l tslsshsae. 3 aad12e'e|eek. the stafl at St. St..l.ouls. iliu ilsritia-WTii;ias entertain- ftlrnoo . N. Barbey of Thornton. Tex. and Mrs. Brooksie Hodges of Georgetown. Tea., ,returned to their ' after being gare 1211 Broadway. Mrs. J. M. Hughes and Miss Hel- en Hughes returned from Blooming- ton. lll.. yesterday. They also spent several days in Chicago. Mrs. C. B. (tglawell accompanied Mrs. Hughes gnd Min Hughes to Columbia and will be their guest for several dayl- The picnic which was to have at-en given yesterday by the stu- dents in the School of Journalism was postponed on account of. tie rain and will be given at 5 o'clock Monday. He. and Mrs. Brent Williams and son. John. returned to their fhome in St. Louis yesterday. alter spend- ing several days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers, ‘J11 Lowry street. Miss Josephfiiiui :l*\dlll has re- turned from it visit in FtI.\"‘“*' Hcilry (‘. Tindall. itcmnipaiiu-ti his sister to Columbia. Mr. Tindall left yesterday for his home in At- lanta. Ga. flu. vi.-g{..i. Boswell. ll‘; \\'t-st Broadway. has returned to (’oltim- bia afht being the guest of Mrs. Clgud flourigan and Mrs. Dale Ber- inond in St. Joseph. Mrs. H. ii.ivt‘ttIei and iii-.« Mo- .i.ii. White. 1406 Rosemur)' lune- iDisease Carriers Be Banishe By Royal S. Copeland. M. I). h Foriner Commissioner of )4?!" ~ New York (‘iii’- What are _y0u dulmt W ‘l°~“"°-" disease-carrying vermin‘? _ If there were a mad dog running‘ at large in your neiilhh9I'l|v"‘l- ."”“ would put aside everything else In ' join in the chase to banish the deadly \ I to destroy them and their breeding beast. ' Has it ever occurred to Wu F'‘_“‘ there rests upon you U30 N390“-‘mil’ ity to do the same dot)’ “'l'~h "“¢'"‘l to all the other sling thinks “lmh carry disease a 1' _ ere has been and is much dis- cusaion over the let?” 07 dfifil" aaaociafed with this or that insect or animal. It is generally believed to- day that flies carry «liseasm 5'91 1 met a scientist in Poland last year who said he Ierioualy douhtdd the danger of flies. l was startled and asked him this question: “If you were made health otfic--r Of a large city would you discontin- Ileall alert to kill flies?" » I“ filliltttd {bit he would not, st- 1 concluded tbt after ;ll be was of his ‘convic- .‘g , _ by Xian- pfinn ‘ . that 9‘! dysentery. diarrhoea. typhoid fever aad tuberculosis can be chrried rrying germs ey work. Ont- altlhrlty says that from three hun- dud thousand to three million bac- teria can be obtained from the out- side of a single fly and just as many from its interior. ‘Hey bread in pig pens, in manure. in decayed garbage and in other filth. The I1) is a bad animal should be destroyed. _ The other day I was a guest in it (‘real fan of peacock feathers. Thus Ire were no tarily spared the an- noyance of the flies. but it is liettei places.- lwerybody knows the part the mosquito plays is carrying malaria. it should -be destro ed. Revise lice. bugs. ticks and ' Every Ofiorl. should be made to put them 1 30! an dangerous vermin. ‘out of existence. I-doubt if the reali hag TV average " to Columbia after person expensive pests rats - i student who likes things “different” . eA ‘T TX .I_ "T I I l ratai-Iid yfro-stir lthreughootthe Eastaadflaaada. Theyweregoneaiaonth. FOR FEW DAYS grmg mag Successor to . Dr. Evil of her parents, If. and Mrs. rmit J°lm9‘°“ Wm T31“? _ arris. West Broailv-L Up Her Duties Here Sept. 5. ° Barry of Kansas City who were re- . HAS 1'Hfii?i':'13EGREEs .turning home after a motor trip We-Iii “""‘°'_°‘_‘- 1 Comes to Missouri From Similar Post at Mich- igan State Normal School. HUM 5- - H3Y"°*‘ "ld "‘"“‘~ Mrs. Bessie beach Priddy, new (“"109 ‘Pd 3"1‘''‘- °l B¢l°l‘~ why an of women of the University, ar- nre visiting Pr-of. and ‘Mrs. LOUIS‘.-‘yea in Coiumbi‘ tad‘), from th, \ingold. and other ?‘1'l3UV"- Michigan State Normal College, ‘ ‘ ’ _. ' Ypsilanti. She will visit here brief- ai-néi-"eH:"ri'p:‘:(‘j"‘ °3w‘°d£;‘Tkf_rp°n"‘ ' ly, returning at ‘a later date to taki- with his parents Mr and Mrs John «up ha new du""' 1.. Henry 719 Hitt aim.-er. ' . -" -“““"“‘"' ‘“"*‘d "3" "W Pm- ’ idem‘.-s office says of Mrs. Priddy: Mr. and M"_ 1-.;dw‘,.d J. web". “Missouri is especially fortunate in and Mr. and .\lrs. W. R. Pearman “‘'°“"“¢ "*9 -‘°_""l°*." °f “'1 "l‘-M)’ mnmwd [U paw", ,‘.3t"d‘y tofas dean of University women, since mund the pawn, “in she has had extensive experience in _ the handling of problems connct-tml .\lr:«. W. S.’ Angell. who has been ,with housing, conduct. health and visiting the Misses Sampsons. 1:!!! study. affecting women in attend- Broadway, returned to her home in ance at college, particularly in cw- ltocheport t 115'. education.-il schools, Her mpg“. triiltii arru-pd this morning to spend her N (_m”_ to h_ k I "P ii week with her cousin. Miss Opal F , 5 .r U. W” ' ( “urdm 205 South Sin“ “re”. .ntu-rsit) of Missouri and the sev- ' _ _ t-ral thousand women enrolled at the .‘ll‘iI. Wallace Williams. who has L""Vt-‘I‘-"Y in Columbia will haw been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert "'"3' "Pl’°"“““3' 7° h"“‘lll 90"‘ Rogers. 911 Lowry street. has ll” °'°°"° §“'°‘?i‘“°" ill ll'“’m-" '.:;rned to her home in Fulton. At Yp‘‘l'‘"“ 13"" P'ldd.V W“ ,_ _ . dean of women and professor of his- Mc. and Mrs. P‘. A. Dalton and tory. ShO received her early train- 30“. Walter. have returned home ing in the public schools of Illinois after it ten days’ trip in the Ozarks. and later received the A. M and Miss Myrtle Thompson was the f{h'Mli)(..h(:£§:N {mm the ‘L Mwr‘”} tiiiiner truest of Miss Dorothy Kau-v Dunn‘ hN_ education‘! care." lb" last "uh" Mrs. Priddy has devoted much of Mg,-_.. H.u.mm. Fry won: 10 Jcf- her time to the investigation of work fa-rson (‘ity today to ho {ho guest of for women in colleges and univer- Mrs. David Enloc. sitws. and has «pom considerable “ - - — -- ‘ — ‘ time in visitingand inspecting simi- .- |’- llfifl MT~‘- 5- (L 5P<‘M'" Ind lar work both in the United States Mi.-as Elisabeth Spencer motored to ""1 ‘band F"-“fie fy”""d”" T Dean Priddy has taken an active of Memphg, is Dart in women's organizations. Shi- has held the position of treasurer of the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs. In addition she has heen chairman of the (‘ivic Depart- ment of the General Federation of \\'oiiien's ('lubs. also chairman of the d as D0 (‘ommittec on (‘itisenship of the Michigan League of Women Voters; he economic waste caused by \'I(‘t'-pf't't4l(ll'nl of the Michigan Stati- It costs 82 a year 'Teachers‘ Association, t-it-.-pr.,,.—,. l Sninimfir Q Dr. and ll:-s.‘-Jaines Gordon have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Miss Evelyn Sutton has returned-n attending sum- irer school at (‘ulver-Stockton (‘ol- lege in Canton. TI‘- Mrs. John Scott the guevt of .\lr.n. Bruce J. Carl. are. them is amazing. to maintain one rat. He steals this dent of the Michigan Schoolmaxters' much from his human neighbors. (‘luh. At present she is Pu-..d,.m There are as many rats in any 0f the Conference of dt-ans of no. eommunity as there are human be- "'9" l" Mifhlllfi tngs. The rat is a real problem and ‘She is favorably known -n Mu-h,_ .~<"nould be proceeded against in sys- gan as well as in other parts of the to-mutic wiiy.-. l'nited States as a public speaker Bubonic plague and perhaps (‘pi-' Following. in brief. is her l'iislnr_\': demic jaundice are carried by rats. 5h? was born at Belvidere, III.. or by the flea of the rat. For the traduated from the North Belvidere sake of the common safety we should Hill! School. with first honors; A. rid our communities of this pest. 3- and Ph. D. from Adrian ('ollegt- o....d'h&ith‘fid “"”* W096 honors: A. M.. Univ«-r- miind that all disease-carrying ver- 5”’ _"' M"'hl““v “H33 Ph- D-- mm be d",m).(.d_ HT?-'lly of Michigan. l9l7. Dunng the summer and fall months of 19:3! PERSONAL ITEMS ' ‘he was abroad. During J.1mmr_v. i lrhruary and March, this year. sht- was on it \ll(‘8ll0n and visited i-ign lH'n Vollvges and UYllV('f'hll|(‘H in ~"Pf'(‘llTl2 Work among college woinu-.v~.. I370!“ l0 she w‘; pf-]n(l pal of the schools in (lapron, Ill e next year she taught in th. Adrlfin ('"ll¢‘R¢‘. and from ltoln to H015 she was a l.(‘8t‘h(‘f' of history in the Adrian High .\'('ht)tt'iiibcr l'.'. .'IS A ‘:3 §‘."i1'3" .L‘9;':" 1’ .\l;~~out'., who w.l1 ml“. Ur TO MEET iuiii llilltl~ll".ill 1.4-ntlt-r.-' .-\.\.'l()(‘ll|llO' :i'i':'.iatl coiixciition at fll(‘lllb(’f'.'4lll[) IN .VlC\\‘ YORK. Aug. .'i.—~Thc Amer ni.it.t- 1.}: I'\('l’J.\l‘.t'l_\' of those who u‘ L. 7.3 ‘ [B :4 g ‘tend money at the rats fixed by law and repesenti-i a combined 8- timatcd capital of about 960.09.000- The annual buaineaa done by the companies represented in the or- ganization totals about $150,000,000. The association was organized nine by lenders among “the hankers" to abolish in their business. and by eliminating the loan shark to l'l‘nl0\(‘ the stigma from the. business It has been estimated that 86 per cent of the adult population of the ‘ United States are without the credit facilities afforded by commercial in any emergency requir- :ng financing must have i'e~cours4! to industrial lenders. I AT THE HOSPITALS I Boone Coun ' ll-'lT4ild ls. Nebel til “Ill flntl \li'~‘. Edna Proctor were udmttti-tl )t':4lt'!'tllt)'. Parker Memorial Tl'lt'llll.l lion;-slt-_v, Marjorii it-" and Bertha l.aing.xworth;, atlmittcd todtiy. Uli urrr l t W COUNTY NiiI—\VS .\SIll..\.\‘Ii Martha Rico is xisitiiig l¢'l.\ .i\es art Pittsburg. Kan. “Ian Edith Bu.'<'.i'r «if l.Ul»Al'llH.l '-’l.\lI¢.‘(l here over tho tit-el.-w ..i Mrs. Sallio llflyllit‘ \.“llI‘4l relatives at liiirtsliuiz l:i~t \'t'('l\ Mrs. Betty Tli(i!'li’ull. of l\.in~--- M rs Will. ' uitd t.';« 1 A1 Cu)“ 5, vigngig Ier nlecc. Ira. .\r- thur T. HIrphy- I T'- The Rev. '_ City. visited with his brbther. “il- liam Stevens. over the weekend. The New Sale: and Aslihod Wom- an's Iisaiananr 30600 39‘ 8““'_' day at the Asliland Baptist Church. Boyhood ,Whitfie|d George L. Quinn. Mrs. daaghter. and°Mrs. in Kansas are visiting relatives City. Mrs. M C. Angell had as her guests this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F‘. Ange-ll and Miss Bess Angeli of Roeheport. Mr. and Mn. Frank Branson and son. Eldo. motored back to their home :-.t Aiizstertlam (after it visit with Ira H. .\'it'hol.-. fh'lit-i’ of Mrs. H. l’. ('lieiiv.-n~i attend- the mi-t-t.:it; til the ll‘Jiit:sdalc in-nti~t (‘hutch >'iittii'dit_\ Hllil Sim Ila}. St.ii«l.'t_\' t'.t'lllll;f ll!‘ tl(‘ll\'l‘l --l H w('ll'll0n on "The Kind of l'reacli- mg the \\'tii"ltl .\'('t'tl~." A large number of sttiiloiits at- ttmtft-tl the home *‘viZl|!'*Z‘ . ltilltl llign Sr-hoo‘ .\'ntt;'«l.i_.‘ wt :3.-ti. tn llllm" -vhrril lvii t‘ '.'ltl. .\‘.'it» ‘tit-tr t-. '.h-- li'i" l‘.ill ti-:ii.. $e f llli l.l'Xl-L Hl’..\l'T\' .\'llHl’l’l'I (lpcii for li.l\l.'.(‘*\ ; mo? mtinttt St. i'h«u..- i-izi l Any " ’ Restaurand i it! (ml_V' ds‘ ‘mm-l iix‘ its S0l‘Vit't‘ iilltl fwttiri 3]. low it to ht‘. Tllill is} why .lllTlllllt"‘< is the best. Wt‘ but be lirst lll popular. t';tii't help 1:‘: ity when wt: ziiwa :ii'.‘lllI.\'l&t.'lll8l Sll'Ut'll(tll VD‘ . - \"t* Wlsll lit étllllnillltt‘ lilo‘ tip('ll?l’.g Hf {hp I‘-”~«,r‘-5-1 1”” fintwt ‘H-‘play ( . ‘ H .. . , _ y H ti\t'l‘nlllllt‘(l llll'lllllll‘t‘ an.l t‘till.\‘ult‘ lill)lt'.‘~' lllétl (‘oltiiiilm-. has “-0,. H‘(,‘." l "U." lit‘ lnl¢‘l‘t‘~‘l9ii not uni)’ in lllt' 't‘*Wl.\' 0‘-' llH'.~‘t' wumlt-rftil stiitt-:. ll‘-‘l lhlnk. the Df'lt'(' ziloite iiets Vim u zintl liolstt-i'iiig in it ('h()j(-p ,,f ,natN.l~M\ litit. Wniiderftil ton- wnrkmaship. I ‘p saviiig. Wt- u . . p M ' . . .. . ti‘, .. ‘ . 0 1 .. “ . \ X _-‘L _, F" , ' ‘ "" '~rI9"%t.t '* ’ " ‘ ~ - ...~._;'l. J. 5. ,3‘ - _‘-" _ _ e..A.’_i_:.._ _‘ y—00PsrCaatlen IeIse_ - I !I¢s$- 1 .. "" \. (f\r 7 r'\"/'4't"i rL/{"5121 tk EYESTGLATE . w __ ' o -'v Q r . " 1- _. HQTE; .\ p ' ,4 1'\.c!.‘7.(-.',~, . I I i .1~.‘: 1' Hy) ,AllOutsldeRooms Pl'iVateBathinBveryRoom CircuhtingIc¢Wgg¢g- " F"°°M°min¢New-tween . . ‘ 53.2‘ v‘. ROOMSWITHBATH tisoudup l\_L_._