_ thought it recognised sortie of the . characters. ' ‘ 1-. H ‘ . . —' ,» ‘V -‘."‘v‘ ‘; Q I v -.9 . ,- , l '- ii * ‘ . . '-‘*7 If: . .‘ ‘I ‘, ta...’ . ’ 0 I .. ‘ - N ., ,_.,_. oghugflgjxflo DAY AU USTI 19$ _ “W J ____, ,._._',,. --.. + ‘ -.. — - “ * ”:"""*‘ ' ' o sximirrios l . . __ .3 "'."'~1 ‘mum’ , . TOMAKB BOA . "" """"' """'iiL..""1"' ml "3 70° "° Ar -L no-A-0 -mm In and Near Boone County was o..........'T.i..., o... ' 11v-T-h-—Aee~ '“ ~ ‘fit fit.‘ ' 3 D’ '03 OLD —--"" ' l ‘ streetien at State Fair. 3°" “"9 ssensfissslltfllll-f!‘O' 'l'heCl¢y I--core-It-‘Fire.-—~ UM , General Repel issisg I. iss., :_ ** WESTERN HERMIT oessi-tsisst sss iiis Issis- ' Rxiwpo,-g , Mr. and Mrs. H. 1:. Stone and as - P-- __,n" S “ at can,“ a M m . '—_-'__' l ..“ I. U“: ' d.u‘m«' bu”. " an ' Hi hwa Commission is Pllnni to Camel-isinit Blttcff ‘-03 '% 5' '9'” H" ‘ flu’ " l ‘ A "in I By a sine csnsTs:s'sss_—t— C“'°"°' B'°‘"‘ '“ "' ‘°‘"‘ '°"' "'°"' ‘ ml’ "h'°""' Cw“. ‘M tn.’ ‘ y exhibit at the cuisine is-' Station . I csrsslsd-littlest “#9” '° ' '°'“'' °'' " i-:1. DORADO sriuiios. Ito Ans "" ' ' ' Wm‘ M“ " r ' to be held here Used Parts ' J-I2. Jr. 1. ll‘ M315 II) Van Winkle was on “m -i" Mrs. Paul Pipes is ill with appen- Mrs. W. I. Atehison has retwned sourl State air _ . uh: sssssiisssths. 'l‘hsIo'a;ebaeh his we: back to his mountain 1.—F'|--M """ °""" "‘ dicltis. iionie from a visit with her inotiise in that win show the eitisens of COOPER-WYA‘l'r by '’ yard. tee. VH5 DOC ‘V M Uh!» 3 355*’ ‘ Vi" "ml" ""'"d‘.y tgatnh I’-‘red McKee was hens on business Mexico. souri what is being done in carry- ARA . U .¢§.-gy use 1 fie ehltuh 10- ¢ IQIL His brlef visit here was ¢l¢"l‘°"' ‘:5 3"“ ' ‘m ondsy. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Denton and son. ing out the new 800,000,000 road 808 A... St phone * ‘Ills. Mrs. G01 ales wrltsaud 5 Me (bet return to civilisation in 1%.-u '3‘: Miss Gertrude Fleigher was in Ralph. Clare C. Curtright. Nathan construction program. . l Na of Evening lee fifleetsd aad folksy eeher ygbyra and all for 'what— ‘::'i‘ unkmm ‘ ""' co:,mbi;‘l:|onb.ds:y. Rd . _ ltsvtlsnd were 1'..i,jng moan and testtgng ________ _> ;hId. to etafl e b00'-l0II’C- ' _- ise . se t l gewey is vis- s rs y. ’_ h‘ wi emonstrete e ca ~-— - ~ ' . I *3!“ .5 W His file ls “Mullah Tom" Lin- MT‘: iting in St. Louis. John Reynolds. who has been vis- the selectinl 07 P004 W’ "“"" Q ‘HI 8000? nth" "304 3' coln his house is at Taylors th°° and ‘or Vwm “N “H , Robert Smith moved into the Gus iti Lee itohinson Green. rstiiimed terials. Charts. tables. models and 007'“! 50 IN.‘ '33" I" "'“"|ll'erk Gabtlii County. For my")! Sufi“ an,“ fin. ,5. mm“ Wilhite house this wedt. to his home at East St. Louis Setur- phmmph, win mu,"-.g. ccngtyuc-, Wanted -————- . years he lived only s few miles were an . Norris Sampson purclllkd 3 d‘Y- m tion methods. Maps showtfll I-_l‘° Morning and Afternoq MC and Of, ‘OB 5! I ‘t h a. ‘n’ ‘lfrel Ideuian but he had not been in Dondo Spfinfl M. I” “,‘.n_ Chevrolet car last w . . Herold Clendenham. of Arthur. .. N00,”. of the W0“ mu be 4... W0 (0,. 3 Boys “Wat of Wu‘, Tower” .frland efmiae whesses reelll I! 5." ghee 1892 and nearly every- ind flu dep_nm“,_ an” an he, . C. A‘slep and children and Eugene Campbell. of Tuscols. phyai we Also "ave Boys ‘. Tu‘ H‘ 35”‘ "" 5°‘! 5' 39°‘ 5°" "‘°" "' or so... owned by the city proved ‘’'’"‘‘‘‘l "‘ ”°"’ """""" '“‘ “"""" m" "'" "" "“'“ °‘ u"' "' T“ -—-- —-—~-~--—-—- d J enlrom flfyo J13“ 5! “INC: ‘ I '.°': 1 The dght he arrived from his he W. E. Magruder and family ner laetweek. In‘ E" ‘ B. K p - (.mo".5._ ville Mo. ' M" °' a" mm’ 1' """'*"*‘ "‘ ""' "" “"§,“';‘¢°"f;; ‘i::r|e”t'ha.r:ttwo §i°'oe"§s°:is‘:'i':s:': 'h°l>i>edEii(i‘ (‘olumbie lalt 'fI'h}I'1Y*dlr)('i- “Hrs and :3; 7.‘!-F I:-dlgmtr-it ; A’; W?“ i;°ch_m 0, we (‘all 9‘ nd he tched it with a t - M . l en Stemmoas o owe ug ter. u . o o ' III - - _ _ _ _ “Now you know I “'1. cm“ in“ nu, d‘), h, 9"’ ‘"3’ "l" °°'“‘°‘d”‘ 11' ‘nu- Coudfy is with Mrs. Paul Pipes this (‘olo., were guests of Sam Brown extension work of the Univerllly Ll’. Ye Ms C. As 3*’ """"n'°,'_',""."‘_,«".1",,,::,lhsve bred be so fresh If my naiseih“ H. “m unomobik ride ‘md cst fser ‘:5 gr‘ “'3 5:‘O:.u“ week. ' eek. brary. has returned from her vaca- ‘nent Bure‘u ‘I "V" ‘f 5' '0'’ T''''''-" '7 "'!"“d 5'“ °" R “ ‘amok I “aw listend to a jeu orchestra. ‘fizlimcnnhoué mm “"5: Clemens Smith. Oscar Brown and J. C. Hunt and faintly. Harry Hu- tion in California. . Miss hllliot re- . “"""" ""'“""“"""" "' “"""z50'¢ Nflfllhy copies away to l|l- A" might have been, well and he ) ‘ g ‘ - Eugene Holland were in Huntsdale lon and family. Mr. and Mrs. I)on- sumed her work this morning. 7 ""' """"' "‘“- ‘W 4‘ '“'' """“‘stivs- and moods» dthth W - ted d ll "°°"""d”' A mm "mi "" let s d sld Stone and Gilmore and Elise- “ ' W.‘ Tfl.‘ '' ‘T “T” .' huh k I wro mlfln M" “Sc ‘° “W” t '3 threatened to ignite when a atock- ' u" ‘y’ . . . . ' . ed .‘h . . ~ r" ~ ' - sslisn. es-s eissihs ego "west elvthe we-l"°h°d’ "°' . mainder of his days in civilisii- “rd fem. cum“ “rt ~ Warren Martin and family visited beth Stone entertain an a picnic .se Tower" was school by Harper eel I"Il'!Vl‘l'l‘0| ‘D0303: 2:?" mwm tion if he had not bargained with __ __,. ' Charles (‘oats and family in Hunts- I-upper in the woods Thursday even- . ‘ ""“"' """"""' "" "' ""“""‘”"¢ °‘ "- ‘ boo egger for a gallon of moon- NATl.'lt8 AIDS OFFICIALS dale last Sunday. we - - "' °' "' """"' "" """‘ ""‘°" W‘ "" “"‘ “" 0”’ ‘”“"“"" ‘hi whisk ii" h th I tte ll T0 ciinca isiiiiciuhrrs iii. and Mrs. R. M. Rewlings at- Misses Martha Pearl Hulen. Anna , ‘ , ‘ it “Kb an ‘$.53 °h"‘°“" flu’ '‘.i'k°'' '" uh’ ' M y V K C . r "U" ~--~ tended the basket dinner st Hunts- Lee Toaleon. Nine! Curt-risht. - .to deliver him for 8'7. That was [the last “English Tom" saw of the bootlegger or his 87. __..__._._- ' I er exteruals whenever it seemed they By Mary Margaret McBride might be recognised. It's universel- yearning to go He found to his surprise that lots , The hermit was born near Bow of pa,“ "n“d to be “kw ‘ozuutt Bella. London. anh received a degree U, in mining engineering at London University. He came to America a lit more than thirty-one years in aierveliag at the liInh'e unique of being Guy Plummer" if he could.38° ‘id “'9'” _“P H“ ("ll“"‘ R‘f“" "ma"... only P“, 5. ”n ‘he, W. I.“ gmmon e prospecting expedition. \ hiit Udoflmnul’ uh do.“-g hwwnf mono“ pk.m,u_ happened there is not known but he , it dag ‘O: “L cm’ i. ‘Oh’ to ‘flu, . fu-mgsoon gave up his work as is mining make the holes folks eiarvel. ‘novel next. and pa of his nllaeionfellnfl Ind 9?“l°‘l _‘l°“’“ I" ill“ "I" But Homer Croy humorist. who hack to Missouri w to hrlfll hiseof e trapvef |"‘l"Il-"l“""‘“"- _ _ has just addtted he-wrote the see-Jermknowledge up-to-date-—for rs-l "l'7'\8ll3l‘ 70'“ ¢l""]'-" ll’ ‘f "5' DUI’! IIIOIIIIIOII hflt Rllfl’. "wfllidioa. silos and plumbing have come years old but Game Vliirrlen liriiiik of the Water Tower.” did really ex- in since he. as a barefooted. inertic- Marshall. who has known him since all thus delights when he ulgte fgrrner boy, heard the storybnyhoed. says he is at least 89. &, the other . which furnished the basis of the plot Life in the city. he said, was too ‘of “West of the Water Tower.” fast for him. Includes ‘praying. Seed Treatment. 5*’-'«~'-'-”~'*=t‘"-1 ‘t’-‘-"~'*-*3‘ -3 LABOITUNIONS « rertllisstios. (‘sltivstion ___§_ snii Pruning. round thatflosuer was back thswhsletswaturnedouttoqfter And fried mush.’ ro boats at -GPOUDB Ulllle IMO 13789?‘ Sprayi . seed treatment. fertili- in and \ ‘ sation. cu tivation and pruning ——the .features of the horticultural pro- w01'ld- gram for Missouri—will be empha- . _——~————- .sised in the display of the horticul- Vfljlfly Uqitfl Press. an "kg, " GENEVA. Aug. l.—A -tural department of the College of . "uh Agrictdture in the University of the dIInIeion."°'l4°'*‘° "'°"°"""‘ ‘°' ‘W """° ' Missouri Building at the suite rsir ganiation of industrial unions into ‘Ma y."_ Qmhla‘ '"'°“‘ "‘“°"“ °"'"l“u°‘“ h M‘ The center of the exhibit will be a 00 him “"6" ‘'7' ‘“*'°““"‘ ‘M huulmodel garden watered by an over- Ol’ tV¢lV¢ l||ltIll- - "Wm m ‘h’ l“‘°"‘“’°“‘l l"b°'ihead system of irrigation. known as heats of the Isrrvillc delicacy tool» 3“"'“ "°"‘ '°'““"¢ °°‘"“"" °‘ ‘ll’ I the Skinner Irrigation System. rim- ' . '° ' . s tein has roven rofltablc not n".' " hdfl‘ Pl“ “ 3"!‘ h the United s"~'u' um "°up‘n'i ohly on lerg: project‘: of fruit and ties. s-I than it sot no ions would * W-dmv '- “Mint -=vm-l°- in "*1. ta les ut Ilso in the .....u iioaiicifi.rCii:i.7iisei.nv wii.L 1121.1. or PR()(;ltAM an 0“ W NI ‘'0' “fill, ‘NM . ’"°"" of the Univ“ 0°“ R" ‘M family garden and smaller truck ""1 go ,,.. i an 5 ‘by, . Cap Makers’ Union towards lrlntlfle . clued n ." . "°¢'”’°’,"” °""“"°‘l "°"“" l“; 1'hi;- ' model i:aril(-n w.ll i..- ‘R '3' ‘t It“ P°lnlo" 3|!‘ ‘F lhe doth.‘ indu'uy' . divided into two .'i(‘Ctl~)n:, one for 3:7. ‘that I really bersrtifltiews-m7:°.v:";l““':‘W C'°'~"t‘o"lm‘:‘:;': vegetables and the other for small . 568803 thofllh out _ la‘ “'3'” f ‘u, with a mall rash. the invltations!P"°J°",‘"d “ll” “'50” "9 “P04-'l' rm , .Beh' dth'. rd 'llbe .tii"- “ ‘.5 b.q°“' an mt nut“ ed m ‘w. an“ .dh”‘on ‘way. way \:‘i‘th ll: :t‘epsc.nc“.:dh sic: ‘lwillr. ‘‘8° '3“ I n:°t;:':;r;-;,,,'“ ”°"{:’,' $f,f,,,"""‘_‘j,""‘,,f{,',‘:,°;-~... . placard showing 0.... ..r ii... d ' ' h ll l l new kind of hero worship or a subtle ''°‘‘' 9”" 1°’ H“ "° " “"1 "comm" “mm m t 9 “$1,,” program for Missouri. upon these steps will be lit by elec- tricity fleshing one stop at ii time p from the bottom upward. The lights I, en‘ en. "awn". inu":‘virill flash first’, “Spraying";‘ second. 'W00dW(¥l’hel‘I.Ot¢.. have a£.ed e" Tun": ; ,th'.rd' ."h,',ml”‘“' Wsedenfion of Tr“. Umom .0 dnw tion; _ fourth, “(.ultivation: fifth. [up a scheme for a building union tr :P""“"',,' .A‘ U‘? l‘°l’ ‘"0 “fwd . include ‘H ornniutiom connuud . [Success will remain lit all the time. win‘ indu“‘ry. Ml t0p.0! ¢8(‘ll step will lw it In “ly awn] new Mum‘! or ' miniature display of the Clsrl'_\'ltii:iiin umuuom ‘N ban‘ {ormet Om . ‘itfet)he‘_process of the s-Kn ulsoii that of these. the National Cor ration ‘ ' ' of sd.fied Employ". M8 at be" To left.of the garden will be ctuud ‘M i. dividod ‘Mo me set grouped the displeyof spraying mix- zuomz Civil "nan". employ“ in turcs. Placards will show the ; duriuble ‘mi pubnc nu.’ huum_ igredients used in each spray. and the ‘ n ecco zdecisiori. all the unions in the build-» ling workers’ trades, such as eiasons ri olks that i wrote ‘Wat of the Water Tower’ be fore keen minds of the metropo- lls figured it out. Maryvi le recog nised the water tower. the corner‘ drug store and the depot and I ‘That's why I wondered whetheri they were trying to exhibit friend- ship or the opposite.‘- '5 We maul; an {gi.(;g.h:l,_’.Ey¢nl:i:,:.:,P::: :n::g,:'din:;:::_'.m. ngredlents ribbons will be run to If h mug . fgmoug guthpn The “no”. mnference of ‘the the mixture itself. then from the Mr. Cray would dwgys he the son ; .,.mRing mmmm." of the ,-.d"._ mist|uiie will be run ribbons tnfllmiill. of mgr: hgqgewivgg would like to';‘' n f 1- use U - f C h _ er paohrils showing the diseases for feed. J‘|“""wb' '°“'l:kllW|¥| 5'3 “:3. Slbvaokie lies alsona'?l:;te(d e rzeescol: with U“; mixture °.r"’::"U§ USN" sort to in no aspen wou go“ ‘do t~ Q, 1 u__- { ree euc sprays wi it own. N" thll tflde troubles or million-ifgdenuofixgg kifidxiuiggunrfiz 0 To the right of the garden will b.. air; ([1 gay wggg ggound) uni; in.i A. . run“ of mi. "mimic" one a display showing the manner of VVHUWI 30 ll” fflflldl! Iich amalgamation has already bee "°‘""'"’ °! 9°"“°°" f°' """" B°”‘ N“ ems . W | (armed. rdention or Wmhn and SW00‘ WI” by and b more than six feet tell. when wgtgfme _ 9, p, Uni f 8 Own. and comparative production hole gt him‘ in his on ma. bong; 3.510" "1, th:s."o.:u:{ B";-Sufi. ' betweai treated and untreated and gt I-‘gnu nuts, '5." y. ‘mi Qofhfln‘ mmbined “no we “Ml: or fe_rtilincd_ and unfertilized potatoes iganisetion of the Federation of Cse- I m" b’ "'d'°“‘°d by °°'“p“"’“’" "I seelilrs.hs,weerseorduro3oregor-n an 3*“ Mm}¢1,o_g1o,,,.ki. wnumen ‘M s.“o"_ sacks of potatoes. ‘the greater num- . r slaiwing the increased produc- i look like a cross between an srtistl The same tendency is also being . . . . .ud . ‘.3 lm",i{e“‘d in mu‘, ‘ll of a. indus_ tlvlty of the fertllllied ‘fields. F" m. ”u_ 5‘. .‘.'l’ ‘ co',d“'.l um couM,5"_ To the right of the display in the. WM - man’ The run" of ‘hi.’ (‘r nod {0l‘P‘fOlH|d Wlll ht Ill Clllllill (if lltllil takes bseeuse helm for evil, “mm” ,0 an IM"u_ scape gardening showing both troni. u” a. np'uon.l Lu," 3m,..u’ “n I” . V“, _ merits of home gardens and grounds sssashow snii what's the use getting I increase ' Itnnrth of orrsolud ls- ‘""' "““"‘ "'°"""' If you went-_to‘b.ti-y_ sell some- wewsntout_withhllhit.Aftsrws °°3'N||0‘l'|¢°||lU|00ftanlss # wsreallstartsd.hessid o‘£werwillbesasrelsad,— ~~* - - _ ----- "My.lt'sukhtyflasofyoutodo||°l~0n|ylo instterefstilkenbut‘. flgcgggggcup ieallraetters ’thatwill '""9"Nosseveeseevsovevevvvvseesees‘ will u with me .You see..l'ie justltflfll-I! and that of the present . its t°at“a‘l.' hepointed t’ : o. i.‘;.3:".": i».?. an-. £il._i:.lnnr rovmsrs ANK : DeeMerqule—wlthaheartywerdofi UP AS THE FILL : 5-‘iv.-dfwth-run-Ilfiruflgv-rt; THEIR GAS TANKS 3 '_WeleIIhIbdN3fiathehdiIlus,lsvusisserress. 3 istiisiieissssisissiissiiiisissiisii; iuuisss cn'r.iio.. Iisg. i.— - G.Ie.ldsI't." he pretutsd...a"tI'|D|I hushsssnarhi . . ;....."- ~:..-.-..-r-'..':.:.-:.':.:- '1.-..*-'..°-:..-:.;......... -- - s e " .e ' ‘ C .IesQIthsr-dealststssmuu-teas-ty.Ie-oieuatsseinfi’ h&:‘£ I: h'e§lllIshe2sevl&tieahetyaetesead§&‘ ‘M j e ' sstiissitisssisi-.sss 3"""""""'." - -‘ Cvhipjmfi . ~=----' Ea-:=="* ‘*'-''<_. =''- = ' "»“‘==“"" 5 l :.:...'**-.'.:.*.:.--. ‘ It-s"’fll ' 3 - lights, 86.25@7 cost ead amounts used. From these Q. Dense I-‘og Beak Prevents Weeld-Be Americans From bteriag Under New Quote. My l'nlleIl P791. ' NEW YORK, Aug. 1.-—Neture came to the aid of immigration of- flcials who sought today to check the rush of would-be American resi- dents taking advantage of the new monthly immigration quota. A dense bank of fog off Nantucket lightship and cxtcndmg ioo miles eastward coiiiiiied the midnight race of lin- ers to ten vessels In addition, ten other vessels did not reach Grave- sends Bay. At 1:00 is. m. the tin lucky liners made the rush for quarantine. seek- ing to get their passengers in among the first to be counted in the new quota. MANY TZLBGRAMS RXIBIVBD Mrs. Harding Refuses to Give Out Nseies of seeders. llewever. lly l'riitsd Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. l.-- Fountless telegrams of sympathy expressing hope for Mr. cure have been received by President and Mrs. Harding. Mrs. Harding. however. has re- quested that none of the es be given out for publication nor the names of the senders rev She thinks that publication of those of All are appreciated equally. she says. HOLDS PRAY!-Ill FOR HARDING All Southern League Games Stop- ped fer I-‘ive Minutu Today. lly United Preys. .\'.l-I.\lPlllS. Tenn.. Aug. 1.-——By order of President John B. Martin of the Southern League. all base- biill games in the league were stop- pod for five minutes at the end of the third inning today. The period was for silent prayer for the recovery of President Hard- mg. I T()DAY'S MARKETS l (‘attle—-Receipts. 2,500; market. steady; native beef stews. 88@9.50; yearlings end heifers. 88.75@9.l50; lows. $4.25@5.25; canners and cut- ters, 82.2.'ifi».'l.50; calves. 311; stock ers and feeders. dull. llog.~'.——Receipts. 9.000; market, slower; heavy. 87.25@7.60; medium. 7.50@7.90; light. 316037.90; light .90: packing sows. 8fi.85@6.l0; pigs, $6@7; bulk. 87.80 ~7«oo Sheep-—Receipts. 4.000; .~t('8d_\'; ewes. Sllaigfl; vtitters. 2.20613.-lll; $lll.‘.l.'i(n‘ lll..'iU. market. canners and wool lambs. —-No. ‘.3 76-‘list’; I300, 63(- ost.--xo. 2 white. No. 3 white. 42u.@4:ic; Wheat ll1‘(‘.. ‘J‘.l(‘. Wheat (red)—No. No. 2. Il6'1@,‘:‘.l7‘v§c; TN‘-‘ac; No. «l. ‘-'5"2c. Wheat (haril)—-No. 1, 97‘6@98c: No. 2. 97¢’; N0 3. 9555c. (‘urn white. 88c; Sept.. 44®44Vsc; Sept.. 35c. (future)—-Sept.. 9636c; l. 97Q98Vsc; No. 3. 96‘»‘s@- 'J4‘»s@‘J5‘>§c; No. 6, TIGER TRANSFER Phone 243 We Move Anything That's Loose dale last Sunday. J. Raymond Boifdurant has been re-elected superintendent of schools for the coming year. David Drake and wife of near Harg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Canole. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sampson and their guest. Miss Maiinee Sampson. motored to Slater last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. (‘enolo were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Payne of Howard County. Mrs. W. l-‘. Angell, Miss Bess An- gcll. Mrs. Ilerby and Mrs. Hodge motored to I-‘iiyettc last Thursday. it. A. Rawlings and family. Torn Rewlings and family. and Mrs. (‘ ihildren spent Sunday 8 4 ‘ea (‘anole left Tuesday sfternoon for St. bouis to attend the funeral of their brother. Lee ('iinolc, who died Tuesday Inornifllt Ccntralm M13, hm-othy Rowland is the guest of Mrs. Ollie Feddis in Columbia. Miss Helen Sinclair. of Rosedale. lnd.. is the guest of her brother. Roy Sinclair. Miss Mary Upel Mcl.ennnn has re- turned to her home at Marshall after a visit here with Mrs J. H. Bagby. Misses Daisy Asbury and Floeeie Asbury, of Vandalia. are visiting friends and relatives here. Miss Jenni-ss Forbis, who has been visiting in the West, returned home Monday. Mrs. Irvine Kuhne entertained a few friends with n rook party Mon- day afternoon. The Relationship of the Directors directors of it banking institution are charged with thi formulation oi’ the general policies ' They are responsible for its financial _ the direct:-is must be men of broad knowledge. . who have been successful in their various lines of endeavor. (‘ompnny takes pride in its representative board of direc- I. . A Bright. president. is a retired farmer, who lies Boone County for more than 50 years been a resident o S. t‘. llunt. vice-president and general manager, is well- lmown to ' Boone fiountiaris Ix. Bayless. treasurer of Stephens College; J. A. Dcvier. of near Shaw: 1. L. . . Bass. stock raiser. of John Bright. farmer and stockman. near Murray: R. I‘. . W. Niedermeycr. real estate retired farmer stiickinisii. A Reid. fiirnit-r. near llerg; I" and iiisiirance. Columbia; ll. Perlter I"urnit'ure Company. Columbia; James W. Schwabe, . l-’. Glenn, farmer. near Mur- D. Shobe. sup't. ('oluinb' Special Williams. farmer. Hentsdale; Geoqe L. Williamson. farmer and stockmen. McBaine. makes for better banking ficiliti for you. ‘\ A Service-Built Institution real estate, Columbia: ray; 1.. N. have come '4) Missouri to make their home. % M.ndM..l J b"'ted' v, ,, , '. ., , . .. .2 .t..... .:'....:.': we -um-i inu -my. -r ~~ am .1 mi day. Mrs. Hunt is very sick. Scat - A130 Elisabeth Stone. Frances Bush. and Esther Wlsman entertained with a line party Saturday evening for Miss Mary Reynolds. of East St. Louis. Linden M. P. Taylor was shopping in (‘o- lumbia Tuesday. M. B. Cook visited Robert Doug- less at Valley Springs Saturday. Mrs. M. P. Taylor and children spent the week-end visiting with Mrs. R. T. Gentry of Walnut Grove Mrs. Ida (‘assity and Mrs. John Pickering were shopping in Columbia ‘ last Saturday. Carl Coleman and family of lows, MODERN VENTILATING SYSTEM Tonight Only! Rudolph Mjdentino In the great record-breaking picture “THE SHEIK” l“utln(lt-il on the \\‘