..I . ;'_;i;a'-.;u’:_',j’ ,;g'¢.-.;;‘.-! . ~ ‘ , 3 . , ._ ’ . ‘ ‘h . f 1,. °) er'_3.'..l '. " ‘ ’ . ,’ e .. . . -1iin:cowasni.i-‘ft: ‘L At 8:30 o'clock when the Orat endhl. Ho “fig urrvmg "W “I.” ‘-3. Westbrook "0'! over . 0 warnings throuxltout the stat; tda m‘ 5.5"."-es. In" L.,." (mm 0' Boom Co“-‘L bowl. m bf ‘ . NW *W‘°d “ ‘"5 °’""“‘°" to Williiril most or um way and we.-ii-nhaver Cleveland 6-2 6-4. Prw“ "' ""M.° '° “" d"“'.'T '". “ Ind Se-vines human -2 Coiurnhia. Io. .. ..u .........., on up ~ .“‘ “poo were ‘had’, in then. uh h Wm d . ‘ k_ ' hi J h H - 5. v. .. . . feat before this moveniezit. iiii.i~ii.- vk_ the inn day of August. A. D. ieu. . . . ~ . gddxiongl thousands ‘. mm. " '3' ma mg m " n ennfl" ‘ml’ h'd","‘P°l"-the old guard gets out and voiv.-.-4. liv tlonriulidati-..l Pr... l('npytight. 1921:. 3*-3-101‘ “ ‘la’ ' miss quite often the bout was ii player left in the tourney. will meet : . - V . R. Kinsey. of sin Fraiicisco. in tlic I-‘lGll'l‘ i‘oi.i.ows l.lili-1|. 'i'lil.\l. l“:23'(:.:arm:':_(::°:;:f;:';:e ‘:2 other match of the quarter finals. ' L. W. De(‘Il.OU(‘ll. Executor. Final insertion July l'.'. 0- jflg in every entrance. shade Pirpo'.-4 nearly all the way. M was falling as the first pre- e b’ J“-“~“ °"‘Pl°5'°d hi“ “"‘°“-“ “l’i’°"‘ N0‘l'l(‘l>Ul"_.l'lNal.it;;1'z‘l'.l.£l!NT ,,. in ‘M. (‘,1 been to increase armaments through- and Summer - Suits Reduced 0% _ - ll! cut to good advantage and several Hennesy defeated Ralph Burdicl; (‘"""' "uh "‘"“"‘ Not-tr i- hereby siren. that the under- . win‘ over (hp ring made a time, ‘N I,-irpo hack H" in‘. heels .5 ]ndiJnap‘,“’_ 6_0_ 6_2. while Kinsey Magus (jar. out the world ruthu than to reduce dun‘ “mm.Mn"“ 0! ‘M rlfi" M '”_ pfldllght that threw the filhters he bored in tryiiig for \\'illard's beat J. t‘. Conrad. San Francisco, n’l”M3",\."‘_."?:"Q V “ J |_ 1., §rhe""blMm’r;,mg: ‘W ":9 Deuurthfi ::m"l;'ml:":':":“d ;_:'o'dnu"::;“' H2." sslias rinirnide spectators into-iiody. \\'illai'd'a advantage of reach ‘-2, 0-2. ' *3‘ "' ‘- ‘ - J3 "' “"“' “‘ “ ”'"' " '"‘ ' '“ .,., ,, _, J. '. .'.,'. ‘. - ' ' ' -. - eeling lI('l\V't'(‘n friciivls and to-.-.~ of pllllllillml today that newspaper aa~ ‘ ""“' ' "" "‘ ' "" relief. Up in the higher N0!’ of fiw inches and height the same - ierui of the rmi-ii. (‘ourt of _ V _ _ F WILL SAY ['1' W111; 1-‘[‘0w[.;R5l(‘arl Mag:-e ran high l1('I"(‘lt)daj.', fol» serts that as a result of the thor- ‘ llfllllul gleamed fcebly wgfe Dy-oving . hgndicgp to the Ar- , _ _ , tr. Ilaaouri. to he holden at (‘oluInivia. Io “‘uef.]]in' dg;-knees, i g,,nuni,m ‘N1 hi, l9fg_ which wu . , *"-7*‘ _ il0WmIi' Ch? 573! 09¢" Uulbtcllt la!‘ oulrli stud)’ of the arms situation. In said count)‘. on ise iaiii day ut Au:-i-i. . . "'"“" “'7 I’ ("'°""“ ' ""19 filth! when 0- 0. A-'l~t‘l'n. -“P0081 it can say that the armament fever N 9- *9” he first prt*- 5UPP°=*<‘d 10 MW b9?" d°‘¢‘l"P°d pm... ""5". N“, suuou. MINNIE BENNETT, adllilnlstratrla As the fighters in t finry. Al Irighf of England and " loser of Chicago. . the crowd was silent, and the prosecutor for the county of San h;._.. an f‘,ur._,p¢ in its grip_ Even By l'niio-l Press. - - - h . ‘h ; ’ , Q lllltl. 1‘“83K1‘d In -'1 ll“ 112' 1 W countries like Holland. (‘Lecho-..lova- under the tutelage of Jimmy l)ei-‘or- N KANSAS (1-FY‘ "°" July ‘'3'’ Fred R. Wilson. &:4s(x'ia’.e iounsi-l for Hm i;._;mam. ‘mi pound ‘re build- no est. was not showing to any great advantage. 26-I-I0-l'I. Final in-ertinn July if some "ofrisii. sErr_i.usiv:.v1- hating sound of the blows as they The end "f the filth! came un¢-x- }th.:n ;;mmb:.rl‘ 0' the h'.mu,".:{ ll“ -'“"'“‘“""‘l"“ -"“i’“‘l“''- 5“ l-""W3"¢-*- "W-*' l'>'*'“* “"4 Notice heels! pm. that o.. .....i.— ' nd h ti f th tedlv. Willard rushed from his .‘ ‘aim ‘cs ‘ cp W ° , ° The tight closed the days 191?" S(‘lKW|lL' **”'Pl1”“’—"- F-"9" “uich -iano-1 executor of the nuts of Vliuism M 1 “Na 3 l 9 W“ ‘'3 ° 9 9“ - union station here on their arrival ‘ . . . t th I tli . hill d - ‘ad exu‘ pr°(‘e'd'm" m the ‘mm l‘.'1.~t llifllil has been forced to grant T‘"M’f dltellfll. will malie I-‘insl .\«-'.1le- 1|. *9 3'3"? °‘ '-5°" 1°“ °” °°"’°r ' ' mm‘ m ._e 9",! '9 for convention September l0. they ‘ml uh“ ‘ad wmem . hmnng m_ ' . h .....i or pi. .....,....i. y“; ..g 3-, i. ., ~ *9“ floor‘ were ‘he only t.wU left‘ to E”-P0 5 chut be [l’¢OfQd I WOACOWIO V lv'n “. P. P ‘ ..u&'d" 0’: ‘loo'0(x)'0(x) .uen“ - uch xei itur at the neat lrrtn if l’rn- . “lI|Ih¢\IIC areas. (I Firpo clinched and seemed content mm in . now” bed on the slope olxlklfq; "gr? wfimn WNW“. mt cg‘. liolliiml . lil\l|l and aviation am- ,_,, M, 0, ,,,_,,,, .w,,,, ,,,,_,,u,. . . .1WIl'll'|Qd up lfl "IQ lQC0lld pTC- ‘-0 h.nK Oni ~“99"“nR|.V “rod "'9'" ","n(.(hnu.})- (,pp(,.~n¢- the nllllloll S N I L 3 \‘ _ 1 .ll0Yl*. be ho ion at folum , In. in said county ] 39 9 h‘ ' d set. A‘ . l _ ' . .\i9“lltl“'9‘ Hiltvl hQ‘rl' lH§l -|n( ” ‘ .1 . _ V h. ‘n m’ l“h d.’ 0' A'3‘U'5‘- . . . . s sias mg mg roun P _ ._ . . . l‘io.i«l <..r.n.n._x. are t i . . 7 _, , . .. The bed is a urclc thirty the foot named mm M”, H", “M U,“ Ju,,L,,. . viii...i/iii W.\Slil.\CT(-.\. i-.m..ior f between (iiff ltramer of San they broke from the clinch l'irp0 .m diameter 1" the “M” n‘ H H h_ f I f . ‘ N Wm“ “W. me m,e‘u_&.t mmur). mt 2‘H_m_1. and Tiny Jim Herman of ‘started a whirlwind attack against ' - Nml ‘‘ '0 0°00" 0' - ‘FM M... ,,,.,_..,,,,, 4.3, ,- l.l’t‘(‘ designed in flowers. with brown hug },..n iwid in (.,,m_(.mH Hf ("Uri \\ ll d’. ' M ‘ trunk and yellow leaves. Around by uu¢‘.. 1)..-id “_ L...h)-, Big .l('.~<.-4"-‘ head and bmly. defense dropped and I-‘irpo, si-iising tion in the world. today has an army of only l00,i)0O men and Austria $16.50 Suits, now 11.55 . . ~ . . hr edge of the (‘lrflr in clear cut \\'i|,“,n r,.{..q,,,g g., Ju.{'.. L‘..- 583 9"?" WW1’?-" 3r)?‘ U“ TlK"bl““- . h t but they his adxantage. rained ii mile) of ‘. N . _ - ' _ A I -. .. __.u., M hive Gcnnum. - i" 'ng roa rights and lefzs to the hood. Wil— l"u”‘ '3 ”““ R"-‘9l"‘ l“.".‘i'lpL of aiioii)taou~i and n"° "‘ P 0 " . . the League of Nations and there are some (‘st-x'tnans. including the former ambassador to \Vaahington. lard could not block ihcin off. powerful right straight to the chin. or in the ring pai'lanc;-, "right on the button." sent §\'illa.rd reeling to the ropes. Ho dropped to one knee. ’. ' ‘em; the United States the and although making an attempt to of the international aftillticnt rise at the count of eight his 42- flfie evening so far as Tom Roper year-old legs went back on him and "Wt-lcomi-. Institute 3- ll)’ 3 0‘ l’*"'l‘ l’-*0‘ threatening conmuiitations signed: cutixe.-. I923. '(.. ' . l\. K., asked Askren jokingly if he The flowers will lie in full bloom pm.) the “K; Klux Klan grip“ by H“. um‘, of the (.m“.(.m“,,, and A’kn,n fiw. “ §-t‘lf “Km 3,, 1}... (‘ohm ton Bi-rmclorff. who want to the color scheme has been carefully nose. Wilson ri-taliiited by throw- d0 ~‘0- BU‘ G¢"‘"‘i|")' Will "0: 10”‘- ;nd iirtwiticiilly worked out. accord- ing .\.~kr:-ii to th-- groiiiiil and hold- Th“ ‘*1’ C3-'1 -“1|f1‘l) l'W""3‘~'- mg to Thomas 1' Harrington. .~cc- ing tum there until the police .-ir- ‘ ' ” ‘lt.‘lKlI‘_',' of the board. rivi-d and arrested both l“.t'll. r. ‘K third preliminary. a six round IQ htwaen George West of Lon- fiaand Charles .\'a.~hert of Jersey .' stopped in the fourth round lb Ive West further punishment. KansasCity, EXCURSION .. .. July 140 $4£ Tickets izood only in $20.00 Suits, $25.00 Suits, $30.00 Suits, 14.00 1 7.50 21.00 IIOW I'lOW HOW A rcal 85.00 bargain in mirrors .ii Piirlu-rs for .f°P|'i8'¢ VP“ . nfiu _m,,, on , um jay? Ward's G-ushos ‘fir in many flavors. “Bay It By The Case” \ 4 For particulars : Sec Ticliet Agent. I I All Straw Hats 30 Per Cent Off. All Summer Trousers .30 Per Cent Off Palm Beach. Mohair. Troliical Worsted: _ See Windows For Reductions.