e.:. ~«~ l ‘ .. I‘, § . . . ~;s,,i iAil'mtiIAi'~tuNYJU ~-1* W a ' gfl__ _,,_,_~._ A. », -_ ._ __,_ _, . .. _ _°, ,, . . «‘_ ’ " ’*. A‘-'. 3‘ 3| 'l‘,| ',A.. “’ . "cause Isssiisssats silence scar smr msrntn is Ilsilisvrsn gag:-zczj. published at .:>;.;>|<:;r; bet -* °" ""' '°°"e" 3,33 1, ,‘,‘\','..'f__ 45 My“. , I l H ‘ ’''‘"‘‘‘ ' l ' V 5%.‘ - ‘ - farmer living near Ash - _ .. a A .- Experiment atatlea Ieeeaineds 1 .g ' ape:-l tgion The penyhlst discusses the co". _ - lid. .‘ 1*“ “"”.zrl.‘a:°i~(i’a"““ tleaalls: m .‘ leuuly Aw-at Tree In-eet rohenesene fit‘: con- the douse. the method of '3PP"¢3' {,:':"‘~"';‘ ’ _:;’;';‘'‘*;u"‘ the ' ° _ - '- . it r ‘ “ ha.“ on 0, ti, Baud”. July 9.__A. ' "mu 0‘ A asmphletwioa peach tree borer. the tton. sad -the time of application Bum‘ wok pl“? “man I the nation in the con- “am” In“. by an N”, ‘"9 '3" P3" _“° V Missouri Agricultural Experiment “"""‘ " _ he ‘ “ ml Ce . ‘ . . N "L 1-he I‘0P|'333" gene, written by 0. C. McBride of 3,5,, "mun... n 1,, .3 me. If you want to boy or sell some I’ . 8 9 y « mhery. M number of CW1"; the entomology department of the lg“ 01 "ab en’, 3.. y,." 0“ thing try a liaaouriaa want ad. Kelli ‘'39 "‘ (‘little «if the n"“n!“u°‘..bg“‘¢ Gefm.n ‘e7‘F’~37 - Tr- -‘*4--"I _1 ¥~ -I ‘-It-ii-W "- - "“‘-“ """‘ ‘nationalists in the Ruhr. In an ap- _._._._.q:.. —‘ 1 1:1:-» jvwj ‘ """""" ”' ' . . . &3““‘°'“ °‘ gguuapuflicaswellaatoot . W 3 A ‘ ' ' ' . - T flan ln'at:e.|:.l:ts out the % y ‘ . l_ ‘f.QQ.C 0 fl“ come 30 I , iii.’ i -""-',.-',.‘*'-4 :.'i'."‘?.'.".:’.'..ff'.'.':‘.!"..".°.l.'.?..‘:..‘ :2: FOR SUKIMER » - i:_ ' ' - ~ - . . -‘ ' * helpfultothefleruan DAYS . t , . ~ - I V . IaauaIb¢rotierfiteIWd‘.“"d°""'l"' M ,_ Poucy a ' ’, ' . 3'3"" “' "|"_""‘,,,”;',,,,,¢,°' aim-. i. especially‘ n-ri:cui'.'cl::: ' ~ . . ‘ . _' - - ygy-ggticulal broad.udlIeoid "i Chm‘ E.".¢°“‘“'¢ ‘red' . 3 ' :¢f1.g ¢( cu. the diltlr o.f every .GGl'I|:ll ’ " ’ '3 " .R vs-ea.-. ................. i.--Jr. ......... ..--...= *:.::.-:..-*.--i.-.-;.°:..-:; :.t:'°*.:'...t° W W °‘ . Hlm ’ - ‘flout ‘° 5'. ‘ta’. :3! c.-‘stale: Idhi number of The ‘leaders of the government l.l‘l¢ WCU ' -‘V ‘m ‘ wt‘ ‘:3 -‘.'_ flfir sepervtslse. Cd in parties as well as the so¢laIst and . ‘ ' i . under l||Ifl‘Vl3‘°33 ,3 *3 3'53’ conlneaists are supporting this ap- " IQ; . . . BY DAVID LAWREHCE .4,’ .3 °‘ 3".‘ °3 ‘33 '33“! ll". 0"‘ peel. ‘the nationalists alone are op- Prfluym‘ 3. - .. ' flu’ . {h":".H’ ' ii‘ 0‘ &- ‘h" in nllhr el cattle 0!! Vllthl posing, lt. They call the rhcent acts M! M" '0" ts‘. ‘ 54*”), u, an ‘"%.n""" Ihn’ Va |‘ht. . of'eaho&¥¢ "Positive resistance." r i ‘ .... ”...... ‘ M-*'*'........." .1... ...."'i....."'*..;."":: .....,.*~ "'........'**~ *:::..".3‘.‘ is .... i..t....i..":;;;r.... ..... . t- 'f (‘O U '3 ' " 3 , I ’ . :|q.lK\ll:-it. tlutdiz, has certainly assured». ":1" 5.‘ 11¢ gggqgtug, m Ollef Inspector of thing, try a Ilsaourlan Want Ad. .lllln!M‘lf of renomlnatlon. It will take. 5 ya]; ¢.¢g1.—A fitness to‘ ta: Animal. lnduetz./kg V _ T > 51945» It the Lalte or at l'|ome— s puiitiial oarthsoahe to Idodeemeet the “l.r'i:eoticilables"'hmoee _ him. than half way to sand. no _ ""“ “'"“""‘.' _ 9 1_ 3_ cup; ' ‘ Before the ‘President went was: N_ Ifi: exert 11:5 7‘ "‘3'.'E‘ luau’ I l. .' 5 I aorta of rulno t t 0 I I 39 ‘ I73 . 1'i‘?I§.“a".'. ‘i'.. ... .... " ° 4... u 27.... -A'"“":(.s'.'l'.e‘I.efl',.|Iedee. """' “"""',*‘ ,"",",,’*"",,, "“ are "eves-rw 4 keen about a second term Qd th! he "‘-"‘““"""""‘ D: United Press _ P h hd h d ~ or t 0 young y w o res- \ might be dlepeed to viciusae vel- Iu=:soi.IJ‘fl0l‘ '0 h3°""3” ' imta'ri1y from the rare. we ' roe raauauri r. au|.i.3al l‘ ted on the assumption 0. - ::l’:lf'l1ld himself unpopular lit the V'.'“7 " """“'“ ..~‘:'" _ _ ee . " ' "' _ west and that he woild he tell * 3' . 3 11" “*1, ‘gm mu}. um)" 15. ' bi , Co practical caps. rather for utility more likely to decline to he s COIL - recent roll of G. C. Davis. po- olm" ‘ W ' 1),." yo, .pp“,,,,c,. ', have . orul:t.n, Ohio. ‘my 9... , " “'33 Ifinnlwn ‘."'* “’ "‘ ""‘ ‘ 3'3"‘ son for bathing “on the sands" faced trial here today. charged with “ dlseedet or thoxe who prefer the more _.:.___._.-.__._ ...- date for renomlnatlen thaate phee A n”‘,“.. mlpu‘ 1,, 3.,,;.,'lice judge, t. t, three or more per- , y _ t . W W"? “' Warden. rmiiiiin Pierce itiua. Vernon-' -weerins on the meet me-ked P‘.‘l"'¢ A¢°°°“3‘3"“ fr; ‘""°m:; "Wk °{.'"'""' : mean iiievits ea in ‘*3; m ,4 (3.53, would constitute disorderly conduct. _ - "9 DUN‘ '0 *3? Civil In many *""*'ti°" "M"'- rariua ve:try ef the llpleeepl‘ ‘De I1-nemen were thrown in jail ‘°7’°° Gm" m‘_‘‘' 9”“ 22” _ .~t_vlt-~: and color designs that ‘ fl ’ \ The writer has talked with the Chunk. ha, 4. as they were returning from the [MONO Tax SOWKG: lMllnI50|| 0' . M” N, W", to p|“m_ Pm,” 35' ', \ President on the subject of nnonii -5, nggmcgg rsads' follows: ‘t'une_ra.l of a fellow member of the ‘dumb, gnu”; magi‘ Au. ‘ ‘ n-"6" -"4 wt "7 "“" '"‘!’°'"" “No -inele sensor at ‘ I-rm‘ ""“"""' "'""'°:". am Bahnce Sheet Audits; lnveer i - (he Group One Group at Oneflroup that the truenriewhfnt of Warren ha‘ dam‘ .315... nu-._ .50." Hundreds of citizens cheered the _ _ __ _ Hardin! 5.33 "03 5045 l¢¢IlYl"‘lY 7}“ gm.-g gm gag“. ., in '9]. prisoners as they were manehed into “$390333 031"‘ "id Adl“3U3U“3- 3 t0 fl) llected elther by those Who have in- “N 5, W to five of his l|ll- These filmy Philippino haml - ‘aisle-d Mr. Harding Val 33_¢‘_lnl 3 ,.5.u,,¢., gg. .[ 5;. —~—-—~f-— ————~4 M.“ summaw "och of my This group I! UYYU-Will)’ -‘Um’ In this group are many charm. ‘“:c°"d’""_" or tho“ ‘mo fin" "V council a“ “V0.0! ll! life. Tr’ . nlnoutwn '3'“ 3d‘ ported French Voile: in m.'in_v "wry wnh pleated “do ms°u' ing littlqfroeks of llottcd \'otlt'.I . """""" """‘z‘ “""“"'d ""'"“"' Hie influence was eonslstentlr on . W W V V _ - —~- —-—==-s-- tam --— ~--» u- «w. .. - . lieziiitiful all white and mmiiinar ‘hm “"“'"'“ ‘"‘“ “"‘h' l" M”"" d 9 .; .... ii 1) l I "3 "°“"l ""‘ ‘° "’ "“°"“““°" use side or peace and good-will, but; 9-0,, ,o,°,., i,,,,,,,i,,,. ,,.,,,,,u ,4“, pinks. um-en.-« and apricot. “" ' “ _ “ "" '“‘"“ "" °°‘ ‘ Xatorally Mr. Hardlng Is allxloua D’. '0" '“'d . nmt.‘ ‘.d“’'. .. um . fie“ mm" ‘he. I pm”, 31000 tars ainiltrimmiiigs with '(fl\ll and . fur I (‘OIIUIIIIIWOI ii ”VCP 0' "10 ‘H M .‘ ‘h "mu pl‘ w.fh t. 3'!‘ l ‘T. Rn“... «mgr! Iittlo {xx-kg-ts in (i[¢'hQd' W. u .. ‘_ i f . h _ . -I If . , SOIIH‘ “ll 0! - __ ' - ' . 7" ‘"3 °" 3 qu “ ‘n ' ' "in" gandie collars and hemstitchiii '”“" "W9 M i“ -""*'°' the first few aaoathe of his adniims awe“ . "N" '. ‘O uno.un_ , A it I u-‘(ion flpigg veto who “um” “at M“, demuun “nu. S Price 3l.1.35tn 319.75 -Jiecond [.‘loor—— . 3 93 to S7 30 .. sought to (erase with hlat the mat ‘ ‘ - V? -— -~—»- ~— ‘*4 ‘" of.”coM "Wu. 3 pm make us realise wlnt he meant to‘. ' t in 9" term "W9 3PP"3‘l3"3 3'3"!’ "V 30373‘. for which he was elected without 30‘ MI WICV'_O33 3'3 333' "3‘3‘l"..- thinking of a second Just be- --4 I-um he he an of our oldest; fore he went to rims, r. Harding brother We are ham to .- told friends who iiszilred about it this his werfareio . , that he did not feel igproiier to issue the vurineee at his Ianthosrs sad-4 Summer Fabrics ;.-.;:* --=- or , ‘That Make Attractive Frocks . an announcemeritofeaadlbry one f¢ 33"""’9l3‘¢°l"‘0||l’50*'il-80 1,”. 0, Q" "5" .5‘ 5, 5.5.". of a Christ-like ehsractn. pray‘ ' ed" V... ‘ea (5. b. that a double portion of III 39- J liven nutty Ilosld for‘. It. ;tra’i“nt. his who... “.4 is. qum. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ Slut Sklrtlflflfi Russian CFCPQS Friend. of Free t, At- -it my rent Iron in -IL" » . . . . ’ , torney ,_ ‘ ‘.5.’-‘um. SA“ -——;-———————‘g- E“ I , "9 “"“°"-*- 1 . For Sport (ostumes For Dresses and Slufts gr. u.dh' ‘ban :1 "n"m_ W I V | -l—-—-—— ‘ l-‘min M£llnl' lul \\':iilu-in ".laiit- . _“"""‘l3’f.-Ul ‘l‘“1l'l.\' of lie:iutif':il Silk (‘retro Nothing more desirable than these beautiful Rus- + nated. and while these public state‘. ' the Ifevlee. 3 ,_(.,," ,im,_ an. ‘in _..‘,‘b_ "H, Skii-ting with ('t)lOl'Ptl (‘luster uiriled stripes in hlflll (‘ri-pl-< for summer clothes Thpy m-. m i., mg“, m quivp “TH. S. ‘Eta? .."—‘h‘n“ 9.- llllltlt‘ ~\\'lnlnlllIL' fammis . \l'l) l'lU"- “lK°“‘lU'n “ml '~~'''*‘'' «* "" ’- -'-“'1!-'-IN‘ l*?"<"‘ haul in i;;i\\. llfU\Hl. lilnrlt anal '.\h:ti-. _\':irrl, ll) lent of_ an IIIBOIICCDIIIC M '1'. tenhyn deck?!‘ w'|h"‘L Neda“ Q‘l1l\‘lI(‘_ gill in-nuinr. non-shrinl;- at ;i yard. 41) ll1\-l|Pa' W'.tlP . 32.95 inch”. ‘uh, H $3.30 Harding himself. they were not 'in- former‘ Connenmn {mm “unfit 4-Ni‘ Wt-r.~t«-«l. {uriii-titting .\ull~' o , lflldfd 33 301'" by “Wt T‘?! '93? in M‘ .(Mr..' 1." mitt ‘t the C‘.-fly" '4 3 iii iittriictive color! that loml lill I Rvvfi ' dG‘:0¢bY ‘bf '75.‘? °‘.l'-u;::n kn [.:n*.'", 0' the Chn'u.n . .° ‘ : iiltu;:i-tli¢-i llt\A chiiim in llfllll lnt ' I ' " ii~ ~' I H‘! . 9.’) 7.3 "M m ‘quckfi iM’°"‘i “M b...‘ .(::l.l.l‘r;:.'|:fladn;:{i t0't::”q,Iratl0I9 , V e iii. i mi. (6.! ins e D e t a ‘X I case lll W‘ W of col Mt‘ of ’ 9 e y a. -v- mu ---we 4.. ... .. i... .. .... .. ...... Yeh-«That s It’ We Don t it . 0*'"° "W °"" *.""# °°°” painted or powdered" coadaod is l ' ; iii.» Daintieut of Pure All-Linen Flowered and I ' .i.. p...i.i..,.i...._r u-Mm ,u_“__w‘-__' “om; . _ ,1 - t _ _ mportedflatmes ** “""'""- "' “"-- an --~ »- e--- F Eat ‘Emu Bread H PHILIPPINE ~ °“""’ Printed Voiles NNOYCQC " _ ..''.u"'‘ of an 0“ ‘Q I.‘ ‘ 1 P , V . . . l" your summer outfit lll('l\ltlQ' Yet the fact ' the; gmbf 0' _1-.. , , _ , this light. cool. pure. all-linen ll‘ ‘recall 0 t . 60 red nd l"‘r’°n"d R°‘l"°‘ "r l"55h““ President mi. it: _ t '2'“, ,,_,'°,,,.‘;',_’;°‘;':,‘.,"‘._ ’,h_,'‘ ‘H’; L It l8 said America grows more wheat than i w (,,,,,-M ,,, W, ,,,,m,\,, “,,,_m,_ “ ‘ '“' ' "' ' 9° “ _ - tr NI ‘.13.!’-"let nowhere. any 0l.l'lCl' l‘l8l.lOf'l-bllt [RY person we eat l98S ; Ehv (‘}k‘Mil{'..\l|lll I:1.lllll)' INIHIFU: 3 Med ,|u_.¢,,. nnp, ,g,,(., __,,, .”‘;';“" r‘l"“'Wl"“;;“-‘l;°¢IIlly tit‘ quality and teJtturo- in almmt ,,¢.g . .13." - ht .‘ um ‘um! h‘ _l rum‘ in vs, l('S(‘ gurmcn 1 nd‘. ‘ d _ . ; .‘4|PI)P or 13 t ireezesome _ . mm.uw mhu nun’. b.d|3J.“”.. °'..&" (‘anti { than mos‘ of l are hand made by Filipinos ‘:2 rt-irnarr‘lt’achl‘0nlir'i’:~:‘M ft U“. (rocks. 3.,’ to "0 inch” wide fin)’ shade in both plain and the party give it to 1:: tea,’ H. on. ma 3,,.,,,,,, ,, Bread is the essential part of all meals-— ,_,,,,,,,m,,). ,,,.,,,,,M_,,,(, and ,m_ “rd ” 0. “M (W _.t- f d Olfly (0 II, “I Ittlt Vi If ‘ ' ° . b. id, L . s2_'0 ‘Z35 - ' “H I . ) " ancyv Yll‘ . . ...,l... d an :i.“:'td ‘“ l _ You can write our own ticket to good health . w W vme ~v to hat .5: int... a very mast belleeer ,5" ,,,, M "WW 5, Cum, if you make. g bread half of every meal. -“flue Ginghms Lin . I . in the in-I1 -rite!-0' ‘““~.'*"!‘¥ tian people. It all depends upon as; l Our breed is wholesome~—never higher in qual- 3 i ‘en. E . he surpflslng If Ir. Hardlng refrains ‘Q ‘n “. ca..." 0‘ & mg.‘ i y it riains more health_ -vi" ekments Imported French and. Scotch Gingham.-x with silk Malta your own summer ligerie fraln thus eaol. f elite Ole « yr" co g1 g ~ - .''°''‘ 'W '-'33‘ "We are sesa& more for chart-i th I] f I ~ "|I5'°|_4.°"°d 40318"-* In Check. stripes and plaids fans.) baei.-ite and satinatua...ig mg .y.¢. ma P3lC3« . ty ufiy than avg W, Vgt’ ‘ny 0 r ' -- — F07 g ° W50 N‘? 3 "9'! 903‘ \ —light weight and make delightfully cool sum- woven patterns; just the “Cit-kid‘?! in f One of tie .'h!_ '0 -en! -I-I due-s no h-he -sent to-I ‘Pry a loaf of Mother's Bread today-—vou‘ll ' ‘W 3' "W 5'" ml in °'°*"4- mer frocks. price. yard i . .. . . . . . . . .. sec - taey summer day Price rd 5'? g : - politkal page EV! HUI iltllfllall iflfib sad 0% eoehl lfllt i waflt to more of it ‘ ’ l yd‘? or pink. we are offering . ' ”r y. " u"’ that . tb h'*l_|t would UIQI Q4 ilbtltatfi. We never; ' these at the very unusual price withdraw from. the ll their spent more money for th jae-,1 . ‘Lu l i‘ ;_ knowleQeefhtsowas_etpeolrellg- ment oftheyoeththaneedapwhlch‘ . it nation to me. R: has ‘-0-: uses iaiuridssd,aIi¢é:otahattsr_vsrid. Y i ‘llhe L. - ocralieaf t were '0!!! f‘ eipfl you. young people. ‘ 1 ‘ ' ‘ ' r . £0 ;. mugs iii llfh fee an .:od.a1z.::|atyy" P_ll0fl€.lI64 14 N. Ninth St. 0 ' ' r : ; Mfflfllii ‘F 0 world. 8. con- . ‘ - IIIII V“, WUOII the majority TI‘! ll mfg will against him. accepts the verdict with aa ' , a1sel_iagttistIehae_dsae|i.best.tas Should he fall of reaomlnatioii or re- he election; Wartea Hardliu will he a ‘by good loser. Fall Have Arrived fl‘.‘:.':‘..."*.::':.' .".::'..."".:.' :2‘ -~ -"v m~=. «~- chenille and yarn flowered ‘sad l:tri:§~:i°ulrmm' 17" m-"'"""'' '" advance shipment but . '3 ecu‘ Th" '3 1"“ 3 3'33" . come m and see them. They are worth a vlsit_ —1ld F'|aar—- . W i _ M g BATHING suns" For those who prefer the other 9 kind we have a wide range (1 , hathinc suit.-. some two-piece in many styles and all the most popular color combinations. at _ ' . prices ranging from with the same splendid re- _ _ . . use. 35.95. time T; sillts that your mother used. ' _ _ Mafia. to ‘have if you will select a hour of the same quality 3 3 E ii *3 4 § 1 5 E 2- if 8 tr i ll 1 extreme in a more can be accomplished in’ lavas-uinaaus-a trouble and ':f.i§j‘.l.’..i’“...":;'.‘:‘.‘.._.:.‘_'_'__”‘*".."‘.: .'1':*...“zi-.:.'..’*':.’..'2'-‘.."..".:3 . aoo fl , _ “” ‘-----~- """ ‘ ~....""t'..3.°i';..“:.:'..£.i°‘* . II. of tassiliy the you order other important tells; it pays .. _ : ‘ _ . _ V ’ V V» . a Q .~ I .‘ u . . ' \ I ' ' ' l « ’ 7. ‘ g - ‘ ' ‘ . ' . ' . . - ' . ., , " 7 ». '0.- «ll ‘ . 4 .aQ5fl:';-’.fiET‘\'4-—..4¢‘ 4:- .