l I - ..-M it‘ i: 2‘ rI‘.- o 2- i 4 t :u ..-I,’ 0*"-, "7 "" .‘ T - - ‘o.-.’ ‘ ‘F ~ » ‘» """~ . . .. . . _ . .. — - : ‘— -“"“:.v..-.‘-‘~. ' ‘ ' I ' . 7 1?’ 1.4 ‘o :40? ‘-‘V .’ 7-4' ' M ’- ' ' - I .1 V .5 ‘ IQ“ ' A "U ’w ‘.1’ . ‘V. ". . . .~ . an-.°'..':-=....°‘e r-...~"*""....% 'Whiit'Ot}iers‘Say* "““‘“-e---““=-*"i-.--"“-‘”"-=--1 THE HUMOROFIT = "‘, " fad-’-" . . um‘ . . .; . . « ~_ _tivelyamall.uajorlty.ila-‘-aifreevote . ! V ’. " "".........""”,‘—"{..,' K ° "7"°°"°5—++ .- .. .. ‘r‘”'” "3 ’ N ‘ !'hovfollowingnewsitemappeaiI'ed"ul°n °’ ~---- -«--~- l ‘ is so 1 ..~:-.s*.';.:~*:.**:..+és.;';°**‘....*r*..:.-.°°*=~..... ....’-°-'...-°s....:-...::*=..°°.:......'*'=~. 2:: ‘°‘°'*‘°‘."""'........'°..“‘.'*.’;".:."‘3.‘.'”.:.'* - - ---in,-3, "¢'-P-,_I;gd'°°**,*,‘° 7 '; 3 om¢;a;¢'xg....' T’ T ' ’ -' — . - ' ' - -'1‘ .: “Bast M0 V‘ V, auosisos V V l. _VVlVies in bettVermet.bodsmV,,b° V 1,, ggwgfiudlylnllllla just spentt:|setreaterPsrtdf8l8’htVsltyatCaral'a-tdgeineonaeaion thldm,ehu¢t:.inmmu:1p‘ndeeofthe'l é '1°"°‘«"-“°"‘ ’'‘‘‘'’° 9-. e :5“ °‘ °°‘“‘‘'‘'“'''-... ‘“ "' """ ”°”‘’‘‘'‘‘' '‘'‘''‘‘'‘‘°‘'.'’’'.‘ ""’“ °‘i““' 3"“ "’”°’."‘ 0" ‘W ‘W Ancient.-Order of llibernians. no i .. c- ~ -er phyhal im-lp°rhm‘l°"”.~t° “filo .P”d° m m 1”“ 't‘“d’°"?‘I"c¢¢°“";tiP‘n" would. have been thirty years, Old; Io ‘b’ C .’d us plrovement of the in a more. 8tatesmanalilp*intheinbernabonali.tha_t shows itself in every detail otVm.n which pg-ygnnng nu . right I .._ - - era. 8 e 88! 9' just distribution f lth llef°"""lDi'I-I “FPO! ill "'31 300'“ '¢’"‘°¢- ‘to «make in giving an annual n.n'fim mben Um“ Fume O W 9 he ' ', - v H ; ‘ V} _ - ‘ ' fmufiegmgwnnf egcgggivg u;n.;—-istheacleaoeand,tho_ia_§8_.O_fl|li1fl- --Wlierra new gm: “give. our. of 80.000 poundstoaunlvenltyl 4 _g T ___________ I ...- ‘ ._"ln.dM¢a’e'ctiv>e ,n",p,,,,,;(',,, of ‘mg against fires. 'f'h‘ero is,” 0P’ night, every member of the stat‘ is -that _ university Ethel—l really believe she mar- A V -. e “d uncut“ ;portunity jnstnow for Brltlsh—Al_I¢r-"aeemsito know his name in the morn- -ot_lt,lts rigdluut old, fool for his money. f _ _ 7 S ‘V‘'’'’“'.‘''‘ “" ,""""""" """" " ~ ' - ' ' run-"idle!!! 8t«lleBmllIlllP 30 Wild 8881113‘ ing—-a small thing; "but one thatimiaaion in such a_ way as todeserve, ch,.~__@efi‘ he an», be such 3‘ M 17‘ ,.*C Inn‘: . , th 1‘ . _ F ii. sod-it . 5” ithst thedssger exists and uistii" -'°‘ .1 ..‘ .’l°‘‘°' '’ "*"‘°“" "3 - 38-P.“ f"°°!“‘¢°°*« . .. ‘ b’ . ;£ool if. hId‘to marry him to set‘ . “V . . h ‘ ‘nu one . 7'; gonnegngtdn t: prompt reeolleetl;i‘nhVoft him is,-of-.coi_irse; buVtVm$V;n__1q,w y°,.k sun. , , . ----~-~~~. . . A _ - V_ ‘t’ tweg . returns unexpeot oan answ . Cam V..ts per!“ o i .._,._.__. , - A OOflIllJ§’l'j' CHURCH ‘Eda H’ tb 1 Ameri Zellmstates. ‘Cue is the force of law-‘hotel where haaatryed before. . ithathigh mission. though most: ‘What’: the; name of that piece l 5, A group‘ of . Columbia churdb, A n ‘l — m 3”‘ ' '. defiance, the other the form of law- In such graces of the hotel-keep-«i people consider it to be a mistake you were playing?" ' l " workers has‘ proposed that a churclii“~” mt-um" i‘ game, m ‘be d°g"'defenae. On both sides are organi-ging art the Swiss excel; and it is not to admit women to the fullest. “ ‘Bungalow Bluest" l l - supported by all denominations be‘F'°d°fi° n‘"_i'°“ “"1 lb“ ”m"‘zation. resolute spirit and ipowenigrattfyirig tolknow that as expertaiparticipation.inthe.privileges of uni- _“And what Vwd the proionzod, _ I ‘ 9'- wk’ , th . I.‘ of ,5 Juli!!! 513!‘ 5'08?! 180- ;‘l'wo great States. whether they like in. that calllng_they prefer British-versity membership, are sure; ancholy strain you repeated at .1 if e . )3 en; Rnmedggo 1‘ the Ind: A b it or not, face each other in the mat- clients to all others. , __ ias we have said. that nilstakegfrequent iritervals?" ._l Ii‘ ’ , , , . . T ‘ t r. Overwhelming mut;uality-of.in- "Th 3 '3 1, 1,1 gwill speedilybe ' ' on mo-. “That represents the install- ’ 3-" if "':.'§'°l’§ '°i"if°Ci?.lh'ii.°:.mi':w.'.lL* - em MISSOURI CITIES tzrést cans to‘: «metal ton-ism. than Emil 'n.?s?n.il§§i~ . ':ufi;fion of thmniver-itv it-em-ad -tmlmentx-" 0-" g _ y,a eac “ -V ‘ n . _ ‘ ‘- in ..._..__._ , j lo. church in the neighborhood. “Dull will have a carnival rgrgrjdence ‘gfd “hon H the" prob; Rug” 3:”: gnodhoul tsp" {t°ldt:,?'l$?ff:f:fivo&g-' o: A d°°‘°" “’h° “"5 "‘“l‘i"‘ ‘ “U °" ' ‘ children, thus. cannot attend Sunday from October 18 to 20. course of events be Ilnchechdo rnone’y, bu: if they'hav:een:pthul}Pawamem to t'alt’e. upon it-£311: of his patients. a widow, said:‘ 3 - V school rogularli-_V The)‘ have no on: F” ‘mo ts V none; or in“, nhnu nnve . amnion nquiremenu they ‘re map‘ “In” w P‘-_ucfiuV'h“ ‘irunivenityj You a;Ve slightlyld n:orbid.b1:V1Y deag : 4.. to take them. 63.0,”; Ci‘: 1:3’: :5; fraught with deplorable bitterness, my 10, a,,,n,- - ’ ‘shall or shall not do, and what it? °“_ “_!‘°" °°k “ “‘ ‘m { . . V V . . 0 , . , V I-V ‘ a.n. ;' :1 The cost of such a church. we are rnnd at .3"-cc be nu-9 5; ned n ‘f "°‘ "‘ ,“l And--what I am bound‘ _to say"h‘u tuch °"d?‘m‘f”°m “uh ‘~ u 0 to, -,,_is this n ,0, n . t7 5'‘ 3' 9 ~ - i . i . lltmaybeaaldthatthelatterquesu ohi d‘ ' 1 9 .Vi j~ told. would be only $750. surely a .aa charter members of the different _ V"'*“'"F °'">,"h"18 Eh“. °°‘"‘“ surprised me-he‘ added that undo“ do” not ,,.n,_.. W in ,3,“ it pool! 2'' ~ : ..‘ negligible sum to spend in so ad-]troops. ’"l_th9 1°38 V111“ )0 AU|¢?|¢3-¢V¢1’)"=twenty-five years experience he had‘ does H P‘ . mént once ‘nub «Anew me {O remind you, n,ndn,n_ _ ., . . , . V- ___________ thing best in mind and charseter—i¢,n1y ma 1,“; n nnad, nc finned ~ « 8 _ V . . . __ J H, mirable a project. The women m g u . . . . . . . . _ 90 f it in mud . u, t doctor prescribes medicine — . . . . onett will have a park and swim- is against, if not all liquor. certaln- inn 5 nn En 1,5}, though‘ at‘: 3 3° °n 9533- ° . , - .. 1 Ir tercsted in it now are holding Sun--, . V V _ V Y 3 m'”' r ti“ ' tn;-ma ° but he C1005’! 3 MR0 13- i I I _ ,,. , -ming pool. Bonds for $10,000 will ly hard liquor. and pro-emiaentlyfine cube, ‘mm of them enfyiprac once a w e a _ __?H_ , V V In d‘_3' 5°b°°‘ "‘°°‘“‘5~"V‘ “"6" "'°“~ 3'“ be issued for buying the tract for poisonous liquor. Millions ofvdeter-fn,nntn_ . Imblii ""3 ‘h¢V“ni"°'3m¢‘ Wm mid‘ The {°i;m._.;ng 19,19, wns ,.,_.c¢.;VV,dV T 3 ""3 °""*°l _ °°"‘"'“° “'l."°"_ '{°'d the park. and an additional $15,000 mined women and men are flgbtinx; - -—-— l‘° b°°°"‘°.v ‘fl’ Pm”i‘ .°1'°'l by the New York Herald, August 2 on "“°‘“'°’ "ii "'- ""5 '~“"" "°“’ *5 W‘ for the Iwimminiz poo. for prohibition. Their efiorts will: Freedom of Universities. , """°"v-"'9 "“"i"°" 3”‘ "“"‘f' 11: "1 "am ‘curious to‘ know\. and « t i p"“'u°'*‘- {W .i”°1‘m°m “"3597 31 A M mod. t f—— I so “V not slaclten. Proofs of t¢fl|P°I‘If)’fi‘min the undue Tel-ersnh. mem‘ 9‘ ‘M S“t" ‘”d_ °f th,° (:;°i‘,"hav'e talked with others 8lll'lll8l’l_\'V '~ 9 ‘B co" "°"°° °r- u " failure. and some Ycfilllls 100 lPD81l°i- Few serious educationists will °""“°"‘ °f ‘he d‘3- P“"°‘p‘5Vcurious. what is ii chetomchigger? .‘-"'§l.’1"'.-Z'S?§°?’.‘£!T‘!??!E€!'§ ?'33’?‘.=§I1°‘.33‘ ‘_-f."—‘.E:’~3?‘??$‘3 1?‘ ..a - v v'——- .... . . . ;_‘.‘''‘‘.....'‘.'''''V. ‘*-'v -'1'“. 1"»-r9'~ .1. ....., . -—vu» . cm; at .o-% . _V V .Au.._.. “ a '‘~ --'-—~ ' vow I‘QOJS|1a~9.0--éfltnasvfl - -ov pcg... ., _ )A' . \ r ‘‘__V V t,‘ 'VV,_ 'aV' on-i‘._q_..Vo-nsa-s l to be the solutionfio this problem’ in Colugbiafag T vcstnient pr-ove;atVeresti.ng_ from. a - supported church without success. ’ tlects something of the despair with ‘ decline of religious faith. the drift _ with all i._ita distantgboundaries, its ho . .. -. I to i-oi: mi: am. -_ Vt, any time may interrupt the loyal‘ . . _ workers. _ A cointnunity church, then, seems ,_rdi_gioVus life. ,V,Bet‘lJur ' west It held in ‘Neva- Vfiorn;-September 19 to 21. Two to att >,l citizens‘ result from better training.V,,_NVot_‘ 0!VllyVW0llld the in-' co-o _ ve ' ‘- lurch movement standpoint, but it certainly would be a profitable investment in Columbia‘: 'future.c'lV 3 V V , The apottsors tljoidea,havcb_ee7a . v than 0, rear to arouse interest in the community-‘ “No definite campaign has been‘ planned. but it iabelieved arié vs- cations ‘days are over sometbinfg will be done,"‘ Va repogt of conditions in yesterday's Missourian closes. It ro- whieh theworkers face their task. Whatever the organization behind the it seems a commend- able project for every church. cer- tainly, inColurnbla -to promote. Its institution hav_e'vnn great c act V‘ upon attendance in the already tabliahed denominational qimiéiui-s‘; full warrant for its consummation. tnie humorist never laughs when the joke is on the other fellow. Dr. Frederick A. Cook is indicted for oil swindle. First it is ice. then oil. Doctor Cook's Vtagte seems to run to slippery substpnces, .. _. , , » THE ROMANS Ah_lD L’. S._ _ There are today. according to'.Wil-_ liarn Dudley Poulke, president of the National Civil Service . Reform Lathe. some very striking anal- ogies between our civilization and that of ancient Rome before her downfall. V 0 These similarities are the loosen- ing of family ties and discipline. the of population to’ the cities, religion! and racial intolerance,-and the decay of public spirit. At themend of the reign of Aurelius. fixed by: ' of Rome'si Gibbon -.ni-emu-ninii decline,1a iiaiiua would have scorned the idea that his country was upon thebrink of its final descent. Yet, V undloss wiélthfits apps}-ently Vun. broken power, the empire was soon Divorces were numerous, philan- iauc .....npl!¢Qd rolirion is-as. “end as 4 Vlwas later burned do ii. Ionly twoiother buil ings then, Switz- A dog, “OE-_§iep," belonging to Madden of Excelsiol’ ‘saved the life of Harold,‘ 6f the mule on which the wines in paroled in May, recently sentenced to the penitentiary fo'r robbery. '.The -T unless bptter to compete with Danish but- ter, Daniel C. Rogers, assoc‘a Bureau d Saturday Two bandits held up the Bank Kingsville, Saturday and es .sai ..'.E.h $900. cult - pyeaide'rlt."and Elmer Ang WEI‘! 1'9" ' to‘ lie on the floor after one of the bandits had struck hair. The Missouri Constitutional Con- series of amendments to the presen ‘constitution, on which the citizen Iwill have as many votes as there are citizens would have but one vote. ‘I’ the lforlthe hospitil in Vconformi which provided for the building of c os 'tal. GRADUATE 017"“ 1883 . PLANS AUJOMOBILE ~ TRIP TO OREGON years ago. Dr. C. J. Blacltbu o a $ 4 .- University this fall. , “When I ua here ztioin the building that belonged to fthe columns." Doctor Blackburn ' fore the wings ld building that There were were added to th bl ‘ i‘ ' ii I :2 . ~ ” '''‘’,;f1“‘''' "‘ ‘I’-°~ "‘»" ° 8”" of course_,:that British co-operation W ‘_ V _V pie fifty !bitlisters_ and dele- [V en ' [ nephew,V by catching; he 1 ”,'_lGoverndr"Artliur M. Hyde has re»? by vohed the " role ‘of George I-‘inchnapproved ‘by the bulk of the British dent up from Green County in 1914 peoples. 'for fifteen years for robbery and-that the supplies of the liquor—,n-iented upon in dgys to mmc win,» F inch was much of which is now becoming ' ’ Illinois ; sonous—' “Vi? ' follows. For, the indispensable con- "lo “W9 ‘ dition of attentiveness by hotel ser-’ V’ c°l“mbl'- Y'~"“"‘d‘Y {Wm B|'°l“;vants is personal keenness of the: ‘;?c*4;l:'~'“lV"- wigs? V2‘ t‘:l’:V"V::'e"r-gproprietor or manager for the wel-; fare of his guests. re is a well-hiowri hotel in l ; Th w”!Berlin where before the war one’ eerful, intelligent, and? 11 l 4 I i The Fami1y’s Choice l I . {f l i ness, flavor-'—-all that t enters into. the choice saw this system well illustrated. The I 1 1 . I 95% ,. 4 ofice cream _. is outstanding in because quality, V smooth- : It must be aonlething Interesting. for somewhat acrimoniously, it is what the‘.editor‘of‘ Bind. ri Okla., Fish’ Hook‘; called ex-Governor Kansas.” ; ‘ --New York Sun’ and Globe. “Goodri been waiting a good many minutes be_'S niC€,10 ‘for that mother of mine." Gold _ _ A-_ : “Ours 1"’ c , :“O. George, this is so guihzr -‘slie fell upon his neck. . v Demure Maiden (jg an meg," from College): “-«and fgugn, hiss lots of money. a big cu. ' "no we-1] mi5s\\the op.V fine Southern family behind fin lrnp‘IEle!Id§. "W’e‘ve7 Force-ful Father: “Haven't yoirany superstitions?” “No, I think they bring r.- .. I4; -‘A00 I s ..H°uuV 1 ii’; jug V.'_I.‘Vr'yla¥hlisaotlrizin‘VlVaut§;[:e-’ .Before the Cold W¢8fl.‘'l. - er-A-Look to Your Roof’-. S ~ Will it stand the aovere tests of _ fall and winter without repairing or,’ new roofing? ' IF aizaoorrsn rm: MORRIS - ‘V.-\ .-— 1-No muss from torn «if! shingles. ‘ 2—_!~lp_ope‘n roof for rain to come‘ through. _ 3-—Iligh quality materials and \\o.'li- mlnship. ' 4--Wide selection of patterns illld“ colors of roofing. 55-1’-‘ire resimnce, hence lower in- --surance. , - . V 6—Very reasonable rust. '7——Long roof satisfaction. Tin and Sheet Metal Work _ We have the best furnace propo- . "altlon in Columbia. MORRIS VROOFING COMPANY -—;__ VV V__ A , _ Qt?‘- "' *3‘: § —.._ ‘Fa- Va... “lg . - ~"-"T17 ...¢...c- I . , He ' A_ mynnnu go, 1.‘, ‘u npuullsr Hall the presidents borne. 1] R. 1d V _ f h } g L . Unbridled iuxury; "“."‘- '°°°::e fig“ °f"°"‘ ‘:h:§\:iPthmaKr?.-d ‘fl‘n.llleoll(:t'?‘:ortecdf fifche “F ( ” however. gaveito it all a kind. 0‘!fi‘ht— R ‘u my fin‘ yefiyhcri _ under a shock of whitehair likeVa‘ . o .- ‘hm’ ‘°' '1 -".."..hi°h V" “bl land allbluzdbia boy-made fun of.nie 3 music?! °°mp°’°r.' ""1 I . l i V ;,:V taken for _ ‘prosper-_iVgy__ Th ‘ pm: ed imV°V'eiV-.1-ly in the morning until midnight: “ . sumptuous , ' or Caraoalla o éhlni right than. Nothing was em‘*“‘ "°°.““=°‘“ "3"" '.'°" ‘° ; . Diocletian ' the ojeaof tbq idihe about it, because this boy andllxp ‘ went’ hm. clrsdffi mun’ °fl 1 -. t .. o of theatrical!’ ‘I!!! via to Univer-lmspecfio‘ ah“ 01:11 ‘ i.‘ + gnd .. {JV aufiqrfltles as bullies and all‘ ’ ° kn" emme ° ""7 9"“ 1 is . And dlllilflll in Americh eod—Tii,"°“”‘ °. °"°‘"-" ii»3..h'.‘l.?.i:a°"{f'f§.‘§“3..§§:.".§f3 0‘ . , has use inprovldait -mufia¢os'n:’°,f:f,:P;f,,*:’“’“ " 6‘ ”°‘“ omlgroes’ consiamiioii. while his} i ( ll "'9 33437353518 the ties of the falm-:53, tap no pofl_n1::]ono,eg‘n ::w;-is; 'shu1>' missed not slightut‘ i? ‘E ii: wiiicsoiu. in Puritan and pi... n,, ,,,,m,. ,5, i, 823.," °,;,V “d” deficiency of his’-staff, and he ; . ; V? Vr;:‘dsrs.hh.d;vere“ di‘dItl'¢l(V . 'rbeyexpect'iobexone miflfilirrfigi 1%’; J [74 5 _ young. ass 'i‘sohnt editorial in uu’f*".'Iother can stand along trip as ‘gal “'h° '°‘ "°°°"'°d H‘ - -‘ W or s~=~-no »-—i""......~"*.i.i"°i...*°..-..:~":’°=*°r“ii:.*.*;s-..t:°'~ ......... ~ {L l I . . . . s 1 \ “ L‘ .- ad Adrovewlthherdownhere,:hennl:ver “°".°d ‘ml. t r,-. *mruim.nas.¢kion.icrbunai.',"-°“'-30°‘--ndyhen-I 4»; Iaaaieda atriotzos ootbewacdheovered it’ .n,.§’.., ’,,n H‘ sucuiiquicueqsiiy .m; ‘V: every nuteo t."‘i, -1- .‘ Hail g ‘_V "Bandit Qaeea',Arraed,Vl$.V .V l . g. V. cglchco. 21 ‘nu’ , . - . VV ' 21; dlllthtex of; .l 1% V. i ' V; _"""""“" "'-"' ‘,'=fl¥- imsantiusaiinaisnymnisia . . “_7.Il10t¢¢1VlI°lloetohaveeonfssseduiiiereo.soahasllIIisd »''%'i' -10. -mains the micro! “banditi ‘ - ~ -> e ' ?¢lueen'' aheliadnpaaaionfor .fg‘nbu.h...n, "";'l l‘h'm".*n"-‘kl’ "'l9"C".°'lP01jnowedtendto‘own'er-ship I ' ‘ER -‘iilsvmotherfiriderworildcharac-i ; . . thezernatt valley, “fl. wah arrested by detecti ' — .3 V9: Proprleborsof::w.V ° and theirsuisto .. - E - ._wai_ters, »gmwna .~» --t-«J-. .— :,'....-A. .'.'.,-...._~...3.;,.g.' ,‘_ ‘9.;_. o i. al -qr sag--o ~—4w-A o-2qsv¢$-4 5 unoua u. _ ‘ AA v-any-aul d"§ . s , . . . . . . . c_ "I 94 ‘ v , . I C t .. V . . .. jjvny-. o--—un-rm -— can “""""""“““““"‘ -H -. —.. . '. v" ", . _ _.V nan...‘ _ V . -a..._ , , ." . - ., . .-.. .«... - u :-.2 ." ‘ __ -A . . ;. ' ' ‘. .- - .- ,.. “i _ ' - ._' . , V V I . . « if you lose something valuable not lose a minute in sending an . vertisement for insertion in thew’ “Lost and Found” column. ’.\ We could tell of that newly found. pup nearly wagging his tail off with ‘ 103' .1. . . ofsthe returned purse ‘that ; "red of mindto an almost frantic woman .» . . of the tea'i‘§',’lVlfiéli lilifitlged‘ to ’(fl'iee‘rs when V T - . .l’z=1’li5§t*lira2é'e1“ét‘vvas.£ound.- . . _ Whatever-you.losc, do iiot lose tim . .. .- III 1€l*l.1l8‘».fIie.world know about V’ . ‘ honest and e the world “I"l"3"*."°'i‘7""" ’ ' l I a. - if C Q :3; .ve_5-°1'fisl"’5:.-7l"».i'..“' iiflfiofiaoiiiciiiouio « V 7 < ‘I : . . I . _ .0 s{“~‘.o‘ o ‘ - _ , _-.4‘ v " .‘."'.'s ’ . . , -. I .. ; g. uiziogiziiii ii: ' l\ - a I .V l is