. .. ~ . ¥‘-!i?“3**‘*§?%:*rt:j .. -c: ‘i’:'::.'*"*' ' ‘.14;-3;”: . . .. ‘ I ' 1 K t J‘ . V A ""‘ ‘ "‘.'."‘.' “ ‘‘'.'_‘fi: 5 _ __A __ _;-_.;A -_ .._ . _mL _-” mason, AUGUST 1,1923 “‘“"”‘ ” ' “ . , ‘“ '’‘'''‘‘'‘‘-‘'‘‘**“'- --~ -3’ —‘.._...“”""::‘:'.';:T:‘.: ' * _,_ -_,_ W. . =““"””‘°""‘“"°"‘“’ ' COLIJIIIA rataraoss co 3 up _. _. .1 ‘g ___l. l ‘ . NEW I. ' G)NVE1l0NI ‘I0 II J : A003 to csrrlgu, 31-ocg . . _ " * écehmbh lbrlct Ink! Ieheel» “H ""-""- I . A ;,'‘A 1° . W Giv‘o.‘l’rogI-amsst ‘ JD " Charaete.r'ef'S?a'r.o?1aa3od k..‘_. . . . . Q .n._ l _ . I 1' s V W I M ' ; W. . . , ....... .....————.°""““....., ....... Y SEVERSON -- H "‘ “ " ’ icenventions with all-ds! PNlII—' ° :.l.T"°°""" k°"'5° C°""""" ' -' > ~ -"—""" , , —-~——~—-— . elevbons pony was increased ‘ . "O. ‘_""“"’éPublic Service Employee 3: ""*;‘7“;f;_h:"'m'; "°" " Wisconsin Senator to Prove?_"°"' 3900-000 to 8878-000 at - mot- “ - ssgcsesnsuslly. Walkout—.. Para- land on the Sabbath following. ' Charges of Attacks I." °' "'° "°°"'°""" "°"' "' , , & .1‘ *.". ‘ant ‘m uh pk” An‘ 5 . llansas City. Ionday for the pur- .- 7 . lyu All Trans- H.“ chm‘. m ‘an Mm, of ,0 on women m ofaamending the articles of in- : ‘ v » ,‘ pm-utiou, and the second Aug 12 at Olivet, Capitoi. "P°"' °" '° " ‘° chm the giiitivlglii 1 ‘:23 :2 .' IIAIDING lllis lB8Tl'U|‘NlG1l1' :- j Doctors eat of Ir usllus ru-T ', SAN ‘FRANCISCO. Aug. “Pruihat Q sped a redful #58." Doctor Ir.'llhIu’s tcpwebe and rqnbr. I lawywsaid. ' A i it °:f3§i?‘fi §5'§i=r:i§?ii*'§‘ i§§:%§%;‘§E% 'l*lil"; " .l.. :1; i ll E ssI_Isi&_ is F‘ 8:- Shit ii is . _ ._ E3.’ it‘ $5.‘. 5 ii? .1. Fr? i‘ In 1 ill 1 ti‘ Iehsve Psddq Will Is llugerjsea. quiet E 3 al-5 lili. 3 I ...o..—. ..._<.._ _ """' "-‘m";‘:_AN "banality AFFAIR "5' °""‘- ;Seeking Wage Increase, In. Ass. 1-— Better Working Con- §“ ,3 gb "mm dltbflfl and SlX- ‘nudu Day Week. ll-yeah . Iy usaos runs Bryant was cap» - NEWARK. N. J.. Aug. 1.-A mil- theallegodas-Jionandahslf pleof New Jer- the jail and the 'sey were without their daily means ' transportation today—the stri e co rushed. The pletely paralysed the vast net-work bees .- ‘ant outs! and it dispersed of trolley lines on: the state. The strike at noon was said to be 100 per cent efloctive by the heads of the strikers. Union supporters ..._._.a -_..._..o—-..- l l J” i- 1 Party Will Go to —J—efferaon City I l ' new stat! capitol and to view the new ' l.-1 pulse was 11e.hlsthe invitation has been extended to fl. his respiration 40.;everyone. Doctor Pickard announced ‘Kennedy. "any. paint will be used. any loan. . ___ said not a wheel was turniinghand IN 'cvl(:lrn:'k':.-cr's""g mol':drm:'t" elft'husial?t'i'c . athe strike meetings or did picket duty at few of the largest barns. e Search for ilio Dead 111 p...'.‘..... 3...... o. oo ... ..- ‘tr-mpt to movl the Busses. Ga-man Train Wreck tmkwfi mt, 09” h M" Contlflhfl. were employed by those New Jersey- ____... ites who had to go to work today. U ‘ ‘ Th “uh ‘ s There were no disorders reported. . ‘s-' 00 _ Themenareseekingtosecurea It K|'0l°'l|°'l wage increase amounting to approx- hU|C'‘- 5‘ V“ 5"’ imately 30 per cent. with a sis-day Jhetraineolslon mfirnehone ‘tidal-tl tad-r. when also-two bodies week and better working conditions. no la i§fil—iiTa ELXTION OI’ OFFICERS " Boone County National Savings and Loan Association Ilsa 880.000 his. firemen searched 7‘ 33'" cars pasaerker train that identifleatio of many victims has proved impos- ' Loaaedlacdam sible. Tlrlrty-four injured are in ll°|Pll~|l|- ' The annual meeting and election "“*'"" ' ”" of officers of the Boone County Na-' 'A.‘Il'$%I‘l.:‘llsNg"ltB'l’AlNTED “°"" 3“""" '“ ‘‘°‘'' *''°°‘‘‘‘°''' » _ , held terday. ‘lie following &H Cars Pswperly officers were elected: Presiden keg, figyg '5‘. y. vice-pcuident. L I. DO- r -f W 8 St. Clair; as- --——— auoum .'w°. r. sc. Clair; W "“‘ "' c°"""' treasurer. 8. C. Hum: Greeters. 8. ' L. H. ‘ W. J.-Hetslc. J. C. Jones. '1 . . W. Chi: Ihva other blocks 33*; 3" 5"‘ another! for ‘the msssflttm. ‘ . The reported that more than 83501100 had been leaned on at . .Columbia homes. that stock in force |amounted to 81,227,850. that the :B:"'m'- th :1: ;btlsineas was in good condition. and the sale of stock to saving investors was increasing. l .\l.-Ii.-1‘. Tlahscll definite space. each is 8 by :0 between cars. C. W. Kclnedy. street commission- IS LBASBD spaces. If the cars are properly..thore will always room for persons to walk between them, and space will be ecenomlsed. s also says that if the cars are always placed in the spaces allotted them. persons passing betwpen them not encounter the grease found a car has been standing. The repainting of the areas began aihal Ll . The Wabash Railway Co. took pos- session of the Hlssouri-Kansas- Texas line between Ioberly and Hannibal today. Wabash will operate this line on a long lease. It will be operated under the Moberly division for the present. There will ule of the Wabdsh into Columbia as . this train makes connections and a half of with this line. Several changes will be made in the time of trains on the Mobcrly-Hannibal line. both Wabash and the former I.-K.-T.. ac- cording to A. C. Abbott. Wabash 3% To an ‘§i{v”§fX?i“‘cApml. Saturday lloraiag. , A trip to Jefferson City to see the. l M.-K.-1'. leaving llannibal at 2:50 p. ‘m. and arriving at Moberly at 6:20 lp. m. will also be discontinued. Wa- °h:':°ks""'d;:;fA';"':' z'n':n'e);' I bash train No. 9 will leave Hannibal til‘, o . L n 9 - and a number of students. The party ' will leave Columbia at 8 o'clock in'|u the morning and will return about 6 ‘ fut Buudo °°(')‘:k "' '5: .9 at leaving Xoberiy at 8:85 p. in. will ‘°°°“" ° '’ "nm ' "' r run as a local from Hoberly to Han- ’ ' l. series of paintings that have been completed in the building will C Sawyer an-iquests by persons other than stu- Mb. hats who want to_mske the trip.‘ ._j____ jnl-zcllo D11-‘.8 IN A l>A‘s1'l'ltl-: ___..;..._. Death is Due to lleart Diaeas& No inquest Will Is Held. ' ' Green Payne. a negro who lived at . the corner of Third street and North this morning. Iambl. Wabash n'lll'&}nu Ieherly-l1as- ' no-—8ame no changes in sched- ‘ wishes the county or state superin- Charch at Harg. six: miles east of Egg-:3‘;-mg; 3;;-;,~f_;;f*°~ '*" on-*1cIA1’.s‘ INVOLVED The program at the "Oakland -0 --M” - lchurch will start at 10 o'clock a. ll. Governor Blalone Re’ ‘with Bible school during which move Officers if model lessons will be taught in all classes. Following this there will Shown Guilty by be a rogram at 11 o'clock with com- Witnesses. muni singing. reading and solos __ ______ nd exhibits of the primary depart- Ir "nit-cl Pru- ment and Sunday school literature. WAUPACA. Wis.. Aug. 1,-stat¢ The afternoon program will ia- Senator Herman J. Severson today clude talks on “The Rural C hurch,"ld¢'¢lIl'cd he possesses facts, evidence by R. H. l-Zmberson. and on “How and witnesses to back up charges My Travels in Bible Land Have that state oflicials had locked wo- Helped Me in Teaching Sunday lien in offices at the state capitol School," by Prof. W. 1.. E. Shans.‘IlId'Iusulted them. Departmental conferences will be SPVOTIOH llld hf Would P"-‘GU11 held at 3:30 o'clock. and will be fol- the °‘facts" to Governbr Blaine who lowed by community singing. dfllendcd in I lrlelilm that the A pageant. “The Light of the Senator prove the clmrges so "the World," will be presented by the sum! officials" might be removed young people of the Oakland and from Offltr Ind vfuflecuted. Hinton churches at 8:80 o'clock in: 84-veraon first made the charges the evening. Iin a speech before the la Follette A “mu”. pmlrum Wm h, M.” “ Club last night. Severson has not the Olivet Church on the following ”' "'“"""d "*9 “'k'3'‘''‘ Pl“ 35“ Sunday. Bible school will be held nth" '09“ wmvlv with it- yo ._ ma '°"o'ed by . pm‘,.m ‘g’ ring the last session of the H 0-dock. ‘ad the wk,‘ dim," “ state legislature charges were made ‘n n_ in the state of "llquor bouts" by the ‘legislators and lobbyists and rumors of “gay parties" were whispered about. The legislature refused to investigate the drinking charges. pences wilfbe held fr~om'l:30 to 2:80 (;()v_ m,,\|_~fi’ugiXyp3 pgoop o'clock at which time the afternoon , ,, program will be held. featuring talkmchallensrs Senator to Show Basis by R. H. Emberaon on "The . U for Charxel. Ch h Proble .” W. ' """’ """"‘ "Grtntinx T0¢c't‘her for Community MAD’-5'0No wl"-- 5111- l-—G°"l‘f’- iGood," and “ngaflqork go, 9,, p,.;_ nor Blaine today challenged State iuury cadet» 3". y_ Senator Herman J. Severson to . at The afternoon session will start with community singing. Sollowedo by a roll call of the churches and. rtmental confer- ; - _ and assaulted by z s_o[()_a‘3.;it'l'I{. ; ptate oflicials of the state capitol." lGroves, vice-president; Harriet L’ "H 3'3"’ 3°"?‘°“ P°“°"°' ' “'5” ncnuqz Rkhrd 1-m,d1“proof he should lay ‘It before me so ' . Division superintendentarhfill the gullty fliclals may be re- Inoh Lou llller. children; hirs. w.'l'~°'°<| from 000- T. Stephenson. children; Nell Lake; 5l‘ish. young people; Lola Foreman.‘ young people; Rosa Ngrtins. adults;» . ¢j;¢———— t'or.s1‘s saruas raoll lovnsatlsa rlsto ralr h . t I Ilse Bees Ce-‘ lamhla Fear Weeks. srs l=Til1~:l) ' = THISWEEK-EN D the writing tourists of the School of Journalism. University of Mis- ~——-———- court, returned at 3:45 o'clock this ;IS L8-Sf. Of Year t0 morning to Columbia after an ab- weeks. - 9 «once of four Ob"a'n Teachers The class in special correspond- " License, c'nce lost one member at Eureka Springs. Arkansas. when Harvey Wertz left for Fort Sill. Okla. Tuesday. the last day out. was spent in Clinton. where the Rotary Club and Commercial (‘lub gave the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh chicken dinners that the journalists were served during the trip. Monday the students were at Ne- vada. visiting State llospitlll No. 3 and other places. blonday afternoon the lilllorado Springs Chamber of Commerce sent cars to Nevada to transport the stu- 'dents to El Dorado Springs where a banquet was given for them. , The last county 'teach¢-rs’ exam- ination to be given this year will be lheld in the auditorium of the Agri- cultural building Friday and Satur- day of this week. by Charles E. Nortbcutt. County Superintendent to: Schools. . All applicants desiring to take the teachers’ examination will we re- ,quired to present :1 rt-cclpt for the ‘examination fee before starting to write. All papers are to be handed in flat. with the applicants number and ‘county written in the upper right plued in the mum“ um we. DIES 01- ‘fl BER(lL08l8 }words “County Superintendent" or "State Superintendent" written in the upper left hand corner of the r. according to the choice of applicant as to whether he Weslwood Avenue--Home Was in Laclade. Miss Nettie Conant, 38 years old. -a special student in the College of Arts and Science of the University. “died at 1:05 o'clock yesterday after- noon at the Parker Memorial Hos- Death was due to tubercu- P? the ltendent to grade the paper. lllegibility will count in the grad- ing of the papers. according to the _ ;instructions ‘to be issued by Mr. .Northcutt. ' _' _ , . ' Any applicant can be excused for .M"“‘ ('°"'"' " _"""" W" "' "'d°"°‘ "W h." d.’ when he £5 u,mm‘h She was a cousln of Mrs. DR &ott. with an. ‘onion. 111 Westwood avenue. ‘ Friday morning's examination will ;'be held in geography. from 8 till 9:30; language. from 9 to 10:30: algebra and orthography. from 10 of the Omaha Methodist Hos ' Omaha. Neb. She is survived by a 5.“; Chaney. Kansas City; J. P. Mcflal Travel-tired _and information-full. Miss Conant was a graduate nurse '. l. ‘character and form of the company's lauthorised capital stock. and to pro- vide for the increasing of the capi- jtal stock of the company by the is- ‘suance of common and prefbrred res. The proposition to change the form of the authorised but unissued stock of par value aggregating 850.- 000 into 1.500 shares of common .steck without nominal or par value and to increase the capital stock from $200,000 to 3375.000 was ac- cepted by a unanimous vote of the stockholders. As shown by the books of the company. the capital stock is 8200,- 000; assets. 8468..'l‘.l4.67; liabilities (including paid up stock) 8264.- 4.'>2.30 The amount of the capital stock represented by shares with nominal or par value is an increase of 8175.000. divided into 1.7.50 shares of par value of 8100 each. making 500 shares of common stock and 1.- 260 shares of first preferred stock with par value of 8100. More than 50 per cent of the in- crease in the capital stock has been paid in. Five llundrt-d shares of common stock with nominal or par value has been paid from the earn- ings of the company transferred to the capital accounts. and 500 shares of the preferred stock has been paid ‘in and-is in the bands of the board of directors of the company. making $100,000 of the $175,000 increase. The stockholders who shall receive '%l0¢'k In it dividend and the stock- holders who have actually paid up lhc first preferred stock to be -=ued as an increase undo-r the amend lncnt arc: W. C. Polk. Kan. City; I... E. I)urham. Kansas (fit ; \' }\' -6 no and Julia A. Hudson as executors of the estate of J. A. Hudson. de- ceased; G. . Hudson. Wooster. Ohio; J. P. IlcBaine. Columbia; Julia A. Hudson. Asbeville. N. .. T. W. Hudson. Eldorado. Kan.; l-Ithel Hudson Ifcflaine. Columbia. .CAN EIJMINATJL t V l -- ~ - - _ SURPLUS GRA . Gould sug-fsis‘ Govern- . ment Purchas'é of Wheat. y United Preu. CHICAGO, Aug. 1.—-Purchase of 100,000,000 bushels of wheat by the government to cut down the present surplus was urged by W. 1-‘.. Gould. banker of Kewaunee. 111.. in confer- ence here with American 1'-‘arm Bu- reau of ficials- Gould said the purchase could be made through the war finance cor- poration or a similar agency. and that it would boost the price to 81.25 a bushel. L’. S. (‘()'l'l'ON CRO!’ NOW 01 PER CENT N(lR.\iAl. -.<—_._.- d . Production for 1938 Estimated at 11.5 or Thaa Jane Forecast. lly United Prue. WASHINGTON. Aug. 1.-The Was a Cousin of Hrs.“DR Scott, 111 condition of the cotton crop on Ju-' ly 25 was 67.2 per cent of norlnal. forecasting a total production of about 11,516,000 bales this year. the Departmont of Agriculture estimat- ed today. Q The condition of the crop June 25 ‘was O3 per cent. The July 25 average for the last ten years was 1.761.817 bales. .c.___¢_..—.;.. mzvsluscs l.aAvl-zsfos rall- Will Spend st Fargo. A N. D. With His I-‘amily. H. O. Severance. librarian of the University. will leave tomorrow for brother.‘F'argo. N. n., with his family fort 3-“"l°-= "*4 W‘ W“'°“3 anche 3‘ opened by Prof. H. -2;. ' great importance to teachers 'LAST_E‘DI'l‘1ON ‘P CONDl'C'l ON I.-K.-T. FOIJND DEAD IN C. P. Schafer lied Bean on Iead' for I-‘ifty Yeara—llsme ls ' is St. Louis- C. 17‘. Schafer. a conihlctor on the M.-K.-T. Railroad. was found in his room at 12:10 o'clock this morning, when called to take his had been rooming at the home of Ira. Katie Buescher. 107 South Fifth street. His home is at 4360 DeSota avenue. St. Louis. J. M. Burch. engineer on the M.- l(.-T.. who roomed next door to Mr. Schafer. was called at 10 o'clock last night by hfrs. Buescher. saying that Mr. Schafer was very .ill. Mr. Burch found Mr. Schafer having a hard chill, but he insisted that he would be better and about 11 o'clock Mr. Burch left to get his engine ready for the run. He returned at 12:10 to call Mr. Schafer and found him dead in his bed. Mr. tchafer would have been 70 years old in December. at which time hc expected to lt‘I\'(‘ the serv- ice and retire on a pension. He had been railroading for fifty years. thirty-five years with the hi.-K.-T. He had been on the Columbia run for two years. the change to the shorter nln having been made be cause of his failing health. llv leaves :1 wife and daughter. The body was taken to his home in St. Louis this afternoon on the 1:33 train. for burial. I-‘(ll'ltTli SOCIAL srrnr (‘UNFBltl'.'N(‘B lulloltnmv l'ref. E. L. Morgan‘ of the Rural Life Department Will Ad- dress hieetlag. The fourth and final of a series of conferences that have been held during the summer session under the auspices of the National Coun- oil of Social Studies will meet at «i..'m o'clock tomorrow afternoon ln the lfmvcrslty Elcnu-ntnry School lluxlding at Ninth and Conley .v.tro-ets. The ('nnft'l’('nu- will be ‘A. Morgan ill the Rural Life departmcnt, with an address, "The Functions of Rural Schools In Relation to (Hmmunity N1-oils." Professor Morgan has made a C. careful study of this pr lblcm. and will discuss a number of lmportan questions pertaining to rural edu catioh. and its improvement. The Itllijl.-ct tlllt he has chosen is par- ularl' interesting to t and of in ru- ral districts. according to Dr. N. M. Tn-nholmc, chairman of the confer- PHCPS. Three Trainmen Killed in Crash. tly l'nile~i PM-we .\'ASH\'lLLFZ. Tenn.. Aug. 1. - Three trainmen were killed and five other persons injured here today when a switch engine on the Louis- ville and Nashville split a switch and side-swiped and swit-moving Nash- ville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis freight train. The engineer. con- ductor. and brakeman of the freight train were killed. "Yellow Dogs" to (Iare for Poor. By United Press. FRFZEPORT. lll.—l‘oor children of Freeport will receive clothing and gifts next Christmas from the "Yel- low Dogs;" a charitable organisation’ formed here. The fidelity of the dog prompted the founders to select the name of the‘ organisation. ._.__. . . .. _. —_. .. - .. . _.. - o-..'- - .. _...' .- .__.--_..., Today's Baseball Results National laeagae. First game— Brooklyn Batteries: Smith and Taylor;‘ Stewart and |icCurdy. 11114 Second game— Brooklyn St. Louis Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Q0 0 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MI) I ' Batteries: Gene h and Smith. xander and O°Fa . ' Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 000 1‘ Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200 1. Ben? ROOI those who‘ ISSOURIAN 9-- ,— o _ .__..¢ r3UMsEli'2s7' lOHNs0N MEN ‘ SAY SPEECH IS HARDING TRICK Declare Effort Made to Win California for World Court Proposal. HOOVER" -1S—'-'BI.AMED Accused of Releasing 'Ad- dress as Means of Influencing the Public. lly l'nmvd Pro--. SAN FRAN(‘lS(‘n, Ag l.—Scna- tor'Hiram Johnson‘.-l friends were furiously indigmlnt today over what they declared was a deliberate pn- lit.lt'al trick pllyl-ll un Jllhnhun and on them by members of President llarding's official party. Publication in this morning's newspapers of the Foreign Relations spc-vcll Prulidfflt Harding was tn have delivered here last night had ’ he been well was the cause of all the trouble. Hi-rho-rt Hoover. rctary of Commerce. is the princi- pal target of the angry Johnson men who blame hlm for getting the speech released for publication as a means of playing on the public sympathy for the Prcsido-nt to turn California against Johnson on the World (‘curt issue. fact that the speech was released by special direction of Pre-idcnt Harding him- self does not alter the case they say. as Harding was too ill to under- stand lb.» situation. (‘omment ufion the statcmon however. will lw rc-stralncd on count of the President's illness. The lloculm-at was an argument in favor of American adhesion in the World (‘null and ccntcrcd upon this llnt; The adnunlstratioll in two years’ activity 111 foreign affairs has dealt with a great variety «if problems af- fecting American people -without a single lflSfIllt'-' of f.'l'll| the ljnitul States cnla '..1ll.l :n l'. vnpesn and old world politics. Wll.l.-'.»'\'l"l‘FMl"l‘ CURT:\ll';MF.NT No Formal. Action Taken by Oil Rcfincrs at l. ac- Conference. Dr |'nltevi Preoa - - KANSAS CITY. Aug. l.—-lndc- pendent oil refiners of the Mid-(‘om tinent field will trtkc “individual ac- tion" to curtail production. accord- ing to an understanding reached in conference of officials of leading companies. Due to communication by fed- eral ofilcisls that prosecution under the Restraint of Trade laws might follow any concerted move to close down. no formal action was taken toward holding down production. However. refiners were that oarly'produl-tion must he cut heavily immediately in order to re- duce the present over-supply and prevent a price slump. saoao amiss- SllNS.'81 EACH Two Women Share Heat of Estate Wlth His Two Daughters. The will of Greene Payne. negro. was filed in the office of Probate Judge ii. A. Collier. this morning. Payne to his two stepaons. Willard and Henry ('ollins. and to his son. Riley. one dollar.each. To Ilnnie Payne. his daughter. he bequeaths four lots. 64%, 67, 68 and 09 in Barkwell's addi- tion. Mary. Payne. another daughter. recei 71. 72, 73. and 74 in the some addition. Lots 715 and 76 in Barkwsll's addition are to be giv- ' on to Odessa and Geraldine Browns‘ Slx acres of land. including the borne site. in Barkwell's addition. is he one I 3 t ehoodlg iropad trip for 8276 per person I _ ,1 q (- 1 p 51., co] , . up y.afl° 31- 31 _ton and Hsrgrave. 3. an 9. 5.... hog“ to P.’ an !‘l'|oee dairies to so mar -In thr,¢',’;’“'°""“:'h“‘:’°h".’°‘ ‘°“ °' 5r" "".:.':*”3t"' W . "I s::lm:n a'unt'.m|‘f:!'l. 0 “ Estes. :l'floh'::k w.ill be sctnliu litlzrian dur-- 3 H 3 other sum $100. _ '“'”""" """"’°"" “°""""“'“°t M, 5, 3' ",,"""‘ " ‘Nb, - "“°°" ""‘"", "‘.’l'}‘3,‘.','0, .l.aclede. .ing Ir. 8evoranoe's sbsencé. N!" Y0“ - 19° 00° 00° 1 5 0 All personal property including to, the ptuficgof ‘R d,_;3:: d near an me "to yeeter- _llr‘l grammar. from 1.30 :3. . . .. nu. SN“ win '0 fit,‘ u,._bod, 3"“, ‘,5 g.'.,..,.,,. cu," of_ Pittsburgh .. (IN Of! MI I 4 1 iu,m,.,,“.. 5.0.050“ ‘cod. .4 “,3, partllent. or at the taxi cab sta-.l.na i.'°‘w'rv'°°i""'..d 5'“ 2‘:|'t'"""6"'a'n;‘ to Lacledc today. The funeral will flan of the University libraries B‘“"::‘ 3'3‘? ' GWSY3 money lsto bedivided between Iary ‘bu _.' .___, -._____- land one son. ‘ lng.'from 4:30 until 6. be in mu c"y' pTf..'fl.’_.wmofl'o" ‘;.;':h.'.°M....s.r'.".. 'c.lIc“'on'ofIt:e' T-'""“" P.J’.u Coleman was . "" ' o $l CXIHI lfl t'lVl V - -———--—- ' . Verdict Agaiut Lafsa Appeoved,better the last few weeks. coroo':'meh:. from s all 9:30: ‘Suited No One is lolous-—-.ls-u ‘r-oIor;°°‘°"4'- 3"“ ""°""!“"- "' St. Louis ooo llo—a lo 1 v_';& :'.':"m':':‘_'L' t;"f._""‘{'§"' by Stub I-en-o loo. .8» Baker announced the: no ln- sum history, from 9 ohm 10:80; was the Driver --A. .'m"". ""“"““"" “*"""’-: phia .eoo oes ~ ° w =--- ~* ~ ....-'~ *—-...:~ --...:~.* ‘‘“t-'.‘..I:°‘:I‘i.*’'..''.:'‘.. .. .. *.-:~:'*°~-.:~~.:: ;-:-:::. '° ’W-- ....... ...= .9-:'....°'"'.. -~' W: mm W» ~~°v-- . . a. rem : - '2 lrylflther. Braxton nu t¢.l'vanced scioncetmfrom l0:8.0 until 1"‘ lllllll 03 “'0. V3535 “J. C. T’ u....,..._.....' '1'”? nu‘; Second game—- ' IWIII M Id“!!- Javoref kvis. upholdirucwn. 3:: ’:£::;lPuI:l:e;a.l;iz.of :l;w- 123.0‘. " ' fans“ _¢;'lr¢‘>nss.i;gkl:stwsenmI.ls8tati‘I>I:I.e.;Will 8peah:ieeatisa'l'¢er-‘fitli . . . . . . . . . . . . aad&dWerkh~Cauty. . . . cm W“ 0 . s . mg o o o o s ¢ seeaaeea novl:':l Idea had pm-3"-'0'! 4-r-» Pam la n y ochosulo consists of r-I~y-l- *"'I"l“¢"- "°°°""' - '- Ira. sllsasslsotalsauugllo. his and Sovudtlzi _. g. "55: 5.‘, ‘lug hat 731'“! County until hewasgrewn.‘o , from 1:80 until 3; writina. 'r'’'‘' ‘'3' "turning from a dance “flu ha: 3 ‘. ‘.3,-plfli sad Putin. ; hgdh.qgddggd&vheHmed30¢ametoColnlnbiaabeuttwentyfrom2until; .from2:I00l3¢0PI0°fl'l|°fl¢50|¢¢“"‘5‘P’?(;,ggg.4[jv%u.g.,-gm lid I.H.lolOaeefity. thatthspareg-flpwaa-||...|v.¢’!0IfIII'0.andaequirodeeasidsrsIie till (:80: literature and advancedl;°"0‘-“'0'-IIOIIOUICIIOH-”"".'..3. 3' im . Iilfllfifl-490! """*"“‘.”"'c'."".' ' ltis'the'.e"8::m’.t'e'.lll'l'ld"theteach ¢lT.I=II'°¢UfIIrIf|I004l*|**'“" .' ' All latssrlss less:-tsasfiIssa.Ik" 5‘*"“"“‘:"7L*‘.~l|‘h"‘!8AY sosaso IA]! is to co ..-.. ,,,_,_._ m" u__ mgllhoosrlyaoocslnat-slussoooa ;"',:: "."""",.'. ' ' ' - ‘ = , _.year.ia&h.J and AICII... ' mg] {is 1'hsIisssullI$¢e0sI'tha1d.PallItylOPO:et~lUmhlt.Ae_.n. hwgmmum‘. i;“:r=zh’»”. u‘. ‘.1...’ '''''t_‘'‘‘',,'''‘_,_, ''‘''‘.,.,,.,','‘,,,'''l',_,.,‘‘;‘., ‘man by hkiia u. on may ‘ . . ‘roasts-o us one s onus is A qr. calcaqo..asa. t.—JeI|sty|es"‘||." "'°°"-II-t-|-r-f:- lllllssssrlasnsssftcsas (lea- _‘ 1 _ _" - fifi I&f'.hXa".&*%"“°"‘*'. "a Ifyoggflm-j fgfl v - Ilhhelilllaaossas-,. ltoesme 1:80, 888.1-ass. . C so ‘sun. ; . uasssvcstlsm I-phdsr-; or :0 IL""I.@%.Z' fill hlraalawfmebe-; Ihslfimfirlahsad :-figwmhfigyq-‘a . w&fi. . I‘!-II sssslshsn sans: dost‘