, _;.,_' I . _ ,, - _ ‘ --1' ; if cissstill eacumbsring the earth. Agoh woman has invaded the do- men. A director of athlet- ia a gh'|s' school in Chicago is in the summer school of coad|ll8wl~0l“' '4'!“- csrs sold out errversitsct llichisu. Ind ‘-30 II" - eieial uesctues of athletics except uifiogrsed upo ' caj. iuuch juvenile crime at a I -- held in Chicago t s VlII0IC_I_g.|Flft)'-five s ‘- . . - ‘ wen" ll the Boys‘ iourt uflleiaie in amhauug «the r S, 5‘ I 3 1 tbuand charges. . . _ ‘mm ' bile thief. rim. by imo-mi; is. "“"""'*°"'" ”“"""""""' number Jlthe engine. and not1fying'.""°' “hm mo" "3 ‘M3 "K Pom. u".ea".l,° may an ed. It to sjs iI&s'ltent to ieupct teachers and mcial welfare n.‘..“. ‘M to ' I. .0 regaehig the rearing ‘of children .*Mmc.“on mark uh who call someone else father or fore tryiu to tour extensively and .sell it. This work is often done in some garage in the town. sometimes flan‘ without the knowledge of the own- . _ _ . N. t."_..‘. the brim“. of ‘ me rest of them. But pitying him does clianic. By early aotileatiun and _"°‘ ‘M ‘HI’ In "m.cnc" . garb. um‘, an C." b. nmwnd in Ibouii. everywhere there is to- hdw. may "I? remwed from an day a need ‘for more hum’-s wnere. immedhtc di“fi“_ line’ upon line. precept upon pre- ° uqlhrs ‘lied d d‘ - Since most of the cars are stolen "mmI'Iy°l B”n,::, dnuimian "3. in the latte citiu and sold in the ' "_"" um” md in an covgu" . :.eh"w;r'k|“i:”s:'ayr'ci-l_\ rc«rea.ion:il, knowledge of what is necessary be- ' . fore a buyer actually pays for a car s°h°‘_’l t°“h_°” Ml’ U ‘lam’ h inknuu not only ‘O "nun" for their work in training the youth . ti. “"0 M »t u pnuc‘ the 0‘ bk nation. ‘ll takes time, money. 2 buy". whn on buy‘ ‘ “den at sacrifice. Social welfare workers _: u,‘ an o'..“m' E. F"... we have to submit theinqual “ "flu. "he "III" a‘, bun for ability to h:l.'ldl(' JU\‘Pnllt' case 'h.t.,a’h.’“'h~‘ ‘tum. work and to bring order out of Every car that is sold or resoldi°"°" _ .3“ h._.:“.i“‘h*'...’-_. Why. then, don't those who are tel under the new owner's name, this °fi‘l"‘"" ""'°"’"b'° h’"' l" "ll" _,¢"..b,, ' th hf".-nth“ some sort of guarantee that they [.40 at Q“. of an 1*. previous can tackle their job .1.‘ home-makers. .'nfl.v. mm‘ and tb ii” ‘ad as ‘fathers and .mothers, without , Kim "mum." of we at W}... having to turn over their uniuiahod cg‘. Rafi,’ 3 Ind.’ . etuk-u‘ work, hopsialy iuuddled. to those ‘of ownership is Issued to the appli- ’::°l:':h':"'h.“::(dn'; ':"'_'_""’ "' am a a - o e. '~ by refusing to purchase a second- ’ id car until the certileatc of ; ou$hip was sent in sud ebcked I ' by “It state uuthorizles, the mar- 3.3.9 Agy udentistg Qi-I digxvgr hot for stolen curs ould be wiped just what it is a young woman proves ' out. The certificate of ownaaliip by dancing ninety hour:---.\'ew York that sear thief uses would of neces- 7'55!“- - 'sity have to be forged. B waitin - . , , , l until sheet-rtiiicate of owne)i>sh'm had ,h:.:Mb:c:,r.;:’,:,(:::t,iT;,mfrtinyg. 5 Mn raven More some for an about making it . little more adhe- ' -- autollohilc. the buyer can make it sivo at th esamc time?-.\'cw York imposdhlo for a thief to use forged Aiuerisan. 4-ortiflaths. t ' ' ' . ' ‘ ‘"‘ “bl. to’ N In”. Andrew Kan. Clinesc merchant of _ ' Seattle. recently returned from the """""-'---- great oriental Republic. .-ays the Among the many i-e..r,n._ '5, world has gone “Mah Jongg mad." pg-rum. .1‘; pong,‘ in ‘heir “.1 Mr. K5 should know. He went to . ‘or me ‘but ‘I the duly ‘mm o‘_(‘hir_ia to place orders for a half a an ke_m“. million sets, but was only able to obtain a fruction of that number. owing to the enormous demand./l’he i 3 .1 '1‘ f E’; 1; moths. 'ter cursed wit. an unhappy. or often a crim.nal home environment. is to be pitisd. - r‘ ‘ ‘u-uIt7.~'-*‘ ‘ 1 1: -‘Q -'11".-iv ' son‘ ‘I,‘s'K'.\' A TE: WAY or THE Woiiw V‘ IJNTLXID WEALTH tin songs! the evil is not desir..y- -ded loyalty as well no pleasure. But F tolerant. with Oliver Twist rind the ' . .1‘ i "'2' . 7.n_ 16.1 . i?;*.._‘ N9’ 3',‘ ,‘ 3‘ . s .' _,:,_, §.;-A.~.. L—h‘ i.o-.rw-me.&‘&cusC'I--3‘-¢'$' ‘ 2: el sad finfrrwhkihe weeks hrirfl lutulnXry_. ‘fl. u“ " isiiuiusi use not their ori¢is_.,,, , ifltilhfiifld -"'°,‘ithseousidurudUmmifaI.-'a't' whence fig’ rupflly spread to thfl '“k_ country. where seine of the best. musics s--slur Laadis. ‘$35’. my tit momx!I,.m an ”‘ -$’'C|d ly. ' " We take it that Justice krill!‘ and John Wanamaker notably. ' nurse. it gives their ns added morale sud their elnployu ad- still the vital flirt is that lllusie-ppggggggg 9... penetrates Us the very center of re- out of himself to return somewhat-less accurate manner by hi. ...¢;- more-tranquil. somewhat more soul'ates in business or by his it is little wonder that wedfiocover that H men in Chicago have boon insured by the concerns with which they are identified for one million ,.,.,,.., dollars each These industries have 1,1.’-d “id 9,“ an nib." '9" an “insurance interest" in the men responsible for the drift toward so- “'50 “Wm 0"‘ IZWUP 3"“ ‘ll!’ “*3 59' .<,.|'.m, ",4 .. ., 15;,“ 5, Mm- volvcd. as will be understood readi- ed g5. Umjty of H, ly, is that the death of any one of urggd ‘ll W 3. Q. W ‘n those Individuals would, in the interest in pplitica. to inform gh¢n-.ment of the enterprise with which .-‘.tl\'e3 and to vote at sill elections. 51' 1-‘ I5-*0<‘lIlv-‘d b<‘ ¢‘(istni'.sslt'r parked l"lll~ car in ' several hours rt-centlj» M. W'. 0. Robinson. spent whali- with the sign: Tlrse two brothers phone 105." A 4 "f I .v7l‘\- ' ‘iii 5;!» .3..="~*:' I. ll r".‘ ' ' v \ 3-’, . ' / ii? sé--ill v wu- ‘ I Of all the things that go to make the successful engineer, nose is more impor- tant, nor more in step with the spirit of the profession, than a studious attitude. One man says about another-—“lie is always willing to learn," “he doesn't think he knows it all"——a,i_id he intends to pay a high compliment when he says it, \ J ' The great engineers are always at school» IIWIW-..lmraim..slufus.'seeking ‘.:'.'-“::'.....'»‘ ii-1..-'.::~ ..........,...'*'-*----i I8 3 1 _ they keep itfimto the end. ‘Dd «A-sy.-ensisulies °P¢|'3U8|»...0¥¢f:~9Dd sbovethepuuov . . ' giti.-. fliliediout. ' ‘ ' , ju- watc also ‘RKM Wflliluhousoorsny othersmtbulhis. -Gs-.~s i-a...-—-...---,~-...,-1‘,,,- Q; . .9-'.g.....fi "v s i 5 I ,. it s. . .‘ , C-s cues M.» “*5.” O “;" .~ - A J A’ " I togefiwwimathhususouwssv-found on feet tall. traveled around the Two youtiiul bandits attired in palm beach suits and straw hats Ford automobib ‘robbed Jack (Johan of Kansas City. "d , of jewelry valued at 82.- ‘ Mayor (‘romwell of Kansas (‘it) has promised the Chamber of (‘om- nce cooperation in its proposed investigation of the city's finance. Norton '1'. Jones. chhirnian of the chambi.-r's special finance committee giving free treatment for patients suffering with “granulated eyelids" will open Tues- 9‘ Christian. health officer for (‘alla- wa:.' County. The l‘. S. health ser- vice co-operates with the state in highway attention last M. , week to the new law requiring all be provided with mirrors where the operator can No! hav- ing the-<0 mirrors subjects the Hi)- years or Mayor f'roniu'i-ll of Kansas ('ity. financial dc-pert’, mcnts of the city government up to lie‘ nu the yen! whcn final re-ports would be made. drawn bet-au.sc ii.’ .~.e.i.-ons! cxpcndi .sci-lsior Spring.- bu») and on return lu his car found a card “Val! ‘Valli.-r lluncan, l'e i'Zlllt"l llunczin and if 1.~.I.i. .. ‘ .. ‘i’-‘t?*.‘ -' lo ..'riio iii¢i,s.ooTcii.-isor of Com- nie ahwed Each mesa- A burglar -with a conscience has He entered the room of C. II. Witsol. extracted a fihill from the poekd . ofspairoftrouserasudleftafl - es.__41' -as-mo .- III III .,.;.c'_'lIi'::: l P .4.- .of a Construction . . so-sw, and treasurer of tb 3 ‘bl:o°1f::" St. Louis aviators plan to sell Min- sourl to Missourians. They will county fairs and picnics. paign will be conducted in Septem- her. A St. Louis law.\'t-r, who is associ- iitc council for the Associated In- dustries of Missouri. quflilloflfi ll“-‘ right of the jury clerk or his depu- ties to enter factories or business establishaieuts ind personally "it?" view each of the employee. o.f@'lculture' 'lng the conditions in fo tries as he viewed theiu the r_ y cvcriig} ’ Technical departmental heads ofiaé $1‘ proud” ! he St. Louis city administration that have been going to other citiel .» ‘l on ruissions of private and llinful employment .irc {mum-d upon by representative American cities for carryiq on a bad practice. The fourteen men of Leonic Psychological ('lub in St Louis who paid twenty-five dollars for a course of twelve lessons in how to becomi- great. lost their leader when he rit- tempted to practice his art on a wil- ling but unsynioathetic police-Ww mun. dirction. resul (Burn Price. Vandalia. N-cently graduated in law fropi Washington l7nivcrsit_v. filled the interval until hc could hear from the law irxaniination by acting as mule driv- er at the Walsh pant. lie suflered a lirolwn rlli ll) Icllnfl as mule brokcn rili h_v ii blow from thc end- gatr Hi’ ;i llluli.‘-(‘i.‘Lllt'. MR9 have rdless of n. The (it; «if St .iu.-wpn has pur- itiased H7 at res of land which will - lic um-il for u municinal golf cmirsc. (iingrcssnian L. (T Dyer of St. Louis has announci-ii that he will in- troducc a re-mlution for the amend- mcnt of the Vnlsteiid sit to no-rniit Miss Lelia B. . ‘I . thc nldll‘.l{3.t"ll"0 cf l-i.'t'l' with a fl per is now taking Xi}: Will! mg her aosencc. . - C4 cent ailtunulii t'()nli'lll. ..__..- _. i El II null 1. i :_ sh. ‘‘ /'- ~ 1 ;_ M V. ’=-“Tr S 9. This Post-graduate scliool,fit.s -I-no-0 -mu iii. for “$3” "3931 Ollltinnslly fitter. I I ' '5 r-ii: Y -. - federal buflet uylts-in link - rection of Charles Dawes of J! th national debt over lion dollars in three years the total expenses of o United States government cut one-third. thus 3:I\'ll' W payers a large sum of mg, ro thy acconrpliulsment ator hleCorrn'.ck. Libraries‘ ‘Is all vi:-sup. what critic upon the checking of taxatiou and duction of the public debt. Q feat of the League of \ Willis. li "V -3? CC!‘ o O . -V‘ I. ’A r C A ‘# ‘~ "‘......h.s.I“'*. K": . .‘ - . t 1' V. «:"‘_" i..ti.._n.I ' {'._....'a-.&_.-0§ __u'1'