- ".-ff‘ ." fl» 9 ' -7 " ‘ ' ' ' vi , ‘ . \_ ‘ ' - v_'. \- ’ ‘ ‘ . . ‘i ‘ ' - Jr X} \ ital. -'l..1)..' . .' i.‘..'~.,...:-y..". . ‘V. i ’ M - . . ' PAGE “V. c—._ ._— Ztw-escejitcwn - . ...;Printedin1496lsOldest __.a. _ —_— -L... ‘ A ' i‘ i V . -0 . - 0 _ y . . _ _ Owned by University Libraries‘ ‘ Y I Yg1I33DAy’s Rguygg . ‘-“A book printed only four ysusold calf. It has a gilt back. 1'lie ""1 '-"u" “" "' # , ' l y 0? fills of Ainsi-ta. tbs treat joint is fluid. with slight ’S G ' is-llltll-r-rl40o.i-tiuoiau-t--aiiiu auiiaorusuttiioiiooir "'“°°'-'-'*' l-"-'- y A-orlusslnsru ~bo5kinthsL'nlvarsityoflisaouriliaaaand. The riritiagisao _, , °"‘°"""""".-'"“*“ . ‘ ‘'‘‘''''''.’'' ' N" '°“' 7‘ P'“““'*“‘ 3' '“'''‘''7- The "UR?! WM one huskitype. wifi gothic"titls. Tbs lair; the itch": “$.71” 1'5." the r" SERVICE ainpion Will Defend waaiiinaton. io: lion». 7. mu ,, ,m_ M W ,_ “,3. M. .0” 3 th “and but put of __,_ °__,, _',' ,___' g-,_,,,;,,‘,'_'____,,_ ,'f;, C] . 1 Only games schodlld. “mu :3” 3...“.-v h an ‘flndab 30*.’ an of cumin M" no-sas havlsa slabs -at-I I-tau mg . ’i°“""’ "“"'-. WW-d hook. -ltlioush not tbs oldsst'Aatwsi-p. none is s lllrary ln- "‘...'."""‘ “’ "-“"“ ""' '°""""'"' Pressing I2 0!‘ 15- ”'“"“"“"‘- " 3‘ “°‘“" 2' 'WlI-"lilt- .terlsr|l! L. rniytieu. is said .7... o«"'..'.""" :;:.ha:“th:v“::r“b‘:'pl: Al ' gxfio 3: ‘hm b "fipiatole Enee Silvil” was wrlttsn.to be no other book plats yhkh ;,.ciu-a tr... any benefit of said Estate; and termg 3 {.0 ' v f e ‘ins ex 6 i w in one . YORK. -“ll! 2I.—Jack_ Cincinnati. 4; Brooklytl. 3 (12 in,- ld(§..m“vS,"h. who V“ ham in,” ..fl’ . "km" ” ‘hm Th’ .s.b.'i..'l°‘..r lhllnitt illlaertiurl Phone 13 22 Nlllth , _ Syl ius was a member of the paper which oonspsaes the book is - defend his woI'|ds.nings). noble family of Piccoloinini. andwaa “id 5. n‘ k. prob‘- :t. '0» Dllhacrmn u( om not... they shall i i ..... .. . lo Instr. ell 31-Aymgqg; op 1-3].; (‘L333 5°“ 3‘ Cflillrlllno near Siena. His bly accounts for the durability of the .-—-———— _. early life was stained with moral ir- book. -- lly (‘aria-olidatoni Press l(‘upyrigl~.t. l‘J2Il. REAL I-2S'l‘.£l‘I-2 Ni-IW YORK. July 2tl.—The siuo.. gate. the 8200.000 gate, the ALE.fi9 rxm colon“! bun. ' .- ‘500.000 (‘ta the ‘1'000'o00 ““.' R0” Glen". Er" Ruben“. E. W-‘L correction «if his \t~.»rks.~. a. only Th‘, pan). includfli A_ L For the learned of his time. He secured "0 llfil. Town-his Forty-nine N9) Kans- Rumn Jim “-hnesid‘, F M g‘p 300d type and \\'l|!I aiilivltlous in the '13" ""° ‘ ""“"" l""" "" niture. All in good condition. Phone 202“ wide of! of the south side of (he southeast - As to remuneration: Reports of - - FOR SALF2-l’-‘urniture for In ....n 3-", \1. i . “-«H« F . , said to have siiuml no pains in pro- lion is Writ ..r Slack lirarich .h Town:-hltl plough strictly modern. close in, _ _ _”"_ :2'0o0.000 Raw? . I, . iiiiou s, l min ox Jill I . A R. ’ . ' _ av ntered owner leaving city, win ,,.,_.,.m“._ 3 ing room. bedroom and kitchen. Ba- A" M the “bow. saw me 1”‘ have lurdy. curing tri.» l,._.ii mum,...,.pi_.._ and he 49. snag. aam lalrt: 3:. COllCgC graduates Wllt) ll C C Q always desired the judgment of the _ _ _ . , learned liefore he ventured to print listic history in the past few years. "ll" Phi-'1‘ llurllllt Allitl-IN 0!‘ -\t'lltt‘m— th business indicate that lite insurance is at the very top as a source of income. 8'18 deed records of lloone County. Missouri to sex-i.re payment of a certain note in uald rosin brick. on Wilson Avenue. 8750 ‘by ’“’"‘5" m‘°"° ”87‘R°d' 2:" '{ ,._.m,d. in‘, mm, and g.,,,(. in pugi. There is another (‘little planned to l down. New 5 room bungalow. strict y W8 3' mu‘ 8‘ 38‘ In ‘woo “O0 down W em. .lullll'tl't Bodius made this and of truudi-..-riiiod. ‘ H 0' ~ . I ’ d’ l. . - ' "g Judge Graham, for a dl slit.-Is in noes than a year. ‘N. . "mu. .0"... in.’ Tim,‘ ""l“";,(')';'.“‘l‘:M‘ Pa. L°;"o‘f"h;:‘u:'.. h('_k:r‘;':‘:k_l:'t"‘::' fie book is a treatise on the edu- e ~ — ~ -we s-~ - . T7“ In Rlcllllrio '50 5" '‘I''“ W" New York . . . . . .. mi 23 .392 poems. letters. and at less 0 v-‘-°'"" °' ’°" ‘ " """" ‘ '‘° "° fsrrwd t the Lib I he hool - - . . fitlmflo '0'!“ ml °‘.""”"“‘ °" ‘ll’ Cleveland 50 44 .532 cl-—"laicretia and Euryalin." no of 0 an 0 ‘ so ‘ 5“ 9' 9* Pu” 5' 3‘ ''l'°l''d '°' St. Louis . . . . . . . . 47 M .510 was a rogue and a dlplomatist. After. ’ou"|d._._hm' ' .' tl-olsllt Det °t . . . . . . . . ..ii -84 soohoreaghod the ff -fi ‘It. Bus I pgqgg 5; Dempsey will zettdaplsrst chili}... . . . . . . . .. -i:i ii‘. .483 years. he seems t.omlia:o esllrtlytlltls (gannon t cast a Ward a Day. six ragga... 1.. in . wga. “£9 °‘ ""9 9"“ ‘ '30 003 Philadelphia . . . . . 42 49 .462 most of the experiences that me has llary Vivian, ot Corslcana, 'l‘cx.. ar- rusr-med not '9" l ll * - Washington so 51 .433 to offer, and decided to settle down. rived in Columbia yesterday for a , , , ~ , rw“_ PM" m98_m“k or 2151' f°?'l" °":f,th 1" e much on 3°"»0ll - .. 25 07 -22’-8 his diplomacy. he suceeed- visit at the home of Ir. and Mrs.» 18 what CVCYY alTlbltlOl.lS SCDIOY lS D281“ WW» ' ‘_ 3 3 md National League. rd in. securing the appointment of J. L. Cannon. 307 Price avenue. be h - ' h0.rds W‘! wefit ‘U club. \‘'on_ Lost pct thf blghopfjc of Tri‘agt9_ met (‘.l_ -.—j. — . _ . ___ . i t a t C . . start tri o set-up mate s. _ 1 . . B .\I . W llaeot Ret ll . . . . * ...'.'".‘.’.'»‘. i‘».’f.l.‘.’I’.‘."'.‘.'.'Ii""“' "_~§.‘.«»."' Th«'.s7»u5i'lm-rm-n °'l-mii?°"- it ?f..".'...3.’.".§.‘f .ii'i: 23 if. 131?. '.‘.?§“.i'..'.'.§.f.'.“é‘.°.‘.‘..’l'..'1‘.';i‘2T.‘i£'l.?'.‘I". Mr: it °-'-in~co««."~5i~7» ~35-"i»«n We "‘3°'a“¢'= ‘S 0“ 0‘ the best» 0”“ _ was learned, claims that Rickard Cincinmm __ 56 35 .615 9'-acted pop?‘ "9 took the nu". of visiting her daughter at Springfield. of the most desirable and one of the L’ [:03 3,‘ L[y_.n°u.g.°u ‘M; forced him into the match before he Chic.” _ . O . V I _ __ 4., H 533 pm. "_ H. W" «m*5om‘°us in tho returned home yesterday. . 3 . phom. 1g33,whn._ _ I . __gg5_ :0: :-‘e:‘dy;"anr(i)t:ttl;:(t)0tll)l(l):’ llllwll Vi“ . . . . . . .. fir. :l’l’SL'llIrKt‘ of his duty shod was one of you 3"." "gaging Opporiunmfl if most satisfactory as 3 permanent . ' ' ‘ .. . . . . . .. 7 . ' .~ lars of his . . '. ° FOR SAL!-’r—One practically new Firpo considered the Dempsey phihdslishi. 62 3” d‘; m;'bt‘_ t“ 0‘. I h, you dont use and read Missourian Calling. B"-"""l°l‘ G'bl“°‘ Ph°"°‘"P. will‘ boll‘ 83 "dl"l'~'W“""‘"d W did "‘°“‘ Boston ' ' i H 26 67 .228 works are his letltnersnlvlfmh "h m wnnt uh. . . . 589 . ' . . . . . . . .. . h ' ic It row _ - . . H «.2 3° 'i’§.?'.'.'§l‘. '§°.‘..’°"?~i."'i. Ci'.il...‘...... 37.fi“°'£4'...'§."'.‘i'.l'.§""h'.‘.T..'l'.i’°.‘i.'L‘."°.i.'. --~~ ,'iv1'g'" “W "W W in "wt hv - ' in assets and volume of business. 1-:,\1PLoYMnN1' _ South Garth. Park Hill addition. I)empO¢_V match could wait i. while. THREE roxw TRAILBD ° . . _ life in; 1- n is n f he three lead. ‘ . ‘ire 284-286 liut Rickard flashed the contract LAST NIGHT ox (‘HASE h“ .'"'""’",',“' .“" ”“‘ "'”“?'-..‘_‘. LEGAL NUUCES . 3 Ce 0 e.O 1: ...'**;*..*..‘*.:.*::"°.::.':* ..~ was... .:° .... .z:... .. .».... hr.°;::.:::.°:..E°;*;;':.t..IZ?'°.:..$:;';. ms businesses of this Comm» vs‘ the ‘ , . s a It _ ‘ ‘ . . ' . . ' ' o ‘ . mo, . M283-30:; beans and tomatoes. cheap. or ':‘n'§";‘;§ 3°03,’ j\“,f,‘“,‘;';n;’ fin: .~.'.-i.i.i..,......,.i..,\—.,.... .,. M... of :~'....-...i...... Whereas. ‘r. 0. Shock ..... i........ R I fieldiscomparatively underdeveloped. -———— Canning p°rl’°'e‘- Ph‘"l° 147‘ Bl‘ck- ‘ ' h .h mals "II?! An int:-rtsling 'i"i'i)tlnl of this shark. h“ ‘M. by ‘hi’ m ‘Nd 0' f ' 1 VA-""73": "‘" Wm‘ "‘i’°'l‘"°° "23 - 33 (“Nd mm ‘.9 m_u( ° -_ ‘ 4 -‘- earlv’ liriiiter ix‘ lu l»e f’)UTltl in Pal- hri:I.’1t-.lIdl.e‘“l.|tI'i)i.k‘"lCl:. lt9lll;l.ndll'0wu'l:«l.‘ 3' - 7 per cento the econonuc Va ue 1. help on delivery truck. Apply to - PR]./‘E_l_.l“"1-S IN -rung?‘ . party of nine men stage-:l ll fox’ _ '. “A G I H U ,1 I. - _ Trim rda r 5,3,... i-,,:,.. _ 3- .,,._ ' ' ' ~. ' 1", ll. Stiinforil. Rooln ll'.l,Jessr lléigl. l-‘ (l R S A l; E —— Bedmnddresservit. YEARS NE-r 3-w.00o.0o0 (('lLll.'4t' ‘lust 11 nil“. s;‘.gi;‘i~ tinny; Pn'm:_'r"::y!: Hi ry ( “M .'u.‘g| ‘T210 .:i.|:d..,..i.‘, ,,,,.:,"l ,.,..::.p:, I of hunglarg hfc In the Starts 18 ' 3- ~_ B3. 3 .' _ ' . _ -- ,, _ Iin-n neg - '- «l 0' na -err rsa o--la e. -it-iat n §‘ . Ticket‘ From ‘O ovclufik ":i.‘.';:"r:in;. “."nlh()n)' Kl)l.(‘rg('r “'85 ‘ WHO" $0 i:‘O0Dl’ 0' “(I100 and Stilt Ul allfllufl. y ls \Vt\5'll'-“—*B)' "130 334 W159» L.274g{_ Majority of Personal Attend- dogs were taken along and the su('- °m'""" f‘"' l"‘”"""~' "mi ”“ "‘"'_" ' idea Of tl'lC bl ’ Sflll (O b(’ \VOfl(Cd, V is ‘work for room and board. I-‘fll term. ._ 5,,‘ Ar, youu.,,_ (.(.,d,d in s,..".ing up thrw {0n_s_ her._eleganc¥ and turn-('tl0nn'0f his ‘l‘:°.l"::NoI( s::‘Irl‘Ii’-::'l!(tl>‘f.rl[:: . . ‘ . ‘ ’ f f‘ Address Box S. care of the .l3.!Otl- ' I-‘(lit SALI-l_——B;iby carriage, din- ~ B. 7;‘... I- (‘are was taken not to injure any of °_d:"°"{“' wh,“‘_h _’m'"": _f°' hm‘ H" and forty iui acru the borthwvllt I: nor especla Y buSlne3S lnsuranch or rms ‘ risn- B49'a'9tf. mg room furniture. Also other fur Y “'9 '3'“ the fox.-is as the chaise was for sport m ' " "*0 iflni v of l rinters among of the southeast quarter. all lll s«t.or..six- and Corporations. ' 7 ' - . l)('l' all it plan‘ to ll‘ tlQ‘('l(l(‘(l (in later. . . 1-‘on SAL!-‘,_:Hand washer and wlw" "M h‘""“" b‘‘l‘ ‘” "“.d“y' H short liut Just ])ill‘.L'2_\'l'l(' upon him. Ahd -Ii.-reg. default ha. been made ‘it the , , . room house, nzrblock fl'°"‘ ”"""' tvringer. ice box. student table. 0”“ -“W "."°" ”"""‘.“ "‘‘-‘‘°'.‘ "F "“‘ [.'LA(' Op Tkm-E in . letter ..v.....-.. in lltltl. “lie oi... r-mu or -so we «-4 the low i-ow» Now is the time for you to consider 3“! only 3370“ l3 700'“ l'°°"“ Phone 6”_(.r“_n . 277“ art of llsiticufls as (orbett, .\ulli\'an. I H Kw“ Him"!-and Iowr M "W “mm. mono! has mun-rind the undersigned Tn..- . With llilfllllllff. Only 81.000 drown. 1 _' . Jeffries. Fitzsimmons. Gulls. Nelson. 15* pd and indefangunmv in prifninw t‘:“ t4;'::er::-e‘ the 3.203" iglratiihtril h1§‘l!| 7 room house except eat. . _ Wolgast. and others of their skill , ‘ , '_ ,. . , d . . 2 " " """"'f' . . . we -~-é~"'"L«“~e"' me ..‘.i.‘.’.'.: ;‘.f.‘.l‘.‘i....‘.’.'."’.;‘.‘.‘.‘..I’.?.':’.i’.I.'..iI’.‘.§ W’ 3' G FAMPAIGN :.'::.. .I"::.':.':".3. .222“; :t:."'" W‘ “' °-"*'' °' “ anon If vou ambitious and will‘ un.t"'.O'_“y ‘$50’ ‘ uyfiwnts bag. Exceptionally good bargain. "”""‘ “ fi‘''‘'- l‘'"' “"9" "_"f' i",'rh'""‘ , _ ” ‘ ‘ him that he pl‘lllll'tl more works N"" Tl""'°"- 1- 0* ufldmllfid Trlw to work hard and are 1ntCfCS[ed down. New -I rnoll bungalow, 8l,li50. C." the Pflms. (._2-‘-8“_ twenty thousand dollars. it .~ time to My I hm-d l'r:-t: ' mm‘ “W "mm M ms “me. p“_ucu_ tee. pursuant to the authority conic-rrad up- _ _ . no down. 5 om t_- lm- _ _ mp and ponder. A WA.-‘*ll|'M-Tl‘l—-at reduced M" ' "°“°T ‘.'P°°""~"° °" °‘""‘ W" “°"“'“‘ “""- ""9 °‘ "“"' ‘'°''."'‘“.'‘ °‘'"‘' °"" mirton Portable hrpewrlter. bet 0’ " ' I u‘ pmtenor ‘M’ M‘ wife °r °u' two le I v h lth ' - l ' nd sold the secret in l- ngland . . l 3 "’"_”M. who "flu ‘win ‘put nu “ lm‘ wdun‘ mo”. 90‘ ' c an l ing. ea y. muscu ar \\ hen. the stock runs out the hu- 3 ' ‘ ‘ ' us give you a demonstration. The D " .r -cm. PM". W“ nut or uh “ g“.¢_ )£l£|':I:0l'8c Pltltlglk 13%|‘? h8<‘It'nl':; reau will replenish its supply in a pdN;‘lT*’"ll“‘l’fi? 3‘_“"‘i‘3 °°b(l:“:‘;h""‘°i"' C;-‘t)p Store, Phone 879. Author- D.’ ' .<'- - II on Int) ('1'. u t 0 (‘as mom uig-1 _ H -' d {)1 l 9 art 0 print fix I ll 0 year - R i S - _ ~ . . F in 8' “h an." . C83.“ __,' Rx“ FOR “NT register has high blood pressure.“-mnggity Iivfulhe ,:‘ry‘y::jcR3‘:1.‘p:op|p(: N44. The oldest book printed in l em "non "vi" - \ ' . ti‘ ‘ °..““.“““‘ FOR BENT—3 room __..._._......_.___~‘ 1:‘ Bdgiyspsnnd is sure as the fact it will not again run the risk of Nuremberg was the “Commentaries . \ ‘ I I‘ . 1 ' a g, 1,535 5.; ‘.4 mg.» FOR BEN’l‘—Roonis for summer“ I Y ttsrson was struck it‘.-« tr 'nin ‘t .t I "ll _ 1 Francis de Rt-tza." a Dominican _ ~ - «it til. Gas CaH'850iIt 400_Iatthsws street. Investifltei ltollll to blow up before lonsr. i‘ M ‘f '1 8 Eon‘? 8.“) ms . (;'i"' This book W” npmned ii)‘ nu. Y?" R." - -‘ " ‘ c o 5!: Black after six o'clock scores will be i>lmed- 33288-284 mms :,,;,;i,.;,;;,;;.. H U, “‘-“"-V- '-V-R.-\TlTlllE SHOWN Kobergcr .. me‘. Ill dafterwards in DR. OBRYAN ~. . L 5 . _ ~~. u..¢. 1-230,;--—';-— . ‘ " cc . . - . ~ . .. .496 .h. .i..... 'ear in which he Plsassr . s I flludnon Street N ___* _ __ ( | 5 ed . 5 . . ‘ ' ‘"7 dun“. Kanm “.shi‘_ (nap. . ‘V From l)rown"" }..h .°EplRl0l? EH91‘ ' l -jfi-‘A8s_&m’ ‘,3. of roolnsx for ladies. Phone 1231-6. 8'.“ in c.Dro.a'. . V ' V to Even Thank Hero. “F mole FM? gum" is bound in ad“ find" i. _. I E53 351,9 L Jha for rent during animus: FOR RENT T “ t’__.fl uh- M “mm P’... .o i ......i Prve--‘ .p . . i . I. '- "3" 'u'‘‘' '‘'‘‘'‘l "ll" furnished i-oom:¢.:°iighrt'hou°i:ltup- KANSAS CITY. llo.. July ‘2l<.--- ,.-.":".i‘,',,.,L':,).:."jS-', M,” Jul’. 2”’-‘fuss ' e ’ ‘ 1 ’”‘ V ' not make your fl, 0&1“. 3.“ I. ' ie o .-:i\e a ir a - " “ ” "‘ " " ‘ . -°‘ - ‘"7 °' ihg. Phone sowcreoii. 3-275“. /\ll°.t'l¢' "ll?-ll! ""0 ll" "‘""‘ “in... corn him. rm... ll . - -' - the 7 5. sea I. J! Coats d Iallsgsr larn. - cltllive, ii... mo" Md“, ,,,i,_N, W ‘ PI _ ri “INDIE in. . .’ I ‘_ , I-manic asethst aims. It! you ltl'3N'l'—Northeast. room for ganization ..r goll’dorn—the --n..i..-... ‘‘""'"‘'°. "W "‘"" "“"" ”"""' ten u this prelsrrsd it ,0‘ couple or two ladies for summer one" club G"'{d"{' ';i""‘y";I' "”"""”" W“ N" ‘ 3' iarnsd -‘ flINT—A lib eaal apart ', vive 0 nd t at th u l had ' o ‘ ’ ?; ‘eng ‘ '1. i T ’.'._ (I'D. Near University and ca1sta'la.- ‘ T. Lee Snow, of the Butler Motor diSappe‘"_d wiumm tmmnxufh ‘S Exwwnce h d M , - ’,°u“.i.n hi.’ 1 F*“ “baud. CID Sanford Plaeo- W-8488.. (-o.. here. experienced the grand thanhn‘ mm 'm? ‘ . ‘fin’. thrill of making the sixth hole of "wring 3- '8” f h | Gun. teach‘, ‘ lot of the thlnfi tthnt 8 . . of _.... - .u._\ _. -....- __ .~-- MISCELLANEOUS the Shawnee public golf course in. . . ‘ °' " p'_ miller has to know in orda 0 pro- . L081‘ AND I-‘OUNIJ e ‘ "09- This I8 I 143-yard hole Ind "M ‘"~ ‘hm "Mu" "M ""°"'dP.d duce a flour that is difienent and aadnshwschaipsre .._ . , Snow-. M'h_pm_h.d muhie “ho! in keeping them above water until better It “keg a per”'‘.' kn0wl_ - LO8'I‘¢—Airdale pup afiit two never (altered. Hitting on theib°,“" {mm ‘he ,”h"'T “wk ‘hem m" fuat wh‘t to uge gnd how 43 tlisold tuna Iaseha’s Pool Rallzg 5...”; ggnig rreen. it boasted a coupi. of mm, “FBRF-nfd h, his efforts. Graft lost _ J rod “out that is ad; ,_ -. ‘ - consciousness and when he came to, l0 U89 ll to P “C9 ‘_ Q B B «. finder return and receive rewarrllan gun’ 5. mun“; 3 an Q,” and trickled into the cup. . . I flour , w‘. J. i-my. r.2ss....-. examined when trouble am rip. Among the Prisca awarded show ""’ °°“l"° “'4 ""*=Pl>¢m'l- °°““"""3’,Y ".“i’°"°"“" dfidll 300810 000' ._" ~13“ R M mwimmin n rpm, W, ,.,,,,, ‘in... ,,.-,ror his unusual feat ii. i season's - __ such as 1H. for instance. vfiad ban ad " ‘ ‘" ,, fig“ pedal sold -ad -ll¢“t"‘“""’°"""’ "°""“" "’ "“-' S""'"°'" The“ fact that we have been the putt caution is seventy-three years in the business ' I how we have lurned to @—-v fl ft‘ Ietween Broadway a ' 5 - led a pull. Phone 1183 Red or leave 85"“ M ’“‘V-}“:- 'af°' ‘fig ’""’''° °'"'__________'"' at the Iiaaourian. « - assizsclag 390- - - "'- Vincent iueiiarai ls lsisred. i hint: h. explain -',. —~—» ~. *=«- i -‘e . - Nrzw roan, Jdy :a-1-....d ‘ in ti.‘ better flour. i___.-. . WANTED 10-BUY l through the window of a taxi who ~ m u :; Q wgngg “fig [fig f . -fa _r-<>i~=.___________- mm ‘.'..i."“‘.:.".‘."°...‘.'..’."*...‘."“..'.'..‘..'i.. s . . 2% u--.=--we--a HVO flflfrllfl L ‘C7’ ACACIA NC» ‘a fin‘ l A. L::.:.. "-"'°°*='°°"'°“"' areas. i rad‘ - — t . °' =—- dnidalssiii-lulu ' am ' ‘'‘'‘ t.......'‘'‘' . rodhuia ~ . =-in - W ll‘, rfim fin. bk i": = taurrciianaudruuina-suwe, II I :‘°""'“" 5 , E we -l ' éssesfew turtles. For inlsrlss-a “nu” A.‘ 7 7,” ,_ Iflty and ' '8 ‘ 'tlnaci.iiiir.co¢gih.vatisIi41:-ss‘ ' ' ’ nYl.I.Y.. ,. ' ." e ~_ _A - - __‘l 3- Bssond K100. t 1 gr 9‘ ii,‘ ' . !.0Ul8llI1ANN..V.I. ""‘ - ‘ ‘- i l . gg (I 1¢.),; -J.I.l.0llG.§seI~sIty. V.."L"'. l stenslls. in pad eultisaa. . - ' llew Yolk slfi l . _.d__. (XML ‘I’ . p . said * mg.oiaovai'“”iiiu-i." mum i 1}-aroai-hiss iii l “ 3.; jcéfld. «waatab. ‘ _',.__,_.,, . ‘