i..a..,.! ...................... An-—- ..... ~—,- - .. ----.--... Cal- .. __‘ . ., ,. _. .. -_ _. . ~ - . . _ _ , Z. ' l _ SALl'-3-—6- fuhool; lot 501240; fruit and um home; 6 .1!“ .. __ . . % I ‘I’-‘xv I ....-r.-r_ _o.-“_:‘: 1 _ . .‘..'_" '_‘_I -' .- y,‘ _ . ‘N 1 . _ , '. I . c‘ Q ‘ ‘av . . . _..‘.A‘. ' I ‘V ‘ I ' , . > I > V g -. V . ‘ ‘.. ' ' -;.,..—..-.L. ._.. _ __~ _." "F _ ‘.v\:_"“: _ ‘ - - ‘ A N g V. ‘ ‘ V ' . ~ . - rt 2 ‘ . ,3‘ 9. .:.J. . . I. — . V : _ ._ . - i p. ‘I.’ ‘ ‘ .7 _ ‘A -_ . V. ‘I ' 3 ‘I ~ o v . .. . - _ _. _ - J . if . ‘V, I . . _ _ ‘. , v . Dsp . §*Th¢ Newseln the Field ofsport -«nu p°"“"" "M ==?i=-*!='-‘«‘=- «L ""°i""t*°* aaIIhch5~:tibeh.°l.Ic.ut-('ri‘-x‘ C . p - ‘r;-.5 - . , ..‘«L 5‘ ‘ ~'-~'r~ “'37,. -.v"*- "- '’I-.‘«'‘‘'.'.. F -*,-' -;_..°?-*“°,.-+ V.’ ' -‘e"- ‘K‘« - '--.'w- -' L :3‘ ‘X. ,f , _ _ _, ,,. . __ _ 7 . V . _‘ _ . W... . .‘.~ o. 47 . !._.‘ W _. . 1’ ,1 ._‘ “ _“ _ . _ _ , _ I _‘ . . _ . . _ . ’ ' . _ ‘ . . I . v a ‘ . V ‘ - . . . “ ‘ - ‘ . " ‘ ' ' '.-. ' - - ' . .“ ‘IL. i." u. H two straight -falls ‘here ontlay . ._ .. 1 A =h.'.§..=_ , $:;ki::Ii1‘l°ia:;;l:i¢td n*ge;!er:.l gator; cl dd‘. . $8-30.. " - "' . . ’ 1”“ "mm! . -~ . ‘Alerflll. - ' 9» ' Paul _Prehn, University at lflinpia mafia “elm” jg“ it to a,.¢.,,,¢,,,,,_ ,5, ‘MW 0, ‘,3’, b_: Defllolto 7: Phil. 2: :wi-cstling instructor. won the 211- i’. ” n” ‘can °°"- e_‘P&1Il~{dltnitiu. at-sauna ° Odlwam xe;fig’3 dedgon doe, gimngge V Power threatens: It la Iiirthcr ordered by said ooon aux: I 0159- nh&9.1|l-.g.I-N » .-, ;o1 Hadiaon, Wis.. after the ninteh MUTILA 1:°oo"i'.’. I'i.'."23.‘."..." .2'o.'."""'. "' ‘{‘."‘on Nmgjioiis. 3; BI:o.olilyn._2. Thad gone an hour and 10 minutes i unxnbnwiw more -0 be ’ -r~m«;5 ' ""“""' ’“‘“‘ “ ""“““‘“ . _'. : l . I1, 14- lwitbout a fall. {Two flea Tr- i in the City or cola.-bio. Boone Coun- Fm '7 . Pill .. I53‘ 15.3 h“‘b‘“'¢h- 19- 5 Jack Beynolds. world's welter-1 - , 3381 . Victim ‘Waa“”' '“"°""' °“ '‘‘‘°‘‘’' °‘‘“‘*''’ W‘ "3 : . ’ e‘ 8813383 Ph7°d- .welk'ht champion,‘ defeated Steve} ‘$591! ':1::i'.'r,.:;.p‘..:;: :u?: nGE:M Fg -~ srnmmc or 1-no owns "‘ *7 “"*""°*- " ‘ °“":.,, ,,_,_,o'°"°~,, '- ,: :t’‘...:::'.:‘.:.'::..:''.:'.'.:?:*:’.: .......'" ‘*‘.::: 5 w. Hove Anything ' "'—'-" . I ' .____.__ I the ‘ iioiur-' .« ' ' "' 1, A"'°'k"' mm pd Miss win. noted with Cl1ar3ipion.:terl:EW”A:1p'n-fu‘£de:ug,' ”:;;‘d""'i?oo'§i:‘::.’.;i"';‘:I":."'.:'"‘.::“:°n;‘7.”,“ ‘,'‘’'’-l l The‘ Low‘ u I .f . ; . ' ‘ ekmp ct { a can ooceatr or our’ .._. -.~ 7 ."°“'. "°"‘ ‘g§§‘B’NUi5i‘;d ‘hoax: ‘ Aug 15 —Mias 2‘;,"§.;.',‘;,__o;‘;ai.;3s V on mutila:-‘i'l'€.I."'oo$‘$iy"I..‘.i.'.'o-°i»';‘.""i'-“T. E"Z:.”‘‘ !. " ~-"V ~- ii...-§¥."3s'«’a‘s‘i w“‘°‘°“ ....“"“' °*‘i“°'““ ‘°'““’ i.“::*~;«-no 1.... " ‘ °'°°*:;-'~:*.:::.:;'::.*:*:'. I.’.‘..'.‘.'.§".r"‘:‘.':‘.f...‘3.°“i‘;7 i ow on yo ""9 *' ' “.2; ~ 1” . »is~ast I payer now as ex '1\vo“ "- ~ : ' r ‘ . 2 ixigion Portable Typein-iter. ’ spetrblt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 .500 Q _ V g V . WE}? arrested and l|eld!"‘°" "1917 in tin notice to said deffindann, I , , '.« _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ..- ‘75 oilzanne Lenzlen, the Worlds ¢1'\ll1_1-:for luves flog, - " ‘use last insertion of mo om-r of puhia-..j i in irlve. you a demonstration. Tlie °. V lo 600 ' ‘ fpion. in the opi on of A. Viallis ed they “I "lien it was learn-luau in said nqrsoaoer to be at lean can ' co.op sag;-ye, ffiong 3'3, Author- -303-‘w"‘.m*“3‘°“ ' ' ‘ ’ ' ' ' " ‘g ':g§:fMyers. tennis cri c of the Londonliome imp‘ - -‘‘°g.Tmm°" ‘‘ hi5:“"" "” .""°" "‘° ”"“ “V °’ ""’ "“‘ l Remington’ Service. A -_ .- '“““‘“""'“‘ "" ‘ :m8:Telegraph. who is here with ihe?’ihe_shei-ill thai‘:hn‘?:nun¢’.i:°'d’w:;:.::,:°°,7o. r.s....,. ? ;« A ‘ ‘ Nat 3Ppe3fi:§k.’°“:“ ' _ ‘ gamma mi. N pBnu5h u33m- f With " ‘hart Withers my hand as clerk -oi the Circuit‘ 3 V-‘_ —' ‘ —-_W_' Kg’ . .n‘ to w I . W h u : .: __— If;-om Q3. Trohton h - Court of Boon: -county. Iisaouri. ind thcl _ on a nrv-aw-m mm to-~1" . o.-’n.n1"7 «°si.,..§1"‘§...:‘ §§Eom,,,.,,m., 0... ,,.,,,3,_ ébile on-ea up and ‘i.".".‘:1 '.‘;§$.*1‘§. i’.‘.‘.':.“.;'°1’.T.‘:i{’.';.°i..‘.‘.?."i:.é.?.f’°i’:'§'.'i . . ta 9% "”‘.’- 0-o|.E-1 B‘.nu‘”h"“'lPittsbiir¢h‘ ~. = -_ , .587 PLANES TO BE auo. iis.i93“',‘;:"h:d" thee '. " ' ' 3’ Q ay MED-By A’ 1 glclihgdqufi H‘ S A Miniato to Be Sent t St. Lo i loss m;'L‘*"-Me ‘hm’ so-so. “'°"°""°"°' ‘ ’ S‘ i to M1? ‘"53’ °':‘ ,1! 2’ ,~One of the nicest. ’°“V°- '''''¢' ’ ' "'5 ° “'1 TH 33-[N68 SUPERSTI ' u my mm nu mg‘ ml i ' .-‘ad for mom “,1 i,°u.ddm..§,ub¢,.h‘u ,, , ‘mung c°]umb;._ Brofllyn ..... . . 4 .505; From Many Places Over the pp ‘d ' “ON a"m:":g:‘:‘ g ‘ alvenit rm. Cangivo ref-;a 7-mom - ' {umighed;.5t-. 55 5 -5°0j \ C0III|U’!- I ""“ '3'" m°“.°‘ 3'51 2011! Year the Na: day 0! July. 192:. by the rm‘ . ‘ . Addrc55 Box E° F‘! ' house for P . aw ' Z1 CH CAGO "A""'——:- _ 3" , 1“. Died in Olice. hate Court of County. Hlaaourl. Alli I l'l8V8 8 Of CIIOIOC 1'88!- lliuouria_n_.__ -308. barn; fruits or all 393*” --------- 32 “ '30‘ h I t'd .“‘ih1"' tC."‘°‘:3°h:"‘ "'“,°I"(':*;’I*;g:d»J*ro-. (Coon-lzhi. mu. mum“; :‘;;;_f;‘ an ‘W ‘Max: dences, well located for E~8"i"Fl‘T___ 3 * inizhfcség 9:: ';'..'.’.‘;i.«‘i°“.i‘~ clan“; the death 1' n?’ M" 1570"‘ °‘ to use as-cum wuss» -xx mu» -1 e‘ 5°“°°‘ ”°" b“3"‘¢33r- 3‘3°A an "578 ‘ ' . t T ‘bfiihof 0' for)theg iiuivihin u'l‘prophy sprung a all P'rfin°d°"‘ ‘¥“"“"8 5” 4'“ °‘ “*4 Wm °r “=0 -v *- x-re‘. 80318 800d M5 .°‘°6€ ill 0“ - to loan. We can. make? v 1 . '. . , . P‘-"‘ ‘W’, which may be» °'“°‘ ‘M "1 '*"°* °‘ -3 9-'=*== -W paved streets at b ’ HEY , . I - - in St. Louis if present plans a. the.come historical. It is bued on an if ouch claiina be not aahbltad within one, . . . on 3'00!’ P¥'0P°!1S'- 50¢ "3 3"‘ I 1» Air Board of Chicago mature as'fact that every twentieth reaid nu M. D.‘ an of h“ imnb" P1'*°°5~ A few"'h°.uh.e5. tor .. weaken Rum, Cm phone, FOR SALE.i_1lare pony, is yoaréj vupected‘ flu elecfion ye". “we 11;‘ 0 £1; «J {the publication or on. note. they shall‘: rent. Let me i-vq y9u_ . w'”°'i°“L‘ -‘Win: ‘fin’ 1:311?’ “dd”; ‘ - l The First Annual Miniature Air- "VT Seen the‘ Chief Executing die JENNIE 1!» Ill-!-ER ixocutrtx ; is J-“St ‘ _ . ‘.-.:‘... haaness. one 7 reen. ‘ - . ,' ' - . ; ' ‘ sAI.E—-blew 5-rooni housc;:, , T G_3M.£ huth and Ha Heflmann [plane Tournactinegt Will. beAl1cld tnelxg. acggwz’ ti fl::l"dl&3.l‘fllC8nce oi. Ast:-dz“ firth - aide; $500 down. Weathe_rs;—fi-ETTLE FOR SALE_;,rwemy., . 11:? i.Saturda) llnfillo dllinlf _ .fisible by‘ twulllt I e: year dl-3 Final xpa-uoo. ans. 1:. ma : 0°’ Ph°"° 272' w'3°°'?1ive gallon ircn kettle; new‘ never Amencan Leaguers’ ‘zfiddelsgignmof :l:iaot?i:'ea2irp‘l:t)n8b1:e record‘ 3' -m be" u we: sorirs 'r'3'Fl!l::_- 3,"?! 1” c°!nmu""?n" Ah°lni”mnu*‘*“‘t£b°:° cow,‘ P in; “G M"—P‘——(‘Eo"fid“' 19.3‘ The events include a power-model 184_0. died shortly after he assuinedizi-. I‘iau>uri. now 4:00 ddclock II. rn.. J ’ run ' 3 cwghjgm. gm 7 “-5335,; V Coast». ‘a rou .. ,I!contcSt for the Florelwe Mubeth ice. .< ‘ ', i )'. utuat 3-4. 1923. an opened in‘ ‘ _ °D!'lcod 00:95 P1'°P?'ty‘1'A-H d"°""n M9" 'i1!¢1|“n3¢ 91¢, ‘O-Rx’ Aug‘ &5‘_“:"5llE .Tx-ophy, open to all miniature air- Abraham Lincoln, elected 1860 dm.“:l! 33$: :5: , hi .lo. -803. ivory latest. 'Ili\'ern Dru: i"'" “’b°v 3”‘-' mm‘ °’ ‘"5.’ " pine,-, Wm, other power than :ub,ber‘assassinated at the outset '01 hg,'*oioaiu;Por .1’. material and labor oooomry? [ 7 i . 3 175K m”m‘ ‘ , bands (2) duration contest. (~8).scond tcnn ’ Mo construct a relnforicw concrete utorin: ’ £8313-?N¢W5'l'00lI|3tfi¢uY1 - . e; Muchadoisbeingmadeaboutthe ' ‘V 3 in, mm ‘A. V M _- _. , ! ...... ......o..' sou *‘mN AA'29?_-}ovcr"«aught ‘bout the matter_ um Sheldon chrk Tr°Phy- 3s9PE¢mhfl' 0.! 1901. fiimuircd to enter contract and give aatiuvl J . . , ~ 272‘ V wan‘ _ . ‘Either is liltcl to devclo a hitting .“'"e" 6' H'’di3.‘Fv °1°¢‘¢d 1929-lune" ho“ hr °°mp'°u°" -°" ‘um “'‘I ' ‘l i P’ . P ’ , ‘ d)ed two ea d.C01''I.‘ ‘0 Phhl III‘ Ivxlfifltfilll‘. W B ) to ‘can. Think this 0"“ L w ' , [streak that will put him ahead and ' seven months in O”, 3" *3 W 1 A certified chad: for sioo.oo ohou .-cg 0 - .1 ' IFCSEINS . FOR SA 1922 Ford t°unn8'thc nu-ea]: may not appear until late 399- lcornnaay each bid as (evidence of good faith. . , 1 rent enwcan'm‘k.ecgr°goflfi jndpgiut'n_1n3fi . ' ' -‘ -S’ 'l'heBoardr1-scrvcatheriglittortjectanyl “ O , . - o ' .. o - ‘"3-inn September. v T ‘ GRIFPIS HELD BY ' 4 - —= ' Little ‘i and ll 88!! OWE your “flags, . . 'r,3oo_. T‘ke a glimpse ‘t the records and M GERMANS or all bids on either of aid sections A., 8.. l l _ _ ' _ 1 9 . - - .'. _ T C. . . y wflther :you may come to the conclusion Q1118! Fall GA’saistance Will Be Given By” F. L 80665. ‘ . ‘ ' 4'A°" Cmndy 9 A .. - ' . !Ruth will have a time to outhit is . ———————-. _ rerrunciit. Says Hughes. ~ Secretary. Board of uoeauoo. ‘ z , _ , "SALE-80-acne farm. fair WANTED—A house of 4 to 'z;_rini. auui nevcrhasled the league Reductmn Am-muted to or _ s uU—-——mm some . 5 3-313 Vaudei1ll_e g_ . ; 3 mm‘ from 3.1.5,. rooms Posse: ion September. Calliin hittingand Ilcilniann has. Use of Industrial Fun .; un'I'I.f Ohio. Aug. l5._’ mam‘ D” F. hm ‘ad ‘Wu F. I ‘ Speqdqe ' we from we-rk~ Wm "°’<‘”‘°‘* -M I" .19“ W W’ *‘°“"“'%" “" ."°‘.’ii°.....““~*."""‘~“’ S‘-*.=~:.:::. ::~'::::'. :.':‘i.."l'°' i i am. r t . ‘€381’. OWIIBT. 5333 N909” W-4NTED—m>°m by V0038 mln:-m°‘'’t 7’? " m‘ The B°‘t°" pfichcr Alcohol. 'fi 1. Ha! i%"°“ GK‘ G“!-écordod in Inortcaar 151:. a‘V'..'pagr :01» ‘_ - . u are 9 I ‘ Iguig, ‘Mo, —-298.4-fli(5t111ctgr in University, Add]-Vp33‘:f°!_ Pitcher he “'33. “V-3““b3ned _________ ls: 3 Chum] ton’ ohm‘ S?°ret‘r5' ‘_3f;o.¢.¢ .( 1m,‘ ,“-cog, cg 15.”. mn[’'_ -. -. -—---—-—~—---A — - — -» --— -1 PTO‘? . 7 Box fl.5W.. Missourian. M-800. ? 322 “"1 H'nm‘’“‘ h“ 320- Th" The ,.,_.Gu(.u0n -m the .,,;CC 0f £55.: “ ° "' '33 H“Fh°5 “id ‘O33!’ In ; iuuouri. did court’! to the uhamixnod tnn-- ' orch’e‘s'u.a J . E8ALE—7-room house: close WARTED_A thme_&!-modgglnext year. 1920, Ruth, playing in ». inc in some sections «of we Unibga telegram to national headquarter-s‘i« the following aaorngmmi c.\tahL:.sIl‘.u _ Columbig mung. rump, ‘ F H _. p . - ' I kn? “Nerd mse apartment. Jolt achool oar Stateithe outfield’ been to R - ‘E ban ed S‘ntes has been paralleled to a‘-‘Q?’ the Plumed ‘dean: of "‘°‘Zi°d 21$ $33?--0! ‘ ud ‘ “hi on W3“-793393 “W355 Chfldrén 10¢; Adults 35¢‘ Lon Stewart road and in «. .. ~ . 3' ° . iwith all the power of his big frame. ‘ _ . ~ «. . “orld liar. : T , ‘ b so , ~ N tuessesandapedflorduj » ' ‘_l .- .. _ if furnished For unfurnished. Ad-o « - .-,:d88'1'°‘-‘ b} a reduction in the W"-‘9. 3 ‘fr - 1, id -= "° “' '‘“° °'’ ‘ ' ""‘ 5”‘ °‘ "‘°‘ W” ? Doors ° - {.1-“Le, “anthers Real , .He ran up an average of 3:6 vihilt . Id '1 '3 I3 '3 5)’ German author:-pron Ten (10) hem of the Southvrut quar- ~ 09¢“ 3'» 7-15 ‘ u.,‘i pa... * 299. ‘M8 It onoe. Box A- A» 0*" “'9'? iieiimoon dropped back to .309. J‘! E'‘“‘‘‘“‘’° 7”“ “°“"°" Hm ‘*3 in oona-moo with an attempted-W or action on or To-r-hiv tour-me. “‘°“° 1”“ z . -I . ,: ‘ sourian, giving telephone number-.1 In 3921 both phyers were goingimf-as another reason tliiian "cg “duping of Gm“, Cleveland? ii:-rnuogo ihiru.-on iii; and to all o.' , * Curtain at 8:15 ne of ‘he . M j_______ A ' 0 ‘ their_lbc5t_ “egg making 1o‘_erprocu‘ct1on nldorl ' . e o“e ‘urgjsuzf: izcfu ‘L: ‘-Tfir“ "‘ ‘ ""‘ ' W’ " ‘ ' ' """‘_o i W" in °°“““‘”‘- 7' ‘"1563! ‘REN‘l"“'*h°m¢ W" *‘°°°'d “*5 '*‘“‘"I= °"°">"”"i.°°' TL‘: "5" . “""" . ' .—-*--—---— ‘.i..i.-soc. .......i.... o... .....'. ...io."f..o .1 TYPBWRITERS ‘ A 5° P"¢=9¢"‘5 Gil?" -‘Win’-3 moon house on 6-new flint: V ithiig in sight. He hit .378 and lleil-; The nouctnon to the once of no-COMIC ARTIST mus l.ll-‘E’. e « . . ~ h 3 . N, f L 2 ‘ pm -at ‘me .3; Tent‘ ‘“ t1‘§_ 8011“! Of h0lI8C; fun FOR BENT-TWO nice rooms in inignn, who hgd finguy mgstci-ed the "'01 (g35°Im°)- whwh was nude u“5 “, Id 8 __ " "“‘ ‘ Lnderwo blot rfen n 2 - E bucment: Mm. chick the Nowell Building. Phone l70.‘;American League for supremacy in ‘"‘°k~ ‘Wm 25- ‘° 15- 8'53‘ P" ‘W!’ or “P! y Ca:d":;‘gS"i°id° °“; pm.“ 3 or e’ l » Bryan Carter. Y. M. C. A. 33‘ . , 3 on kinds or fruit. Located -302 batting, retired with a mark or .394. 10m has been attributed , )0 SW36» Elf?‘ , ‘ - -9 «highway. Ph0DC‘ 16%‘ _ . -In the early part of the year his quan’'(_-‘r3 ‘'0 _0"er‘pr°ducu°_n ‘n ayqvnuoa p’&'- _ i S _3o3, FOR RpENT—-Light houiiekeopinglhimng wu tern-fie and if he had America. but it appears (writes 3. ‘LT. LOUIS. 5118- l5.——0liveri _ _ rooms: modern house. .Call 898-«bnted with the Same skin ‘ad force Daily Herald representative) that Dlckmulo 21. Comic artist for thc{ ll SAL!-:—New 8-rooxn brickiwhite. ; ; - . 1 porch . u "‘3°";.1I8‘llln'st the New York pitchers that it mo.H'erI~' ‘W11 be due to quite “T°“' "°"‘iE"°""'8 “'°*‘d~ killed two seeping es; -‘-‘-'3: ~ . . , ‘ - . hand,’ mom; concrete; FOR RENT-One room in mod- .,, _-4_ .- L» ._.--.._.-_.. -44 ..'r:h€ did against the others. he would ‘“‘°u‘°" cause‘ himself he" may by turning °" mg I I . , . have made a record that might have "Those who control the supplv of R” ‘let in .m°¢h8l"s kitchen. 1 - Get YOIIT mm, ; ‘nu um 7- "l.8.n34h;::e. mar" mm or boy‘ Phomvatood for all time. Petrol are very careful not to oi-en “hie "3. *‘°° 3"'°3’-v" I note which Pressing i . . o. v- - ."“°“ .*"f““= “°°PW ' ' ‘ ', aura slumped so 1922 His sus- iproduce..bu:' they are awakening to 3f'- omc°,§n!fc__-ttrépg Altering I __y On Mason High Grade Tires y ,,.l|1fl P001“. 011 308033"? 3:03 gggT.__L.,.ge. front ,.oom;l-pension at the beginning of the a¢a- the possibility that if they do not ~ 5' °‘ '3 a 4 h°°'°‘ "°°’i"‘ ,°mh"‘nd;P1‘i\'ate tamiliis two outside win. you did him no good and he played sell it cheap. the time will come ‘i.°'ld' H-°--“'” ‘° 5"“ "°°" "“"."I Phone 13 22 S- Ninth ? . ' l!l- Welltheffi 3613?: 03- do“ ha, 131-;_ B_3o6 ball without much regard for the when they will be unable to sell it "ed hf’? i’°fl30!T0w at the end of his; , e. - ~ - I \ S 272- " W'299- “proprietie's of baseball, it there is at all. Industrial alcohol may oust “°"m°"’ 9 w - l . a TA‘YLO_R’S GARAGE .-.. 4.---.. I FOB . first floor moi wt» 1. fllfllished,-such a thing in the professional side -It. . . . ! , no to one woman. Pri- of the game. His average at the: “In support of this view. George Pmfeugn Go to Saul." - —- l in. Phone 767- finish was .315. Iieilmann, who had Hardic, the Labour M, P, {'01- _P’°f' 0' .R~ J°h“5°“- 0! “*9 W731; ' B-299 suffered from iifiury, although he Springburn, who is a mining expert, “re d°p"'”".”9"" °f .88Ti¢¥1lW1’3“ E room houaer close t L - "-‘T , ‘ , made a game fight. lost the league told - at d v ' d ' - 3“°n5‘°“ ’5U"'l°¢- 1 -this I f - per month. 4-room house. FOR RENT—I-‘urnished rooms in-,,,,,.,.,,,,,,i,,v,-,,,i,,,,i,,g {Gum um, Si5_»wh°{";l;::5°;r:’ noon for Sedalia. where he will haw: o .5 ‘.l”‘" p‘y~m°m ,.d°wn’ he" ““3'- m°d°m h°m° 3‘ 1?’-80B|bl°.'lcr. Cobb and Speaker outranking Africa Cuba and - B ’ti‘h G ' shame °{ uhibfis u-‘he 5”” F5”! ' modern house: lame lot; price. Boys or men preferred. Phoneémm it ‘"5 cerugni. gom u: b . d ' n 5 . ‘"”‘.a'- 3,104.31 fa-;n3“‘nc‘.e,. shown before! ; .de_ “#00. we“hen_Red_ msknhck. . 1.292“; .- 3 - e_ I0 ) an that tllC:llsCrl! of liquid fuclin _ , . ' ._ y W 1" ° - . -,which to be outranked. His aver-those countries are able sn.ap'b3 “"5 d°P‘1't'09Bto ‘Vin 3.19 d¢m°1’1'. I Phone 272. 299. FOR RV _Furni‘hed mom‘ iaggwa .356. ' jtlicir fingers at the great on ‘c°m_ std this fair. Prof. F. L. 1 SALE—-_—Strict.ly modern 9-jon‘ aeaind floor, one room. kitchen-'1. -‘:i°°.191§ Ruth‘ “".‘"d “",°”‘g° b"‘‘’-'’- u '5’ ‘n O’ L°t§°" ‘hm 1°.“ 2 V ‘ i-,ouse_ with giewim pof¢h,igtn'._nd*.}e.p]ng po,.ch_ Terms run ‘or tting ls_ ileilmanns for «MR Hard“. Mm probably knowajtodn) for Sedalia, where they iavill .: Especially haths; half furnished: one hlocloao hie. 1705 University, avenue. ~:t°s?nm;";°1Ud:;g§ 0'19 5'3?’ .more about these subjects than any- 5“ ‘"9 ‘he 30”‘ #115 CPOP5 exhibit - Elmer Keel and Son. Props. V campus; $8.000; very easy one 1126 - . _ ' 5 ° ° 9 y else in Parliament, and mostix to [3 . . ‘ ' ‘ ' ' Beautiful 10-room strictly _ ’ ‘ T298tf :’;is:gb:l3te§;'}:::‘;5tfig°::e mhak? °"5l"'r-coplc outside it, pointed out thatinfzipgd rn“"c Na’ Gymnumm. ‘C . --..- .-— —- ' t: . . 5 ° '5 “'9 ' industrial alcohol can be manutlac-f ' l“““*' ‘ ‘f . ' . _ u. fl ‘ ..com 10 th 1‘ t~ b h ' Aug. 15.--- _ . .. ' 9 i. i» ii .:1¢}£:;i‘ ‘ . . . «A n_ V . may 1 5 “wk ,'iha to d ' the l h -. » ' A -. Baum‘?! aqoom “dd.” ' ' ins. }Phooai 3:34-cgreuegnf ho R-2'?5e&,:a 1: us P§:l.e1fn:O arfiifnzseliaclc 1:) sugsumce, such ‘S Foam? A “we new “@900 K°mp'l u- ‘ We "1 walk, 1'37‘ "'-'—'--P----*——— ———-—-.—__ , delnofistrate an-cccssfuu , how c.th- a_n other 700“: whwho "1 certain ex‘ ‘ymn‘3ium' he!-e_i ‘ _r resident. anxious to sell. 7- ' 5” £3 like] to be ‘h d5 f th ‘ h ciicumstances, could be profitably‘Th¢ new gtgugtum is now ' ‘us , _ . ‘“‘l¢u)' 31059"! 50"‘? W in on gctoyger 7 ea 0 e O; ' .3'°""“ f°" ‘he P’~"'P°39- ‘Rd lb“ 8 to assume shape and will .soon con- A better class of mothers I.'EN—Collie pup ' large source for its roduetion' ' ' ' _ ‘ An k th t f bane th , ' P ivey to the observer acme idea of its: by having your rooms I‘. ‘ad fiver’. 88;‘. In “‘8.!ltC pl‘O- rextent. An ‘mm ‘is m‘dc‘ ° gthe w°,.d_ pmhbb. he an hit a i . ° “"9 W“ merely d9-lto have the ‘gymnasium completed - .. '1‘ CI i 33750 ‘$00 A Lad 3 aid I in! t ed E A ow. . : ‘ ‘urn. 14- 0!‘ 811? onus» - . “ ml‘ . .th opening .5“); , » -—- 1 ‘ m strictly modcxfhouio. with - -. . the recovery of the! K,‘°h,,°",,,"§',‘" "":°' "“"’ H°‘"“"""'i “It is cheaper to produce than 139- Zriyeio mi?” mm“ of ‘ i. A itiire; on easy W3 1;“; 608- ' 06-Red. . '1'-29811.! in . dght_:£;8b::;,w° dqgzhethlafiltger ‘L901. Ind Fields more power per gal- [Keiaper will have the gyni- . ‘Z ' houses, smallu-V -_, .u,,,,‘} .- fgmm the pm side" ‘,'I‘.he ‘éhamgglon. A half-and-halt‘ mixture ogiohoiom in the state or ‘ ; ,ua befoi-eyou buy. ~ . Jud iarc that Ruth gets to first a litue;9°t“°l indiudustrial alcohol £ro_imMisso_uri,. it iI.a:laiined here. . ‘flatter prices ‘by 2 u g_ or. Phone 519 or ‘UOLB “mam, Hen hi . ;South Africa was used the o - - , ~ - cg? im _.h-‘ flddmann can tlike fury (by. said Mn Hudie inamobfari , . ‘. ‘your rooms well flll'nl8h- . forlgght ‘m-dean qualincauou mm from London to humwm’ may LEGAL NOTICES xed. _ . - ,. _FOBR§N'l\. . L V ' _ 0' 3”" em l;:£tceoul¢Ltestify that it acted much; - p g. , ‘ .——— " ’ ii aiiiir-—-zoo‘:-or the Big 4 . A CD083 RACE ma ’ ‘ " Pom! slooo M , 0i .9'..'!£,Wcm°N . ‘ - “H beli edthchemialpartof‘ ._ -Coollwctlooooco-= , , . s S .~5"°"' " N’ g'‘''"‘ °,,,.,,‘’‘'‘ ‘N3 A- A. BKNNANT fl_I;3:niiitic‘i: worn; at atom. cm’ 1'; ‘*°,,,,,¢§=“&"-,,-* °='- 7-in W GET . i ~- . - ' . ' A ‘ co easily adapted to th Lou} III mraell. . ., ~ _ - - RENT-Furnishid house Sci» ”".l5‘."F' on’ M 3‘ ""‘ CM‘ duction of industrial alcohol. e - “#530-flu-{awn - 21*°"'.°.’. °°°‘ °f. 'f‘“'““h."‘3 ‘ to June. 51”“ rmugfihot ‘letting.’ “ma Clooonace m pemhp_g.d;,.,_.s,_:, ,flbprl.btheahoveaand your moms in our ini-- hgggeiecgg-ac 135“ % ‘h°°- 1. &'‘.9‘'‘''‘. . r ‘*4. ‘uh lfiock, Of C0011:-. :._ miles out ongood-_‘road.. The Kansas City Blues of the-..d_ev'elopinont of tu-' no.’ ‘fit:-‘roe-orooaaooi: ""594 f“mit"'°'m3"'. ' - _ 2Fll. - . 29-800 American Association and the St.‘ H "tr" . ~f. . ‘R 5: i -- .93")?-1U5ll'¢filhtih8hardtowin' in CENT-— o - “#05 5-“ €ii'o""'°"m"‘“.:.‘i.‘ ‘ °‘~"" f'''''*‘' -- Ofilllfurilllllo ,, ¢5.,,5g,, an‘ 't.!.ai‘b'lt " ‘ flu ' ‘ ‘ L al. I 1‘. ‘put’: Starhubeentndoominaidalliie ,_~ poblia tl|ein0lIinionaoldifl‘erent1"‘Qr.Ha1'die.iahhp!aoala ii ii‘ ' inn. no-whom, oi « . ? as they and it oill'srla‘flie 1’suuaa ' ~ U“ REPAIRS TITLE BER! 5 7 J? i it 4 E