V 13.1! . .- ALASKAN ROAD Harding Hay Ask Oongrem to Pay Deficits of That Line. Iy l4—w—r;;;_-Iastia. "r‘Ii'i‘nX'3i"xs Ah-Iwl-1! 24-- iimng studied It!-mi nib-I " ;ai..r;..i i-i.-ac.-v‘ A JERSE Y CALI‘, HAS WOODEN LEG Among ordinary farm physically baafieappd do not In!’- vive. butpceaslonally there is a val- uable. blue-blooded aristocrat of the III. o\'Qf its entire length. and observed he months ago, when Peggy was closely the nu-ibilmfi 0' Ind is committed to maintenance of the road in the most Qonuiiial pos- sible fashion until a broader 97°’ gram is aarra . lie believes the present and the immediate future promise nothing in the way of development of the vast ‘.\tN't(lle$ of country through which the line runs from Seward to Fair- Lanlts. liven ck-velopment of the tourist pus.-uliilitit-'4 of the southern portion ' t.l‘ls(’Y|d" on furnishing adequate wa- ti.’ transportation which is not now l\l.\tlllz in it way to make travel 'iirtlll_lUUY|ll attractive. .\lr llbading probably will uh .nngre_.u to pay the detlcit of the Alusknti railroad tbu )'OIl'. bl-ll b9 l vgt-~ heze that the deficits be kept the lowest possible More. The ..-tit-it is estimated at about 31.500. MN! th:-t year. (llliciuls pointed out to him the l;i.ge -tanilardized last section line mom l-‘airbankii to Tatiana bridge ;' has pi.-t been finished. Mr. llarding upon his return may rod Seward an the ocean terminal of the railroad. Seward iii on Resur- li-t‘llulI Bay and has a fine harbor .\ rclioi age K004. IS rlll;\'o" great possibilities of develop t_i““__ It‘ lmmxv Th" ¢r"wl*h 0‘ A"°h°““" to l'll" win, 5. .\l lie-uchi-i‘. ll \'lU\lt‘lll ll l’ ‘ "‘ll"°"d in the l'niu-r~i!\'. three pictures of town built by engineers who wanted p,.KK_\._ ll \ ht. \'a~ n'.adt- to order growth only {G days old. she was attacked Hardin byasomwhobitofltbeeadofher \ tail and the lower part of her right hind leg. \\'. Bouchi-r, \\li«- ll‘-’ Thr «-\\iio*r of Peggy. - l.t'ul .\liIlN‘l‘l_\'. to gixv up the calf llt'l'(l. llr us rt'lut'l;itit mm the be~t cow in bi made an artificial leg to i-iiiiblr l'¢‘l€* _ Ry tn lit‘ ~iitl1irt‘\\illlllii' “iirltl Iflllln. liq‘ I‘ [U IlQ‘(‘ldC‘ Th.‘ Ir‘ 1“ :l‘m(.'|.." I“ “ lvathvr l“,o[ or casiiig, lo). int-;iii~ of wlmli it i- laced on. Peggy h;i~ t_ilu-ii Liiiilly tn the ' illltl t'\Ili':ill\ appre- .\lr H-iucht-r sent (lm--how.-n her With the to construct the railroad in l“’0.!H‘l" stump of her leg, standing on the liuli~'. Sewzird wad the terminal of the timl Morgan t hree good «viii-~r. Another picture _~hu\\'~ the artificial leg in place, aial I-M .\lu-‘hail -Vunhfffl UUIK¢'"h*‘|m ill the la-t one l't'L't3l. denioii-tratt-.s propefl)’. Wllifll \H|~" it~ usefuliii-~~ by scratching her ear t.il.i-ii on-2‘ as a v-peculatiye propo- with it_ .-.t.'oo and the government was in- At night Slix Bout-he-r put.-A Peggy stored to buy it when it decided to in ii —tall with plenty of straw. and ltllltl the railroad. l-lycryoiie now admits that the tha is done Peggy off the urtificixil leg. After remains very government was stung when it paid quiet. lying down most of the time. more than a million dollars for the If .\lr. Boucher is late irfllinit ‘'01 property as the whole line had to ill!’ hell m-‘min! 1“ PU‘ 0" P1’!lf)"" be scrapped and rebuilt and even the l¢‘lf- -‘W? “'1” l‘I“l |""l3U’Ml.\' 30 bf‘ 1-out. ch.’-‘Red in golng pug-¢g_ Th.[ Ifibfmbltfll llflllln ft)!‘ Ill? day. 30 Eli? L. om. ,{ the --,¢u,d.1,°° ‘bout wt,“-i, can play tag with the other calves. Alaskans talk in connection with “.1” the HA V E .\lll.l\' (‘ON DENSER Afltllefll? hi! 5001! [Wen K0‘-’0|’“~ .\Iount Vernon People Wear Carna- ment favors as want to make it a sea terminus. That means . Pradual ath by decay to Seward. Anc ll; a Vltafl for Coming Factory. ("one-ipundent aot'.\'T \'ER.\’0N. July 24. mm. m 5. ch. nfluj —lted carnation: are being worn by 3”‘ of the unflory. ‘Nth is hot the bU"l'lt'.¢a men of Mount Vernon U “ad” by 1.3”“ on ‘he .om_h_ and their families to ('ClO..'bl".¢ the reason to exist outside of being the capital. lf that honor is removed Juneau probably will de. President liardlugplsowever. will uppoae any eflort to cripple the road as he feels time will justify the great experiment. Even .hough the country might be willing to pay something for pioneeriiu into a net- country that may some day be of zrea‘ strategic value. i .\.0AH'S ARKBSRSPIRIT L REVIVES; IT BRINGS erect a factor)‘ costing 8200.000; and 100. 000 to 200,000 pounds of milk, which now goes daily to feed hogs for lack of more profitable market. will he crinciensed. About fifty per- ‘ans will be employed at the new factory. over which Mount Vernon is enthusiastic. There Just one drawback to the new ent rise in y not prose Vernon Milk Products Company. the plant of which belongs to the busi- ness men of the town. This plant was orzly completed last fall and cost 30 ' . THE COLUMBIA i l i ....... mums" #‘ Cattle-Reedptl. 8100: market- .saaady; and heifers. 810: pm tuner‘ ‘M C‘I‘° -the. suoouo: coders eep——Raeeipts. gr; Qfies, 3336; canners and cut- ters. Slfi-3; wool lambs. 8ll..'>0(a- I275. Corn -- .\'o. 2 white. l"3@90t‘; July. 8‘a'§nc~; Sept.. '.'7*.c; lit-c.. Misc. Oats-—-.\'o. 2 white. Nc; N0. 3 fih)tQ_ 42|,@4.'lc; No, 4 \\hll('. 42¢; July. -Iolzt‘. Wheat (futurei Jul) 1'0‘-‘~zt'; fiptn 95l§(‘ lle(‘.. "hli-t‘. \\'ht~ut (redl No l. ‘.'l'4(‘: \“ 3 97c; .\'o. 3. 9- ‘. “'l'lt‘llt ihardi .\'o l. '.'-it‘. No .3. .at'. The nvr-rage \mcrican man will dig deeper Litton hrs pocket when he buys his fall suit and winter over- coat than he did last year. Manu- facturers, wholesalers and l't‘lullt'l"l are agreed as to that. (‘oiisunzers will not find their separation from additional 85 to 310 painful. accord tag to Robert J Alexander. ii resi- Qint buyer in New York. who rcp- ii-wnts large !t‘lullI"‘s liicnti-«l in it J_ doze-ri ilifferent ~e.‘tioiii~ of the t‘u.ll1 ll"- "lli-‘ t"i'l.\h"'.|'l Will pay the [il‘lt'i'- ii.-kml fut it-lull clothing this full." he ~:iiil iecentl). "5uItlliL' and iner- coating pattern. are hi: altr;icti\i- that the udvuiice on-i l:i~t yo-at'~ lil‘lt‘i-~ \a|ll \t‘Q‘ll| «mailer iii the t‘_\t“ of the louyt-r." llewigin. lit‘ iidded. mould play a liltH't' ili~t.iictiu- part in udierti-iiig t‘Il1l||lIlKl.'4 uf‘tl than ‘l|lt'\ appeals en-i be-.’ori-. t'\t‘ll ill the lower priced lines. The lines of clothing thus! in do-niaiid. he predicted. would rangi- ii price from $25 to 345 for suits and from $.'l.i to $50 for ti\'t‘l'l‘u;tt-I Saturday Early (losing. 'l"nt' t‘lo.~ing of retail store‘. put‘ ticularly stores, it half ull .\'aturd:i_v “hl('h ll.‘i~ now lI(".'.'l in effect in man) (‘|llt'~( for tlligr \H-elis, has ct-ant-cl to lie in t'\[)t'r‘:f)lt‘l:l. The volume of llu\'I- izess. according to reports of store ownerk. has held up without dimuni- tion and retail liuiiiness in general I‘-' 0' lure!-r‘ proportions this month than in July. 1922. ('oal. The price of stove coal has been advanced .34) cents a ton to 815.50 by Philadelphia retailers who report that fear of a mining suspension n the anthracite fields has revolt- ed in an unprecedented demand for «tot-e ‘sizes. Broom ('orn. State agricultural experts in Kan- sas declared recently the present outlook indicated a broom corn crop in excess of the average deziiand L'nless the crops suffer unexpected damalre. Kansas. lllinois. Oklahoma. Texas, (‘olorado and New" Mexico will harve-t 508.000 acres compared with 257,000 acres llth Year Here DR. 0’BltYA.V Pioaeer (‘ll IROPRACTOR | Elvira Building , ANIMALS TO I'. S. , c. . . . _ . 31' t l I peiated by A. B. May ‘” ' ' ’ P - .. --- her wh” ,.,“._\ H“. building {ran the colllhbla Ilattraaa Factory l 1' """ .'°''','‘ . I\(l‘~'t't'tl.~lng (‘lub and who owns the Old mattresses remade. . d}:‘:M'tBel.'[:(;"—’l‘?;:.nfv.'h"':::h machinery valued at $1.500. ‘ New mattresses and special orders ‘ N ‘ ‘ C d R. “beck, nm I I it is ii question yet whether the I Phone IIZI ‘gm: s_;"in:.n "“‘:h." :'.:m'bI; condensed milk business will do ‘_ ' t v - - - -‘ h l . - . H" '”'l old Nah mlibh M" "“d° :\"l‘r_\l,)::(tl{_:’lft .:l‘«‘lt|iii’t“\'er: . rim roe BOONE CO - In‘ excellent condition if you cross on 1_ 1 August Wolilt l!aais:a:3Ia.n.ta r -'3'.‘ -- ' -.; 7 ‘ .. r . _ I I ‘T4 ‘ . , q .7 .4 - % A l L j ¢ 4 l 5 . - .1--4-nu. |x_a.ag 1; W Fury i ;Il=—’—_“.‘-7-, ,r::"..:n ha 33; ,..i...... sows. s5.9ooo.is;, 5.... ,..., rigs prices last year on- couraged increased senate- i 11".. ‘ushers brought in within ‘twenty-four hours this week. and which have a combined flow of 44.- 000 barrels daily broke the records 1 any single week's developments ' injthe South Arkansas. t I 8 ee - Steel buying this week has been largely of a routine character. (‘on- yn are not inclined toward m.,.k,t_,hQ’avy commitments as conditions in- rather iron dtcate wer than higher prices. l’ig down 15 per cent. heavy melting steel 3’) per cent and coke 82 50 a toii from the year's peak. IS Silk. llt'lI\'6'l’l(‘~ of raw ~ilk to ma")- facturers are growing heavier in pgeparation for fall broad silk de- mand. .\lill.~i have only enough -«ilk on hand to carry them through July W t'\'t‘n at the present reduced operat- ing schedule.-s. Vegetables. .\'hipinent.- of fresh lettuce to l':ll‘ll"ll markets \\lll('ll have aggre- gated i'-H car-< ~o far this season l'Ia\ t' lK'l‘ll cut (low n fiiloraclu grow:-r~ have ;u~t come into the Chicago market and as u result (hicago cominissipn hnust-~4 dggline to handle lettuce state of Wax on consign- nwnt llot weather also has injured the growing plants in thin section. Ruhher: l’rodiictioii at the plant of the Rubber ('onipany lunt been in full operatioii thi~ week. Thi- plant liittl luvti |lllt' for Uni WVPKS. \\l||lt‘ llir wtiii-aiiiiual iiiveiitory was taken and lt'[Iull"< lllut . Wool. l.i'tli- aitixiti is pre\':i:ling in the wool lliulhrl. .\t-ii-ral leading wool ioiiu-~. l|U\\0'\t'l', it-port cuiisiiileralile tlailiiig the week. Dealers in- t‘ o-..courag¢-d lj. the inquiry from .'iia.'i'.ifac‘.uti-:~. a large ii'..'nil-er of uh-izii are looking the nizirki-t u\t'f' \utomobiles. ‘ll‘{‘('iiIl\ of the Chicago Motor (‘out-ii ('oiii,iaii_\. opt-rut;ng bus lines .\'i-.l-i-rlii.g ll\ t‘l’ .I. P. Gant REAL ESTATE Insurance——'Loans— Rentals—Residcnce— Income-—Business Property. LOTS—ACREAGE I.‘ Conser\'ati)\I'.e Buyers “SERVICE” Both to Buyer and Seller. 312 Guitar Bldg. Phone 923 ;._;- URIAN TUESDAY JULY 24,1 -_——_—; -:_ §_ - 4.- ill that 1'50. stated today after a the end. So he took his last bow week's operation of new buses de- away from the sawdust in his little Bland ¢9P°1‘l3uY 70' the gradeleas bedroom. where his wife. to who Ill trafflf 07 (‘hklao that the special he was married 56 years ago. clfid type bus to M091 special conditions. for him in his last moments of ill- in their opinion. was superior to tho mas. one type bus for all Clllfn. Peaches. Elberta,peaches from the Georgia section are moving north to market -f,,“, at the rate of 1.000 (‘Il'l0Ifl!'l a day The crop is late and smaller than that of last year but total returns is.ii£'r i-Tsiiii {.7 i’ 3 I-‘ R81‘ TO SIGN LAUIANSE P.\(1‘ is (Ergo-Turkish WI? and lncladea Afiee-ents In- volviag HQ! Halt. L l.Ai'SA.\'.\'E. .lul!"¢4.-—'l'he Lau- l0 Kf'UK'('r§ \\‘lll approximate thuep 8.nn.‘ Peat? 1-re‘ty ‘O In of 1102;! au price-~‘ haxe be-e.'i well end ‘he (”.‘_co_Turki'h ‘.,. ‘mg m. maintained \‘1nt't' the opemng of th.. season (irapeii. Grape growers in the (2.-y~.¢-zp \u] lt‘_\' have rt-portel their \‘lfl('.\u[‘tl\ were being devautated by ms. nu‘.- ln Monroe (‘minty some xim-\;ird.~ will _\".t-lil 0lll_\' 1" in-! ('O"‘.l of t .i'.t-rage preu-pt ll.t' .\'t'\\' "(Wit atple crop will by froiii 4” to Till pet cert of lHil'fYli.l. Dry (Sood The \"N°l( in the cotton Lltlthflg lrurket is i- (ltlll There was mine businexs in dril|~ and narrow piiiit cloths .\‘heeting~ were at about tho- lowest point reached this year Print cloths held firm to reci-nt lt'\'tPl\' the IN by 030: bang itiioti-il at ‘.0 H-nt. and the 6:4 by 72- at ll)‘-, t-.--,t_.. I-‘.t\iot‘.~i (‘imis ci,ow.\’ mi-ts Al Miaco. Worked for Mi ‘flfn ’itb 50 (ircuses. Nl'3\\' YHRK, July 24 “He hail .14-nae enough to play the fool " Al Miaco, 7:4 years old. famous cir.us t'lu\\'li, has answered hiu last filrlaln call. For !|.Il)‘ years he played with fifl\' circiises, bringing laughter to flllllliilla who no-to-r knew his nann- Three years ago parul_\'~4i\ t-h.-at.-ti h.vii of his anibition to play until ' 'l'llil'iR 'l'R.\.V.\'l"l‘il( J l'litilit‘ 3l.'i l “Ir .\lti‘.c Ariythiiig Q 'l‘hat'.~ l.oo.~ie (‘ool Athletic Unionsuits 75c $1 Values as-7.9 re/aw . For Sale Late Model Ford Sedan (‘ord Tires, Good Paint Bargain Taylor Garage We llold No Clearance Sales Baseball and Play Suits For the Youngsters $1.00 and $1.25 Special Values in Wash Suits Sizes 3to8 Price $1.25 30 Pairs Khaki Knee Pants Sizes 3 to 6 Only Price 25 Cents 25 Pairs Knee Pants, Sizes 9 to 16 Price 50 Cents Wonderful Value in Men's and Boys’ Bathing Suits $1.00 Plenty of Palm Beach Suits and Trousers. Straw Hats That Will Appeal to You. Bvarybadfs Stora Always the Right Price Wlwfig i m portant agreements re- garding the Near East and Turkey’! relations with the Allies, was signed here at ii plenary agaaion today. liimet Pasha. TI.lfhe)".~ FGPFPSQM“ the. W8‘ the first to affix hi! ‘U5’ Yilllllti-_ ogning at 3:10 p. m. be ind.catioi,gl‘John N. l-Iirard Returns to Marshall- John N l-Ivraru. president of th-- .\li.\\'tiUf'l Valley (‘-illege at Marshall. eft this morning for his home of -:. Tiret-y—Tul; .-si-—.-\ «es- sories-—-Oils-—(ireasc General Repairing Work Guaranteed (‘amel-izing Battery -5 x-— 10*‘ Station l sed Parts (‘()()l’ER-WY.—\T'l’ (}AR.-KGB" 808 Ash St. Phone '.!0.‘~'0 ".'lIo!hcr, May We Han .'lIorc?" Let It Melt in Your Mouth.’ If It Leaves l~l:.‘.“..‘$"‘ Pure Sweet Cream You Know It's Central Dairy Ice Cream‘ No Other Like It. Phone 819 a short visit with .\lr. and Mrs 2t7 East Brian'- l'ni- ter ._ Edwin \\iirh"'"|"- I'll)’. and other friends at the versity. (‘g-ow.afll.\ill 1: lat in l'itIKll"d- L()!\'D(i.\'. The ~w‘"«“ .. , -r 1 rip I h‘3 ngt spolletl llii -iumtiii”. ‘ l 1” nature stories. tum‘ M 9‘ *' ‘ Bar-mouth. which a°.t1icked their ‘mm! 11",... 1-"Lt. .|,.;tl.li-d ti hawk l, ' ‘ at l*:u~'. llat. llt'\