Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, key, index, sheets 111-220
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, Index
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Index, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, Key
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Key, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, Title
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Title Page Volume Two, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 111
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: E. Front, E. First, E. Second, E. Third, Main, Walnut, Spring, Grand Avenue, E. 1st (First), Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 111 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: E. Front, E. First, E. Second, E. Third, Main, Walnut, Spring, Grand Avenue, E. 1st (First), Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 112
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: E. Third, E. Fourth, E. Fifth, Missouri, Avenue, Independence Avenue, Main, Walnut, Grand Avenue, Oak, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 112 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: E. Third, E. Fourth, E. Fifth, Missouri, Avenue, Independence Avenue, Main, Walnut, Grand Avenue, Oak, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 113
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Oak, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, Independence Avenue, E. 6th (Sixth) Street, E. 7th (Seventh) Street, E. 8th (Eighth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 113 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Oak, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, Independence Avenue, E. 6th (Sixth) Street, E. 7th (Seventh) Street, E. 8th (Eighth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 114
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. Eighth, E. Ninth, E. Tenth, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 114 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. Eighth, E. Ninth, E. Tenth, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 115
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, E. 11th Street, E. 12th Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 115 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, E. 11th Street, E. 12th Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 116
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 12th Street, E. 13th Street, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 116 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 12th Street, E. 13th Street, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 117
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, E. 15th (Fifth) Street, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 117 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, E. 15th (Fifth) Street, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 118
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, E. 17th (Seventh) Street, E. 18th (Eighth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 118 skeleton
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: McGee, Grand Avenue, Walnut, Main, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, E. 17th (Seventh) Street, E. 18th (Eighth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 119
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, E. 15th (Fifth) Street, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 120
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, E. 17th (Seventh) Street, E. 18th (Eighth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 121
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, E. 11th Street, E. 12th Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 122
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, E. 12th Street, E. 13th Street, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 123
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, Independence Avenue, E. Sixth, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 124
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, E. 8th (Eighth) Street, E. 9th (Ninth) Street, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 125
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, E. Fifth, Missouri, Avenue, Independence Avenue, Pacific, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 126
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Lexington Avenue, Lydia Avenue, Tracy Avenue, Forest, Troost Avenue, E. Front, Guinotte, E. 1st (First) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 127
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Grand Avenue, E. First, Front, Second, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 128
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak, E. Second, E. Third, E. Fourth, E. Fifth, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 129
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: E. Front, E. First, E. Second, E. Third, E. Fourth, Charloote, Campbell, Harrison, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 130
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: E. Front, E. First, E. Third, E. Fourth, Harrison, Gillis, Francis, Troost Avenue, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 131
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Gillis, Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, E. Fourth, E. Fifth, E. Missouri, Avenue, Pacific, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 132
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Troost Avenue, Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, Pacific, E. Missouri, Avenue, E. Fifth, E. Fourth, Independence Avenue, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 133
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, Holmes, Independence Avenue, E. 6th (Sixth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 134
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, Holmes, E. 8th (Eighth) Street, E. 9th (Ninth) Street, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 135
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, Holmes, E. 10th (Tenth) Street, E. 11th Street, E. 12th Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 136
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, Holmes, E. 12th Street, E. 13th Street, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 137
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, Holmes, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, E. 15th (Fifth) Street, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 138
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Harrison, Campbell, Charlotte, Holmes, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, E. 17th (Seventh) Street, E. 18th (Eighth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Kansas City, Missouri, 1896 April, sheet 139
Kansas City, Missouri, April 1896. Streets: Virginia, Tracy Avenue, Forest Avenue, Troost Avenue, Harrison, E. 14th (Fourth) Street, E. 15th (Fifth) Street, E. 16th (Sixth) Street, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 11/8/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.