..__..¢__.. A... _...._....... ¢v famntra’ Qiarta. JOHN H. WHITE, LA W OFFICE No. 169 Broadway Residence, JOHN DOYLE _ Vv‘ ~V-. 9 ATTORNEY AND 00 UNSE Oflice, No. 13 Chambers street. 1-tf . JAMES M. SHEEHAN, ATTORNEY AMD 00 UNSELL OR AT Lr1‘it¥V. Office, No. 13 Chambers street. 2' JOHN MOCUNN, NE Y ATTOR Office, No. 29 Wall street, N. Y. ___________________"~,.-____.- . -.-. .. — MICHAEL DOHENY, ATTORNEY AND 00 Oliice, No. 6 Centre street. ;_ Business hours from 10 WILLIAM E. ROBINSON, Y A A TTORNE NOTARY PUBLIC, AND ooMMIssioNER FOR SEVERAL STATES. Law Office 267 Broadway, -§_:g;¢_1:i_i:§_1_9 West 32d street. JOSEPH B. TULLY, ATTORNEY AND 00 20 Nassau street, -=~« rwum No. 10. I194‘? ”""’,‘I:\TRlCK R. GUINEY, ATTORNEY ...__.__._—> No. 3 State street, Boston. Office hours—-from 9 A.M., to 4 P.M. Business in Norfol < county B. S ATTORNEY A 12 Tremont street, Near the Museum, Mr. T. practices in all the the U. S. Courts. _ _ Particular attention paid to COIIV f t'tl to real estate- ° Nittiiralization papers procured every of the Courts except Saturda75- - VVILLIAM J. KA day during NE. ‘ ATTORNL No.13 Titles Searched, M01’ guns: jnrniabing (Dante. Chambers street, New York. tgages Foreclosed. &c. MATTRESS,A HOTBL& E I T Geese Feathers always on hand A N D T . Best Live IAIVCY IRON BEDSTEDS, CR Manufactured and got up in * . 67 B wer corner of Canal street. and ho 0 y, 4 Essex Market, Grand street, zar nah store, 80 Fulton street, Brooklyn. PERKINS & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in mm 01L CLOTHS, IIAITIN CAME WINDOW SHADES, &c. . 04B No 1 Owery’ Near Grand street, 51' if 5-1-,f New York. guru ant Restaurants. L . . P A R K E R’ S CENTRAL SHADE§,uh st 9 ' e, near . Reading Room 331?} SQ1?I{1t()titA(:I(?OlHlndS attached to the I 24-tf P. DOWD, , PROPBIETUR or IRE RENATI-. N0. 47 A9“ st:ise:(i;r’tment of Ales Wines §eep§r§°,f§’§“§t:§ef§ D:i§3$t]:?1§§nawIches,&c. 21-tf ’ iqu ’ ’ S H A D E S H U E.1::It.)r.IWilliam and John sts., N. Y. , ‘ S AND SEGARS OYSTERS 9 WINEb’ 1i;i1iiinIer:ci1iirpf1r,,(’,’,f ‘:‘“d°ih°1' deuce. It will announce its 0 d t ' Hi epen' opinions, independent of pI‘€C0vHI(13CI\?:dr1VIi::ii'S,a i]ndi;e:Ial§t)&i giitsriff d1c'Ielsl,e tI(])aII1:(Ia1€i‘) pl; which it wi%l_ eV1')€I‘ cater. P J Nix suor t ' ° - Journal that assumes it;Dii2ei[ii; eIn(I)I{I2)lIIii1]fll(I)1(ffS :li‘(Ss?i?rIa?:ttS'oOf tbs, 3, - t _ . . , _ 1 ii an delifixlexis ence Its etiorts_will be mainly,‘ if_ not exclusively ‘ed to inculcate the belief, and elevate it into a convicti , °“’ .-— nnec ' - . . Secondly.—To abstain fiioiiieaz;S1iIa(i'I£cii)1aIIIO§ihIii1 &I3IlSe0cI1:lt‘;(l'J(SnsL elfiggglpempgrzgp the Eiigiish Parliament. ° -— er in ' - CONE ini1§1°n rfiofit themsgixle extensive’ smere and b’°‘h°fl’’ 111‘ y.— o ase tli t b‘ ‘ - use all honorable means, 82.i.n((:3.0ISI€13lZ1:a(i;ll10i31v(:1:-1 af::eF£1res01ut10n;.t° to extirpate, root and branch from Irelandythe Enneligfiportqmty English government, English laws, Englii’-ii landtznu garrtisom the adjuncts of English usurpation‘ to restore th ' re’ an all land to the Irish people; and for this end m k e‘ S011 of the Is- continuous preparation; and regard all legitimai1teen1vIe?,:tIII:((;i,?1sa;5e £396 all aid acceptable and ii _ . - S In’! In this will consist tIel:eIiI'S(l:'. DESI aaii)(iec(Iii(t12?m1I'd Opportunlim and ambition of the PHrEtIim(:f:y’ Et°nfi‘,,1, Md J AMES CANTWELL, Esq. corn r f 20th V " ' Philadelphia, has kindly Donseiite(d to FGCGTES S1(]?Ii)]Se(3s:In streets’ clubs and single subscribers for THE PH(EI\IX. P Ions fro‘ THE PHOENIX IN CALIFORNIA.—-Mr. J ' cisco, is wholesale agent for the PH(El\?II1I{1elIB1 lizlflizaithlcli? San Fran: serves subscribers on the arrival of each mail M1‘ i,{c'(§,I:,d al-S1? rr 'thCl'f ' (1 ‘ -.' '. “W1 2-he31_I,l§(:. a 1 ornia a vertisers, and for ward their favors to THE PHCENIX IN CA J. J. Terms, 105 McGi1l street, Montrelt\1I11,uC)_A[i}_ Retail Agents for the sale of the Pnacnix ' , d ddr . _ Will have their :11?i1;lt(,)%iL.(I31. a esses inserted permanently by sending them to M. A. HARDING, Liberty street B'dd f d ' M. H. BIRD, 297 Western Row,ibei;. 7:h0iindLSB1inse£s C. . J - J - RF-DPATH. 495 9th ave.. bet. 40th and 41st sts" 1~in°m"0' WM. CONNELLY, corner of Chatham and Mott sts ° Y: JAMES BARRON, Milwaukee, Wis. " ' Y‘ M R B k ' CincIi(1!li:£;It.i’ SLPHE, oo seller and Stationer, 208 Sycamore st., P. J. DCOLEY, 152 River street, Troy, N. Y BERNARD DOLEN, Castleton, Vt. ' R. COEURN, 118 and 120 Tehoupitoulas street and 162 street, N. 0., La. Poydras