 Pmfhcer an‘?the mnsumer Sen lTrade statistics of the week are nut‘. ‘wt ‘med Sum‘ would be mm’ but hits mean soinethlffilntherhcol .n¢‘"ol‘ *5... m'”“' ‘hp: Club won Lo“ P“ The Comm”. Browns ‘in to to “of Arthur Cum" mm“. ta“ rmnfly par an M“ m”"Pfivatcly they have averred that . mm’ in mu rap.“ “.7 ‘'3'’: 30W"; 3030"» VONGE POW" New York 37 . "0. 63d’Boonvillc tomorrow for a tame with 500 dcl¢K‘Ites to the llational wheat iliis ear car loadintl seed the ll”, Md no mumiop ‘O, p.y,'“'ere-dn l ‘ho’: w:::“s,:;':‘o”.°°:uQ ‘mus; R0011‘. $30. Gllllfllllkllffl. - .... .. 31 i644 the Boonville team. (‘arl Huber. a conference here yesterday. l'llllll0{l mark. P. ¢),‘.nl:o?g o(;o?}:.dp-.5 l W" Eastwood ndArnatt. Thll, .- ~ . - .- --~ -- - - - ' batting even if they did not have ’ tun wu cgmpoud 0‘ Su.p°S'°':_.§1"Eohu': ' ' ' ' ' '° fig; L""“"‘_-v ’:;°n"‘d ‘E’: f‘:)':_";‘!0“:"‘w‘i:‘l°. V" k ‘B? .0P¢"'"n8 on the niar-ltb:°": 'lg't‘2°:"‘ Kl“ l3 cist cabinet and a’ man who means $0,“, ;,(.‘u,,3 p§ui,,"_ jg”. Ed”. I‘*”d' K-etch”. Doha“ . . . . . . .. 27 30 .6“ PM-U: for the Commbh peofptritcgsthwere ualdjusted to bring M. . iced” hats): ‘mcwwoclthkh what he says. His promise there- Pipp has been a player of flaatiwliite. Charleston. Laskie. Turner A 26 31 .456 am“. ‘., ., um.-,.; M.,..i.i;_ pen. of ,_h.em:‘::,h:t°': ,':hth° '33‘ are) avdilafle has been surpassed far‘ '5 ‘.'k";‘h" "’d:t’.‘:'d°‘ ‘ """""h hr the lY'"h “form :3 ‘"3 A"¢'‘- Chkllo . . . . . . . .. 2,4 29 .453 If; Cotton. cf.; Barnbart. r1.:Adams. and the man who really corisfrigiltinly twice iii the history of the coun- 3.2: iiiippaaeecl t0Tl\': tier.“ 1". L¢:i-n~(..d He is no.a’uIRer. “tun dd ‘After. the game. Boston . . . . . . . . .. 21 31 .404 3b.: ((i‘(())lt‘(tl((,)'I‘\, 2b.; 1b.; Skouby. lt.:"l Sctn-:tr;r Capper declared. ‘ lisptfacially :0t‘l;eIblendW|a“etelile ‘med by Amhgudo, “Chi” mid \ mm; W N‘ the bu‘ ehmuh ‘hm! l“‘’'”' "‘d‘ ‘°" '_ — —: -.-.:-~:_--- ~.-. ~ - - 3 -- - <‘-- Klho P- H anions May squeeze of a, 0| "18 0 ffl¢‘!'¢ 8“ W‘ I M - Italian contact with leading Amen- C -- W ¢l¢‘f" 3'-l‘l°'>'<" ‘ml l’°°d Dggpggvvg C()_vqprn0N 13 3'“! ago. a few speculators cleaned,l'"9°08 f|'¢‘|IrM. lt‘9fl0Y8u)' N09?"-'4 can bankers who have made it clear gr-rivv. this year lbut he hasn't forgotten all his art. An)’ “#0 MW. you can 'look 7°’ lobarly in three weeks. Christie Pipp to he throigh with lirst in the mador leagues because he has He is Yanks when they were on the hilltop ln becn at it a long. long time. thc only survivor ‘hf the 9 . —~—-o-- ~»~ talk ‘aportaniasulup. visiting team was taken to a dinner at the Daniel Boom Tavern. A return game will be plnyed’at' (3(N)l) NOW, SAYS TRAINER Ian 1!‘ Weight-at Phying (Lads. Turner and Lesto Barnett will coni- —-————~ .poae the battery for the Columbia team. . Chicken at Jack's. Sunday. lly l'nited Pres. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. June 23. — -Jack Dempsey weighs 189 pounds and he won't be much more when _ ,_ _ ‘ bout lifteen members of the (‘o- , up 3.’, “.11 1.3. M. An, lnrnbia Motorcycle Club went to ’ Santa Fe. eighteen miles northeast of Mexico. this afternoon. They will camp there tonight and nah in the Salt river tomorrow, returning home in the evening. Chicken at Jack's. Sunday. .. ()l‘l'()RTl ‘N lTY SICTTON IAT§ Th to for regular 8-point type (the usual in-i is one c or fine c t a wnrvl for all days. For t 4 - "r-‘*1 ":_"‘_'_' ".":.“.‘ '.'- ‘i'0‘llI'|hlI Mm-ma-iaa is a me.- im at The Anon:-iatina of Newspaper riudm-9 Adi-rrtialag lasagna. waist inclu‘ j- sutfie ntrvafllllffl hg clan led advwtlsing. Th flu- & alfilufifltaad print only truthful Wdlt-Cd! and Dill apwecbnhviwc U abfiaa ‘iseaient not enafarmiag to the of honest!- any advert highest a.l'|‘IfdI 1 Bwéwiié D &\\'ANTfID—Papering toy doz- work at 2l_0c a roll. ’ ’\\'.{.\'Ti:ti.'_\vaitre.ls's for and tabla; mill at once. Boone Tavern. ‘die ' as -. WANTII) -Plaster and cement man in llllt5ll('l'!l It NPW AflI‘l(‘llltlll'0 3um;.ef_ Phone 983-Red, ing. Phone 19310. (‘.o|lins Bros. Gen 254-259 cral ('or.tractors. ., pal streets. ~-+ BbUWM .91. ;blne gran for can sntainsr '.L ,aIsdfill. water; in in north of Columbia. Call 1317 or chilforobe, good Taleplsone 1508. WANTS!)-—l.awn sharpen. -Chairs ‘to repair and isli. Willicall for and deliver. mowers to ‘:53’ for July and August. residence: oak finish; hot water more cream at no extra cost. Phone hcat. Located on one of the princi- Sides Dairy. Phone 2l-‘3. S-255. Red /w'/// / tr r'T, / ‘ // '2? “° ‘ ////.7 ? C« I ».¥:/,-/ ms» ' 4 -‘<> ' ' I ~- l i -o. 3 s «. nor.-.. in l" "1-/..’ ’ , I - l I“ ' . ' ' 5; ' " 5‘ . ' «. 7 "' // ’ ' V ’ -,' cm L ' Y‘ -4 - w I P.‘ " \ »'—*’ ~‘: ‘ \'.i g \' V? L ' / "—' -d>. ' -107 - l_'_ ‘__y porch in private family. Plume l7l2- I . r‘ 7.. ~——~—- soo w. N Gdltlzberitx Ex:lic.cN‘atl. F0“ 95”‘: ’5"“" "‘°°“ °’ "°“" ,. - , - in White Eagle Dairy Co. This is i?li::e 84:31‘-.BlaI:’l‘t) ph°"° 5"“ one of the best dividend plying 3t0(‘l( g___ __ ' a in (‘olumlvia, price $117.50 a share. [P03 RRNT Write Taylor l".b1-rimlc. Fulton. M0. inquire White Eagle Dairy ('0. -v~'i . .., e. er-Q,,o--.a 60 iles FOR SAlE—Drcaaers. chairs. wardrobe. tabl . book E. J. Coats at Ballenger farm. shelves. beds, etc. l’-‘. J. Bo n. 1406 tf Ave. 3-257. FOR SALl':—Llhr8l‘)' table. 2 chairs. dreaser’and day bed in good condition. Phone 550-White. after ' p. m. —252tf. _ FOR SALE—Factory-made .23.... . , ' .00; l ' 70'‘ RENT“‘ "‘°° °°°' '‘P‘"' ‘so: ‘itr:liieg:1s35.‘?r°ei:p‘ii(:lide 0;‘: ‘Pea’ ‘ '°°m’ "'1 sleeplmr porch’ O. V. Todd. 1.196-green or call at Possession July 1. Phone 962-Black. south mum’ ' see half mile north of Hinton. ' F55 limit?-’-A well located house on South side. unfurnished or part furnished. in splendid condition; has new furnace. The property must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 344. S-242tf. J S-247tf L --"'—'—""""'% - FOR SA FI—.Vlahnguny~bookcase FOR an chair. iluviland china. clock. R-246tf. FOR RENT-—(‘ool four-room un- l3 Au?" Pl‘°'-'- nrnisbed apartment convenient to campus and town for $35 per month. in 805 E1 ' ing room set‘ ' D-2521!. “.01.. d jnrdinicrs, dining table. wash stand. .~.crccn. girl's bicycle. goose feathers. Phone 1547-(lrecn. M-258. bed. davenport. Vic- FOR SALE——Brown walnut din-I FOR RF.NT—Two large rooms M7 llgent and kitchenette. Also garage. 5. 5th St. Phone 1595. -255. FOR RENT - l\'icc cool rooms for summer term. Also boiird. 705 llitt ht. Opposite Read ll Phone lfil Black. -- ~ 250'. FOR Rl-TNT~-Furnished South rooms. single or double bedb. Large closets. Two windows in each room. Good board near. ‘.301 (‘ollege Ave. ll 253-tf. FOR RENT-—Rooms with kitchen privileges. 500 Turner. Phone l626. T-252. FOR RI-INT—Summer term. lower floor; 4-room apartment. U07 Lowry; completely furnished. 52l—Black -256. FOR Rl-I.\'T——Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; gas and private bath. Phone 1424-_White. R-241tf. Q Used Cur DODGE Sl'IDA.\'——A-l condition: 4 new cord tires; ready to run out. Proctor's Garage. 615 Broadway. Phone 583 ——2'5. .-...... -.4 ._- - . ’ 2” S. ‘ I rugs and numerous other 97‘ ‘ FOR REN1-_uode-m },n{ur“5,hed things. Call Beasley Apt. No. 9. —-~--.«— — *-—— apartlnarrt. hrae rooms and sleep-_. P'2‘7"- MAKE 825 weekly at home. furn- i ”"h_ mg g_ 30, st phone _ , ishinit nmics and addresses. Ex-'5‘:)_m.¢k after 6 o'clock or 300 Nov uupmcnt Cow.‘ P°.dum“' ' prricncc unnecessary Particularsd rs d.‘ 3,257 A" ‘we’-‘H odnn mcludm‘ 0” fri-i- l'nicd Mailing -('0 St. Louis. ..q..s._n' -- .2-.-.-.:-.. -4-... Vfly l“°5t° T“'°"‘ DWI SW79- ‘ " u_w,_ WANTED TO RENT . 175:! '“‘is~?:.-’r’r.i.:ii7.}?"JT.;;¢-£'..""i......-~ WANTEF 11> t-Em: ~Ser>t- to. Good health. house- hold. food and toilet products. Best sales people. it0AR|i”A.\'n’ Rfxiii ”"“’ 5 or 6 room modern house with ga- rage. Phone 1977 Green. qualities. lowest prices. largest lino. WAN‘-ED_A th," mom. m°d,,.,,p BOARD AND RoOu__’.°r wm_ advance inostco-operatiomeaaieat sellers. No unmminhd .p“.um,m_ for sum On market 34 In A_ lhistlers make 81.00 hour. (iI\'(' age. occupation, references. W. T Ruwleigh (‘o.. Ct. 1347, l-‘rceport. lll. R-265. ‘ term. by family» of three. ii prices. , _. .d..___.. .¢... _..-—’— Q ‘on FOR SALE.-8 roosa strictly rand- and em house between Bnoadwa University. Paved street. $600 payment. balance like rent. New 5 rt-um strictly modern luick school; 3300”. 3750 paynicat. balance by p‘ bungalow, garage, (logic to month. Prytically new 7' room strictly Tl“ 03“.- deeping porch. 87600. modern house with ‘two blocks from Campus, 01000 paylncht, balance by month. POI 1 Blank. Estate-.1" "' .--=---——— 7. 8761!). Omega for return to Missourian office. .5’ tr.-—Veq“duiussie’”iI5 Noni ins 0!! “dill slfi. Well constructed. cfiltabla for Fraternity. ' two batfi. mer term. hfrs. E. L. Sheley. 71 5- M05370)’. Phone 573 Maryland. Phone 1496-Red. S25 254-25 _ Room AND BOARD—At reduegi _ WANTED 1'0 REN'l'—Al| or part rate at 1206 Walnut. Phone 904. 24441. of a furnished house for summer Loca "on C." of ROOM AND BOARD for girls at _g55_ 719 Gentry. Phone 348-Green. Mrs. ‘ J. W. Clatterbuck. C-255. ‘CTJI rm: asm'—com!oruSie A94“ tlt 1121 ‘ll! Bt0OdVIy.| upflim cuff. FOR ‘KN?-—'lVOV'I!'y desirable uiuom rooms for ldica. Phone 1231-G. not restricted. Address K. Chi pin. Rcwn rd room —— tinum n. Reward Return to W T____ _ ‘"357’; FOR ltEN'l'—Ioona for girls or- "‘ r “ " ‘ l couples. 719 Hltt stieet.f- . 7 FOR RE ’ eeid wick- laourl ave. _”'1u.- ll!-ZN!‘--‘l‘wo resins furnish- ooseheeping Pho POI ed for light b no ...L’.‘.‘..i"““-..."E-'..“..'.“°I:'.T:e.'.’...“t N-t A-wt , 5ia.Iii.a—nuouroi white so-i gera eat. Phae . run 816 to 318. Board sum. 7is[ mu street. ‘ user 1 l 3 sAu:—ous pal: ‘library ta- ""u_m"'_ " his. three arm chairs. aniall hall ' rach suitable for oflse. Ieasonablc. NHL :3 l‘'‘- W?! I8-.9500! ~ -355 POI RENT-3 furnished mom? c-i-~»§-- n~«--”3'-- - n-‘Y5 if-L‘ rot SM-=—..I. 9-» sun»: - in ’°' "°""“?"..i'..‘.°.:'£°.‘.’: "T°"'...:....f 0- 90-'>&sadIes-.-3- W‘: "'“| oz-eaii ms-wane. n-2sii1.i roam 1-eoussiosursisiersayaissnisvasayouesoasvs roaazi~if.a.,.olu.i..,u.,' . s . ...i....-..:-» v ~ 7"" “‘ J ‘ rm: Rl-l.\'T——-Rooms with or with-- 253-255- .out board. phone 641-Green. 248-281 J-249tf.. NT—Bsorns at 716% His. ” J_ . V-80-2 roi IEN‘l'—Extra large coo??? Just a little care now may pre- vent you from wearing glasses all your life. It costs you nothirg to have your eyes examined. Fine shell or gold glasses. 82.50. 81.00 and 85.00. Bifocal glasses. $8.50. DR. J. W. CLINB The Gift Shop- FlCKLlN'S Four plain horacahocs . . . . . . . . £1.40 P our toed horseshoes . . . . . . . $1.80 We have Auto Springs For all popular makes of cars. In Stock. Let us help you out.of YOUR BPIING "l'fl)UllLE l"'lCKl.lN'S Phone 1594 We carry Spring Oil. 24!-266. WANTED: Your lawn mower to 3l1lTP°n. Your (main to repair, win- Phone 934-gfir_een. 'i.—o7ada”"ii ness of wheat growing n a basis "id "5" ll‘ l‘°"'d ‘bmn u‘_° “ck °f when the surplus could be hgndigd ' adjustment between the price of the in a more intelligent way." lPT°d“ (‘appers suggestion for a co-oper- . , . ativc marketing association forlrhe" '3 prfiuun’ "0 unemplml. wheat growers was endorsed by . mm _'"ywh"e ‘M good '1'“ ‘I Governor J. A. 0. Prein. chief apon l"‘_"' "’"°'“ dcnnnds 0" ! e "- sor of the conference. and by Cover “‘l"' _ CIT! ct the farmer has to sell and --wh“ the “Hm... "ed, in mtel_ l and the economists are still busy de- marketing and this can be """“ "‘°",“ h brought about in no licttcr way than ’ ‘mm b°°°"““‘ ' menu‘ It mm t through ii m.op¢-ratix-c marketing as M‘ "“d’ "'9 b"l” M funh" M’ s:iciiition," (ion-rtior Prt-us said in . "°"”°“ °{ cndm aim.’ my’ his opening address. T“r“l“‘ "°. °°m.m'""." ‘broad’ we -.-on“. fawn" ha been the under wmmedlate situation is confusing._ He must he helped. My sug- The Fnmh "c mg’ inclined "'3 ‘f gestion is a co-operative marketing “Pl. lb‘ "'3" Germ." 0"" ‘ t’ e‘ association." Governor Davis said in '05:‘; :::h:;‘r° a:_'o':::n:i°" "0 a telegram which was read by Gov Pm“ ' ‘ "no, pun. It was not to be expected that a Sydney Anderson, congressman '°l“"°" °{ ”‘° r°P‘".u°"’ pr°u°m° from Minnesota, was 9r0t'l.e(l pcrma- ‘ ll" 3"°‘“"‘ °b“u°l° m the my m In” ch.".m.n of H“. mn{,,.,m.(.. (‘_ i the return of normal world condi-_ ' - - Q L" ., an be reached overnight. H. Bowles, rcpresentiflt the Farm 1 l°§‘uJ imporume ‘Mum be find“ erg» Union. l.ynchburg. Va., was; . { ‘cont named permanent secretary. °d "0 ll” ""d'“°‘ ° ,°°°"°my A scum, (~.m,,, «fended the i ed by the new Austrian loan. year . “farm bloc” in Contress. declari'ntllI'0 9” P0990“ &‘dA‘;'u":e li°°k°1~ it did not attempt “class legislation" 88 M9013” “ °° {V ed to 1"“. but sought only the common welfare ”‘°d- Yl°““‘ V" re "fr “bun of the c0um,.)._ dying city and the new redptnae. “We have not aiikcd any special 350'“ 0' “‘l'°"l r°'°u3:§' ‘:00 I favors for farmers." he said. “The ;_<:;‘"“‘;;' V.“ r°“&0n.l‘:O 0 ° - . ~ '. . u er intarna - P033‘ nflivn l:‘d“h“:ncl?s:i( l(e:istl’atid)n'l‘"\.\l:l tiorriustrian bonds are being placed nu; nu“. y ,- uni qr {"13" "p. l in New’ York, Londonwand Paris. resent a_n irwi-stmcnt o 370.000.0fl).- g " EPA? to 3-_ LOAN. 000 and that the farmers contribute‘ rrALY MAY R to the lmainess success of every oth- er brancti of industry." l sans rain $.'Ew.oi::~TanArioN ; "’ Minister of Finance Speculation. . c°n.o“‘.ud P"-as (Copyright. Nul- 30311-j,..1'ha promises made by, wui Finance Minister De Stefani some -1 Statement of P Causes Gerniaa , Expert so}. Next on Birth Rates. By oomoiioud rm. icopyngsc. raw.’- . BERLIN.»-Tcn years hence the ' question of another world war will! ‘to Prof. Albert Grotjahns. Eu ropc's foremost authority upon this. subject. In an interview recently’ the declared that the Russian soviet» government's policy in trying to’ near a new generation of reds by. encouraging large families and ne- glecting or even killing off the pres- ent generation was proving more than successful. - “ln this respect at least Bolshe- visni has proved a huge succeaI.", said Professor Grotjahns. "Just" ;com . statistics on? to ev ‘ in Great Britain.‘ Ger LMO inhabitants; twenty-ens: in twenty- é ‘a birth ‘Ge is downsteailyandso rats isG ‘Poiilieinailaiiiisiia Tax Service; lnatallatlba ef‘ ‘the price of the goods he must buy. ‘W Gold reserves show another Kain J to keep this surplus "W" L444... that beginning payment of the debt ‘to the United States would do more, to consolidate Italian debt than any other possible step. b Try a Missourian want—ad. LEGAL NOTICES I Uh On Ielafeeeed (‘eacrese Taaasl. Seald proposals for the construction nf a Qlnforced concrete tun he re- resend by the Curators o’ the llnivs-rsity of Ihaouri until It) A. I. Friday. Juae 29th. 1928. ‘Plans ant; up-«iflrati-ms may be ob- tained at the of the under--isncd. ll? "all. The right is reserved to nice’. any or all bfla. lklwlrd ll. llrnwn llusinnia Ianager mmca TO uonbaaii or easrsaaao sroca. In accordance with the terms of the is- tht|pre-frrrfif stick of the F. W Ste-phr-rm lflliltslltng Co. them will be avail- on J Y stock the‘ IIQIII uf ‘..'i0C. hnldlnfl this ntlrk who desire are the same retired on the above date notify the undo-reignaf be-fore sucnf uf III! ‘onion: to ha will plalaae uly . la cue the Ifnsilffll requested by stuck holdrre to l-- retired is not sufficient tn [hr sinking fuml available on the ahnve dale‘ the‘ -'!rcct:-rs will stuck at l."in~ir Illaa'fl'llIl|. P. . W rt-l irr the- . Sydney lN‘t.-phi-n , '1-~cr-tary. F .‘~‘Tl.l'llFN.\' l'l'llll.\‘lllNi'. (‘ti rvrewhirms Underwoods for rent. Remington Portables for sale. Bryan Carter. Y. M. C. A. lat. l928. for the retirement. “ mlae i'oa'.e gcttha along as wall with Profeuor Inhart-I I us this morning that yours was a made: drawing " 1 ha heca Ilhd-‘ '0 . Didn't I ' lac -ad drawn’ pcnrif‘!“"” ' " II Dada-—fl laden r-in Jack Daily‘s V SERVICE Cleaning , g Altering Phone 13 22s. Nintlil 4 24 North Ninth a A4 ;A. ‘ or ciiicsoo In Will Present The Imaginarylnvalid . . . . . . . . . .. June 28 Androalesand!h'é}Lion,............... June29 June 30 Phone us H. J. Gribble 1-. - a—C Under Auspices of the University Ssmmcer Session The Coffer-Miller Aoood-Naturediim_.......................ooissaiiih Univenlty Aoiiiiiir1dm,;a:oo p. III. p *~‘ stats on saldat Store and 'rayibr'a beginning Tuesday, 9 afin. - With the Suniiner Here And automobile trips in night you can't afford to be bothered th a leaky radiator. It a may need cleaning. Le us examine your radiat free of charre and pair it to make it as now, With the ins llation of a copper Tyree core guarantee a year's perfect radiator service. -0 -a. .,—.. Moliere I