--'4? ‘F’ r r I ' ‘I . ' . ‘Y o.« I . l r 3 l -’ -...—=.a-- - —- . . ~-I — -- ~.- « . — . . - _ .. . . . . .. ‘:_.;.l;.f‘_ N'_'_;'f " . ‘_V:._ iii.‘ V’ . ’._ ‘-_ '. ‘g _ _', .. «-‘ - . _ ‘P fl _','. - -y. -.'-‘:: A _._W‘-V by It ..a'',‘-.‘‘ ‘,7. ._ Y’ - .~ ‘ .,_ . . om N c o PA COLUMI?.I"_.§.,"‘Tt._Iss0___I,i‘THURS15KYfKfi(§Uj§"§fo:§23 '"""»'_*_f_fj.'.l"t'S'1“"§I;‘)‘_I'_I‘_lQIII-5‘. W: - ”“ii'n'ii*ii‘i3‘li—:».‘oo; _____<;.__s ._~ - ._._ .—— __ _._. .-. _ .. ...—_r,~u.o.._._. ...._-.__..._. .-——:—: ' EWEATHER A ‘EUROPE-IQ-IEEDS- MGHT l"ATCll‘l‘N J 3RIOT ! ’ ‘'*“'“'‘'J T‘ _V‘‘*‘“‘‘ *9‘; J ' - ‘ ' T ~ -~-i*~—-I‘ -'* *"“‘ y i KNOCKED DOWNBY. {Table Placed in Public Library .M()B A’['I‘ACKS_ - QWERS HERE 7 l.-.lc............. mt ‘ AID FROM THE LIGHTNING FLASH» IN 77 ARRESTS ; . i j as_Memonal to M1ssFlood. KLANSMEN; 50 scil" I L ORCANIIZE 31' $9'“‘3§ §‘’' ‘.1’. "" "3? UNITED STATES?w$;."i;.°?..".;..';“"‘.3...‘I‘i.°..'I..’?‘.t‘é‘.i°3.‘.?§-. l AND 1 DEAT '....’.‘.i.’._T'.“"‘§’.."“".i.‘.i’ "c‘.‘;‘.‘....S.i,‘.‘.i° ’f,°.;°.;’.' i..I".‘.“...§.’.§i‘.".i "‘.‘§'.°".fi..."‘.§l‘é§.‘.’...’.'."“.;’$ HURT IN FIGHT ll ‘ 10 la. '3 thy lightning ' 3'1-'8l0l‘dll)' m°"ll“¢l schools for forty years. whop died Mk’ Fl°°d' The 5”“ “'33 ll lllll‘lll3' “""— l ' . -.-—-. l~ _ ‘-- . .-rtollcdtac Schl - ..-—*— : .- ng of Boone County ” ‘- cm----~77 The Situation Is Almost. as."“!";'r"‘ :_‘;":‘mng to W to the;M1lltal'l8l8 Try to Pre-.;“l‘='l_lC‘5)intl$i';- giaglicvlfigfa rl;h 61%;": of wjm n::,°"m, d°§n,_.j‘m'j,“'}‘° 3,000 Citizens of Steuben- ‘ i ‘h - ' ville Ohio Start 9 p 9 4'3 Farmers to Be Held i'°d."“=l'l‘W'= 51”" Incredible as It Was ' :light switches no as to turn off the ‘vent Printing of Com- lchildren. like the little folks “misc er. I . afternoon ortonight, alight , L - - - - h -l - , s m " hi .5 1 ..d ; l The highest est rn i -h‘ h .\l‘.~. 3‘ H“"*“’“‘° °°°'== mu‘-= ‘Mr cm» in August or :*.':."‘:..:':.°:‘.;..‘:::'::.‘:..::...‘.: mumst New ‘;:i....*".:. .°‘:....‘;:.."‘:.:: cl... ..... '.:. Baule-onloouer Tonight. .cl0Il"l¢l! with b ltiop of a small elm tree north of the_ ' . ' paper, ‘read it._ . article (-ntitled:w"'Miss s'I"l(*—-|l)0~ 15 Shot. - .- ' ‘ °’ ’“"°" ° "'°““‘ ______ Physics Building. l ‘ The memorial is a tolilc and is ti ‘°" """“' “"- v ‘ll’ 7- ‘- 3°dlr-°- __.___‘ I STABILIZE PRICES ';f,‘:;°g$,,,",‘;,,’;;',;’:; '.”‘,w,;‘fi,';,‘f:NAT1oNs. DISAGREE 1 :3. .............i .. ..... ...n.......i. t llCtIS PUBL_IC_.REACTION gift of the Board of rrustcoii of l"‘“‘°‘l_‘" W‘ C"“"‘’-‘‘ G°"l'*'"""l~;ELECT[()N is CAUSE eat pcrfion tonight. Friday part- me ' ‘ ‘the First Baptist. Church. It will " '3' g______ V . _____ ig tning hit my feet and sent , _...._._.- O ,, 5:‘ be i .d ,. ,_ . ________ <1 _. o O - . ; ' b I - k down’ b-e k , h : “- or ' I .§3 . en FHI pret lOu5._\ lllfllr _ o resentatlve of Nation ly cloudy, probable sliom.-rs extreme§Franoe Has Most Power- }’rf;m‘l’;,.. ;‘:fd_ mpnye F8C't0l'19S Seized at Md ';fi‘l‘l"!:_“ i‘de"nt‘i;‘ie(‘i° by 3 bv‘(‘m:"c 31.... ballle was peculiarly and Four Ku Klu.\ Candidates 7 i "7 all Association Ex" lunnhwmt myth“. ‘ 4 flll Machine ‘rate. when I came to myself. I ‘ran’ LeVel'kU$0ll "" P0‘ inscription to be inlaid ill the upper Lyplcany ml. Amcrlnn i"'.u“m°“' Were Sl1CC€SSflIl ill E -- . . ; 11“““l°"'l‘°"'“3 °°°l""'*¢l 0'" lll¢l . . on my knees holding the back of my. lice E-ect Dis- - Surface as won as “W MM’ Vwm“ md so she is. A democracy alone . . ‘ ’ plaln Markenng 1:‘:-‘that-mMpl:ardu:if luhtml: gclluhtirn world Has Ever llfld Will‘ 70)’ ll8ll¢ll*- 35)‘ ll€|ll ‘V33-‘~ J from the eltltruver. could have l"'°d"""l h"‘\”“‘l ll‘? Securlng City 1:" System. End gaflh to the'eI;al:otas. °'?lio:7. Known. 3ui= unjust oncdof ‘tho-*0 wwnmfilg tul'bel’S- memorial to ii public school ;f::ch°fhe‘:.‘? “Mil M’ "°"“"“ ‘° 0lll°95- jg? A ' were scattered and rather light. cx- -l"u'“"° he 5” l’°"‘ ""5 °"° l d _l. . . -—-‘—-—-— _..'____. _ “'*"*" ‘teacher. the table is also a pro not , , _ , "'°"‘“‘° “‘°‘""'“ °‘ B°°“° C°°""'ccpt lllPf'¢°l|lllY henvy at a few By David L-vmncc ‘W’ °‘"“"“’ “‘m". . . l'8’l3‘l';lt"l‘.'lt'~::~ALug. n2 was kill- 3°‘ l"l°lh°l" lencllt‘-” in W‘ WW “W \\'Al\?(o)tll’tl‘Z rli:n:lf1|lh:l‘eR:I"tI"Ii‘-. msg*'l"'l'.9Bl:'§li‘lLLE Oh‘ A is met at lllllllfilllk l°"l¢l“ "l - — Bxcc tfor tastmir clccmcnlr for . ~ - tem of educuti n lint Miss ' ll’ ' . ' °. ' '°v "'5 - .- - V; P010 . (The following article on ooo or a aerln P ed and twelve Communists and slx- ° ’' ‘ 5“ '9 bow to her. “Her life was one i’ -—0nc man 4 d h d tlf I .7*'“l" ‘“d.l.b°°°ml'e C2“ ll'¢0llllllll¢S ll0l in Afltllllllli Oll-.5’ ‘ ‘WU WI-hlnatou oorro-nontlcrit Mill)?‘ re.-st.of the day, Mr. Co: was no f.ty—flve militarists were arrested to-‘5°""°‘l f°’ _’° “‘§'“5' ~""”’5' 33l"l"9 '.-:lt:rificc and public service and I(1)O are injured all In:€.$rt1lle:ft8 8‘:€CtlCll)- ' ° . I to llnllldlfifand but‘ from tI(anaas.:" ::'°“I”’:‘:h"l':.::: ‘::“d"i:E"~"o";u‘:;’;_'r‘"J“'°d ’"_f"5' “"5" slda ' as .a result. of_ rioting in Am- ‘ zillilllllltofntkfifSemifiggtsgoi .nmrc inspiring ideals can he implant. lar battle on the streets of Steuben- on. Ky" ‘ tdncco ‘mwcnigam llltourt no man eas emP9l'- there. He gives an Ame:-leggy. lmrvrun ‘ll _:~RE_\;CH pnofllgfr 1-RApp;c.,atadt. when mllltartsts attempted _to ;hc was had Ev b.01h I 1‘ .cd Pd m the hulnan llrcats that those VI“? 1“; night between 3.000 cifiten. I?’ O. bk 07!? the K!!!-WI! Ill'U‘XoC' . :_________ ‘ ’_pl‘¢‘lf¢Ill (ht of I Communist rents “sh , Pupl . at. for ‘thick thus ‘cache’, g‘“._(_ ‘he ‘nd rnembeis of the Ku Klux .. . . - ‘ad the cumin»; .I-Itghlways; Fair to good, except "°""' __ All Vehicle Circulation Stopped Innewspaper. 3” °"‘ " ‘ "“"“' ”‘ part of her life." Klan. The fight is said to have been Illlllll”-"3 l""°”' . . ' ft ° 1 1 cl hi. 1 st . “"""’ I)...“ on An... . . . , contact. The table was con.-rtructcd - _ . - . - . . . ,. woof Wu“ ‘M spewhfionym 591,330 in ow paces .oum o . NEW YORK. Au‘ m____The Em» - Other (.omniun:st disorders vicre.b' Z M such. M h —f . I ‘ !ll:.~<.~ halllc nus horn in Fayette UN‘ 0Ulltlf0“lll_0l ill? NW ¢l¢'€tl°ll ‘ ‘ ‘ reported from many districts, but on ’ ’ ‘ ‘ 3' 3" 9’ ° "“"‘W ‘r: 1857 She is a graduate of Sit» Tuesday in which four of the Klan . ~ ' ’ he' rod ts. There are about;L°"l3- . . ». ti i E ’ al t 'n- a’ v"""' ""‘ . _ _ . . . . - . '1 3:-gtfers Boone County, rt-p-. Data for Columbia: Highest temp-;:,,_:£b,en“ 303:‘ ‘fish Am.t.'1‘91;_ . DUSSELDORI-‘. Aug. 16.-—Begtn-l.._t;,, who], the min“. "t'u.twn. ralmniz of the Columbia lllah .h..,,.. coilego, s}... M... the (laugh- candidates were succesaful. The mob - - . ; ‘ , . \ zxv.-W .. . flruatlting a total of 500 acres. — .erature.yes erday,'85: lowest last with genuine mhgivinp. might flint! ill ll00ll )‘e§l¢'l‘d8)'. Ill ¢ll'¢“l3‘lseems to be clearing as Chancellor ;q‘°wh°‘:l: .Itmi§ "K {:"‘h“‘l“"'° “ml in of the late Rex. Noah Flood. a_.°l <‘lll1l‘"" ‘ll-l3¢l‘l‘d lll¢' Kllllflllfll 15 V’ ‘ - James A. McDonald. a repreaenta-inight. 58; precipitation. 0.06. One one up: 3", the mtgon, of En, ’-l0ll Of §lll°lll0llll9? 89991 '~""'3'”‘d‘Stresentann's new government bev 9" 3“-"3 "W U‘ ll! ~ pioneer Baptist prcllchcr. thcy were coming out of a meeting ' "arc of the Lexington orzaniution.;vcIr -liro. highest. 94: lowest. 70; rope ‘("19 cu,” Am 3,”. d,._ my vehicle whale or was prohibit-lgan in earnest the work of pacifying' . . . . r , hall shortly bcfore midnight. '- _g muse" ~ t tt, ,.,.:pn.¢ipu;.fion. o_oo__ V - f _..ed in the Dusseldorf area. by ordefithe republic and building up a de- *-_. ""1. "‘”_ ’ c ‘ -~7—~‘ -— i I‘ - i llartt-in Gibson. said to have been 2: ha bee? 3-nt“t);.“o flgtwzu “G: ex‘: terminedmto 4: Oi"; if the French military authorittcsiifense agzgnst France. T watching the fight. was shot and is . ‘law 0 e - - ‘ “' ‘ n . ' ‘lg 3‘ until further notice ’ — —-no--~ . - J I . .'.’ - .' .‘ t not cxpectcd to live .' lpuin um °rg‘muh°n ‘N! ‘u ud-l ap“C‘IT'i:t" the "!llut!‘n‘n9 m 4?. The measure tvascnforccd as a re)‘, Um“ mg” ' l T 9 ; .- ‘ w The Klansmen caused a stir when '. ''"''‘" * " — ‘ 4 ‘Mp ' N’ mm" M’ "urinal tor incidents or August 4.‘ DUSSELDORF’ G°"“““"' A"-"' P "“'-" “'°"° ‘"‘°‘°"" "°"‘ ‘ l’°‘'“ "‘ "The 05596 Of lllc ‘0PKIlll'-lll°“. For the facta of Europe are sor- 16-ywith a new French order in , ° , , . - - - ' - . ' Wt-st Virginia in a caravan of twen- ahu been realized 1! _ ‘ M R E rowful and. pitiahle. Seeing first ‘l‘°" """"‘“" °“"1'“"" “""°l‘°d§f0t¢c today closing Ill lN!l!lP°l'l8- . __._.__.. “._,-M, aummobim C. in tomb“ ijintcll was establiahedln 1921. Mt’.-’ A K hand the plight of Europe is the on- F ‘‘"‘‘l‘ ,‘l"“'°_h*"w‘f':‘_‘~’;‘-‘N _ ..tlon to the population except over Lewls Sa .8 the O )e1.atO1.S9 D t °]\. 1- T f - ' The recession ‘Kenn’. 3 , . ,, , _ 3 l (2 al - or rans errmg p t direct to the ‘ jflcbonald. said. All of the states; I ________. ly wgy rally to pup what a darn i T rthe rich co.-ltroled railroad. lines St I‘ V . . . mcctinlr place. A crowd gathered . .1‘ the B,,,,,, -1-ol.._cc_o.liclt. oliio...0ramge Band and Black Item: situation 1., .u_u,.y world .,S'|‘| ftom_‘untats rcnc-.....o their .~.ctn_-iii.-u atement s ague Valparaiso Are Being .,,u,_,,de me ha“ and beg“ hum“: ‘ “Indiana. West Virzllllli Keflmckyvf being bred there. Americans return- ‘ c i in an attempt to exploit the mlst'l')' and Confusing Com kated the Klnnsmcn as they came out The .5:1'¢l“°”°° "“ "“""°“."l "'"' "°“""°" G ___ ' I P g ' (‘lash followed. Police succeeded in ircle IS Placed 0!‘! ing from the continent utter prayers 44 Al iof the people for a "red rebellion." - ‘ of thanks that the United States is. Communists seized the dye fIl€- ti, um... p Z ,. - . ,_ l. d- h K; d _ the 15 niuliolilrn ilioo tl’i‘.:8y'o:.ll:-Ir)’ T‘-?lep_h?ne gobs‘ 3.000 I133‘. $4. . 5|: ‘zlnjfidtgf; . SEW bl:('>l“lK. Aux. 16.-—Thc con- “I‘."s'nI|ll-‘Al\'r:POLIS. lnd.. Aux. 16.—'cr-ztrxtnciinnlloilitpol fhcmaanc-?::tl: ri::r - Y8! . . Th "3 f the W t t h. _"come co rm l i ' . ""—"""g. _« _ -‘ erencc twc-en miners, coal opcra~ Valparaiso University, the "pour into \\'e,;g \';,-¢§n;,._ .“,‘y§cu:;t zsoothrobgh 3o:u‘;n§i.‘£‘.e'tllll AIM-‘I'll?! Ollllll not l0 891 llfielll Hlgh Estlmate In l'b\’*-‘T? ¢‘.l€<‘lt‘d ll) ll‘? P°ll°'~' “Ml the torn and the govcrnmt-nt coal com- n:an's Harvard." which has givcn Two men an held in conngcfion . I, .93‘-A ‘Th ' “on is ‘I ‘Mn prom“ in‘ marked on telephone pole; by:'l3::°d°f“é’u:,'I'):l"S:::er:’$ (‘hides l“'I:°‘::f'9 ¢l::::n to th new Fwnch.:l(ti-5,1331’: ;9’::’}"l9.(ll at d;"adll>:;L‘lZ. this the £I:,(3\;§’lE)lIl2€Sd:f highfi (t',dB":':IIll£(lfl with the 8(lil00llfl[,Z. Police say they ; 9 assocta . ° ’ S - h De run vuf - , ~ - _ 0 ll.‘ rt‘ _ » e ' n n . Wis, pr(-sl- (I I. , stu Vnts, wt e’ ‘on won arms , ' "'mnnig‘[ion_ Due to Ihlfi “Cl. un.ci.lEE_|gnr;:Eers members Of thC M033. bu-‘lll933_ ‘pressure, Qlatcnfilljly a penalty ‘OI’ the dfifll. Of the Unite-d Mine» \\'nrk¢-rs, (n-or by the Ku K11]; K]an_ ..-———_————-.-—_.._—. eXP¢‘l’l llllldlllll 0! ll" l°b‘"-‘°°Ibu - ‘ H 1- B d .11 l'll¢l'l ‘ml ¢““‘l °h'°""‘ 7991 ill“ , -'-—- -- _ ,'disonlt-r of carly this month. was of America announced that the tcn- Milton I-Ilrod of Indianapolis and l""“TEE-‘ Bdlrmsls W“-L fillllll llllll 31"!‘ ll“? ‘l33°°l3ll°" "."’.b(,M:::‘.ds::, 10:‘, :m.bi;0a W“. V“ "85’ Illlllll ll» l‘l¢W-‘I’ ll” l‘:lll"°l’° Th" "“"‘""“’“ "““‘f-“"“"-" ""l“_'“‘l"Iulle of calm and there appeared no tativc agreement promltut-d on the f‘. C.’ Watkins of Columbus, Ohio, llEl‘llES3NT Colluhllll-‘ :. ‘-able to P11)’ 30 (‘WW5 I I'°l"ld ‘*9 “ll p - ‘L ‘been 80 lll0l'0llKlll)' “fill-llllf-‘d" 33 llllfi l“""" l'"' " sludfln m “V Un“-er-‘-“[lI\lllIl)illl,V that thc nit-ztsure V\'0l.Ilfl.('l\t'(‘li-Ofi system -could not be fol- went to Valparaiso todn.\' to com- of -The Hl[tll\\’1I)' Department has 8230 Pledged in ti}ciTi¢ Last Night 26::‘)l8(}"(*d steel marlu-rs all along ('1: o ' lg - ‘ A lg wa F r “orli of the Litt -at-ur.av':.. 2 ‘ll.-'oP_..'I‘!*..'.': ~3- .f- ‘ in members. while those outside Illmlllfl ll? the lllollsands of touristsysity High School for one tcflll l‘lha\'(' tho tlt-sin-tl effect of brt-akinx lower. out. lllelc negotiations for the transfer the organization received about polit' p ms. ’lll>0 ;l|lld “l 5244' ‘“"'°"‘ll"l' l° ‘he "l""‘°l“lithe spirit of resistance to the occu- lJ.'WlS said that an examination of of the University to the Klan. Dc- ys outside of the’ towns a . Bonne Fcmme, .-data at £119 l>98l- - u d “,0” But it is one thing to turn a cold"“"°“""'-‘"‘}‘"l T07 _l_'-’33'l93‘o llwipntlon. the operators’ statement and the tails. of the tt'an.~‘ft‘r were complt-it-d _ . " ...we ‘H know nut the f.flngf 1,33L$w'?:ioc::Zf;n:‘ihe;pfi;ihmu‘h_1should” us. digemcped Europe he. dl3"'ll:~‘ltl: ‘ll ;l(l;1h“"l.‘}l‘ l':sPl;l:; )RI’lG\'-—-——---—-fin Sacks ‘ ‘check-off disclosed ‘it to vague [‘.l‘ll('ll'.‘1lll_\'.a1 a series of confc-rt-n‘c(-s Fifteen deleggggg ‘wen named gt‘ ; : ,//1. 'aIV|Y‘ llrlded himself on ing anfinm tdlephone pole muken consist cause the situation is dlstasteful_—— “‘ “vhf 5°‘ d , _‘ hf ‘ ' “R31. '9” B“ ANCE flllll <‘°lllll*l|'l8- l4'll~'l5 added that the l-clwvcn_ l_\lnn_ lenders and ofllclals a meeting at the Baptist Church an- -.-u5,;dn.1;gt, saying that he was at ind of own“ ‘bout 5;, feet‘-fl0l.hll'|fl could have been more diet. 1'91"} ‘M lolllll t'_lrh:sInrs‘lismnat;\: iv; . « ‘ ‘goperators are trying to forte the or the L-nlvcrsliy. nex last night to represent Columbia ~ . than l' Cllllllle Ollllfllfllllllf lllsl bot. Dd, . mg th, le tasteful than the events that prompt-: ""3 d_'-‘""l‘“l"'l' , _ 9 .572: ‘uullo?xlcss. and While he ‘*°“§:nd 2 lclfclforzlcncilcldflin bloclrlu-‘I594 Amelia *° °'“°' "‘° W "‘ ‘9.‘7‘d°d” ‘Kim-' N-mm ‘limo-n in: at" M, thmws we qmromnce right for the Lnivcrsity. This is rcnimc Baptistbistrict Association :f_1 under this plan the other in‘ am “met. Inside “,9 cm}, flu;-and it is another thing to look wlth;"l’“’88ll’) cxpt-m,os. ‘. _an)_ s u en at back to the place where it was in app;-oxitnnugly the amount of the to be held at Hinton August _2t and 0‘ ‘he °°‘”m7' ‘mm thelnumbcr of the state ititllway is?’-Y“ °l 3YmPllll&' lllll 39033 "'°l’ll' 5"l’p°" u'"""‘*'l""“ “l"l‘' "‘ "‘l"“°l'. : - ._.-— ~ I '«All3llll1' ell)’-' ll¢ “"l~ Present indebtedness. A half mil-.22. Two alternates were alao cho- lf§‘—i' *gfifgcturerto the banker. have orfiwimul in black. wm, the won“; of plain. straightforward logic toi‘l"~' “""°“""'_'“""t, "'51 , . ‘:"""l "'I'5;rOx D C A 16 “At first glance, the operators nil‘ llun dollars more will be spent int- son. and 8250 was pledged by local‘ -~,..lu4l,uid in aiu-cc menu" h’w““Missol;ri 3...... m,i,.,.,._~ . ilhe European peoples. For F-more .'““‘ "'"““""F '-‘ ‘:" ‘*°"".’-“"‘,.;"". .“43”'“m. - - ““~nm;.l><-5 to h-vggfulfilled all t.hc-nun-,rnocli.tol,- for the development ofgtncmbera to ruruicr the work of tlio in ‘h'"’d"s" Th and 11:1!"-’3ia‘lrlore.to*_be_‘pi§ied than scouted. ,l"“‘‘.“‘ ‘’l lhlllllfll "" “'3 '57l‘'“' " °"«f’fl'5J’°""‘ ‘i'-"9"l’l-“ “"0" .1-rs emands. 148*!-* Sl|lll- "393 l‘thc University and another half orllnization. ‘* any manaoothat rand-, ' ‘ ' ' ".3" Th.“ °lN‘_’]l_h3ll0ll 0" ll)? ml"? “'°l‘l“’"‘- Th Klan will pay $350,000 out- at a convention of the Little Bonhe /A OI . A‘ llxportii s26.ooo‘T.ooo 1-; Imports for ........-.-- 1 _. -_,. - . ._ . . I)r£I.7V '4'.T¥'¢'.‘Q -V ' 7 ..‘ 085% V91“ , . - . ~ ’ . the maximum cost for one term: Tuio today by the Department of, Com- found mm . d 5 - - .h I t . . . . . ‘ . .. _ - . - . 1;; g gicuuon Ameficgn 31I-- _ , ,. _ . . , , . _ _, 5 P 1‘|¢’lll’_l1'9 ll (‘ll W9" million will be raised for u perms The association was first organiz- B con. any «mg; “H..... ..°.°;.‘:l;"";.:*'°..:° '.’.*..':*.f:.‘:°.‘.!le=-cc. we-n peg;-es-. ';'°"°;“? :.*:.::..“‘:;.1*“:t.'t'°.:;‘;..t:°°..i*’=.::°..i: :.'::;:°.::*°.';.:*’ .i‘..'2“.‘.’.'.1'..”‘.°...‘.2'.3“‘3.".f‘.l- 2:: ‘.*:.°..*i:°:'.:':°'::.::.':.£:1'>‘;..'.." :2: °“.‘f..i’.f.°.Z“if:‘°.f;..‘.‘..".".'.‘.'..‘:’.,‘i‘i.‘.'.‘l. - “ _’ ‘ (3 er. t ‘organ -,m.a-KM “Waugh Bmduiy ‘mm the caution can eas y mlsta on or‘ ' 0_ ' f ‘O I H: r J l_ _ r ‘ZN?’ _ _ o - - éannoun . - ‘ an. A fiffil-Pl'°l°°“°" ""5 l" '“"‘ """ steel markers are ruched on thc'."’° “"l‘“‘7 °‘ ‘°‘“""'?”' .”°’”""i§::tns:m:i4ofm.s8 dtlior n('!.I’1‘n::6r. m.ooo.mp£xi:ort:rn-cure) tlint thtlo (‘OI l'tinft r(l_llAvrT~\"1-:\\' ‘lllzllnihti artmgizelilstyelirili 3.oxt:ho0nf (El: ' hurdmml. pelriolflgfdnfltneytl gig; R°°h°l’°" ""'°1' Tm’ l” St"°i.n "‘2,§,,,"‘,".,,,.",f“{'.,e‘;“,‘§.§,1“,,°;’.,,..§‘,§§ the estimate says. arc what the vu- showimr ll fnvoralllc llallllwt‘ 0‘ $25o'.shall recognize the United llfinc ' so ooo H01 l\’E§§ CHURCH lurllbloo lir:iwn- .3 “little Bonito’ ‘ 2. I. , 9" "'3" 3' n. . l‘ll¢llWll1)' 350- 2- mu‘ e . lpil mav make them and vary greatly»600.000. w k _ f A ' l ' __..;;_.. ' I 1 i. - ‘- _ . & :9; -=g,u;;*;,;-,°;,:,,*=:,,*,*;‘;*';.**::';::. Sig”. 6 lllrlwgrh N2. 7» ,::'*‘:.°,.:i**:,:‘ .*.:;“:.':°.:...:’:;;uo in mu.-uni». ~ g - ~i~-——. . f?2..:’.§..‘: .. ... W "°'E,"' no w-t~ -t§::“3‘.f.;...‘::..i';“:.§:.‘:.‘:..:.".i".':..‘;E?..‘:. .. V‘ I” ' f tire "on an mum ‘8 wuh 5 ma it rt of two million men to res- Registration for the fall tcrm WHI996 '“‘‘"‘l)‘ “Z7994 l0 llll3lld0T- OUT <‘llli‘¢‘li- (own “flkfi Bouinud ‘9l""'¢-‘S’! ‘Ind “P07” 0‘ ll" "3l'l°“' I v - .-‘Tl! ‘l“°‘l-'0" ° °°’°p°‘.' from the toll gate on Ashland gravel ""399 . ! - . . - and Eighth street ~ . . l 5" -bi llfktflllx l3 D01 3 39"’ °“°- ll ll“ glon ‘ up gvgnue to the com" cue the Allied cause. the same poo--I ll? held 3¢’Dl9ml_>l'T_l4 lllld l5- Ell‘ _ _ 0 against the wages for union dues‘ . ' 'actlvities and phases of the church mweufnuy operated in 1.151.310‘. gmdgy ‘Dd Cone-‘P. ownpies cum“ gr”? the “non for ,.L!‘.t)ll'I1l(‘nt in the .JunI;l.!‘l hlzfil school ‘is: 4 if the operators yrould agree to sham. -I-he H(,“m.,.s church of (,0mmhi.‘worlt. _ 1' be i i '- land and Denmark for the last slxty;Bm‘dl.a ,0 -I-,mh ,t,.,{.t 09¢,-i sudden crawling into the shell with-llllllled l0 fill). W_ l e_ l_ ll lll ,1 9, - J- - x J don lheirtl against the wages for has pumhnsed ,, M 8. ‘he corn”. of. The Hinton meeting In a two _ ’ .. yeanand although it is neW.l° 3°l“°!1~e,,thT Jmet to Ron”. e;,t. onlout so much as a kind look. . yscfllor llllrll !'~¢ll00l ls ll"ll“‘illf. Made for Burial To- for cobntplzte rccogniction ‘of their «mu. ,0.’ “.3, ,.;00_ _ lificw &xcctii‘tri:c: izctzd 5'". 0? l"'~'lllY 3'03"» . fgravel. llllll lll9l’9 l3 lll E39090 ll“lf~ln:Td for “E00, :;cmb'uer and clfb; gather, “""°" 5 l 9 °p°"' °"’ A building at the corner of Hick-. °" '3 Po . I . ,1“ the fir“ ‘ages of co-operative; All ‘be state roads north of thelAmerlca can help to lead Europe meetings . . ; - i A _ i ‘ mutating in this country there 71.9" 1 Missouri River ‘have been marked l out of the wilderness when the right Th ‘fr { m h 1 _ 1923 I a, ' i. . . _,_______ . . muyfallures. Out of theae,leV¢Illgnd connected through all towns ex-‘time comes-—when .the foundations 0 Sta 01’ c M‘ 00 391"‘ ~ '« KEMMERER. ll _vo., Aug. 1G.——yJ.¢-ob llalver. Ohio Man. Donna Church. This property § .77.. }’w 4;‘ Tl: .-)‘I!: rv-I-‘yr ‘ ‘#1 an avenue and Sixth street fonner-3 ‘he .ll°°,“° c°“"l5' "h“"h" ”‘°"°‘ *: ‘ ocwpi by the t.101;,,c,Li association. and the churches of Cal- PARK orfolc.t7l7Eo 'r7)_il.tai)l.\'c. W“ sold .0; laway and three churches of Mont- I' itcd Pres- 'f.- T3 ;l‘:5'"3‘ o ‘A ‘ . n , which. in my" opiniollo "'°lvasoe. ‘Roanoke. Armstrong andl themselves. First there must be a-lilllfii l’ll- Du "5$l3‘f"_l-_ l’“_’l°33°"_ from the Ketnmercr Coal Co.‘ By tinned I've-. . _ _ the non‘ owners took possession im-.33 ALLEGED "OLA-F033 _. . ' gholutely essential to permanent Mineoh, As noon as these placeslwill to get together and agree uponjg:llI)TR:'. Fflfn lg‘; l«'_"“t°"B'l1'S _l‘l‘Fn vhline No. 1. when rescue work was I W) SCNGSTORR. 0hlO.'-5-l}l1K- ll3.—— §mcdtat4.-ly. the Ifollness“_Churc‘l; noyr: OF VOLS-I-Ku‘, ‘AC-r “EL”. ; 4. success. The Burley Tobacco Grow-Jug, been m“k,d_ the HQ}-,w.y D¢-‘{uu_ never on, mm-¢ ma, 3 mix-‘ _ oo , .. . . _ngulne . . .. prl -.“.3u,,,,d today it imposing ceremony t at par-‘has no place ‘of vrors lp, an. wt _____,___j_ r Tr’ ‘era Auloclllloll ll” “kw ‘d"‘“t‘3° lplrtment will start marking alliture of motivell. Pfellldlctli lllllfldll-°‘P‘l “ml ‘“l"-""'""°’ °l ""‘l*h"""“°’fi Authorities believed three HIOPEHIOOR much the look of solemn mc- _have none until the new building isjauiueu and Profcguongl 1|“, Ar. ' of these riencea and the 8ll¢C€:’3‘gtgte bridges and culverts. and suspicion with what one would2M- E. Hcrrioll. M. A-. fcfieflffll dl',vl'ere in the mines. Arrangementslmorial. Harding Park. gift of .la- finish . ' rated in Effog to stop ’ .' 9 l "5-‘ . - ° ’ ' . ___._..._.___——. ' " ‘ 1' science‘ M ' L. lillhlfifa ~ b ' I of all of’:-oh Ilalver Youn town business -» ' v - v ‘ Whlaky Traffic. ., - -of the 1-gantzatlon is shown in t e _ _ like to call “facts except that there rcclof 0 _ . ll’) xvlere made for the urla . _ 88 . “a hate already cam-arsed the E’: 'fact.th:t it has from 65.617 S’I‘K$EMAlVl\ GIVES GOOD 1” no such thing, in Europe god.)-, i M. A., assistant professor and sup?!" 3 the dead together. Jinan. to the village of Hubbard. “.a5‘membership of “W ,_-hutch fa, non”: U 1‘ P —--—----' 'f'‘‘ 3‘ members in 1921: l° 885337 ‘l ‘Ml IMPRESSION ‘N ADDRESS Notwo nations agree.forinstancc, "l-"3’ °l l‘°"‘° °‘-'°",°"‘l°53 s‘“,l'°' The disaster was caused by an ex-'dc-dlcated this afternoon. ,to pay for the new building," saidl_R’sAh{.-Axgrn G, Aug 15.. "‘ ~ pfcgent time.” . V 11“ confide“, of "dent, M,-teupon" what.Germany'6 calltcity t.o’:c‘i’(‘.‘t':fe- dSEi;:.p:::::r.°{M5:°‘:glplosion 'l‘uesdn>'-’_' ' i This is the first permanent me-':the.Rcv. J. A. Snood, pastor‘ of thcf:.I.hmy_fi‘,e rugdenu of s“.um‘h. . ‘ "'°"'§‘° ff: 7”‘ "tlmi “He Snealta Well: can no Pu-vv l;°Pt;'“‘°’."‘ ‘cf’ ‘’°“"’'’' 1” 1“ Hudson 8 '3 Supervisor ofllinlrlish-120 CENTS “I-‘AIR GASOLINE f[;‘r"e".“d’ “t’ "°.:‘“";‘."“‘g “:;1"'°“‘“‘°::1“"""fI”“ ‘r'fi‘;fd";h-‘;°§‘,°;g‘0Y;hfc‘;‘ tzjinclucliniz leaders in professional . first ll ° °°° °,"°l’ 1 Act?.'' IaG¢-rman Cry. " 0 ac ons in ct-man! can akrfefsd ' "V B . on PRICE 1‘. SOUTH DAKOTA»; so on sl ce is ca . . ore‘ a'c o _ . iv. ' H “inc” “"5. ‘en ‘nuwd L gr ‘I877 has been Dlllllfid "3 39°"? -—:q— ‘on it either. And as for Great Bf!’-N "3 °° 5- ' .‘*- 3“l’?“'‘’°’ . ’ __ ;than 20,000 people attended and _a new lllllldllll! “flll ¢‘0l"-l- 'l'll_€' 80ll¢ll-.0“). in the ,.°u,.,d,up of ‘nag ' 2 County thiryear. “Hone than 90 By (‘an ‘”"°‘ain, one needs only to read half "‘°d°"‘ l“"¢“‘lV°‘- M‘“.l‘l'" Cl°“3l‘-'lGo,._ Mcumen “,3... 55 cent; int-ado of school children and civic mg committee is now planning to wgprohibmon 1.‘, vioiflou. 1-way I -wvTsr-sir -. I - I 1‘, Q -oi‘ tcd Pr-u ( rlaht. ill ERLIN A l6—'I'he irnpres-‘ - - B S teacher of commercial sub- . - ~ ‘ - ~ be . per cent of the tobacco groweracf ‘B _ I .118. - _ I the British res: and see how ter.- _. :. W O h A B _ Cm__M”, Cu,“ Rudwn i5°c,,t,e,. f,o,,,.ndiu3 ,,n“.,m}._f-",9 .1...“ fund, {mgr nommem 3-3, 311 iothcngindided by the “den! nd i z ‘ Platte Buchanan and Clly ¢°l"l“93 'l°“ 3""‘°‘l 1”” ll.” ‘p°°°h °. ’ribly militaristic and grasping l°°l5- Fwd - '_l_- - ~’“’l'°"‘f”" _ in 0",". sun,‘ "miles around opened the ccremony;W¢' ll0Pc ll)’ llllfi m¢‘"l3 l0 3°C. A» r 5 have contracted to sell their tobacco Chl_lll¢€ll::d5:'¢3¢'“¥t“l“! I-‘rance haspgotten all of ‘a sudden. °' ‘ll "glllllliliili lT:;n,::E"::;l‘e;tthle::)c:..i .”d P ____l‘_,___ lo; the d”._ . fignnligh mom}. to my ,0, we bmldfiill 3' . gimp tI(;l(tlhc“:f:§‘:l:).\}t{i°:l’lC :t.e‘;lty Evhich an 0V€TWlf:l“‘l”“B!l1’?t'ullIrn to we dud?’ sf:i“llrh:fsii':-Q tainsc ixrftfrmation conccrninz thelB’IlJ1l2‘ItREn-"i D Aug. l6.—Gover- i'_ I mg’ __g ____ ‘ Mcmllrfl Ol G lllfitfid fl“! '1'“ ' 7- ° ' . - ' - ‘ " ; , ," “"5” "‘ ”'°°' ,_ ' - - ~ . ' H : - ' ‘air - - - faccu cd of conspiracy to import and ,1 I ' same percentage of growers are ex; lllI.l0YllY lll the Rclchshx. has alaoipnsmgly pm_G"mm the Brmsb school and directions for cnrolllnglnor Bllthlastcrs. who is credited Mb’; T d , B b R -‘ts ll"-*l0R _sTARTS “AR_03‘ A dmgbme momma, of “non. of ‘” pain; to contract in Boone ‘and tllfi Rellefll confidence of l'll0d¢l'Il¢a ‘ovemmem i, “cased of beh“.ing'..An application. blanlt for admissioglstartlng the vicstern 8’Il30llll¢ WIT O ay 8 888 3 8811 ]]|(.ll TE[.EPHO!\l-I RATES H “O _ nnnrd countiagv mt-n.. . ‘$1.30, is Fume without diuension to either the Junior or senior hlg ‘selling gasoline at 16 cents a git -: _ . ' - . . . ' d h t. tat fill tntlon, . ~ Orde sum of the tohuo ‘rowers of flu§ttl?es:iI1"n:¢':ia5li.s!t?cecPllll8c}l:s"ntlllIc oath u must be ""1 m undo’. “Te school ,8 {mm m t e amwuncemen lltddalhrrldllcxdl tho: 20¢ ccnllimissa fair‘ N'u°"‘l 14"" County are: H. 8. Banks J ' ~ IF:-ench people are more of a_unlt in . E C’ were sought by officials in _,,. . _.. ____________ . r. . ra Connections _'I‘a|ten Out of3 Seventy-five federal agents who Indianapolis City Hall Of- p €53’ :3 35 13 ii. 3 an it? 8 Es: tains several noteworthy elements: ,th . H , R Germ”. wax-:A'r ACREAGE is at-:ol:cl:D%,,,,...I in soup, Dakota. 2 . ~ _ I-‘irst, e extreme moderation req ‘"5: O‘; herezggthm is any K. 1‘ D""—"""“'i“.u‘fid Wm‘ “W: In as much as Mchfasters has been. St. Ifiuis 33(1) (:3 (1):: _ garding the Ruhr invasion. gStlb'e;:-‘ 3 ' pr - ‘the dominant figure in the Pm‘? “Vi. "°° 5'" R 3 ‘By ‘M d ---'~~—- \ gevidcnce ongwhlch the indictments i - - ’ ll"-" °°‘""'Y i" E‘“'°P°- lccs Says Report ' - Batteries‘ Ha es and Mccu ‘ ‘ ' ded abusive phruea a O ' ’ ,. there were reports that the Standardl - Yll s. Palmer. R. H. Calvin. Geom H-r- ""“'“ “'°‘ — R I 1‘ INgIA!t':l:OLlS. lnd.. Aug. 16.—-§"fI_':e bk 3 m in “am W ”§lla}'or Shank t y ordred tele-id ' :3 N7 ‘ddfi "ndi“_ fphones removed from the City Hall. '5' ‘''”'V ‘ °“‘ in the first step in retaliation forlmfllu '°" °3’°°l'°d' ' l -~._;~ .. F"“"‘° &;”l:d“"’;‘-’§“;‘d: ‘"°h‘tw::: ticitnmrg; cfiollldntries nlnfstn-it lB’l€Al:§.AP;.ClT\' Aug 16--Wheat A 0“ C°- ‘"5 h“’“‘°; °"’i"“"’.;"","“’;i Grim" ml T'yl°" E o 9 . - ‘ ~ ~ ' 0 . G rge bong, Lo " ° nu Germ ny has already paid. or Wl‘I8l‘ufl'c ‘n Kansas w’ll be reducedfm" ‘.'p°" 3 em on 1 - - - H . . , ..—.....____.. . . - Bo°;Ie Clark and T“. A. Smith. pd” "go mm.’ He V" ‘r lshe cin pay. And there is unfor- iappihgxlnfately 50 per Lent this year. prices m other ml?’ hinlg'"c"‘;.'“L :8: $3 16 339"’ 3'"-’l‘91l‘°ll l¢l¢Pllf'll¢ 7'8“?! ¢l','Illlv- M jun w.,g,,. A.,5,;;.g.¢ -, V .‘ . __‘____ __________ _ tack violently by the‘ Natlonallatsewnllcly good u to beueve oer’ ‘wording to euimales ~g‘ther°d. Mcmllhertl. h0%.'e\:.'t'., m86e6l Pt ‘n , . (git or '. .8! t ‘ad R I ve. .9‘, m ‘be lndhlupohs Telephone Co. 3, U.“-‘ rug. .. I l .-’ Naw noun I-‘OB nor soourslfor °ml,“"*¢ ‘ll’ l"’°""" °‘ "°‘ "tuin interests in pe do not wantlfrom leading agricultural experts l.y:““‘ ‘’3'-' ‘W l’"°'~' “‘ ‘ ' $1“ ,1 ‘ ‘°"°’d- 603:" '""‘ ',bv mnporuo-_l-‘edernl Court order. sr. LOUIS. Aug. 18.-Police yea- ; . . . ‘‘‘‘‘'‘°*‘' ‘''°'’ . ponmelany such agreement. They do not the United Press. . la" 9"" of 26 cenuxor zmncd ltejwfmon m y’ - T°l°Pl‘°”°’, ”‘ """'°"l °m°°‘ "°“ 'l¢l'l1lI)'¢lld¢llIlllI0dGIlll ll? llPllY!° ‘ Troop No.‘ 2 to Have Blrn Loft. means" implied. presumably lllcllld-;w‘m ‘O be bouwnd by new They. Diunmuuon with ‘ow pficmlfucl formerly sold ill 309‘ ° ‘-[Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . .. OM 300 00in-moved this afternoon and the ham 0; gm... ,-.n,...d york,“ in ‘.'-n"""‘"‘“' ‘M m. ‘ H . “ want tomohieve certain aims. A -discouragement over crop failurcs"'h“".'«°°""g ‘ "d"'°_§"g.‘°°;:';:3°"l°" . - - - - --_- - - - - ~ - - -- 000 19° l°;lIl8)‘0!' d¢'¢lI}_’¢_d _“ll¢ ' Would V303 a rooming honae here via acciden- ., _ .759 30!. ,ScouU_ °t T“°°P .N°- Second. ll¢ 5°“ l"“”°‘l“t°i B. Bl/‘ha. Behind Di hm“! land gmbgmy to my c“h.for wedipondlng to the Standa ltc rid: Batteries: l\llIfl'ln'll"| and OI-‘ar-ithem all out if it was necessary to “L 11,.‘\b°¢;. cg an 9".” ,,,,,,_ ‘72 an to have permanent headquarb stability. He employed thatl ll 1 _ II . M" manned in cutting we ncrungother states. ' The 20 cen :3 'th 4 re]; 04,-schger and 0 lhelll. .prove to the telephone company that yum, (;.u_,,.,,,_ 45. gnu. .er:'.a place where they can meet and it ia the farmer» duty to send foodi. _Behin;l the scenes of diplomacy u.one_haU . ;agrv;-ed upon in a mnfcrcpc; wt zwimbumh .......... H ow 002 02;,“ people of hdmmpolu ..'fl.m.t mm 45. u‘ “ “mafia” mm - I lllltll 'll'lllY- 0°°°"“"3 ‘° 3‘7'“°'“l to the 65°‘? "'5 ‘M “ l’ “*9 "‘°". . .l"""'°”' S““°‘”“‘ “““"- ’ __...____.. 3l*?° l'l°°P°”“°"‘ “°“‘°" "'° " °‘ ‘ lPhlllde¢lll>hia .... 400 ooo ootuml 5° “’"“' ‘°' the mature any were found late Tueaday ‘in their L3. ‘ man’; duty to‘anbacrIbe to the goldraad for bootyfnthm cllll-ll!!! <:;n~AuAx FLAG CUT powx lam ‘*3 . I Batteries: Morrison and Schmidt:;l°ll8fl'» . ' - __ ‘_ ' _ on ‘ . _ _ fllllll l ._______ ‘ i ' - 3013331‘; Mitchel and Wilson. v ""““'— V .p L of the barn at.l(r. ‘I‘ipton'a. home. Turd, he promised antore active» and legislative bodies Europe aiflunoh Mob L0,," Bun“ n’,i"‘l;AlLROAD HA1 -BI-3 . Lane GP"-FIELD. In” An‘. m'_A" me.‘ “I III: Pass The mu. her: ‘guggort of the Rhlaoand Ruhr pom» ;?lt¢l°: a ventrilfiqelitt xx E’ ‘MM ;t:"t'tallan‘- ‘gr-II. ‘ (hand gfieiala New York. st. [Mm “O “W” induction in Chicago telephone‘ rate; my ‘ lI I I I’ ; are re their, til!!! it. . 2 , l"'°°‘°, _ - . 73103» . . P . 1' ‘ ‘tout ,9oo_ooo . v . , -‘ ‘ I Y’. n’ C‘ A’ ' l I’ . ‘W M mm" bl‘ ct:"l:ill int ulinciu ‘.12“"?‘.’.T' “tell: nnlitcgligilfi :iL'mo°lcu‘tii.1il;l‘ioi'i'«i'l"'n‘ifo"o:il'l'l7c";rox nl An: 16 ln.l,3.';:,‘..'i§".'.;.a M mun" ‘='°‘l''l°llll¥ ‘'1 “l:nn*ll'lll'°l-w1?fibll¢l«' 'DutlmN Ireland. Aug. 1:...‘ 5 , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ o O ' . ,' . o _ I ‘ I _ .¢nthnaiaa- Germany will be a e V :_omd.b ‘ we Fm” ‘M ; Service Commission. . gum“ D.v.k" 13¢ nwnup ranny. of certain groups who play of a local Italian home and dloppedjlvu-leaf syuems today completed an I butt: :lnpet1ing"‘itdn‘the _ glether and‘ rea‘i;t the. '9'?" “P°l'll° Olllllion" mean the tY- red gathered It fllldllitlll It lllc it'll . .............. .. 000 021 B. ‘I A “I an an in . months on . . _ . I well 0 Director. i "Inna. Inn" cu" - ‘is lar tlotbetnnesthatdo lefl‘ tht-Italianfl .'-“mg; -tthechicago. 333.;-3 :Elunkeutd - ,‘ tycllno ha ._ 3‘ union fldl:l°°hh'.d‘Jd”&tt':’l3;.usTd‘h.a,’m.mcm '.",°,°.dg.°f.g°l;mc:i'ii’ thee'::ncen‘of commercial; 33:1: lice and 350% nun“ with '; vi¢w‘m,,, .,,d°:)vN,“_ . J% N any "n m___unfiI.aoclI Kola ho fin ha :._;’l¢'oal‘vill‘be used as I p‘ and. iictt" ' . _ E iorllwlilfl ""’*“°"':. " 3*" °‘::; ‘l""‘f l“"‘3-‘f;e°"‘}fil:h:l-fflgt. ibdngg "';;ml:‘§P“g~wn¢mrtcn ?’€;!oq£1JoIlII a.aoyd.nooihcroiouucol:yf_,,,,,.u_ to. E . A 35," or 1l'llIIVlll0-if '.‘v"'°-*"“‘J°' “"9 5°"-I and I ' ly power‘-?“"° I . __ ms Cid‘-h ' "’°°"' * Batteries: small and no’-lg; cu». thgcgfna-ofwlffl-“an.'.f‘a‘,'firh"huflth%Ie"r:8Q for-II: aalllra.I..N.-Bataan.‘ Iaholilruo Wtlhite.-l ' -1: .I ‘ . M31‘ n - go...» 9 as E. I I I M F‘ hi O 0 Z E E E i E E ,.>Ei E E i . El '5 ii I - lié -.. t.. t. I _ . - .. . . . . - ~- ‘ -Ct th. ll. ‘7 1ll||efl!'ll38 Pl'lll¢lPl99 ,h‘V° been dfilcfiht Fulton. Gll-'-80W. F8)’¢ll9- AllX'llllV€ 50¢“ blllll ll)’ ll"! l':l"‘°P°3"3' 192‘ '5 “-5 f°"°‘”' mlph R‘ ““ .Nlm.-ty-sl_x bodlcs had been rcco\er- Lgnd for M¢mon;|_ the Church of Christ in June. and. as1K°““-"3 °““ 7 *5 ‘M " . I