Map of Ripley County, Missouri -- T.22N. R.4E -- T.23N. R.4E -- T.24N. part of Johnson R.4E -- T.25N. part of Johnson R.4E -- T.21 and 22N. R.2 and 3E -- T.23N. R.3E -- T.24N. R.3E -- T.25N. R.3E -- T.21 and 22N. R.2E -- T.23N. R.2E -- T.24N. R.2E -- T.25N. part of Jordan R.2E -- T.21 and 22N. Union R.1E and 1W -- T.23N. part of Sherley R.1E -- T.24N. R.1E -- T.25N. R.1E -- T.21 and 22N. part of Gatewood R.1W -- T.23N. R.1W -- T.24N. part of Pine R.1W -- T.25N. part of Pine R.1W.
Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.