Trenton, Missouri maps
Trenton, Missouri, 1886 March, sheet 1
Trenton, Missouri, March 1886. Index; Streets: Prospect, Water, McPherson, 8th (Eighth) Street, Laclede, Water, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1886 March, sheet 2
Trenton, Missouri, March 1886. Streets: Lulu, Mabel, Elm, Chestnt, Cedar, Prospect, Winters Avenue, Chandler Avenue, Custer, Water, 8th (Eighth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1886 March, sheet 3
Trenton, Missouri, March 1886. Streets: Chandler Avenue, High, N. Border, Cedar, Chestnut, Elm, Mabel, Tug Street, 7th (Seventh) Street, 6th (Sixth) Street, Cat, Water, Washington, Camarthan, East, St. Louis, Trenton Avenue, 5th (Fifth) Street, 4th (Fourth) Street, 3rd (Third) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1891 November, sheet 1
Trenton, Missouri, November 1891. Index; Streets: Missouri, St., Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1891 November, sheet 2
Trenton, Missouri, November 1891. Streets: Tug, Camarthan, Washington, Water, Jefferson, Jackson, N. Border, East, St. Louis, Trenton Avenue, Boston, 5th (Fifth) Street, 4th (Fourth) Street, 3rd (Third) Street, 2nd (Second) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1891 November, sheet 3
Trenton, Missouri, November 1891. Streets: Lulu, Maple, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill Avenue, Winters Avenue, Chandler Avenue, High, N. Border, 7th (Seventh) Street, 6th (Sixth) Street, 5th (Fifth) Street, Tug Street, Water, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1891 November, sheet 4
Trenton, Missouri, November 1891. Streets: Lulu, Maple, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill Avenue, Moberly Avenue, Prospect, Winter Avenue, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1891 November, sheet 5
Trenton, Missouri, November 1891. Streets: Prospect, Water, Winter's Avenue, Green, Laclede, Lulu, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 1
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Index; Streets: College Avenue, Trenton Boulevard, Emma Street, Kumler Street, Harris Avenue, College Avenue, Elm Street, Maple Street, Adams Street, Madison St., Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 2
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Streets: Lulu, Maple, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill Avenue, Moberly, Prospect, Winter, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 3
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Streets: Custer, Black, Halibuton, Maple, Lulu, Water, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill Avenue, Winter, Chandelr, High, Lincoln Avenue, N. Border, Tug, Freemont Avenue, 7th (Seventh) Street, 6th (Sixth) Street, Lindley Avenue, 5th (Fifth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 4
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Streets: Haliburton Street, Lincoln Avenue, N. Border, College Avenue, East, St. Louis Avenue, Trenton Avenue, Boston, Monroe Street, Camarthan, Washington, Water, Jefferson, Jackson, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 5
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Streets: Pleasant View Road, Nichols, Chicago, Lulu, Maple, Elm, Spitler, Bridge, Dove, Hallie, Moberly, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 6
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Streets: Laclede, 8th (Eighth) Street, Depot, Prospect, Lulu, Water, Winter, Laclede, 6th (Sixth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 7
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Streets: Grant, Lake, Laclede, McPherson, Green, Custer, Black, Winter, Short, 8th (Eighth) Street, Ann, 7th (Seventh) Street, Fremont Avenue, 6th (Sixth) Street, Lindley Avenue, 5th (Fifth) Street, Water, Lulu, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1898 December, sheet 8
Trenton, Missouri, December 1898. Streets: Rail Road, Grant Lake, Laclede, McPherson, Green, Custer, Black, Haliburton, Tug, Lindley Avenue, 5th (Fifth) Street, Penn Avenue, 4th (Fourth) Street, College Avenue, 3rd (Third) Street, Florence Avenue, 2nd (Second) Street, Franklin Avenue, 1st (First) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 1
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Index; Streets: Adams Street, Madison Street, Elm Street, Mable Street, Emma Street, Kumler Street, College Avenue, Trenton Boulevard, Edenburg Road, Crystal, Princeton Road, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 2
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Streets: Pleasant Plain Road, Nichols, Chicago, Lulu, Mable, Elm, Spitler, Bridge, Marsden Dove, Hallie, Moberly, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 3
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Streets: Lulu, Mable, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill Avenue, Moberly, Prospect, Winter, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 4
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Streets: Princton Laclede, Depot, Donaldson, Short, Lulu, 8th (Eighth) Street, Prospect, Winter, Water, Laclede, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 5
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Streets: Custer, Haliburton, Mable, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill Avenue, Winter, Chandler, High, Lincoln Avenue, Tremont Avenue, Lindley Avenue, Harris Avenue, Highland Avenue, College Avenue, Water, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 6
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Streets: Grant, Laclede, McPHerson, Custer, Short, Ann, Tremont Avenue, Lindley Avenue, Winter, Water, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 7
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Streets: Haliburton, Monroe, Washington, Water, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln Avenue, College Avenue, St. Louis Avenue, Trenton Avenue, Boston, Grundy, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1906 June, sheet 8
Trenton, Missouri, June 1906. Streets: Railroad, Grant, Laclede, McPherson, Custer, Halibuton, Lindley Avenue, Penn Avenue, College Avenue, Florence Avenue, Franklin Avenue, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 01
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Index, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 02
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: E. 22nd (Second) Street, Madison, E. 21st (First) Street, Holt, E. 20th Street, Wabash, E. 19th (Ninth) Street, Lomax, E. 18th (Eighth) Street, Spitler, Main, Elm, Mable, Lulu, Chicago, Baltimore, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 03
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Main, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill, Merrill Avenue, Carnes, W. 18th (Eighth) Street, Park Avenue, W. 15th (Fifth) Street, Moberly, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 04
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Pleasant Plain, Nichols, Lulu, Mable, Main, Elm, E. 18th (Eighth) Street, Spitler, Chicago, E. 17th (Seventh) Street, Bridge, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, Marsden, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, Hallie, E. 15th (Fifth) Street, Moberly, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 05
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Merrill, Merrill Avenue, Tindall Avenue, Murphy, W. 15th (Fifth) Street, Moberly, W. 14th (Fourth) Street, Prospect, W. 13th Ct., Griffin, W. 13th Street, Winter, Gilmore, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 06
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Lulu, Mable, Main, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill, Merrill Avenue, W. 15th (Fifth) Street, Moberly, E. 15th (Fifth) Street, W. 14th (Fourth) Street, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, W. 13th Street, Winter, E. 13th Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 07
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Princeton Road, Depot Street, Donaldson Street, Lulu, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, 8th (Eighth) Street, E. 13th Street, 6th (Sixth) Street, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, Prospect, E. 13th Street, Winter, Tisman Avenue, Water, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 08
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Merrill, Merrill Avenue, Clark, Gilmore, Wiggins, Tindall Avenue, Murphy, Hall, W. 13th Street, Winter, W. 12th Street, Chandelr, W. 11th Street, High, W. 10th (Tenth) Street, Lincoln Avenue, W. 7th (Seventh) Street, Trenton Avenue, Van Buren, Wiggins, W. 6th (Sixth) Street, Bo, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 09
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Lulu, Mable, Main, Elm, Chestnut, Cedar, Merrill, Merrill Avenue, W. 13th Street, Winter, E. 13th Street, E. 12th Street, Chandler, W. 12th Street, W. 11th Street, High, E. 11th Street, W. 10th (Tenth) Street, Lincoln Avenue, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, Main, Lindley Avenue,, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 10
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Grant, Laclede, McPherson, Custer, Tisman Avenue, Water, E. 13th Street, Winter, Lulu, E. 12th Street, Short, E. 11th Street, Ann, E. 10th (Tenth) Ct., Tremont Avenue, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, Lindley Avenue, Chicago Rock Island and Pacific R. R. Round Hos. and Sh, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 11
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Halliburton, W. 10th (Tenth) Street, Lincoln Avenue, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, W. 9th (Ninth) Street, College Avenue, E. 9th (Ninth) Street, W. 8th (Eighth) Street, St. Louis Avenue, E. 8th (Eighth) Street, W. 7th (Seventh) Street, Trenton Avenue, E. 7th (Seventh) Street, W. 6th (Sixth) Street, Boston Avenue, E. 6th (Sixth) Street, Monroe, Washington, M, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 12
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: Olive, Railroad, Grant, Laclede, McPherson, Custer, Halliburton, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, E. 9th (Ninth) Ct., Lindley Avenue, Penn Avenue, E. 9th (Ninth) Street, College Avenue, E. 8 Ct., Florence Avenue, E. 8th (Eighth) Street, Franklin Avenue, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Trenton, Missouri, 1914 January, sheet 13
Trenton, Missouri, January 1914. Streets: E. 9th (Ninth) Street, Harris Avenue, Highland Avenue, Avalon, Emma, Edenburg Road, E. 24th (Fourth) Street, E. 7th (Seventh) Street, Lake, Crystal, Kavanaugh, Maupin, Harris Avenue, Trenton Avenue, Princeton Road, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 2/3/2007. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.