o “:_‘V . iv. :2’ ‘)1 ‘ '-;‘.~l‘r-.“‘/""‘_\, ‘ lsept. si.o25;- net TODAY'S MARKETS 1‘ . (3.; - - . ) No. 2, 3113 v. 4.81% $1.05; No. 4 94}; ,3, Wu ,.,__ NATIONAL srocx mans. 1u.,§- What-(Hard). No. 2, j wnnox- Aug. 25.-—ua5.-cea. Aug. 2s.— Cattle receipts 1,200; -3- 81-01 to 81.01%: No. 4, :2 to P yton C. larch as married inmarket higher. 3'. "'.""._*"“"’ . . oflicc'here today to Nativebecf steers 9.l5to1l25-y°':°:o:.?uT:8::’: °PP°Wmi "mo hi’ Co rsinia McEntee. r l’ d ii '1 ..9.soto1o.so' '84 - I A ' l,‘ t'''''''‘'‘'' I‘ 1 ‘ ".1 “um uuangaaen in the owner Rudm‘-ywhu wmkm DH." ' (Continued from Dice one) ‘(?¢!|¢!'|rl.Hl!'¢h SSW hi! 189 . to 4.50:'mt uh’ *1 ; . were ‘ I Barton’ « - - ; LawrenccThinksThatPeo-.IlAN U081‘ IN FORE? 18- ‘M of cl mm Si, N ._ C I H°°“*”' _, . 358. and was neaatee as 26. MaJor- c..,,,¢,. my ¢..m_.,,,,, mm 3.5oI._.._.__.. L.,__ . e TIAPPEISI P ‘ ha in nadin‘ “peak. The Shit! needed pIV1n8o.Gener‘l u._rch' 3-Qfig-ed, chief of M 4 Calves _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.75 1239 --—-—‘ I ' - -"“d°' an "3 131118903?" : heaaid,andtherewasno assur-lo‘ h Un,udsuu_.,A,.m duri - .- . . _ . I 3.“... I i H._n,,,m¢_ ",5 on , t e Y "8 Stockers and feeders .. 4.l5to 4.10 4 ¢ ft _ «Afraid to Uaa latches Columbia. one 1! Fern Charlton and Nan Yvonne ‘mp an; an work wou1a_ coat . hi try,‘ "rad “on. in the: . , _ ( . afid U88 S0 1'-‘ire. W. C. lellaler W33 1‘ Gen The values of 9; Charlton. accompanied by Hiabethrmn nu am, 1,, o‘fl:°‘$” V“ fl”‘:‘.m.n_i on: cg08S—B¢¢¢lPl8 3-500. market L _ . _ 4 ya Without Food. ltransfers amount to $33350. Wln 3m.wn_ ' 8.” out mu yo; G9 no.1, . . 1“ "'3' 2 ' - M of _. ., July 4, 1891. to Mrs. Josephine , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ 1 -- E134” v-=—-~ ?*.:.;.*‘*"..§..'“'*..:.?;.*.:.".“::'..:... mm A s°=~.:..... ..... ..::-::*;.“-:.:".2.*:..‘:..*%<.::';.**.‘:,'.*?s-- Cminth.-m -« ........... .. as ,PREJUDICE REMOV f f'5“.Pm‘”'°' ’g,°'*~,,,,,,“"‘,;, 2,5';3usgi: price on city mopertsn Reading-—“‘I‘roubIe 'Nuff" ’ am: that it was impossible to get'?5”’ “ ‘Pd’ Light .............. .. 8.75to 9.55, "5 A if - 5 - W-“tam”-ad, "Sn", 1,“, 13,-; i The tun-fer! MW“ Y°“¢’d‘Y Naomi Brooks ‘all of the protesters to agree. i “"9” °."“‘ .“°"' P°’'‘.‘’"~ 3'" Light lights ........ .. 8.00to 9.55‘ 1 ‘ .-.-,. Miners and I itoc muchnureg or cook food he a,.,§ane as follows: +Readinc—“Franz" . ladder! that he knew about the cost '7” k:°dh"8" av'n"°" dunnfe ti"? Packinfi sows . . . . . . . . 6.50to 7.00, I ' FaceaDiminishedM81'- -.4 : danger of aetti . 1" C°l*""""‘ Wi" 3- S"“"‘ “°“‘5 _ _ liars‘ Beth Wood-=ot material. I94 ‘‘ ’‘''‘‘ ”° "°’“ ’ ° '"‘°‘ " ‘°“' _“" Pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.25m 9.00» p I - i ket and Suffer by 7" wmhm c_ u¢x;,,-_a house and lot at l02WColllege T-.',Rcadmg_..Pm°w Pith . gm‘ mm it-Md been or W0?“ be_ and threeeddaughters: all’ of uhom Buy: _ _ _ _ ' _ _ . ‘ . ‘ _ H 8.10 to 8 ; V: In -33*} ‘ . .ic ‘Rockford In" ".3 ‘and by came to Georgia 8- ‘W9 97 07? A3088 Idbtflht. Thc councd passed regulation; re. are marri to arm) officers. 5h(.¢p__f{e¢9,pt5 150; mg,-ketv ._: ‘L ..j;_/ . I ~ substitute, - " ° '- 311.500. ' —-—————-— affirming those adopted July 16 to *————- — nominal ‘ 2 * »'- t=~ ‘.— n .. l ! é;od‘beyc.. me wnue"on .1: MI’. and "TS. S. D. RCWLOH zuve (hf st!-cot“ The of Ewfi _ I . I ' - . . _ . . . ._ e‘-my ' 5“ 4.124,-’ B’. mfid Luvnncc “-59- "M519 W (6 ‘Ill b¢l1'°“° Chuk‘ L‘ Edmrda the hon" H‘ A RACE WITH Anny"! k°'Pl",3 h°"’° dnwn “hid” ‘f"°f" In furnishing your rooms. Low Canners and cutters. . l.00to 4.00 ‘In '_;~,'l.__!!_l A - ( L “"3" t!‘I\'¢l¢‘neme' S 9” County’ W” in ‘lumbia yesterday with his son. A. J‘.; P Hawkins, Jr.. visiting Ben R. Wes-.a,_ an 3.5.}. swam; cott. who recently moved to Colum- Rud;ng___o-somebody Did" bia from Shannon County. tored from Eminence. “Considering the natural base of‘ on the north side of they Action s°,,g_0 on such an unprecedented in ° " Mr. Ilawkins said., yurc permanently the hard coal the teadof Ins use of’ sub- this year scale as‘ any in- in the last that di- been whenever pos- thro Soft Coal Less °“" main cries were heard by on the opposite side of the lak use of the rough waters. trap trical Development Scheme. Democratic State Committee. tamed boulevards. e ricity. cy mo- Mr. Hawkins has a vision of vast. factories run e.isold a lot on Stewart road to . ‘not they were unable to rescue him and Mrs. Grover Lanham for 3300- Two pers finally navigated to lake and found him. 7 PRAISES ROADS e IN THE QZARK. —.'-' . ‘ ~ . .c sf 5*»- A. J. Hawkins Has Elec-13$’ ‘mm? H "gm °r l l l and a ‘banker and merchant of Emi-'C;ub_ and" we dig"-Qction of Mrs. C0“.jo3epIl Charlton, gave the followin ' Rcading—“Ilush-a-Bye" 1“ sh"ll‘°” C°‘"'U'~ u'°sRcading—“Aunt Brown's Visit" heart of the Ozarks of Missouri. and. ' in fact, all over the Ozark countf}‘.,»o,,¢-.¢g pl.)-_“Gobb1ina" e roads are much better. on they "',"'33'-_ 3'!" "'9 *5?" .’'°‘'“’ °f ‘hf-' iituth Bamford, Joyce Kunkel. Mar- Missouri River. This is due pnn-‘want, Tgpwn ‘ cipally to the natural base of rockg { ’ which they have. This allows tcr road to be built at a lbwcr coat.-' and they are more easily and cheaply . » The prima roads ugh the Ozarks rival the big guding_.-‘Harry the Rogue" " Ruth P1ay—-“W'ay Down South in Dixie” and. . fChildrcn Appear in Prolfllfl L3" A. J .. Hawkins. fonner treasurer of 3 " Buescher. _ 3 5°“ '9 Rcadlng—“Misfortune" Reading—“Granny‘s Visit" Mr. and Mrs. E.‘ C. Clinliscalez Mr By United Pit Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Daly sold Bettie L. at 1407 Bass avenue for $8.750. In iiallsville: Richard A. Dinwid- die sold to Frank L. I-‘aucett. and 21 in School Court Addition for $300- Ten miles southwest of Centralia: \lr. and Mrs. John C. Dickerson sold death. =Knight‘_ was in a here. at 6 o'clock p. In! N AYERS, C! U3 "1 REC"-AL at 6:fi o'clock a. Iiight at Mahala Studio. tW0l'll)'°lW0 mill”?!- The elder Knigh The Harriet Jean Little Players‘ when Juk ‘Wind. K rogram at 7:80 o'clock last night Jennie McN:itt Geraldine Buesciacr inc of the associatio Sand Geraldine Bueschcr and Fern “ the courthome. di Chorlton Madge Moore tary and trcasu r Lee Elmo Smith. Barton Coggius, and Geraldine Mu_" “vows b0 lalct. Naomi Brooks ny United Prom. DETROIT, Mich., Greenspoon reduc Fern Charlton. Nan Yvonne Thirteenfloara. BUCHANAN, Mich., Aug. 3*“. the home and 1og.'Jack Knight.‘ ace of the Chqennev After the Locust street discussion maha air mail division and heiowas over, the Council talked over Knight received word in Cheyenne last night that his father. Dr. M. N Wh Jack started a race to the Wdeéhow we; W’ 9" ; find that it will cost them but little,’ 1 trip from Cheyenne. a distan 975 miles. in twelve hours scorr tans Ft)-It-BUNTBRS. .‘h w” elected vic°-9:e:idmt' he thought it woud be advisable to secrc- . have a general street maintenance fund instead of the present system of ' ‘Olive liomba was re-cec re . - — The association. which was repre- sented at the meeting by eighteen members. voted to hold,thc annual county fox hunt September 26. 27 ‘and 28. _The place for the hunt will Rec Autos Down ‘of the Rec automobile tou dying condition g C?! m.. making the , of t W18‘ still alive he cnti after." he continued, “and I think? '5 that this resurfacing. I would say,‘ in the most places with Kentucky‘ ‘Ammfl Count’ Cb.“ u Be add rock asphalt, is the important thing September 26-to-28. I-Zugcnc Scott was elected presi n this afternoon I Eugene Here- and ‘out the streets, 3350. Aug. 25.-Price. 60. beginn ‘ for us to attend to. i _ “The city has about all of.thc new; . dent of the Boone County Pa: lIurit- ‘ work Md" fin" lb“ R am h"“'"° ' on Association at the annual meet- 3; the street in repair. that inasmuch as almost eve had something to do with of the trans-continental trill. tvdlridiffcrent phases of street im 0 won another race—this time withimentu Mayor McDonnell exp -Jesurfacing streets that are °° °{' surface their strce'.s.",he ‘ad: is only a matter of time until much! % ‘ he paving put in years ago will‘ rely gone if it is not looked. ji this time. but repair work must, no on many of the streets if; g Jze paving is to be saved," he said, Councilman I-‘. L. Graves said that A motion to have the sewer dis-'5 ring model-poaal fund audited was made by ing‘Mr. Graves. who withdrew it whenl if n. ‘legal. the council will pass an ordi- 25.— nance to this effect. A good. out need repair work done on them.» f H’ high grade second hand furniture. refinished as we do it. made good (‘orn-No. 2 white. 86l;§c; as new with a high resale value. Lct«68‘.»2c: Dec. 6736c. . . .4 ‘ us show you how to save money and Oats—!\'o. 2 white. 40 to (Ohio; Rfipresenta . A , St. Louis Closing ash Prices-— - May. GEORGE VENAB .3; get better furnishings. uugm-s‘.\' . 4 'hite, sass to 39»; ; Se t. - < ; do-a m_m_e.oFurniture Co. 809-11 Walnut street. 38°‘.-ac. “ c P Hltt ' _ 5 I’ ' l ' s‘ ' ~' ' 3 308 Wheat (Futures) Mayf $l.l2;' 5 Living T rusts Save if Probate Costs ; i Any lawful object which you may wish to carry out ;..£'E"’t,y,f by will may be effectively accomplished through theme- . . . tare dium of a Living Trust. Such a trust may be drawn so » ‘ - as to serve every purpose of the Last Will and Testa- as we pmpmy Wm mp’ W ment and at the same time may have coupled with it ‘house ”° "'°" “ trust provisions to become effective and to continue af- 5 WP 5°‘ TYQDC I 1 ipersuad can , , ' .. ...., fish, .,,';‘{l tel youi death. ghggbg Property so distributed during your lifetime is re- garded by law as no longer a part of your estate and,‘ therefore, will be administered without the publicity, ex- Sept. 9, it was announced at the com- the suggestion was made that the j S1 pany's office here today. The new city clerk would first go over the; 7' price will be 81835, f. o. b. Lansing.;nccount and if discrepencics wcrei f Mich. The present price is 31.435. found. it would then be necessary. ‘ To Work on Vlrglaiafapcr. * - . C members should visit the water and, light plant next Monday afternoon? ‘I where copper and iron are are drawn; rom the ground cc l ma-o chinery. to be established in Shan- non County in a time not far dis- Teatimony showing that soft coal can be o in lumps not larger than hard coal and that other substi- tutes cheaper than hard coal can be effectively used is being distributed by bu neaa rganizations in the hope of killing once and for all the Charlton. Elizabeth O'Brien and. _ . . rd- pense, delays or trying ordeals incident to probate pro- ceedings. Little Girl . . . . . . . . . . . . ene Charlton Reading—“0ur Hired Girl" - crcttc Tipton a tan . . “Shannon County has more poten- grgu Readinga—“City Visitor" and ‘'80 W tial water power than y other county in the state." continued Mr. ..-. We invite you to consult our trust officer in regard - . . . . ..Willie Allen Brooks 1922, will leave Monday fpr Graf- g 3 ' 1 1‘, d M f A . tnufikede fever m the “mac!” cod “""l“m- "S0319 01 $59 1|!!!“ ¢°"- Readinga—“His Mother's Cooking" ton, West Virginia. to work on the ‘:13; it-cggcnegined to p;:t.ig‘i‘:;W;;y.po¢,! i to irnporta-'1t Inatter -be‘ Tb, mumment cm-mnu mu m’tlm!°118-3°75“! SPY“!!! in the V0?“ and “Little Brother" Grafton Sentinel, a daily paper of -———— ‘ I ‘ 3"" uidmon of on‘ 10 ‘ are there. One of these has a flow Elizabeth O'Brien that city. T1’? 8 55558001580 “'8!!! Ad. "1 3"‘ y per cent‘ of the _ b , . . . of 1l0,000.000 gallons a day. 3 soft coal supply will have to be min- __ _ t .- , .- .-i.H _ l _, T ,_t______, ,_ «. . another {has a flow of 55 000,000 gal-4 2 ‘E "M ed to take care of nearly all 1 Th fin ' ti . 1 _ . , M .'utcm the anthracite coal needs of the ‘t’"’‘‘ ,°fi° h _°"’ l’hc”°’P‘j + - v_ ‘in mm country. This is taking into consid- ' mm’ mt ‘ “V3 fl°" i 3'9"; ' ‘ _,‘ Pom of U ‘eration. of course. the fact that‘"?,‘",‘ ‘hr bu aw , d g ' » » ' --»-----W e .:=~:,=..-== oone oun ms 0 M piaea of hard coal in their cellars. §§'b°:°- ;."""°' "° '1 3 -; | ° .. 11 ha Also it taker into account the ex- be’ (‘Se '°dpt"!;'p°°§:‘l °f‘ mm" A -' H°“~‘°‘~ ‘ istence of a plentiful amount of soft edrb‘; ek°c't"t:ic‘i':y wh’i'crwi:°bl:_°::’ ” ' 1‘ :9 35?“ oal’ . fh rd'naryeed - ' , ;=V«'Pw 3m‘-"a:3':-1'-2. ‘ °° .2 “. ' d;-ted by W -««m o Dan 55 BRDTH ERS AN N 0 u N CE . sum ould the use of substitutes begin‘ m mm principal mm . P R ave M ENT5 _ 3'0 lg‘! l’scale,th th' '- , ,, ' --—-- ._,_ -'-‘"80 3' a ‘naggfipenmu mi nzltclsirgllr" Jcugrnltr Rk‘vffi1.Sh[fl!f;n‘ Creek. P D I M : mu‘ am -mu we -on w .-.r>- :* '.:..';:"°:.:.: Mum km‘ or 9!” they ‘m-lace . dmmh seven or ‘c’ ht'minor strcams which - o ' in much marketer: theonc hand. or thc‘con'd f ‘fh - ‘. ,0 k l Dodge Brothers have not eaofalltypeshavebeen What ' inevitable necessity next year of ‘ . .t_ “T” ‘p? er m‘ ” °°°.' _ . -‘ . to . . . ed gpecjng C mug" meg, ,,,.;¢,. .1.“ ,0 P0,- b!;Itn{:rn'<;‘:n l;th°Y our of?‘ counts. simply brought out a com- designed give nnprav mm ix "F49 the people who have bcen_us- ..-,1, cu 3' , R‘-”_‘ ‘:8 us , plcte new line ofrnotorcars. appearance. and greater wants ti ing the cheaper substitutes to ga ':'t""hu"b: ‘3°"°"‘{"‘°"‘p Th ha d . f L Lo C Ion er - mm”. 0 0 ye 9: M J, ‘ I I be: t , more expend hard liiriompbcr of years by stbmc St. Iibbiaas - vc - one somethmg aim or w r ‘ d g 0.’! give the ~. - com 0 ' wumu” mm “Swish. They ‘hm, mama ,0 wt infinitely wiser and better deept; anf gore - .;: . d ’ ntftzshtxifi A" tower um i» - «Imam 3:. ‘:31:".:.:°:‘.:"...':‘;“.:.:.‘..:“:.::£ M M *4‘ '°°'“- '; M ° =1; An evenly size .abso- .. ...... in official Washington with respect ' , , _ ngwa-gag-¢ oqpgwqmgan ‘ , to the coming anthracite strike "‘° "‘f'f“°‘ “"’,,°'°“"°"Y ‘" W T116? h8V¢ b!‘0“Zhli “WV the‘ - ten-0 lutely clean FIITIIBCB :‘a.:yT:f’. which the miners and operators of ,°°"""5 "‘ beget‘ beauty new ridingeaseand -ga£ul—1 m r8 arc E o “""i."""’ the Pl hard I ha u "'-‘“_.‘—‘. . . ‘ . . . ~ M_wd°_°‘F£ mph ‘xi’ r:":‘d,BlG LIQUOR SLPPL\ rousn new mechamcal pd-fectwn °°m5°"t3b¢md T0013)’ 01' SIZE C021 at no at until today tlh immense pre ra- p 1.35“; off’ .1‘ ' ' ‘ . ° . ‘ M which ‘ C. mac {off ro Beam Nci::rasLMI»:-isilaid on to the product on which New hcaddamps and fen moderate pl-lCe,__ ‘K V: m.,,,, ,,,.,,.u,,, .9 mm 3,“ ,_. ,,,a,m;,, 8, WM ‘,__‘ their reputation as builders dera, especially designedby . p . ~ . _. “WI _ ’k- Those who are ' ; sr.‘ uouis. Aug. 25,—2~:iae fifty- hasbcenfounded. - Brother-stoconform ' ‘b°‘"* ""3 ‘"9 °f “'h‘l'“‘W331gallon bairrels of whisky. forty-six ma!‘ - the' ‘Inn’ a {the ‘ 7" .' ’ ’ " ‘ “Y ‘the? M found 330’! 0{ beer ‘nd two ml‘ of a We . 0 g»- I l“ ‘K ’ | 5 .4:- 4’ _ _A . >- . . . - pensive in the end. But the govern- ,.1¢,,1,o] Ken “dud may by “den; . . car—‘-a long straight hood ""' ' ‘ - nicnt rather has the feeling that ,,,o,,u,,uo,, oméa, hm in ‘ um anda moredcsirablc line of d . . . . - - while prejudices against substitut hm, m _ “hm motor can_yct basics“), Ind Cowl €50Ct-1008¢!’8n : '_ _ . ~ ‘ may exist they will be found to be omcm bdimd um mm .0 we wider running boards—nn- . r without foundation on the mn.,y,ecn . “bud point of W 1’, t and fundamentzallytheidem wide d ' . . V .- wmcn um‘ hfi" mm‘ u"’m"-181130 number of roadhou pp ndor .' tltY0fth¢iI' nanny °°n—¢m- ‘ ‘l ' It is the after-effects of such use goon, ‘ mi 3 u" ' . ' ’ ,§_ ad that oflicials are talking about with‘ ' __ me ‘"35 m‘ gunman‘ at, ‘ ” S f ' 'l ” ’ -A ‘A A use?” _ ope of ahowi the anthracite‘ Class Sells Candy for I-‘ands. _ _ T LEW} V O p e e 0 W miner! Ind OPGTIWU 91“ ll‘?! ml)’ llembers of Miss Nell I“ish's Sun-- The ‘am: sturdy atone ” tr“:-‘Vdy’°uP°d@"'& ' l ‘ O H 5"‘ 1. find them-olverup -s-inst 0 crisis-d-y school class "or the Broadway; under the hood; the same panel’-11‘: a few of the t This 18 made possible by the building, last summer, of "1 . "‘°“ in their marketing clnnditiona a year Methodju chunk “Maud, ‘oh . _ . - f th In . . th “lithe I item if they roses on irrithted pub- at a stand on Broadway to‘ riisi dependable chasm. 1m- nmneminbody innovations ., I ‘me ° ° 1’8‘33t 00,31 P"-‘P‘“'3t1°n Plants "1. 3 1 PM 17 lie to burn aoft coal. ‘funds. '1'hec1auplana“to“aen and)" ’ moved in numberleaa de- ' colninonta alltypes. " °°‘mt"3' at 918 Cflllllne H1110. Here CANTINE W Vcrodtn or one thins ungmaaaapestation-east: Saturday. ., S n 1 1. the A ‘ Coal is perfectly sized, double‘-screened to remove - " . . ' I o o ' V l ' ‘ ..‘. '3 ~. ' _ , _ _ V__é___ tficgg fggtug-Q all slack and an .bolts Of CV61? ‘Of’: '_-94 0 . * : 4 - .. But the rear spa-ings—now with 5,13t°'‘'°°m95 130 Y0“ '-559111. , _ -'¢l€8n- _ ‘I9 7- o v ; . . I. I. ____ jmpwnmenu mo nnmw light for you and your woman folks to ;handle—' : ‘ . " “" I , ~ o . . ~ - t burns evenly and holds fire ople.nd.idly.- = . °°““‘ t:cria1ly_lengi-hened. The ouaaatl technical to,enu- I - . _ _ _ _. wheelbase, too. is longer.. g meiataeher'c,it_ianotestrav- - ' - f“ ’f c“N"’3B and result is . agantuipredictareccpuon 4,. 1.,-.;,:. 3;, 1,.,,,, ‘(IA ,,,,,‘, ;,, :anotahle nnpcavenient in r i'a‘a“‘r '5 , ’ ‘ ’ , 1‘ 3 ‘F315!!!