. North Woods Is,Clos- ug Number of Sue- ~,~ " Week. - '. . -or eastern part lbsuri. thence eastward mn- ley to Pennsyl- ef the teari- the Ohio a jabs. 5' .4. igigéy. ilgl i §i i ii i Hbhways: Pair to good condition. Data for Columbia Highest tem- i. .i& 3? yrs ax ii! si ’ago. ghost, 96; lowest. '10; ‘precipitation. 0.00. .sHd"RTE'R won.‘ my IS S()U(.‘ll'l‘ I on 3. thenortb wholiveainhauden. £¢;§ ‘ES. ‘Gary Sa3ui’lP.i°ogress s Made to Eliminate .12-Hour Shift. , “' By United Pveua. _ aha? llaaatta 1'59 NEW YORK. July 28.—“Satisfm‘- 335°” °‘ “"'-tory progress" toward elimination ‘*7 of the 12-hour day in the steel in- dustry was announced today ‘Judge 8. H. Gary. at a‘ meeting of ' rite of subsidiary com- panies of the, United States Stal adjourned until next ' Thursday. - _ The president and directors of the American iron and Steel instituti- will meet again in‘ New York next week. Judge Gary said: “We are making no a careful study of the whole sub- ject concerning elimination of the 11-hour day. i should say we are making satisfactory progress. but have not pr r enough to expess my opinion in regard to thc flnal coriclusioii.” i i viii iii fiigaii iigggi andlurr. araakias is” was s . o—§‘..—o....—- “g§ fig Iey W. fill‘. d stflffl-‘OVIYC. Buys Controlling interest. I7 fill“ Prom. PITTSBURGH. Pa.. July 28.- 0 Sale of ‘the controlling interest in the Pittsburgh Pres; to Boy W. q. no, ‘,4... Howard of the Scripps-llowaril 5.; and g. an-at newspapers, was announced here to- day by Col. Oliver 8. Hershmas. for 23 years owner and publisher. The purchase price was not an- .m nounced but the figure is said to he ‘incwt of the largest ever paid for a news- paper property in the United States. Colonel Hershnian will continue as director and holder of a minority in- ‘hon’ tereat in the Press. which is a six- ltgrr ii’ 5* : "ii. ;§i§if' Hrs. Bettie Higbee. widow of the late J. E. Higbee, filed a suit with ‘.1; 3 l . W. E. lligbee. David Higbeq Hlgbee. Archie King. Hig- Hocltaday Clothing Coni- the Boone County National the recovery of. notea k a imnk depos' l 3 -- -__iii 3 'I'li;iii ail’ Elie! iiiii §i?i°> iiiiis El’ -1 it it and to .te her 813.787.”. the deposit in the name of ii: °iil- size Eiiggé 9 ._:.¢_ simaav wilt. clinic riiiro iii i g. i .2}. ;ia%.E'° i, g Si?‘ tigks- i‘ E a i 7? ;_~i-~.c-': ‘ l l ? 3 E far 1*‘ - ._. J! E?! if E ii i i ; {liii . 2;? i S i lg lf;,sl 5 I _% ii: 95' iii 1 V :3. vii in us -ii .- 4 -I I - ‘ . F‘ it -19". "'_..§.. “J. - g...._ .. ‘ -. -..;i-..-.-V1.4:-;‘ii.5§fl’2h.u‘ THAN IN_ 1918 cried With Famine and Civil War Is I-‘oreseen. Special Police Have Been .fiy l'nltd Puss. crisis in Germany is worse ‘was in war ti ' Assigned to Guard All the Food Trains. ~ -a. LONDON. .—¢—_._;a mes. pondents of leading British papers report. and suffering is more severe and!) 0" wide-spread than in 1910. dispatches? students who are receiving academic vb in order that declared. Numerous ‘ -are threatened with famine. with. civil war foreseen. mospliere in the Ruhr and elsewhere Westing. 'recalls the days of early November. mander; J 19113. on the eve of the revolution. bin. Senior Vice-Commander: The correspondents any the Ger- Coleman. Ilountain Grove. Junior iiiiiii government insists it is pve- Vice-f‘ommander.‘ and Louis l.ourid- pared to put doom gtgrnly guy at-‘aon, Columbia. _State l-‘inance 0 tempted coup. Farmers are discour- M0!’- The constitution of the state or- nged because money is vnlusless and decline to sell food. Special police saaiaation was amended W "M HIV ORE GIVE PAY '.-.r-tzaarc-..,- i‘_‘i;vu. ‘ --.... ¢.._o-9. Nuliisijiitf: ~ CITIZENS WILL TISSOURIAN 115-iv. mi shins‘? nnosoion J “xi M .tn'ni.i.Tiariia.v ENTRAIN _ T._S. IUINAI. (‘OUSIN ro iiasr ii. A. v. 0, g H;-__._'__; u.‘ _a.”n_oi.i.iNs. DIES sii.i.. OKLA.’ “i"'- -. so --”"""‘- ~: T0 SPEED UP ""1-.:.-: PROTEST GAS l l i l l period ‘forty-eight ‘traiaias say for the vacation P750‘: to Present to House .____.___ moraine SUFFERING is SEVERE . it: "‘“"'°“ *"°"°"‘ ordlnator for the Veterans’ Burea ‘school. July 28.—‘l'he food der changed is conceded to a corn thin T1011! Do A. ". th Pfjnce to me" up her gorraa- co-operation of Ir. Iiller. Ir. lliller also announced that ,non-collegia Food lines in Berlin are longer.; tor for tha {an arm on sapugnhgr f l Otand towns‘ subjects. i 1-5, gono'§,.. ugh," V"... 9|“-tad House of Commons and have a state- ‘l'he tense at- to serve for the ensuing year: Al J. lint for the members before ad- iiie being assigned to guard food V"-ll tr riins. lricreased use of the American dollar for trading and a reversion to bartering in kind are reported from Berlin. W ITH Hold 1'. wo_J_.T-iuT'st. Louis as pom .Neg'{§'*s}-5:3 ‘ . . _ --._- ._ -.._._ 5 THREE BANDITB ESCAPE 33.081 IN (‘ASH She lakes Out Payroll in Printing Office. By llnitol Praia 31'. Louis. July 28.-—Tbree be dits held up Miss Ella Ellsrman. '” treasurer for a pdntim company. as she made up the payroll in her in cocaine-ri11'saunan'riisss"is soui " °_ day afternoon and Sunday morning so the Circuit ‘Clefi against Lissie Dar- . ;opeu to the public. 3 office today. and 637 in cash. - In leaving. one failed to catch the automobile pla f‘ '°' "" "“""'V- "'4 °°"'P°"°" T. Tilden. tennih champion. escaped with 32.- of the bandit trio a truck driver at the point of a witnessed the holdup. —¢..¢.-on wii.L iiotu iianriric TONIGHT 2,. .\laalc and Reading Will I-‘eature the 'l‘‘‘‘ ‘ Program. Mrs. W. H. Vandeventer will have The program has follows: sans. Girls‘ Iuaifll I001! a lo Dialogue vio .. .. _. rsai-aa Iuaie cm.‘ Glee Club. rim Baptbt of the glee club. ;charge of ; special program of mu- con“ sic and readings which will be gi at 8 o'clock tonight at the Corn evangelistic meeting on Paris road. been announced as lee Club. First Dstlst Cburoh ing . . id Ii red filslin Sara Ann Praneeawnyne Allen sie (‘line and Hiss Margaret Bos- - 93'0"’ tisn of the home economics depart- """" °""' merit of the University will go t rs. I. rnan Sarah and Opal Chorlton (7l‘i'~'0I'° . lather Oliver gwiu. div}: PIANO aacrriii., Pupils of ii. H. Lsudenhack wiii Be Presented Ienday Night. Piano pupils of be hfonday evening. Henry H. [Auden- months presented in recital at Christian ~l:ave studied with Ir. J I O * 3! Unlad Press. rziiroiiui. l(an.. Jul! ss.—ri-cat. i -_— __7v— c-—.—..... dent Harding is in “rial n awful l 4 election. William Allan White is which will hold the Kiddie West I A,,§warried.in an editorial in Ha Impo- tlie only thing in 1tepublicanranh.heaaid. "or E5 3' it * isu convention. ENGAGEMENT TO CHAPLIN ENDS Lacks Matrimonial gagement to aglan end.‘ Simr:l.t;rieo|usly um, d.i,¢.t,,_ ‘P’ l "‘ nu °'¢ " "W Iiss Wright is planning conven- lash i hed hen - . - M, ::;'km.nu::.:”fh: Lmetr tiuis to he held at the other Sun- impossi ac st“. ‘opinion. ambitions and 1 am sure be a great actor lie Chaplin." THREE 'l:;.G:)-'lN) (;;;VKNTl0N ‘Home R . in Chicago Next Week‘. 1 i vention Ca-na nomies Association which will be at Atlantic ( an M"- 3- P§"3""‘“ i‘ di'“'i_°' held at the University of Chicago _ and Lucile Antoine is accompanist you 30 ".4 31 ‘M Ann“ 1. 2. ‘mg si ab freadto Ilrs fed her master's degree in Home Eco- _,_ ,. . '''°''‘|i“ 770"‘ ‘-09 Ufll‘'9"5lY in ‘POL Will Meet Tomorrow Evening at the ."9°*- "P0 5'" 5"" '*“4!'n¢ ‘mh’1'in. thesis was written by im. Dun-. llllm during the summer 1 can deals plied oi All vocational studmts attending the University encept United Pnemi. ' LOS ANGELES. July 28.—Pola , e and we are still friends but I him." 0. One of ing the University of hlisaouri will for . , with "A Reasonable Lens!!! of A f the ndidate who has the high- C°"°'° '" we '“d"'°'l°"' “ ' °°'°°_k WOT“!!! D01! '0" “°“3°li°l1l lAas0¢isdtion gdx. anAd til! aolidation of the Chesapeake and Edna . icho s of (olum is. Ian 1' oamir sy. .u I)’. ugiist (um, ,..,|,o.d,, with "u, N.‘ Yon. | Today's Baseball Results t:i.t'ii iilis risii roii i.t'.vciiT“' "'° ”‘.°"" "“"' "“' "' '°"¢"‘ by he .\an Swertsn inteassts of First Christian Church. “Thu "cry emu" “Mum V0“ is (‘arch of Two Ilemhers Wha.Cleveland. it is learnedhere ongood Fished at .ahea. iautliori . I The Round Table Club had fish’ Such a consolidation. if it won for luncheon today. it was all be» approved by the ligantgu C... cause some members of the club had merce Commission. luck at ‘ rican League. and I0 Louis-Philadelphia postponed. her master - St. ‘fllll. ‘Detroit-Washington postponed. on less of his or her party affili- account of rain. 9 i‘ 0°‘ Wuli‘ ations” is the subject to be debated tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock at “V94 "'9 5°*V°“° . Christian Endeavor of the Christian 5“ ' tudent Congregation at the First stian Church. according to an "0"" announcement made today. Leon Waftel and Allan Cox will Hrs. and R,}-[_ E, lakes. R. L. Hill. __ __,ooo no 100.3 3 j C. B. Miller and his 100 ooo._.1 3 1 went on a two-weeks’ fishing trip. ‘Chicago I03 D|Id|r7.V|Is'roads. a uniform system d more blew York ‘ Batteries Chicago It bcrtno rid broutht cnoush fish back to ncailtoonahn ‘{°:iou:"“'caia¢.,m‘u'ci...i."‘ ‘hr 1 : . o D s T ii an ’Schalk; New York. Hoyt and ;:dWl|0l¢ IIIOIIIUCYIMP l0 I b0lll9d'Detroit. Toledo and Cincinnati. , ‘Scrum. T The catch consisted mostly ocfriiiao rliai-Triia'a'a'r nos 3 3 carp and bass. Hr. Iiller caught "'——-—- :Cleveland .. 0 ‘ ii... ooo ooo i :i ,5, ,_ ..soo 100 70x—l0 i2 s ., ,.,,"'" m’ t. Home Economics Edu- nstitutional nconoinics. 8x- PMMCFU . tteries: Cleveland. iiocton and 1-5,, ,,., ,,,,_ W, mu. M, . '7'” Indian Roper Abe , ‘*3 "°"°'*~ “"0 "“°' '""' "T -iiaaua;'°iscoacin ht Cam-aa v""'- ' v-N-I Pr-» ' Second pasiiisn-i. rs’ . cnzrnsna. Wyo.. July 28.-. ""'L'__...___ '" stalked Cheyenne‘a slmllll I merican \ Wllioctaz General 8es- "1 for the negative will be Glenn --‘I’-E_‘.lUI.Il’B’lt* itir.i.au fleets Death “'4 D"°"'.miy member of the club will a.ver.p - the trip---‘ so everybody enjoyed _ those who went and those who stay-' ed behind. Kenneth Keihl, Denver yet. jumper. As lieihl leaped‘ aoni t airplane. the roll! nine tangled and ulinsnnth. Mvialsd 9"°°"‘°"- -smkiyn ............. ..ioooooe ,4... Ml|a3'I'a"'- "4"" '‘’'’"~‘'‘' ci ti .......... ....eseoioo‘ hm?‘ . “OM50... nsinns ‘h-eniains, against th _ : Brooklyn. Blnitll ‘ ’ ’""-ii‘; gun’ Taylor?-Cincinnati. Benton and Her-. igi-ave. death of parachute. 33-—Ed‘'i'' 1* lieaddr-at f .4: twuty-ave lid-Contiasritjl"lLIS ANSWQ to rid the Q——-. Q up . O V. O no : o; ‘ i v x‘ , y , .. .,‘_ - '-,~’. 9 , T Eli .~* -,.-‘J W * u . - ~ - c -’ II ‘. - T .». o \